In 1860 abraham lincoln was elected president on a republican platform that advocated all of the following except.


Answer 1

The following excerpt about Abraham Lincoln are true except D, which is "The abolition of slavery throughout the United State".

What was Abraham Lincoln's political platform?A former Whig, Lincoln's ran on a platform opposing the expansion of slavery into the territories. His election provided the impetus for the Civil War to break out. Lincoln refused to accept any resolution that might result in Southern secession from the Union after being sworn in as president.Lincoln thought that American democracy meant equal rights and opportunities for all. However, he distinguished between fundamental natural rights such as freedom from slavery and political and civil rights such as voting. He believed that it was up to the states to decide who should be allowed to exercise these rights.

Learn about Abraham Lincoln's here:


In 1860 Abraham Lincoln Was Elected President On A Republican Platform That Advocated All Of The Following

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Which south carolina politician became known as the "father of nullification"? andrew jackson strom thurmond john c. Calhoun jefferson davis.


John C. Calhoun was the South Carolina politician known as the "Father of Nullification" theory. Option c is correct.

What is Nullification?

Nullification in the United States is a legal presumption that states have the right to invalidate or nullify any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional.

The primary idea of nullification was that an individual state in the US States has the power to decide not to accept a federal law that it considered unconstitutional within its state.

This first happened over the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 in which South Carolina attempted to declare null and void within the states because it discomforted many Southern planters who depended on foreign trade for their livelihoods.

The theory has not been legally upheld by federal courts in the United States of America.

It was proposed by John C. Calhoun who argued that the tariff was unconstitutional because it violated the trust of the states. For that, he was named the "Father of Nullification".

Learn more about the Nullification theory at


what does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


The Declaration of Independence is a beautiful work of literature.


Perusing The Announcement of Freedom, the peruse can see that there are 3 pieces of human existence( Life, Freedom, and the quest for Joy) that are required to have been fulfilled so the existence of individuals can be quiet and as one.

This statement is a work of writing since it utilizes numerous scholarly gadgets like direct references, absolute opposite, symbolism and similitudes, parallelism, and redundancy. Not just scholarly gadgets are indications of a delightful work of writing.

It is an extraordinary work of writing because the peruse can peruse extremely creative text with solid and daring guides to help the convictions and privileges they need to succeed. It propels the peruse to ponder the battle for the opportunity and will that is strong.

Learn more about Stephens:


2. What were "greenbacks"?
copper coins used by the Confederacy during the Civil War
O privately issued currency used by the Union during the Civil War
O paper currency used by the Confederacy during the Civil War
O commodity money used by the Union during the Civil War


Greenbacks were commodity money used by the Union during the Civil War. The appropriate response is option D.

What is  Greenbacks ?

During the American Civil War, the United States created greenbacks—emergency paper money with a green backprint. Demand Notes, produced between 1861 and 1862, and U. S. Notes, issued between 1862 and 1865, were the two types.

Because of the hue of the back, they were given the moniker "greenbacks." Considering that these notes were written on flimsy paper, it's not uncommon to find them in appallingly damaged state. Thankfully, they also frequently appear in unused condition.

To learn more about Greenbacks


How was trade impacted by the fall of the roman empire became dependent on imports became international became more expansive became localized


Answer: I think the answer is A

Explanation: Because, when the Empire collapsed, trade throughout the lands that had once made up the Roman Empire, also collapsed. The Mediterranean Sea became a dangerous place for merchants as there were no powers to control the activities of pirates who marauded as far north as the English Channel.

Why did Ghana get independence early?


Nkrumah envisaged independent Ghana as a vanguard for the liberation of the rest of Africa from colonial domination and the construction of a socialist African unity under his leadership. After the creation of a republic in 1960.

A military-led National Redemption Council (NRC), led by Col. Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, overthrew the government. Political parties were outlawed, the national assembly was disbanded, public gatherings were restricted, and prominent politicians were jailed. A retroactive subversion decree was passed in July 1972, giving military courts the authority to execute offenders for crimes such subversive political activities, robbery, theft, and destruction of public property, as well as, starting in 1973, for rumor-mongering and profiteering. It was obvious that the military government was unable to maintain law and order or anything resembling a thriving or stable economy. Ghana's gross domestic product, export revenue, and standard of life all started to rapidly drop.

Learn more about ghana  independence here:


50 PTS!!
Looking back time line Assignment


help it won’t let me type it all


this is really easy theme 1

What kind of fighting
did the US encounter
with Japanese forces during WW2?



During World War II, the US encountered several different types of fighting with Japanese forces. This included naval battles, such as the Battle of Midway, in which US aircraft carriers engaged Japanese ships; ground combat, such as the Battle of Guadalcanal, in which US Marines fought against Japanese soldiers on land; and aerial combat, such as the Battle of the Philippine Sea, in which US fighter planes engaged Japanese planes in the skies.

In addition to these conventional forms of combat, the US also faced unconventional tactics from the Japanese, such as the use of kamikaze attacks in which pilots deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships. The US also had to contend with difficult terrain and harsh conditions in many of the Pacific theater battles, such as jungle terrain and extreme heat. Overall, the fighting with Japanese forces during World War II was varied and often intense.


write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


An instructive essay instructs the reader about the subject. They may serve to define a concept, compare and contrast two things, evaluate data, or give instructions.

An essay that informs the reader on a certain subject is called an informative essay. It informs the reader on a specific topic, be it a term, an occurrence, a natural phenomenon, etc.

Informative essay format:

1) Introduction: A transition sentence, background information, a thesis statement, and a hook are all required in the introduction.

2) Thesis Statement: Your essay's key theme will be addressed in the thesis statement.

3) Body: In the essay body, which consists of

a topic sentence, supporting details, a brief conclusion

4) Conclusion: The following components make up the conclusion of an informative essay:

The thesis statement once more.A synopsis of the body sentences.The last word

To know more about Informational Essay, refer to this link:


The dissatisfaction of Virginia farmers with the colonial governor who failed to protect them against American Indian raids led to


The dissatisfaction of Virginia farmers with the colonial governor who failed to protect them against American Indian raids led to Bacon's Rebellion.

What does Colonial Governor mean ?

A colonial governor is a government or state official appointed to administer a colony, usually in a foreign territory or newly acquired territory. A colonial governor's role typically entails governing the people who live in the territory, enacting laws and regulations, and representing the government in the territory.

What led to the beginning of Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon's Rebellion arose in the mid-17th century as a result of growing dissatisfaction with Virginia's colonial government. Sir William Berkeley, the colony's governor, had long been chastised for his lenient policy toward Native Americans, which many colonists believed was leading to raids on their settlements. In response, a group of colonists led by Nathaniel Bacon formed a militia to fight the Native Americans. This sparked a full-fledged rebellion against Berkeley's government, with Bacon's forces eventually taking control of the colonial capital, Jamestown.

To know more about Bacon Rebellion,


South sudan became a sovereign state in 2011 following a long civil war with sudan centered around racial differences between arabs and africans. The fragmentation of a state in this manner is considered an extreme example of.


The fragmentation of a state in the manner described is considered an extreme example of ethnic conflict.

Ethnic conflict is a type of conflict that occurs when two or more ethnic or racial groups are in competition for power or resources. In the case of South Sudan, the conflict was rooted in the long-standing tensions between the Arab and African populations in the region, which ultimately led to the formation of a separate state for the African population. Ethnic conflicts can have far-reaching and devastating consequences, including loss of life, displacement of populations, and economic disruption.

Learn more about Ethnic Conflicts here:


how does artwork from africa prove that european traders made inroads into the kongo and benin kingdoms?


Artwork from Africa prove that European traders made inroads into the Kongo and Benin kingdoms by showing Benin painters depicted European invaders in their works of art.

What are African artworks?

The term "African art" refers to the historical and contemporary paintings, sculptures, installations, and other works of visual art produced by native or indigenous Africans on the African continent. The term may also refer to art from the African diaspora, including Caribbean, African American, and South American art that draws inspiration from African culture. Despite this variety, there are recurring aesthetic elements found across the entirety of the African continent's visual culture.

African art studies may cover key visual art forms including pottery, metalwork, sculpture, architecture, textile and fibre art, as well as other visual arts. Since these regions have long been a part of other traditions, the term "African art" typically does not include the art of the North African regions around the Mediterranean coast. For more than a thousand years, but with numerous unique local traits, such regions' art has been a part of Berber or Islamic art.

To learn more about African art from the given link


how does artwork from africa prove that european traders made inroads into the kongo and benin kingdoms?

Administrative progress work was made in 1935, as part of the new deal. Where is the effectiveness of WPA?


The effectiveness of WPA lies in wide range of jobs in which both skilled & unskilled labourers were engaged by WPA, many of which were public works initiatives like building parks, bridges, schools, & public buildings.

The Works Progress Administration (WPA), sometimes known as the Job Projects Administration (1939–43), is a New Deal–era work programme for the unemployed that was established in 1935. On public works projects, a Works Progress Administration (WPA) generated millions of employment. Workers dredged rivers and harbours, constructed highways and public structures, & promoted soil & water conservation. Public places were improved by hiring artists. A pension programme for retirees was established under the Social Security Act.

Some significant and significant successes may be attributed to the New Deal. It returned people to their jobs. It kept capitalism alive. It rekindled optimism among the American people while also restoring trust inside the American economic system.

To know more about WPA:


how did the asante benefit from participation in trading networks in this time period?


Strong military traditions and high agricultural output coexisted in the kingdom.


Gold, slaves, ivory, and kola nuts were shipped out of Asante via a vast trading network that extended over the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Sahara to the north. The slave trade was another significant source of riches in addition to gold.

How did the growth of maritime commercial networks effect African kingdoms like Asante and the Kongo?

African states like the Kingdom of the Kongo and Asante, whose participation in trading networks increased their influence, grew as a result of the establishment of marine commerce networks.

To Know more about  Atlantic Ocean


How many calories do Swimmers burn a day?


Swimmers can burn average 200 calories for 30 minutes swimming in a day. Olympic swimmers can burn about 3,000 calories10000 per day working out. Because the resistance of water is so much higher than air, it is  easier to burn calories while swimming.

Swimming is an amazing calorie burner it is totally depending on the things like gender, body type, and weight, hitting the pool for an hour can burn almost 1000 calories.

Breaststroke is a bit of a slow burner in terms of calories. In fact, it is the least beneficial stroke for burning calories. Backstroke is the second lowest calories burner next to breaststroke. Freestyle is the fastest of all the strokes, so as you might expect it is up in second place for calorie burning potential.

Butterfly swimming isthe hardest to learn, and definitely not for beginners, but it is at the top of the calorie burn list.It helps to increase your flexibility, suppleness and stretches out the body to improve posture.We will burn more calories swimming compared to running the same distance. Swimming is a full body workout, which results in more calories burned.

Learn more about calories click the link here:


1) Do you feel a sense of nationalism with Canada? Why or why not?
2) Do you believe that Canada has a shared sense of national identity?
3) Choose one: If yes, what does it look like to you? Why? If no, why not?


Answer:what u just said

Explanation: no I got manipulated in Canada just coz I was Brazilian

1. Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests. Canadian nationalism seeks to promote the unity, independence, and well-being of Canada and the Canadian people. Canadian nationalism has been a significant political force since the 19th century and has typically manifested itself as seeking to advance Canada's independence from the influence of the United Kingdom and the United States.

2. Canadian identity refers to the unique culture, characteristics, and condition of being Canadian, as well as the many symbols and expressions that set Canada and Canadians apart from other peoples and cultures of the world. Most notions of Canadian identity have shifted between the ideas of unity and plurality. They have emphasized either a vision of “one” Canada or a nation of “many” Canadas. A more recent view of Canadian identity sees it as marked by a combination of both unity and plurality.

In late 2015 terrorists aligned with isis murdered over 100 persons in ______ and then nearly three dozen in ______ four months later.


I believe the answer is Paris;Brussels

Is swimming for 30 minutes good exercise?


Ues this is to be true that swimming for 30 minutes is a good excercises for  us. Swimming is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's entire body to move through water.

Swimming is benefit for us for full body workout , great for general wellbeing, exercising without the sweat. Just 30 minutes of swimming three times a week alongside a balanced, healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy and maintain a positive mental outlook

Swimming regularly can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve your sleep patterns. Swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories.

Swimming just 30 minutes a week can help to guard against  to your heart disease swimming three times per week can boost your energy levels through increased metabolic rate.

Learn more about good swimming click the link here:


Why was the Cotton Club called the Cotton Club?


Black vocalists of the highest caliber and wealthy downtown customers contributed to the cotton club's reputation-building.This club was called the cotton club because it featured black performers.

In the 1920s and 1930s, when there was Prohibition, The Cotton Club was Harlem's most prestigious nightclub. Numerous well-known African American artists, including Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald, Fats Waller, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, and Ethel Waters, performed at the club at the time.A "rush of whites toward Harlem after dusk, filling the little cabarets and pubs where formerly only colored people laughed and sang" was brought on by the club. Hughes also talked on how this resulted in a number of neighbouring cabarets, especially black cabarets, having to close.

To know more about Cotton Club visit:


what role do you think the abolitionists played in helping douglass win his freedom at last?


Frederick Douglass put in a lot of effort to make sure that one of the war's consequences would be emancipation.

The abolitionist movement was spread in what way by Frederick Douglass?

He penned anti-slavery pamphlets, collaborated with abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, and wrote the best-selling narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, which was originally published in 1845.

Why did the anti-slavery movement succeed?

Their efforts turned out to be very successful. Slavery was brought to light by abolitionists, who also made it difficult to ignore. They widened the chasm that had already been threatening to split the country apart even before the Constitutional Convention.

To know more about douglass visit:-


why the nazi may think women were important (history essay)


Nazism thinking for the woman is that they are the bearer of Aryan Race and Culture. Hitler only sees women as the bearer. He also organized gold, silver and bronze medal. Who bear 4 Aryan children got bronze medal. Those who bear 6 Aryan Children got silver and those who bear 8 or more than 8 got gold medal.

His only intention is to make Aryan or Nodic Culture big.

Also he punishes the women who does not bear Nodic Aryans

archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Answer:a golden tongue or amulet placed in the deceased's mouth.


How did Theodore Roosevelt expand U.S. power in Latin America?


Theodore Roosevelt is frequently referred to as the first modern American president.

TR marked the beginning of the office's rise to prominence and power. Congress had been the most powerful branch of government for the most of the 1800s. Roosevelt completed the transition from a weak, ineffective executive to a strong, effective one, even though the president started to collect more authority in the 1880s. He shifted the focus of American politics from Congress or the political parties to the President.

Roosevelt accomplished this through the strength of his character and obstinate executive action. Unless expressly stated otherwise, he believed that the President had the right to exercise all of his executive authority. He felt that he had a special opportunity as President.

To learn more about Theodore Roosevelt, refer:


Read the excerpt and study the map. The author of this excerpt most likely
comes from which of the following countries?
The present law calls for the imposition of the death
sentence on any [citizen] who has peddled or smoked
opium. Since (our people) could not peddle or smoke
opium if foreigners had not brought it to [the country), it is
clear that the true culprits of a [person's) death as a result
of an opium conviction are the opium traders from foreign
countries. Being the cause of other people's death, why
should they themselves be spared from capital
punishment? A murderer of one person is subject to the
death sentence; just imagine how many people opium has
killed! This is the rationale behind the new law which says
that any foreigner who brings opium to (our country] will be
sentenced to death by hanging or beheading. Our purpose
is to eliminate this poison once and for all and to the
benefit of all mankind.¹

A. Country A
B. Country D
C. Country B
D. Country C


Considering the historical perspective and the context of the excerpt, the author of this excerpt most likely comes from which Country C.

Which is the Country C map.

Based on historical views, it is believed that China is one of the major consumers of Opium. However, because of opium addiction and other negative factors associated with it including the United States makes every country frowns on Opium purchases.

Based on historical facts, the Chinese want opium sales in their country to stop. Chinese is also a communist country located in the Asia continent.

Also, some of the major exporters of Opium are mostly from Western Europe especially the likes of Great Britain which became the leading exporter to China.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the most likely place where the present law calls for the imposition of the death sentence on any who has peddled or smoked opium in China

Learn more about China here:


In the late 1800s, many unfair business practices (such as the formation of monopolies and trusts) led to



By the late nineteenth century, big businesses and giant corporations had taken over the American economy. Consumers were forced to pay high prices for things they needed on a regular basis, and it became clear that reform of regulations in industry was required. The loudest outcry was against trusts and monopolies.

Why were immigrants targeted during the palmer raids? a. Immigrants were believed to be sympathetic to anarchists and communists. B. Immigrants were aggressively trying to overthrow the us government. C. Immigrants were entering the united states illegally and taking low-wage jobs. D. Immigrants were gathering in large ethnic communities, harming property values.


Immigrants were targeted during the Palmer Raids because they were believed to be sympathetic to anarchists and communists.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What were the Palmer Raids?

Pаlmer Rаids, аlso cаlled Pаlmer Red Rаids, rаids conducted by the U.S. Depаrtment of Justice in 1919 аnd 1920 in аn аttempt to аrrest foreign аnаrchists, communists, аnd rаdicаl leftists, mаny of whom were subsequently deported. The rаids, fueled by sociаl unrest following World Wаr I, were led by Аttorney Generаl А. Mitchell Pаlmer аnd аre viewed аs the climаx of thаt erа’s so-cаlled Red Scаre.

The immigrаnt community wаs highly tаrgeted precisely becаuse they were believed to be sympаthetic to communism аnd аnаrchism. There wаs а pаrticulаr focus on Itаliаn аnd Eаstern Europe's Jewish people.

For more information about Palmer Raids refer to the link:


Please help... Antonio wants to write about the high cost of a college education. Which question would best guide his research?

What college scholarships are available?
How important is it to graduate from college?
How many students attend college each year?
What options do students have to pay for college?


In my opinion, the last one is the solution if I were writing a paper similar to Antonio's thesis and researching "What choices students have to pay for college." Hope that was useful.

What do you mean by research?

Research is a systematic inquiry process that includes data gathering, documentation of important information, analysis, and interpretation of that data and information in accordance with appropriate procedures established by particular academic and professional disciplines.

According to studies, in order to be a highly successful research degree student, you must: keep solid working relationships with your supervisors; write frequently; efficiently manage your time; have a realistic attitude and stay motivated; and, when required, ask for help.

To know more about Research here

Whats in both sides of the Brooklyn Bridge?


There are two notable constructions on each side of the bridge: the famous One World Trade Center building and the St. Paul's Chapel.

John A. Roebling was in charge of creating the Brooklyn Bridge. The building process started in 1869 and was finished in 1883. It was the longest suspension bridge in existence at the time. The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River to link the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

There was a thorough reconstruction between 1944 and 1954. The train and trolley tracks were removed, the highways were enlarged from two to three lanes, new approach ramps were built, the inner and outer trusses were strengthened, and new horizontal stays were inserted between the four major cables.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


Which of the following statements does not describe agriculture in the Middle colonies?

A) Many farmers in the Middle colonies were able to produce a cash crop.

B) Much of the land in the Middle colonies had already been deforested by Native

C) The land in New England was more fertile than in the Middle colonies.

D) The growing season in the Middle colonies was longer than in the New England colonies.


Answer: C) The land in New England was more fertile than in the Middle colonies.

Explanation: Farming was difficult in New England. Most of the land was filled with rocks or was too sandy to farm. The region's many forests and rugged mountains made it hard to find good farmland.

What was Eisenhower’s greatest legacy?


Answer: He Ended the Korean War


His two terms produced eight years of growth and relative prosperity

Please help- trying to get a good grade fast (: pls <3
2. Describe how the election of John Adams created division between Democratic-Republicans and Federalists. (4 points)


The Federalist Party backed the Alien and Sedition Acts, while the Democratic-Republican Party opposed them, which led to a rift between the two parties after John Adams' victory.

What is the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Alien and Sedition Acts were four statutes passed by Congress. These laws increased the citizenship age from 5 to 14, gave the president the power to remove "aliens," and allowed for their detention, arrest, and deportation during times of war.

The Sedition and Alien Acts generated debate. The Federalist Party backed them, and they were defended on the grounds that they improved national security during in the Quasi-War, a covert naval conflict against France from 1798 to 1800.

To learn more about the Federalist Party


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