Neoclassical economists focus on the economy. Select all that apply: in the long-run in the short-run when it is experiencing a prolonged recession at the natural rate of unemployment


Answer 1

The focus of neoclassical economists when it comes to the economy A. in the long-run in the short-run.

What is the focus of neoclassical economists ?

According to neoclassical theory, the three variables of labor, capital, and technology lead to economic growth. Even though an economy has a finite amount of labor and capital resources, technology can nonetheless make a limitless contribution to growth.

Neoclassical economists tend to place a greater focus on long-term growth than on battling recessions because they think that the standard of living will ultimately be determined by long-term growth rather than by recessions, which they believe will pass in a few years.

This shows that the focus of neoclassical economists is the long run.

Find out more on neoclassical economics at


Related Questions

The Federal Reserve Bank operates


The Reserve Banks' duties include overseeing and inspecting member banks, providing essential financial services, assisting the government, and serving their District in addition to helping to determine monetary policy.

What is Federal Reserve Bank?

The American central bank is known as the Federal Reserve System (FRS). It is conceivably the most potent financial organization in the whole globe and is sometimes referred to as "the Fed." It was established to give the nation a secure, adaptable, and stable financial and monetary system. The board of the Fed is made up of seven people. Additionally, there are 12 Federal Reserve banks, each of which is led by a different district's president.

The generation and distribution of money and credit for a country or a group of countries are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the central bank, a financial organization. In contemporary economies, the central bank is often in charge of formulating monetary policy and overseeing member banks. Each of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks that make up the Fed is in charge of a particular part of the country.

To learn more about Federal Reserve Bank follow the link.


A flat-dollar amount quoted for the total sum of the design services a designer provides to a client is a


A flat-dollar amount quoted for the total sum of the design services a designer provides to a client is a Preference for working alone.

What is flat-dollar?

When brokers charge fees as a proportion of the transaction's value, small transactions can not generate enough fees to turn a profit. On the other hand, excessive costs associated with big transaction sizes may deter traders from engaging in large deals. Flat dollar rates eliminate both problems. They essentially establish a price floor by providing dealers with protection at the low end. For traders, flat dollar fees on the high end improve the value of bigger transactions since the flat charge represents a smaller and less fraction of the total transaction cost.

Flat dollar fees on stock transactions, such a broker advertising $4.95 for each equities transfer, have usually become the industry standard in areas like online retail trading.

To learn more about flat-dollar.


the current market value of the bolt office fund is $60,000,000. current liabilities are $30,000,000. there are 500,000 shares outstanding. the fund's nav is


The NAV, or the Net Asset Value, of the fund will be $60, if there are a total of 500,000 shares outstanding.

The NAV or the Net Asset Value of a fund can be referred to or considered as the total of the difference between the current assets and liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding. Thus, using the provided information into the generalized formula, it can be said that

NAV = Current Assets – Liabilities / Outstanding Shares

NAV = 60000000-30000000 / 500000

NAV = 30000000 / 500000

Therefore, the Net Asset Value of the fund will be $60.

Learn more about the NAV here:


a customized email message that is sent to customers who may be interested in a product is an effective sales message promoting the product.


It is true, an e-mail message is an effective tool for a company to promote its products.

What is an e-mail?

It is a message that is sent electronically through instruments such as computers or cell phones, this is sent with important information for recipients.

E-mail is a tool of vital importance because it is fast and economical, it is one of the most advantageous services offered by the Internet because people at long distance can have an efficient communication.

For companies, e-mail is also a great advantage because it can be used to promote products by specifying their characteristics and sending the respective images.

Learn more about personalized e-mail in:


In group projects for class there is often one member who does noticeably less work than others. Which of the following is the most accurate description of that person?
A) lazy
B) a free rider
C) a forced rider
D) tragedy of the commons


In group projects for class there is often one member who does noticeably less work than others. A free rider is the most accurate description of that person.

What is a free rider?

The free rider problem is when people utilize or exploit a common resource without contributing their fair part of the cost or without contributing anything at all.

No matter how big or tiny a society is, the free rider issue might arise. A municipal council in an urban region may discuss whether and how to make suburban commuters pay for the upkeep of the area's roads and sidewalks or the safety of its police and fire services. A public radio or broadcast station will dedicate airtime to fundraising in the aim of persuading listeners who aren't making donations to do so.

To study more about free rider


can someone pls help?


The one you’ve selected in the image seems like the best answer, so B.

A company using an offsite call center to handle it's high volume of calls is
reflective of which of the following actions as it pertains to human resource
OA. Early retirement
OB. Outsourcing
C. Restructuring
OD. Reducing hours

Answer: B. Outsourcing.


A company using an offsite call center to handle it's high volume of calls is reflective of outsourcing. Option B

What is meant by outsourcing?

A business practice known as outsourcing entails hiring a third party to carry out duties, manage operations, or offer services on the company's behalf.

The practice of employing a third party from outside a business to carry out tasks or produce commodities that were previously completed in-house by the business's own employees and personnel is known as outsourcing.

Companies typically engage in outsourcing as a cost-cutting strategy. As a result, it may have an impact on a variety of occupations, including customer service, manufacturing, and back office work.

Read more on outsourcing here:


Choose the response that correctly states the maximum penalty the IRS can assess against a paid tax return preparer who fails to satisfy the due diligence requirements when preparing a return for an individual claiming the following tax benefits: Head of household filing status. Earned Income Tax Credit. Child Tax Credit / Additional Child Tax Credit / Other Dependent Credit. American Opportunity Tax Credit.


A compensated tax return preparer may be subject to a fine under the Internal Revenue Code if the criteria for due diligence are not met. If you don't follow the four due diligence obligations. you may be subject to penalties under Internal Revenue.

The maximum penalty for a return or claim submitted in 2021 is $2,160 per return and $540 for each tax benefit claimed. When the tax return includes the earned income tax credit, due diligence requires professional tax return preparers to ask further questions of taxpayers who seem to be making contradictory, false, or incomplete representations regarding their self-employment.

If you have an audited tax bill that is less than zero dollars, this tool will assist you in determining the papers you must send to the IRS.

To learn more about Tax benefits from given link


which of these categories of workers is expected to increase at about the same rate as employment in the u.s. economy over the next decade?


The category of workers that is expected to increase at about the same rate as employment in the U.S. economy over the next decade is computer support specialists.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:Overall employment of computer support specialists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 75,000 openings for computer support specialists are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

What do computer support specialists do?

Computer support specialists provide technical help to computer users, such as employees or customers of organizations. This job has a high demand in the world.

To learn more about computer support specialists, click here:


Research on diversity in groups indicates that ____.
diverse groups suffer from poor communication and are less creative and flexible than homogeneous groups
diverse groups are more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, and tend to perform better than other groups
diverse groups are capable of being more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, but tend to suffer from poor communication and perform worse than other groups
diverse groups are far more communicative with one another than homogeneous groups, but tend to be less creative and flexible


Diverse groups are more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, and tend to perform better than other groups. (Option C)

What exactly is a heterogeneous group?

Heterogeneous grouping is a distribution strategy used in the classroom where varied pupils (such as talented and learning disabled students) are put in different classrooms to apply their skills and abilities more equally throughout their cohort.

How significant is homogeneous grouping?

The ability for everyone to complete the work or exercise at their own pace is the first advantage of homogeneous groups. Gifted students in particular are less likely to do all the work while others scramble to keep up or completely disappear into the background when surrounded by classmates roughly of their own aptitude.

To know more about homogeneous groups, visit:


democracy in industry means fair paticipation by those whow ork in the decisions vitally saffecting their lives


Democracy in industry means fair participation by those who work in the decisions vitally affecting their lives and livelihood.

What foundational values guide industrial democracy?

Industrial democracy has traditionally been described as the exercise of power over choices made within workplaces by employees or their representatives, together with changes to the location and distribution of authority. Equal rights are provided to all citizens regardless of caste, religion, or sex. Democracy improves both the dignity of citizens and the quality of decision-making. Democracy gives us a way to resolve conflicts and disagreements while also enabling us to learn from our mistakes.

To know more about democracy click on the link below:


according to the is-lm model, if congress increases government spending but the fed wants to hold output constant, then the fed should the money supply.


According to the IS-LM model, if congress increases government spending but the fed wants to hold output constant, then the fed should decrease the money supply.

About IS-LM models

The IS-LM model, which stands for "investment-savings" (IS) and "liquidity preference-money supply" (LM) is a Keynesian macroeconomic model that shows how markets for goods (IS) economy interacts with the market for loanable funds. (LM) or money market .

It is represented as a graph where the IS and LM curves intersect to show short-run balance between interest rates and output.

The three critical exogenous variables, namely external, in the IS-LM model are liquidity, investment, and consumption. In theory, liquidity is determined by the size and speed of the money supply. Level of investment and consumption are determined by the marginal decisions of each actor.

The IS-LM chart examines the relationship between output, or gross domestic product (GDP), and interest rates . The whole economy is boiled down to just two markets, output and money; and respectively supply and demand characteristics push the economy toward the equilibrium point

Learn more about IS LM model at


online processing is the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making.


Online analytical processing is the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making.

A technique used in computers to swiftly react to multi-dimensional analytical (MDA) inquiries is called online analytical processing, or OLAP. OLAP is one of the subcategories of the larger area of business intelligence in support of strategic decision making, which also encompasses relational databases, report writing, and data mining. The common OLAP applications can include business reporting for sales, marketing, management reporting, business process management (BPM), budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting, and related fields. Emerging are new applications like agriculture.

A classic database term, online transaction processing, was slightly tweaked to become OLAP (OLTP).

OLAP users can interactively assess multidimensional data from a variety of perspectives. region, etc.

Learn more online analytical processing about at


lost mine offered to buy 1,700 us umbrellas at a price of $13 each. mohave currently has the excess capacity necessary to accept the offer. the following information is related to the production of the us umbrella:


According to the provided statement, accepting the customized order resulted in an added profit of $4,250.

What makes it an umbrella?

The Italian word "ombrella," which derives first from Latin word "umbella," which then derived from "umbra," is where the English word "umbrella" originates from. These Latin words for shadow or shade refer to them.


The computation of incremental profit (or loss) is shown below:-

Variable cost per unit = Direct material + Direct labor + Variable manufacturing overhead

= $5 + $2 + $3.50

= $10.50

Incremental profit per unit = $13 - $10.50

= $2.5

Incremental profit = Incremental profit per unit × US umbrella

= $2.5 × 1,700

= $4,250

To know more about Umbrella  visit:


The complete question is-

Mohave Corp. makes several varieties of beach umbrellas and accessories. It has been approached by a company called Lost Mine Industries about producing a special order for a custom umbrella called the Ultimate Shade (US). The special-order umbrellas with the Lost Mine Company logo would be distributed to participants at an upcoming convention sponsored by Lost Mine. Lost Mine has offered to buy 1,700 of the US umbrellas at a price of $13 each. Mohave currently has the excess capacity necessary to accept the offer. The following information is related to the production of the US umbrella:

Direct materials $5

Direct labor 2.00

Variable manufacturing overhead 3.50

Fixed manufacturing overhead 2.50

Total cost $13.00

Regular sales price $19.00

Compute the incremental profit (or loss) from accepting the special order.

____________________ is defined as products that are held and that will be used, at some point, for manufacturing products, completing products, selling to customers, or performing daily operations.


Inventory is defined as products that are held and that will be used, at some point,  completing products, selling to customers, or performing daily operations.

What is inventory?

Inventory refers to all the items, goods, goods and materials that a business holds for sale in the market to make a profit. example:If a newsagent uses a vehicle to deliver newspapers to customers, only the newspapers are considered inventory. A car is treated as an asset.

What are inventories and their types?

Inventory is the raw material used in the production of goods and the goods available for sale. It is classified as a current asset on the company's balance sheet. The three inventory types include raw materials, work in process, and finished goods.

Learn more about inventory:


quizklet if corporations pay taxes on its income then stockholders will not have to pay on the dividends received from that corporation


If corporations pay taxes on its income, then stockholders will not have to pay on the dividends received from that corporation. This statement is false.

What is dividend?

A corporation's pay out of profits to its shareholders is known as a dividend. A corporation is able to distribute a portion of its profit as a dividend to shareholders when it generates a profit or surplus. Any remaining funds are withdrawn and reinvested back into the company. Dividend payments are frequently made quarterly and might take the form of cash payments or stock reinvestments.

What portion of dividends are tax-free?

If the total amount of dividends given or paid to a shareholder during the financial year exceeds Rs. 5,000, an Indian corporation will deduct tax at a rate of 10% from the dividends distributed to resident shareholders.

To know more about dividend, click here-


credit agencies do not collect any of the following information for credit reports except?
A)tax liens
B)pay raises
C)employment history
D) adjusted gross income


Credit agencies do not collect any of the following information for credit reports except tax liens.

Hence Option A is correct.

Describe a credit agency.

Companies called credit agencies collect data on creditors.They aid in providing a client with a detailed report of the credit options available to them and can decide whether a person is creditworthy.These organizations only keep records of past credit information on people and companies.The maintained historical credit data is used to create credit reports and scores for every American person and company.Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the three major credit reporting bureaus in the United States.Therefore,If customers don't pay their bills on time, businesses notify credit bureaus about them.

Finding out about creditors


pay, benefits, and job security/organizational financial stability are considered very important intrinsic factors that motivate employees.


It is false that pay, benefits, and job security/organizational financial stability are considered very important intrinsic factors that motivate employees because these factors are extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation emerges from within the employee in order to satisfy their desire for self-realization and personal growth. This satisfaction is evidenced when the employee feels happy to do his job.

Which are intrinsic factors for employees?Be recognized as a valuable company resource.Perform interesting and challenging functions with autonomy and a high level of responsibility.Have more training in the areas of competence.Grow professionally in the organization with promotions according to professional profile and experience.

To learn more about intrinsic motivation, click here:


When was the last year that GDP per capita in North Korea was approximately equal to GDP per capita in South​ Korea? A. 2000. B. 1950. C. 1970. D. 1990. E. none of the above


The real GDP per person in North Korea and South Korea was approximately $1,000 in 1950. Since that time span, genuine Gross domestic product per capita in North Korea developed at 1% each year and genuine Gross domestic product per capita in South Korea developed at about 5.

From 1980 to 2009, has the average income per person increased or decreased?

According to the report, India's share of global GDP more than doubled from 2.5% in 1980 to 5.5% in 2010. As a result, India rose from 117 in 1990 to 101 in 2000 and then to 94 in 2009 in terms of per capita GDP.

Why is the GDP per person in North Korea so low?

North Korea entered an economic crisis as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent food shortages brought on by hailstorms in 1994, flooding from 1995 to 1996, and droughts in 1997. Authorizes and exchange limitations have additionally harmed the country's financial possibilities.

To learn more about real GDP here


which of the following is true in the long run, following a deliberate expansion of the money supply? correct answer(s) price returns to its original level. press space to open unemployment returns to its original level. press space to open real gdp returns to its original level. press space to open the stimulating effects of the policy action wear off. press space to open incorrect answer(s)


The sentences you chose as right and wrong remain accurate. An increase in the money supply that results in a drop in interest rates is known as an expansionary monetary policy.

Does my company have to pay for unemployment?

February 5, 2021, update The amount of unemployment benefits that an employer must pay depends on the total of its payroll, his success in keeping employees, and the state-specific rates. In addition, there should be an unemployment insurance tax that all employers must pay and that the Treasury Department (IRS) distributes to the states to assist cover the costs of running unemployment programs.

Really, does unemployment qualify as taxed income?

Unemployment benefits up to $10,200 for person received are only subject to taxation on U.S. returns and likely those of the majority of states.

To know more about unemployment visit :


Will mark brainliest
Question 5 of 10
What is more important than ability in making a good employee?
OA. Integrity
B. Education
O C. Salary
OD. Family history


A. Integrity
Lebron james solos all fr fr no cap

D&F sneakers is a sneaker manufacturing company. Recently they have introduced a wide
range of sneakers made from recycled plastic waste, especially from ocean plastic. For that
purpose, they made a contract of raw material with an organization working on stopping
plastic waste on beaches. They are focused on environment protection, saving ocean wildlife
and building good brand image.
Q1: Which marketing concept/philosophy is used by D&F sneakers? Justify your answer with
valid arguments.
Q2: Write down the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers.


The marketing concept/philosophy that is used by D&F sneakers is  "Societal Marketing Concept".due to the fact that  "People buy with emotions and then rationalize with logic."

What are the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers?

They are:

Gaining profit promotes society.There is no compromising on the items meeting the needs of the clients.People who care about the environment would be drawn to it, which would gradually increase the number of potential customers.The supply chain process would have an effect on society, the environment, and improve human conditions.On a larger scale, consumer behavior would shift from pursuing individual gain to seeking societal benefit.

Therefore, the societal marketing notion has a significant impact in a variety of ways, including:

creating a positive brand image.increasing audience diversity and prospective clienteleBy raising awareness of the harm that plastic causes to the environment around us, the corporation can attract the attention of environmentalists, who could act as brand advocates for the business.Increase sales by making people buy the product and promoting it through the environment for the good of society.

Learn more about "Societal Marketing Concept from

Yes/No field values are stored in an Access database as a --1 for a checked value and a 0 for an unchecked value


True. The field values are stored in an Access database as a --1 for a checked value and a 0 for an unchecked value.

What is a  database ?

A relational database management system is one of four common types of systems you can use to manage your business data.

A database is a collection of data that has been organised to make it simple to manage and update. Data records or files containing information, including as sales transactions, customer information, financial data, and product information, are often aggregated and stored in computer databases.

Among the other three are hierarchical database architectures.

database systems for networks.

database systems that use objects.

To learn more on database from the link:


Jim is looking to purchase Vinney's property. The two parties agree on the terms of the deal and are ready to sign the purchase agreement. When will Jim and Vinney have an executed contract?


Jim is looking to purchase Vinney's property. The two parties agree on the terms of the deal and are ready to sign the purchase agreement. Jim and Vinney have an executed contract when they both are signed.

What is contract execution?

A systematic event known as contract execution occurs when all necessary parties sign the agreement, making it a binding legal document.

Further the contract law provide the two broad categories of  the contract which is considered to have been executed a) whenever all parties have fulfilled their responsibilities in full and b) A contract that has been signed by all parties required to make it legally enforceable is also referred to as being "executed."

Therefore Jim and Vinney when sign the agreement can make the purchase agreement into a real estate executed contract.

To know more about contract execution refer:


can help businesses find customers with common interests and discover previously unknown relationships among the data. group of answer choices data mining databases data warehousing customer acquisition programs


Businesses may use data mining to uncover clients who share their interests and unearth previously hidden links in the data.

Who are these customers, exactly?

An individual or company that purchases products or services from this other company is known as a customer. Customers are essential as they bring in money. Businesses could cease to exist without them.

Why are customers so crucial?

They also make substantial purchase, but they also attract new customers. Your clients function as your sales representatives. In actuality, 56% of consumers said they would tell their relatives and friends about a business that provided great service. By providing outstanding customer service, you can keep clients who are willing to recommend your business.

To know more about Customers visit:


Expansionary monetary policy is used to decrease unemployment and increase real GDP. This policy works in the short run, but is it effective in the long run? Place the following events in order from first to last.The Fed invokes expansionary monetary policy by increasing money supply.The AD curve shifts rightward.Resource prices adjust.SRAS shifts to the left.The economy moves to a new long-run equilibrium.


The order from first to last, of using expansionary monetary policy is used to decrease unemployment and increase real GDP is :

The Fed invokes expansionary monetary policy by increasing the money supplyThe AD curve shifts to the right Resource price adjusts SRAS curve shifts to the leftThe economy moves to a new long-run equilibrium

How does expansionary monetary policy work ?

Expansionary monetary policy will see the government or the central banking system, increasing the amount of money in the economy through various methods such as decreasing the discount rate and open market operations.

Once this happens, people will have more money to spend and so the Aggregate Demand Curve will shift to the right to show that demand has increased. Then the resource price will adjust because there needs to be balance. The short run aggregate supply curve will shift left as supply drops therefore leading to a new long - run equilibrium.

Find out more on expansionary monetary policy at


In the neoclassical version of the AD/AS model, which of the following should you use to represent the AS curve?
A. the AS curve shifting as productivity increases
B. an upward sloping curve with a vertical top
C. a vertical line drawn at the level of potential GDP
D. the AS curve shifting as potential GDP expands


In the neoclassical form of the AD/AS model, the AS curve is represented by a vertical line drawn at the level of potential GDP.

In the AD AS model, what is the equilibrium?

The short-run equilibrium in the AD-AS model can be found by locating the point where AD crosses SRAS. The equilibrium is made up of two parts: the equilibrium price level and the equilibrium output. When aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, projected inventory falls below the targeted level. Producers increase output to restore inventory to the targeted level. Higher output equals more earnings. A rise in output equals a rise in AS, and a rise in revenue equals a rise in AD. The equilibrium quantity of output and the price level will grow if the AD curve shifts to the right. The equilibrium quantity of output and the price level will fall if the AD curve changes to the left.

To know more about AD/AS model visit:


the following four graphs (figure 16.15 a, b, c, and d) display the number of customers in a queuing system (y-axis) over a long period of time (x-axis). which of the following is most likely a stable system?


The lines in the first three systems get bigger and don't seem to get any shorter. The fourth system has a queue that expands and contracts repeatedly, a sign of a stable system.

What does a queuing system serve?

You have simple access to information about the quantity of visitors, queue demand, and wait times because a queue system automatically maintains track of all customers who have signed up. In other words, a queue system aids in the creation of thorough, in-depth retail analytics: how many people are there. the quantity of absentees.

What is a model of a queuing system?

The mathematical description of a queueing system known as a queueing model includes certain assumptions regarding the probabilistic nature of the arrival and service processes,

To know more about queuing system visit:


Consider this scenario: “Your supervisor asks you to prepare a five-slide presentation for a brief executive training session. Company executives have new laptops with PowerPoint 2013 installed and he wants you attend the next training session to discuss PowerPoint document properties and demonstrate how to set them.” What information will you include in your presentation?


Since, the Company Executives have new laptops with PowerPoint 2013 installed , I would demonstrate the properties of PowerPoint 2013 in the presentation.

What is PowerPoint 2013 ?

PowerPoint 2013 is a presentation software that allows you to create dynamic slide presentations. Slideshows can include animation, narration, images, videos, and much more.

The presentation will contain all the features of the PowerPoint and how to use them. The features include Presenter View, Color Picker, Play From and Motion Path End, Threaded comments, Switching accounts / SkyDrive integration.

Therefore, the presentation for the training session will include features about PowerPoint 2013 and how to use them.

To learn more about PowerPoint 2013, click here:


wiese reports net income of $100,000 for the year ended 12/31/21. total assets were $800,000 on 12/31/20 and $900,000 on 12/31/21. the company earned a return on assets of: (round the tenth of percent)


The company earned a return on assets of: (round the tenth of percent) = 11.8%

What do you mean by net income?

The term "net income" refers to a company's net earnings. It is determined by subtracting total expenses from total receipts. The term "total expenditure" can refer to a variety of things, such as taxes, business expenses, interest payments, fees, and depreciation. The calculation of shareholders' earnings per share is aided by net income.The amount by which total expenses exceed total revenues produced by a company's business operations is referred to as net loss. Sales of goods or products, transactions, investments, etc. can all result in income. On a company's income statement, net loss is shown as negative net profit.

Visit to find out more about net income


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