Methods of Heat Transfer
Identify the following examples of heat transfer as conduction, convection, or radiation.
1. Touching a metal spoon that is sitting in a pot of boiling water.
Will mark brainliest

Methods Of Heat TransferIdentify The Following Examples Of Heat Transfer As Conduction, Convection, Or


Answer 1




touching a metal spoon ....................water.

Related Questions

Pls someone help rn!! Pls pls



A. Mass = 61kg, weight on moon = 97.8N


To calculate the weight (force) from Mass of a body, the following formula is used:

W = mg


W = weight (Newtons)

m = mass (kg)

g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s²)

According to this question, a scale shows that I weigh 600N on Earth, the mass on Earth can be calculated thus:

Using W = mg

m = W/g

m = 600/9.8

m = 61.2

m = 61kg

However, this mass on Earth will weigh differently on the Moon because gravity in the moon is 1.6 N/kg. The weight of the 61kg on the Moon is:

W(moon) = mass × gravity

W = 61 × 1.6

W = 97.6 N

Therefore, Mass = 61kg, weight on moon = 97.8N

2 CH3OH + 3 02 2 CO2 + 4H2O
What is the mass of oxygen (O2) that is required to produce 579 g of carbon dioxide (CO2)?
. Your answer should have three significant figures.



632 g


2CH₃OH + 3O₂ → 2CO₂ + 4H₂O

First we convert 579 g of CO₂ into moles, using its molar mass:

579 g CO₂ ÷ 44 g/mol = 13.16 mol CO₂

Then we convert CO₂ moles into O₂ moles, using the stoichiometric coefficients:

13.16 mol CO₂ * [tex]\frac{3molO_2}{2molCO_2}[/tex] = 19.74 mol O₂

Finally we convert O₂ moles into grams, using its molar mass:

19.74 mol O₂ * 32 g/mol = 632 g

Suppose you want to make an acetic acid/acetate buffer to a pH of 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00 M acetic acid solution. How many milliliters of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution would you need to add? The pKa for acetate buffer is 4.75.




Molarity of NaOAc needed

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation calculate base molarity needed given [HOAc] = 1.00M and pKa(NaOAc) = 4.75 and [HOAc] = 1.00m.

pH = pKa + log [NaOAc]/[HOAc]

5.00 = 4.75 + log[NaOAc]/[1.00M]

5.00 - 4.75 = log [NaOAc] - log[1.00M]

log [NaOAc] = 0.25 => [NaOAc] = 10⁰·²⁵ M = 1.78

Given 10ml of HOAc, how much (ml) 1.78M NaOAc to obtain a buffer pH of 5.00.

Determine Volume of Base Needed

(M·V)acid = (M·V)base => V(base) = (M·V)acid / (M)base

Vol (NaOAc) needed = (1.00M)(0.010L)/(1.78M) = 0.0056 liter = 5.6 ml.

Checking Results:

5.00 = 4.75 + log [1.78M]/[1.00M] = 4.75 + 0.25 = 5.00    QED.

The volume of 1.00 M sodium acetate solution needed to prepare an acetic/acetate buffer of pH 5.00 using 10.0 mL of 1.00M acetic acid solution is 17.8 mL.

We can find the volume of the acetate solution with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

[tex]pH = pka + log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]})[/tex]   (1)  


[CH₃COOH] = 1.00 M                      

[CH₃COONa] =?

pH = 5.00

pKa = 4.75

From equation (1), we have:

[tex] log(\frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]}) = pH - pKa [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{pH - pKa} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]}{[CH_{3}COOH]} = 10^{5.00 - 4.75} = 1.78 [/tex]

Now, the volume of the acetate solution is:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}/Vt}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}/Vt} = 1.78[/tex]  

Since the total volume is the same, we have:

[tex]\frac{n_{CH_{3}COONa}}{n_{CH_{3}COOH}} = 1.78[/tex]  

[tex] \frac{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}*V_{b}}{[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va} = 1.78 [/tex]  

Solving for Vb

[tex] Vb = \frac{1.78*[CH_{3}COOH]_{i}*Va}{[CH_{3}COONa]_{i}} = \frac{1.78*1.00M*10.0mL}{1.00 M} = 17.8 mL [/tex]

Therefore, we need to add 17.8 mL of sodium acetate solution.

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I hope it helps you!  

why blood is separated into different parts​



Blood fractionation is the process of fractionating whole blood, or separating it into its component parts. This is typically done by centrifuging the blood. The resulting components are: a clear solution of blood plasma in the upper phase (which can be separated into its own fractions, see Blood plasma fractionation),

Answer: Centrifugal force is used to separate the components of blood – red blood cells, platelets and plasma – from each other. ... The red blood cells precipitate to the bottom of the bag, with the platelets above them, then the white blood cells and the plasma at the very top. Also because Each part of the blood has a different function. Separating the blood into parts lets patients get only the specific part or parts of the blood that they need. So a whole blood donation can be used for several patients.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/nigh❤️✨t


Which type of rock does Florian predict these pieces will change into when subjected to heat and pressure?



The Florian predict the metamorphic rocks because it changes when subjected to heat and pressure.


i hope this helps

A chemist needs to know the mass of a sample of to significant digits. He puts the sample on a digital scale. This is what the scale shows:
If this measurement is precise enough for the chemist, round it to significant digits.
Otherwise, press the "No solution" button.


76.3 g aka 76 g
In type of scientific measurement, the precision of the measurement is expressed in the significant digits of that measurement. It also used to express measurement to the required degree of accuracy.
Significant digits include every digit except the leading zero(s).
And if the number after the required significant digits is not up to 5, it is rounded down and the required significant digits is written as is. If the number after the required significant digits is at least 5, it is rounded up, and the last number on the significant digits requirement is increased by a factor of 1.

We obviously cannot wait for million years to determine the half-life of technetium, or even years to determine the half-life of plutonium. The half-life of a substance is determined using a Geiger counter, which is essentially a tube filled with an inert gas. When a particle decays and produces radiation, it briefly ionizes the gas and produces a detectable electric pulse, which is amplified and counted by a detector (before digital displays were available, you would hear clicks and see a needle register on a dial). Determine the formula for the half-life of a substance with an initial count of pulses and a count of pulses minutes later.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

We obviously cannot wait for 4 million years to determine the half-life of technetium, or even 87.7 years to determine the half-life of plutonium. The half-life of a substance is determined using a Geiger counter, which is essentially a tube filled with an inert gas. When a particle decays and produces radiation, it briefly ionizes the gas and produces a detectable electric pulse, which is amplified and counted by a detector (before digital displays were available, you would hear clicks and see a needle register on a dial). Determine the formula for the half-life of a substance with an initial count of No pulses and a count of N1 pulses M minutes later.


M1/2 = 0.693/k


Given that the initial count rate is No pulses

The count rate after M minutes is N1

Then from;

A = Aoe^-kt

A= N1


I can now write;

N1 = Noe^-kM

The half life is the time taken for the activity of the radioactive nuclide to reach half its initial value. Hence;

N1/No =e^-kM = 1/2

Taking natural logarithm of both sides as shown below;

-kM1/2 = ln(1/2)

M1/2 = -  (ln(1/2)/k)

M1/2 = 0.693/k

Balance the chemical equation
C2H6+O2 = CO2 +H2O



The percent composition by mass of nitrogen in NH OH (gram-formula mass = 35 grams/mole) is equal to



the percentage composition of mass of nitrogen in NH OH is 42.86 %

Help help help !!!!!!



3. 116.5 V

4. 119.6 V


3. Determination of the voltage.

Resistance (R) = 25 Ω

Current (I) = 4.66 A

Voltage (V) =?

V = IR

V = 4.66 × 25

V = 116.5 V

Thus, the voltage is 116.5 V

4. Determination of the voltage.

Current (I) = 9.80 A

Resistance (R) = 12.2 Ω

Voltage (V) =?

V = IR

V = 9.80 × 12.2

V = 119.6 V

Thus, the voltage is 119.6 V

1. At an environmental testing lab, a lab technician calculated the known concentration of the calibrating solution three times too high. How will this affect the results of the samples run using this calibration solution



The deviation in the results will be too large when compared with the actual result


The effect this will have on the results of the samples run using this Calibration solution is that the deviation in the results will be too large when compared with the actual result that was supposed to be obtained. and this will also lead to wrong analysis by the technician .

This will cause a result that is very different from the actual result, which will lead to errors in the analysis.

We can arrive at this answer because:

A laboratory test must be done accurately and all calibrations must follow the test protocol.Changing the calibration will cause inaccurate and incorrect results, which differ from the actual result.This will promote an analysis that is unreal, false, and far from true, which will leave the entire test inaccurate.

As we can see from the question above, the lab technician used a much higher calibration than what was recommended in the lab. This will lead to inaccurate and incorrect results.

More information:

The particle on a ring is a useful model for the motion of electrons around the porphine ring, the conjugated macrocycle that forms the structural basis of the heme group and the chlorophylls. We may treat the group as a circular ring of radius 440 pm, with 22 electrons in the conjugation system moving along the perimeter of the ring. In the ground state of the molecules each state is occupied by two electrons.
A) Calculate the energy and angular momentum of an electron in the highest occupied level.
B) Calculate the frequency of radiation that can induce a transition between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied levels.




The formula for determining the energy of state [tex]m_l[/tex] can be computed by using the formula:

[tex]Em_i = \dfrac{m_1^2h^2}{2I}[/tex]

Also, the momentum is:

[tex]l_2 = m_i h[/tex]

There are 22 electrons with two electrons in each of the lowest II energy levels so that the highest occupied states are [tex]m_1 = \pm 5[/tex]

The moment of inertia of an electron on a ring of radius 440 ppm is:

[tex]I = mR^2 \\ \\ = 9.109 \times 10^{31} \ kg (440 \times 10^{-12}) ^2 \\ \\ = 1.76 \times 10^{-49} \ kgm^2[/tex]

[tex]E_{\pm 5 } = \dfrac{25h^2}{2I} \\ \\ = \mathbf{7.89 \times 10^{-19} \ J}[/tex]

The angular  momentum is:

[tex]l_2 = \pm 5h \\ \\ = \pm 5 \tiems ( 1.05457 \times 10^{-34} \ Js)[/tex]

[tex]= \mathbf{5.275 \times 10^{-34} \ Js}[/tex]

B) Let's recall that:

The lowest occupied energy level is [tex]m_1 = \pm 6[/tex] which implies that the energy  [tex]E_{\pm 6}= 1.14 \times 10^{-18} \ J[/tex]


[tex]\Delta E = E_{\pm 6} - E_{\pm 5} \\ \\ = 1.14 \times 10^{-18 \ J} - 0.79 \times 10^{-18} \ J \\ \\ = 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J \\ \\ 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J = hv \\ \\ 0.35 \times 10^{-18} \ J = h \dfrac{c}{\lambda}[/tex]

Hence, the radiation which would induce a transition that relates to the wavelength of about 570nm, a wavelength of visible light.

Answer all the following questions by putting a circle around a letter A.B.C or D
1. Air contains about
A. 3% carbon (IV) oxide.
B. 4%noble gases.
C. 21%oxygen
D. 69% nitrogen​



C. 21%oxygen


Dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95%oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases.

what does the word interact




Work with



The answer would be work with.


Because, if we know what the word interact means then we can look for a word similar to interact. hope this makes sense <3.

If you began a reaction with the following ions in solution, what would be the net ionic equation?
Na+, PO43–, Fe2+, and NO3–



2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂


Let's consider the complete ionic equation between the ions present. It includes all the ions and the insoluble compounds (Fe₃(PO₄)₂ is insoluble).

Na⁺(aq) + 2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂ + Na⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq)

The net ionic equation includes only the ions that participate in the reaction (not spectator ions) and the insoluble compounds.

2 PO₄³⁻(aq) + 3 Fe²⁺(aq) ⇒ Fe₃(PO₄)₂

What is the molar mass of V(CO3)2?


Pretty sure 60.009 g/mol
60.009 g/mol :)

Just like the other person said ^, hope its right

Which statement below best describes a volatile liquid?

Question 17 options:

1.A liquid that doesn't evaporate under atmospheric pressure

2.A liquid that evaporates slowly at low temperatures

3.A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures

4.A liquid that requires a large amount of energy to evaporate



A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures



A liquid that evaporates rapidly at low temperatures.


A volatile liquid such as gasoline evaporates easily. Its chemicals aren't held together as strongly, and room temperature is often enough to break intermolecular bonds and evaporate them. 


Sulfur dioxide and oxygen react to form sulfur trioxide during one of the key steps in sulfuric acid synthesis. An industrial chemist studying this reaction fills a flask with of sulfur dioxide gas and of oxygen gas, and when the mixture has come to equilibrium measures the partial pressure of sulfur trioxide gas to be . Calculate the pressure equilibrium constant for the reaction of sulfur dioxide and oxygen at the final temperature of the mixture. Round your answer to significant digits.



The answer is "[tex]\bold{4.97 \times 10^{-2}}[/tex]"


Please find the complete question in the attached file.


[tex]2SO_2+O_2 \leftrightharpoons 2SO_3[/tex]

at [tex]t=0 3.3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.79[/tex]

at equilibrium [tex]3.3-p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.79 - \frac{P}{2} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ P[/tex]

[tex]p= 0.47 \ \ atm\\\\SO_2=3.3-0.47 = 2.83 \ \ atm\\\\O_2= 0.74 -\frac{0.47}{2}=0.74-0.235=0.555 \ atm\\\\K_P=\frac{[PSO_3]^2}{[PSO_2]^2[PO_2]}\\\\[/tex]

     [tex]=\frac{0.47^2}{2.83^2\times 0.555}\\\\=4.97 \times 10^{-2}[/tex]

How many molecules are in 450.0 grams of aluminum fluoride(AIF3)?



It would be exactly 5.3586262014272155. But if you were to round it up it would be 5.35.

Here is the answer:)

Hydrofluoric acid and Water react to form fluoride anion and hydronium cation, like this HF(aq) + H_2O(l) rightarrow F(aq) + H_3O^+ (aq) At a certain temperature, a chemist finds that a 5.6 L reaction vessel containing an aqueous solution of hydrofluoric acid, water, fluoride anion, and hydronium cation at equilibrium has the following composition: Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant K_C for this reaction. Round your answer to 2 significant digits. K_C =



Kc = 1.09x10⁻⁴


HF = 1.62g

H₂O = 516g

F⁻ = 0.163g

H₃O⁺ = 0.110g

To solve this question we need to find the moles of each reactant in order to solve the molar concentration of each reactan and replacing in the Kc expression. For the reaction, the Kc is:

Kc = [H₃O⁺] [F⁻] / [HF]

Because Kc is defined as the ratio between concentrations of products over reactants powered to its reaction coefficient. Pure liquids as water are not taken into account in Kc expression:

[H₃O⁺] = 0.110g * (1mol /19.01g) = 0.00579moles / 5.6L = 1.03x10⁻³M

[F⁻] = 0.163g * (1mol /19.0g) = 0.00858moles / 5.6L = 1.53x10⁻³M

[HF] = 1.62g * (1mol /20g) = 0.081moles / 5.6L = 0.0145M

Kc = [1.03x10⁻³M] [1.53x10⁻³M] / [0.0145M]

Kc = 1.09x10⁻⁴

I have a balloon that can hold 100. liters
of air. If I blow up this balloon with 3.0
moles of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1.0
atmosphere, what is the temperature of
the balloon?



T = 4.062V


from PV = nRT => T = PV/RT

P = 1 atm

V = Final Volume

n = 3 moles

R = 0.08206 L·atm/mol·K

T = ?

T = 1 atm · V(Liters)/(3 moles)(0.08206L·atm/mol·K) = 4.062·V(final) Kelvin

The temperature of the balloon is 406 K

We'll begin by listing out what was given from the question. This is shown below:

Volume (V) = 100 L

Mole of oxygen (n) = 3 moles

Pressure (P) = 1 atm

Temperature (T) =?

We can obtain the temperature of the balloon by using the ideal gas equation as shown below:


P is the pressure.

V is the volume.

n is the number of mole

R is the gas constant (0.0821 atm.L/Kmol)

T is the temperature.

Applying the ideal gas equation, we have:

PV = nRT

1 × 100 = 3 × 0.0821 × T

100 = 0.2463 × T

Divide both side by 0.2463

T = 100 / 0.2463

T = 406 K

Therefore, the temperature of the balloon is 406 K

Learn more:

Convert 5.7 kcal to its value in calories.





molar mass of Mg(CO3)



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 84.313 \ g/mol}}[/tex]


The molar mass is the mass per mole of an element or substance. The values for atomic mass on the Periodic Table are used as the molar mass. Look up the molar masses for the elements in the formula.

Mg: 24.305 g/molC: 12.011 g/molO: 15.999 g/mol

Analyze the formula. Magnesium and carbon have no subscript, so there is only one atom of each. Oxygen has a subscript of 3, so there are 3 atoms and the mass has to be multiplied by 3.

MgCO₃= 24.305 + 12.011+ 3(15.999) MgCO₃= 24.305+12.011+47.997=84.313 g/mol

The molar mass of magnesium carbonate is 84.313 grams per mole.

In a single replacement reaction, the chloride ion in NaCl can be replaced

a. potassium
b. carbon



c. fluorine


A single replacement reaction is defined as the chemical reaction in which a strong molecule replaces the weak molecule from a compound.

In a single replacement reaction, the chloride ion in NaCl can be replaced     by fluorine and gives Sodium fluoride as fluorine (F) is stronger than chlorine (Cl) and from other given molecules also. So the single replacement reaction between NaCl and F will be:

NaCl + F2 => NaF + Cl2

Hence, the correct answer is "c. fluorine".

Laura can use a toy car to demonstrate the force of gravity by doing which of these?
Letting the toy car roll down a ramp
Placing the toy car on the floor
Lifting the toy car onto a shelf
Pushing the toy car across a table



letting the car fall down the ramp i got that right.


How do the causes of surface and deep water currents differ?
A. Surface currents are caused by wind deep water currents are caused by difference in water density
B. Surface currents are caused by the Coriolis effect deep water currents are caused by differences in water density
C. Surface currents are caused by differences in water salinity deep water currents are caused by differences in water temperature
D. Surface currents are caused by differences in water density deep water currents are caused by wind



The answer is A. Surface currents are caused by wind deep water currents are caused by difference in water density.

what energy is walking?
A. light energy
B. sound energy
C. Thermal energy
D. Mechanical energy
E. electrical energy





Mechanical Energy - is moving energy. It is the form that we most see around us. All moving objects produce mechanical energy. The movements within machines is also mechanical energy.
Examples: People, a rolling bicycle, moving gears, and running cars.

What is the mass of 0.063x10^-4 moles of aluminum sulphate ?



The mass of 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of aluminum sulphate  is 2.15*10⁻³ grams.


Aluminum sulfate Al₂(SO₄)₃ has a molar mass of 342.15 g/mol.

Molar mass is the amount of mass that a substance contains in one mole of a substance, which can be an element or a compound.

So in this case you can apply the following rule of three: if 342.15 grams are present in 1 mole of aluminum sulfate, how much mass is present in 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of the compound?

[tex]mass of aluminum sulphate=\frac{0.063*10^{-4}moles*342.15 grams }{1 mole}[/tex]

mass of aluminum sulphate= 2.15*10⁻³ grams

The mass of 0.063*10⁻⁴ moles of aluminum sulphate  is 2.15*10⁻³ grams.

I guess this is free:)))): ((((



tysm!!!! :D <<<33333


The smallest arteries in your body are called _____. arterioles capillaries veins bronchioles


Answer: arterioles


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