6. What type of bones are vertebrae?
1 point


Answer 1


Explanation:hope this helps

Related Questions

Do you feel like the most different people work better together, or people who met right off and agreed on everything? Would jealously occur? Which would cause more problems?




better together

i feel working with different people can benefit you in some ways but at the same time sometimes there can be some difficulties due to some people having to get used to working with others

Which of the following are the primary skills required by an administrative worker? Select all that apply.

- lab analysis
-basic keyboarding
-database management


All the above... lab, keyboarding management


basic keyboarding and medical coding

database management

these 2 are your only 2 correct answers


The skin helps to keep pathogens out of the body by
O providing a physical barrier.
O producing white blood cells.
O making T-cells and antibodies.
O absorbing histamine.


I think A would be the correct answer. Your skin does not produce white blood cells, your body produces white blood cells and releases them into your blood system. Your skin does not also make T cells or antibodies. This all happens internally and they stay internal. Your body can absorb things like histamine, however I’m not sure how this would help to keep pathogens out of the body.

Describe a time you had to make a decision that was important to you. Write about what you needed to decide, the steps you followed to make your decision, and what the results were.



Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. ...

Step 2: Gather relevant information. ...

Step 3: Identify the alternatives. ...

Step 4: Weigh the evidence. ...

Step 5: Choose among alternatives. ...

Step 6: Take action. ...

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.


What benefits might result if society showed more tolerance and respect for people with different gender identities and sexual orientations?



If people genuinely respected the people of the LGBTQ+ (i am pansexual) , and would not discriminate based on gender nor orientation, then people would be open for newer possibilities, open relationships, and maybe even be moving towards the fight of racism.


If people genuinely respected the people of the LGBTQ+ (i am pansexual), and would not discriminate based on gender or orientation, then people would be open to newer possibilities, open relationships, and maybe even be moving towards the fight against racism.

Sexual orientation is about who you’re attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually. It’s different than gender identity. Gender identity isn’t about who you’re attracted to, but about who you ARE — male, female, genderqueer, etc.This means that being transgender (feeling like your assigned sex is very different from the gender you identify with) isn’t the same thing as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Sexual orientation is about who you want to be with. Gender identity is about who you are.

Learn more about gender identities and sexual orientations



What is an issue that you want to work toward fixing for future generations?


Accepting who others are! Because this would help with making friends and getting rid of bully’s. Like I think we should try to accept everyone for who they are only if it’s something like they hurt someone or more

Which of the following terms relate to hair color or hair loss? Choose all that apply.

sudoriferous glands
telogen effluvium




sudoriferous glands

telogen effluvium


Es un sistema mixto, creado por Sven A. Sölveborn, que combina el estiramiento pasivo y el estiramiento isométrico para lograr el máximo de flexibilidad estática



El sistema se denomina facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva (FNP).


La facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva (FNP) se utiliza para ganar flexibilidad y en rehabilitación. Consiste en estimular los propioceptores presentes en los músculos, tendones y articulaciones para ganar flexibilidad. Podemos ver que integra al sistema muscular y al sistema nervioso para su fin, haciéndolo un sistema mixto. La FNP consiste en estirar el músculo de forma pasiva por unos 10 o 15 segundos, luego hay que contraer isométricamente por 10 o 15 segundos. El siguiente paso es relajar el músculo por 2 segundos  y por último realizar un nuevo estiramiento pasivo de unos 15 segundos nuevamente.

1. What is the correct definition of digestion?
The process by which food is prepare before consumption.
The process by which the body gets rid of waste materials
O The process by which the body breaks down food for absorption by the body.
The process by which the body delivers nutrients to the body



The process by which the body breaks down food for absorption by the body.


Can someone help me to identify each statement as -True-, -False- or -It Depends-.

-1. Alcohol is a stimulant, meaning it excites or arouses the central nervous system.
-2. People who have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher and are considered "legally impaired".
-3. Pregnant women should only consume moderate amounts of alcohol.
-4. People who have consumed alcohol often feel very relaxed and happy, and are therefore less likely to show aggression.
-5. Each year alcohol use contributes to over 4,300 deaths of people under age 21 in the United States.
-6. Alcohol poisoning can cause permanent damage.
-7. Children of alcoholics are less likely to develop a problem with alcohol when they are adults.
-8. High School and College students tend to overestimate their peers' frequency of and comfort with alcohol use.
-9. Unintentionally encouraging an addict's unhealthy behaviors is not enabling.
-10. Medications can help alcoholics stop drinking.

Those statements should be identify as -True-, -False-, or -It depends-



1.) true

2.) true

3.) false

4.) it depends

5.) true

6.) true

7.) it depends

8.) true

9.) false

10.) it depends


Hope I helped! Maybe i could get brainliest im new so it'd help a lot

no pressure though

What are the probable risk present in your community?How do you tackle with such risks​


There could be many risk dwelling in communities, from ( trash standstill, Water sitting, Broken sidewalks, potholes) etc... Contact your district community leaders, and discuss the issue, Press for conditions to change.

Body composition describes the proportion of body fat to lean mass ( muscle bone and water) in a person body


Answer: This is a more accurate way to measure than just weighing, as muscle mass weighs more than fat.


What is the difference between measuring body composition versus weight? which is a more accurate indication of overall health? 2 sentences please..


Answer: Body composition.

Explanation: Measuring weight is inaccurate because muscle mass weighs more than fat, meaning that if someone who is ripped and has dense muscle mass, they will be categorised as overweight, because of that. Body composition however, takes into account fat to body ration, and will be much more accurate.

The heart is a muscular organ that acts as a ____________ pump.





The heart is an organ that continuously pumps blood throughout the body, making it a "blood pump." That is the heart's main function. Hope this helps!

HELP!!! A college student who drinks heavily is at increased risk of:


all of the above, normally when a question has that as an answer, thats the correct one.

investigates the body's structure, whereas investigates the processes or functions of living things​


Answer:physical,cytology does are correct ones


Which of the following is a good plan for college application?

Visit campuses before applying.
Research career choices and narrow college options to a few choices.
Research, apply to your favorite school, and wait to be accepted or rejected.
Which of the following is a good plan for college application?



Research career choices and narrow college options to a few choices.


Answer: B. Research career choices and narrow college options.


i got it correct.    

which of the following is not a commonly drugs of abuse used in the philippines

a. cocaine
b. inhalants
c. marijuana


Answer: A cocaine

Explanation: hope this helps and plz mark brainlist


just search it up lol

Age-related vision changes.

(Principles of Health Science - eye and ear exam)





Presbyopia is age related vision changes.

This blood vessels brings blood toward the heart






How do I get it exclamation

*Psychology*pls help!
What is assimilation? Discuss the importance of social assimilation. Discuss immigration and some key challenges that an immigrant might face. What could be some benchmarks through which you can measure immigrant assimilation? What are some challenges that partners in an intercultural marriage may face? What can they do to avoid conflicts and resolve an argument or a disagreement?



Assimilation describes the process by which a minority integrates socially, culturally, and/or politically into a larger, dominant culture and society. The term assimilation is often used in reference to immigrants and ethnic groups settling in a new land. Immigrants acquire new customs and attitudes through contact and communication with a new society, while they also introduce some of their own cultural traits to that society.

Assimilation usually involves a gradual change of varying degree. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from native members.

personal question just wondering. give a good response.

I would like to go back in time and change_______ because _____________.


me being born because LOL
I would like to go back in time and change my Father passing away because he did not deserve it, he had more of a life to live. I wish I could tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him.

Which statement best describes the relationship between genes and disease?
A. There is never a relationship between genes and disease.

B. Only missing genes lead to disease.

C. Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

D. All diseases are caused by mutated genes,





Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

The correct statement is C. Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

What is the relationship between genes and disease?

The relationship between genes and disease is complex and multi-faceted. Some diseases are caused solely by genetic factors, meaning that they are caused by mutations or changes in specific genes. These mutations can be inherited from parents or occur spontaneously in the individual. Examples of diseases caused by genetic factors include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Huntington's disease.

However, many diseases are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. For example, certain gene variations can increase a person's risk for developing a certain disease, but the disease may only occur if the person is exposed to specific environmental factors, such as toxins or viruses.

Lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity, can also play a role in the development of many diseases. In some cases, the interaction between genetic and environmental factors can result in complex diseases, such as cancer, that are difficult to understand and treat.

Learn more about genes, here:



For Canvas to work successfully, which web browses below will work best? Check all that apply.



Chrome I've had trouble with Edge hope this helps,

I'm a regular user of Edge and I can't open a lot of links

Chrome works best for canvas

Which of the following statements regarding obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is not correct?
A. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are often preoccupied with strictly following rules.
B. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder generally have an inability to express warm emotions.
C. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may believe they are socially awkward.
D. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may be excessively concerned with perfection.



C. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may believe they are socially awkward.


edge 2021 psychology

The statement with respect to the personality disorder i.e. obsessive & compulsive should not be correct is option c. where it is socially awkward.

What is a personality disorder i.e. obsessive & compulsive ?

It should be attributed via the pervasive preoccupation that consist of the orderliness, perfectionism, and control also it does not contain any kind of the flexibility room that represent the task completion.

hence, we can conclude that The statement regarding the personality disorder i.e. obsessive & compulsive should not be correct is option c. where it is socially awkard.

Learn more about obsessive-compulsive  here: https://brainly.com/question/14104064?referrer=searchResults

Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness.



We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same. Conversely, if your peers have poor wellness, then you may also suffer.


What is this on my arm? I’m concerned



That's kinda the same thing I get sometimes. It's a simple rash unless you have eczema. It is also just dried skin.


Don't worry about it, don't scratch it, just put cocoa butter on it. You will be fine :D

what is climate change​



climat change is a long term change in the average weather pattern that have come to define Earth's local,regional zand gobal climate.

Explain the French Paradox.



The French paradox is the observation of low coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates despite high intake of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. The French paradox concept was formulated by French epidemiologists3 in the 1980s. France is actually a country with low CHD incidence and mortality (table 1​).


If you have a swim meet the next day at 8:00 am, you should do what the day before?


-get a good nights rest

-drink water

-eat food that gives you energy

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