no matter what type of population value (or combination of population values) is being estimated using a confidence interval, what items should you be watching for in order to best assess the results?


Answer 1

1. The actual differences that researchers imply causality come from randomized experiments.

2.  That the sample selected represents the population.

3. Confidence level clearly stated.

Population values, also called parameters, are calculated from all values ​​in the entire population.

A representative sample is a subset of the population that attempts to accurately reflect the characteristics of the larger group. For example, in a classroom of her 30 students, 15 boys and 15 girls, you can create a representative sample of her 6 students, 3 boys and 3 girls.

Probable sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the researcher selects samples based on the researcher's subjective judgment rather than at random. This is a less rigorous method. This sampling method relies heavily on the researcher's expertise. This is done through observation and is often used by researchers for qualitative research.

A confidence interval (CI) is the range of estimated values ​​for an unknown parameter. Confidence intervals are computed at the specified confidence level. A 95% confidence level is the most common, but other levels such as 90% and 99% are sometimes used. The confidence level represents the proportion of corresponding CIs over time that contain the true value of the parameter. For example, 95% of all intervals computed at the 95% level must contain the true value of the parameter.

Factors that affect the width of the CI include confidence level, sample size, and intra-sample variation. All other things being equal, the larger the sample, the narrower the confidence interval. Similarly, the greater the sample variability, the wider the confidence interval, and the higher the confidence level, the wider the confidence interval should be.

Learn more about Confidence Interval:


Related Questions

The histogram summarizes the percentage of people in each state and the District of Columbia who identify as Hispanic or Latino. Use the drop-down menus to describe the distribution of percentages shown in the histogram.
Can I know if the answers that I choosed are correct?


The smallest and largest possible range in the histogram summarizes the percentage of people in each state and the District of Columbia who identify as Hispanic or Latino is 0 - 4.9 and 45 - 49.9 respectively.

What is percentage?

As it is clear from the term, percent means measuring anything per hundred. For example, you get marks per 100 marks, so you get the percentage.


The histogram summarizes the percentage of people in each state and the District of Columbia who identify as Hispanic or Latino,

The Hispanic or Latino percentage of the population is shown in the x-axis, whereas the frequency of the population is shown in the y-axis.

Calculate the smallest possible range by considering the graph,

The smallest possible range = 0 - 4.9

Calculate the largest possible range by considering the graph,

The largest possible range = 45 - 49.9

To know more about percentages:



skewed right

Step-by-step explanation:

I am not sure about the numbers, but it's skewed right i had the same question

h(x)=(32)x−1 the outputs


The possible outputs of the function for different values of [x] are given below.

What is a expression? What is a mathematical equation? What do you mean by domain and range of a function?A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions. Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis, observations and results of the given problem.For any function y = f(x), Domain is the set of all possible values of [y] that exists for different values of [x]. Range is the set of all values of [x] for which [y] exists.

Given is the following function -

h(x) = 32x - 1

We can write the output for the given function as -

[x]            h(x) = 32x - 1                   h(x)                             

1               {32 x 1 - 1 = 31}                   31

2              {32 x 2 - 1 = 63}                 63  

3              {32 x 3 - 1 = 95}                 95

4              {32 x 4 - 1 = 127}                127

Therefore, the possible outputs of the function for different values of [x] are given above.

To solve more questions on Equations, Equation Modelling and Expressions visit the link below -


the problem with measurement is that researchers cannot account for errors statistically question 1 options: true false


It is partially true that the problem with measurement is that researchers cannot account for errors statistically.

Why do errors occur in measurement?

During measurements, there is a huge possibility that an error will occur and even no result or measurement can be 100% accurate. This happens due to many factors like mistakes, approximations, and other physical factors.

Coming to the statement, definitely researchers cannot account for errors. This is true, but this is not a problem since it is something that will, for sure, occur. The major goal is towards minimizing it.

So, the given statement is partially true.

To know more about statistics, go to the link:


Which trigonometric ratio should be used to find height (h) of the escalator? (MGSE9-12.G.SRT.7, MGSE9-12.G.SRT.8)


The trigonometric ratio is sin 10° = h/109

Which ratios in trigonometry are there?

Sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cotangent (cot), cosecant (cosec), and secant are the six trigonometric ratios (sec). The branch of geometry known as trigonometry examines the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle.

What three types of trigonometry are there?

Three crucial trigonometric functions—sine, cosine, and tangent—are represented by the abbreviations sin, cos, and tan. tan

Given that :

Hypotenuse = 109 ft

Height = h

Hence sin = height / Hypotenuse

sin 10° = h/109

Learn more about trigonometric ratio


a group of nine people are attending the movies together. (a) two of the nine insist on sitting side-by-side. in how many ways can the nine be seated together in a row? 40320 (b) two of the people do not like each other and do not want to sit side-by-side. now how many ways can the nine be seated together in a row?


a group of nine people are attending the movies together . now 40320 ways can the nine be seated together in a row by combination.

(a) The two people who insist on sitting side-by-side can be seated in 1 way. The remaining 7 people can be seated in 7! ways. Therefore, the total number of ways in which the 9 people can be seated together in a row is 1 x 7! = 40320.

(b) In this case, the two people who do not like each other can be seated in (7-1)! ways. The remaining 7 people can be seated in 7! ways. Therefore, the total number of ways in which the 9 people can be seated together in a row by combination is (7-1)! x 7! = 40320.

Learn more about combination here


6x squared - 2x + 1 =0



Step-by-step explanation:





subtract 1 on both sides


divide both sides by 34


what is the roots to, x^4-x^2-20=0


The roots of the given equation are √5, - √5, 2i, and - 2i      

Roots of a polynomial:

The values of a variable for which the provided polynomial equals zero are referred to as a polynomial's roots. If n is the root of a polynomial p(x), then p(n) will be equal to zero.

Here we have

x⁴- x²- 20 = 0  

To find the roots of the Equation factorize the given equation

=>  x⁴- x²- 20 = 0    

Let t = x²

=>  t²- t - 20 = 0  

Split the middle term

=> t²- 5t + 4t - 20 = 0  

=> t(t - 5) + 4(t - 5) = 0

=> (t - 5) (t + 4) = 0

=> (t - 5) = 0   and  (t + 4) = 0

Take t - 5 = 0

=>  t = 5  =>  x² = 5

=> x = ±√5          

Take (t + 4) = 0

=> t = - 4 => x² = -4

=> x = ± √- 4                  

=> x = ± 2i         [ ∵ - 1 = i² ]


The roots of the given equation are √5, - √5, 2i, and - 2i                    


Learn more about the Roots of a polynomial at



now, assume that you have laid out the namecards for 14 people, and you want to hide 4 golden tickets, at most one under each namecard. in how many ways is this possible?


Assume that you have laid out the namecards for 14 people, and you want to hide 4 golden tickets, at most one under each namecard. The total number of ways = 784

From the question, we have

The total number of people in each party = 8

The total number of winners in each party = 2

The total number of ways of selecting two winners from 8 people  = P(8,2) = 28

The total number of ways of selecting two winners from each political party = 28*28 = 784

The total number of ways = 784


To determine the sum of two or more numbers, mathematicians multiply the numbers. It is a basic mathematical procedure that is widely used in daily life. Multiplication is used when we need to mix groups of like sizes. Multiplication is a representation of the underlying idea of adding the same number repeatedly.

The outcome of multiplying two or more numbers is referred to as the product of those numbers, and the factors are the quantities that are multiplied. Multiplying the numbers makes it simpler to add the same number repeatedly.

Complete question:

In celebration of Chinese new year, you are arranging name cards for 16 people to sit around this table. Since the cards are placed on the rotating lazy Susan, the specific chair of a guest does not matter, only who is to their left and right. That is, two namecard arrangements are considered different iff there is a guest whose person on their right or left changes. Now when you hide four golden tickets under the placed name cards, you want to ensure that each party has two winners. In how many ways can you choose to do so?

To learn more about multiplication visit:


How long does it take to travel 200 km at 40 km per hour?



5 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

Time = 200÷40 = 5 hours.

If 4x - 16 = 32, what is 4x?


Answer: X = -12

Step-by-step explanation:


We move all terms to the left:


We add all the numbers together, and all the variables


We move all terms containing x to the left, all other terms to the right






Step-by-step explanation:



4x=32+16(We transpose LHS to RHS)




Hence, the answer is 12

brawdy plastics, inc., produces plastic seat belt retainers for general motors at their plant in buffalo, new york. after final assembly and painting, the parts are placed on a conveyor belt that moves the parts past a final inspection station. how fast the parts move past the final inspection station depends upon the line speed of the conveyor belt (feet per minute). although faster line speeds are desirable, management is concerned that increasing the line speed too much may not provide enough time for inspectors to identify which parts are actually defective. to test this theory, brawdy plastics conducted an experiment in which the same batch of parts, with a known number of defective parts, was inspected using a variety of line speeds. the following data were collected. excel file: data14-05.xlsx line speed number of defective parts found 20 23 20 21 30 19 30 16 40 15 40 17 50 14 50 11 if required, enter negative values as negative numbers. a. select a scatter diagram with the line speed as the independent variable. a. b. c. d. a b. what does the scatter diagram developed in part (a) indicate about the relationship between the two variables? negative relationship c. use the least squares method to develop the estimated regression equation (to 1 decimal). d. predict the number of defective parts found for a line speed of feet per minute.


a. The scatter diagram indicates that the Number of Defective Parts found increases with Line Speed

b. The regression model is Y = 27.5 - 0.3·X

c. When the line speed is 25 feet per minute, the number of expected defective parts is 20 defective parts.

According to the Question:

The give data is presented as follows'

Line Speed;                   20,   20,    30,    30,    40,    40,    50,     50

Number of Defective;   23,    21,     19,     16,     15,     17,     14,       11  


1. From the scatter diagram there is an apparent correlation between increase line speed and the number of defective parts found.

2. The equation for linear regression by the least squares method is presented as follows;

   Y = a + b·X


b = N ∑XY - (∑X) (∑Y) / N ∑X² - (∑X)²     -------------------- (1)


a = ∑Y - b ∑X / N                          ---------------------------- (2)

Now, after calculation, we have;

∑X = 280, ∑Y = 136, ∑X² = 10,800, ∑XY = 4,460, (∑X)² = 78,400, N = 8

Putting in equation (1) and (2), we get;

b = (8×4460 - 280×136) / (8×10,800 - 78,400) = -0.3


a = (136 - (-0.3)×280)/8 = 27.5

Therefore, we have the linear regression as follows;

                 Y = 27.5 - 0.3·X

Therefore, when the line speed is 25 feet per minute, we have;

Y = 27.5 - 0.3 × 25 = 20

The number of defective parts expected to be found when the line speed is 25 feet per minute, Y = 20 defective parts.

Learn more about Scattered Diagram:


what is
11.49 - (-21 )


The answer for this is 32.49

Nakeisha's family took a road trip to Mount Rushmore. Nakeisha fell asleep 18% of the way through the trip. If the total length of the trip was 400 miles, how many miles had they travelled when Nakeisha fell asleep?


The family traveled 72 miles when Nakeisha fell asleep.

what is the correct answer (with the appropriate number of significant figures) for the calculation of 7.5 2.26 1.311 2?


The appropriate number of significant figures for the calculation of 7.5 + 2.26 + 1.311 + 2 is equivalent to 10.

Significant figures:

Any non-zero number is significant. The number 33.2 has 3 significant digits because all digits present are non-zero.

Zeros between two non-zero numbers are valid. 2051 has 4 significant digits. Zero is between 2 and 5.

For numbers in exponential notation:

N x 10x, all numbers spanning N are valid. "10" and "x" are not important. 5.02 x 10^4 has 3 significant digits.

"5.02." "10" and "4" are not important.

Provides the ability to change the precision of a value by manipulating its shape. For example, write 1100 with 3 significant digits. 1100 has 2 significant digits. The trailing two zeros are not significant. Adding a decimal at the end brings the number to the 1100th significant digit (according to rule 5).

We can create a 3-significant digit of 1.10 x 10^3.

In the question of adding all we get,

7.5 + 2.26 = 9.76

9.76 + 1.311 + 2

9.76 + 1.311 = 11.071

11.071 + 2

11.071 + 2 = 13.071


Round 13.071 → 13

This is because the total sum of the numbers gives a value of 13.071.

However, the number '2' has only one significant figure.

Therefore, we need to restrict our solution to one significant figure.

Therefore, on rounding off the solution becomes '10' with only one significant figure.

To learn more about significant figures visit:


A five-card hand is dealt at random from a standard deck. What is the probability that the hand contains exactly two face cards?


By using the concept of probability, it can be calculated that

Probability that the hand contains exactly two face cards = [tex]\frac{209}{833}[/tex]

What is probability?

Probability gives us the information about how likely an event is going to occur

Probability is calculated by Number of favourable outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes.

Probability of any event is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.

Probability of sure event is 1 and probability of unsure event is 0.

From the set of five cards, two cards can be chosen in [tex]{5 \choose 2}[/tex] ways = 10 ways

Number of face cards = 12

Number of non face cards = 52 - 12 = 40

Probability that the hand contains exactly two face cards = [tex]{5 \choose 2}\times \frac{12}{52} \times \frac {11}{51} \times \frac{40}{50} \times\frac{39}{49}\times \frac{38}{48}\\[/tex]


To learn more about probability, refer to the link-


ill give brainliest

3.) The height of the baseball can be modeled by the function Hs= -16s2+96s where s represents the time in seconds the ball is in the air after it is hit.

a) Write the function in factored form. _____________________

b) The factors from your answer in question 3a reveal something important about the situation. Describe what each of the factors means in terms of the height of the baseball and the time in seconds.



a) The factored form of the function Hs= -16s2+96s is Hs = -16(s-3)(s-2).

b) The two factors in the factored form of the function, -16(s-3)(s-2), represent the maximum height of the baseball and the time at which the baseball reaches its maximum height. The first factor, -16, represents the maximum height of the baseball, since a negative value multiplied by the product of two positive values will always be negative. The second factor, (s-3)(s-2), represents the time at which the baseball reaches


a) Hs = (-16s + 48)(s - 2)

b) The factor (-16s + 48) represents the initial height of the baseball when it is hit, and the factor (s - 2) represents the time it takes for the baseball to reach its maximum height.

In the diagram below, quadrilateral STUV is inscribed in circle W. Find the
measure of U.


104 degrees is the measure of angle U.

What is Circle?

A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre.

Given that a  quadrilateral STUV is inscribed in circle W

We need to find the measure of U.

A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon, having four edges and four corners.

In quadrilateral the sum of opposite angles should be equal to 180 degrees.

Let the measure of U is x.



Subtract 76 from both sides



Hence, the measure of U is 104 degrees.

To learn more on Circles click:


I don’t know the answer to this



Let x=1





Let x=-1




There are multiple endings I suppose this is a point of intersection question that needs to be done on graph

The sum of 3 consecutive even numbers is 132.
What is the third number in this sequence?




Step-by-step explanation:

because it is ...... maybe

Please help this for algebra! :)


Answer: y= -8x + 9.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation for slope intercept form is y=mx+b

b is the y-intercept; we see that it is located at (0, 9.5), so b is 9.5

The slope is rise/run

We see that the y decrease by 8 and x increases by 1, so the slope is -8/1

So the answer is y= -8x + 9.5

Write a compound inequality for the graph shown below. Use x for your variable.


The interval is [4, 6], and the compound inequality is 2 ≤ x < 5 as indicated on the number line.

What is inequality?

In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to one another.

The equation-like form of the formula 5x 4 > 2x + 3 has an arrowhead in place of the equals sign.

It is an illustration of inequity.

This shows that the left half, 5x 4, is bigger than the right part, 2x + 3.

So, the blue line runs from 12 and then to 5.

The solid dot at position 2 denotes inclusion, whereas the hollow dot at position 5 denotes exclusion.


x  ≥ 2 and x < 5

2 ≤ x < 5

Therefore, the interval is [4, 6], and the compound inequality is 2 ≤ x < 5 as indicated on the number line.

Know more about inequality here:


What is the slope of AB?
A (-6, -4)


y2-y1/x2-x1= -4-4/3-6= -8/-3= 8/3. m=8/3

Can you show the steps please



Step-by-step explanation:

x-y=-6          (1)..

6x-3y=9       (2)...

First, multiply (1) by 6:


Now subtract the whole eqaution:


- 6x-3y=9


-3y = -45


Now substitute y into one of the equations:



So the answer is x=9, and y=15.

A lap around the track is 1/4 of a mile. Josie completes a lap in 1.3 minutes. If she continues at the same pace, how long will it take her to complete
a mile? Express your answer as a decimal in simplified form..



5.2 or 5:12

Step-by-step explanation:

1.3*4 = 5.2 or 5:12. That's a pretty fast mile.

Leveled Practice What conclusion can you make about the system of equations? 6y=12x+36 15y = 45x + 60 The slope of the first equation is second equation. The y-intercept of the first equation is y-intercept of the second equation. The system of equations has the slope of the the solution(s)​



Both lines intersect at the point (2, 10)

See the attached image

Find the equation of the line with Slope = 2 and passing through (2,11). Write your equation in the form



y = 2x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the formula y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Step-by-step explanation:

formula =y-y1=m(x-x1)

what is x^(1.5-x)=3/2


There is no solution

Question 7 (Essay Worth 6 points)
(04.03 MC)
On a recent survey, students were asked if they like to fly and if they can drive. The partial results are given in the relative frequency table.
Can drive Cannot drive Row Totals
Likes to fly
Do not like to fly
Column totals 0.55
Complete the relative frequency table, showing all necessary calculations.
×84 DID
Source C
BIUS x, x Tx
E E 99


A- A


The completed relative frequency table is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

How to complete the relative frequency table?

First we look at the row total of people who like to fly, which is of 70%, hence:

It is stated in the table that the proportion of those who like to fly and can drive is of 0.32.Hence the relative frequency of those who like to fly and cannot drive is of: 0.7 - 0.32 = 0.38.

Amount those who can drive, we have that:

The total is of like to fly.Hence the relative frequency of those who do not like to fly is of: 0.45 - 0.32 = 0.13.

Amount those who cannot drive, we have that:

The total is of like to fly.Hence the relative frequency of those who do not like to fly is of: 0.55 - 0.38 = 0.17.

Thus the total frequency of the second row is given as follows:

0.17 + 0.13 = 0.30.

Missing Information

The table is given by the image shown at the end of the answer. I don't know if the values are the same but you will have to follow the same procedure to obtain the missing values.

More can be learned about relative frequency at



I took the test

the answer is in the image below

Step-by-step explanation:


2.Select the number below that is irrational.



Step-by-step explanation:

the second one

which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the y-intercept? group of answer choices for a car weighing 68.17 pounds we would expect a fuel efficiency rating of 0 mpg. for a car weighing 6,817 pounds we would expect a fuel efficiency rating of 0 mpg. for a car weighing 0 lbs we would expect a fuel efficiency rating of 6,817 mpg. for a car weighing 0 lbs we would expect a fuel efficiency rating of 68.17 mpg.


The correct interpretation regarding the y-intercept of the least squares regression line is given as follows:

For a car weighing 0 lbs we would expect a fuel efficiency rating of 68.17 mpg.

What is the y-intercept?

For a function, the y-intercept represents the value assumed by the output of the function when the input of the function assumes a value of zero.

For the least squares regression line in this problem, the input variable and the output variable are defined as follows:

Input variable: weight of each car.Output variable: fuel efficiency of the car.

The y-intercept in this problem has a value of:


Meaning that when the weight is of 0 pounds, the fuel efficiency is of 68.17 mpg.

Missing Information

The missing part of the problem is of:

"For this data set, X represents the weight of each car in hundreds of pounds, and Y represents the predicted fuel efficiency of each car in miles per gallon (mpg). Note that 68.17 is reasonable value for the y-intercept of the least squares regression line. Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of the y-intercept?"

More can be learned about the y-intercept of a function at


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What factors affect sea urchins? A local town is under pressure from voters to close a polluting factory. The head of the homeowners organization argues that the pollution is a menace, and if the full external costs of the pollution were calculated, the factory would not be profitable. The homeowners calculate that the pollution generates an external cost of $3,000,000 per year in medical bills and $1,000,000 per year in suppressed property values, which reflects the difference in home prices with and without pollution. That factory makes a profit of $5,000,000 per year.i.What is the external cost of the pollution?ii.If the factory is forced to consider the total social costs of pollution, would it be profitable?iii.How much could the town tax the factory before profits become zero?iv. What does the Coase theorem suggest about negotiations between the town and the factory? project fdi costs $80,500 and has cash flows of $32,300, $36,400, and $30,000 for years 1 to 3, respectively. what is the irr of project fdi? g what case ruled that a person in police custody must be advised of his/her constitutional rights prior to interrogation or the information obtained can be excluded? Please help with this French I cant remember Does bromine react with acid? What are the important factors that strengthen the Filipino character? How do you unlock a number lock if you forgot it? define the attribute grammar for your assignment statement, make sure it follows the following rules a. string string does concatenation b. string * natural repeats the natural c. assign bool to natural is allowed d. assign natural to bool is allowed e. assign char to natural is allowed f. assign natural to char is allowed g. assign natural to real is allowed h. no other types are allowed to be assigned to others outside of their own i. dividing by zero is an error j. modulo operating by zero is an error I was thinking it was D or C but Im confused, please help! Please help! No work needed!!!! Why was the Declaration of Sentiments written like the Declaration of Independence? The auditory sensory axons of the branch of cranial nerve number terminate in the cochlear nucleus within the brainstem.a. Trueb. False An object rolls without slipping onto a surface where the coefficient of friction between object and surface is twice as great as that needed to prevent slipping.Describe the subsequent motion:-A) The object begins to slip, and the actual force of static friction doesn't change.B) The object continues to roll without slipping, and the actual force of static friction doesn't change.C) The object continues to roll without slipping, and the actual force of static friction increases.D) The object begins to slip, and the actual force of static friction increases. Implement the linear search algorithm defined below (Algorithm is as presented in class from the official class textbook). You will use the algorithm to search an array for a given element. When you find the element, you will record the number of comparisons, N, undertaken by the algorithm before the element is found (You will need to slightly modify the algorithm to output this number of comparisons). As was done in class, the number of comparisons will be your measure of the time complexity of the algorithm. ALGORITTIM 2 The Linear Search Algorithm. procedure linear search integer, a;, ...distinct integers i=1 while in andx ) i=i+1 if is n then location = i else location : 0 return location location is the subscript of the term that equals , or is if x is not found) commercial hydrogen peroxide contains small amounts of organic compounds which are added to stabilize the hydrogen peroxide to slow down the natural decomposition. if these compounds react with permanganate, how will this affect your results? too high? too low? exlplain. when a goods ___changes, the quantity demanded changes the main characteristics of a pure are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition. Complete the factored form.12x-16x-3= (2x - 3)() mila was so excited to finally have a full time job again after a period of sporadic part time work. she was most excited about her new medical insurance, 401(k) retirement plan and the fact that the company will pay for a portion of her child care expenses. these are examples of: