me have asserted that the Civil War was more about state’s rights than slavery. How do the sources we have read contradict this claim? Use evidence from the resources provided to support your claim/s.


Answer 1


Response 1

Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana purchase. What now? After President jefferson

made the Louisiana Purchase, the U.S Congress " divides the Louisiana Purchase

into the Territory of Orleans and the district of Louisisana," as states Source 1. But

becoming a state is not easy. Louisiana must overcome many hardships before

becoming a state.

The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the border dispution in between

Spanish Texas. Spain and the United States both border an area in between texas

and Louisiana. Tensions run high until they agree that the land will be neutral;

belonging to neither one of them. As states passage 1,"U.S and Spanish officers

agree that the disputed area between the Territory of Orleans and Spanish Texas is a

neutral ground and neither group would control it." This was the first hardship that

Louisiana overcame.

The last difficulty that Louisiana faced was Congress aproval to become a state.

This was important because with out Congressional approval, Louisianians would not

have the same rights and protection as citizens in the states. After petitions from the

inhabitants of Louisiana, Congress approves Louisiana Statehood. "Congress

approves the Statehood petition from the Territory of Orleans. This was a great

success for he Territory of Orleans and ended their quest for statehood.

In conclusion, Louisiana statehood was a proccess and a struggle that was

overcome. Although it faced Congressional dispute and high tensions from Spanish

Texas, Louisiana was a state in the end.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It accurately identifies two different challenges faced

by Louisiana as it became a state: “The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the

border dispution in between Spanish Texas” and “The last difficulty that Louisiana faced

was Congress aproval to become a state.” The response provides complete and correct

explanations of why each challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be

admitted to the Union as a state.


Grade 8 Social Studies Practice Test

Answer Key

Response 2

As Louisiana became a state, it had to face numerous challenges in order to be

admitted to the Union as a state. Initially, Louisiana had to overcome the opposition of

Congress and people in the House of Representatives. Numerous debates over

Louisiana Statehood arose over accepting Louisiana as a state. They worried that the

United States would become too large, and weaken the power of the original states.

Fearing that by accepting too many states, there would be no limit to the boundaries

of the United States, many people opposed the acceptance of Louisiana. This

opposition had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to become a state, as Congress,

the House of Representatives, and the Senate all had to approve of Louisiana's

statehood petition for it to become a state. Finally, Congress approved Louisiana's

statehood petition in 1811. In addition, Louisiana still had another challenge to face.

Even though its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a

state constitution to become an official state. Each state in the United State needed

its own state constitution. Therefore, Louisama delegates wrote a state constitution

and sent it to Congress to be approved. Finally, in 1812, Congress and President

Madision approved Lousiana's constitution and Lousiana officially became a state.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It fully and accurately identifies two different

challenges faced by Louisiana as it became a state: “Louisiana had to overcome the

opposition of Congress and people in the House of Representatives” and “Even though

its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a state constitution to

become an official state.” The response includes accurate explanations of why each

challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be admitted to the Union as a



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B) Thomas Jefferson

C) George Washington

D) John Adams


Answer: John Adams



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Minamoto Yoritomo

Why, in the Buddhist view, would a life of pure indulgence be a bad thing? In other words, if Siddhartha grew up having anything he wanted, why would Buddhists view that as an unfulfilled life? Isn't that the American Dream?


A life of pure indulgence is considered harmful by Buddhists since the goal is to cleanse the personality of the Buddhist practitioner so that all moral and character defilements and faults (kleas such as wrath, ignorance, and desire) are wiped away and nirvana can be reached.

This means that if Siddhartha grew up having anything he wanted, according to the Buddhists view that would be an unfulfilled life because a life of unrestrained indulgence is one of low moral quality.

What are the central tenets of Buddhism?

The Four Noble Truths are the essence of Buddha's teachings, yet they leave a lot out. They are the truth of pain, the reality of suffering's source, the truth of suffering's end, and the truth of the road that leads to suffering's end.

Buddhism is a religion founded on Siddhartha Gautama's teachings. This belief system's guiding concepts are karma, reincarnation, and impermanence. Buddhists believe that life is filled with pain, but that it may be alleviated by achieving enlightenment.

Learn more about Buddhism:

Which effects did the United States Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore have? Choose exactly two answers that are correct. 1. Responses Bush lost Florida’s 25 electoral votes. 2. The Florida Supreme Court was overruled. 3.Bush became president. 4.Bush and Gore had a runoff election.


The correct options are 2 and 3:

The Florida Supreme Court was overruled. Bush became president.

What happened in the Bush v. Gore case?

The US Supreme Court refused to endorse a recount of ballots in Florida, where Republican George W. Bush had won with a reduced margin of votes, thus reverting the decision taken by the Florida court that was favorable to the campaign of Democrat Al Gore. In practice, this handed the election to Bush, guaranteeing him all the electoral votes of Florida and confirming his lead in the nationwide count.

Additionally, the Court ruled that noalternative method could be established within the time limits set by the State of Florida. Three concurring justices also held that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been enacted by the Florida Legislature.

Learn more about Bush v. Gore here:



The correct answers are "Bush became president."

and "The Florida Supreme Court was overruled."


I took the test myself and got it right!

Read the passages carefully. Explain how modality, medium, and format in the articles as well as in the museum itself have affected your understanding of modern slavery.


In the first essay, which is presented in a more academic manner, it is shown that there is historical, indisputable documentation that proves slavery indeed existed and that it lasted for hundreds of years. The essay also demonstrates how slavery developed alongside society and how it still affects rural laborers who have little access to knowledge and do not know how to stand up for their rights.

What is modern slavery?

Institutional slavery that still exists in modern society is referred to as contemporary slavery, sometimes known as modern slavery or neo-slavery. Depending on the method used to calculate the estimate and the definition of slavery being utilized, estimates of the number of slaves in existence today range from about 38 million to 46 million.

To learn more about this modern slavery click on the given link:



Modality, medium, and format have affected my understanding of modern slavery because The museum has made it possible to lay out our argument about slavery from A to Z, in a sort of irrefutable package of completely documented and totally unimpeachable facts,” says CIW staff member Greg Asbed. "And when you can see the whole history and evolution of 400 years of forced labor in Florida’s fields assembled in one place, then all the false assumptions about what drives modern-day slavery just fall away. It’s not workers’ immigration status today, or a few rogue bosses, but the fact that farmworkers have always been Florida’s poorest, most powerless workers. Poverty and powerlessness are the one constant that runs like a thread through all the history. In short, you see, it’s not about who’s on the job today. It’s about the job itself. Today, the CIW's focus is no longer uncovering cases of slavery. Instead, its aim is to prevent them from happening in the first place through an initiative it calls the Fair Food Program. Participants in the program, which includes 90% of tomato growers in Florida, allow CIW staff to come onto their properties and hold mandatory education sessions for all employees. The workers receive booklets that outline their rights and a hotline to call if they experience violations. The growers also agree to regular third-party inspections of their farms. When they visit, a team of auditors speaks confidentially with at least 50% of workers to ensure their rights are being respected.


100% on Edge 2023

How does the The Cruel and Unusual Punishments protects us today?
PLS Help!


If we didn’t have that today then people would still be using torture devices we saw during the medieval period as punishments for robbing a bank or stealing something. It protects us by instead of hanging someone in the square for their punishments they serve time in jail, house arrest, or community service depending on how bad their crime was.

Which statements describe reasons why many Americans wanted to restrict immigration?


A. Many people were afraid that America would lose its identity as a white, Protestant nation.

B. Many people were afraid of losing jobs to the newcomers, who were willing to work for lower wages.

C. Many people thought that immigrants were upper-class elitists who would look down on native-born Americans.

D. Many people thought the country was full and there wasn't any room for newcomers to settle.





A,B,D  It"s asking why would they not want to ig

What happened in the 1920s because of prosperity


Prosperity was on the rise with cities and towns, social change caused premium air, a large growth of industry accrued especially in rural areas people were leaving their farms and rural area to receive an ongoing paycheck from factories.

Why did General George Washington reverse his decision and again allow enslaved men to fight in the Continental forces?
A. The Continental Army needed more soldiers to replace deserters.
B. Washington wanted to counteract the Dunmore Proclamation, which was drawing enslaved people to the Loyalist forces.
C. Washington was persuaded to change his orders by northern abolitionists.


Answer: I think it's A.


The Protestant ethic on personal judgment and the Renaissance view of individualism aided in the progress of ____________ governments.


The Protestant ethic on personal judgment and the Renaissance view of individualism aided in the progress of  capitalist governments.

What is Protestant ethic?

Protestant ethic placed priority on diligence, economy, and effectiveness in one's worldly pursuits, which, particularly in the Calvinist perspective, were considered indications of a person's election or everlasting salvation.

Accordingly, German sociologist, Max Weber asserted in "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" (1904–05) that the Protestant ethic played a significant role in the economic success of protestant groups during the formative years of European capitalism. Because worldly success could be interpreted as a sign of eternal salvation, it was zealously pursued.

Learn more about protestant ethic here:


President Ronald Reagan's 1987 speech at the Brandenburg Gate helped end the Cold War by
A. calling for the first-ever summit with a Soviet leader.
B. requesting oil companies to increase production.
C. calling for the removal of the Berlin Wall.
D. ordering a peacetime military buildup.


President Ronald Reagan's 1987 ordering a peacetime military buildup.

What is military?

The nation's armed forces are called military.

Our freedom and security are guaranteed by the military everywhere we go. American service members have been defending the freedom of America and its allies for decades, from the front lines of Eastern Europe to the American Revolutionary War battlefields.

While many things affect how wars turn out, leadership is frequently the most crucial. Numerous examples of battles that were won or lost due to leadership may be found throughout military history

Therefore, the option D is correct.

Learn mire about military, here:


What factors influenced the growth of the Senate and the House? What could account for the time periods when the greatest number of seats were added to the Senate and the House?


The U.S. Constitution's Seventeenth Amendment, which allows for direct popular election of senators, was ratified in 1913.

However, because representation is based on population, and the US has had steady growth, the House grew more quickly. The maximum number of senators per state has frequently been lowered. 

What are the primary distinctions between the Senate and the House of Representatives?

Each member of the U.S. House of Representatives represents a Congressional District, which on average has 700,000 residents. Senators, on the other hand, speak for the entire state.

Members of the House serve terms of two years, while senators serve terms of six years. Senators were initially chosen by state legislatures, while House members were chosen by citizens. The senate has 100 members, while the house has 435 voting members.

Learn more about the Senate and House of Representatives, from:


3. Which feature was included by the framers of the U.S. Constitution to ensure that the
American government would be able to respond to future changes and challenges?


The composers guarantee that the public authority could adjust by making a presidential branch, or president, which the articles of confederation needed, and made an arrangement of government courts to guarantee the regulations that were passed applied to the whole country.

Which component was incorporated by the composers of the US Constitution?

In view of this the composers composed the Constitution to accommodate a detachment of abilities, or three separate parts of government. Each has its own liabilities and simultaneously they cooperate to make the nation run as expected and to guarantee that the privileges of residents are not disregarded or prohibited.

What are the 4 fundamental objectives the composers of the Constitution needed to accomplish in making the Constitution?

The Introduction of this record expresses its six principal objectives: to shape a more wonderful association, to lay out equity, to guarantee homegrown serenity, to accommodate the normal safeguard, to advance the overall government assistance, and to get the gifts of freedom.

What question did the composers of the American Constitution need to manage?

Throughout the late spring of 1787 representatives to the Sacred Show in Philadelphia discussed one issue for a really long time, the subject of how legislative portrayal not set in stone.

Learn more about U.S. Constitution here:,presided%20over%20by%20George%20Washington.


How did the trade monopoly with Spain hinder the development of the Latin American colonies?

It required those living in Latin American to only sell with Asia instead of with other regions.

It limited how many goods could be shipped from Europe to the New World.

It ensured an equilibrium between crops leaving the Americas and goods arriving from Europe.

It regulated how much crops Americans could grow and required them to buy European goods from at inflated prices while selling their crops at lower value.


Answer: This independence led to the development of new national boundaries based on the colonial provinces, which would form the future independent countries that constituted contemporary Latin America during the early 19th century. Cuba and Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until the Spanish–American War in 1898.


Answer: B


The introduction of an informative essay should

O offer a clear statement that describes what the essay will discuss.
C give clear examples, offer supporting details, and cite all sources.
restate the evidence and present a final opinion for the reader.
organize the essay, including
the main topic and the subtopics.



Present your thesis statement and grab the attention of the reader .


basically your opportunity to grab the readers attention.

A paragraph of equality


Giving everyone the same opportunity to maximize their lives and talents is what equality entails.

While identifying various types of inequalities in society, various thinkers and ideologies have highlighted three main dimensions of equality: political, social, and economic. Giving everyone the same opportunity to maximize their lives and talents is what equality entails.

True equality has never existed, and will never exist. Good governments can give everyone an equal opportunity to succeed, but they can never raise those who fail in school or refuse to work; pure luck also plays a role. Bad governments take everything they can from the powerless and turn their leaders into new elites.

To know more about Equality, click here.


why would the blockade bring the US and USSR so close to nuclear war?


The world was on the verge of nuclear war in October 1962 as a result of the Soviet Union supplying ballistic missiles to Cuba. This conflict was the most deadly of the Cold War.

The Cold War standoff involving the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 was the closest the two superpowers ever come to a nuclear exchange. On October 24, when Soviet ships headed for Cuba drew close to the line of American ships enforcing the blockade, a major turning point in the crisis' development occurred. The Soviet Union's attempt to break the embargo would have undoubtedly provoked a military conflict that would have soon developed into a nuclear exchange.

To know more about US and USSR nuclear war refer to:


What labor union allowed skilled workers to demand better pay and working conditions?



Nigeria Labour congress

What set of actions are most likely to result in a surplus in the federal government budget?.


When revenue growth outpaces expenditure growth or after a decrease in costs, spending, or both, a budget surplus can result. A surplus might also emerge from higher taxes.

A budget surplus could be put to use for a purchase, debt repayment, or retirement planning. If a community has a budget surplus, it might utilise that money to make renovations, such reviving a run-down park or downtown.

A surplus suggests the government has additional resources. The national debt might be paid off with these cash, lowering interest rates and boosting the economy. A budget surplus can be used to lower taxes, launch new initiatives, or continue funding long-running initiatives like Social Security and Medicare. When revenue growth outpaces expenditure growth or after a decrease in costs, spending, or both, a budget surplus can result. A surplus can also be produced by raising taxes.

Learn more about budget surplus here:


In what ways did women participate in politics in the Progressive Era? How did this ultimately lead to women’s suffrage and the Nineteenth Amendment?


Numerous social and reform-related concerns were also supported by women and women's organizations. Women's clubs across the country were striving to advance issues including suffrage, better education, the control of child labor, women in unions, by the turn of the new century.

What led to women’s suffrage and the Nineteenth Amendment?

Women's suffrage became a top concern for them during the Progressive era (1870–1920), notably for the ability to vote. Three groups founded by women from middle- and upper-class backgrounds were crucial to the women's suffrage campaign.

Many Progressives backed women's suffrage, aiding in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1919, which gave women the right to vote.

The fight for women's equality came to an end when Congress ratified the 19th Amendment in 1920, and a new era in civil rights began. The movement was created to fight governmental and corporate corruption through labor, public health, and educational efforts.

To learn more about Nineteenth Amendment


1. antebellum era
2. popular sovereignty
3. sectionalism
4. abolitionist
5. secede
6. Confederacy
7. emancipation
8. reconstruction
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Rubric Review: x
Rubric Review: x


The period of time between the beginning of the American Civil War and the establishment of the United States government is referred to as the antebellum period.

State and federal governments struggled with the contradiction of American slavery during this time.

When was Antebellum formed?

Harper's Weekly, July 13, 1861, A Slave Auction at the South. Congress's Library. Antebellum refers to the time before the Civil War; It is also sometimes referred to as the Plantation era.

Why did it get the name "antebellum era"?

The Latin word "antebellum" means "before the war. "The years between the War of 1812 and the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865, are collectively referred to as the "antebellum period" in the study of American history. The era was marked by the establishment of distinct northern and southern economies, the nation's expansion to the west, and a spirit of reform.

Learn more about antebellum era here:


How did Shays’ Rebellion create a need for a new constitution?


Answer: Shays' Rebellion showed that the Articles of Confederation was weak and useless so this led the founding fathers to create the constitution.


Which statement shows ethical behavior by a digital leader?


A leader reports a classmate who posted inappropriate messages about others on a social media site.

A leader's role is to motivate people to follow a certain path or work together to achieve a certain goal. In this context, a leader always guides, guides, or directs people. This role is also performed by a digital he leader who guides or guides people through or in relation to technology.

An effective digital leader is one who delegates responsibility and encourages employees to innovate and thrive in times of change. It is important for leaders to create an environment in which people in the organization embrace this change and understand how it will affect their business structure.

DISCLAIMER: The question is incomplete.

Which statement shows ethical behavior by a digital leader?

A leader reports a classmate who posted inappropriate messages about others on a social media site.

A leader who is anxious to complete a project asks a classmate to copy and paste an online article in a report,

A leader who is unsure what to do about a classmate viewing an offensive website decides to ignore it.

O Aleader decides to disregard the ideas of a classmate who speaks a foreign language.

Learn about digital leader:



According to this map, what was one impact of the Treaty of Paris (1763)?



France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.


put it in your own words.

Where did the united states want the southern texas border to extend to? question 1 options: mexico city nueces river rio grande gulf coast


The southern Texas border should stretch all the way to Rio Grande, according to the US.

One of the longest rivers in North America is the Rio Grande. Texas and Mexico are separated by the Rio Grande.  America sought to expand its territory all the way to the Rio Grande during the Mexican American War. The Rio Grande was recognized by Mexico as defining America's southern border as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. A natural border between two countries or areas that divide one territory from another is provided by rivers. As a result, we can say that the Rio Grande is the southernmost point of Texas.

Learn more about texas from


Answer: Its the rio grande


hope this helps!

2. How did the author's family try to assimilate into the white culture?




This is how the author's family tried to assimilate into the white culture in "Back to my Own Country":

They tried to be as quiet and respectable as possible. They attended church, kept their house clean, and their children well dressed.

In the essay "Back to my Own Country," Andrea Levy explores themes such as immigration, racism, and cultural assimilation based on her own experiences as the daughter of Caribbean immigrants in London.

What is assimilation?

Assimilation is the process through which groups belonging to different cultural heritages adapt themselves to the dominant culture.

By acquiring the dominant culture's habits, manners, and lifestyle, those groups are absorbed by that culture.

Assimilation was especially common among immigrants in the past who, like Levy's parents, thought they had to look and act like the people from the country where they now lived.

Thus, when Levy's parents behaved the way they thought other Londoners behaved - going to church, dressing their kids, etc. - they were trying to assimilate.

Does society NEED government to succeed?​


This would be a strong yes.

Governments are important, because they maintain law and order. Laws are absolutely needed for society to function. Life in a society without laws would be unsafe and unpredictable.

What were the effects of the Ostend Manifesto and the caning of Charles Sumner?
A. The South agreed that the secrecy of the manifesto and beating of a senator were both wrong.
B. The South gained more land in Cuba to expand slavery and silenced a northern senator.
C. Northerners were outraged that the South had used such methods in support of slavery.
D. Northerners were outraged that the South had invaded Cuba and killed a U.S. senator.



The answer is C. Northerners were outraged that the South had used such methods in support of slavery.


What were the effects of the Ostend Manifesto and the caning of Charles Sumner?

The correct answer is C.

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