is a rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain.
A. Somatoform pain disorder
B. Congenital analgesia
C. Kinesthesis
D. Anesthesia
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer 1

The rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain is called Congenital analgesia. That is option B.

What is Congenital analgesia?

Congenital analgesia is defined as ,the name implies, a genetic disorder that rarely occurs which makes one not to be able to feel pain.

It is an autosomal recessive disorder in which there is genetic changes in the PMRD12 gene.

Therefore, the rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain is called Congenital analgesia.

Learn more about pain here:


Related Questions

A drone flies upward with a velocity of 5m/s and has a kinetic energy of 90J What is the mass of the drone?
O 5.4 kg
1.9 kg
7.2 kg
3.6 kg



m = 7.2 kg


Given that,

The velocity of the drone, v = 5 m/s

The kinetic energy of the drone, E = 90 J

We need to find the mass of the drone. The formula for the kinetic energy of an object is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\m=\dfrac{2K}{v^2}\\\\m=\dfrac{2\times 90}{(5)^2}\\\\m=7.2\ kg[/tex]

So, the mass of the drone is 7.2 kg.

What is the most accurate way to check your heart rate (bpm)? Help me?


The neck or wrist ps side of the neck


Count your pulse for 60 seconds.  


This isn't physics, this quesiton should be marked in health.

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Hahaha +Hajiya ooiOqo0191

The current in the wires of a circuit is 60.0 milliAmps. If the
voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit were
doubled and the resistance were tripled, then its new current
would be ___ milliAmps.



I' = 40 mA


Given that,

The current in the wires of a circuit is 60.0 mA.

If the  voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit were  doubled and the resistance were tripled such that,

V' = 2V and R'=3R

The relation between current, voltage and resistance is given by :

V = IR

Let I' be the new current. So,


⇒ [tex]I'=\dfrac{V'}{R'}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2V}{3R}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times \dfrac{V}{R}\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times I\\\\I'=\dfrac{2}{3}\times 60\\\\I'=40\ mA[/tex]

So, the new current would be 40 mA.

Why the same side of the moon is always facing Earth?

A.The time it takes the moon to rotate one time and the time it takes Earth to rotate one time are the same.

B.The time it takes the moon to rotate one time and the time it takes theEarth to orbit the sun one time are the same.

C.The time it takes the moon to rotate one time and the time it takes the moon to orbit Earth one time are the same.

D.The time it takes the moon to orbit Earth one time and the time it takes the Earth to orbit the moon one time are the same.





the moon rotates exactly once every time it circles the Earth.

Which pair of moving pulses in a rope will produce
destructive interference?


I think it’s A hope this helps :)

A body accelerates uniformly from rest at 2ms² for 5 seconds . calculate its average velocity in this time.​





average velocity =d/t



The brakes of a 2000 kg car apply a force of 250 N to slow down a car as it comes off of an exit ramp. What is the acceleration of the car?


that’s a very good question

Why sound waves are called mechanical waves ​



Because they travel by interacting within other particles.  


Sound cannot travel in a vacuum, sound waves need to interact with other particles in order to be carried and this makes sound waves a mechanical wave.

A measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object?

A Weight
B) Force
C)Air resistance






A) weight


Hope it helps :))

When drawing a vector, you should represent the magnitude of the vector by the length of the arrow. A. True O B. False​


Answer: A. True



A. True


A vector in this sense is a thing that has both magnitude (length) and direction.

Say you're walking at a speed of 5 miles per hour. If you keep walking in a straight line, then in two hours you will have walked 10 miles.

This doesn't give any information about where you started or any information about where you ended up after those 2 hours.

This is because "speed" is a scalar. It's a number with no associated geometry. It's just a magnitude. It's the magnitude of velocity.

Velocity is a vector.

The temperature of one substance is 90 degrees F and another
substance is 50 degrees F. If they are placed close together, what will



Substance that is 90 degrees will lose energy and the substance that is 50 degrees will gain energy


because that is how energy work duhhhhh

Which experiment proved light was a wave?

A) Photoelectric effect
B) Double Slit
C) Compton Scattering
D Light was never proved to be a wave



The answer is B) Double slit

While frying French fries, Wanda burned her hand. Burns are examples of a:
a. skin abnormality.
b. homeostatic balance.
c. skin infection.
d. homeostatic imbalance.



d. homeostatic imbalance



It's D


I'm pretty sure but if im wrong I'll give you the points back <3

A weightlifter lifts a set of weights a vertical distance of 2.0 m. If a constant net force of 350 N is exerted on the weights, what is the net work done on the weights?



700 Joules


The work done equals force times distance. Just multiply your two values there.

Side note: It would be more impressive if he'd done it in 1 second rather than 5. You know why? Because POWER=WORK/TIME. The less time it takes him to lift the weight with the same force and distance, the more powerful he is!

A comparison within a text can be used by the author to relate things that are



Putting together characters, situations, or ideas to show common or differing features in literary selections. Problem/Solution: An organizational structure in nonfiction texts, where the author typically presents a problem and possible solutions to it.

A sled starts off with an initial velocity of 8 m/s and slows down to 2 m/s after 3 seconds. What was its acceleration?





What is the mass of a large ship that has a momentum of 1.60x10^9 kg*m/s and is moving at a velocity of 10m/s?



160000000 kg.





rearrange and substitute:



m= 1.6x10^8 kg.

One day, Pinki was ironing the clothes in her room. After half an hour of ironing, the light went off and Pinki went outside to the lobby of her house to check it there was any problem in the household circuit. At the same time, she listened the voice of her 4 years old daughter from the same room where she was ironing the clothes. Her daughter was about to touch the hot electric iron but at the same moment, Pinki entered in the room and pushed her daughter back from that place.

(a) On which effect of electric current, does the electric iron works?

(b)State the effect of electric current described here.

(c) Mention the values showed by Pinki here.



(a) An electric iron works on the heating effect of electric current

(b) The heating effect of an electric current is the tendency for electric current to cause the temperature of the material through which it is flowing to rise due to the resistance of the material

The heating effect, 'E', is given by the formula, E = I²·R·t


I = The current flowing

R = The resistance of the material

t = The time the material takes to heat up

(c) The values showed by Pinki here is the value of care, concern and prevention, to prevent the harmful effect of the high heat on the skin of her daughter


Why would geothermal energy NOT be a possible energy source for many regions of the country?

A. Geothermal energy depends upon a nonrenewable resource.
B. Geothermal energy is only found in Arctic regions.
C. Geothermal energy is not always found in an area that is easily accessible.
D. Geothermal energy can only be used to grow tropical fruits.


Geothermal energy is not always found in an area that is easily accessible. (C)

Geothermal energy is not a possible energy source for many regions of the country. Because geothermal energy is not always found in an area that is easily accessible. Option C is correct.

What is geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy is the thermal energy in the Earth's crust that comes from the planet's creation and the radioactive decay of components in nearly equal amounts.

The disadvantage of using the geothermal energy is;

A. It is available only in limited areas.

B. It can cause air and groundwater pollution.

C. It is difficult to transport from place to place.

Geothermal energy is not a possible energy source for many regions of the country . Because geothermal energy is not always found in an area that is easily accessible.

Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about the geothermal energy, refer to the link;


What is the current if a charge of 25 coulombs passes in 5 seconds?


Answer: 5 amps

Explanation: I = Q/t

Which of these is not a standard unit?
a. second
b. metre
c. hand span
d. gram


Answer:  Hand span

Explanation: Hand span is not a standard unit.

Second is the unit of time.

Meter is the unit of length or distance covered by an object.

Gram is the unit of weight of an object.

Hand span is not a standard unit. This is because the size of hand varies from person to person. Hence, the correct option is (c) "hand span".

Hand span is not a standard unit

A sodium vapor lamp omit waves with the frequency of 5.26x10^14 Hz. What is the wavelength of light?



[tex]\lambda=5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex]


The frequency of a sodium vapor lamp, [tex]f=5.26\times 10^{14}\ Hz[/tex]

We need to find the wavelength of light. The relation between wavelength, frequency and speed of light is given by :

[tex]c=f\lambda\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{c}{f}\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{3\times 10^8}{5.26\times 10^{14}}\\\\\lambda=5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex]

So, the wavelength of light is equal to [tex]5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex].

How fast is a skydiver going after 5 seconds or free fall and how far did he fall



It's typically around 120mph. You'll reach this speed a few seconds into your jump, so for those few moments straight out the door, you'll be falling a bit more slowly and therefore covering less distance. We usually estimate around 10 seconds for the first 1,000 feet, then 5 seconds for each 1,000 feet after that.


The process of sediments being compacted and cemented to form sedimentary rocks is called



Lithification is the answer.

Question 4 (1 point)
How far does a sound wave travel in 3 seconds if the air temperature is 30 degrees

a) 114.33 m
b) 1047 m
c) 1029 m
d) 116.33 m









WHY 349??

Because, velocity of sound increases about 0.6 m/s for every 1 degree celsius rise in temp.

Velocity of sound is about 343 m/s at 20 degrees C, so 0.6*10=6 more m/s, or 349 m/s. Kinda cool how temperature alters the speed of sound!

What are the three forms of water discussed in the passage?



The three forms of water are gas, liquid, and ice, I'm not sure if these were mentioned in the passage since you did not attach a picture.

Please mark this the Brainliest.

Are acceleration and mass proportional or inversely proportional values?



acceleration and mass are inversely proportional values


The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Mass is inversely proportional to acceleration.

hopefully i was able to help.

Each bat can produce different frequencies of ultrasound. Explain why this is useful if there are many bats hunting together.


Answer: Although low frequency sound travels further than high-frequency sound, calls at higher frequencies give the bats more detailed information--such as size, range, position, speed and direction of a prey's flight. Thus, these sounds are used more often.


A snowflake falls from a cloud that is 500 m above the ground. It hits the ground after

being pulled down due to the acceleration of gravity (-10 m/s2). How fast will it be

going as it hits the ground?



i wabnt the points lol


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