100 POINTS PLEASEEEE HELP An export is a good or service sent out of a country into another country. A factory in the Philippines makes clothing to send to a vendor in Canada. Which country is exporting?
A. both
B. Canada
C. Philippines


Answer 1


Option C is the correct answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

There are two terms in business

ImportExportImport:Bring (goods or services) from another country.

Export:Send (goods or services) to another country.


In this case, Philippines is doing exporting and Canada is doing Importing.

Thus, The answer is Philippines.

Related Questions

in a study of a certain hardware inspection process, 356 items were inspected, and of these, 201 passed the test. calculate a 95% (two-sided) ci for the proportion of all dies that pass the test.


The [0.513,0.616] range is the 95% confidence interval for the percentage of all dies that pass the test.


Number of items inspected = 356

Number of items passed the test = 201

We have to calculate the 95% (two-sided) confidence interval for the proportion of all dies that pass the test;


p' = 201 / 356 = 0.56460


The 95% confidence interval for the percentage of all dies that pass the test;

p∈ [p' ± zα / 2√p' (1−p') / n]

p∈ [0.56460 ± 1.96 × √0.56460 (1 − 0.56460) 356]

p∈ [0.513, 0.616]

That is,

The 95% confidence interval for the percentage of all dies that pass the test is [0.513, 0.616]

Learn more about confidence interval here;



At intel, the thickness of processor chips has a mean of 1 mm with a standard deviation of 0. 2 mm. Multiple random samples, each consisting of 35 processor chips, are taken. The sample mean and standard deviation for each sample are recorded to form a sampling distribution. What is the mean and standard deviation of this sampling distribution?.


The mean of this sampling distribution is 1 cm, the standard deviation is 0.033, X-bar is called the sampling distribution of the sample mean

The square root of the variance is used to calculate the standard deviation, a statistic that expresses how widely distributed a dataset is in relation to its mean. By calculating the departure of each data point from the mean, the standard deviation may be determined as the square root of variance.

The bigger the deviation within the data collection, the more the data points deviate from the mean; hence, the higher the standard deviation, the more dispersed the data.

Processor chips = 35

Let the x-bar be the sample mean

x-bar = 1 mm

Size of the processor chips = 0.2 mm

n = 35

Standard deviation = Size of the processor chips/[tex]\sqrt{n}[/tex]

= 0.2/[tex]\sqrt{35}[/tex]

= 0.2/5.9160

= 0.033

Standard deviation = 0.033

Learn more about standard deviation:



emily has gotten c's on her first three accounting exams. each exam is worth 25% of her final grade. even though she wants an a in the class, she is not planning to study harder for the fourth (and last) exam. which part of expectancy theory might explain why?


Emily can't get an A in the class, even if she gets an A on the last exam. This expectancy theory might explain.

Expectancy theory suggests that indivisuals are motivated to perform if they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded. Consequently companies using performance-based pay can expect improvements.

Expectancy theory explains the process of why someone chooses one behavior over another. In making this conclusion choice, there are three elements considered: expectancy, instrumentality and valence.

Expectancy is the belief that your effort will lead to better performance.

Instrumentality is the trust that if you perform well you will achieve the outcome you expect.

Valence is the how important you feel the outcome, and any related reward is to you personally.

To know more about grade here



When aked her age,uan replied "if you take my age an quare it and then ubtract 22 time my age the reult i 75"how old i he?


After solving, she is 25 years old.

In the given question,

When he asked her age, She replied "If you take my age and square it and then subtract 22 time my age then the result is 75"

We have to find the age of she.

To find the age of she we we firstly simplify the given statement in the form of expression then we solve the expression.

To write the expression we clearly read then sentence and then write the expression.

Let the age of she is x.

So When we take the square of her age, it is x^2.

When we subtract 22 times her age then it is x^2-22x.

Then its is equal to the 75. Now the expression is;


Subtract 75 on both side, we get


Now we simplifying the equation by factoring it.





Now the factor of x is -3 and 25.

Age can not be negative. So the age of she is 25.

To learn more about simplification link is here



The right question is;

When he asked her age, She replied "If you take my age and square it and then subtract 22 time my age then the result is 75"how old is she?

I need help please! :)


Answer: 216 times

Step-by-step explanation:

18 * 12

use scenario 6-16. on average, how many people will the reporter have to stop before he finds his first democrat?


On an average, 1.67 people will have to be stopped by the reporter before he finds his first democrat.

What is democrat?

A supporter of democracy, Democratic Party subscriber, a democratic government, or a system of government where the people rule, may be referred to as a Democrat, Democrat, or Democratic.

The central value of a set of data is expressed mathematically as the average of a list of data. It is defined mathematically as the ratio between the total number of units in the list and the sum of all the data. The term "mean" in statistics also refers to the average of a given set of numerical data.

For instance, (2+3+4)/3 = 9/3 = 3 is the average of 2, 3, and 4. As a result, in this instance, 3, which also includes 2, 3, and 4, serves as the central value. Finding the average value of a group of numbers is what average means, then.

Average is calculated by dividing the total number of values by the sum of the individual values.

Learn more about democrat



Monica would like to save up $10,000. She is going to make monthly deposits for 5 years into an account that will get 2.05% compounded monthly. How much does she need to deposit in the account to reach her goal?


Answer: $91017.17865 / 12 = $7585.5987

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we need to first determine the total interest that will be earned on the account over the 5-year period. We can do this by using the formula for compound interest, which is:

A = P (1 + r/n) ^ nt

where A is the total amount of money in the account after the interest has been compounded, P is the initial deposit, r is the interest rate, n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years the money is deposited.

In this case, the initial deposit is $10,000, the interest rate is 2.05%, the number of times the interest is compounded per year is 12 (because the interest is compounded monthly), and the number of years the money is deposited is 5. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

A = 10000 (1 + 0.0205 / 12) ^ (12 * 5)

A = 10000 (1.001708333) ^ 60

A = 10000 (1.101717865)

A = 101017.17865

Therefore, the total amount of money in the account after 5 years will be $101017.17865.

Since Monica wants to save up $10,000, we can subtract this amount from the total amount in the account to find out how much she needs to deposit each month in order to reach her goal:

101017.17865 - 10000 = 91017.17865

Therefore, Monica needs to deposit $91017.17865 each month in order to save up $10,000 in 5 years. This means that she will need to deposit $91017.17865 / 12 = $7585.5987 per month in order to reach her goal.

The amount of time Alex spent on his math
homework was 9 minutes less than twice the
amount of time it took him to complete his science
homework. If it took him 1 hour and 15 minutes
total to complete his math and science
homework, how long did he spend on his math


The answer to this Question based on Linear equation is 28 and 45

What is Linear Equation?

It is a equation in which the degree of each and every variable is 1 only is called linear equation


Let the time taken to complete maths homework be x and time to complete science homework be y

first we know that total time taken was 1 hr 15 minutes means 75 minutes which in turn means x + y = 75

and from 2nd relation that we are given

x = 2y - 9

now we got the 2 linear equations now we just need to solve them to get our final answer

putting this equation in first equation we got we get

2y - 9 + y = 75

3y - 9 = 75

3y = 84

y = 28

and hence x = 2y - 9

x = 56  - 9

x = 45

hence time to complete maths was 45 minutes and time to complete science is 28 minutes

To Learn more about Linear Equation:



How do you find the maximum value of a set?


The ven diagram from set theory must be used to determine the highest value and minimum value in a set.

We're using this as an illustration.

Let A and B represent two sets with 4 and 7 items, respectively. The maximum number of elements that A and B can have is then written.

So let's assume:

A's element count is equal to n. (A).

B's element count is equal to n. (B).

The sum of the elements of A and B is n (A and B).

Now, here is the equation for the components of A U B:


The answer to the question states that set A's element count is four, whereas set B's element count is seven. We can thus write:

The number of elements that are included in both sets A and B is represented by the numbers n (A) = 4 and n (B) = 7.

The maximum number of elements in n(A,B) must be determined. Therefore, when n(AB) is smallest and when n(AB) is zero, n(AB) is at its maximum.


Hence, the maximum number of elements in A∪B is 11.

You might be asking why n (AB) must be minimized in order to be maximized, and why the minimal value of n (AB) is 0.

In the formula for n (A∪B),


L.H.S will be maximized when in the R.H.S; the term after minus sign will be minimized. Hence, n (A∩B) must be minimized.

The fact that n (AB) can take on any value less than 0 indicates that there are no elements in sets A or B that are shared by both sets. Furthermore, it's possible that the two sets we have don't share any elements.

When no elements is common in both the sets, the n (A∩B) is ∅.

The set which has no element in it is called a null set or an empty set.

By this we can find maximum value in a set.

To know more about set here:



What is the exact circumference of a circle with a radius of 17 millimeters?
17Ï€ millimeters
34Ï€ millimeters
68Ï€ millimeters
8.5Ï€ millimeters


The exact circumference of the circle with radius 17 millimeters is 34π   millimeters , the correct option is (b) .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the radius of the circle is given as = 17 millimeter

we have to find the exact circumference of the circle,

we know that the formula to find circumference of the circle is ;

circumference = 2×π×r

Substituting the value of radius in the circumference formula ,

we get ;

circumference = 2×π×17

Simplifying  further ,

we get ,

= 34π

Therefore , the exact circumference of the circle is = 34π .

The given question is incomplete the complete question is

What is the exact circumference of a circle with a radius of 17 millimeters ?

(a) 17π millimeters

(b) 34π millimeters

(c) 68π millimeters

(d) 8.5π millimeters

Learn more about Circumference here



What is function Give 2 example of function?


Functions are expressions, rules, or laws that specify the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable


A function;

An expression, rule, or regulation that establishes the connection between an independent variable and a dependent variable is known as a function (the dependent variable).

A function called f is defined by the notation y=f(x). This should be understood as "y is a function of x." The input value, or independent variable, is represented by the letter x. The output value, also known as the dependent variable, is denoted by the letter y, or f(x).

Examples for function are;

f(x) = sin x, f(x) = x2 + 3, f(x) = 1/x, f(x) = 2x + 3, etc.

Learn more about functions here;



A penny collection contains twelve 1967 pennies, seven 1968 pennies, and eleven 1971 pennies. If you are to pick some pennies without looking at the dates, how many must you pick to be sure of getting at least four pennies from the same year?.



Pick at least four pennies to be sure of getting at least four pennies from the same year.

Step-by-step explanation:

To be sure of getting at least four pennies from the same year, you would need to pick at least four 1967 pennies, four 1968 pennies, or four 1971 pennies. Since these are the three smallest groups of pennies, you would need to pick at least four pennies to be sure of getting at least four pennies from the same year.

Sarah is twice as old as her younger brother. The sum of twice her age and three times her brother's age is
35. Write and solve a system of equations to do to determine how old Sarah is and how old her brother is.


Answer: Her brother is 5 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

s = 2b

4b + 3b = 35

7b = 35

First, I used s to represent Sarah's age. We are told that she is twice her brother, I used b to represent her brother's age. The sum of twice her age is 4 times her brother's age (2b + 2b) and 3 times her brother's age is 3b.

The area of square 1 is 25 cm2, the perimeter of square 2 is 12 cm. What is the area of square 3?


Answer: The are of square 3 is 9cm

the area of square = a^2

= 3 ^2 = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Which number can each term of the equation be multiplied by to eliminate the fractions before solving?
-3/4m - 1/2=2+1/4m




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{-3}{4}[/tex] m - [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] = 2 + [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] m  Multiply each term by 4

-3m - 2 = 8 + m  Add 3m to both side

-2 =  8 + 4m  Subtract 8 from both sides

-10 = 4m  Divide both sides by 4

[tex]\frac{-5}{2}[/tex] = m

a family of four went out to dinner. the cost of their meal was $75.99. Tax on the meal is 6.75% and they left a 19% tip on the cost of the meal. what is the total amount they will pay


The total amount they will pay = $95.557

What is the percentage?

It's the ratio of two integers stated as a fraction of a hundred parts. It is a metric for comparing two sets of data, and it is expressed as a percentage using the percent symbol.

The Latin word "per centum," which means "by the hundred," is where the word "percentage" originally came from. With 100 as the denominator, percentages are fractions. To put it another way, it's the relationship between a component and a whole in which the value of the whole is always assumed to be 100.

Cost of meal = $75.99

tax amount = 6.75% of 75.99

                   = ( 6.75/100 ) * 75.99

                   = $5.129

Tip amount = 19% of 75.99

                   = (19/100)*75.99

                   =  $14.438

Total amount they will pay = $75.99 + $5.129 + $14.438 = $95.557

To Learn more about the percentage form the link:



Which function is used to find the maximum?


A function that is used to find the maximum = MAX

We know that the MAX function in Excel returns the data's largest numeric value from a set of values.

MAX does not take into account empty cells, logical values TRUE and FALSE, or text values.

To find the  to find the maximum value in a set of values:

First select a cell below or to the right of the numbers you're looking for the smallest number for.

Then click the arrow next to AutoSum on the Home tab, in the Editing group, then click Min (calculates the smallest) or Max (calculates the largest), and then press ENTER.

MAX function is used to find the maximum.

Learn more about the function here:



Choose Yes or No to tell whether the equation has the
given solution.
2x + 4 = 3x - 2; x = 6




Step-by-step explanation:






Yes, It equals 6.

This shows a graph.

For which choice is the graph increasing over the entire interval?

0 < x < 2

2 < x < 4

-3 < x < 0

-3 < x < 4


Answer:-3 < x < 0

Step-by-step explanation:

help please, which pic is it a, b, c or d?



top right graph

Step-by-step explanation:

Having a zero at 3 means that the y coordinate is 0 when the x-coordinate is 3.

A y-intercept of 9 means it includes the point (0, 9).

Answer: top right graph

How many solutions does 6-3x=4-x-3-2x have?
OA. No solutions
OB. Two solutions
OC. Infinitely many solutions
OD. One solution



D. One solution

Step-by-step explanation:


Combine your like-terms.


Subtract 1 to both sides (on the right side it cancels out).


Add 3 on both sides (on the left side it cancels out).


Divide both sides by 6.


Work out the area of the tapezium ABDE.​


The area of the trapezium, if  CD = 8 cm, BD = 6 cm, AE = 9 cm, is  30 cm².

What is area?

The measurement that expresses the size of a region on a plane or curved surface is called an area. Surface area refers to the area of an open surface or the boundary of a three-dimensional object, whereas the area of a plane region or plane area refers to the area of a form or planar lamina.


CD = 8 cm,

BD = 6 cm,

AE = 9 cm,

Here you can see that the triangle AEC and triangle BDC are similar, so the ratio of sides of a triangle are also equal,

BD / AE = CD / CE

6 / 9 = 8 / CE

CE = 9 × 8 / 6

CE = 12 cm

Thus, DE = CE - CD.

DE = 12 - 8 = 4 cm

Calculate the area as shown below,

[tex]Area = (BD+AE) / 2 \times DE[/tex]

Area = (6 + 9) / 2 × 4

Area = 15 / 2 × 4

Area = 30 cm²

Therefore, the area of the trapezium, if  CD = 8 cm, BD = 6 cm, AE = 9 cm, is  30 cm².

To know more about Area:



Given: NL is a diagonal of parallelogram KLMN
Prove: KL x NM and KN UM
(edAsset type-"image" caption" Squre-alse" ak-"Aparallelogram KLMN is divided into two triangles NL is the diagonal of the parallelogram
class-block-center img-responsive" ledAsset]
O A.
1. NL is a diagonal of
parallelogram KL MN
O D.
2 KL NM and
4. LN NL
Select the missing statement and reason to complete the given proof
by the altemate interior angles theorem
by the altermate interior angles theorem
6. KLNM and
by the corresponding angles theorem
by the corresponding angles theorem
Definition of a
Reflexive property
of congruence
ASA congruence
Corresponding parts
of congruent
triangles are


The missing statement and reason to complete the given proof of parallelogram is Option A.

What is a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a geometric object with sides that are parallel to one another in two dimensions. It is a form of a polygon with four sides (sometimes known as a quadrilateral) in which each parallel pair of sides have the same length. A parallelogram has adjacent angles that add up to 180 degrees.

Given, NL is a diagonal of parallelogram KLMN

Since KL || NM and LN is transversal

That implies, ∠KLN ≅∠MNL by alternate interior angles theorem

Again, KN || LM  and NL is transversal

That implies, ∠LNK ≅ ∠NLM by alternate interior angles theorem

Hence, Option A is the correct answer.

To learn more about a parallelogram





∠KLN ≅ ∠MLN, and ∠KNL ≅ ∠MNL

by the alternate interior angles theorem

Step-by-step explanation:

Which inequality represents this statement?
A number is no more than 5.
On 25
On <5


The inequality represents a number no more than 5 is n < 5.

What is inequality?

In mathematics, inequalities describe the relationship between two values that are not equal. Equal means to be equal, not. The "not equal symbol (≠)" is typically used to indicate that two values are not equal. But different inequalities are used to compare the values to determine whether they are less than or greater than.

We have to find which inequality represents a number no more than 5.

Consider, the first inequality n ≤ 5.

This inequality contain 5 and less numbers.

Consider the second inequality n ≥ 25

This inequality contain numbers 5 and more

For n > 5  

This inequality contain numbers more than 5.

For n < 5

This inequality does not contain number more than 5.

Hence, the inequality represents a number no more than 5 is n < 5.

To know more about inequality, click on the link



Let S be the part of the plane 3x+2y+z=3 which lies in the first octant, oriented upward. Find the flux of the vector field F=4i+4j+1k across the surface S.


The flux of the vector-field F = 4i + 4j + 1k across the surface S is 63/4. We find out the flux of the vector-field using Green's Theorem.

Define Green's Theorem.

Flux form of Green's Theorem for the given vector-field

φ = ∫ F.n ds

= ∫∫ F. divG.dA

Here G is equivalent to the part of the plane = 3x+2y+z = 3.

and given F = 4i + 4j + 1k

divG = div(3x+2y+z = 3) = 3i + 2j + k

Flux = ∫(4i + 4j + 1k) (3i + 2j + k) dA

φ = ∫ (12 + 8 + 1)dA

= 21∫dA

A = 1/2 XY (on the given x-y plane)

3x+2y =3

at x = 0, y = 3/2

y = 0, x = 1

1/2 (1*3/2) = 3/4

Therefore flux = 21*3/4 = 63/4

φ = 63/4.

To know more about Green's theorem visit:



Erik wants to save $650. He has $125 and plans to save $17.50 each month. Write an equation (Blank 1) to determine the number of months it will take Erik to save the $650? Then solve the equation and put your answer in Blank 2

and brainliest for extra point this question 100 since that is my limit is that


The required equation is $650 / 17.50 = 37$ to determine the number of months and the solution to the equation is 37.

To determine the number of months it will take Erik to save the $650, we need to find out how many $17.50 increments are in $650. We can do this by dividing $650 by $17.50. This gives us 37.142. Since Erik can only save in whole dollar amounts, we can round this number down to 37.

Thus, the equation we are looking for is $650 / 17.50 = 37$, where the left side of the equation represents the total amount of money Erik wants to save, divided by the amount of money Erik saves each month. The right side of the equation represents the number of months it will take Erik to save the $650.

Therefore, we can fill in the blanks as follows:

Blank 1: $650 / 17.50 = 37$

Blank 2: 37

Learn more about the equation here:



in a batch of 50 computers , 3 are defective . if you randomly select 7 , what is the expected number of defectives?


Expected number of defectives is 3.

What do you mean by probability?

Simply put, probability is the likelihood that something will occur.

When we don't know how an event will turn out, we can discuss the likelihood or likelihood of several outcomes. Statistics is the study of events that follow a probability distribution.

The likelihood or chance of an event happening is known as probability.

Probability =  (the number of ways of achieving success)/( the total number of possible outcomes)

It is given that there are total 50 computers and out of which 3 are defective. So , here atmost 3 can be  defective out of 7.So , out of 7 , one can be defevtive , 2 can be defective and 3 can be defective

Therefore, expected number of defectives is 3.

To learn more about the probability from the given link.



find mean, median, mode, and range for class 1, class 2 and class 3



Class 1

Mean 78.83

Median 88

Mode 90

Class 2

Mean 79.42

Median 85.5

Mode 90

Class 3

Mean 79.42

Median 78

Mode 75 and 80

Find the line of fit (1960, 23) and (2000, 32)


The line of fit for the coordinate points (1960, 23) and (2000, 32) is y=9/40 x+418.

The given coordinates are (1960, 23) and (2000, 32).

What is line of fit?

The line of best fit calculates a straight line that minimises the separation between itself and the locations of the observations in a given data collection. A trend or correlation between the dependent variable and the independent variable is depicted using the line of best fit (s). It can be expressed mathematically or graphically.

In the coordinate points (1960, 23) and (2000, 32)

In (1960, 23), 1960 is x-coordinate and 23 is y-coordinate

In ((2000, 32), 2000 is x-coordinate and 32 is y-coordinate

Here, Slope =(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

= (32-23)/(2000-1960)

= 9/40

Substitute m=9/40 and (x, y)=(1960, 23) in y=mx+c, we get

23= 9/40 (1960)+c

23= 9×49+c


Substitute m=9/40 and c=418 in y=mx+c, we get

y=9/40 x+418

Hence, the line of fit for the coordinate points (1960, 23) and (2000, 32) is y=9/40 x+418.

To learn more about the line of fit visit:




Kathy had $45.67 in her checking account. She wrote a check for $65.23. What was her balance after the check was cashed?



Answer choice (C) -$19.56 is your answer. After the check was cashed she had negative -19.56

Step-by-step explanation:

Kathy had $45.67 in her checking account. She wrote a check for $65.23. What was her balance after the check was cashed? A. $110.90 B. $39.56 C. -$19.56 D. -$110.90

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