I need the answer as fast as you can give it to me

I Need The Answer As Fast As You Can Give It To Me


Answer 1




We can simplify the expression below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} =256^{\frac{1}{4}}\times x^{16\times\frac{1}{4}} \\ =\sqrt[4]{256}\times x^{\frac{16}{4}} \\ =4x^4 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Related Questions

549 vehicles in 9 acres. How many in 1 acre?


We have that there are 549 vehicles in 9 acres, we want to know how many are in 1 acre. We see that those quantities are proportional and therefore:

[tex]v=\frac{549\cdot1}{9}\Rightarrow v=61[/tex]

We will have that there are 61 vehicles in 1 acre.

The aquarium has 6 fewer yellow fish than green fish. 40% of the fish are yellow. How many green fish are in the aquarium? Show your work.


The total number of green fish are in the aquarium is 18.

What is called the linear equation?A linear equation is just an algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b, where the slope is m and b is the y-intercept, and just a constant and a first-order (linear) term are present. The variables in the above equation are y and x, and it is occasionally referred to as a "linear equation of two variables."

T = Total fishes in aquarium.

G = Green fishes

Y = Yellow fishes

Thus, the linear equation for all fishes are-

T = G + Y   ...eq 1

The aquarium has 6 fewer yellow fish than green fish.

G = Y+6   Put in eq 1

T = (Y+6) + Y  

T = 2Y+6

40% of the fish are yellow = 0.4.

Y = 0.4×T  

T = 2×(0.4×T) + 6  

Solve for total fishes

T = 0.8T + 6

0.2T = 6

T = 30

Solve for Green fishes.

G = 0.6×T   (given)

G = 18

Thus, the number of green fish are in the aquarium is 18.

To know more about the linear equation, here



To help pay for culinary school, Susan borrowed money from an online lending company.
She took out a personal, amortized loan for $52,000, at an interest rate of 5.65%, with monthly payments for a term of 15 years.
For each part, do not round any intermediate computations and round your final answers to the nearest cent.
If necessary, refer to the list of financial formulas.
(a) Find Susan's monthly payment.
(b) If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term,
find her total amount to repay the loan.
(c) If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term,
find the total amount of interest she will pay.


Susan's monthly payment is $4578.2, Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 54938 is amount to repay the loan and If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 2938 is the total amount of interest she will pay.

What is Percentage?

percentage, a relative value indicating hundredth parts of any quantity.


Susan took out a personal, amortized loan for $52,000, at an interest rate of 5.65%, with monthly payments for a term of 15 years.

5.65% of 52000





Ina year we will have 12 months.

So let us divide 54938  by 12


Susan's monthly payment is $4578.2

If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 54938 is amount to repay the loan.

If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 2938 is the total amount of interest she will pay.

Hence Susan's monthly payment is $4578.2, Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 54938 is amount to repay the loan and If Susan pays the monthly payment each month for the full term, then 2938 is the total amount of interest she will pay.

To learn more on Percentage click:



what is the slope formula (-12,-2) and (18,4) ?


The slope is given by:


In thie case we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{4-(-2)}{18-(-12)} \\ =\frac{4+2}{18+12} \\ =\frac{6}{30} \\ =\frac{1}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore the slope between this points is 1/5.

Carter plays 5/8 of a basket ball game. The basket ball game is 40 minutes long. Which if the following shows how to find the number of minutes carter plays?how do we do it?





The number of minutes played by Carter is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Multiply the fraction of time Carter played by the total time of a basketball game:} \\ =\frac{5}{8}\times40 \\ =\frac{5\times40}{8} \\ =25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, C is the correct option

if you can make one scarf with 3/5 of a ball of yarn how many can you make with 15 balls of yarn?



To find out how many scarfs you can make with 15 balls of yarn we have to divide 15 by 3/5, because with 3/5 you can make 1 scarf:



WIth 15 balls of yarn you can make 25 scarfs

What would the Outputs be when the Inputs are 1,7,-3, and -5 if the function is Y=x


The function is:


This means that the output of the function is equal to the input. So when the inputs are 1,7,-3 and -5. The outputs will also be 1, 7, -3 and -5.

Write the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line described. 11.) through: ( 1 , 2 ) , perpendicular to Y= -1/5x +2


We would like to find the equation of the line that passes through the point (1.2) and is perpendicular to the line y=-1/5 x +2, and write in slope intercept form. To do this first we have to remeber that the equation of a line is given by


and that to find it we need a point and the slope. In this case we have the point but we don't know the slope yet. To find the slope we notice that the line has to be perpendicular to the line y=-1/5 x +2. We need to remember that two lines are perpendicular if and only if


where m1 and m2 are the slopes of the lines.

The line y=-1/5 x +2 is wirtten in the slope-intercept form:


from this we notice that its slope is -1/5, then using the relation for perpendicular lines we have that


Solving for m we have that

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{-1}{-1}(5) \\ =5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, our line passes through the point (1,2) and has an slope equal to 5. Plugging this values on the equation for a line we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-2=5(x-1) \\ y-2=5x-5 \\ y=5x-5+2 \\ y=5x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the equation of the line we were looking for is y=5x-3. (Notice that it is already written in the adequate form).

When simplified, what is the value if i2 = −1?




[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{-128} \\ \\ \text{also,} \\ i^2=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To simplify, we break the radical down into bits.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{-128}=\sqrt[]{-1}\times\sqrt[]{128} \\ To\text{ simplify }\sqrt[]{128}\text{ , we split it into a number that is a p}\operatorname{erf}ect\text{ square and another number,} \\ \text{Hence,} \\ \sqrt[]{128}=\sqrt[]{64\times2}=\sqrt[]{64}\times\sqrt[]{2} \\ \text{This means,} \\ \sqrt[]{-128}=\sqrt[]{-1}\times\sqrt[]{64}\times\sqrt[]{2} \\ \text{But recall that;} \\ i^2=-1 \\ \text{Taking the square root of both sides,} \\ i=\sqrt[]{-1} \\ \text{Substituting it in the expression below,} \\ \sqrt[]{-128}=\sqrt[]{-1}\times\sqrt[]{64}\times\sqrt[]{2} \\ \sqrt[]{-128}=i\times8\times\sqrt[]{2} \\ \sqrt[]{-128}=8i\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the simplified form is;


Consider the first 2 terms of the sequence 28, 14, ...
Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic or geometric. Explain your reasoning.
please help me with 1 and 2


With the first term being 28 and the difference being 2, this geometric progression is finite because 28 is divided by 14 and then that number is divided by 2 and so on.

What is geometric progression?

A mathematical sequence known as a geometric progression (GP) is one in which each succeeding term is generated by multiplying each preceding term by a fixed number, or "common ratio." This progression is also referred to as a pattern-following geometric sequence of numbers. A geometric progression is a series in which each term can be obtained by multiplying or dividing the term before it by a predetermined amount. Infinite GP sum refers to the total number of terms in an infinite GP. S_ = a/(1 - r), where an is the first term and r is the common ratio, is the formula for calculating the sum of an infinite geometric progression.


This is geometric progression with first term 28 and difference 2 and this is finite GP as 28 is divided by 14 then 14 is divided by 2 so on as the definition of GP says, "a series of numbers with a fixed ratio between each and the previous one (e.g., each subsequent number is increased by a factor of 3 in the progression 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 )".

To know more about geometric progression,



I need a little help understanding this


I'm going to use the letters L and W for the length and the width of the granite rectangle. We know that the length is 3 times the width. With this information we can build the following equation:


We also know that the perimeter of the section must be less than 320 inches. The perimeter of a rectangle is giving by two times its length plus two times its width. Then we have the equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Perimeter}=2L+2W \\ \text{Perimeter}<320 \\ 2L+2W<320 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since we know that L=3W then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} L=3W \\ W=\frac{L}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now that we know that W=L/3 we can substitute L/3 in place of W on the inequality I wrote before:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2L+2W<320 \\ 2L+2\cdot\frac{L}{3}<320 \\ \frac{8}{3}L<320 \\ L<320\cdot\frac{3}{8} \\ L<120 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means that the length must be less than 120 inches. This is the same as statement D which is the answer for this problem.

Which of the following equations describes the graph? (options included)



Given a quadratic equation of the form:


There's some important facts we could use to determine which options are not correct.

First fact: the y - intercept of the graph is the number c. So, if our graph intercepts at y=1, that means that c=1.

For that reason, option A is not correct, because c=1.

Second fact: the sign of the number "a", will determine the concavity of the graph. This is, in other words:

That means that if "a" is positive, the graph will has the form of the left, and if "a" is negative, it will take the form of the right side.

Based in this, we can see that our graph has the form of the left side, so "a" has to be positive.

For that reason, options A and C are incorrect.

Now we should pick between B or D.

The third fact, is that, when the sign of "b" is negative, our graph seems to be moved to the right.

When the sign of b is positive, the graph seems to be moved to the left.

As you can see, our graph seems to be moved to the right, so the sign of b should be negative.

For these reasons, the appropiate answer is D.


Super Yoga Program has two plans, basic plan and trial plan. In basic plan, you will pay $20 per month as a membership fee and $8 per each session. In trial plan, you pay $12 per each session.a. If you go to Yoga sessions 4 times in a month, which plan is better for you? Explain.b. If you go to Yoga sessions 8 times in a month, which plan is better for you? Explain.c. If you go to Yoga sessions n times in a month, express the total cost of basic plan as an expression.d. If you go to Yoga sessions n times in a month, express the total cost of trial plan as an expression.



a. trial plan

b. basic plan

c. 20 + 8n

d. 12n



We calculate the price in each case, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_b=20+8\cdot4=52 \\ p_t=12\cdot4=48 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, if you go 4 times a month, the trial plan is better.


We calculate the price in each case, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_b=20+8\cdot8=84 \\ p_t=12\cdot8=96 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, if you go 8 times a month, the basic plan is better.


Let n be the number of times you go per month, the cost expression of basic plan would be:



Let n be the number of times you go per month, the cost expression of the trial plan would be:


Use the followingA test has 28 questions that total 100 points. The test contains multiple choice questions that areworth 3 points each and short answer questions that are worth 5 points each15. Write a system of finear equations to represent the situation16. Write a matrix equation that corresponds to the system in question 15.17. Solve the system using matrices to determine how many multiple choice and short answerquestions are on the test



The equations are:

x + y = 28 ...............................................(1)

3x + 5y = 100 .........................................(2)



Total questions = 28

Total points = 100

Mulitple choice questions = 3 points each

Short answer quesitons = 5 points

Let x represent the number of multiple choice question, and y be the number of short answer

x + y = 28 ...............................................(1)

3x + 5y = 100 .........................................(2)

In a matrix form, this is:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{1} & {1} \\ {3} & {5}\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}{x} \\ {y}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{28} \\ {100}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Solving the above, we have:


Rich is attending a 4-year college. As a freshman, he was approved for a 10-year, federal unsubsidized student loan in the amount of $7,900 at 4.29%. He knows he has the
option of beginning repayment of the loan in 4.5 years. He also knows that during this non-payment time, Interest will accrue at 4.29%.
Suppose Rich only paid the interest during his 4 years in school and the six-month grace period. What will he now pay in interest over the term of his loan?


Rich will incur interest totaling $1,525.095 throughout the course of the 4.5-year non-payment period.

What is simple intrest?Simple interest is a quick and simple formula for figuring out how much interest will be charged on a loan. The daily interest rate, the principle, and the number of days between payments are multiplied to calculate simple interest. Simple interest is a quick and simple formula for figuring out how much interest will be charged on a loan. The daily interest rate, the principle, and the number of days between payments are multiplied to calculate simple interest.

acc to our question-

Given that he is aware that he has the option to start loan payback in 4.5 years at the current interest rate of 4.29% on a $7,900 loan, the following will apply:

4.29% of 7900 after the first year.In order to calculate the total interest after the 4.5-year term, multiply the interest by 4.5:=338.91*4.5


know more about simple intrest here:



True or False. Given the following vectors:a=(3,4,-2)b=(2,-7,1)c=(-6,5,4)The value of a +cxb is (36,18,30)





Given vectors:

a = (3, 4, -2)

b = (2, -7 ,1)

c = (-6, 5, 4)

What to find:

The value of a + c x b

Step-by-step solution:

c x b = (-6, 5, 4) x (2, -7, 1)

c x b = (-12, -35, 4)

a = (3, 4, -2)

Therefore, a + c x b = (3, 4, -2) + (-12, -35, 4)

a + c x b = (-9, -32, 2)

Thus, (-9, -32, 2) ≠ (36, 18, 30)

Hence the answer is False

Given the following exponential function, identify whether the change representsgrowth or decay, and determine the percentage rate of increase or decrease y=5600(1.07)^x


y= 5600 (1.07)^x

Base = 1.07

When the base of an exponential function is greater than one, it represents growth.

We can rewrite the base as:

1.07 = 1+r= 1 +0.07


r= increase rate

Percentage rate of increase = 0.07 x 100 = 7%

Translate the figure 1 unit right and 4 units up.Draw a vector from the origin 1 unit right and 4 units up.I need help pls


We want to translate the figure 1 unit right and 4 units up. This means we are going to add +1 to each x cordinate and +4 to each y cordinate.

To do this, the coordinates of the figure will change as follows:

(-9, -4) = (-9 + 1, -4 + 4) = (-8, 0) (starting point)

(-6, -9) = (-6 + 1, -9 + 4) = (-5, -5)

(-5, -5) = (-5 + 1, -5 + 4) = (-4, -1)

(-1, -5) = (-1 + 1, -5 + 4) = (0, -1)

(-2, -1) = (-2 + 1, -1 + 4) = (-1, 3)

(-9, -4) = (-9 + 1, -4 + 4) = (-8, 0) (ending point)

Now, we have to plot these new cordinates:

The figure has been translated

Name an angle supplementary to


Supplementary angles are angles that add up to 180 degrees.

To find the supplementary angle to ∠EOD, we find the angle with ∠EOD that makes up a straight line.

Looking at the figure, EC is a straight line and both ∠EOD and ∠DOC fall on this line. These two angles make up 180 degrees.


The one supplementary angle to ∠EOD is ∠DOC.


which of the following numbers is a power of 10 options 1010 500 1000 or 20



Answer = 1000


A power of 10 would be a number that can result from multiplying 10 by itself a number of times.

And from the options, we can see that only

1000 = 10 × 10 × 10

Hope this Helps!!!

He cosed that the system has an esse number of solutions. Which is the BEST evaluation of Alfred's conclusion
At for any positive value of the corresponding value of is negative, which means the system has no solution
08 Nescored both equations describe lines that have infinitely many solutions
00 scored if the st equation is moped by a and added to the second equation, the result is 136, which leads to exactly one solution
00 escorect if the fest equation is multiplied by 4 and subtracted from the second equation, the result is 3a8y--14, which means the
system has an inte number of solutions SO HELP


Answer: 08

Step-by-step explanation:

Given f(x)= -3x^3 - 8x^2 - x + 8 andg(x)= 3x^3 - 6x^2 - 8x - 8What would (f-g)(x) and (f-g)(-1) be?


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


f(x)= -3x³ - 8x² - x + 8

g(x)= 3x³ - 6x² - 8x - 8

Step 02:


(f - g)(x):

(f - g)(x) = -3x³ - 8x² - x + 8 - (3x³ - 6x² - 8x - 8)

(f - g)(x) = -3x³ - 8x² - x + 8 - 3x³ + 6x² + 8x + 8

(f - g)(x) = - 6x³ - 2x² + 7x + 16

(f - g)(-1):

(f - g)(-1) = - 6(-1)³ - 2(-1)² + 7(-1) + 16

(f - g)(-1) = - 6(-1) - 2(1) + 7(-1) + 16

(f - g)(-1) = 6 - 2 - 7 + 16

(f - g)(-1) = 13

That is the full solution.

7. What equation is represented by this illustration?OOOOOOOOO A 2x + 4 = 8x +1OB. 42 - 2 = 2 - 8O 0.42 +2 = 8O D.4.2 + 2 = 2 +8


We have 4 x's and 2 "units" in the left side. We know that this is equal or equivalent to one X and 8 units, pictured in the right side.

So we can write the left side as: 4x+2

And the rigth side as: x+8

As both sides are equal, we can write:


The answer is Option D: 4x+2=x+8

Write an equivalent expression for each expression without drawing a diagram: a) (x + 2)(x+6) b.) (x + 5)(2x + 10)


[tex]\begin{gathered} a)\text{ (x + 2)(x + 6)} \\ equivalent\text{ expression} \\ x^2\text{ + 6x + 2x + 12} \\ x^2\text{ + 8x + 12} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} b)\text{ (x + 5)(2x + 10)} \\ 2x^2\text{ + 10x + 10x + 50} \\ 2x^2\text{ + 20x + 50 equivalent expression} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a car rental company leases automobiles for a charge of 20 birr / day plus 2birr/km write an equation for the cost y birr in terms of the distance X driven , if the car is leased for 5 days.​


The equation for the cost y birr in terms of the distance X driven is y = 20 + 2x.

When the car is leased for 5 days, the cost is 100 + 2x.

How to calculate the value?

From the information, the car rental company leases automobiles for a charge of 20 birr / day plus 2birr/km.

The equation for the distance x will be:

= 20 + (2 × x)

= 20 + 2x.

When the car is leased for 5 days, this will be:

= 5(20) + 2x.

= 100 + 2x

= 100 + 2x

Learn more about equations on:



Perform the following operationand express the answer inscientific notation.5.7365x10-5 = 3.4891x10-8[ ? ]x10?)Coefficient (green)Exponent (yellow)Enter


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5.7365\cdot10^{-5}}{3.4891\cdot10^{-8}}= \\ =\frac{5.7365}{3.4891}\cdot\frac{10^{-5}}{10^{-8}}=\text{ separating by similar terms} \\ =1.64412026\cdot10^{-5-(-8)}=\text{ calculating each division separately} \\ =1.6441\cdot10^3\text{ rounding} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Both numerator and denominator have 5 significant figures, then the quotient will have 5 significant figures too.

Find the area of the polygon. 17 ft 14 ft 4 ft- 3 ft 4 ft The area of the polygon is (Type a whole number.)


Notice that the polygon can be divided on 3 rectangles, as shown in the following diagram:

The 14 ft side on the original image was split on a segment of 10ft and another of 4ft.

The areas of these rectangles, are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_1=(17ft)(10ft)=170ft^2 \\ A_2=(4ft)(3ft)=12ft^2 \\ A_3=(4ft)(4ft)=16ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The total area of the polygon is the sum of the areas of the three rectangles:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=170ft^2+12ft^2+16ft^2 \\ =198ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the area of the polygon is:


use the distributive property to evaluate the expression (3+6)(-8)


We have the following:

The distributive property of multiplication over addition can be used when multiplying a number by a sum.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(3+6\mright)\mleft(-8\mright)​=9\cdot-8 \\ -72=-72 \end{gathered}[/tex]

ok Find the distance from M to N on the coordinate plane if M(-5,8) and N(9,-2).



The above formula is used to find the distance betweent two points on the coordinate plane

let x1 = -5

let y1 = 8

let x2 = 9

let y2 = -2

inputing the following values in the above equation

[tex]\sqrt[]{(-5-9)^2+(8-(-2)^2}[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{(-14)^2+(8+2)^2}[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{(-14)^2+10^2}[/tex][tex]D=\sqrt[]{196\text{ + 100}}\text{ }[/tex][tex]\sqrt[]{296}[/tex][tex]undefined[/tex]


2. Consider the linear expression.

3.2a - 1 - 4 1/3 + 7 - a

(a) What are the like terms in the expression?

(b) Simplify the linear expression.

Please answer question in this format:


= (next step)

= (next step)

= (next step)

= (answer)


1)  3.2a , a  and 1 , 4 1/3 , 7 are the like terms in the expression.

2) 2.2a + 1.66 is the simplified linear expression

What is linear expression ?

The greatest power of a variable in a linear equation is always equal to 1. A one-degree equation is another name for it. A linear equation with one variable is typically expressed as Ax + B = 0. Here, the variables x and A and B are constants and coefficients, respectively.


1 )  Merger of similar items 3.2a , a

and 1 , 4 1/3 , 7

2 ) 3.2 a -1 - 4 1/3 + 7 -a

= 3.2a - a - 1 - 4 1/3 + 7

= 2.2a + 6 - 13/3

= 2.2a + 6 - 4.34

= 2.2a + 1.66

learn more about linear expression here :



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