I am confused on how to solve this. NOTE: the lower limit for the second function is (-6) NOT 6. Wouldn't let me type it in correctly.[tex]\int\limits^6_3 {|x-4|} \, dx + \int\limits^0_6 {\sqrt{36-x^2} } \, dx[/tex]


Answer 1

I think how you approach this depends on your knowledge of calculus.

If you don't know how to compute definite integrals yet, but you do know that they represent signed areas under curves, then you can plot both curves |x - 4| and √(36 - x ²), then recognize that the areas represented by these integrals are areas of geometric shapes. (See attached images)

First integral: if you plot |x - 4| on the interval [3, 6], you'll see that the integral corresponds to the area of two triangles. One of them has base = height = 1, and the other has base = height = 2. Then

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\frac12\times1\times1+\frac12\times2\times2=\frac52[/tex]

Second integral: if [tex]y=\sqrt{36-x^2}[/tex], then [tex]x^2+y^2=6^2[/tex], meaning this curve is the upper half of a circle with radius 6. On the interval [-6, 0], the area amounts to 1/4 of the total area of such a circle, so that

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=\frac{\pi\times6^2}4=9\pi[/tex]

* * *

If you already know a few things about calculus and integration, you can compute these areas directly.

First integral:

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\int_3^4(4-x)\,\mathrm dx+\int_4^6(x-4)\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\left(4x-\frac{x^2}2\right)\bigg|_{x=3}^{x=4}+\left(\frac{x^2}2-4x\right)\bigg|_{x=4}^{x=6}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\left(\left(4\times4-\frac{4^2}2\right)-\left(4\times3-\frac{3^2}2\right)\right)+\left(\left(\frac{6^2}2-4\times6\right)-\left(\frac{4^2}2-4\times4\right)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\frac52[/tex]

Second integral:

Substitute x = 6 sin(t ) and dx = 6 cos(t ) dt, then

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\sqrt{6^2-(6\sin(t))^2} (6\cos(t))\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) \sqrt{1-\sin^2(t)} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) \sqrt{\cos^2(t)} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) |\cos(t)| \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

For t ∈ [-π/2, 0], cos(t ) > 0, so |cos(t )| = cos(t ) :

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos^2(t)\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

Recall the half-angle identity,

cos²(t ) = (1 + cos(2t )) / 2

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0(1+\cos(2t))\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\left(t+\frac{\sin(2t)}2\right)\bigg|_{t=-\frac\pi2}^{t=0}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\left(\left(0+\frac{\sin(2\times0)}2\right)-\left(-\frac\pi2+\frac{\sin\left(2\times\left(-\frac\pi2\right)\right)}2\right)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=9\pi[/tex]

I Am Confused On How To Solve This. NOTE: The Lower Limit For The Second Function Is (-6) NOT 6. Wouldn't
I Am Confused On How To Solve This. NOTE: The Lower Limit For The Second Function Is (-6) NOT 6. Wouldn't

Related Questions

help please<333 with an explanation <333 :]]]


The first table on the top left is up 3 over 2, the formula is y1-y2/x1-x2 so in this case 3-6/2-4 = -3/-2 = 3/2. Hope this helps!

the tax on a purchase of $20 is $2.80. How much tax will there be on a purchase of $45.50?




Step-by-step explanation:

You divide 2.80 by 20 to find the percentage of tax then you simply multiply your percentange by the cost. In this problem the tax was 14% or .14, so you multiply .14 by 45.50 to find the amount of tax on the purchase

Which statement is true. Supplementary angles:
Group of answer choices

are congruent

add up to 180 degrees

are two angles inside a triangle

add up to 90 degrees


Step-by-step explanation:

Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees

Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees

It is just a rule that is important to geometry

I hope that helps :)


Add up to 180 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Supplementary angles can be two separate angles and the acute angles of a right triangle are complementary which make option 3 false. They are not always congruent and do not add up to 90 degree in total. Making option 1 and 4 false as well.

Jaleah needs some string to make bracelets. She needs
enough string to make 32 bracelets. Each bracelet takes 9 3/4
inches of string. How much string will Jaleah need to make
the bracelets?




Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 × 32 = 24

9 × 32 = 288

288 +24=312

What ordered pairs name the locations of points P and Q?



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

P(-4, 2)

Q(-3, 0)



40 points? naw naw you scamming
no it’s not a solution bc 3+9 = 12 not 8

Can someone please help!!!


the answer is option 3

Answer: {t| t ≥ 2}

Step-by-step explanation:

3t - 6 ≥ t - 2

-t         -t


2t - 6 ≥ -2

   +6    +6


2t ≥ 4

t ≥ 2

A school bus carries 20 students. There are
currently 215 students in the 7th grade. How many
school buses are needed to take the 7th grade on a
field trip?



11 buses

Step-by-step explanation:

215 divided by 20 is 10.75 and rounding up makes more sense for this problem, so 11 buses would be needed to carry the entire 7th grade.

Because of bad weather, the number of days next week that the captain of a charter fishing boat can leave port is uncertain. The following probability distribution for the number of days that the boat is able to leave port per week was determined based on historical data when the weather was poor: The number of days the boat can leave port per week Probability 0 0.20 1 0.05 2 0.05 3 0.05 4 0.15 5 0.10 6 0.15 7 0.25 Based on the probability distribution, what is the expected number of days per week the captain can leave port. Group of answer choices 3.55 4.00 3.50 4.05 2.85



The expected number of days per week the captain can leave port is 4.05.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the following distribution:

[tex]P(X = 0) = 0.2[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = 0.05[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = 0.05[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 3) = 0.05[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 4) = 0.15[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 5) = 0.1[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 6) = 0.15[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 7) = 0.25[/tex]

What is the expected number of days per week the captain can leave port.

We multiply each outcome by its probability. So

[tex]E = 0*0.2 + 1*0.05 + 2*0.05 + 3*0.05 + 4*0.15 + 5*0.1 + 6*0.15 + 7*0.25 = 4.05[/tex]

The expected number of days per week the captain can leave port is 4.05.

Lainey brought a set of 22 markers for $6. What is the cost of 1 marker? Round answers to the nearest hundredths where necessary.


The answer It’s about .360

A right rectangular prism has a length of 6 centimeters, a width of 7 centimeters, and a height of 5 centimeters.

What is the volume of the prism?

a) 214

b) 197

c) 210



Answer: c is the answer

Step-by-step explanation: the formuals for volume is length x width x height, 6x7x5, which is 210

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation: Easy, just do length x width x height(l x w h). So, 6x7x5 = 210

Find the solution of the system of equations. -3x – 2y = 36 3х – 5y = 6​



y = -6

x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope you can read my handwriting.

Have a wonderful day!

Which equation has no real solutions?

) ​​−2​x2=−168

) 4​x2+ 76 = 32

) 25​x2= 1

) 43 −​x2= 12



Step-by-step explanation:

4x² + 76 = 32

4x² = -44

x² = -11

but x² must be non-negative, so there is no real solution.

Please help with this



check pdf

Step-by-step explanation:

k over 6 plus 8 equals 5



k= -18

Step-by-step explanation:

k/6 +8=5 (subtract 8 from both sides)

k/6= -3     (Multiply by 6 on both sides)


The pet store had food priced at $10 and now is priced at $18. What is the percent markup?​




Step-by-step explanation:

are z^3 and 3z equivalent expressions? explain.​



no, they are not.

Step-by-step explanation:

3z means a number multiplied by 3

so if z is 2, 3(2) = 6

but z^3 means z multiplied by z, and then multiplied by z again.

so if z is 2, it's 2x 2 = 4 x 2 = 8

let me know if you have questions

The two expressions are not equivalent to each other.

What are equivalent expressions?

Equivalent expressions are expressions that are equal and synonyms to each other when used differently with various mathematical concepts.

From the expressions given:


The first expression is a variable (z) raised to a power of 3. The power is also called an exponent.The second expression is a variable(z) that has a coefficient of 3

Let us assume that:

z^3 = 3z

Now, let's replace 2 for the value of z on both sides, we have:

(2)^3 = 3(2)

8 ≠ 6

Learn more about equivalent expressions here:

Help me please i will give brainliest


1. C
2. C
3. D

Hopefully this is correct and helps!


1. C. x^8

2. C. 3^9

3. D. 12x^7

Step-by-step explanation:


x^6 * x^2 = x^(6 + 2) = x^8

Answer: C. x^8


3^2 * 3^3 * 3^4 = 3^2 + 3 + 4) = 3^9

Answer: C. 3^9


3x^2 * 4x^5 = 3 * 4 * x^2 * x^5 = 12x^(2 + 5) = 12x^7

Answer: D. 12x^7

ng 20-21
In the school store, you can buy 20 calculators for $120. You want to buy 5 calculators. The table below represents the cost of different numbers of
calculators. Complete the table and explain the mathematical process you used to determine the cost of 5 calculators.


you would spend $30

Step-by-step explanation:

if 20 calculator cost 120 then you would divide 20 by 120 which would give you 6 dollars per calculator then you would multiply that by 5 which would give you a $30 for five calculators.


where is the table?

I am just telling you how to get the cost of 5 calculators...

Step-by-step explanation:

Cost of 20 cal.=$120

Cost of 1 cal.=120/20


cost of 5 calculators=



Hope it helps you

A triangle has sides with lengths of 4 meters, 5 meters, and 6 meters. Is it a right triangle?




Step-by-step explanation:

because no pythagoras formula work here


Lets solve it by phythagoras therom

[tex]alt^{2}[/tex] + [tex]base^{2}[/tex] =  [tex]hypo^{2}[/tex]

[tex]6^{2}[/tex] =  [tex]4^{2}[/tex] + [tex]5^{2}[/tex]

so,  [tex]4^{2}[/tex] +  [tex]5^{2}[/tex] would be equal to  [tex]6^{2}[/tex]  

[tex]4^{2}[/tex] +  [tex]5^{2}[/tex]  = 16 + 25

= 41

[tex]6^{2}[/tex] = 36

41 is not equal to 36

So it is not a right angled tringle.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

thank you

Helpppp!!! Pleaseeee


Answer:I’m pretty sure it’s 90

Step-by-step explanation:


tan 60=√3/t

t=√3/√3=1 is your answer

A group of five students have a mean test score of "34.2." Another student has a score of 50. What is the mean average of all "six" students?



The mean average of all "six" students is 36.83.

Step-by-step explanation:


The mean is the sum of all scores divided by the number of scores.

A group of five students have a mean test score of "34.2." Another student has a score of 50.

This means that the sum is given by:

[tex]S = 5*34.2 + 50 = 171 + 50 = 221[/tex]

What is the mean average of all "six" students?

Sum of 6 students is 221. So

[tex]M = \frac{221}{6} = 36.83[/tex]

The mean average of all "six" students is 36.83.

9. The radius of sphere is increasing at a rate of 3cm/minute. Find the rate of change of volume
when r=2cm *

V = 12
64 л




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

The radius of the sphere is increasing at a rate of 3cm/minute, [tex]\dfrac{dr}{dt}=3\ cm/minute[/tex]

The volume of a sphere is given by :

[tex]V=\dfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]

Differentiating both sides wrt t.

[tex]\dfrac{dV}{dt}=\dfrac{4}{3}\pi \times 3r^2\times \dfrac{dr}{dt}\\\\=4\pi r^2\times \dfrac{dr}{dt}[/tex]

Put r = 2 cm and dr/dt = 3 cm/minute


[tex]\dfrac{dV}{dt}=4\pi r^2\times \dfrac{dr}{dt}\\\\\dfrac{dV}{dt}=4\pi \times 2^2\times 3\\\\\dfrac{dV}{dt}=48\pi[/tex]

Hence, the correct option is (a) "48π".

Maria is starting a small DVD business online. She makes $3 on each DVD she sells. To start her business though, she had to invest $750. How many DVDs does she need to sell before she starts to make a profit?



750 divided by 3. Equals 250

Step-by-step explanation:

If it says how much is needed and it gives the amount the person has, you will need to divide.

Distance (mi)
20 30 40 50
Time (min)
The graph above shows Tomasso's rate
while jogging. Which of the following is an
ordered pair on the graph?
A (10, 1)
B (15, 3)
C (30,5)



the answer should be A as thats what its showing on the graph

dy/dx=2xy/x²+y² solve​



[tex]y=\frac{-1}{2} \sqrt[]{4x^2+4c_{1}^2} -c_{1}\ or \ \frac{1}{2} \sqrt[]{4x^2+4c_{1}^2} -c_{1}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

As it is first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation

Let y(x) = x v(x)








∫[tex]\frac{v^2+1}{(v^2-1)v}dv[/tex] = ∫[tex]\frac{-1}{x}dx[/tex]



Left hand side:



=[tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]∫[tex](\frac{2}{u-1} -\frac{1}{u} )du[/tex]

=[tex]ln(u-1)-\frac{ln(u)}{2} +c[/tex]


Right hand side:


Solve for v:

[tex]v=-\frac{-c_{1}+\sqrt{c_{2}+4x^2 } }{2x} \ or \ \frac{-c_{1}+\sqrt{c_{2}+4x^2 } }{2x}\\[/tex]

[tex]y=\frac{-1}{2} \sqrt[]{4x^2+4c_{1}^2} -c_{1}\ or \ \frac{1}{2} \sqrt[]{4x^2+4c_{1}^2} -c_{1}[/tex]

20 points!!!!! The table represents a linear function


I believe the answer is 5. I multiplied 5 to -4 and that’s -20 and I’m guessing since slope-intercept form is y=Mx+b I’m thinking b=4 and the slope being 5 matches the output. -16=5(-4)+4

If F(x) = 5x - 7 and G(X) = x2 - 41, what is G(F(x))?
O A. 5(x2 - 41) -7
O B. -5x +7x2 + 205x – 287
O C. (5-7 - 41
O D. 5x2 - 7x2 - 205x+287


C is the answer to this

Which of the following shapes is a prism? Select All that apply.
A. Shape 1: Circle
B. Shape 2: Cylinder
CShape 3: Rectangular Box
D. Shape 4: Cube
E. Shape 5: Pyramid
F. Shape 6: Cone




Step-by-step explanation:

can somebody help me?



15x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

i set this up

8x + 16 + 7x -9

the next step is to combine like terms

8x + 7x = 15x

16 - 9 = 7

15x = 7

15x + 7

the answer is going to be 15x + 7
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