Give the definition of Root Word, in your own words.


Answer 1
My definition for root word is a word that’s got 2 or three letters before or behind it that makes it a different tense.

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According to the author, how will the use of ethanol negatively affect consumers?
Consumers will pay higher taxes on corn.
Consumers will pay higher prices for food.
Consumers will not receive a tax credit for using ethanol.
Consumers will notice no difference in the carbon dioxide level.


The answer is B or D
I think it’s A because when corn starts getting harder to find since ethanol is made by it there would be a big demand we would be using corn faster than we could grow it and corn is renewable but it wouldn’t be if we kept using it before it grew

When is a thesis statement technically written? HINT: It's not A.

A. first and foremost—before you even begin researching
B. after you do a little research
C. after you've finished reading and researching
D. none of the above



D - none of the above

I think


the answer is C

Explanation: PLATO!

During a Conflict solution this behavior will not listen to other people

A. Involver
B. Aggressive
C. social submissive
D. Quiet submissive


Insiso "D" Suppose that a person can only listen and want to participate, but cannot speak, which means discreet and silent. .


B Aggressive


Aggressors talk over people and don't listen to the other side.

what is the main idea of this section?


the main idea of this section is the explanation of the newly formed storms, including hurricanes.

Read the summary of the conclusion of “The World on Turtle’s Back.”

[1] When the twins grew up, they continued to fight. [2] One day they decided to hold a contest to determine who was stronger. [3] Though they tried to defeat each other in many different ways, neither one could win. [4] On the last day, they fought with weapons. [5] Using a deer antler, the right-handed twin overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth. [6] Today, the right-handed twin lives in the Sky-World, and the left-handed twin lives in the dark underworld. [7] They rule the earthly world of men together.

Which best describes sentence 1?
A. It is a complex sentence.
B. It is a compound-complex sentence.
C. It only has one clause.
D. It has three separate clauses.





please help 20 points


The best answer choice is C
The best answer choice is c

“This case is as simple as black and white.”
How is this case literally about black and white?



I don't know which case you're talking about but it's most likely suggesting that the sides in this case are easily distinguishable.


I think your question is incomplete. Is there more to it that helps explain the actual question? Either way, something being "as simple as black and white" means that it is obviously different than it is perceived due to human error (most of the time)


Which type of note taking is shown in the example above?


The answer to the question is d

100 POINTS Read the following passage and answer the question.

Every Sunday on his way to church, young Vincent would pass the headstone carved with the name he shared. Did he feel as if his dead brother were the rightful Vincent, the one who would remain perfect in his parents' hearts, and that he was merely an unsatisfactory replacement? That might have been one of the reasons he spent so much of his life feeling like a lonely outsider, as if he didn't fit anywhere in the world.
What tone does the speaker have towards Vincent van Gogh in the previous passage?






"Did he feel as if his dead brother were the rightful Vincent, the one who would remain perfect in his parents' hearts, and that he was merely an unsatisfactory replacement?"

Vincent's frustrated. He feels he doesn't fit in, or that he isn't good enough like his brother. I'm not great at wording things but, the answer is frustration.


I believe it is (D. Frustration)

Because he thinks he's a replacement for his brother.

If I'm wrong I'm sorry if I'm right you're welcome.

If I'm wrong please let me know so I can fix it.

1. Imagine you are a business owner and need to hire a salesperson. This salesperson will
often meet with customers during meals to discuss business. Why might you desire that
this salesperson display proper table manners during these meetings with


Because if the sales person wants a deal he or she should be nice and display proper table manners

5. The United States should have sent the Navy to help the Titanic.
(10 Points)





Answer: Counterclaim


What are some significant ways the theme of traditionalism has impacted the story of Chronicle of a Death Foretold - by Garbiel Garcia Marquez?



A summary of Themes in Gabriel García Márquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold. ... of love in Chronicle of a Death Foretold are ritualistic, and the novel itself is a ritual which re-enacts Santiago Nasar's death.

Determine the meaning of the italicized word in the following sentence based on the context clues provided
Mrs. Maple's dog obediently waited for his treat for fetching the
newspaper, despite his eagerness for it
(1 point)


C- enthusiastically

The meaning that the italicized words communicate effectively would be:

C). Enthusiastically

What are the context clues?

"Context clues" are characterized as the words that surround an unknown or unfamiliar word in a sentence.

These clues help the readers in determining the meaning of that word and make comprehension easier.

In the given sentence, the alien word "eagerness" conveys the meaning "enthusiastically" as the dog waited for his meal quite eagerly.

Learn more about "Words" here:

essay about do you disagree or agree that parents should be able to modify their unborn children, 500 to 700 words





Neither Farahany nor Silver argued in favor of allowing parents to modify their children to ensure other traits that are less medically necessary, but nevertheless desirable, such as higher intelligence or blue eyes. "What I think parents care about most is promoting the health of their children," Silver said. Leading to eugenics?

No, humans should not be allowed to genetically modify babies. There are so many down sides and problems with the process. There are many safety concerns, it isn’t very efficient and it would cause a negative impact on society. First, genetically modifying babies is a huge safety risk.

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Genetically Modified’? Soybeans? Corn? No. This time, human beings. The human genome editing technology has progressed at a surprising pace in these three decades from the Human Genome Project to CRISPR. There was an announcement last week that the two scientists have just won the Nobel Prize of Chemistry for their contribution to the genome editing technology, named ‘CRISPR Cas9’.*1 That makes possible to cut off the target sequence of genomes and insert a different sequence. Cas9 is an enzymatic protein that works like scissors.*2 The human genomes have been decoded and mapped. It is possible for this technology to be applied to the human genomes. ‘Designer baby’ is more realistic than ever. ‘What would you like our baby to look like, darling? My blue eyes or your brown ones?’ Will a conversation like this be common soon?

         The technology has an enormous possibility in several fields, particularly in medicine. The technology could be hopeful for people who have a serious disease such as HIV or hemophilia and are afraid of passing it on their children. Two years ago, Chinese scientists produced twin babies applying the technology, ‘CRISPR’, in order to prevent the babies from being infected with HIV because their father had the disease.*3 One of the scientists claimed that their achievement in giving the resistance to HIV to the babies could lead to taking fear of infectious disease away from human beings.

         But there is one question popping up: Is practicing the technology directly to the human embryos ethically acceptable, even with such a good intention? Some people may think that the human embryos are already human lives and using the technology directly to them is equivalent to God’s deed, so that should not be done by human. President Bush banned the human embryonic stem cell researches in 2001 for a similar reason. Moreover, the technology makes errors and those errors could cause serious consequences to the babies. Who would take responsibility if that happens and how? The science community needs careful discussion about using the technology. And people also have to know more about it.

         I think that making use of the genetic editing technology to the human genomes should be limited to developing treatments to cure and prevent of serious illnesses like cancer. We all need a thorough discussion: The scientists need a discussion to make ethical and judicial rules stricter than ever for researching with it and applying it to medicine. People also have to learn more and have their own opinions about the technology. I believe that parents should not genetically modify their unborn child only because they want their baby to have any particular appearance or ability. You should not use the term, ‘designer baby’, so lightly. That’s the issue of the human life.

What is President Roosevelt's primary purpose in his State of Union address?

Answer: He aims to instill hope and to inspire citizens to help aid the war efforts.



He aims to instill hope and to inspire citizens to help aid the war efforts.

ed 2021

Which sentence is correct?
"Let's collect stamps, said Mary."
"Let's collect stamps," said Mary.
Let's collect stamps, said "Mary."
Let's collect "stamps," said Mary.



Its B



I think its b


when someone else is talking that's when " " shows up

In which year was Elie Weisel deported?


1994! Your welcome:)

Great gatsby: which one of the characters are guilty of destroying the original American dream?



George and Gatsby

George and gaspy


because I'm smart

Before beginning to cook, you should perform which of the following
Wash, chop, cut, and measure all ingredients,
Delegate jobs
All of these answer choices are correct,
Read the recipe



all answer choices are correct.


all of them for sure have a great rest of your day

Help me please): please





it helps the reader respond to the text




It helps the reader respond to the text. :)

What is
1/3 (4⋅3)+2^3 =



[tex] (\frac{1}{3} \times 12) + 8 \\ 4 + 8 \\ = 12[/tex]




Parvana's mother feels sad about seeing her daughter clothed with his dead brother's clothes. The clothes and the similarity of Parvana dressed as a boy reminded her of her lost son.


Deborah Ellis' "The Breadwinner," tells the story of an Afghan family struggling to survive under the restrictions of the Taliban. The story's main protagonist is a young girl Parvana and how she had to take care of her family and keep them alive.

In the given excerpt, Parvana was dressed in her dead brother's clothes so that she will not be stopped by the Talib when going out to buy essentials. Once she's dressed in boy clothes, everyone including her younger sister couldn't quite figure out who she is. This means that her appearance changed with the clothes. And by the reaction of her mother who whispered "Hossain", it seems that she is reminded of her dead son.

So, we can infer that she feels sad when she saw Parvana in Hossain's clothes, and she might even think they look similar.

1. What is Chiapas, known by Enrique and other young migrants as the beast? Provide three possible reasons .



Chiapas (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtʃjapas] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Free and Sovereign State of Chiapas (Spanish: Estado Libre y Soberano de Chiapas), is one of the states that make up the 32 federal entities of Mexico. It is divided into 124 municipalities as of September 2017[9][10] and its capital city is Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Other important population centers in Chiapas include Ocosingo, Tapachula, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Comitán and Arriaga. It is the southernmost state in Mexico, and it borders the states of Oaxaca to the west, Veracruz to the northwest and Tabasco to the north,[11] and the Petén, Quiché, Huehuetenango, and San Marcos departments of Guatemala to the east and southeast. Chiapas has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the south.

In general, Chiapas has a humid, tropical climate. In the north, in the area bordering Tabasco, near Teapa, rainfall can average more than 3,000 mm (120 in) per year. In the past, natural vegetation in this region was lowland, tall perennial rainforest, but this vegetation has been almost completely cleared to allow agriculture and ranching. Rainfall decreases moving towards the Pacific Ocean, but it is still abundant enough to allow the farming of bananas and many other tropical crops near Tapachula. On the several parallel "sierras" or mountain ranges running along the center of Chiapas, climate can be quite temperate and foggy, allowing the development of cloud forests like those of the Reserva de la Biosfera el Triunfo, home to a handful of resplendent quetzals and horned guans.

Chiapas is home to the ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque, Yaxchilán, Bonampak, Chinkultic and Toniná.[12] It is also home to one of the largest indigenous populations in the country with twelve federally recognized ethnicities.


Chiapas (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtʃjapas] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Free and Sovereign State of Chiapas (Spanish: Estado Libre y Soberano de Chiapas), is one of the states that make up the 32 federal entities of Mexico. It is divided into 124 municipalities as of September 2017[9][10] and its capital city is Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Other important population centers in Chiapas include Ocosingo, Tapachula, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Comitán and Arriaga. It is the southernmost state in Mexico, and it borders the states of Oaxaca to the west, Veracruz to the northwest and Tabasco to the north,[11] and the Petén, Quiché, Huehuetenango, and San Marcos departments of Guatemala to the east and southeast. Chiapas has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the south.

In general, Chiapas has a humid, tropical climate. In the north, in the area bordering Tabasco, near Teapa, rainfall can average more than 3,000 mm (120 in) per year. In the past, natural vegetation in this region was lowland, tall perennial rainforest, but this vegetation has been almost completely cleared to allow agriculture and ranching. Rainfall decreases moving towards the Pacific Ocean, but it is still abundant enough to allow the farming of bananas and many other tropical crops near Tapachula. On the several parallel "sierras" or mountain ranges running along the center of Chiapas, climate can be quite temperate and foggy, allowing the development of cloud forests like those of the Reserva de la Biosfera el Triunfo, home to a handful of resplendent quetzals and horned guans.

Chiapas is home to the ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque, Yaxchilán, Bonampak, Chinkultic and Toniná.[12] It is also home to one of the largest indigenous populations in the country with twelve federally recognized ethnicities.


In the north, in the area bordering Tabasco, near Teapa, rainfall can average more than 3,000 mm 120 in per year.


The Roswell sighting is said to have taken place in:
A. 1937





trust your instincts

Highlight the verbs in this passage that
demonstrate parallel structure.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our
Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the
lives of our people.
from the Declaration of Independence
by Thomas Jefferson



Plundered, ravaged, burnt, destroyed


Plundered, ravaged, burnt, destroyed are the verbs in this passage that demonstrate parallel structure.

What is parallel structure?

Young English army doctor who was wounded in war in 1880 meets a smart 27-year-old Sherlock Holmes as a roommate when he returns to London to recover. the first ever written Sherlock Holmes tale. Sherlock Holmes' untold origin story.

Following complaints from students and parents that the book was disparaging to Mormons, the Albemarle County, Virgi, school board pulled A Study in Scarlet off the district's sixth-grade mandated reading list in August 2011.

The prose in A Study in Scarlet was fantastic. The language flowed naturally and was catchy. Given how ancient the book is, I thought it to be surprisingly simple to read.

Thus, Plundered, ravaged, burnt, destroyed

For more information about parallel structure, click here:


School debates aren't the only forum for rhetoric. Explain the role of rhetoric in legislative bodies like Congress or Parliament.

Brainpop Debate

(someone please help)



Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government.

Explanation: this might help sorry if it doesn't

The use of rhetoric in legislative bodies is a critical aspect of political communication, allowing lawmakers to articulate their positions, persuade others, and achieve their political objectives.

What is rhetoric?

Rhetoric plays a vital role in legislative bodies like Congress or Parliament, where the ability to persuade and influence others is crucial for achieving political goals and advancing agendas. Members of legislative bodies use rhetoric to craft persuasive arguments that can convince their colleagues to support or oppose a particular policy, bill, or resolution. Rhetoric can be used to appeal to the emotions, values, and interests of others, making it a powerful tool for shaping public opinion and gaining political support.

In legislative bodies, rhetoric can also be used to engage in political discourse, debate, and negotiation. Members may use rhetorical techniques such as analogy, metaphor, repetition, or irony to make their points and challenge opposing views. Effective rhetoric can help legislators build consensus and bridge differences, ultimately leading to successful policy outcomes.

Learn more about rhetoric, here:


100 points for whoever answers this question.

Which sentence provides the best clue to Kim's perspective on her father's death in Seedfolks?

The candles and the incense sticks, lit the day before to mark his death anniversary, had burned out.
After the evening feast, past midnight, I'd been wakened by my mother's crying.
I had no such memories to cry over.
All his life in Vietnam my father had been a farmer.


Answer: Kim stood in front of the family altar to pray to her dad. She was sad because he died before she was born. Wanted to know what his dad looked like. He died she was born.



I had no such memories to cry over. C


Read the excerpt from Act II of Hamlet.

Ophelia: Alas! my lord, I have been so affrighted.

Polonius: With what, in the name of God?

Ophelia: My lord, as I was sewing in my closet,
Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbrac'd;
No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd,
Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ancle;
Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other;
And with a look so piteous in purport
As if he had been loosed out of hell
To speak of horrors, he comes before me.

What is the most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage?

He explains Hamlet’s behavior through Ophelia’s dialogue, thereby tying up loose ends in the plot.
He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.
He characterizes the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius, thereby adding to the exposition in the plot.
He describes the background between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby escalating the tension to its highest point in the plot.



He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.


Suspense is created, rising action, climax, and then the resolution.

The most likely reason Shakespeare included this passage is:

B. He introduces the conflict between Ophelia and Hamlet, thereby adding suspense and advancing the plot.

Based on the given text, we can see that there is the narration about the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet and this makes the readers aware of the true situation of things.


This refers to the disagreement between characters in a play or between a character and himself (internal conflict)

As a result of this, we can see that the main reason why Shakespeare included the passage was to introduce the conflict between Ophelia anfd Hamlet and also add to the suspense.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

Read more about suspense here:

You are playing your favorite video game and suddenly you get transported inside the game. What do you see? What is happening inside your game? Write a short story about what happens next. can you make it among us theme and can you make it exciting and. fun and make it a story dont make a short story make it a little longer story. : ) plsss help me​



I recommend you doing it on your own. For your own creativity. Try it!


Just ninety sense a bag correct the two errors



Just ninety cents a bag


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