• "Indian National Congre alway claimed to be repreentative of all the egment of Indian ociety"; Keeping in view of thi tatement, critically evaluate the emergence of All India Mulim League a a counter force


Answer 1

Keeping in view of the statement "Indian National Congress always claimed to be representative of all the segment of Indian society", critically evaluate the emergence of All India Muslim League as a counterforce are

1. Congress hаd shown interest in sаfeguаrd the rights of Hindus only. The prediction of Sir Sаyed Аhmed Khаn seemed to be proven to Indiаn Muslims thаt, "Hindus аnd Muslims аre two different nаtions who hаve different Ideologies."

2. The severаl events strengthened the desire of the Indiаn Muslims to orgаnize themselves аs а Sepаrаte Community like the Urdu-Hindi controversy, pаrtition of Bengаl аnd its which gаve Birth to the Аll Indiа Muslims Leаgues on 30th December 1906

3. The objectives of the Muslim Leаgue were; to sаfeguаrd the rights of Muslims аnd to bring Muslims to the notice of the government, to prevent the rise of prejudiciаl feelings аmong the Muslims аgаinst other communities of Indiа аnd the lаst one wаs to creаte the feelings of loyаlty

4. The Congress during аll her life in united Indiа kept clаiming thаt it represented аll the communities living in Indiа no mаtter whаt their fаiths were. But the reаlity wаs quite the opposite.

5. During the lаst decаde of the 19th century Congress аnd its policies becаme excessively biаsed аnd violent towаrd the Muslims.

What is the All India Muslim League?

The Аll Indiа Muslim Leаgue (АIML) wаs formed on December 30, 1906 mаinly to protect аnd аdvаnce the politicаl rights аnd interests of the Muslims of Indiа but the extrа-territoriаl issues аlso did not escаpe its аttention. Therefore, references to international issues continued to emerge in the АIML proceedings in the coming yeаrs. The first mаjor internаtionаl issue which аttrаcted the АIML's аttention wаs mistreаtment of the Indiаns in the British colonies.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

Justify your аnswer with five vаlid points.

For more information about The All India Muslim League refer to the link:



Related Questions

jojo has been diagnosed with depression, borderline personality disorder, and a phobia of social interactions. since jojo has multiple mental disorders at once, we would say that a high _______________ exists in his case.


JOJO has been diagnosed with depression, borderline personality disorder, and a phobia of social interactions. since jojo has multiple mental disorders at once, we would say that a high comorbidity exists in his case.

What is the definition of comorbid depression?

Depression that develops when another condition is present is referred to as co-morbid depression. People with chronic (long-term) physical diseases are more likely to have depression on top of their preexisting sickness, especially if their conditions cause a lot of discomfort, activity restrictions, or a negative perspective.

Therefore, Regardless of the severity of the depression, neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders (F4) were by far the most common comorbidity; 65% of severe depression subjects had these disorders.

Learn more about depression from


who is responsible for appointing members to more than 300 boards and commissions that share regulatory authority with the governor?


The correct answer to this question is Option C i.e. the voters.

Direct Democracy can come in many forms. One of them is that voters have the right to choose from whom to vote, not just vote to a party, they vote in the person they want to represent them.

In the U.S., no one is required by law to vote in any local, state, or presidential election. According to the U.S. Constitution, voting is a right. Many constitutional amendments have been ratified since the first election. However, none of them made voting mandatory for U.S. citizens.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Who is responsible for appointing members to the more than 320 boards and commissions that share regulatory authority with the governor?

A. the Governor

B. the Secretary of State

C. the voters

D. The Assembly

To know more about voter rights, click here:



in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, which is most clearly a reason macbeth fears banquo?


In the Tragedy of Macbeth, act III, the clearest reason that Macbeth fears Banquo is Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival. (Option D)

The Tragedy of Macbeth was a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare which was first performed in 1606. It dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological influences of political ambition on people who seek power. Banquo is a character in the play who was thane in Duncan's army, and at first was a friend to Macbeth. His rank is equal to Macbeth at the beginning of the play. Macbeth prophesied that he would be King, and Banquo was told that his children would be kings. Macbeth feared that Banquo would turn on him in order to establish his own children in the line of inheritance. In Act III of the play, Macbeth fears Banquo as he has virtues that made him a fearsome rival. For this reason, Macbeth murders Banquo and attempts to kill his family.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are a. Banquo wants to steal the crown away from him. b. Banquo want to kill him. c. Banquo has stayed loyal to the true king. d. Banquo has virtues that make him a fearsome rival.

Learn more about Tragedy of Macbeth:



Negative and dysfunctional values in a corporation fall under what type of cultural​ liability?


When shared ideals conflict with those that enhance an organization's effectiveness, culture becomes a liability. Strong cultures then, erase benefits since special abilities are likely to disappear as people try to adapt.

What does corporate culture entail?

Company culture is the way you conduct yourself at work. The combination of your formal and informal procedures, attitudes, and beliefs results in the experience that both your employees and consumers have. Company culture is fundamentally the way things are done at work.

What is an unhealthy business culture?

A toxic work environment is one where management methods, procedures, and rules are prevalent and encourage unproductive behaviors and disagreements among team members. Employees may suffer as a result, as it may hinder their ability to be productive and advance their careers.

To know more about Company culture, visit:



the humanities is broadly based and can include many different disciplines. what do you find is most important to consider when working with a humanities project? group of answer choices


The arts are extensively based and can encompass many different disciplines working with humanities venture questions being asked within the studies project.

The position of the arts in better schooling. The liberal arts include the arts, arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. The humanities focus on seriously deciphering lifestyle and humanity and coaching valuable talents, making them a principal factor of most faculties' fashionable training necessities.

Humanities amplify our know-how of human cultures and help us understand what binds us together and what differentiates us from each other. in addition to these excessive-stage insights, however, in addition, they provide sensible programs which can beautify our expert skillset and give you a competitive edge.

Learn more about humanities here



mark suffers from a great deal of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. he would benefit most from _____ therapy.


A type of exposure therapy that makes use of technology is virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET).

What is virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) ?

Exposure therapy aims to lessen the strength of any stress reactions you may experience in response to situations, ideas, or memories that make you feel anxious or afraid.

VR has shown to be an effective technique for treating PTSD as well as other mental health conditions like phobias, anxiety, and depression.

In a research that examined the benefits of VRET for agoraphobia—the fear of crowded places or social gatherings—therapy was successful when it was administered at least once per week for 15 minutes over an eight to twelve-week period. Sessions can occasionally last anything from 45 minutes to three hours.

Learn more about VRET here


# SPJ 1

An unreliable study can occur if the __________. A. Survey is very clear b. Survey yields consistent results c. Test administration is inconsistent d. Test participant cannot guess on test questions please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


An unreliable study can occur if the Test administration is inconsistent.

Consistency is the key to all success, and this applies to research and surveys as well. To increase the reliability of research results, we need to be consistent in how we conduct tests.

Inconsistencies can lead to various problems, such as:  Misrepresentation of feedback that may alter results. This can lead to various problems.

For example, a test run at a particular time might include a different group of people, and lack of regular testing might respond to feedback from unrelated people. Research polls should be clear, provide consistent results, and should not allow test takers to guess test questions. It will be a good study.

Inconsistent test execution can lead to errors and unreliable results. Therefore, a well-established schedule for testing should be followed.

You can learn more about the sampling techniques of test administration from brainly.com/question/17743025


bobby has been depressed for as long as he can remember. he does not find any happiness in any aspect of his life. bobby waits until he is alone. he goes into his bedroom, calmly takes out a gun, and shoots himself in the head. his death is instantaneous. bobby is best described as a death:


For as long as Bobby can remember, he has had depression. He is not content with anything in his life. Bobby watches for him alone. He enters his bedroom, pulls a revolver casually out of his pocket, and shoots himself in the head. His demise occurs instantly. The easiest way to sum up Bobby is as a death-seeker.

A person who makes a self-murder attempt with the explicit intent to terminate his or her life is referred to as a death seeker. initiator of death. self-murder attempts are made with the mindset that death is already happening and the person is only speeding it up.

High Matriarch Teresa defined a Death-Seeker as someone who joins the Seeker community with the express intent of murdering others. The Death-Seeker thereby forfeits their right to occupy the Sacred Land as well as their membership in the tribe and any associated moral obligations.

To learn more about self-murder



according to sampson and laub, jack gets married and his offending decreases. this would be an example of .


Laub and Sampson states that the  social ties in marriage are important because they create “interdependent systems of obligation and restraint.

According to Sampson and Laub's state dependence theory, social events might have an impact on some people while not having an impact on others when it comes to the causal relationship between early delinquent offending and later adult deviant behavior.According to this argument, some people acquire societal ideals but lack the resources to realize them, leading them to look for alternatives like crime. Sampson and Laub claim that marriage and this element are the two pivotal moments in a criminal career.

To know more about Social Ties here



Level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of which category in the desix stability index?


Geostrategic conditions, the level of globalization, and emergency response are all examples of security in the DESIX Stability Index. The correct answer is C.

What is the DESIX stability index?

The first comparative political and economic index created expressly to gauge stability in emerging countries is the Deutsche Bank Eurasia Group Stability Index, or DESIX. The Eurasia Group created the index, which includes 20 composite risk indicators and both quantitative and qualitative stability criteria. Stability is defined as a country's ability to both endure shocks and crises as well as prevent them from occurring.

The DESIX Stability Index is divided into four categories, which are as follows:

Government SocietySecurityEconomy

Geostrategic conditions, the level of globalization, and emergency response are all examples of security in the DESIX Stability Index. 

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. GovernmentB. EconomyC. SecurityD. Society

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about desix stability index here: brainly.com/question/29820348


when avery took her history midterm exam, her mind went completely blank, she started to panic, and she hyperventilated because she knew she would fail. now she is preparing for the final exam. what should avery do to address her test anxiety?


While Avery took her records midterm examination, her thoughts went absolutely blank, she started to panic, and she hyperventilated due to the fact informed herself that she was going to do well on the test.

A midterm examination is an examination given close to the middle of an academic grading term, or close to the middle of any given sector or semester. Midterm tests are a form of formative evaluation, to degree college students draw close to the course substances and identify areas that want work.

Hyperventilation is speedy or deep respiration, commonly because of tension or panic. This overbreathing, as it's miles from time to time known as, might also clearly go away we feel breathless. when we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Learn more about hyperventilated here



She should tell herself that she's going to do well on the test.

Anxiety is an emotion characterised by emotions of hysteria, worried thoughts, and bodily adjustments like multiplied blood pressure. People with anxiety problems generally have routine intrusive mind or issues.

Generalised tension sickness (GAD),your demanding is uncontrollable and reasons distress. Demanding impacts your every day existence, such as college, your activity and your social existence. You can not let pass of your concerns.

Some anxiety signs and symptoms include :

* Feeling nervous, restless or stressful.

* Having a sense of the forthcoming danger, panic or doom.

* Having an improved coronary heart rate.

* Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)

* Sweating.

* Trembling.

* Feeling susceptible or worn-out.

Learn more about Anxiety here:- https://brainly.com/question/1394818


if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, do you believe you could pay cash for college? why?


You wouldn't be able to pay for college out of pocket if you spent an hour per day looking for and applying for scholarships.

Only scholarships that would be able to cover your tuition would be able to help you get there.Numerous clubs, charities, foundations, businesses, institutions, and colleges, as well as other groups and people, offer scholarships. Don't forget to contact the colleges you are thinking about to see if you qualify for any merit aid. Merit assistance is another type of financial aid that colleges and universities provide.A scholarship is a form of financial aid given to a student so they can attend school. It could be awarded based on academic performance or other criteria.

To know more about Education here



ralphonzo is a bright student but he procrastinates. he postpones writing term papers and gets incomplete grades from his teachers that eventually become f's. after exploring his early childhood memories with a therapist for almost a year, ralphonzo comes to the insight that he procrastinates as a way of expressing anger toward his parents. the treatment method used to help ralphonzo deal with his problem is most likely


Ralphonzo learns that he procrastinates as a means of venting his resentment toward his parents after spending nearly a year with a therapist going over his early experiences. Most likely, psychodynamic therapy will be employed to help Ralphonzo deal with his issue.

Psychodynamic treatment focuses primarily on the psychological underpinnings of emotional suffering. Its defining characteristics include self-reflection, self-examination, and the utilization of the therapeutic relationship as a window into the patient's dysfunctional relationship patterns.

For instance, a client suffering from depression could learn how to investigate how past experiences might have an impact on how they react to the present. Each of these groups individuals, couples, families, or groups can get psychodynamic treatment. Both short-term and long-term therapies can employ it.

To learn more about psychodynamic therapy



Read this passage from Beowulf, in which Wiglaf, one of Beowulf's men, speaks to his companions as Beowulf battles the dragon. Wiglaf then joins Beowulf and addresses him.
“I remember the time when, tasting the mead-cup,
We promised in the hall the lord of us all
Who gave us these ring-treasures, that this battle-equipment,
Swords and helmets, we’d certainly quite him,
Should need of such aid ever befall him:
How we have forfeited our liegelord’s confidence!
In the war-band he chose us for this journey spontaneously,
Stirred us to glory and gave me these jewels,
Since he held and esteemed us trust-worthy spearmen,
Hardy helm-bearers, though this hero-achievement
Our lord intended alone to accomplish,
Ward of his people, for most of achievements,
Doings audacious, he did among earth-folk.
Our lord is in sore need of us.
The day is now come when the ruler of earthmen
Needeth the vigor of valiant heroes:
Let us wend us towards him, the war-prince to succor,
While the heat yet rageth, horrible fire-fight.”
Through the bale-smoke he stalked then,
Went under helmet to the help of his chieftain,
Briefly discoursing: “Beowulf dear,
Perform thou all fully, as thou formerly saidst,
In thy youthful years, that while yet thou livedst
Thou wouldst let thine honor not ever be lessened.
Thy life thou shalt save, mighty in actions,
Atheling undaunted, with all of thy vigor;
The monster advances on them.
I’ll give thee assistance.”

Complete the following sentences based on your reading of the passage.

In his speech to his companions, Wiglaf
. Throughout this passage, Wiglaf is presented as


Following the extract from Beowulf, the completed statements are as follows:

Note that In his speech to his companions, he urges them to remember their duty.Throughout this passage, Wiglaf is presented as a symbol of loyalty.

What is the summary of Beowulf?

It was most likely written between 700 and 750 and is about occurrences in the early sixth century. It narrates the narrative of the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, who rises to prominence as a young man by defeating the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother; later, as an aged monarch, he kills a dragon but dies shortly after, revered and regretted.

The poem Beowulf, particularly via the figures of Beowulf and Wiglaf, exemplifies three fundamental ideals of the time: courage, honor, and loyalty. Beowulf, the poem's hero, acts with remarkable bravery in whatever he accomplishes.

Learn more about Beowulf:

why is it important for a clinician to know the chronological age of a child who is presenting with the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder?


Considering that separation anxiety is a common childhood condition. It's critical to distinguish between separation anxiety that is typical for a given age and anxiety that is greater than normal.

When symptoms are excessive for the developmental stage and significantly impair daily functioning, separation anxiety disorder is diagnosed. Some signs could be: excessive and ongoing anxiety about missing home or loved ones or anticipating doing so .

When loved ones are far away, people with adult separation anxiety disorder experience intense anxiety and occasionally even panic attacks. When away from loved ones, those with this disorder may become socially reclusive, display extreme sadness, or struggle with concentration.

Learn more about  separation anxiety to visit this link



Separation anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder that causes children to become extremely upset when they are separated from parents or caregivers. They worry that something bad will happen to their parents during the separation

Separation anxiety is a normal stage of development for infants and toddlers. Young children often experience a period of separation anxiety, but most children outgrow separation anxiety by about 3 years of age, but the problem arises when it continues in later years too and then clinical help is needed ..

Signs that a child might have separation anxiety disorder include: 

• Problems saying goodbye to parents 

• Fear that something bad will happen to a family member during separation 

• Tantrums when they have to leave parents or caregivers  

• Overwhelming need to know where parents are, and be in touch with them by phone or texting 

• Constantly following one parent around the house 

• Nightmares about bad things happening to family members  

• Physical symptoms like stomachaches, headaches and dizziness 

• Refusing to go to school or on playdates 

Younger children are mostly anxious at the time of separation. Older kids get anxious when they think about an upcoming separation, so it's important that chronological age is taken into consideration..

To know more, please click on the given link.


with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, Green growth is associated with the issues such as LEED certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

A possible path of economic growth that is environmentally sustainable is referred to as "green growth." It is founded on the knowledge that, as long as economic growth is still a top priority, it is necessary to dissociate economic expansion from resource use and negative environmental effects. As a result, the ideas of a green economy and low-carbon, sustainable development are strongly tied to those of green growth. The shift to sustainable energy systems is a key factor in green growth. Green growth policy proponents contend that effectively implemented green policies can open up job prospects in industries like renewable energy, organic agriculture, and sustainable forestry.

To know more about green growth:



if you continue to increase the intensity of light that a plant receives, what happens?


If the intensity of light that a plant receives is increased beyond optimal levels, the plant can become stressed, leading to leaf scorching, wilting, or death.

The Dangers of Excess Light for Plants

Light is a crucial part of a plant's life and well-being, allowing it to absorb energy and grow. Too much light, however, can be just as detrimental to a plant's health as too little. If the intensity of light that a plant receives is increased beyond optimal levels, the plant can experience a range of negative effects.

For example, too much light can cause leaf scorching, which is when the leaves of a plant become discolored, dry, and brittle due to overexposure. The plant may also become wilted or dehydrated, leading to decreased growth or even death. These effects can be especially pronounced in young or delicate plants that are unable to handle high levels of light.

Learn more about plant's life at: https://brainly.com/question/22816886


which job is an individual who has followed an erudition career path (according to the oregon vocational interest scales) likely to have?


Production career job is an individual who has followed an erudition career path (according to the oregon vocational interest scales) likely to have.

In both a sizable community sample and a college sample, we looked at the psychometric qualities of the Oregon Vocational Interest Scales, a quick public-domain substitute for commercial inventories. We looked at the factor structure, scale-to-scale relationships, and personality correlates of the ORVIS in both samples. In the community sample, we also looked at the relationships between the ORVIS scales and measures from a longer, proprietary interest survey and cognitive abilities.

All eight scales Leadership, Organization, Altruism, Creativity, Analysis, Producing, Adventurousness, and Erudition displayed a pattern of high convergent and low discriminant correlations with the scales of the proprietary interest survey in both samples, as well as wide variation in scores, high internal consistency reliability, and low discriminant correlations.

To know more about Vocational Interest visit:



the part of a person's self-concept that is based on his or her identification with a nation, religious or political group, occupation, or other social affiliation is called


The part of a person's self-concept that is based on his or her identification with a nation, religious or political group, occupation, or other social affiliation is called social identity.

Identification identity numbers: social protection number (SSN), passport range, driver's license wide variety, taxpayer identity wide variety, patient identity variety, financial account number, or credit score card range. non-public address records: road deal with, or e-mail cope with. non-public smartphone numbers.

it's been internationally conventional that primary identifiers are the maximum dependable approach with the aid of which identity may be shown. these identifiers are 'Friction Ridge evaluation', 'Forensic Odontology', and 'DNA'. the subsequent symbols are widely used to depict the character strategies of identification.

Learn more about Identification here:



Which strategies are good ways to study or manage your study time? check all that apply.


Prioritize your assignments. ...
Find a dedicated study space. ...
Create blocks of study time. ...
Schedule activities for after your school work. ...
Use helpful resources. ...
Join a study group. ...
Get exercise. ...
Be flexible.

(18) officially known as the educational reform act, but generally referred to as house bill 72, what impact did this act have on texas public schools?


Concern for their children's education is nothing new to Texans.

The failure of the Mexican government to "create any public system of education, despite endowed of virtually infinite resources..." was cited as one of the justifications for severing political connections with Mexico in the Texas Declaration of Independence of 1836.

In Texas, the first Anglo-American public school statute was passed in 1840, and it called for surveying and reserving four leagues (17,712 acres) of land in each county for educational purposes. Later, the state constitution of 1845 mandated that a perpetual fund be established to sustain free public schools with a tenth of the proceeds from state taxes collected each year.

The 1988 Education Reform Act was founded on the ideas of marketization, or increasing competition among schools, and parental choice. The act set the stage for the competitive education system we have today by introducing GCSEs and league tables.

Learn more about " Texans "  to visit here;



in a(n) democracy, all those who are eligible to vote get together with each other to decide what should be done about the issues that face them.


in a(n) democracy, all those who are eligible to vote get together with each other to decide what should be done about the issues that face them by forming a political party.

A political party is an employer that coordinates candidates to compete in a selected u . s . a .'s elections. it is commonplace for the contributors of a party to maintain comparable thoughts approximately politics, and parties may additionally promote specific ideological or policy dreams.

A political party is an business enterprise that coordinates candidates to compete in a specific u . s . a .'s elections. it's miles not unusual for the contributors of a celebration to preserve comparable thoughts approximately politics, and parties may also sell specific ideological or policy dreams.

A party system is a idea in comparative political science regarding the machine of presidency by way of political events in a democratic us of a.

Learn more about political party here : https://brainly.com/question/19298043


what has a child learned to do when he or she can internalize the expectations of other specific people?


An individual has learned to assume the role of the particular or significant other when she is able to internalize the expectations of other distinct people.

What does the expectation principle entail?

According to the expectation principle, a remedy for a breach of contract should preserve the plaintiff's expectation under the agreement by relocating the plaintiff from its post-breach condition to the position the plaintiff would have been in had the contract been fulfilled.

How do you internalize the expectations?

The first step in internalization expectations is learning what the norms are. Then, the person goes through a process of comprehending why the standards are important or make sense, until they ultimately embrace the norm as their own point of view.

To know more about internalization expectations, visit:



Which of these NFL teams has a cheerleading squad? a. New York Jets b. Cleveland Browns c. Pittsburgh Steelers d. Green Bay Packers


The NFL team has a cheerleading squad Cleveland Browns. Option B.

There are seven football teams without an NFL cheerleading team Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns, Chicago Bears Green Bay Packers, LA Chargers New York Giants Pittsburgh Steelers. All but seven of the 32 franchises use cheerleading teams.

The Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, Los Angeles Chargers, New York Giants, and Pittsburgh Steelers have all stopped cheerleading. American Cheerleader Magazine posted a few days ago that Ohio has more cheerleaders than any other state. Other NFL teams have made great strides in diversifying their cheerleading rosters.LA Chargers New York Giants.

Learn more about A cheerleading squad here:- https://brainly.com/question/25180517


for high risk situations, impromptu speaking is preferred because you can make eye contact with the audience. question 25 options: true false


Impromptu speaking is preferred because you can make eye contact with the audience.

The above statement is True.

Speaking impromptu refers to giving a speech that is spontaneous and unplanned. Most often, the speaker is given their topic in the form of a quotation, but there are a variety of other options as well, such as an object, proverb, one-word abstract, or another one of the many options.Speaking spontaneously, as when someone is asked to "say a few words," is known as impromptu speaking. Extemporaneous speaking entails using notes to deliver a speech in a conversational style. The majority of speeches demand for this format.

To know more about Impromptu speaking here



cactus college, a small private college, received a research grant from nacubo to study whether service efforts and accomplishments measures improve institutional performance. in accordance with fasb standards the grant would be reported as an increase in:


In accordance with fasb standards the grant would be reported as an increase in: Temporarily restricted net assets. In democratic regimes, institutional performance is of utmost significance since accountability is required here to preserve a government's legitimacy.

Institutional effectiveness and the standard of public services. The idea focuses on the actions taken by various forms of formal organizations that plan, carry out, or control public-sector initiatives and private companies that provide commodities to the general public. Since other sorts of social institutions, like family or religion, are not included, institutional performance is frequently referred to as "governmental performance" or "quality of government." Institutions must be able to successfully establish and implement policies that reflect the wants and expectations of citizens if they are to operate properly. Therefore, responsiveness and efficiency—two generally defined issues—are used to evaluate the quality of institutional performance.

learn more about  institutional performance here:



_______A question that is worded in a way that it sways the respondent toward one side of an argument



Explanation: yes

a group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, share goals, and have a common identity. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and a common identity. It is typically management-directed. Different from a crowd and an organization.

management includes the activities of placing the method of an agency and coordinating the efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of to be had resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human assets. "Run the commercial enterprise"[1] and "exchange the commercial enterprise" are two ideas which can be utilized in management to differentiate among the ongoing delivery of goods or services and adapting of goods or offerings to fulfill the converting wishes of customers - see fashion. The term "management" might also talk over with the ones folks who manage an organization—managers.

Learn more about management here



a study discussed in the critical thinking box titled ""should social media help to diagnose disorders?"" indicated that people who were depressed _____ than people who were not depressed.


A study discussed in the critical thinking box titled ""should social media help to diagnose disorders"" indicated that people who were depressed were more likely to post black-and-white photos on  social media  than people who were not depressed.

What is Social media?

Social media  can be described as theinteractive media technologies  that help ion the process of creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests,  between networks.

It should be noted that most of the people that are depressed might not want to post photos or they popsst photos that are in black and white on the media.

Learn more about social media at:



jocelyn has never really done anything to break the rules. she is generally pretty responsible. one day jocelyn is with some friends at a concert and it seems that almost everyone there is smoking marijuana. she and her friends decide that since it seems unlikely that anyone will point them out in the crowd they will try some for themselves. which type of group influence is most applicable to this situation?


Majority influence, type of group influence is most applicable to this situation. A person was the influenced to the other personality.

What is group?

The term group refers to the two or more people are the involved on the particular activity. A group is an involved of the person are the based on the informal group. It was the people are to enjoy the person to the another person company.

According to the majority influence to the group are the people are the doing what they others do. Majority influence is how a bigger group persuades a personal or less group.

As a result, the majority influence type of group influence is most applicable to this situation.

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What is the quote about two wolves? Why is BTS the biggest boy band in the world? which laboratory test examines physical and chemical properties to determine the presence of abnormal elements? during the turmoil in the market for subprime mortgages in 2007 and 2008, the fed increased the volume of discount loans. the goal of the fed was to what feature have researchers identified as an important mark of high quality in early childhood programs? The area of the rectangle shown below is 24 square centimeters.What is the area, in square centimeters, of the shaded triangle? parenting as a team project convert the ratio 4:15 into percentage 18. Different global temperature zones are based onlines of latitude on the Earth.A TrueB False How does the narrator contribute to her mother's decision to return to puerto rico?. Can you please help me solve this #2 What is a requirement of all citizens in the United States unit test review ? a 13.7 g sample of a compound exerts a pressure of 2.01 atm in a 0.750 l flask at 399k. what is the molar mass of the compound read the e-mail. in the interest of public safety, griffin avenue should have a traffic light installed. there have been many traffic accidents recently at griffin avenue and 32nd street. statistics show that overall traffic in the area has also increased. installing a traffic signal at roman avenue reduced accidents by ten percent, so it is likely that installing one at griffin avenue, which has similar conditions, will also result in fewer accidents. at your next council meeting, please consider my suggestion for making this intersection safer. what viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail? The _________________ were an East Germanic tribe. Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identicalsequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on humanchromosomes 11 and 16.How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from onechromosome to another? he charge nurse is making client care assignments for the evening shift. one of the licensed practical nurses (lpns) is a new graduate in orientation. which client would be an appropriate care assignment for this lpn? solve 2(x+3)=x-4solve 4(5x-2)=2(9x+3) ___________ is characterized by moods that alternate between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the euphoric, hyperactive state of mania. Aesop's Fable: "The Belly and the Members"One fine day it occurred to the Members of the Body that they were doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food. So, they held a meeting, and after a long discussion, decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work. So, for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it, and the Teeth had no work to do. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition. The Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the Legs were unable to support the rest. So thus, they found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the Body, and that all must work together or the Body will go to pieces.-What is the theme of this fable?A. The smallest among us has the greatest role.B. When we target and victimize one individual, we weaken the group, and all its members.C. Groups are destined to fail.D. Everyone must do the same work in order for everyone to succeed.-What evidence supports your answer in question 1?A. The body was doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food.B. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition.C. (they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.D. "for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it"