In what ways has the nature of work in the united states changed since the 1900s? << read less.


Answer 1

Here is the ways that the nature of work has changed in the United States since 1900s:

More machines are now replacing humans in performing tasksFurther improve manufacturingFurther increase the use of technologyUsing artificial intelligence applicationsWhat caused the nature of work in the US to change in the 1900s?

The period from 1894 to 1915 was a time of change, turmoil, and economic uncertainty for working people in the United States. Industrialism was growing largely unchecked in the post-Civil War United States, while creating new jobs and new problems. Immigration continues in unprecedented numbers, especially from Eastern and Southern Europe, forever changing the composition of the workforce. A recession began in 1893 (following two other recessions in the previous 20 years), forcing some factories to close and many workers losing their jobs. Conflicts between workers and management abound. But during those tumultuous years, many initiatives continue to this day, including the increasing presence of women in the workforce, worker rights, the ubiquity of office and retail jobs, as well as the need for reasonable working hours, holidays and safe working conditions.

Learn more about the changed of nature of work in the United States in 1900s


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After the end of the last ice age, human beings on the Americas were isolated from the rest of the human population until a reunion began by

a Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean
English explorers in North America
Portuguese explorers in modern-day Brazil
a Dutch explorer on the northern coast of South America


After the end of the last ice age, human beings on the Americas were isolated from the rest of the human population until a reunion began by the a Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean. The Option A is correct.

What was the Spanish-sponsored expedition?

An arrival of Christopher Columbus in the northern Caribbean with three Spanish ships in October 1492 marked beginning of continuing European contact with the Americas. With his voyage of 1493, the permanent European occupation of the Caribbean began with enormous consequences for the peoples and ecology of the region.

While he failed to encounter the wealthy trading societies that Columbus had hoped to find by reaching Asia, the Europeans in the Caribbean soon realized that they would have to involve themselves directly in organizing profitable enterprises.

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A. a Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean


A Spanish-sponsored explorer in the Caribbean, Christopher Columbus. The last ice age ended around 10,000 years ago and the Americas were isolated until the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Columbus was sponsored by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain and he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for the widespread European exploration and colonization of the Americas.

Have a good day!


Is Bronx a Dutch word?


Jonas Bronck, a Faroese (or Swedish) immigrant who founded the first settlement in the region as a member of the New Netherland colony in 1639, is credited with coining the term "Bronx." After 1643, Lenape natives were replaced by European immigrants.

The definite article "the" is used to refer to the Bronx, which is New York City's northernmost borough. The Borough of the Bronx is the official name of the borough, but it is contiguous with Bronx County, which goes without the.

People frequently ponder why the Bronx is the only borough of New York to include "the" in its name. It's because the borough bears the name of the Bronx River, which was given to a man who was born in distant Sweden.

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solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


The kind of influence is Solomon experiencing in this scenario is Informational social influence.

One way to do this is to selectively engage with information that supports their claims. Additionally, they may actively seek information to support their claims. The company is under pressure from investors to make more films.

Fundamental attribution errors occur when analyzing human behavior. For the fundamental attribution error to occur, the analyst must underestimate the role of the situation and overestimate the nature of the person whose behavior is being analyzed. Compared to other subfields of psychology, social psychology deals more with human behavior in social situations.

Learn more about Solomon's experiences here:-


according to section 6 of the act, who besides the legal enslaver of a fugitive from slavery had the authority to apprehend a person escaping enslavement?


According to section 6 of the The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 it influenced subjugation which prevented enslavers from searching for individuals who had taken off.

Enslavers were allegedly prevented from looking for people who had escaped by this Act. It was asserted to have granted citizenship to any kind of oppressed person who emigrated to a free state. Additionally, it rejected those who supported oppressed people in escaping.

On September 18, 1850, this rule was adopted. The term "abolitionism" refers to the belief that slavery should be abolished for the entire populace.

Slaves were helped by a network of secret routes and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad as they traveled from the South to the North.

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Which conclusion about historical significance can be drawn from this information?.


Based on the information given in the

excerpt, the historical significance that

can be drawn from this information is that

carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories.

From the information given, it can be seen that at the time of imperialism, it was common for the British empire to add the crown emblem close to the national symbols of the territories that it has conquered. This was simply used in showing English control in this region and the submission of conquered peoples. Therefore, it can be seen that this historical fact is exemplified in the text above. Based on the information given in the excerpt, the historical significance that can be drawn from this information is that carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories.

To know more about Historical significance visit:


Complete question: Read the excerpt from A History of the World in 100 Objects. The drum was found by Kitchener's army near Khartoum after the Anglo-Egyptian reconquest of the city. Once again it was re-carved – or re-branded – to make a political statement: near the tail of the bush calf Kitchener added the emblem of the British Crown. It was then presented to Queen Victoria. Which conclusion about historical significance can be drawn from this information? The emblem of the British crown was carved onto all artifacts found by the British army. The carving on the slit drum was viewed as an unimportant addition by Kitchener's army. The carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories. The emblem of the British crown was commonly found already engraved on foreign artifacts.

all of the following contributed to the growth of the free african american population in the united states in the early nineteenth century except


With the exception of federal constitutional provisions for emancipation, all of the following factors helped increase the number of free African Americans in the United States in the early 19th century.

What were the exclusions from the Emancipation Proclamation?

Because slavery only applied to individuals who had left the Union, it was untouched in the border states of the allies. Additionally, it expressly left out Confederate states that were already ruled by the Union.

What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the border states, and why?

The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to enslaved people who resided in the bordering states of Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland—states that had not ratified the Confederacy. Lincoln excluded the border states from the proclamation because he didn't want to persuade them to join the Confederacy.

By the Emancipation Proclamation, how many slaves were freed?

The Emancipation Proclamation captured the hearts and minds of millions of African Americans, even though not a single slave was immediately freed. This fundamentally altered the purpose of the war, which was now being waged for freedom rather than the Union.

Learn more about Emancipation Proclamation:


A jewih peron i not frightened by anything at all, and hi lack or moral become o gigantic that nobody need wonder that for german the peronification of the devil, a the ymbol of all evil, aume the living appearance of the jewih. Logical fallacy ued here:


A Jewish person is not frightened by anything at all, and his lack of moral become o gigantic that nobody needs to wonder that for Germans the personification of the devil, a symbol of all evil, assume the living appearance of the Jewish. The logical fallacy used here is the strawman fallacy.

What is the Strawman fallacy?

The Strawman Fallacy is a logical fallacy wherein one person distorts or exaggerates another person's argument in order to make it easier to refute. This form of argument is usually used to strengthen one's own argument by attacking a weaker form of the opposition's argument. The Strawman Fallacy is a logical fallacy because it ignores the actual argument and instead focuses on an easily-defeated version of it. This fallacy is often used in debates, political discourse, and everyday conversation. It is important to be aware of the Strawman Fallacy and to avoid using it in order to have meaningful and productive conversations.

Strawman Fallacy: This fallacy occurs when someone presents a distorted or false version of their opponent's argument in order to easily attack it. In this example, the person is claiming that all Jews have no morals and are associated with the devil, which is a distorted version of their opponent's argument. This fallacy is also an example of a logical error known as a false equivalence, which occurs when two unrelated things are compared as if they were equal in some way.

It can be concluded that a Jewish person is not frightened by anything at all, and his lack of moral become o gigantic that nobody needs to wonder that for Germans the personification of the devil, a symbol of all evil, assume the living appearance of the Jewish. The logical fallacy used here is the strawman fallacy.

To know more about, the Strawman fallacy, click this link:


What effects did the Taiping Revolution and the Great Revolt of 1857 have on British power in Asia?


"The Taiping Rebellion, radical political and religious upheaval that was probably the most important event in China in the 19th century. It lasted for some 14 years 1850-1864 ravaged 17 provinces, took an estimated 20 million lives Chinese communists and the Chinese Nationalists trace their origin to the Taipings"

Why did Great Britain’s colonies cause the start of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain



Explanation: Historians have identified several reasons for why the Industrial Revolution began first in Britain, including: the effects of the Agricultural Revolution, large supplies of coal, geography of the country, a positive political climate, and a vast colonial empire.

Place the following events in the life of osama bin laden into chronological order.


In the life of Osama bin Laden, the events arranged into chronological order are fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan; declares "war" on the United States; terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa; and terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Osama bin Laden (1957 – 2011) was a Saudi-born extremist militant who established the the Pan-Islamic jihadist organization al-Qaeda. The group is designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Union, and various countries. From the provided events, Osama bin Laden fought against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during 1980s. on August 23, 1996, Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States. On August 7, 1998, Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa. On September 11, 2001, Laden and Al Qaeda attacked the Twin Tower in New York.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Place the following events in the life of osama bin laden into chronological order. A) declares "war" on the United States. B) fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. C) terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001. D) terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa.

Learn more about Osama bin Laden:


Western European nations sought a sea route to East Asia that bypassed the Middle East because Italian and ______merchants increased the price of spices.

Help me





Western European nations sought a sea route to East Asia that bypassed the Middle East because Italian and Arab merchants increased the price of spices.

What was Prohibition and how did people respond to it?


From 1920 until 1933, alcohol manufacture, importation, transit, and sale were all constitutionally prohibited in the United States. This was the Prohibition.

During the 19th century, prohibitionists made their initial attempts to outlaw the sale of alcoholic beverages. Millions of Americans became criminals as a result of Prohibition's expansion of the illicit alcohol trade. Courtrooms and jails flooded as the decade went on, and the legal system was unable to keep up. Many defendants in cases involving prohibition had to wait more than a year to go to trial.

Crime increased as a result of prohibition. That included heinous acts like murder. The number of crimes committed in 30 major U.S. cities climbed by 24% in the first year of Prohibition. The number of arrests for intoxication and disorderly behaviour rose.

To learn more on Prohibition:


Why does cycling burn more calories than swimming?


Cycling is not burn more calories than swimming because swimming Swimming burns a lot more calories than cycling per hour, because the water acts as a resistance, forcing our muscles to work harder to move.  Both are equally important beneficial to our health.

We don't have to support your weight while swimming, but it's a whole-body exercise water conducts heat better, so we can lose heat quicker. This forces our body to produce more heat, which burns calories.

Swimming burns the most calories over short periods of time but to  considering that swimming for 30-60 minutes consecutively can be quite a demanding workout, while we can easily go cycling for multiple hours, which allows us to burn more calories in total.

Swimming might burn more calories per hour, but it’s easier to ride your bike for longer. Both can be helpful for creating a calorie deficit that is necessary to lose weight.

Learn more about burn more calories click the link here:


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


When the Federal Reserve announces an increase in the federal funds rate, it will actually sell bonds on the open market until the federal funds rate reaches the new target.

The Federal Reserve announces a new federal funds rate and then implements it by purchasing or selling bonds in order to influence interest rates. Bond prices fall and interest rates rise when the Federal Reserve sells bonds.

Banks and the general public purchase these bonds by sending a check to the Federal Reserve. This reduces the number of reserves that banks have, so banks must reduce lending to meet the required reserve ratio.

The goal is to raise the cost of credit across the board. Higher interest rates increase the cost of loans for both businesses and consumers, resulting in higher interest payments for everyone.

To learn more about Federal Reserve, please refer:


of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


The history of Vermont from 1865 to 1877 has little to do with interpreting changes in government policy during the Reconstruction era,

recognizing secession states and establishing the legal status of African Americans. there is not. The president's reconstruction, which ran from 1865 to his 1867, demanded little from the former Confederate states and leaders. Radical Reconstruction sought to give full equality to African Americans. The Reconstruction era redefined citizenship in the United States, expanded voting rights, changed the relationship between federal and state governments, and highlighted the difference between political and economic democracies. The Reconstruction era was lasted from the end of the Civil War in the year 1865 to 1877. Her primary focus was to restore Southern states to full political participation in the United States, guarantee the rights of former slaves, and define new relationships between African Americans and whites.

To know more about Reconstruction era visit:


What do you know about the Great Depression? What events led to the Great Depression? What events ended the Great Depression?



The Great Depression


The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.

The Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn that began in the fall of 1929 and did not end in many places until the Second World War. It was triggered in large part by a sudden crash of the American stock market on October 29, a day widely known as Black Tuesday.

following the collapse of the soviet union, the united states had unrivaled power and was the only superpower in the world. this kind of influence is called .


After The Second Great War, the two nations that arose as worldwide superpowers were the US and the Soviet Association. These two superpowers however had various standards, legislative issues, and economies, yet the same interests.

As the two of them were attempting to acquire an area and partners, they made parcels of contentions all over the planet, which various nations endured because they were utilized as a circuitous war zone of these two, similar to Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.

Learn more about united states:


50 POINTS PLEASE HELP! Discussion Topic
During the early 1800s and late 1900s, the United States underwent huge
economic and technological changes. The development of a society that relied
ifree enterprise and innovation led to new inventions and increasingly efficient
businesses. These changes helped make the United States one of the world's
strongest economies and industrial centers. From Thomas Edison's light bulb to
Henry Ford's affordable automobiles to Frederick Taylor's time-study analysis, US
innovations influenced business, industry, and technology in the United States
throughout the 1900s and into the present. How does the business environment
and technological innovation in the modern United States resemble the United
States during the late 1800s and early 1900s? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the US culture of innovation throughout history and today?



The industrial revolution occurred around 1760 until around 1820-1840, this time period caused great change to many countries around the world. This led to the development of new manufacturing processes, going from hand manufacturing to using machines. This led to the growth of the economy, and was very different for each country.
The United States was the first country to experience new teachings before the others. After the Enlightenment and the independence of America, they started to develop economically.
Japan was close behind America during the industrial revolution, in the 1800s there were many new businesses being developed throughout and led to trade increasing which brought the economy up. After the civil war arised, “investment in American weapons technology became a priority.”. The most prominent focus in Japan was building their industrial military. Japan lacked natural resources and workers were poorly paid for their hard work which was different from Russia and the U.S.
Russia had the biggest lack of industrial growth, the article states, “Japan defeated the Russians as a direct result of the latter’s lack of manufacturing, industry, and sufficient infrastructure to transport goods and troops across their vast empire.”, This shows that Russia was seen as a economy with a large “peasant class”, they were very behind compared to Japan and the U.S. This lack of civil participation encouraged a growth of radicalism in the leadership of the working class which was much different than the U.S. It wasn’t until 1926 when the economy started to grow in Russia, industrialization skyrocketed and their industry became similar to the other countries.
Comparing Russia, Japan, and the United States, there was a massive growth of transportation, communication, industries, and employment opportunities that would arise for these countries. Although Japan was more of a political development then Russia was, the United States had the most flexibility due to the freedom of the people.

How did Henry IV, Duke of Sully and Cardinal Richelieu contribute to the growth of absolutism in France?



Absolutism Under King Henry IV

It gave religious toleration to the Huguenots—the Calvinists in France—with the hope to end religious disputes, to bring religious peace to the country, and to end the quarreling over religion.

which band from seattle battled with ticketmaster over ticket prices to their shows?


The band from Seattle battled with Ticketmaster over ticket prices to their shows is pearl Jam

Why is Seattle popular?

Seattle is well-known for its coffee culture, the Seattle Seahawks, the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the headquarters of several tech companies (including both Amazon and Microsoft), as well as for its grunge music scene, hiking, kayaking, and general outdoor lifestyle.

The music scene lead to bands and pearl jam is one of the largest rock bands,

Pearl Jam, started fighting with Ticketmaster in 1992. On Labor Day, the band organized a free Seattle performance for 30,000 locals.

Therefore we can say that Pearl jam is the band that competed with Ticketmaster

Learn more on Pearl jam at:


is one theory as to the abandonment of Great Zimbabwe?


According to one theory, trade declined as the region's supply of gold and ivory shrank, making Great Zimbabwe a less desirable place to live for the inhabitants.

Where was Great Zimbabwe?

A medieval metropolis called Great Zimbabwe can be found in the south-eastern hills of Zimbabwe, close to Masvingo and Lake Mutirikwi. It is believed that during the country's little-studied Late Iron Age, it served as the seat of a substantial kingdom. The city was under construction from the ninth century to the fifteenth century, when it was abandoned.

The ancient Shona are thought to have built the structures. The stone city is 7.22 square kilometers (2.79 square miles) in size, with a population density of roughly 2,500 people per square kilometer. At its height, the city may have held up to 18,000 people.

Learn more on Great Zimbabwe here


In the history of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmet II is known for ________ and Suleyman is known for ________.

conquering Constantinople; introducing an effective law code
converting the Turks to Islam; conquering Constantinople
entering India; conquering Egypt
signing a treaty with the Pope; winning the final Crusade


In the history of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmet II is known for option A: conquering Constantinople and Suleyman is known for  introducing an effective law code.

What was Mehmed II, the Ottoman emperor, renowned for?

Suleiman I changed the law and produced a single legal system that was in effect for more than three centuries. Shari'ah, or Sacred Islamic Law, was the name of the legal system that prevailed throughout the Ottoman Empire.

Therefore, note that the Ottoman Empire grew under Mehmed the Conqueror, who oversaw the siege of Constantinople in 1453 and extended the empire's influence throughout the Balkans. He proclaimed himself Kayser-i Rum as a result of this westward march across the center of the former Eastern Roman Empire (Roman Caesar).

Learn more about Ottoman Empire from

How and why did President Wilson influence the outcome of the Mexican Revolution?


President Wilson put pressure on Huerta to step down from March to October 1913 because he did not accept Huerta as the rightful leader of Mexico.

Henry Lane Wilson, President Taft's ambassador to Mexico, played a crucial role in Francisco I. Madero's ouster. Ambassador Wilson fought against Madero from the beginning of his administration and vigorously promoted U.S. engagement in Mexico. Wilson managed the information and misinformation he gave to the U.S. Department of State, preventing the administration from having a complete picture of the situation. Wilson incited unrest foment the capital by spreading false material to regional newspapers, and when Madero retaliated by censoring them, they made Madero the villain. After revolutionary forces rendered the position of then-President Porfirio Daz unsustainable, Madero was elected president in a free and fair election.

learn more about President Wilson here


the invention of which piece of kitchen equipment in the 18th century changed the organization of the kitchen?



Another important invention that changed the organization of kitchens in the eighteenth century was the stove, or potager, which gave cooks a more practical and controllable heat source than an open fire.

During the 1920s, americans had more time and money. Explain the causes that led to this effect.


Answer: They had more time and money because factorys were taking over, reducing most common peoples work times, and this also boosted the economy because of the amount of new products coming in.


They had more time and money because factories were taking over, lowering the amount of time that most common people had to work, and because so many new things were entering the market.

What is time and money?

The idea of time value of money states that a specific sum of money is worth more now than it will be later. The time value of money principle states that investments are the only way for money to rise in value, hence delaying an investment means missing out on a chance.

Time is actually far more valuable than money since you can use time to generate money but not money to buy more time. You can lose all of your money and get it back, but you can never get your time back, according to the facts. There aren't any opportunities to extend the time.

Thus, They had more time and money because factories were taking over.

For more information about time and money, click here:


food labels are designed to help consumers make informed choices. since 1990, what has the food label included?


food labels are designed to help consumers make informed choices. since 1990, the food label included Nutrition Labeling and Education.

How do food labels work?

The content on nutritional labels is meant to educate people so they may make informed eating decisions. Information about the contents of the product and suggestions for choosing healthier processed foods can all be found on the front reverse, and side of a package.

What drawbacks are there to food labels?

According to researchers, sugar claims on product labels might deceive customers into thinking they are choosing healthier foods than they actually are. When foods are described as "less sweet" or "without added sugar," for instance, people may assume that they fit into a nutritious diet when in fact they may not.

To learn more about food labels visit:


what was imported from europe that changed the life of native americans on great plains



horses and firearms


Why did the states want more power then the federal government under the Articles Of



Balancing state and national power: The Articles of Confederation created a national governing system that placed most power in the hands of the states. The Founders feared giving too much power to a central government, which might become tyrannical.


Why did the government encourage people to participate in rationing programs like wheat-less and meatless days during World War 1?
A. save money
B. eat healthier
C. conserve food
D. increase enlistment


National meatless days were established in 1917 to help troops serving overseas in World War I and, subsequently, World War II preserve food. However, the effects of these measures went well beyond rationing in terms of mobilizing communities, expanding education, and promoting public health. Thus, the correct choice is (C) conserve food.

What was the rationing program's goal?

National meatless days were established in 1917 in order to save food for troops fighting overseas in World War I and, subsequently, World War II. However, the effects of these measures went well beyond rationing in terms of mobilizing communities, expanding education, and promoting public health. Gasoline, butter, sugar, and canned milk were all rationed since they had to be redirected to the war effort. War also hampered trade, reducing the supply of some items.

To learn more about World War I, click


political changes in england, the bubonic plague, and the hundred years' war a:a. strengthened the role of feudal lords in society. b:b. made the importance of individuals decline dramatically. c:c. contributed to the decline of the feudal system. d:d. led to rapid increases in the population of europe.


The Hundred Years' War was an ongoing conflict between England and France in the 14th and 15th centuries over a variety of issues.

notably the succession to the French throne. The conflict lasted for more than a century and encompassed numerous generations of English and French throne claimants. Conventionally, the war is claimed to have begun on May 24, 1337, The complex political relationship between France and England in the first half of the 14th century was eventually a result of William the Conqueror's status as the first sovereign ruler Battles between privateers marked the start of hostilities in the Hundred Years' War. It was 1338 before Edward III set foot on the Continent.

learn more about  hundred years here:


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