which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Answer 1

Dolphins were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans.

Dolphins are highly intelligent and social animals that are known for their complex communication systems. They use a variety of sounds, including clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls, to communicate with each other and navigate their underwater environment. Researchers have found that dolphins have a vocal range of 7 octaves, which is nearly twice that of humans, who have a vocal range of around 4 octaves. This allows dolphins to produce a wide range of frequencies and communicate with each other over long distances.

In addition, dolphins are able to rapidly change the frequency of their calls, allowing them to convey a wide range of information to other members of their group.

Learn more about Mammals here:



Related Questions

mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Mary and Paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. The neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. This is an example of relational aggression.

When connections or social standing within a group are harmed rather than physically attacked, this is referred to as relational aggression, a sort of hidden or indirect aggression or bullying. Relational violence, which is sometimes referred to as "mean-girl" behaviors, is more prevalent and well-studied among females than boys.

Relational aggression is different from other types of indirect violence in that it can be either hidden or direct. It can be proactive or reactive, and it can also be, for example, romantic or peer-directed. The majority of relational aggression research have focused on kids or teenagers; studying relational hostility in adults involves challenges.

Learn more about Aggression here:



with direct teaching and guidelines on the group process, the fourth-grade students are divided into groups to write a story about an experience of a frightening storm. each student is assigned a part of the narrative to write within their group, after the group agrees on the type of storm they will write about. they later share the group stories with their classmates. the teacher encountered one stubborn student and several challenges with the group progress, but all of the groups completed the task successfully with teacher facilitation. in order to improve future small group activities, what teacher strategy should be used?


Help the students evaluate their group's performance and generate guidelines for future group work.

What are instructional strategies?

Your approach to educating your students is referred to as a teaching strategy. One year a certain method might be successful with your particular set of pupils, but the following year it might not. Having a wide variety of teaching techniques in your toolkit is crucial because of this.

How crucial is teaching strategy?

In the instruction of students, teaching techniques are crucial. Teachers would be haphazardly projecting information that doesn't connect with students or engage them if they didn't have a plan in place. Involving, connecting, and energizing learners in the learning process are all achieved through strategies.

To know more about teacher strategy visit:



representatives of the ___ nation first encountered the french in 1615 when they met french explorer samuel de champlain. later, they would side with the french in the french and indian war.


In 1615, Ohio delegates had their first enc-ounter with the French when they met French explorer Samuel de Champlain. Later they sided with France in the French and Indian Wars.

Native Americans struggled to control the future of their land and culture. France claimed sovereignty over the Upper Ohio Valley. They wanted to trade with the Native Americans and control the area. The British also claimed the valley above the Ohio River. Britain won the French and Indian War. They controlled land claimed by France (see below). France has lost its mainland and possessions to North America. Britain now they claims all land from the east coast of North America to the Mississippi River. The French and Indian War was the scene of the Seven Years' War, in which the British Empire's North American colonies, aided by various Indian tribes, fought each side against the French.

To know more about  French and Indian Wars. visit:



explain the features of direct democracy and representative democracy and describe majoritarianism, elite theory, and pluralism.


Direct Democracy: A system of government in which the people, rather than elected representatives, make direct political decisions. Probably easiest to achieve with a small political community.

Majoritarianism: The political theory that in a democracy the government should do what the majority of the people want Pluralism: The theory that sees politics as a conflict between interest groups. Political decision-making is characterized by compromise and conformity

A democracy is a form of government in which people have the power to debate and pass laws or elect government officials.

Democracy is about making government work for the people, giving citizens a say in government, and giving leaders the ability to remove them from office.

Supporting democracy not only advances core American values ​​such as religious liberty and workers' rights, but it also provides America with a safer, more stable country in which to advance its national interests. , will also help create a more prosperous global stage.

Learn more about democracy  https://brainly.com/question/3710021


when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


Before selecting a Repayment plan, the student must contact their loan servicer.

Before we take a decision to choose any kind of loan repayment plan, one must contact their service providers to ensure that they know every single detail about the plan and then take it. A loan servicer helps us to understand which repayment plan is suitable for us.

The final amount of loan and tenure is given by them.  Every year, borrowers repaying under this plan must resubmit documentation of income and family size to their lender(s). These can get rejected if when enquiring they find that the borrower is not fit to repay.

If the borrower's income changes during the year, then they can apply for a recalculation of the monthly repayment amount.

To know more about the Repayment plan,



What is a period of rapid economic growth called?


A boom is characterized by a time of relative period of rapid economic growth, whereas a boom is characterized by a period of strong economic expansion. These are calculated using the real GDP growth, which has been corrected for inflation.

A firm, market, industry, or economy is said to be in a boom when growth is enhanced or accelerated. A boom can become a bubble and eventually a crash over the course of a medium to long term. In the stock market, booms are frequently regarded as bull markets while crashes are seen as bear markets.

The economy expands, there are many jobs available, and the market offers investors large profits. The economy contracts, people lose their jobs, and investors lose money during the eventual bust.

To learn more about rapid economic growth



Who is a likely voter?


The likelihood of wealthy persons being overrepresented among voters who participate in the election is higher.The likelihood of wealthy persons being overrepresented among voters who participate in the election is higher.

National elections are held every other even-numbered year. Elections for the president, vice president, a third of the Senate, and the full House are conducted every four years (on-year elections). In even-numbered years when there isn't a presidential election, one-third of the Senate and the full House are up for election (off-year elections). One federal statute that has been utilized to attempt and enhance voter turnout is the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Elections are held in the US to choose representatives for the federal, state, and municipal governments. The residents of each state elect the president at the federal level. are held every other even-numbered year.

learn more about voters here:



The pharaohs had a canal built connecting the nile to the red sea, opening up trade routes to arabia.
a) true
b) false


The statement that the pharaohs had a canal built connecting the Nile to the Red Sea, opening up trade routes to Arabia is true. (Option A)

Pharaohs had a canal built, the Suez Canal which connected the Nile to the Red Sea, which in turn opening up trade routes to Arabia. It has been concluded by historians that the Egyptian Pharaoh Senausert III of the Twelfth Dynasty conceived the idea of connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean via Nile and its branches. The canal was built by pharaohs to promote trade and facilitate communication between the East and the West. Today, remnants of that canal can be found in Geneva, a place near the city of Suez.

Learn more about Suez Canal:



An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.a. Trueb. False


True, An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.

A modification may be proposed by way of a -thirds vote of each home of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by means of a convention called for that purpose. The modification has to then be ratified by three-fourths of the country legislatures or 3-fourths of conventions referred to as in every country for ratification.

The adoption of a conference and its ratification by a nation only goes a part of the way in countering corruption. due to this ratification constraint, veto gamers have an effect on worldwide trade agreements. however, the ratification of these treaties has not caused immediate enforcement powers in national regulation.

Learn more rectification here:-https://brainly.com/question/24638264


which of the following bits of evidence fits with the idea that humans have a need to belong? question 30 options: increased mental distress because of social isolation. ignoring social distancing because of an urge to be with people. increased mental distress due to increased interpersonal conflict. all of the above.


A portion of this research supports the notion that people ignore social distance in order to be around others, which is consistent with the need to belong. Here option B is the correct answer.

People require social distance, and since man is a social animals, they need to belong to a group. Social contact is therefore required there. It does not cause any anxiety or mental health issues. On the other hand, it relieves mental stress and offers beneficial social support.

Social distance is the degree to which individuals feel a sense of familiarity or unfamiliarity with those who are members of social, ethnic, occupational, and religious groups that are dissimilar to their own.

The findings demonstrate that people regard messages encouraging social isolation as more persuasive when they make prosocial claims.

To learn more about social distancing



18. which of the following is the most common form of leisure for individuals who are in middle adulthood? a.watching television b.sports and outdoor activities c.board games and crossword puzzles d.video games


Option ( A) Watching Television.   (Around the world, the most unusual place enjoyment hobby in each early and middle maturity (Adulthood) is watching television (Marketing Charts Staff, 2014).

What is common in middle age?

Middle age (Adulthood) or middle age is the stage of life between the ages of 40 and 65. During this period, people experience many physical changes that mark aging. This includes graying and hair loss, wrinkles and blemishes, visual and audible weight loss and weight gain.

What is middle maturity related with?

Middle age (Adulthood) begins around age 40 and ends around age 65. It is characterized by limited life options, a shrinking future with children leaving home, and a more purposeful career path. have their own unique life experiences, so there are big differences in their attitudes and behaviors.

To know more about Middle adulthood maturity visit here:



john turns down an excellent job offer because he would have an office on the 35th floor of the building. his fear of heights is too just too intense for him to function knowing that he is that high off the ground. he knows this is problematic and it really bothers him that he just can't seem to get over his fear. john's fear of heights can be classified as


A severe fear of heights known as acrophobia can be extremely anxious and panicky. Some analysis One of the most prevalent phobias, according to Trusted Source, may be acrophobia.

Acrophobia is characterized by a severe fear of heights that is accompanied by panic and anxiety. Extreme heights might cause this phobia to manifest in some people. Others could be afraid of any height, even a simple stool or stepladder.

Among the physical signs of acrophobia are:

At the sight or concept of high areas, you may have heightened sweating, tightness in your chest, and tachycardia.quivering and trembling when confronted with heights feeling queasy or lightheaded when you view or think about heights

To know more about fear of heights click here,



This line graph shows the spread of railroads in four countries in the 1800s.
Spread of Railways in Selected Countries
Kilometers of Rail Lines

Which country built the most railroad lines during this period?
Great Britain


Answer: I believe the correct answer is C.


tamara has been worried about a crease in her neck that she feels is turning into an ugly roll of flesh. she is so concerned about how this looks that she will only wear turtle neck shirts or sweaters whenever she is out. she checks her neck in the mirror several times a day to see if the crease has gotten any larger. tamara would most likely be diagnosed with:



Body Dysmorphic Disorder.


Tamara might most probably be recognized with Body Dysmorphic Disorder because the primary signs and symptoms of this ailment are:-

Being extraordinarily preoccupied with a perceived flaw in a look that to others can not be visible or seems minor.A sturdy perception that you have a disorder to your appearance that makes you unpleasant or deformed.A perception that others take unique be aware of your look in a poor manner or mock you.

To learn more about Body Dysmorphic Disorder,


roger screams for help as he is being beaten up by a goon on a street. there are about 15 people standing nearby. however, none of the bystanders comes forward to help roger. this scenario representing lack of help illustrates group of answer choices altruism. catharsis. diffusion of responsibility. frustration.


c) Absence of accountability: It is simply illustrated as a diffusion of responsibility due to lack of help. It refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person is not interested in or less likely to do anything to help someone who is in need or seeking help while others are present at the same situation.

Dissemination of obligation happens when individuals who need to go with a choice sit tight for another person to act all things considered. Each person's likelihood of doing nothing increases with the number of people involved, as they believe others in the group will likely respond.

Witnessing racist, sexist, or other inappropriate behavior from one employee toward another and not reporting it because you believe it is not your place to speak up is an example of diffusion of responsibility in the workplace.

To learn more about diffusion of responsibility here



__________ may develop a dissociative disorder if they have experienced severe physical, sexual, or emotional abuse __________. A. Children. . . While in therapy b. Adults. . . During childhood c. Adults. . . While in therapy d. Children. . . Through hypnosis.


Adults may develop a dissociative disorder if they have experienced severe sexual, physical, or emotional abuse during childhood. Thus, B: 'Adults; During childhood' is the correct answer.

Dissociative disorders are referred to as mental disorders that occur because of experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, surroundings, memories,  actions, and identity. Individuals with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are unhealthy and involuntary and cause issues with functioning in everyday life. Adults going through dissociative disorder may feel disconnected from themselves and the world around them.

You can learn more about dissociative disorder at



dr. morse is a psychologist whose current patient wants to become less introverted and more confident. according to what we know about procedural knowledge, what is the first thing dr. morse should do to help his patient?


Declarative self consists of all of your conscious information and thoughts about your own personality qualities. Patterns of conduct that are characteristic for you; the distinctive features of what you do; includes ways of accomplishing things, or processes.

The "me" (epistemological self) is an observable and describable thing. The "I" (ontological self) is a rather enigmatic creature that observes and describes; lives and makes decisions; persons differ in their amount of self-awareness.

Dr. morse  motivate his patient to go to a party and talk to a minimum of 5 people Self-awareness is inversely associated to mental wellness. Mental wellness leads to increased self-awareness. Accurate self-awareness appears to be a sign of mental wellness.

Learn more about to Morse  visit here;



What is the significance of chattel slavery?


Allowed people to be bought and sold

To be considered a family (in sociology), two people must be legally married, and have children.
A) True
B) False



To be considered a family two people must be legally married, and have children. (False)


A family is a group of two or more people who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who live together.

in 1931, anthropologist audrey richards documented the chisungu ritual, performed by the bemba people in zambia. what is this women-only ritual that centers on menstruation and marriage an example of in anthropology?


Anthropologist Audrey Richards observed and recorded the bemba people of Zambia's chisungu rite in 1931. This women-only ritual focused on menstruation and marriage is an illustration of a rite of passage in anthropology.

Our idea of when our ancestors began using drawings to express themselves has been altered by a discovery uncovered by researchers working in Blombos Cave in South Africa's southern Cape region. On a silcrete (stone) flake, they discovered a cross-hatched drawing that dates back 73 000 years. With an ochre crayon, it was created.

According to Kinsey's research, both sexes engage in more premarital sex than was previously thought. The revelation that some women had pre-marital sex drew harsher criticism, but Kinsey's findings revealed that men engaged in more extensive pre-marital conduct. the customs and rituals of local residents' daily religions. Based on their religious beliefs, people organize their lives, make decisions, and attempt to make sense of the universe. both sacred and profane, as well as the practical implications of religious practice.

Learn more about anthropologist visit: brainly.com/question/1799013


How did newspapers contribute to America's declaration of war against Spain in 1898?


Political cartoons and visual adverts depict the Spanish brutality against their people in the newspapers.

A political system is a sort of political structure that may be identified, observed, or declared by a state in political science. It defines the procedure for making government's official decisions. It often includes the governmental legal and financial system, the social and cultural scheme, and other state and government-specific systems. However, this is a highly simplified perspective of a far more complex system of categories addressing the concerns of who ought to have authority and what government's influence on its population and economy should be. Democracies, monarchies, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, as well as hybrid systems, are the major types of political systems.

Learn more about Democracies here



Could anyone help me for the last part pretty pls the cause and effect part at the bottom


Answer:Sir John A.R. Marriott was a renowned British historian born in the year 1859 and died in the year 1945.  For 4 decades he was a professor of modern history at Oxford, the high important university in Europe. He also entered politics, accessing various positions as a member of the Conservative Party. As his contributions to education and politics, he was appointed as Sir in the year 1924.

The lines from the text for the British imperialism in india:

From the text added to the question, its political belonging to the Conservative Party can be seen.

Marriott defended the British position against its different colonies, enhancing the Empire's role as a developer of infrastructure, and

living conditions within its colonies, and putting these characteristics ahead of the right to freedom and the self-determination of peoples.

To know more about British imperialism in India, refer to the link below:



evaluate the extent to which the methods used by rulers to legitimize their authority were similar in the period 1450-1750 ce.


In sociology and political science, authority refers to a person or group's rightful control over others.

To finance state authority and expansion, rulers used the collection of tributes, tax farming, and inventive tax collection methods.Asian land-based empires between 1450 and 1750 made public spectacles to demonstrate their legitimacy. Many of the burgeoning empires were searching for centralized unifying tactics. The empires used a variety of military strategies, including the employment of gunpowder, to spread out and conquer new territory.Religious concepts, artistic creations, and opulent architecture were still used by rulers to justify their reign.

To know more about Authority here



paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal, the role which Paul most likely playing is Deviates.

What is deviate in a group?

A deviate in a group means a person who deviates from a norm, who differs markedly from a group norm. Deviation may be individual, in which a person deviates from the normal behaviour of his group or it may be group deviation, in which the entire group deviates from social norms. The individual deviates from the norms of his sub-culture.

A deviate in a group also means to do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving in a group. For example, the recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year.

Learn more about deviance at: https://brainly.com/question/12882949


globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world


The process of "indigenization" involves bringing Indigenous knowledge systems into the open and making them visible in order to change attitudes, environments, and even hearts.

This entails fusing Indigenous knowledge and methodologies with Western knowledge systems in the context of postsecondary education. All students, instructors, and community members who are involved in or affected by indigenization would benefit from this, not only indigenous pupils. Indigenous knowledge systems are intertwined with a particular community, culture, and lands.

Indigenization does not entail converting anything Western into Indigenous, it is vital to remember this. Indigenous knowledge is not intended to take the place of Western knowledge, and the two are not intended to be combined. Instead, it is possible to think of indigenous education as combining two different knowledge systems in a way that helps learners comprehend and value them both.

Learn more about Knowledge here:



The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the:_______.


The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the: Department of Defense.

The executive branch department of the federal government known as the United States Department of Defense is in charge of organizing and managing all government departments and agencies that are directly involved with national security and the American armed forces.The Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, and Department of the Air Force are the three military departments that make up the Department of Defense (DOD), which was established by the National Security Act of 1947.  

To know more about Defense here



# 9. Many governments today were influenced by the Greek and Roman


The democratic form of government that the ancient Greeks created is still in use today.  In a democracy, voters have the ability to select the representatives they want to represent them.

What do you mean by democracy?

Demokratie, which can be translated as "power of the people," is a form of government that is based on popular will.

The Greek terms "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power," are the roots of the English word democracy.

Republic: "A state where the people and their elected representatives hold ultimate power and where the president is chosen or elected by the people rather than by a monarch."

Democracy is defined as "a system of government by the entire population or all eligible citizens of a state, usually through elected representatives."

The likelihood that a country is democratically managed is higher. Democratically governed countries are also more likely to defend American citizens, maintain human and labor rights, expand free markets, prevent aggression, and encourage economic progress.

Learn more about democracy, here



Research participants believed that the asch conformity test involved a study of?


Research participants believed that the Asch conformity test involved a study of visual Perception.

The capacity to comprehend our environment through the light that enters our eyes is known as visual perception. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which are only viewed visually, have drawn particular attention to the visual perception of colors, patterns, and structures. It speaks to the brain's capacity to infer meaning from data gathered by the eyes. The ability to see is vital for moving, writing, and reading. Without it, kids could find everyday activities like doing their homework, doing puzzles, or getting dressed to be quite stressful.

According to recent studies, mental imagery, or what we see in our mind's eyes, has a direct impact on how we perceive the world around us. Letting your imagination take over could alter how you perceive the world.

Learn more about Visual Perception here: https://brainly.com/question/14956318


did you ever receive any type of military, paramilitary (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military), or weapons training?


By did you ever receive any type of military, paramilitary , or weapons training. They mean did people ever train you to be a soldier to do the same thing as a soldier or to use weapons.

The answer for the given question is no.

never received any type of military paramilitary or weapons training.

To know more about military training, click on the link below:



33. mroczek (2001) asked more than 2,700 americans ages 25 to 74 about their emotional status during the past 30 days. mroczek found that positive emotions . a. increased sharply during late adulthood b. increased slightly during late adulthood c. decreased slightly during late adulthood d. decreased sharply during late adulthood


Positive feelings substantially increased in late adulthood, according to Mroczek.

How old must a person be to be considered an adult?

Adulthood is typically assumed to start around age 20 or 21. Old age begins at 60 years after middle age, which starts around 40. Following that is a brief discussion on adult development. Visit adult development and human behavior for further information.

What takes place throughout the adult phase?

An individual acquires physical maturity during the early adult stage (by the age of 28). This is referred to as maturation. By this stage, adults had reached their physical peak and are at full height and weight. Strength and endurance start to gradually wane as the adult approaches the end of the this life cycle.

To know more about adulthood visit:



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