If the word ends in silent e, drop the e and add the suffix, unless the final e is needed to preserve the sound of the preceding consonant (as in vengeance).

Select the two words that both end in the suffix -ence and follow the spelling rule above.



Answer 1

interfer - ence, condol - ence, occur - rence, exist - ence, confer - ence

What is suffix?

A suffix is an addition that follows the word stem in linguistics. Adjectives, verb endings, and case endings, which designate the syntactic case of nouns and verbs, are typical examples. Suffixes can convey lexical information or grammatical information (inflectional suffixes). a grammatical suffix or an inflectional suffix. [1] Such inflection modifies a word's grammatical attributes inside its syntactic category. Class-changing generation and class-maintaining derivation are the two types for derivational suffixes. Suffixes are referred to as affirmatives because they can change the shape of words. Suffixes and ends are different concepts in Indo-European studies (see Proto-Indo-European root). The information contained in suffixes can be grammatical.

To know more about suffix, visit:



Related Questions

leveled texts are ranked on objective readability criteria, gradually becoming more difficult as students progress through the levels. t or f


Based on the given statement: "Leveled texts are ranked on objective readability criteria, gradually becoming more difficult as students progress through the levels.", this is FALSE

What is a Leveled Text?

This refers to the type of texts that are made for the student to interact with for a more relatable purpose that has to do with everyday things.

Hence, it can be seen that the given prompt is FALSE because a leveled text is not ranked on objective readability criteria, gradually becoming more difficult as students progress through the levels.

Read more about leveled texts here:



Unit Activity: An Analysis of a Classical Text: Purpose and Central Idea
Creating and Sharing a Multimedia Text
In this task, you will use the information you gathered in Task 1 to create a multimedia text for an audience of
your choice other than your teacher.
17 of 18 Save & Exit
Just like your original analysis, your multimedia text will explain how Plato's Republic or Cicero's On the
Republic may have influenced The U.S. Constitution. However, you should rewrite the text so that it is
interesting and clear for your chosen audience. You should also enhance the text with media that similarly
fits your audience. Then, you'll publish and share your multimedia text online for others to see.
Part C - Create a Multimedia Text
Use your table and written analysis from Task 1 to create a multimedia text. Make sure the text
. clearly communicates how the formation of the federal government, especially as it is described in
The U.S. Constitution, may have been influenced by either Plato's Republic or Cicero's On the
• makes use of media besides text alone to illustrate how these texts are connected.
tailors both the writing and the media to a specific, imaginary audience other than your teacher.
is fully digital so that you can share and publish the file for others to see.
In the space provided, describe your chosen audience for the multimedia text. Then, describe how you
used text and multimedia to communicate the information from Task 1 in a way that is clear and
interesting for your audience.
TIP: To ensure that all the media elements you're using in this task are doing their job, ask yourself if the
text alone can communicate the information. If so, you may need to make the non-text media a
bigger part of the experience.


We can actually see here that to create a multimedia text for an audience of your choice, we have:

Let the audience be my fellow students.Then, get materials and images that are related to Plato's Republic or Cicero's On the Republic.The media you will use should also fit your audience.You can use video to buttress your points in your multimedia text.

What is multimedia?

Multimedia is actually known to be a way communication is carried out whereby different content forms such as audio, text, images, videos, animations are used in an interactive way to make presentation. Multimedia has made traditional means of communication to become obsolete and outdated.

A multimedia text is one written which carries media along with it. Multimedia text is usually known to be helpful in communication.

Learn more about multimedia on https://brainly.com/question/14992135


What factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in georgia during reconstruction?


The widespread use of worthless Confederate currency contributed significantly to the rise of tenant farming and sharecropping in Georgia during Reconstruction.

During this time, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution (together known as the Reconstruction Amendments) were enacted, ending the final Confederate secession in the South and presumably granting newly freed slaves (freedmen) the same civil rights as white people.But when "Liberal Republicans" and Democrats banded together to demand that the Army leave the South, support for Reconstruction in the North began to dwindle. As part of a legislative agreement to elect a Republican as president after a controversial election, federal troops were evacuated from the three Southern states where they had been stationed in 1877.

Thus these are the two factors that played significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during reconstruction.

Refer here to learn more about sharecropping: https://brainly.com/question/21176908


What role does the environment play in the evolution of organisms?


When the environment of an organism changes, the organism is forced to adapt to the new environment, which eventually leads to the evolution of a new species.

Environment-adapted organisms have a higher chance of surviving and dispersing the genes that contributed to their success. Over time, this mechanism leads to the evolution and divergence of species. An organism may adapt to changing situations by using genes that enable a variety of various forms in a variety of contexts. The evolution of structures and behaviors that may be exploited to adapt to various surroundings is another reaction to environmental change. Adaptation is a crucial evolutionary process in which natural selection modifies variance in the fitness of characteristics and species to make them more suitable.

To learn more about environment please click on below link



Select the statement that best describes what the information in the third paragraph of "Cut the Coffee" reveals
about the author.
O The author believes that anyone who disagrees with his views on coffee is ridiculous.
The author believes that living a natural, healthy life is important.
O The author does not believe that coffee can truly aid in making its drinkers feel alert.
The author thinks that coffee can be a part of a healthy morning if it is served with a nutritious breakfast.


The right response is b) the author thinks it's crucial to lead a natural, healthy life.

There are two components to this query. Answer part A first. then respond to part B.

Part A: Pick the sentence that most accurately sums up what the third paragraph of "Cut the Coffee""'s author profile shows.

Which of the three sentences in the third paragraph best exemplifies your response from part A?

Part A: According to the author, leading a natural, healthy life is crucial.

Part B: A straightforward good night's sleep and a *healthy breakfast" could have the same effects as a cup of coffee without any potential drawbacks.

Coffee still carries certain possible hazards, mainly because of how much caffeine it contains. For instance, it might momentarily increase blood pressure. Caffeine should be avoided by women who are nursing, pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. High consumption of unfiltered, boiling coffee has been linked to a slight rise in cholesterol levels.

To know more about Coffee, please visit: https://brainly.com/question/19566353


Make a Attention getter/thesis for Burmese pythons


In Florida, Burmese pythons could be utilized as a therapeutic. The rising population of these poisonous snakes is causing a range of issues is the thesis.

What are Burmese pythons?

The Burmese python is among the world's largest snakes. Burmese pythons are large ambush predators that can grow to be greater than two inches long whereas those recovered in the United States are often 6 to 10 feet long.

Burmese pythons prey on other animals and humans. It does not eat only small animals. They are capable of consuming an adult deer. It is exceedingly unsafe to release these animals into the wild or near Florida's urban areas.

Learn more about on Burmese python, here:



Why do human kiss on the lips?


Lips might have evolved initially for food and later applied themselves to speech; however, petting satisfies different forms of hunger.

Within the body, a kiss triggers a cascade of neural messages and chemicals that transmit tactile sensations, sexual excitement, feelings of closeness, motivation and even elation. Your lips have more nerve endings than the other parts of your body. Once you press them against another set of lips or heat skin, it feels sensible.

Mix that with the chemical cocktail free throughout petting, and you've got got a direction that is absolute to provide you with all the feels. During the later Classical amount, fond mouth-to-mouth petting was initially represented within the Hindu epic sacred writing.

To learn more about kiss triggers, visit more



What is the maximum amount of time that refrigerated food that was prepared on site can be kept in a vending machine?


TCS items that are prepared for consumption can be eaten without risk during a 4-hour interval. However, if they have not been kept at a consistent temperature.

It can only be kept at 41°F for a maximum of  before it needs to be thrown out. ALL FOOD . Refrigerators need to be adjusted at 39 degrees or less. If the meal was prepared on-site and refrigerated, discard it if it is not consumed within seven days. Maintain the appropriate temperature for TCS meals. It should be kept at 41°F or below (5°C), or at 135°F or above. TCS food that is ready to eat can only be kept for a maximum of seven days when stored at 41°F (5°C) or lower. After this point, certain bacteria can develop to deadly heights.

To learn more about FOODS please click on below link



what are two things that worry you about living on your own? what are two things that you‘re excited about?


The two things that concern you about living alone are loneliness and expensive costs.

No matter how much you enjoy living alone, you will experience loneliness from time to time. These feelings may resurface when you visit others during the day. Coming home to an empty house may be difficult if you and your former housemates all left work at the same time.

"The major reason why living alone is so expensive is because there are a lot of fixed prices associated with living in an individual home," says money consultant Liz Koh. "If you are paying a mortgage or rent, the price are going to be there matter what percentage persons sleep in the property.

learn more about "loneliness" here https://brainly.com/question/24450911


penelope was testing odysseus to make sure he was really odysseus. she told her servant to move their bed out of the bedchamber. what was the secret that made that impossible (and that proves odysseus was who he said he was)?



Their bed had been carved out of a tree, so it could not be moved.


Because Odysseus had remembered this small detail about their wedding bed, Penelope knew that Odysseus really was who he claimed to be (Odysseus).

which TWO statements best describe the relationship between football hooliganism and juvenile delinquents.A. Football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency both involve illegal, sometimes very dangerous, actions. B. Football hooliganism is a less extreme version of juvenile delinquency. C. Both football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency require individuals to be rehabilitated. D. Football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency are both often the consequences of individuals leaving their groups in favor of individualism. E. Juvenile delinquency is illegal; football hooliganism is not. F. Football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency are both often the consequences of individuals leaving their groups in favor of individualism.


TWO statements that best describe the relationship between football hooliganism and juvenile delinquents are:

A. Football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency both involve illegal, sometimes very dangerous, actions.

C. Both football hooliganism and juvenile delinquency require individuals to be rehabilitated.

What statements are most applicable?

The statements that best describe the relationship between football hooliganism and juvenile delinquents are the facts that both actions often involve illegal actions. They are also very dangerous and can be destructive to the lives of the persons that perform them.

Also, when it is established that individuals have begun to engage in these kinds of practices, they would need rehabilitation to begin to see things in the right way. If they are not rehabilitated, they may not recover from seeing things in such negative ways and might continue to lead a destructive life. So, options A and C are the best statements that apply to the two conditions above.

Learn more about hooliganism here:



What makes BTS songs unique?


BTS stands out because it is one of the few K-pop acts to achieve international success. The band also sings in Japanese and English in addition to Korean, so their music isn't just for Korean listeners.

Why is BTS most successful?

BTS has managed to win over the hearts of many by making music that can appeal to a wide range of listeners regardless of their tastes and aligning themselves with the message that it's important to support and love yourself. It's no wonder why they are so well-known in a field with so many diverse artists.

What is the main message of BTS?

BTS' message to the world is to 'LOVE MYSELF'.

What is BTS famous line?

They demonstrate their incredibly unusual global appeal by performing in three distinct languages, and their fervent and active fanbase has assisted in making them the first musicians in history to top the Global Artist Chart for two consecutive Don't be trapped in someone else's dream." "Purple is the last color of the rainbow. Purple means I will trust and love you for a long time." " I have a big heart full of love, so please take it all

learn more about BTS visit:



What is dollar buying rate today?


The 1 USD to INR = 82.418.

The area greenback coin is known as bits, betraying the dollar's origins as the piece of eight  The $1 invoice is nicknamed greenback or single. The from time to time-used $2 bill is on occasion referred to as deuce, Tom, or Jefferson.

The phrase dollar is the English shape of haler, a German phrase means that an individual or element from the valley The thaler was the call given to the first minted coins from silver mines lower back in 1519 in Joachimsthal, Bohemia, consequently, us's foreign money unit is called after them.

Louisiana businessman Oliver Pollock created the dollar sign because of the image we recognize these days. Pollock immigrated to the USA in 1760 from Ireland at age 25. He started a career as a merchant in the West Indies and was headquartered in Havana, Cuba where he traded mainly with the Spanish.

Learn more about a dollar here:-https://brainly.com/question/25970050


Expressions used for descriptive or rhetorical effect that are not literally true but that express some truth beyond the literal level
a. figurative language
b. extended metaphor
c. metaphor
d. personification
e. simile


In literature, figurative language, extended metaphors, metaphors, personification, and similes are commonly used to convey a deeper meaning than a literal interpretation of the words.

These techniques allow writers to create vivid imagery and evoke powerful emotions in their readers. Through the use of these techniques, writers can express truth beyond the literal level and create a more meaningful and powerful experience for their readers.

Figurative language consists of words or phrases that are used to describe a situation, object, or person in a non-literal way. An extended metaphor is a comparison that is drawn out throughout an entire piece of writing. A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things that does not use the words “like” or “as”.Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to something that isn’t human. Finally, a simile is a comparison between two unlike things that uses the words “like” or “as”.

Learn more about Figurative language at :https://brainly.com/question/2569664


What does God say about premarital sex?


Let wedding be command in honor among all, and let the wedding bed be undefiled, for God can choose the sexually immoral and adulterous.” This verse cannot simply be restricted to free love, since each “sexually immoral” and “adulterous” are listed.

Fornication is mostly accordant sexual activity between 2 folks not married to every different. once one or a lot of of the partners having accordant sexual activity is married to a different person, it's known as free love.

Bible does not expressly forbid fondling between 2 unmated folks. A Christian couple that's chemical analysis with the thought of wedding or is engaged does not essentially sin as a result of they share a kiss in an exceedingly manner that retains their purity.

To learn more about fornication, visit here



How has the world become a global village with example?


The concept that individuals all over the world are connected via the usage of new media technologies has been referred to as the "global village."

These act as antioxidants. In former times, potatoes were a life-saving food source as the vitamin C in them protected against scurvy. Overall, rice has less vitamins and minerals than potatoes, but when you add toppings like butter, sour cream, gravy, bacon bits, and salt to baked potatoes, the amount of calories and fat increases significantly. The internet is a simple illustration of the global village notion. Individuals may easily connect via social media or email to people all over the world since they have access to the internet on their phones and free internet in libraries and cafés. daily flights to several nations

To learn more about technology  please click on below link



What actually gets passed when you pass an array as an argument to a function?


When we pass an array as a function argument in C, we also pass the array's base address.

When an array is passed to a method?

The original array is accessible to the method when an array is passed to it. The number of columns is represented by the first size declarator in the declaration of a two-dimensional array. The number of rows is represented by the second size declarator. Multiple length fields exist in a two-dimensional array.

What type of data type is array?

An array type is a data type that is defined by the user and consists of an ordered set of elements of a single data type. An ordinary array has a fixed maximum number of elements and uses the ordinal position as the array index.

What are the four types of array?

Single Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Array, Three Dimensional Array, Character Array, or Strings are all examples of arrays.

learn more about array visit :



What are the benefits of using wiki to collaborate with other students?


Wikis can boost academic productivity by allowing groups of students to collaborate to solve problems, finish projects, etc. Wikis facilitate collaborative learning.

Your children may develop Bloom's higher-order abilities, such as producing, evaluating, etc., by using Wikis efficiently.

What advantages can the wiki bring to the classroom?

HTML and other programming languages are not necessary. Anyone from anywhere may administer and access wikis as long as they have an Internet connection. Global collaboration is possible between instructors and students who are working on the same paper.

HTML and other programming languages are not necessary. Anyone from anywhere may administer and access wikis as long as they have an Internet connection. Global collaboration is possible between instructors and students who are working on the same paper.

Learn more about wiki  to visit this link



a proper introduction can go a long way in establishing rapport with the audience. what information should be included when you introduce a speaker before a presentation?


Describe your speaker or presenter's credentials to the audience. Give the speaker's name as the last two or three words of your introduction. Ensure that you state it loudly and clearly.

How do you captivate your audience with your introduction?

Create a compelling introduction-

-Describe an event or a person.

-narrate a tale.

-Describe a personal encounter.

-Refer to a recent occurrence.

-Embrace a statement or idea made by a prior speaker.

-Make a significant observation about the audience or the environment.

-Display a striking picture.

-Pose a challenging query.

-Mention an interesting, amusing, or remarkable fact.

-Spell out what's at risk for your listeners.

-Make a witty observation or relate a funny story.

-Describe your personal interest in the subject.

-Tell the audience how the subject affects them.

To know more about compelling introduction visit:



What is the major message of the poem?


The poem's theme is its lesson or message. The poem's goal is to make individuals aware of their analytical abilities. The poet intends to convey the message that decisions should be made deliberately and attentively.

Because life does not provide many opportunities every now and then, one should act appropriately.

In a poetry, the speaker expresses his or her thoughts and feelings about a subject. These thoughts and other features in a poem might be used to deduce the poem's topic or theme.

A poem's theme is the message that the author wishes to convey via the composition. The theme varies from the primary concept in that the major idea describes the main point of the text.

Learn more about to  poem visit here;



What is the importance of being good and active Filipino citizens to our country?


If Filipino people follow the law and join civil society or civic movements that work to improve the country's well-being, our community and country will run smoothly and become more peaceful.

People are disciplined and active in a community that runs smoothly. The ordinances and laws are followed by everyone. In addition, they always carry out their duties. Violence is prevented and theft and other crimes are reduced. A Good community's progress depends on its ability to take part in civic movements. Citizens can evaluate and make use of their capacity to respond to their needs and seek community-wide solutions here.

Through support, one can assemble every one of our endeavors to answer specific issues and needs. The citizens unite and are able to develop healthy relationships as a result of these movements.

Learn more about Filipino citizens here:



What are some motifs in The Things They Carried?


The Things They Carried is a short story with three major themes that are present throughout: war, vulnerability, and guilt.

He wrote The Things They Carried in 1990. Tim O'Brien employs a number of motifs, which are recurrent concepts, pictures, or symbols that highlight significant ideas in a piece of art or literature. The haze, the forest, the mud, and the gloom of night are a few of the motifs used.

The Items They Carried Stockings Symbols One of the soldiers in Lt.... The Baby Water Buffalo is Henry Dobbins. Curt Lemon, a soldier in the platoon, is killed... Fog and Water. Water and fog imagery are used by O'Brien to represent freedom, loss of freedom, and the haziness of recollections.

regret and Freedom lost, and memories that are unclear.

The Things They Carried frequently and consistently explores the themes of shame and guilt. For fear of humiliating themselves, their families, and their cities if they left, soldiers felt compelled to go to war.

To learn more about  humiliating please click on below link



with any persuasive speech there are many arguments a peaker ,ight make to support a speech;s thesis. true or false


This statement is True because There are numerous arguments a speaker could present in a persuasive speech to back up the speech's thesis. The best speakers are those who can persuade an audience.

What is a persuasive speech example?

It should be illegal to advertise subliminally. The benefits offered at work should be the same for men and women. For reasons of gender, color, or poverty, no child should indeed be denied an education. Everyone becomes more equal when wearing a school uniform.

What does the term "persuade speech" mean?

A communication strategy is one that is delivered with the goal of persuading the audience to assume or act in a certain way. Almost anything qualifies as this, including voting, organ transplantation, recycling, and more. It's crucial to consider your audience when thinking. The editorial "we" gives the impression that we are all on the side of the dispute to the reader.

To know more about Persuasive speech visit:



write a
paragraph evaluating the end of the play. What happens? Is it a satisfying end
to the play? Did you like it? How would you change it? Why?


It has been difficult to evaluate the end of the play just without knowing the specific or particular details of the play.

What is the resolution of the conflicts?

A satisfying end has been a play that would involve the resolution of the conflicts as well as the story lines that has been presented just throughout the play which provide the sense of the closure for the audience.

If there were just to change the end of the play, I would do so just based on my own artistic vision as well as in the effort just to create the more satisfying and coherent narrative. Either or not the end of the play has been satisfying would be depend on the personal preference.

Therefore, It has been difficult to evaluate the end of the play just without knowing the specific or particular details of the play.

Learn more about vision on:



What are the 4 types of personalities?


The four personality types are: analytical, amicable, expressive, and driver. Any personality may be determined by two factors:

These fundamental groups have been known by many names over the ages, but for our purposes, we will refer to them as the director, the socializer, the thinker, and the supporter.

However, we abbreviate these personality categories as A, B, C, and D, accordingly. There are four personality types: average, reserved, role-model, and self-centered, according to a research published in Nature Human Behavior. These results may alter how people think about personality in general.

The term "Type A" describes a pattern of behavior and personality linked to, among other things, high accomplishment, competition, and impatience. Self-control is one of the good characteristics of a Type A personality. drive to accomplish goals Competitiveness.

Learn more about to Person's personality  visit here;



3. Although mot predicted Phillip to ______ hi father, he urpried them by revering everal of hi father more malevolent policie. Dilike


B) Resemble, most people expected Phillip to be like his father, but he surprised them by changing some of his father's more evil policies. The plot is quite straightforward. Fortunato is lured into Montresor's family vaults as part of his plan to exact revenge on him for an unnamed insult.

What does it mean to resemble?

to possess or possess the qualities of: You bear a striking resemblance to your mother. Feature, mirror, parallel, replicate, approximate, echo, and favor are other words for resemble.

What is a suitable sentence that uses the word resemble?

He "much resembles his father in both disposition and appearance." "Terrier dogs resemble one another very much." "I saw someone today that resembles Julia Roberts exactly; it was ridiculous!"

To know more about resemble visit :-



Is mashed potato a vegetable?


Potatoes are vegetables. Mashed potatoes can be considered vegetables as long as it is homemade.

Mashed potatoes can be called vegetables as long as it includes only potatoes that are steamed and mashed and no other ingredient is added to them. So, it can be called a healthy dish.

But, when ingredients like bacon, milk cheese, etc, are added, then they cannot be called a vegetable. Mashed potato in the real sense cannot be called a vegetable because it is made with not only potato but also include dairy items in it. It is normally served as a side dish with steak or used as fillings in dumplings.

It is made by either boiling or steaming potatoes to remove their skins and mashed with salt, milk, and butter. In the USDA nutritional food group, mashed potatoes fall under the vegetable and vegetable product category.

To learn more about Mashed potato,




What is BTS full form?


BTS, or Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" or "Bangtan Boys"), is a South Korean K-pop band, also known as Beyond the Scene, that rose to fame internationally in the late 2010s.

Jin (real name Kim Seok-Jin) was one of its seven members. Bangtan Sonyeondan is known as BTS. The Bangtan Sonyeondan Boys is another name for them. A South Korean boy band with seven members was established in Seoul in 2013. The Korean term "bulletproof boy scouts" is Bangtan Sonyeondan. While people in other nations refer to them as BTS, Koreans refer to them by this moniker.

The seven-member Korean group, made up of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, is quickly establishing itself as a household brand because to their incredible choreography and distinctive sound.

To learn more about member please click on below link



What condition is characterized by a preoccupation with a fantasized or exaggerated physical defect in personal appearance?


Body Dysmorphic Problem is condition which is characterized by preoccupation with fantasized or exaggerated physical defect in personal appearance. mental condition marked by intense attention to perceived appearance fault.

A person with Body Dysmorphic Problem (BDD) exhibits signs of a medical condition, yet these symptoms cannot be adequately explained by a physical disorder.  BDD patients are fixated with a perceived physical flaw or a tiny flaw that most people can't even see..

The fault could be insignificant or unreal. However, the person could work on it for hours every day. The individual can workout excessively or have several aesthetic operations.

People who have this condition can regularly look in the mirror to check how they seem, continuously compare how they look to others, and avoid social events and images.

To know more about Body Dysmorphic Problem:



How are the story events in “Odysseus and Circe” mirrored in the excerpt from Summer of the Mariposas?


To Greek society, giving one a meal as a present as presumed. At Loop, no one came to take a seat. As per Odysseus, Greeks are loving and will go great pains for love. He gave the old man a cake and told it to eat it.

What am I presume you think?

Although the phrases assumption and presuppose both mean to "take some for granted" or to "accept something as true," they differ in the level of assurance the speaker expresses. When somebody is making an educated estimate based on plausible evidence, they use the word presume.

Is the word "presumption" unfavourable?

This can be understood from the combination of the Latin phrase some, which means "to take," and the prefix ante, which means "before." Presumption has a bad reputation since it is frequently proven to be incorrect; making decisions before all information is available seems foolish.

To know more about presume visit:



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