Political, cultural & economic Reasons why a nation would get involved in the affairs of another nation


Answer 1


Appearance, to help, and to secure


Political: countries might want to be seen as wise or powerful when they help another, often smaller and weaker, country.

Cultural: Countries that are similar, or allies might help another country attack or defend from an enemy.

Economic: A mercenary country might send an army of soldiers in exchange for a lot of money

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why might Southern slave owners have feared Harriet Tubman and what she represented?
A. Harriet Tubman threatened to burn cotton crops on the plantations.
B. Plantation owners considered slaves valuable property they did not want to lose.
C. Harriet Tubman's efforts in the temperance movement threatened the demand of cotton.



Am assuming A but u can double check it


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Answer:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


What can be inferred from these passages?


what bro?..............
U need to write more info dude

Hey guys please help me just give the best answer and right can you do that please I will mark brainly


Answer: B I think


Answer: I would go with A. The Roman empire has always been expanding it's territory before it's decline.

Explanation: Heres why B is incorrect. If you look at the map of modern europe , you can see that there is the city of the Athens. The Athens were not part of the Roman empire back in BCE. Once they had a strong enough military, they conquered many other lands. They even had parts of Egypt. Say that they never expanded that they never expanded out of modern Europe would be saying the they did not become a world power before their decline(which they did). Hope this helped you out. I have been currently learning about the Roman empire in History. :)

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The United States Congress is the national federal legislative body of the United States of America. The main job of Congress is to make the laws for the United States that affect our everyday lives and protect our rights. There are 541 individuals in Congress that come from each of the 50 states, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and the District of Columbia.

Answer: Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution. All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws.


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the U.S. population is increasingly consisting of more elderly citizens.


Created to fix the housing shortage after W.W.II.
O Baby Boom
O Suburbs
O Automania
O Termination Policy





Suburbs were created to fix the housing shortage after W.W.II.

A suburb is a housing location that is found outside a city, and they are usually a series of communal communities.

After World War II, there was housing shortage and creating suburbs was the answer.

who were The most successful of the Crusades


Europeans captured the holy land

In the late nineteenth century, the agricultural credit system in the South encouraged farmers
A. to rely heavily on cotton.

B. to diversify away from cotton toward food grains and livestock

C. to adopt the use of mechanization on increasingly larger fars.

D. to abandon farming and invest in capital-intensive manufacturing enterprises,


A, because cotton was one of if not the most expensive thing you could grow on a farm. That’s why it’s called a cash crop, and it made plantation owners unbelievably rich.

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economy and religion


Should we have Selective service system? Explain why.


Hopes this helps:


Fairness and Equity. By registering all eligible men, Selective Service ensures a fair and equitable draft, if ever required. Exemptions and deferments apply only in the event of a daft.

What type of government structure did the Constitution create?


Federal democratic republic

The Constitution established a Federal democratic republic. It is the system of the Federal Government; it is democratic because the people govern themselves; and it is a republic because the Government's power is derived from its people.

Which is true regarding the Balkan Peninsula prior to the onset of World War 1?

The region had a long history of clashes between many ethnic groups living there
The region is home to one dominant ethnic group
The region played no role in the start of World War 1
The region was known for peace



B. The region is home to one dominant ethnic group.

Hope it helps.

Athens was the first Greek city-state to develop a __________. A. military B. system of roads C. democracy D. slave trade



it C


It C i took the test right now and got it right np you guys are welcome


C 100%!!


What is the order starting with where humans live


Answer: Between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago, Human beings started migrating from the African continent and populating parts of Europe and Asia.


What a was The name of the final attack of the allies that helped in the World War I


the battle of the amiens was an allied victory that helped bring an end to world war 1

Why were the British troops going
to be marching to Lexington and
Concord in April 1775?
A. The Colonists had attacked a British fort.
B. They had learned that the Colonists had
secretly been storing guns and other supplies
C. They were relocating out of the Boston



B. They had learned that the Colonists had  secretly been storing guns and other supplies  there.


The British specifically heard about a stockpile of gunpowder and musket balls, which were their main objective. They were able to force the Colonists back in Lexington, but was defeated in Concord.


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defense spending at its highest?
the 1940s
the 1950s
the 1960s



1960 ma4k me brain list plz



The 1960's


Why do states spend more money on education than any parts of the government? *anyone can comment, this is just an opinion on why you think they spend more on education.. I need ideas for a project*





States are responsible for most of the costs of education for many reasons. One of them is property taxes, individuals pay many taxes to the state in order to receive a free education. Another reason is that education is a reserved power, this means that this power is reserved for the state and that the state is responsible for this job.

I hope this helps!

Which country liberated the most major Nazi camps?




Key Facts. Soviet forces liberated Auschwitz—the largest killing center and concentration camp complex—in January 1945.

As a result of the Democratic convention in 1860

A. Abraham Lincoln became their candidate.
B. the party split and two candidates were nominated.
C. John C. Breckinridge emerged as the party’s leader.
D. the party agreed on an anti-slavery message.






B, As a result of the Democratic convention in 1860


GED 2022

what was jackson promoted to?


Promoted to Brigadier General.
On November 6, Jackson was promoted to lieutenant general, and assigned command of the Second Corps. Longstreet took the First Corps. Late in the year Jackson held the right flank of the army during Lee's defensive victory against Union general Ambrose E.

I hope this helps... Have a splendid day❤️✨✌️

Differentiate between solar dryer method and electric dryer method in 4/4 point.​






Find x, y, z​







NEED HELP!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST! (ignore currently marked answer)


The anwser is D I remember from an exam!

How did the Great Depression change Americans' view towards the role of Government?



The role of government greatly expanded.


People started to believe that the government needed to take more action to protect people, and that the government wasn’t doing that amazing of a job on doing that

Which of these leadership qualities is MOST commonly associated with George Washington?
his devotion to abolition
his ability to re-unify the country
his commitment to telling the truth
his dedication to nonviolent protest





The integrity, dignity, wisdom, courage, and determination George Washington displayed during the founding of the nation can still serve as a model for present-day leaders.

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Is there multiple choice? Because if not, I’d say “deal with it” because those soldiers were some tough fellas

What was Sandra day O’Connor’s major achievement?
•being named the vice chief of naval operations in 2014
• founding and running the National Organization for Women
• becoming the first female justice on the US Supreme Court
• becoming the first female nominee for president for a
Major party

The answer is C


The correct answer is C. Becoming the first female justice on the US Supreme Cort.


Sandra Day O'Connor is a woman who stood out in the United States for a broad career in the legal field of the country, her career began in 1975 when she was appointed as a Judge of the Superior Courts of the state of Arizona, after several years in This position also held that of Judge of the Court of Appeals of the state of Arizona since 1979. But the great leap in her career was when President Ronald Reagan allowed her to enter the Supreme Court in 1981, a position she held until the year 2006. Due to her extensive wanderings in the legal field, she is one of the most prominent women on these issues, and also stands out for being the first woman to be on the Supreme Court. Therefore, the correct answer is C. becoming the first female justice on the US Supreme Court


yeppers, just confirming that indeed is the correct answer...


marbles numbered from 1 to 12 are put in a bag. if marbles are not put back into the bag after being drawn, what is the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row?



[tex]P = \frac{1}{11}[/tex]



[tex]Marbles = 12[/tex]

Selection: Without replacement


The probability of selecting 2 primes

Between 1 and 12, the prime digits are: 3, 5, 7 and 11

i.e. 4 prime digits

When the first marble is selected, the probability that it will be prime is:

[tex]P(1) = \frac{4}{12}[/tex]


Since it is a selection without replacement, there are 3 primes left and 11 marbles in total.

The probability of selecting another prime is:

[tex]P(2) = \frac{3}{11}[/tex]

The required probability is:

[tex]P = P(1) * P(2)[/tex]

[tex]P = \frac{4}{12} * \frac{3}{11}[/tex]

[tex]P = \frac{1}{11}[/tex]

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