on your answer sheet draw any symbol that will show the relationship or culture in the music of japan china and korea write a short explanation for each symbol​

need answer


Answer 1


Both japan and china have 3 major rivers.


They both have rives

Answer 2
They both have 3 major rivera

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Why use Brainly for this?

Answer: haven’t watched this in a long time!!


Which of the following is an example of anthropomorphism?


described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes anthropomorphic deities stories involving anthropomorphic animals. 2 : ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things anthropomorphic supernaturalism anthropomorphic beliefs about nature.

Character, and aware is an example of anthropomorphism. Hence, option A is correct.

What is anthropomorphism?

We gathered a wide range of examples and identified the features of the human shape that are being mimicked. With our four varieties, we address these imitation targets. We distinguish between four different types of anthropomorphic form: structural, gestural, character, and aware.

By using anthropomorphism, he gives the tree human characteristics like limb drapery. In order to avoid being accused of anthropomorphism, he consequently refuted every single attribute given in the scriptures.

We name and define four types of anthropomorphic form: structural, gestural, character-related, and conscious.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about anthropomorphism, click here:



The options were missing-

character, and aware

human qualities

intangible concepts

nonhuman inanimate

value of giant lantern​



Today, the simple lantern made of paper glued over a bamboo frame with rice paste has evolved into spectacular shapes and kaleidoscopic splendor – but its message of light and hope remains the same.

do yalll believe all types of drama are important ? justify your answer​





some types of drama dont make sense and dont really matter

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what does this even mean?


i'm so confused???? please can you message me to explain this because i dont understand what you mean by this. have a great day at school!

Superman vs thor who would win


My personal opinion:Thor

When do design houses show their Fall/Winter collections?

April through May
January through February
March through April
February through March



January trough February

meaning of empasized



give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.


During the mid-19th century, a movement developed that sought to depict objects, people, and landscapes as truthfully as possible in art.
Its artists tried to avoid artificial aspects as well as
supernatural elements in their work. It rejected Romanticism in favor of common
people and places. Its works focused on everyday life. What movement does this describe?


Realism because it shows “real” everyday life

In response to Romanticism and History painting, the Realist movement was born in the middle of the 19th century. Therefore, option A is correct.

The Realist painters used common laborer's, ordinary people in ordinary settings engaged in real activities as subjects for their works in favor of portrayals of "real" life.

The foundation of the realism literary movement is "objective reality." Without romantic idealisation or exaggeration, it emphasises everyday activities and existence, particularly among middle- and lower-class society.

The realistic figuration and re-figuration of reality, in the words of Kornelije Kvas, "create logical structures that are comparable to our ordinary notion of reality, without violating the principle of three sorts of laws - those of natural sciences, psychological, and social ones."

It might be viewed as an overall effort to portray subjects in line with secular, empirical norms, without embellishment or interpretation, and as they are understood to exist in third-person objective reality.

Learn more about realism here:



What things were important in developing the "whole man " during the Renaissance ?



body and soul, sense and reason, character and mind”


_____ is a poor conductor of heat.
A. Aluminum
B. Iron
C. Ceramic
D. Zinc


B: iron because it seems to conduct heat

How would the graph of a note change if you played the same note (same pitch) but just played the
note louder?


the jumps in the graph will be larger and more dramatic. if you open up your voice memos and say something quietly, and then again louder, you will see what i’m talking about. if you meant on a STAFF, the note could have an accent mark over the top, or be placed at the end of an increasing crescendo

Which of the following is a decorated General in the Peloponnesian War?



I believe it was Cleon! I hope that helps! :)

Cleon cleon cleon cleon

When is season 4 of star coming out can someone look it up please



next mouunth


5/10/2019 Status Update: Star has been cancelled by FOX; there will be no season four.

Help me, please!

Compare the paintings from Japan, China, and Korea.
Identify the similarities and differences in terms of the subject and elements of art (color, space, texture, line) used by each country by writing your observations.


Ok so there are a couple of differences and similarities. First, all three of the pictures with the women,their hair are up but there ladies hair dues are all different in a way. The three pictures of the landscapes all kinda have similarities. Obviously, there all far away. The two pictures with rocky Elements (mountains). I could name a couple more similarities but I don’t wanna give you a whole essay to read! Lol
I hope you have a great day!

Which artist captured the unique photo of Babe Ruth's retirement after a long history of photographing both athletes and fans?


Answer: Nat Fein captured the unique photo of babe Ruth

Hey!! Just curious does anyone here do hip-hop? if so have you been to a dance comp?


No but I think I have a friend who does
No but I want to know more about it

During the Baroque period, the soprano and bass voices were more important in a choral composition than the tenor and the alto.

true or false?


This is false!! I’m adding extra words so I can submit this


The Harlem renaissance allowed African Americans to practice forms Art of that would (click all the apply)


The answer is one and three from top to bottom I think
I believe it’s the first three. Those are the ones that make sense to me. The Harlem Renaissance was time period shortly after slavery. They did this to uplift each other and increase their footing in the creative realm.

Using rhythm staff paper, copy the 4/4 measure above onto your paper. Then fill in the other 11 measures with your own rhythm. You must include the following items somewhere in the rhythm:
1.)at least two 8th notes
2.)at least four 16th notes
3.)a pair of tied notes
4.)one whole rest
5.)a triplet


5 i’m so sorry if i’m wrong

How can cultural bias detract from a positive work environment?
A. It can prevent us from finding the best in anyone
B. It cost Money


A it can prevent us from finding the best in anyone

guys whats ur fav part bout this animation.if its dum or cringe lemme know.
dont but the dot in the you tube word.





i really like it! did you make it?




El jardín secreto de Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Grandes esperanzas de Charles Dickens.

Nicholas Nickleby de Charles Dickens.

Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens.

Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë

Orgullo y prejuicio de Jane Austen.

Where do ukuleles originate?


They come from Hawaii. but popular all over the globe.

An aerophone is an instrument that causes _____ to vibrate, thus creating sound waves.



a body of air


An Aerophone is an instrument that has a vibrating air column that produces the initial sound. Aerophone includes brass and wind instruments. It produces sound without the use of strings or membranes, and without the vibration of the instrument itself.

An aerophone is an instrument that causes a body of air to vibrate, thus creating sound waves. Aerophones are instruments that make sound by vibrating a column of air. There are no vibrating strings or membranes on the instrument, thus it does not vibrate much.

What defines an aerophone?

Aerophones are devices that generate sound by passing vibrating columns of air through them. Aerophones are classified as free or non-free according to the Hornbostel-Sachs classification method.

An aerophone is a musical instrument that makes sound primarily by forcing a body of air to vibrate, without the use of strings or membranes, and without the instrument's vibration adding significantly to the sound. The name aerophones refer to musical instruments that make sound through the vibrating of air contained within the instrument.

Learn more about an aerophone here:



The silhouette is the shape of a clothing style, shown by its outer lines. True or false



This is true! Have a nice day!


what are the characteristics of anime music?


Assimilate singing and dancing with spoken dramatic action in any given location


Epic, Fun to listen to, thats all i could think of ;>;


The keyboard of choice was the harpsichord, rather than the piano, which would come into its own in the Classical Period.

true or false?




just look it up


it is true.

in depth explanation:
the baroque era valued extremely ornamental music, architecture and art. if you’ve ever heard both a harpsichord and a piano, you’ll know that a harpsichord sounds almost fancier and more frilly than a piano. and— oh yeah— the piano wasn’t even invented in the baroque era :)

does anyone know the answer to this?!



religion and symbolism I THINK.


A lot of his art does something with religion and symbolism, so I would say the last option.

examples of musical drama​


Answer:Nashville 1975, 159 min. ...

All That Jazz 1979, 123 min. ...

Once 2006, 85 min. ...

Cabaret 1972, 124 min.

The Sound of Music 1965, 174 min

West Side Story 1961, 152 min.

Sing Street 2016, 106 min.

Fiddler on the Roof 1971, 181 min

Explanation:hope this hleps

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