number of molecules in lithium oxide


Answer 1



Lithium is in group 1 so there's 1 outermost shell electron.

Oxygen is in group 6 so there's 6 outermost shell electron.

To react lithium with oxygen, we need 2 lithium and 1 oxygen

Each lithium transfer 1 electron to the oxygen and oxygen gain 2 electrons.

[tex]Li_{2}O\\[/tex] formed.

If there's 4 lithium oxide, 4 molecules will be there.

If you mean how many ATOMS are there, there will be 3×4=12 atoms.

Related Questions

How do the causes of surface and deep water currents differ?
A. Surface currents are caused by wind deep water currents are caused by difference in water density
B. Surface currents are caused by the Coriolis effect deep water currents are caused by differences in water density
C. Surface currents are caused by differences in water salinity deep water currents are caused by differences in water temperature
D. Surface currents are caused by differences in water density deep water currents are caused by wind



The answer is A. Surface currents are caused by wind deep water currents are caused by difference in water density.

Pls someone help rn!! Pls pls



A. Mass = 61kg, weight on moon = 97.8N


To calculate the weight (force) from Mass of a body, the following formula is used:

W = mg


W = weight (Newtons)

m = mass (kg)

g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s²)

According to this question, a scale shows that I weigh 600N on Earth, the mass on Earth can be calculated thus:

Using W = mg

m = W/g

m = 600/9.8

m = 61.2

m = 61kg

However, this mass on Earth will weigh differently on the Moon because gravity in the moon is 1.6 N/kg. The weight of the 61kg on the Moon is:

W(moon) = mass × gravity

W = 61 × 1.6

W = 97.6 N

Therefore, Mass = 61kg, weight on moon = 97.8N

I need help with like 35 questions anyone willing to help please let me know I have discord


Please I only have like 5 hours to complete this


Answer and Explanation:

The molar mass of a substance is all of the weights from the elements combined.

So, we have the elements

CU, S, and [tex]O_{4}[/tex]

CU has a mass is 65

S mass is 32

O has a mass of 16, but there's 4 atoms of O, so we do 16 times 4, which is 64.

Now we add.

65 + 32 + 64 is 161.

So, the answer is 160, or answer choice A.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

How many molecules are in 450.0 grams of aluminum fluoride(AIF3)?



It would be exactly 5.3586262014272155. But if you were to round it up it would be 5.35.

Here is the answer:)

Convert 5.7 kcal to its value in calories.





Chemical energy is released when bonds blank in a chemical reaction





3 Zn + 2 MnF3 ---------> 2 Mn + 3 ZnF2
Using the reaction above, calculate how many grams of manganese (Mn) are produced in this reaction when 8.5 moles of Zinc (Zn) are used as a reactant?


Answer:I’ll ask my teacher


Mario’s teacher asked him to explain the important role of the sun in the water cycle. Which response would be correct?


it evaporate water and make it go back into the air or sky and start the whole circle all over

Which statement best describes the energy in the food web? A. The amount of energy available at level B depends on the amount of energy available at level C. B. The amount of energy available at level A depends on the energy provided from an abiotic source. C. The amount of energy available at level C is greater that the amount of energy available ate level A. D. The amount of energy available at level B is transferred to level A



The amount of energy available at level A depend on energy provided from an a biotic source

what does the word interact




Work with



The answer would be work with.


Because, if we know what the word interact means then we can look for a word similar to interact. hope this makes sense <3.

Cell Walls are found in Prokaryotes and Plant cells. True O False​



i think true


lemme know if right if not sorry :))

The answer is true. Cell walls are found in both. :)

Cool air can hold less water vapor than warm air. Apply this fact to explain why clouds and precipitation form on the windward side of the mountain.​


The pressure is directly proportional to temperature (when the pressure decrease the temperature decrease too). Because the air parcel expands so the molecules will not interact with each other as much.

The energy of the particles does not change but the fact that the particles are more spaced out means the parcel is cooler.

so now, the warmer a parcel of air the more water vapor it can hold. so, if a parcel of air cools it's ability to hold water vapor drops and if it drops to a low enough point that is when the water vapor will condense and turn back into liquid water. This is how clouds and precipitation form on the the windward side of the mountain.

Clouds and precipitation form on the windward side of the mountain due to change in temperature and pressure.

What is the relation between pressure and temperature?

Temperature of any substance is directly proportional to the pressure of that substance.

If the temperature of the wind increases so that winds get warmer and at the same time pressure of gas also increases, due to which particles will go far from each other. After this warm air rises up and cools down will condenses to form clouds, after this precipitate will falls on the windward side of the mountain.

Hence due to temperature and pressure precipitate will form on the windward side of the mountain.​

To know more about temperature & pressure, visit the below link:


hi!! can somebody help me with this question?

which is the best example of commensalism?

A. honey bees feed on the pollen of cornflowers and help the flowers reproduce

B. barnacles ride on a gray whales back to obtain food, and the whale is not harmed

C. squirrels and chipmunks eat the same nuts in a forest where food is scarce

D. prairie dogs often collect and eat food in groups so they are better protected from enemies

thx to anybody that helps! ♡︎



B: Barnacles ride on a gray whale's back to obtain food, and the hale is not harmed.


I got it right on Edge.

The percent composition by mass of nitrogen in NH OH (gram-formula mass = 35 grams/mole) is equal to



the percentage composition of mass of nitrogen in NH OH is 42.86 %

Fill in the blanks. 3NH3



3, 9, 3


The coefficient of 3 tells us that there are three molecules (the chemical unit of NH3). Each molecule of ammonia (NH3) is made up of 1 atom of nitrogen bonded to 3 atoms of hydrogen.

Since there are three molecules, we have three times the amount of atoms there are in one molecule.

3 x 1 = 3 nitrogen

3 x 3 = 9 hydrogen

Counting Atoms in Compound 8cl2o


I think there are 10 atoms ?

Given the reaction
3 H3PO4 + 2 Ba(OH)2 ⇒ BaPO4 + 6 H20
How many grams of precipitate could you make if you reacted 286.0 mL of 3.000 M H3PO4 with 855.0 mL of 1.400 M Ba(OH)2



240.17 g Ba3(PO4)2


1. Determine the limiting reactant.

2H3PO4 + 3Ba(OH)2 --> Ba3(PO4)2 + 6H2O

moles H3PO4 = M x V = 3 x 0.286 = .858 moles H3PO4

moles Ba(OH)2 = M x V = 1.4 x 0.855 = 1.197 moles Ba(OH)2

ratio Ba(OH)2 : H3PO4 = 1.197: .858 = 1.39: 1

stoichiometric ratio Ba(OH)2 : H3PO4  = 3:2

Ba(OH)2is the limiting reactant

MM Ba3(PO4)2 = 601.92 g/mol

g Ba3(PO4)2 = moles Ba(OH)2 x(1 mol Ba3(PO4)2/3 moles Ba(OH)2) x (MM Ba3(PO4)2/ 1mol Ba3(PO4)2) = 1.197 x 1/3 x 601.92 = 240.17 g Ba3(PO4)2

1. At an environmental testing lab, a lab technician calculated the known concentration of the calibrating solution three times too high. How will this affect the results of the samples run using this calibration solution



The deviation in the results will be too large when compared with the actual result


The effect this will have on the results of the samples run using this Calibration solution is that the deviation in the results will be too large when compared with the actual result that was supposed to be obtained. and this will also lead to wrong analysis by the technician .

This will cause a result that is very different from the actual result, which will lead to errors in the analysis.

We can arrive at this answer because:

A laboratory test must be done accurately and all calibrations must follow the test protocol.Changing the calibration will cause inaccurate and incorrect results, which differ from the actual result.This will promote an analysis that is unreal, false, and far from true, which will leave the entire test inaccurate.

As we can see from the question above, the lab technician used a much higher calibration than what was recommended in the lab. This will lead to inaccurate and incorrect results.

More information:

I guess this is free:)))): ((((



tysm!!!! :D <<<33333


A granulated cylinder was filled to 30.0 mL with liquid. An unknown metal cylinder having a mass of 60.27 g was submerged in the liquid. The final volume of the liquid level was 45.2 mL.




A graduated cylinder was filled to 30.0 mL with a liquid. An unknown metal cylinder having a mass of 60.27 g was submerged in the in the liquid. The final volume of the liquid level was 45.2 mL.

a. Calculate the density of the unknown metal cylinder.

b. The density of the liquid is 0.899 g/mL. What is the mass of the liquid in the graduated cylinder?

In a single replacement reaction, the chloride ion in NaCl can be replaced

a. potassium
b. carbon



c. fluorine


A single replacement reaction is defined as the chemical reaction in which a strong molecule replaces the weak molecule from a compound.

In a single replacement reaction, the chloride ion in NaCl can be replaced     by fluorine and gives Sodium fluoride as fluorine (F) is stronger than chlorine (Cl) and from other given molecules also. So the single replacement reaction between NaCl and F will be:

NaCl + F2 => NaF + Cl2

Hence, the correct answer is "c. fluorine".

Cu + 2AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag

If a 40. g sample of Copper is used with an excess of silver nitrate, calculate the theoretical yield of silver. What is the percent yield of the silver, if 120 g was collected?






Hello there!

In this case, according to the described chemical reaction, it is possible to compute the theoretical mass of silver as mass via the 1:2 mole ratio of copper to silver and their atomic mass in the periodic table, in order to perform the following stoichiometric setup:

[tex]m_{Ag}=40.gCu*\frac{1molCu}{63.55gCu}*\frac{2molAg}{1molCu}*\frac{107.87gAg}{1molAg}\\\\ m_{Ag}=135.8gAg[/tex]

Next, given the actual yield of 120 g, we compute the percent yield via:



How many moles are in 2.5L of 1.75 M Na2CO3



4.4 mol.



In this case, since the formula for calculating the molarity is:


Whereas n stands for moles and V for the volume in liters; we can solve for n as shown below when we are given the volume and the molarity:


Thus, we plug in the given data to obtain:


Best regards!


4.4 mol.


Have a great day

If you began a reaction with the following ions in solution, what would be the net ionic equation?
Na+, PO43–, Fe2+, and NO3–



2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂


Let's consider the complete ionic equation between the ions present. It includes all the ions and the insoluble compounds (Fe₃(PO₄)₂ is insoluble).

Na⁺(aq) + 2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂ + Na⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq)

The net ionic equation includes only the ions that participate in the reaction (not spectator ions) and the insoluble compounds.

2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂

why blood is separated into different parts​



Blood fractionation is the process of fractionating whole blood, or separating it into its component parts. This is typically done by centrifuging the blood. The resulting components are: a clear solution of blood plasma in the upper phase (which can be separated into its own fractions, see Blood plasma fractionation),

Answer: Centrifugal force is used to separate the components of blood – red blood cells, platelets and plasma – from each other. ... The red blood cells precipitate to the bottom of the bag, with the platelets above them, then the white blood cells and the plasma at the very top. Also because Each part of the blood has a different function. Separating the blood into parts lets patients get only the specific part or parts of the blood that they need. So a whole blood donation can be used for several patients.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/nigh❤️✨t


Help! What is this question I do not understand



A 70%

B 92%

C 87%

D 79%


This excercise is about dividing water by liquid.

Suppose you want to make an acetic acid/acetate buffer to a pH of 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00 M acetic acid solution. How many milliliters of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution would you need to add? The pKa for acetate buffer is 4.75.




Molarity of NaOAc needed

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation calculate base molarity needed given [HOAc] = 1.00M and pKa(NaOAc) = 4.75 and [HOAc] = 1.00m.

pH = pKa + log [NaOAc]/[HOAc]

5.00 = 4.75 + log[NaOAc]/[1.00M]

5.00 - 4.75 = log [NaOAc] - log[1.00M]

log [NaOAc] = 0.25 => [NaOAc] = 10⁰·²⁵ M = 1.78

Given 10ml of HOAc, how much (ml) 1.78M NaOAc to obtain a buffer pH of 5.00.

Determine Volume of Base Needed

(M·V)acid = (M·V)base => V(base) = (M·V)acid / (M)base

Vol (NaOAc) needed = (1.00M)(0.010L)/(1.78M) = 0.0056 liter = 5.6 ml.

Checking Results:

5.00 = 4.75 + log [1.78M]/[1.00M] = 4.75 + 0.25 = 5.00    QED.

The volume of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution needed to prepare an acetic/acetate buffer of pH 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00M acetic acid solution is 17.8 mL.

We can find the volume of the acetate solution with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

[tex]pH = pka + log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]})[/tex]   (1)  


[CH₃COOH] = 1.00 M                      

[CH₃COONa] =?

pH = 5.00

pKa = 4.75

From equation (1), we have:

[tex] log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]}) = pH - pKa [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{pH - pKa} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{5.00 - 4.75} = 1.78 [/tex]

Now, the volume of the acetate solution is:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}/Vt}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}/Vt} = 1.78[/tex]  

Since the total volume is the same, we have:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}} = 1.78[/tex]  

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}*V_{b}}{[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va} = 1.78 [/tex]  

Solving for Vb

[tex] Vb = \frac{1.78*[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va}{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}} = \frac{1.78*1.00M*10.0mL}{1.00 M} = 17.8 mL [/tex]

Therefore, we need to add 17.8 mL of sodium acetate solution.

Find more here:

I hope it helps you!  

molar mass of Mg(CO3)



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 84.313 \ g/mol}}[/tex]


The molar mass is the mass per mole of an element or substance. The values for atomic mass on the Periodic Table are used as the molar mass. Look up the molar masses for the elements in the formula.

Mg: 24.305 g/molC: 12.011 g/molO: 15.999 g/mol

Analyze the formula. Magnesium and carbon have no subscript, so there is only one atom of each. Oxygen has a subscript of 3, so there are 3 atoms and the mass has to be multiplied by 3.

MgCO₃= 24.305 + 12.011+ 3(15.999) MgCO₃= 24.305+12.011+47.997=84.313 g/mol

The molar mass of magnesium carbonate is 84.313 grams per mole.

Carbohydrates are formed by plants converting water a d carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen, in the photocatalyzed process is called?


Photosynthesis maybe.

Methods of Heat Transfer
Identify the following examples of heat transfer as conduction, convection, or radiation.
1. Touching a metal spoon that is sitting in a pot of boiling water.
Will mark brainliest





touching a metal spoon ....................water.

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