If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable.a. Trueb. False


Answer 1

If a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. [FALSE]

About Operating cycle

In general, the operational cycle can be explained as the length of time it takes to buy raw materials, carry out the production process, and sell the product plus the time it takes to collect receivables if the sale is a credit sale. In short, the operational cycle shows the length of time required from the process of purchasing raw materials to receiving sales (either cash or credit sales). The thing that needs to be considered by business owners is to maintain the time range so that sales receipts don't take too long. The operational cycle is important for business people to pay attention to because it reflects efficiency.

The shorter this cycle, the better because the faster the business will receive cash from its operational activities. Of course, business people don't want to wait a long time to get cash from their sales because of the slow production process or the slow process of paying off receivables.

In the operational cycle there are several things that we need to calculate in order to know the length of the process needed to complete the cycle. Business players can measure conversion times to determine the length of the operational cycle.

Learn more about operating cycle at https://brainly.com/question/28390409.


Related Questions

explain the federal trade commission regulations that govern the use of celebrity endorsers.


Federal consumer protection laws are enforced by the FTC to stop fraud, deceit, and unfair commercial practices.

Additionally, the Commission upholds federal antitrust rules, which forbid anticompetitive acquisitions and other commercial activities that can result in higher costs, fewer options, or less innovation. Endorsements are a crucial marketing technique for companies that sell products to consumers. But according to the law, they must also be truthful and not deceptive. According to the rules regarding celebrity endorsements, any celebrities who are endorsing a product must complete their research on it before deciding to do so.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Lanham Act, which is the federal law against false advertising, and the FTC Act, which forbids "unfair or deceptive acts or activities."

Learn more about Federal Trade Commission here: https://brainly.com/question/8244775


traditional keynesian analysis suggests that increases in the money supply shift the aggregate demand curve through increasing part 2 a. consumption. b. government spending. c. net exports. d. investment.


Traditional Keynesian analysis suggests that increases in the money supply shift the aggregate demand curve through increasing investment.

The expansion of the money supply will result in an increase in consumer spending. This increase will cause the AD curve to shift to the right. Lower interest rates, higher investment., and ultimately an increase in AD are the results of increased money supply. Because the Fed's increased money supply lowers interest rates and increases the quantity of goods and services demanded at any given price level, the aggregate demand is pushed to the right. Increased money supply often results in lower interest rates, which encourages more investment and more money in consumers' hands, which in turn increases consumption.

Learn more about investment from



select the correct answer. which factor supports maintaining a dual income? a. rising education costs b. opportunity cost c. nuclear family planning d. opening a joint bank account


Nuclear family includes two parents and their child living together in one household.

What is benefit of dual income household?A dual-income family is likely to prosper more than a single-income family due to greater financial resources. More money should mean greater buying power.The solution is to open joint bank account. Joint account will allow you to deposit or withdraw cash from your dual income without any fear that one account will get lost. This will help you manage your money and also share it to one of your family members. Your income is safe with you having a joint account because you can monitor it in one transaction only.It describes a couple without children living together while both partners are receiving an income; because both of their wages are coming into the same household, they are free to live more comfortably than couples who live together and spend their money on raising their children.

opening a joint bank account factor supports maintaining a dual income.

A joint account is an account that can be shared by two or more.A member of the joint account can do withdraw and deposit.A joint bank account is a good choice to maintain finances.Joint account can be easier to trace the income and savings can be done in the same place.Thus In a joint account, the money we can save combinedly and this support in maintaining a dual income.

To learn more about dual income refer to:



assume a company provided the following information: sales $ 173,000 inventory balance, beginning of the year $ 11,000 inventory balance, end of the year $ 13,000 average sale period 50 days the gross margin percentage is closest to


The gross margin percentage is closest to 71.1%. To calculate the gross margin percentage, you need to know the cost of goods sold (COGS) for the year. The COGS can be calculated by subtracting the end-of-year inventory balance from the beginning-of-year inventory balance and adding the cost of goods purchased during the year.

The cost of goods purchased during the year can be calculated by multiplying the average daily cost of goods sold by the number of days in the year. The average daily cost of goods sold can be calculated by dividing the COGS by the number of days in the year.

Using the information provided, the COGS can be calculated as follows:

COGS = (Inventory balance, beginning of the year - Inventory balance, end of the year) + (Average sale period * Sales / 365 days)

Plugging in the values provided, we get:

COGS = (11,000 - 13,000) + (50 * 173,000 / 365)

COGS = -2,000 + 52,041

COGS = 50,041

To calculate the gross margin percentage, divide the gross margin (sales - COGS) by sales and multiply by 100%.

Gross margin = Sales - COGS

Gross margin percentage = (Sales - COGS) / Sales * 100%

Plugging in the values, we get:

Gross margin = 173,000 - 50,041

Gross margin = 122,959

Gross margin percentage = 122,959 / 173,000 * 100%

Gross margin percentage = 71.1%

Therefore, the gross margin percentage is closest to 71.1%.

To know more about gross margin, click here



Which monetary policy tool is a supplementary tool that sets a floor for the federal funds rate?- Overnight reverse repurchase agreement facility- Open market operations- Interest on reserve balances- Discount rate


Since the overnight reverse repurchase agreement facility's rate is established by the Fed and contributes to setting a floor for the federal funds rate, it is a complementary instrument.

Which three tools are used in monetary policy?

To influence the money supply, the Fed has three main weapons at its disposal. These instruments are open market operations, varying reserve requirements, and varying the discount rate.

What financial instrument is most crucial?

public market transactions - A monetary policy uses a variety of tools, including open market operations, requirements for bank reserves, and the discount rate, to accomplish macroeconomic objectives. The most significant and commonly employed instrument of the three is open market activities, though.

To learn more about Monetary Policy here:



mark is a 30% partner in the dmd partnership. on january 1, dmd distributes $52,000 cash to mark in complete liquidation of his interest. dmd has only capital assets and no liabilities at the date of the distribution. mark's basis in dmd is $74,000. what is the amount and character of mark's gain or loss on the distribution?


Mark's gain on the distribution is -$22,000. Because Mark's taxable gain or loss is negative, it is a loss. The character of the loss is a capital loss.

Calculate Mark's Taxable Gain or Loss

Mark's taxable gain or loss on the distribution is calculated by subtracting Mark's basis in DMD from the amount he received in the distribution:

$52,000 - $74,000 = -$22,000

Determine the Character of Mark's Gain or Loss

Since Mark's taxable gain or loss is negative, it is a loss. The character of the loss is a capital loss.

For more questions like Gain click the link below:



atms let customers of banks make deposits and withdrawals while in a shopping center or supermarket 24 hours a day. the letters atm stand for:


ATM let customers of banks make deposits and withdrawals while in a shopping center or supermarket 24 hours a day. The letters ATM stand for automated teller machine.

What is ATM and its function?

There are primarily two types of automated teller machines (ATMs). One is a straightforward, entry-level device that lets you withdraw money, check your balance, change the PIN, obtain brief statements, and get account updates. Depositing cash or checks, opening credit lines, and paying bills are all available in the more advanced units.

ATM owners profit from transaction fees that are added to each withdrawal of money. Every time a consumer uses the ATM to withdraw money, they consent to paying a certain price for the service; they are then charged for it either right once or as a line item on their bank statement.

To learn more about automated teller machine, visit:



What is the difference between tamper-evident and tamper proof?


The difference between tamper-evident and tamper proof is protection and security.

The tamper-evident describes a device or process that males unauthorized access to the protected object easily detected. Seals, markings or other techniques may be tamper indicating.

The difference between  tamper-evident and  tamper proof, the tamper proof labels offer a clearer indication that a product has been tampered with; compared to tamper evident labels. Tamper proof labels have become critical for the beverage packaging industry to continue to operate and deliver safe products in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To know more about tamper-evident here,



what are the tiny structures in the kidneys where blood is filtered and urine is formed?


Nephrons are tiny structures in kidneys where blood is filtered and the urine is formed.

What is a Nephron?

The nephron is the kidney's minuscule or microscopic structure and functioning unit. Both a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule make up this organ. The Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus, a tuft of capillaries in the shape of a cup, make up the renal corpuscle. Three layers—the endothelial cells of the capillary wall, the basement membrane, and the space between the foot processes of the podocytes that line the capsule—are used to filter the blood as it moves through them. This procedure controls the amount of bodily fluid as well as the amounts of numerous bodily chemicals. The filtrate from the glomerular tuft's filtering capillaries is collected in the inside of Bowman's capsule, which is also home to mesangial cells that support the capillaries. This area is known as Bowman's space.

To learn more about chemicals, visit:



countries that shift from a manufacturing-oriented economy to a service-oriented economy sometimes see their productivity growth decline over time. this phenomenon is called:


The economy sometimes sees its productivity growth decline over time. this phenomenon is called  Baumol's Disease.

What are economies?

A given entity, whether it be a country or a small town, has an economy if all activities associated with the creation, consumption, and sale of goods and services are included. Every economy is different. Resources, culture, laws, history, and geography are all distinctive for each.

The Baumol effect, also referred to as Baumol's cost disease is the rise in pay in occupations with little or no improvement in labor productivity as a result of increases in pay in other occupations with higher productivity growth. economies

The need to compete for people with jobs that have had productivity advances and can therefore naturally pay higher compensation, as predicted by classical economics, is what drives the increase in wages in occupations without productivity gains

Therefore, Thus, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about economies here:



mr. and mrs. king had only one casualty loss this year when a tornado (a federally declared disaster) damaged their home, decreasing its value by $70,000. the couple received a $48,000 reimbursement from their insurance company. compute the kings' itemized deduction for casualty losses if their agi was $98,200.


The kings' itemized deduction for casualty losses if their agi was $98,200 will be C) $12,080

$22,000 unreimbursed decrease in value − $100 floor − $9,820 (10% × AGI).

Any abrupt, unforeseen, or uncommon event, such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, earthquake, or volcanic eruption, can cause damage to, destruction of, or loss of your property, which is known as a casualty loss. Normal wear and tear or progressive deterioration are not considered casualties.

When claiming a deduction for destroyed property, you must first determine the casualty loss by deducting the salvage value from the asset's adjusted basis before deducting any insurance proceeds from the outcome.

Learn more about casualty losses here:



an opportunity cost is the potential benefit lost by taking an action instead of an alternative action. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


It is a true statement that an opportunity cost is the potential benefit lost by taking an action instead of an alternative action.

What is an opportunity cost?

An opportunity cost refers to the value or benefit given up by engaging in that activity relative to engaging in an alternative activity. Its means if you chose one activity, you are giving up the opportunity to do a different option.

In other word, an opportunity cost means the time spent studying and that money to spend on something else. A farmer can chooses to plant wheat; here, the opportunity cost is planting a different crop, or an alternate use of the resources (land and farm equipment).

As a representation of relationship between scarcity and choice,  the objective of opportunity cost is to ensure efficient use of scarce resources, so, it incorporates all associated costs of a decision, both explicit and implicit.

Read more about opportunity cost



the fed can influence the money supply by changing the interest rate it pays banks on the reserves they are holding. true false


The fed can influence the money supply by changing the interest rate it pays banks on the reserves they are holding. This statement is true.

What is money supply?

The Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Treasury issue currency, dollar bills and coins, as well as a variety of deposits that the general public holds at commercial banks and other depository organizations including thrifts and credit unions.

Money has a significant impact on economic activity since it is used in almost all economic transactions. A rise in the money supply has two effects: it lowers interest rates, which encourage investment, and it puts more money in the hands of consumers, which makes them feel wealthier and encourages consumption.

When the amount of money available or its rate of growth decreases, opposite impacts result. Disinflation (lower inflation) or deflation (falling prices) follow a reduction in economic activity.

Learn more on money supply here https://brainly.com/question/3625390


does divisional structure have low or high centralization, span of control, and specialization and why


Divisional structure have low centralization, high span of control, and high specialization.

Divisionalization is an augmentation of bureaucratization since a divisional structure is more organised, decentralized, and specialized than a functional one.

Organizations with multiple products, each with unique qualities, or those with broad geographic coverage or separate market sectors might consider using a divisional structure.

The organisation can benefit from functional structure by being divided into a number of independent divisions.

The benefits of a divisional structure are as follows:

It fosters managerial development and assists managers in acquiring a variety of product-related abilities.

Fixing accountability and responsibility is simple because divisional leaders are accountable for the gains and losses of their respective divisions.

To know more about divisional structure, visit:



Is low inflation better than deflation?


Low inflation is preferable since high inflation could lead an economy to deflate. Reduced pricing results in lower production and wages, which in turn leads to further price declines and further salary reductions, and so on.

Low inflation is advantageous since it guarantees that prices for necessities remain consistent. Low inflation helps the economy practically everywhere, including with the GDP, borrowing costs, and cost of basic goods and services. Adjective us before a noun ECONOMICS. used to define a time when prices are gradually rising: Bonds and banks both benefit from stable economic growth and low inflation. The broad word for an increase in the cost of goods and services throughout an economy in the study of economics is inflation. As the general price level rises, each unit of currency may buy fewer goods and services.

Learn more about inflation from



cost of trade credit and bank loanlancaster lumber buys $8 million of materials (net of discounts) on terms of 3/5, net 55, and it currently pays on the 5th day and takes discounts. lancaster plans to expand, which will require additional financing. if lancaster decides to forgo discounts, how much additional credit could it obtain, and what would be the nominal and effective cost of that credit? if the company could get the funds from a bank at a rate of 9%, interest paid monthly, based on a 365-day year, what would be the effective cost of the bank loan? should lancaster use bank debt or additional trade credit? explain.


If cost of trade credit and bank loan lancaster lumber buys $8 million of materials.

The nominal and effective cost of that credit is 22.58%, 24.90%.The effective cost of the bank loan is 9.38%.Lancaster should use bank debt.

How to find the Nominal and Annual effective cost ?

a. Additional credit:

Additional credit = Asset cost/ Number of days in a year × Number of days

Additional credit = $8,000,000/365 days × 50 days

Additional credit = $1,095,890.41

b. Nominal and Annual effective cost

Nominal annual cost = Discount percentage/(1- Discount) × 365/(Credit outstanding days -Discount period)

Nominal annual cost = 3%/(1-3%) × 365/(55-5)

Nominal annual cost = 3%/97% × 365/50

Nominal annual cost = 22.58%

Effective cost =Discount percentage/(1- Discount)^ 365/(Credit outstanding days -Discount period)

Annual effective cost =(1+ 3%÷ 1-3%) ^ 365/(55-5) -1

Annual effective cost =(1 +3%/97%)^365/50 -1

Annual effective cost = (1+0.0309278350)^7.3 -1

Annual effective cost = (1.0309278350)^7.3 -1

Annual effective cost = 24.90%

c. Annual effective cost

Annual effective cost = (1 + Interest rate/Period)^ Period -1

Annual effective cost =(1+ 0.09/12)^12-1

Annual effective cost =(1.0075)^12-1

Annual effective cost = 9.38%

d. Lancaster should use the  bank debt because the effective cost is lesser than the effective cost of trade credit.

Therefore the nominal and effective cost of that credit is 22.58%, 24.90%. The effective cost of the bank loan is 9.38% and Lancaster should use bank debt.

Learn more about  Nominal and Annual effective cost  here:https://brainly.com/question/24183582


which cost is not charged to the product under variable costing? group of answer choices direct materials direct labor variable manufacturing overhead fixed manufacturing overhead


Under variable costing, fixed production expenses are not added to the product's price.

Which cost, according to variable costing, is not applied to the product? Under variable costing, the product is not paid for fixed manufacturing expenses.The fixed overhead would not be included in ending inventory under variable costing because it is not a product cost.On the income statement, the fixed overhead would have been deducted as a period cost.According to variable costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is viewed as a period cost and is entirely charged against the income for the current period.Selling and administrative costs are treated as period costs in both absorption costing and variable costing.Production volume has no impact on the element of factory costs known as fixed manufacturing overhead.These costs include things like depreciation, production managers' salaries, and manufacturing facility insurance, to name a few.

To learn more about variable costing refer



a common misconception is that budgeting will keep you from having fun, when in reality a budget...


A common misconception is that having a budget prevents you from having fun, but it actually gives you permission to spend.

What does Dave Ramsey say about budgeting?

A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It gives you accountability and control over every dollar you earn and spend. Dave recommends using a zero based budget to specify where each dollar goes (before the month starts). In other words, income minus expenses is zero.

Types of budgeting are: Incremental Budgeting. Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB). Activity Based Budgeting. Participatory Budgeting. Budget negotiations. Budgeting the Value Proposition.

What are the golden rules of budgeting?

The rule states that up to 50% of after-tax income should be spent on duties that are necessary or must be done. The other half should be split into 20% for savings and debt repayment, and 30% for other necessities.

To learn more about budget visit:



is the most active participant on his company's social networking platform, but his manager has an issue with one aspect of his posts. which behavior is leo's manager most likely to ask him to change?


The behavior that which Leo's manager most likely to ask him to change is He never addresses colleagues by name to keep things professional.

Operant conditioning is an associative learning method that involves boosting the potency of a behavior.

Using biofeedback, consequences, and positive or negative reinforcement, behavior modification is a therapy method that aims to alter any undesirable negative behavior in a person.

Fundamentally, behavior modification is built on the concepts of operant conditioning. Through either negative or positive reinforcement, less desirable habits that a person has formed are typically replaced with more desirable ones.

In this situation, not addressing coworkers by name will be a practice that Leo's management will probably advise him to stop in order to maintain professionalism.

It's crucial that group members (workers) always refer to one other by name when speaking in a professional or business setting, such as on a company's social networking platform. This conduct or activity is required to maintain a professional atmosphere and demonstrate individual interests in your coworkers.

Learn more about Business, here



Complete question:

Leo is the most active participant on his company's social networking platform, but his manager has an issue with one aspect of his posts. Which behavior is Leo's manager most likely to ask him to change

A. He never addresses colleagues by name to keep things professional.

B. He always uses a friendly, but direct tone.

C. He often requests that colleagues post work-related data.

D. He spends time on the platform each day.

E. He often reminds colleagues to share their ideas through the platform

what would be the ramifications to us taxpayers, tax professionals and the us government if the tax rates for individuals were also set at a flat percentage?


Lack of wealth redistribution, the increased burden on middle-class and lower-income people, and tax rate conflicts with neighboring nations are some disadvantages of a flat tax rate system.

The ratio  at which a firm or individual is taxed is known as the tax rate in a tax system. Statutory, average, marginal, and effective tax rates are just a few of the ways that can be displayed. These rates can also be displayed using the inclusive and exclusive definitions of a tax base. The tax rate on income that is set at a higher rate for incomes above a specified higher bracket, which in the United States in 2016 was $415,050, is known as a marginal tax rate. The marginal tax rate in 2016 was 39.6% for yearly income that was above the threshold for that higher bracket. The reduced tax rate applied to income that was $415,050 or less or 35%.

Learn more about tax rate from



Which of these is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements?
a) ​Pro forma analysis ​
b) Substitutionary analysis ​
c) Incremental cash flows ​d) Cash flow analysis


The process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements is Pro forma analysis. The correct answer was A.

Which of these best reflects how to determine a project's projected future cash flows?

A valuation technique known as "discounted cash flow" (DCF) determines an investment's value based on its projected future cash flows. DCF analysis aims to assess the value of an investment today by using projections of how much money an investment will generate in the future.

We anticipate cash flows because of the procedure offers a structure for developing and carrying out the greatest investing ideas. Cash flow predictions are used to determine the viability of long-term investments economically. The cash Project flows are estimated using discounted and non-discounted cash flow approaches.

To know more about cash flows visit:



what is the investment cash flow, given the following information? net income $ 560 depreciation $ 50 issuance of new stock $ 35 repayment of debt $ 70 sale of old equipment $ 70 purchase of new equipment $ 80 dividend payments $ 75 interest payments $ 90


The investment cash flow is  $400

Since we  are given a net income of $ 560, depreciation of  $ 50, issuance of new stock which is  $ 35, repayment of debt  of $ 70, sale of old equipment which is  $ 70, purchase of new equipment which is  $ 80, dividend payments  of $ 75 and   interest payments  of $ 90. since the  way of finding  investment Cash flow is:

Investment Cash Flow = Net Income + Depreciation + Issuance of New Stock - Repayment of Debt - Sale of Old Equipment - Purchase of New Equipment - Dividend Payments - Interest Payments  

Investment Cash Flow = 560 + 50 + 35 - 70 - 70 - 80 - 75 - 90  Investment Cash Flow = $400

To know more about   investment cash flow  refer to the link brainly.com/question/12928585


which aspect of retail management is concerned with the store's exterior appearance, overall look-and-feel, layout and lighting?


Visual merchandising of retail management is concerned with the store's exterior appearance, overall look-and-feel, layout and lighting.

What do you mean by Visual merchandising?

Floor designs, color, lighting, displays, technology, and other components are all used in visual merchandising to draw customers in. The final goal is to leverage the retail space to increase sales by making a business distinctive and drawing customers in.Visual merchandisers present, arrange, and display goods in shops and storefront windows, which are important locations for people to view, choose, and purchase goods. Although it originated in the 19th century, the function has only lately developed into a crucial one in the fashion sector.

To know more about Visual merchandising here



what property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?


Virtualization's encapsulation feature enables the saving of whole virtual machines as files that may be moved or copied like any other file.

What does virtualization serve as?

Virtualization use software to emulate hardware features and create a virtual computer system. IT firms may now run several operating systems, programs, and virtual systems on a single server thanks to this. The benefits that follow are increased effectiveness and scale economies.

Is the encapsulation benefit of virtualization true?

In a single capsule form, the encapsulation holds the files that the virtual machines will use. Moving and copying files between virtual machines is just as simple as it is in the real world.

What exactly is the main objective of encapsulation?

A method for blocking direct user access to some object components is encapsulation, which prevents users from viewing the state values for all of an object's variables. Encapsulation allows for the hiding of both data members and data functions or methods associated with an instantiated class or object.

Learn more about encapsulation: https://brainly.com/question/29762276


what outside agency might a contractor never have to deal with in the course of construction? group of answer choices marketing agencies independent testing agencies fire marshals utility companies


Marketing agencies are outside agency that might a contractor never have to deal with in the course of construction.

A marketing agency is a business that offers a variety of clients services in one or more marketing-related areas in an effort to aid those clients in achieving their commercial objectives. The majority of a marketing agency's duties can be divided into three areas at its core: finding marketing options that fit with your company's objectives.

A marketing agency has the newest and best marketing resources that are advantageous to your business. Agency team members are up to date on the newest trends, strategies, and tools since they are committed professionals and subject matter experts. Thus, by utilizing their services, you also gain access to cutting-edge tools and methods.

Know more about marketing agency:



during the formation of beecky partnership, sam contributed property with an adjusted basis of $130,000 in exchange for a 25% interest in beecky. the fair market value of the contributed property was $170,000 and the property was encumbered by nonrecourse debt with a balance of $120,000. what amount of gain, if any, should sam recognize from contributing property to the beecky partnership?


Sam would not recognize any gain on the contribution from contributing property to beecky partnership.

What is a partnership?

A partnership is a legal agreement between two parties who agree to collaborate to accomplish their common goals. The parties are also referred to as business partners. One or more individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, institutes of higher learning, governmental agencies, or other entities may be partners in a partnership. Organizations may work together to increase their reach and increase the likelihood that each will be successful in achieving its objectives. A partnership may create and maintain stock or it may only be governed by a contract. A partnership agreement is necessary in order to create any partnership, even one that has not been reduced to paper. Partners may benefit from having a written partnership agreement that outlines the essential terms of their relationship, even though it is not legally required in common law countries.

To learn more about partnership, visit:



dentify each responsibility center as a cost center, a revenue center, a profit center, or an investment center a. Baskin-Robbins is a subsidiary of Dunkin' Brands, Dunkin' Brands owns and operates nearly 2,500 ice cream specialty stores in the United States b. The Legal Department of the Progressive Group of Insurance Companies prepares its budget and subsequent performance report on the basis of its expected expenses for the year The online division of David's Bridal, Inc. reports both revenues and expenses. Time Warner Inc's investor relations website provides operating and financial information to investors and other C. ?| d. interested parties e. The manager of the Speedway convenience store located on Verona Road in Madison, Wisconsin, is evaluated based on the store's revenues and expenses. f. A charter airline records revenues and expenses for each airplane each month. Each airplane's performance report shows its income, including its revenue and expenses g. The manager of the southeastern sales territory is evaluated based on a comparison of current period sales against budgeted sales vh. The Bakery Department of a Kroger grocery store reports income for the current year


A business unit that costs money but doesn't make money is called a cost center. Keep in mind that a company's revenue is money earned by selling goods and services.

The departments of accounting, human resources, and IT are all examples of cost centers.

A: The Investment Center

B: The Cost Center

C: The Profit Center

D: The Cost Center

E: The Profit Center

F: The Profit Center

G: The Revenue Center

H: The Profit Center

A group that is solely accountable for generating sales is called a revenue center.Cost center-n A single group is solely accountable for some costs.Investment center: The group is responsible not only for profits but also for the return on funds invested in the group's operations. Profit center: The group is responsible for both revenues and expenses, which makes P & L. Investment center.

To learn more about Profit Center here:



which of these is a specialized account used exclusively for saving money for future health expenses?
a. 401(k)
b. 529
c. IRA
d. HSA


HSAs are specialty accounts that are used just to save funds for upcoming medical bills.

What does fund mean?

A foundation is a collection of funds put aside for a certain objective. To achieve gains for its shareholders, organizations frequently speculate and use expert management. Retirement funds, ways that benefit, trusts, and scholarships are a few examples of prevalent sorts of funds.

How do funds function?

Your income and the wealth of many other investors are merged once your engage inside a fund. Then, upon their own, a fund manager acquires, holds, and sells securities. All funds are composed of a variety of investments; this distributes or broadens your risk.

To know more about fund visit:



in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?


In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, managers need to b. Help identify new customer requirements.

The outcome of multiple parties cooperating in a supply chain, almost every product in the market first appeared there. Supply chain management focuses on how companies transform raw materials into completed goods, transport those goods, and distribute them to customers.

Systems called supply chains connect businesses to their suppliers and enable them to generate and distribute commodities and products. These systems arrange various tasks, materials, and data. Additionally, they act as networks that link:


transport businesses


Distributive facilities


Consider the route that roses take to get from a florist to customers, or the end of the supply chain, to provide a straightforward illustration of a supply chain.

To know more about supply chain management:



Correct question:

In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?

a. Look at each segment of the markets they serve

b. Help identify new customer requirements

c. Rely on traditional performance measures

d. Collaborate in pricing of products

why is it difficult to compare the financial statements of a u.s. company with those of a company in india or germany?


Financial statements are written records that convey the commercial enterprise sports and the economic performance of a corporation. financial statements are often audited through government corporations.

Economic statements offer a photograph of a business enterprise's financial health, giving insight into its overall performance, operations, and coins flow. economic statements are important considering that they offer statistics approximately a company's sales, fees, profitability, and debt.

The monetary statements are used by traders, market analysts, and lenders to evaluate a company's monetary fitness and earnings potential. The three fundamental monetary announcement reviews are the stability sheet, profits statement, and declaration of cash flows. now not all financial statements are created similarly.

Facilitates investors in choice making: monetary statements include all of the crucial statistics required through the ability investors for figuring out how a whole lot they need to invest in the commercial enterprise. it's also helpful in choice making concerning the price in line with proportion that the buyers want to make investments.

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if a tumor of the glucocorticoid-secreting cells of the adrenal cortex crowds out the cells that produce aldosterone, what is the likely effect on urine composition and volume? Which of the following blood vessels are small, thin, and porous enough to exchange substances at the tissue level of organization? explain why, though blessed with bountiful natural resources, the appalachian south as yet has not fully reached economic viability. how has this affected the cuisine? For 50 points if someones solves this for me Find each probability and then order from least probable to most probable. Having a collaborative discussion means:A. putting everyone's ideas together adding one idea on top of anotherB. listening to your teacher share her ideas about a textC. writing your ideas in a journal that you share with your teacherD. reflecting on a story you have read Which theme best describes the two excerpts? A. traditional american foods bring family together. B. sharing special foods with family is an american tradition. C. young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures. D. culture is frequently linked to traditional foods. Liquor stores in tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. they argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,d. All of the above. Is this a false or true statement? Extrapolation is the use of the regression line to estimate a mean of y-values for an x-value that is far outside the x-range of data. a mixture of neon and oxygen gases at a total pressure of 652 mm hg contains neon at a partial pressure of 351 mm hg. if the gas mixture contains 2.34 grams of neon, how many grams of oxygen are present? a compound is found to have an empirical formula of ch2o. what is the molecular formula when the molecular weight is 180.0 grams? Match the strand with the compliment. 3' - TATAGTCATGCA - 5' The student observes that the molecules of red dye move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. Which best describes the type of cellular transport that the student is investigating?. A store is having a sale. They are offering $15 off thepurchase of 4 video games and 10% off if you are afirst time customer.The discounts could be applied in two different orders.Which do you PREDICT would save you the mostmoney?Use intuition, don't calculate.You will save more by getting $15 off, then 10% offYou will save more by getting 10% off, then $15 offYou will save the same amount either way what is the probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised? there is a 0.1234 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.0905 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.5726 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.7705 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.8766 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. A certain weak base has a b of 7.80107. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.14? Gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method. rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firms overall marketing plan is called its Today's Access Control List (ACLs) implement one of several designs. Pick the design from the following list:A) Microsoft WindowsB) Apple Macintosh OS-XC) NFSV4D) POSIX 1e Explain why an object might be classified as having a negative electrostatic charge.