Effects of the Cuban Revolution on the Caribbean

Effects of the Cuban Revolution on the Caribbean


Answer 1

Impact of the Cuban Revolution

By most social and economic indicators, Cuba by mid-century was among Latin America’s most highly developed countries. However, in the postwar period it was afflicted with lacklustre economic growth and a corrupt political dictatorship set up in 1952 by the same Batista who earlier had helped put his country on a seemingly democratic path. It was also a country whose long history of economic and other dependence on the United States had fed nationalist resentment, although control of the sugar industry and other economic sectors by U.S. interests was gradually declining. While conditions for revolutionary change were thus present, the particular direction that Cuba took owed much to the idiosyncratic genius of Fidel Castro, who, after ousting Batista at the beginning of 1959, proceeded by stages to turn the island into the hemisphere’s first communist state, in close alliance with the Soviet Union.

The Cuban Revolution achieved major advances in health and education, though frankly sacrificing economic efficiency to social objectives. Expropriation of most private enterprise together with Castro’s highly personalistic dictatorship drove many members of the middle and upper classes into exile, but a serious decline in productivity was offset for a time by Soviet subsidies. At the same time, thanks to its successful defiance of the United States—which tried and failed to overthrow it by backing a Cuban exiles’ invasion in April 1961—and its evident social advances, Castro’s Cuba was looked to as a model throughout Latin America, not only by established leftist parties but also by disaffected students and intellectuals of mainly middle-class origin.

Over the following years much of Latin America saw an upsurge of rural guerrilla conflict and urban terrorism, in response to the persistence of stark social inequality and political repression. But this upsurge drew additional inspiration from the Cuban example, and in many cases Cuba provided training and material support to guerrillas. The response of Latin American establishments was twofold and eagerly supported by the United States. On one hand, governments strengthened their armed forces, with U.S. military aid preferentially geared to counterguerrilla operations. On the other hand, emphasis was placed on land reform and other measures designed to eliminate the root causes of insurgency, all generously aided by the United States through the Alliance for Progress launched by President John F. Kennedy.

Even though much of the reactive social reformism was cosmetic or superficial, the counterrevolutionary thrust was nonetheless generally successful. A Marxist, Salvador Allende, became president of Chile in 1970, but he did so by democratic election, not violent revolution, and he was overthrown three years later. The only country that appeared to be following the Cuban pattern was Nicaragua under the Sandinista revolutionary government, which in the end could not withstand the onslaughts of its domestic and foreign foes. Moreover, the Cuban Revolution ultimately lost much of its lustre even in the eyes of the Latin American left, once the collapse of the Soviet Union caused Cuba to lose its chief foreign ally. Although the U.S. trade embargo imposed on Cuba had been a handicap all along, shortages of all kinds became acute only as Russian aid was cut back, clearly revealing the dysfunctional nature of Castro’s economic management.

Political alternatives

Movement toward democracy

The Latin American countries that did not opt for the Cuban model followed widely varying political paths. Mexico’s unique system of limited democracy built around the Institutional Revolutionary Party was shaken by a wave of riots in the summer of 1968 on the eve of the Olympic Games held in Mexico City, but political stability was never seriously in doubt. A somewhat analogous regime was devised in Colombia as a means of restoring civilian constitutional rule after a brief relapse in the mid-1950s into military dictatorship: the dominant Liberal and Conservative parties chose to bury the hatchet, creating a bipartisan coalition (called the National Front) whereby they shared power equally between themselves while formally shutting out any minor parties. Once this arrangement expired in 1974, Colombia became again a more conventional political democracy, such as Costa Rica had been since before 1950 and Venezuela became in 1958 after the overthrow of its last military dictator.






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hello and bye


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the Native Americans still could speak their native language and could enlist in the armed forces as code talkers


due to the Language of the native americans which not many knew it became the perfect unbreakable code to speak with over radios to thwart enemy interception these became the navajo code talkers and they helped seal the deal of the war with their native "tactical" language

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Border states

plural noun

the Slave States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, which refused to secede from the Union in 1860–61.


Confederate States of America

The states that broke away were called The Confederate States of America. The states that remained were called the Union Forces.

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L and J
D and H
E and F
A and C



d and h


According to the quote above, one of the reasons that Vanzetti gives
for his murder conviction is
A strong evidence.
an impartial jury.
excellent lawyers.
a fear of foreigners.


C is correct answer
I believe the correct answer is C good luck


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Answer: Its really about money.


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A. car
B. train
C. plane
D. boat




that would be rather unsmart WHERE THE WATER SIS


Match the invention (or discovery) with its inventor. 1. sewing machine Wright 2. airplane Cooper 3. Tom Thumb Hargreaves 4. spinning jenny Morse 5. transatlantic cable Field 6. telegraph Howe



1. Sewing machine- Howe.

2. Airplane- Wright.

3. Tom Thumb- Cooper.

4. Spinning Jenny- Hargreaves.

5. Transatlantic Cable- Field.

6. Telegraph- Morse.


The various inventions and their inventors or discoverers are as follows-

1. The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe Jr. in 1846. This invention began what will be the mass production of sewing machines and improved the production of clothing.

2. The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. Their invention led to the development of air travel.

3. The first steam locomotive "Tom Thumb" was invented by Peter Cooper in 1829. This steam engine began what would later develop the means of land travel.

4. The invention of a multi-spindle spinning frame in 1764-65 began a major development in the textile industry. Invented by James Hargreaves, the spinning jenny industrialized the means of textile production.

5. The transatlantic cable was invented by Cyrus West Field in 1854. The invention of the transatlantic telegraph system led to easier and faster means of sending information across nations.

6. The telegraph Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse during 1830-40. This invention revolutionized the manner of long-distance communication through the use of electrical wires to send signals.



bell - telephone

Edison - light bulb

McComrick- reaping machine

Watt- Steam engine


Morse- telagraph

Drake- oil well

Howe - sewing machine

Wright -  airplane

Field - transatlantic cable

Cooper - Tom Thumb

Hargreaves -  spinning jenny

The Sepoy Revolt (1857 Indian Revolt) began after the solders discovered which of the
They were being paid much less than promised.
They were told that they would be given new summer uniforms that had shorts.
They found out that the cartridges they used were covered in pork and beef fat.
They were being smuggled opium which increased the opium addiction in the region.


It’s the cartridge answer because biting that fat off of the bullets was against their religion

What were some of the flaws of the Articles of Confederation?
A. It required a unanimous vote to change of amend the document and gave the states too little power
B. It gave too much power to the federal government and not enough to the states
C. Allow states to print there own money and individually regulate trade between themselves and other states
D. it allowed individual states to negotiate trade with foreign countries and print their own money



the answer is C

Which promises did the American Indian tribes make in the treaty? Check all that apply.

to settle on the reservation within a year’s time
to give up their rights to hunt, fish, and gather food on their traditional lands
to share the reservation with a group of white settlers
to avoid trading with the settlers on Vancouver Island
to free any enslaved workers and to stop all forms of slavery



I think it's all of the options:))


they all bring about benefits:))


A. to settle on the reservation within a year’s time

D. to avoid trading with the settlers on Vancouver Island

E. to free any enslaved workers and to stop all forms of slavery


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7) What two things was the city of Rhodes famous for?



Historically, Rhodes island was very famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes has been declared a World Heritage Site. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.


These quotes highlight what conterversy of the civil rights movement



A. whether or not to use violence to further the cause.


The Civil Rights movement was a decade-long struggle or campaign by the African Americans for an end to institutionalized racism, social justice, segregation and the likes in the United States of America. It was mainly championed by Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, as well as some other black American allies.

The above quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X highlight whether or not to use violence to further the cause.

Choose all of the items that describe conflicts between the Plains Indians and the United States in the last half of the 19th century.
es )
Ghost Dance
Wounded Knee
Trail of Tears
Little Big Horn
Sequoyah's syllabary



ghost dance, wounded knee, and little big horn


Items that describes conflicts that exist between the Plains Indians as well as the United States in the last half of the 19th century are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Plains Wars serves as conflicts that started around early 1850s and this took place between Plains Indians and United States.

And this is because of control of the Great Plains that exist between Mississippi River as well as the Rocky Mountains.

Items that describes this war are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Therefore, option A,B,D are correct.

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when members of a species all die out it is referred to as ?


Answer: extinction????


Extinction. Have a good day!

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Answer:New England was ideal for the development for factories because the ppor soil caused people to leave their farms, to find work, river provided water power to run machinery, easily accessible ports for passage, proximity to resources.


How did sharecropping and Jim Crow laws work to limit opportunities for African Americans in the south?



The black codes effectively continued enslavement for African Americans by restricting their rights and exploiting their labor.



The answer is B



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Machines were used to mass-produce goods for markets. The centers of trade moved from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. A surplus of food led to more complex societies.



Carnegie believed that poor should not just be given money because:

c) he thinks receiving charity would make them slothful.

d) he thinks rich people deserve to keep all their money.​


Subsection c

"Because he helped the poor by having so much wealth, he helped them by giving everything they needed, and he invested half of his wealth in people in need."

What is the name of our constitution?





Answer: I think it is the supreme law of the land

U.S. Constitution: 1787-1789

The Constitution of the United States is the foundation of our Federal Government. It is often called the supreme law of the land; no law may be passed that contradicts its principles.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


What does the cartoon prove about Theodore Roosevelt?
Roosevelt held many different offices and played many
different roles during his lifetime, not all of them political.
Roosevelt started out as Governor of New York and ended his
career as a famous hunter.
Roosevelt was never happier than during the time in his life
when he was known as "the Peacemaker."
Roosevelt was most serious and determined during his time
as president than at any other time during his life.


C is correct answer

Answer: c


How does the Church celebrate the Triduum?



Easter Triduum, or the Three Days, is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday.


hope this helps :)

What was one goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

O A. To decide whether the United States should purchase the Louisiana Territory

B. To see whether the United States should send settlers to Canada

O C. To find better transportation routes to California

D. To produce maps of the Louisiana Territory

will give brainliest ​



The expedition's goal as stated by President Jefferson was "to explore the Missouri River, & such principal stream of it as, by its course & communication with the water of the Pacific ocean may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent, for the purposes of commerce." In addition, the expedition was to learn more about the Northwest's natural resources, inhabitants, and possibilities for settlement.

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