List at least five facts about brain health and protection.


Answer 1


always use protection but of no one lisens to that saying.

Answer 2

1.)Weave heart-pumping exercise into your daily routine.

2.)Take care of any medical problems.

3.)Get enough sleep, and get help for existing sleep problems.

4.)Review the medications you’re taking with your doctor.

5.)Stay socially engaged.

Related Questions


As polar bears' population decrease, it creeps ever close to extinction This decrease in the population is due to loss of habitat (floating sea ice). This loss of habitat is caused by which of the following?
A. oil spills from ocean drill sites
B. human cities and houses being built in their habitats
C. Global warming
D. introduced can toads which are out competing polar bears for food


C. Global warming

Because of global warming the ice melts away but the polar bears need the icebergs in order to survive, without the icebergs the polar bears will lead to extinction. If global warming continues the ice will continue to melt and the polar bears won’t have any icebergs.

What is not a property of water that helps make water essential for life on Earth?


So the the main forces that keep the water on the surface of the planet are to do with plate tectonics. If the plates were to stop moving, the water probably would eventually be absorbed into the interior, although this process would take a very long time indeed.

How would Earth be different without the greenhouse effect?

A. There would be more solar energy reaching Earth.
B. There would be more ice on Earth's surface.
C. The oceans would contain more carbonic acid.
D. The atmosphere would contain more methane.


B more ice on the earths surface. Greenhouse gases don’t tend to block the solar energy, but trap the energy that radiates from the earths surface. Dissolved CO2 becomes carbonic acid. More CO2 results in more carbonic acid. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases.

1. An electromagnetic wave forms when a particle that has an electric charge
experiences which movement?



where the answer chocies

Match each relationship description to the correct corresponding relationship



where is the entire question??

hello help please i’ll mark brainliest!!!



the secone option


i just need one more brainliest thanks<3

Answer: The third one

Explanation: It is the third one because scientist have been talking about how there are billions of galaxy's in our universe.    

are cell membranes in plant or animals or both?






Cell membranes are in both Plant and Animals cells.


Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. In plants, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane, they both give the plant structure and support. Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.

15. Explain how each of the following creates electrical energy:


Solar- technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.

Hydro- a hydraulic turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy. A hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity

Tidal- energy is a form of hydropower that works by harnessing the kinetic energy created from the rise and fall of ocean tides and currents, also called tidal flows, and turns into unusable electricity

Wind- turns the propeller like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity

OTEC- plants pump large quantities of deep cold seawater and surface seawater to run a power cycle and produce electricity

Biomass- is burned in a boiler to produce high-pressure steam. This steam flows over a series of turbine blades, causing them to rotate. The rotation of the turbine drives a generator, producing electricity

Geothermal- power plants use steam to produce electricity. The steam comes from reservoirs of hot water found a few miles or more below the earth’s surface. The steam rotates a turbine that activates a generator, which produces electricity

Why is DNA related to protein


DNA stores the instructions (genetic information) used to build proteins.

help me please!
Describe the difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory.


Answer:A scientific law describes an observed pattern found in nature without explaining it. The theory is the explanation  well tested explanation for a set of observations or experimental results.


The genetic make-up of the offspring is the





Phenotype refers to traits that physically appear, genotype refers to genetic traits

which group of organisms in level 4 of the energy pyramid


The group of organisms in the energy pyramid are tertiary consumers.

which statment explains how the fossil record supports the theory of evolution?
A. the fossil record shows how organisims have changed from relativly complex organisims to simpler organisims.
B. The fossil record shows how organisims have changed from realatively simple organisims to more complex organisims.
C. The fossil record shows that all organisms are simple organisims.
D. the fossil record shows that all organisims are complex organisims


B. The fossil record shows how organisms have changed from relatively simple organisms to more complex organisms.

Hope it helps, mate. Good luck! :3

30 POINTS!!!!

I need help writing a 5+ sentence summary about this passage!!!

Benefits of Biotech in NC
North Carolina is an attractive terrain for biotechnology firms—from 2001 to 2010, the state experienced the highest job growth rate (23.5%) of any of the top biotechnology states in the country. Since 2001, the popularity of NC as a biotech destination has resulted in the creation of more than 12,000 jobs in pharmaceuticals, research, testing and medical labs, agricultural feedstock and chemical industries. All have shown robust growth. Related image
Students in NC have more opportunities to enter the field of biotechnology after graduation than in most states thanks to two very important research centers. The North Carolina Research Center located in Kannapolis and Research Triangle Park near Raleigh, are very important to the NC economy. Both of these facilities bring in tax revenue to our state and offer job opportunities in many science-based fields of study. Image result for research triangle
More than 250 companies and 50,000 people with expertise in fields such as micro-electronics, telecommunications, biotechnology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental sciences are located here in NC. Industries invest more than $300 million in Research & Development at the region’s universities each year – double the average R&D investment for innovation clusters elsewhere in the nation. Because of these centers, NC is a leader in biotechnology advances in agriculture, energy and medicine. Our state is home to some of the leading physicians, research scientists, biotechnologists, and agricultural scientists in the US.
Some of the key factors that make North Carolina attractive for the biotechnology industry include:
the presence of the pioneering North Carolina Biotechnology Center and Research Triangle Park have lead to financial incentives the state government has provided to companies such as Merck and Quintiles; and the educational programs developed at both the community college and university level to help firms fill openings with qualified local employees with knowledge and training in biotechnology.
Tax revenues increase because of the large number of developing careers in the field of biotechnology in North Carolina.
Biotechnology affects us in every area of our lives, our food, water, medicine and shelter, improving quality of life. When it comes to Biotechnology, nothing could be finer than to live in North Carolina!



look at Explanation


North Carolina’s biotech industry is quickly expanding.

Within the state, there are more than 600 life science companies employing 61,000 people at an average salary exceeding $81,000 a year – which is nearly twice the state’s overall private sector wage, according to the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

In total, life science companies and institutions in North Carolina generate $73 billion in economic activity, which is an increase of 23 percent in two years, and account for 228,259 direct and indirect jobs, says North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

Furthermore, while employment in the nation’s life science industry rose by 7.4 percent from 2001 to 2012, North Carolina’s grew at a surprising 31 percent, even with setbacks from the Great Recession of 2008.

Following closely behind California, North Carolina outpaced life science industry growth in other states, including Texas, New York, Massachusetts and Florida, between 2009-2012, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the chart below, North Carolina's life science industry grew 5.2% from 2009 to 2012. While California's life sciences industry increased even more at 5.5% during the same time period, other states such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey actually saw their life sciences sectors shrink by 7% and 7.3%, respectively.

as the frequency of a wave increases the sound ___​


Answer: Gets higher



the sound also increases i will give example C: As the mass of the ball increased then how far the ball went also increased.

E: According to the data, if the mass of the ball was 5, then how far the ball rolled would be 2 Meters.

E: According to the data, if the mass of the ball was 15, then how far the ball rolled would be 4 Meters.


In Drosophila, the gene for red eyes, R is dominant to the allele for white eyes , r. This is sex-linked . Determine the possible genotype and phenotype ratios expected from a cross between:



B) XRxr XrY


Genotype ratio:1:1:1:1

Phenotype ratio: 2:2 50% white, 50% red



Genotype: 2:2

Phenotype: 100% white



Genotype: 2:2

Phenotype: 100% white

Which of the following structures is found in both plants and animals, and is correctly paired with its function?




9. If the concentration of water inside a cell is lower then outside the cell, what will be the net
movement of water molecules be? *
(1 Point)
a) Into the cell.
b) Out of the cell.



a) Into the cell.


The water molecules outside the cell would move into the cell until there is no net movement of water molecules. This process is known as osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane until the concentrations across the membrane are equal. That is, there is no net movement of molecules across the membrane.

What is the advantage/disadvantage of having an O type blood group? Explain your answer in a hospital situation.



O: Type O individuals can donate blood to anyone, because their blood has no antigens. However, they can only receive blood from other type O individuals (because blood with any antigens is seen as foreign).

The ___ is the mostly closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.


The lysosome is the mostly closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.

1. What phenotypes would you predict in the F2 generation?​


Answer: Round


That's what i put on mine lol

Answer: 75% Round 25% wrinkled


B. What is the distance between the two troughs?


The distance between two troughs (or two crests) is the wavelength.

how did the spread of homo-sapiens from Africa to other continents likely influence populations of other organisms



it was before the continent drift the homosapiens travelling habitated the most parts of world

How does the attachment of spindle fibers differ between mitosis and meiosis I?


in mitosis, the spindle fibers start to divide. in meiosis, these fibers match back up again

In mitosis, the spindle fibers from two poles attach to each chromosome but in meiosis I, the spindle fibers from only ONE pole attaches to the chromosome.


Mitosis and meiosis are two kinds of cell divisions. Mitosis involves separation of a single parent cell to produce two genetically identical cells while meiosis involves the separation of a single parent cell to produce four genetically different daughter cells.


Spindle fibers are structures that emanate from centrosome organelles and responsible for the separation of chromosomes during karyokinesis (nuclear division).

During the two cellular divisions (mitosis and meiosis), spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of each chromosome in order to align and eventually divide them.

However, in mitosis, spindle fibers from two opposite poles attach to each chromosome but in meiosis I, the spindle fibers from only ONE pole attaches to the chromosome.

Learn more:

A pine tree is a conifer. What type of plant is a conifer?
a gymnosperm


a gymnosperm, hope this helps

Answer: A subset of Gymnosperms

Explanation: They are cone-bearing seed plants

What do Vaccines do?


Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as antibodies’

Answer: vaccines help to protect us from a disease by giving our immune system a sample so that when the real disease comes, your body will be ready to fight it off.


Hope that helps!

Need help asap............... ​



Cheetahs and lions


They feed on the same prey. Therefore, if they live in the same area, one or both species will have less food. You might expect them to fight each other over food, but they do not.


Cheetah And Lions can you mark me Brainlest?

Please help me with this question


I’m pretty sure the answer is the second and the last one
I think second one def not the first or third for sure

A reaction time contest is held. While most competitors had an average sound reaction time between 0.17 and 0.20 seconds, one person scored a fantastic 0.0713 seconds on average. The results of this test are shown below. What is the most likely explanation of this unusually low average time?

A. The subject frank a beverage with a lot of caffeine just before the contest.

B. The subject had very warm arms and hands.

C. The subject was an avid video game player.

D. None of the above.



its d bro


none of those make sense its literally d so easy

None of the above options is an explanation of the unusually low average time. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is standard deviation?

The standard deviation in statistics is a measurement of how much a group of data may vary or be dispersed. While a high standard deviation suggests that the values are dispersed throughout a larger range, a low standard deviation suggests that the values tend to be near to the established mean.

An average is one number chosen to represent a group of numbers; it is often the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers in the group. The average of the integers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 is, for instance, 5.

Learn more about average, here:


Damage to the brain can sometimes occur as the result of an accident.
State the part of the brain labeled A and suggest a problem that may be
experienced by a person who has damage to that part of the brain.​



A traumatic brain injury interferes with the way the brain normally works. When nerve cells in the brain are damaged, they can no longer send information to each other in the normal way. This causes changes in the person's behavior and abilities. The injury may cause different problems, depending upon which parts of the brain were damaged most.

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