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Answer 1
the answer is 21 m^2

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What is Food Insecurity?



I think food insecurity is a lack of access to affordable and nutritious food.


plz give me brainliest

Why was the Civil War considered to be the first modern war?

military blockades



ironclad vessels



Since it was the first war since the industrial revolution, it was regarded as the first modern war. Modern guns were used, and further technology was invented. Our country was transformed by the war.

Because of Military blockades

Pretending to be Anne, write a letter to “Kitty” about a day in the secret Annex. Put yourself in Anne’s shoes and try to think about how she might feel, what her thoughts were about others in the Annex, or about the war. The letter must be at least two paragraphs (5-7 sentences each). Check for grammar and punctuation before submitting the letter.

this about Anne Frank

please ill give 50 points


anne frank and false detection about 50 points it’s 15

On the Political Spectrum scale, Republicans are _______, while the Democrats are ____

a) Liberals; Conservatives
b) Left wing; Right Wing
c) Right wing; Left Wing
d) Federalists; Anti-Federalists


C right wing left wing
C would be the correct answer

The last sentence of the passage hints of what outcome?
There is no battle.
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They fight, but neither sid




answer is a of your question

Will give brainliest need ASAP
Societies developed mediums of exchange in order to:

create a barter system of trade.
help people trade more easily.
stop trading with paper money.
stop trade with foreign countries.


B because c and d don’t make sense and it’s not a

How much has CO2 increased in the atmosphere since 1750? *
A- 15%
B- 20%
C- 40%
D- 65%
B is NOT the answer - just to inform some people
but please help



I think it is 40% but not sure

if correct please mark as brainliest




Since 1750-2018 it was 45% but lower emission's have reduced this just by 5% but 5% off the original 45 is 45 x 0.05 = 2.25% reduction since 2018 and the full answer is 40%

If we compare this to a same rate over 19 years to 2040

Then future yearly average is 2.25/2 = 1 . 125 x 19 = 21.375% reduction from 2021-2040 which means emissions will be at 40-21.375 = 18.625% and in 2040 the reduction years will have proved the rate compared to growth was set at 1 year reduction for every 25 years growth as 45/268 = 0.16 growth every year and the reverse is 2.25/0,1679 = 14 times reduction is the proof of reduction on growth for being period of 268 years till 2018 data, for these many years and since the industrial revolution in 18th century we are at 14 times faster at reversing than increasing on average.

But over 2 years we are only working at 1.2% at best each year to decrease, which means people are only 1.2% less destructive and should all re-review their source use like oil products, beef and animal products like leather and Fats, fatty acids, and protein meals from cows in candles soaps toothpaste and deodorant perfume, mouthwash, toothpaste, shaving cream, soap and deodorants. Stearic acid derived from cow fat is the most common so go vegan if that helps next 10 or 20 years.

other green house gases that stand out is biodiesel where palm oil emits 3 times as much as any other biodiesel and is also found in most foods ;ole pizza, doughnuts and chocolate and 50 % in all premade foods generally.

say no to beef, pizza, donuts, nestle, mars and unilever/persil or anything with palm oil in it.

Which branch of government is involved when the State Department warns American travelers to avoid dangerous countries?
OA. executive
OB. judicial
OC. congressional
OD. legislative



the answer is A (executive)


How did rising demand for oil affect the Texas economy?


Answer:Petroleum began to displace agriculture as the principal engine driving the economy of the state, and Texans' lives were even more drastically affected than they had been by railroads.



It increased the population and the demand for lumber, housing, and age products i think that's right i don't know


how did you feel when people stormed the capital this is just an opinion question no answer is right or wrong.


I think it was uncaused for and a lot of things was uncaused for like the past year and stuff and I don’t know what they gained for that just a little bit of rep

How did Sparta differ from other city-states? PLZ HURRY THANK YOU. I BEG YOU. I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST



Sparta was a powerful city-state in ancient Greece. Sparta was ruled by a small group of retired warriors. This type of government is called an oligarchy. The Spartans spoke Greek. They thought of themselves as Greeks. But Sparta was very different from the other Greek city-states. All citizens in ancient Greece were warriors.


If this helped like and rate :D have a wonderful day!


Life in Sparta was vastly different from life in Athens. Located in the southern part of Greece on the Peloponnisos peninsula, the city-state of Sparta developed a militaristic society ruled by two kings and an oligarchy, or small group that exercised political control. ... A Spartan baby had to be hardy and healthy.

What Made Ancient Sparta So Different from Other City-States

Posted on February 25, 2020

Frieze of Greek hoplites fighting, from Nereid Monument at Xanthos in Lycia, ca. 390–380 BCE. On display at the British Museum, London. / AHE, Creative Commons

At school, we have all studied the amazing history of the two most important city-states in Greece, Athens and Sparta. Even after 2500 years, one of the most widely discussed war topics at academic institutions is the Peloponnesian War that broke out between the two. When I was given the task to write my assignment at the end of college to obtain my degree, this was the topic I chose.

Of course, I still needed some help seeing how I didn’t know how to write an introduction for an assignment that explores such an important topic. But, I’ll discuss that a bit later.

Every war is different in its own way, but this specific war is especially good to research due to the fact that the two city-states are extremely different. They had different forms of government, culture, not to mention their location.

Athens was located near the sea and walled from its surrounding. Inside those walls, it had the most talented sculptors and potters known in the history. The wealthiest of all Athenians constantly strolled the busy marketplace with their slaves.

On the other hand, we have Sparta. Spread across a fertile farming area without any walls to surround the city, Sparta was a closed society. With much simpler buildings and soldiers with stern expressions, you could see people marching in columns across the streets of this city-state.

There are simply too many differences between the two, making this topic one of the most interesting you can explore. I hope that my short explanation of them will be of assistance.

In the beginning, Sparta started as a city-state of farmers. Soon after this, their population grew and they needed more land to do their work. This is when Sparta invaded the Messenians, their neighbors. After what seemed like a war that would never end, they conquered the land of Messenia and made its people their slaves. Interestingly, the Messenians outnumbered the Spartans by a lot – 10 to 1. And since they were treated terribly, they rose in revolt that took the Spartans 30 years to put down.

Without a doubt, this revolt brought huge changes for Sparta. To control their slaves, they built an extraordinary army, asking all Spartans to join. Their army was constantly filled with people who were bred to be soldiers and had to go through lifetime training.


recall one detail from the passage above that you found interesing about martha washington



Martha married Daniel Parke Custis on May 15, 1750 or Unlike most women in Virginia in the early 1700s, Martha learned to read and write. ..



Martha Washington learned how to read and write unlike most women in Virgina. (in 1700s)




The correct answer choice is C

The Rwandan genocide was a result of

A. An economic crisis resulting from corruption and failed crops.
B. ethnic tensions that had their roots in the period of Belgian rule.
C. Election fraud that occured soon after independence from Belgium.
D. conflict between two military leaders over control of the oil industry.​



D conflict between two military leaders over control of the oil industry ?

plz plz hury plz hury plz plz





Have a great day/night!

Answer: gladiator :)

my 13th birthday is coming up and my mother gave me 3 choices skating, bowling, or a cookout um which one should it be PLEASE HELP!!!


All of those sounds super fun! I just turned 15. Honestly, if I were you I’d go with bowling because I haven’t been in a while
I think you should do something that you enjoy and that all your family can do. If your parents or parent can’t do a thing I wouldn’t choose that (probably skating). I would choose to go bowling.

plz plz hury plz plz hury plz The main purpose of the census was to ___________________. a. register the number of people c. monitor the wealth of the city b. register the number of slaves and slaveholders d. determine how many wives each man had.


I’m pretty sure it’s A

What is Anti-Semitism, and how did it affect Jewish people before 1933 and after? Did Anti-Semitism play a role in the Holocaust genocide?



In Nazi Germany, anti-Semitism reached a racial dimension never before experienced.


What is Anti-Semitism? Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. The term is especially inappropriate as a label for the anti-Jewish prejudices, statements, or actions of Arabs or other Semites. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.

Sparta was an a__c__e__t Greek p__l__s that was always p__e__a__ed for w____. Male Spartans would begin their t__a__n__ng as soldiers at age s________. Soldiers faced rigorous training and harsh d__s__i__l__ne while often being u__d__r__ed. Spartan w__m__n were in charge of many of the *d__i__y routines of the polis because the men were t__a__ni__g for war. Spartan women were known for their ability to endure p______ and h__r__s__ip and were prized for their ability to b______ strong Spartan w__r__i__rs. The Spartans e__s__a__ed many neighboring farmers the Spartans called h__________. Helots led harsh lives filled with *c__u__l__y. The Spartans forced the helots to turn over h______ of their crops to f______ the Spartan a______. Each year, Sparta would declare w____ on the helots and r__w__rd the s__l__i__rs who k__l__ed helots. Sparta was a d__s__i__l__n__d society that built a strong a______, but Sparta d__s__o__r__g__d new ideas and v__s__t__rs from other poli. Sparta would eventually come into conflict with A___________, a polis that *t__a__ed with others and e__c__u__a__ed new ideas. Sparta won the brutal P__l__p__n__e__i__n War with Athens, but Sparta eventually fell to a R________ army in 146BCE. .

YOU HAVE TO ANSWER IT ALL BEFORE NOT JUST A WAY TO GET THE ANSWER i will also give the right answer brainliest


Ancient, polis, prepared, war, training, seven, discipline, underfed, woman, daily, training, pain, hardship, become, warriors, enslaved, helots, cruelty, harvest, feed, army, war, reward, soldiers, killed, disciplined, army, discouraged, visitors, Athens, traded, encouraged, Peloponnesian, Roman.

Sorry, took me a while to find the answers but hope this helps! :)

History question about a law passed in 1850. The question has to do with Free Soil, Manifest Destiny, popular sovereignty, and secession.


manifest destiny, hope this helps




Help plsssszšsssssss


H=5/4= 1 1/4

That’s the answer

Answer: h = 5/4

I hope this helped




help with what?? ru ok bro


what the question please explain



How did the cultivation described in the source mostinfluence the building of economic interactions between the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire?
A.Silk was used as a form of currency for Roman soldiers
B.Chinese merchants demanded protection from European traders
C.Silk became an important trade good in Chinese commerce with Rome
D.Chinese merchants sold silkworms to European nobles wanting to produce silk


Im sure the answer is A.

Who robbed banks to support the Bolsheviks, had trouble dealing with farmers, held the Moscow Show Trials, and had many people that disagreed with him disappear or die including his wife? Question 4 options: Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Vladmir Lenin


Joseph Stalin


In the United States government, which of the following would have the power to send soldiers to a foreign country but does not
have the power to declare war?
A. Supreme Court
OC. Attorney General



B. The President.


Congress can declare war.

The President. Congress is the one aloud to declare war

In what ways can the government intervene in the economy for the benefit of the country’s citizens?



The government tries to combat market inequities through regulation, taxation, and subsidies. Governments may also intervene in markets to promote general economic fairness. Maximizing social welfare is one of the most common and best understood reasons for government intervention.

God bless!

For more information, go to course hero

The government tries to combat market inequities through regulation, taxation, and subsidies. Governments may also intervene in markets to promote general economic fairness. Maximizing social welfare is one of the most common and best understood reasons for government intervention.

Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?

Washington, D.C.


Answer: Philadelphia
Philadelphia, is where the Constitutional Convention took place.

May someone please write a free verse poem about the country turkey in the middle east for me plzz. Include facts about the country! Also i am giving out brainliest! Do only the coutry turkey in the middle east!



i will just in case


no i dont think but

How did the contributions of the women on WWII change the women's role United States?

(i put pictures of the article)


The contributions of women in the WWII changed the women’s role in the United States because women started to do more work outside of their homes. Basically WWII solidified that women were in the workforce to stay.
It changed their role in society because they started to work more than just at home they started to get more and more involved in the country’s development.

Which describes what the Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820) and the Compromise of 1850 had in common?
a.They both tried to end slavery in southern states.
b.They both found permanent solutions to the slavery issue.
c.They both attempted to preserve the Union.
d.They both supported states rights over federal power.


The person above is correct
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