Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?A)establishment of gender constancyB)peer pressureC)differences in behavioral styles and interestsD)parent and teacher efforts


Answer 1

Of these influences, parent and teacher efforts appear to be the initial source of gender segregation.

The physical, criminal, or cultural separation of persons based totally on their biological sex is known as intercourse segregation, sex separation, gender segregation, or gender separation. without any implication of unlawful discrimination, "intercourse segregation" can in reality refer to the bodily and spatial separation of humans based totally on their gender. Male and lady future managers can advantage from mentoring and coaching this is especially tailor-made to their wishes. Managers need to be held responsible for promoting gender range. Introduce measures to promote work-life stability for each women and men, such as bendy paintings schedules.

Learn more about segregation here



Related Questions

individuals whoa re not only antisocial but also manipulative, superficially charming, impulsive, and indifferent to the feelings of others, are known as what?



I’m pretty sure it’s narcissist


if I get it wrong I’m soooooo sorry! <333

Individuals who are not only antisocial but also manipulative, superficially charming, impulsive, and indifferent to the feelings of others, are known as psychopaths.  

Who are psychopaths?

Psychopaths sometimes considered synonymous with sociopaths, are characterized by persistent antisocial behaviour, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits. Different conceptions of psychopaths have been used throughout history that is only partly overlapping and may sometimes be contradictory.

Hervey M. Cleckley, an American psychiatrist, influenced the initial diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality reaction/disturbance in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), as did American psychologist George E. Partridge. The DSM and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) subsequently introduced the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and dissocial personality disorder (DPD) respectively, stating that these diagnoses have been referred to as psychopaths or sociopaths. The creation of ASPD and DPD was driven by the fact that many of the classic traits of psychopathy were impossible to measure objectively.

Canadian psychologist Robert D. Hare later repopularized the construct of psychopaths in criminology with his Psychopathy Checklist.

Learn more about Psychopaths, here:



Who won the popular vote in the 2012 election?


In this instance, the presumption is that the Democrat will win the state's popular vote in 2012, given that the Democrat won the state's popular vote in 1976.The joint frequency count for Democrats winning in 1976

2012 is indicated as 12 in the frequency data table that is attached.While 24 is presented as the matching marginal frequency total.I have provided the frequency data table as it is missing.In order to compare the frequency count to the marginal total that best captures the specific scenario we are working with, we are looking for conditional relative frequency.

learn more about popular vote in 2012 here:



which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?


Humanistic and PCT involve unstructured conversations between therapist and patient. However, in contrast to psychoanalysis, therapists using PCT play a passive role, leading patients to their own self-discovery.

Why is PCT (person-centered therapy) important?

An accurate self-concept (the thoughts, feelings and beliefs people have about themselves) is main to PCT. Empathy, the ability to perceive the emotional experiences of others in their own way, is an attribute of PCT. For example, a person may consider themselves useful to others, but often put their own needs ahead of those of others.

The therapist needs to empathize with the client in order to fully understand and appreciate the client's perspective

What are the key concepts of PCT?

The three key concepts in person-centered counseling are: 1) Empathic understanding: Counselors try to understand the client's point of view. 2) Joint: Consultants are real people. 3) Unconditional Positive Appreciation: Advisors are non-judgmental.

To learn more about person-centered therapy visit:



you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients' blood for the IgM antibody class.

The incubation period for salmonellosis is about 12–seventy-two hours, but it can be longer. Salmonella gastroenteritis is characterized with the aid of the unexpected onset of • diarrhea (someday blood-tinged), • abdominal cramps • fever, and • occasionally nausea and vomiting. illness typically lasts 4–7 days.

Salmonella are typically transmitted to humans via consuming meals contaminated with animal feces. each yr, about forty,000 cases of salmonellosis are reported inside the America. due to the fact many milder cases are not diagnosed or reported, the actual quantity of infections can be thirty or more times more. signs typically start 6 hours to six days after infection. They consist of diarrhea that may be bloody, fever, and belly cramps. most of people recover within four to 7 days without antibiotic remedy. however, some human beings with severe diarrhea may also need to be hospitalized or take antibiotics.

Learn more about salmonella here: https://brainly.com/question/252457


which statements about universalizing religions are correct? i. a universalizing religion is one into which the majority of followers are born ii. a universalizing religion is usually easy to access and join iii. a universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions and areas of the world


A worldwide religion typically welcomes conversions from other faiths and is typically simple to join. The claims that these faiths have become universal are accurate. Here option E is the correct answer.

The world's population is drawn to the belief systems that universalizing religions offers. They accept everyone who wants to adopt their beliefs and are always looking for more members. The word "universal" refers to the fact that these faiths have a wide variety of diverse followers from various ethnic origins.

Universalism is the conviction that all souls can be saved. Despite the fact that universalism has been mentioned several times throughout Christian history, most notably in the writings of Origen of Alexandria in the third century, as an organized movement, it didn't take off until the middle of the 18th century in the United States.

Complete question:

Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

A) A universalizing religion is one into which people are born.

B) A universalizing religion is usually easy to join.

C) A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions.

D) A and B only.

E) B and C only.

To learn more about universalizing religions



An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?a. Grandiose delusionsb. Thought insertionc. Persecutory delusionsd. Referential delusions


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying type of delusion Persecutory delusions. The correct answer is C.

Persistent, unpleasant, unfounded fears that one will soon sustain harm or receive unfair treatment from others are known as persecutory delusions. These beliefs, which are present in some people with delusional disorder, a rare mental ilness, can lead to severe suffering like anxiety, depression, and panic.

Although most people with delusional disorder function normally, the fear of damage can be so strong that it causes some people to withdraw or even consider suicid.e.

When someone believes they are being followed or that someone they care about is or will be hurt, they have persecutory false beliefs. Even though the illusions are false, they may still happen because they are not uncommon.

To know more about persecutory delusion:



the term civil rights group of answer choices refers only to the struggle of african americans and their struggle to achieve freedom. was defined in article vi of the constitution and commits the federal government to avoiding discrimination reminds us that once rights are established for one group, they apply to everyone. describes the protections of individuals against arbitrary and abusive government action.


The phrase "civil rights" refers to safeguards for people from capricious and oppressive government action.

The political and social liberties that guarantee us equality are known as civil rights. The right to vote is one illustration. The term "civil liberties" refers to the freedoms that shield us against unfair governmental or other types of organizational intrusion. Freedom of expression is one instance.

During the civil rights movement, which mainly occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, Black Americans battled for legal equality in the United States. Even after slavery was officially abolished following the Civil War, black people still endured harsh bigotry, particularly in the South.

By the middle of the 20th century, racism and brutality toward Black Americans had reached an unacceptable level. Along with many white Americans, they gathered and launched a legendary fight for equality that lasted two decades.

To know more about civil rights click here,



Ethnicity is used to distinguish between groups based on cultural elements, but according to the information presented in the lecture would encompass the details about a person like the shape of his or her features.


Ethnicity is used to distinguish between groups based on cultural elements, but according to the information presented in the lecture race would encompass the details about a person like the shape of his or her features.

It is not used to distinguish between groups based on physical characteristics, such as the shape of a person's features.

Ethnicity is a social construct that reflects the shared cultural experiences of a group of people. It is not based on any inherent biological or physical traits, and it can vary within a population depending on the context and perspective of the person defining it. Therefore, while the shape of a person's features may be an important aspect of their physical appearance, it is not a defining characteristic of their ethnicity.

Learn more about Ethnicity here:



Complete Question:

Ethnicity is used to distinguish between groups based on cultural elements, but according to the information presented in the lecture ___________ would encompass the details about a person like the shape of his or her features.


The answer is race.


A music-streaming service charges $9 per month for a single user. Additional users within the same household can be added for $1 per month. Write an equation that shows how the monthly cost, y, depends on the number of additional users in the household, x.


The equation that shows how the monthly cost, y is y = 9 + x

According to the given information, the monthly cost is a function of the music-streaming service charge for a single user and the cost of additional users. The additional users in the household are given by x. The monthly cost given by y will increase with an increase in the number of additional users.

As the monthly charge for a single user is $9 and monthly charge for each additional user in the household is $1, the equation for monthly cost, y would be:

y = monthly cost of single user + monthly cost of each additional user * number of additional user

y = 9 + 1*x

y = 9 + x

Learn more about Equation:



which gate in the rup methodology expands on the agreed-upon details of the system, including the ability to provide an architecture to support and build it? group of answer choices transition. construction. inception. elaboration.


The rup methodology's elaboration gate enlarges on the system's agreed-upon specifics, including the capability to give an architecture to sustain and construct it.

Second gate: The system's agreed-upon specifics are expanded upon in this phase, including the capability to offer an architecture to support and construct it.

The complete software system is built during the building stage of the Rational Unified Process (RUP).

The system's components and other features are being developed with a focus on this. Additionally, the bulk of the coding happens during this stage.

It involves testing the product before to release and making minor improvements in response to consumer input. Iterations might last numerous. The primary goals of this input are to improve the product's configuration, installation, and use.

Learn more about to  RUP visit here;



What did Democratic-Republicans support?


The Democratic-Republicans supported liberty, mobility and expansion

Democratic-Republicans were a political party in the United States.  Democratic-Republicans supported a strict interpretation of the United States Constitution, and they believed in a limited federal government with most power being held by state governments. They also favored a strong agricultural economy and were against the Federalist policies of a national bank and industrialization.

The Democratic-Republicans were strongly committed to the ideals of liberty and individual rights. They supported the idea of "mobility" and the ability of people to move freely and pursue their own interests. The Democratic-Republicans were generally supportive of westward expansion and the acquisition of new territory. They believed that expansion was necessary for the United States to grow and flourish, and they saw it as a way to spread the ideals of liberty and democracy.

Read more about  Democratic-Republicans on:



who was the first president to decorate the official white house christmas tree?


President Benjamin Harrison was the first president whom put the tradition of a placing a decorated tree in the White House in 1889.

What was president Benjamin Harrison known for?Unprecedented economic legislation, such as the McKinley Tariff, which imposed historic protective trade rates, and the Sherman Antitrust Act, were hallmarks of Harrison's administration. Harrison also aided in the establishment of national forest reserves by amending the Land Revision Act of 1891.President Benjamin Harrison erected the first Christmas tree in the White House in 1889, decorated with candles, toys, and ornaments to delight his grandchildren, but it wasn't until Cleveland's presidency that the first Christmas lights appeared in 1894.

Learn more about Benjamin Harrison precidency here: brainly.com/question/1946615


leo is a college graduate, cello teacher, and a member of who's who among students in american colleges and universities. this would be an example of .


Leo is a college graduate, cello teacher, and a member of the who's who among students in American colleges and universities. this would be an example of his achieved status.

Someone who has acquired a degree or degree on completing a direction of having a look at, as in a university, university, or college. a scholar who holds a bachelor's or the primary expert diploma and is analyzing for a sophisticated degree. "I graduated from college" is the maximum customary use of graduate in this context. you could additionally say "I graduated college" or "I used to be graduated from college." both are regularly used, but to a few people they are taken into consideration wrong.

23 is the common university commencement age for traditional full-time college students who start university at approximately 18 yrs whereas the average commencement age for unbiased college students over 24 yrs of age is set at 32. conventional complete-time college students are more likely to graduate from university within 4 to six yrs of enrollment.

Learn more about college graduate here: https://brainly.com/question/22654163


gloria has been a therapist for many years, and she has developed a model for treatment of clients that she uses successfully in case after case. at times, she needs to learn about new techniques in her field. if she is a typical therapist, what is the least likely way in which gloria learns new techniques?


Methods for acquiring new techniques: include taking classes, finding a mentor, and self-studying. Utilize a wide range of educational resources, including online videos and books. Learn by doing and follow the advice of professionals.

Learning new techniques is advantageous at any age and may transform your life in a variety of ways, from helping you advance your profession to identifying a new passion. Enthusiasm, concentration, and a few useful learning techniques are all you need. Here is a list of advice and methods that will assist you in acquiring any new skill you want, from cooking to learning a foreign language. Numerous methods exist for learning. Take a class, look for a mentor, or educate yourself. Utilize a wide range of educational resources, including online videos and books. Learn by doing and follow the advice of professionals. To improve your knowledge of the subject, try tutoring someone else and test yourself. Organize your practise times. Work quickly, and practise frequently.

learn more about new  techniques here:



A central bank is concerned that inflation rates are rising too quickly. In order to reduce the available money supply, it orders banks to set aside a greater percentage of their deposits than previously required. This action best illustrates the central bank's use of which tool of monetary policy?.


A central bank is concerned that inflation rates are rising too quickly. In order to reduce the available money supply, it orders banks to set aside a greater percentage of their deposits than previously required. This action best illustrates the central bank's use tool of monetary policy of Reserve requirements.

Which monetary policy mainly used by central bank?

Central banks used four main monetary policy instruments: reserves, open market operations, discount rates, and interest rates on reserves.

Central banks conduct monetary policy by adjusting the money supply, primarily through open market operations.

Banks can also reduce the amount by selling government bonds under the sale and purchase agreement.

Learn more about monetary policy here:-



6. All of the following are examples of effective communication skills except. O Arms crossed Eye contacy Open body posture Calm voice​



Arms crossed


Having your arms crossed is showing that you are either uncomfortable with the situation you are in, or are stressed by the pressure of presentation or crowds.

Arms crossed because when your arms are crossed usually people think you’re serious or upset

amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


One of the best-selling items on Amazon during the holiday season was the Echo Dot with Alexa Voice Remote.

Echo Dot with Alexa Voice Remote: Top Seller on Amazon During the Holidays

The Echo Dot with Alexa Voice Remote was one of the best-selling items on Amazon during the holiday season. It is a voice-activated device that allows users to control their:

Smart homePlay musicAsk questionsGet news Weather updatesSet alarms

With its compact size and easy setup, it is no wonder that it was one of the top items purchased on Amazon this holiday season.

Learn more about Technology: https://brainly.com/question/25110079


When a policy is developed to address an issue who implements and enforces?


That one is simple: the Executive Branch is the primary entity responsible for enacting and enforcing policies. The president, vice president, Cabinet, and the majority of federal agencies are in charge of enforcing policy.

The Policy Making Procedure. The policy process is typically thought of in stages or parts. These are as follows: (1) problem emergence, (2) agenda setting, (3) policy options consideration, (3) decision-making, (5) implementation, and (6) evaluation (Jordan and Adelle, 2012).

What steps does the government take to develop public policy?

From inception to conclusion, a policy established and implemented by the government goes through several stages. Agenda creation, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination are all examples.

Learn more about  Public policy to visit this link



bruno is extraverted to a maladaptive level. this includes traits such as attention-seeking, seductiveness, melodramatic emotionality, and extreme attachment needs. bruno likely has which personality disorder?


Bruno is extraverted to a maladaptive level. this includes traits such as attention-seeking, seductiveness, melodramatic emotionality, and extreme attachment needs. Bruno likely has a historic personality disorder.

The main characteristics of a histrionic persona are: constant in search of attention. being uncomfortable in situations in which they're now not the center of attention. displaying inappropriate or behavior. being , or fascinating. a person with histrionic character sickness may also: experience underappreciated or depression whilst they're now not in the middle of attention. Have unexpectedly moving and shallow emotions. Be dramatic and extraordinarily emotionally expressive, even to the factor of embarrassing buddies and circle of relatives in public.

these character issues are typically described as dramatic, excitable, , or unstable. in particular, people with histrionic persona ailment are commonly characterized as, , charming, manipulative, impulsive, and lively.

Learn more about historic personality disorder here: https://brainly.com/question/23823706


an african violet grower observes that genetically identical african violet plants growing near the walls of the greenhouse have white flowers, that plants growing farther away from the walls have pale blue flowers, and that plants growing nearest the center of the greenhouse have dark blue flowers.


An African violet grower observes that genetically same African violet flora growing near the walls of the greenhouse have white flora an enzyme responsible for flower coloration that does now not fold efficaciously in cooler temperatures, and the greenhouse is warmest inside the center.

None of the capacity offspring would be male, because the potentially male zygote would have two X chromosomes, and the Y chromosome could be left out.

People have 23 pairs of chromosomes. A trisomy is a chromosomal condition characterized by way of a further chromosome. someone with a trisomy has forty-seven chromosomes as opposed to 46. Down syndrome, Edward syndrome, and Patau syndrome are the most not unusual types of trisomy.

Learn more about greenhouses here



why do you think it is important to understand nature of kinship and family when working with other cultures?


Rights and duties to others are determined by kinship connections. These linkages contribute to the way society works and addresses difficulties linked with everyday living.

The descent groups that are produced by these kinship systems give their members a feeling of identity and social support, as we will see later. In addition to dictating where individuals may reside, who they can marry, and what happens to their property after death, kinship groupings may also have control over economic resources.

In addition to dictating where individuals may reside, who they can marry, and what happens to their property after death, kinship groupings may also have control over economic resources. Kinship diagrams are a tool used by anthropologists to represent descent groups and kinship.

To learn more about kinship



Persons who have been given access to an installation can be counted on to be of no threat

a. true
b. false


Persons who have been given access to an installation can be counted on to be of no threat is a false statement.

When a terrorist assault has taken place or there are signs of impending terrorist activity against a particular locality, FPCON Delta is typically used as a localised warning. The installation goes into high alert and puts in place the necessary security measures. Commanders are urged to add to the required security measures.

A terrorist assault is always feasible when there is a generalised global threat of potential terrorist activity. However, this merely justifies a normal security posture. The best information currently available shows no sign of a likely attack.

Learn more about antiterrorism here: https://brainly.com/question/16959650


In a factorial design with two independent variables, researchers will need to review one _________ and two __________. This design will also yield four ________, which are the averages of each level of the independent variable collapsed across the levels of the other independent variable.


In a factorial design with two independent variables, researchers will need to review one interaction effect and two main effect. This design will also yield four marginal mean, which are the averages of each level of the independent variable collapsed across the levels of the other independent variable.

The independent variable is the variable that you change and control in your experiment. A dependent variable is a variable that you cannot control  and that is affected by the response of the independent variable. Let's say you're doing an experiment to see how different sugars affect the density of cookies. The type of added sugar is an independent variable because you choose it.

Density would be the dependent variable because it depends on the sugar used. A factor model contains two or more independent variables and one dependent variable. Independent variables, often called factors, must be categorical. Groups of these variables are often called levels.

Learn about independent variable:



When did the idea of affirmative action first appear in the US?


During the U.S. government, the phrase "affirmative action" was first used. by a Black lawyer named Hobart Taylor Jr., President John F. Kennedy.

Taylor went to the inauguration ball in 1961 intending to run into Lyndon B. Johnson, the vice president who would later ask him to modify what would become Executive Order 10925.

In order to rectify the lengthy history of prejudice minorities and women have experienced, affirmative action rules were created, which, according to some sources, has led to unfair advantages for white people and men. They originally came to light amid discussions about anti-discrimination laws in the 1940s during the civil rights movement.

Affirmative action is a practice that originated in the United States during the Reconstruction Era (1863–1877). In the United States, the current policy was first implemented in the early 1960s as a means of addressing racial discrimination in the recruiting process. The idea was later expanded to address gender discrimination.

To know more about affirmative action: https://brainly.com/question/11724970


descrbe tiny tim and the cratchit family. what is their attitude about their situation? how does bob feel about scrooge


Tiny Tim is physically handicapped. Tiny Tim and his family has a positive attitude even though their situation is bad. Bob feels to be thankful and respectful to Scrooge.

Handicapped character way any character who has a bodily or mental impairment that appreciably limits one or more primary life sports, has a record of such an impairment or is deemed as having such an impairment. Use language that emphasizes the need for accessibility instead of the presence of an incapacity. be aware that 'handicapped' is a previous and unacceptable time period to apply while regarding individuals or accessible environments.

Handicapped character approach any individual who has lost the use of one or both legs or one or each arm, who is blind, deaf, or so seriously handicapped as to be not able to transport without the resource of crutches or a wheelchair, or whose mobility is limited via a permanent cardiovascular, pulmonary, or different handicapping circumstance.

Learn more about handicapped here: https://brainly.com/question/14370095


describe the anthropocene and discuss how anthropology contributes to understanding the human role in environmental destruction.


The projected geological epoch known as the Anthropocene begins with the beginning of a major human effect on Earth's geology and ecosystems.

The term "Anthropocene" is used to refer to the time period (or "epoch") in geological history during which human activities, such as clearing forests to make way for crops and pastures and extensively burning fossil fuels, have changed the basic geochemical cycles of the planet.

Because human actions have altered the earth's atmosphere in the Anthropocene, anthropologists can contribute significantly to research in geology, chemistry, and meteorology by taking into account how people and their cultural systems affect these fields.

According to Latour, anthropology is ideally suited to provide light on crucial aspects of contemporary environmental crises by establishing the rationales underlying the decisions made by distinct human groups, linking the social and natural sciences, and examining conflicts between cultural universals.

To learn more about Anthropocene, Click here:



an outline can help you organize your message by making sure that all of your main points are well developed.
a. true
b. false


An outline can help you organize your message by making sure that all of your main points are well developed is true.

Why should you outline your speeches?

Through a visual representation of a speech's balance and proportion, outlines assist in organizing a message that the audience can understand. By acting as the framework for your presentation's speaking notes, outlines can help you communicate your ideas clearly.

Which of the following factors is most crucial when structuring your speech?

The most crucial component in structuring the body of a speech is the key points. A. Because primary points are the focal points of a speech's body, they should be carefully chosen.

To know more about Outlines visit:



presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.


It is true that presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.

Online speeches should proceed more slowly than those delivered in person because an online speaker is not physically present with the audience.

Internet speeches should keep a fairly rapid pace as well, given that online audiences are used to seeing films that move quickly. You effectively share the same relationship with your audience when giving a speech online as you do when addressing one in person.

According to research, a speaker's appearance influences how the audience perceives them. A word might be sharply spoken yet still being mispronounced.

To know more about 'online speech' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/18560193


What are the 3 public policies?


There are three primary types of public policy: regulatory, distributive and redistributive.

Public policy is defined as what the government does or does not do to solve a societal problem. When we consider how the government works, we frequently focus on the more glamorous aspects of the political process, rather than the time-consuming task of policymaking.

Politicians running for public office, as well as the ever-competitive political parties to which these politicians belong, are examples of these aspects. Citizens, on the other hand, expect policymaking and problem solving from their elected and appointed government officials once they are entrusted with serving their constituency.

Learn more about Public policy to visit this link



What is the moral of the wolf and his shadow?


The wolf and his shadow's lesson is Do not let your imagination cause you to forget the truth.

The wolf and his shadow tale from Aesop's fables will be described in this page along with a moral lesson in English. In the fable, what is the wolf doing with their time? What is the story's moral message as well?

A moral is the lesson or message a story is trying to get through. The author wants the reader to take away a moral from the story. They appear in many genres of literature, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction prose. Typically, the moral is not made explicit. The wolf was attacked by the lion, who then ate him. "Self-conceit can prove to be the worst ruin of a person," is the story's main lesson.

To know more about  wolf and his shadow: https://brainly.com/question/13773211


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