how would coulomb's law be written if the charge of an electron was instead defined as positive and the proton as negative?


Answer 1

If the charge of an electron were regarded as positive and the charge of a proton as negative, then coulomb's law appears to be

[tex]F = k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex]  ⇒ [tex]F = k\frac{-q_{1}(-q_{2}) }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex]F[/tex].


Electrons are positive, the charge can be written as q, and

Protons are negative, their charge can be seen as being -Q.

It would be akin to inverting the signs of all charges if protons had a negative charge and electrons had a positive charge. This makes it very easy to verify that Coulomb's Law adheres to charge symmetry by using the substitutions q1→−q1 and q2→−q2.

[tex]F = k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex]k\frac{-q_{1}(-q_{2}) }{r^{2} }[/tex] ⇒ [tex](-1)^{2} k\frac{q_{1}q_{2} }{r^{2} }[/tex] [tex]= F[/tex]

Therefore, there would be no difference if we switched the sign convention of the charges.

Find out more about coulomb's law


Related Questions

a gas absorbs 0.0 j of heat and then performs 30.8 j of work. the change in internal energy of the gas is


A gas does 30.8 j of work after absorbing 0.0 j of heat. the gas's internal energy changed by -30.8 j.

E=change in internal energy and E=q + w

A greater q causes the system to heat up more. When q is negative, the system loses heat.

It is possible to improve the system when w (work completed) is positive. When w is zero, the system executes the operation.

Therefore, if the gas increases heat while losing 0.0 J of heat, q is positive 0.0 J.

The end result is negative, -30.8 J, as a result of the system performing 30.8 J of created labor.

The total of +0.0 J + +0.0 J is equivalent to - 30.8 J. (-30.8 J).

so that internal energy change =-30.8j

learn more about heat here;


three guns are aimed at the center of a circle, and each fires a bullet simultaneously. the directions in which they fire are 1200 apart. two of the bullets have the same mass of 4.5 x 10-3 kg and the same speed of 324 m/s the other bullet has an unknown mass and a speed of 575 m/s. the bullets collide at the center and mash into a stationary lump. what is the unknown mass of the third bullet?


The bullet's undetermined mass is m1 = 1.458 x 103. Mass, in physics, quantitative measure of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter.

Newton's equations of motion state that when a body of mass m is subject to a net external force, the body's momentum changes and is represented by:

f = p/dt


P is the body's linear momentum.

As a result, the total momentum of the body remains constant in the absence of any external forces, i.e.


m2 = m3 = 4.5 x 10-3 kg

v2 = v3 =  575 m/s

The equal masses must move at angles of to each other in order for momentum to be zero in the y-direction.

θ1=180°, θ2=60°, θ3=-60°

Consequently, based on the conservation of momentum in the x-direction:

m₁ ₓ v₁ ₓ cos180° + m₂ ₓ v₂ ₓ cos60° + m₃ ₓ v₃ ₓ cos(-60°) = 0

m₁ ₓ 575m/s ₓ cos180° + 4.5 x 10-3 kg ₓ 324 m/s ₓ cos60° + 4.5 x 10-3 kg ₓ 324 m/s ₓ cos(-60°) = 0

-m1 ₓ 575m/s + 1.458 ₓ 0.5 + 1.458 ₓ 0.5 = 0

-m1 ₓ 575m/s + 0.729 + 0.729 = 0

-m1 ₓ 575m/s + 1.458 = 0

m1 = 1.458 ₓ 10⁻³

To know more about Mass visit:-


) a rifle bullet is fired at an angle of 30e below the horizontal with an initial velocity of 800 m/s from the top of a cliff 80 m high. how far from the base of the cliff does it strike the level ground below?


Horizontal distance the base of the cliff does it strike the level ground below traveled is  138.564 m (r1/r2 = 1/3.)

Here Vertical component of Velocity = 800*sin(30) = 400 m/sec

s = ut + 0.5*g*t62

80 = 400t + 4.9t^2

t = 0.2 sec

Horizontal Component of velocity = 800*cos(30) = 692.82 m/sec

Therefore, Horizontal distance traveled = 692.82*0.2 = 138.564 m

When we give something a beginning velocity, we call that thing a projectile, and gravity has an impact on that thing. Horizontal range is the length of the horizontal axis for a projectile. It would also move before returning to the original vertical position. The horizontal range then depends on the launch angle (theta), initial velocity (V 0), and gravitational acceleration. When we throw or project an object, it becomes a projectile and is in motion. When a projectile moves, only one acceleration is present, and it is directed vertically. The acceleration brought on by gravity, in other words (g). Both the X-Axis and the Y-Axis can be used with the motion equations separately.

Learn more about Horizontal distance here:


the moon has a mass of 1×1022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the planet is 0.001 n/kg. what is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet?


The gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet is 1 × 10¹⁹ N.


Mass of the moon (m) = 1 × 10²² kg

Gravitational field strength (g) = 0.001 N/kg

The gravitational force is given by:

Gravitational force (F) = mass of the moon (m) ×  gravitational field strength (g)

F = 1 × 10²²  ×  0.001

F = 1 × 10²² ×  0.001

F = 1 × 10¹⁹ N

Hence, The gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet is 1 × 10¹⁹ N.

To learn more about Gravitational Force, here:


if the old radiator is replaced with a new one that has longer tubes made of the same material and same thickness as those in the old unit, what should the total surface area available for heat exchange be in the new radiator to achieve the necessary heat exchange rate at the recommended temperature gradient?


Total surface area = 3/2 * area of an old radiator.


K = [tex]\frac{Qd}{A*changeinT}[/tex]

change in T =  ΔT  

Therefore New Area  ( A ) = 3/2 * area of the old radiator.

If you need faster cooling rates, replacing the rubber hoses with silicone hoses is one option. These can withstand higher heat, are less likely to break over time, and last longer. Apart from that, you can also upgrade the radiator fan and shroud to help with cooling. The radiator is an important component of the engine's cooling system.

Its main role is to spread the antifreeze/water mixture around the fins, letting off some of the engine's heat while drawing in the cool air before it passes through the rest of the engine. Replacing your home's radiator has a variety of benefits, and many properties will benefit from this.

Learn more about The new radiator here:-


a spinning figure skater pulls his arms in as he rotates on the ice. as he pulls his arms in, what happens to his angular momentum l and kinetic energy k?


It reduces the moment of inertia denoted by (I). This moment of inertia is directly proportional to (MR)² Where M = mass & R = distance from the rotational axis. Since the net external torque is absent, angular momentum (L) remains unchanged as L= I.W, and Kinetic energy or angular speed increases.

What is a Moment of Inertia?

The amount that is expressed by a body's ability to resist angular acceleration is calculated as the product of each particle's mass and the square of its distance from the rotational axis.

What is Torque?

The rotational counterpart of linear force is torque. The moment of force is another name for it. It illustrates how a force can cause a change in the body's rotational motion.

Hence, the net external torque is absent, angular momentum (L) remains unchanged as L= I.W, and Kinetic energy or angular speed increases.

To know more about Moment of Inertia, check out:


What is the difference between infrared and radiation?


The key difference between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation is that the wavelength of infrared radiation is longer than that of visible light, whereas wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is shorter than the wavelength of visible light.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths and photon energies.

Ultraviolet radiation is more energetic than infrared. They have shorter wavelength and higher frequency.

Infrared waves have a wavelength 1000 times longer than ultraviolet waves and lower energy and frequency.

The majority of the infrared radiation on the earth comes from the sun. It is widely used in the night vision goggles.

Ultraviolet rays cause skin tanning and burns. Hot materials that are in space also emit UV radiations.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is, what is the difference between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation?

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum:


write a general expression for the frequency of any note the violinist can play in this manner, in terms of the fundamental frequency f1 and the n, the number of antinodes on a standing wave.


A standing wave with one antinode in a string means fundamental mode of vibration  being formed at the lowest frequency.

Frequency = f

String length = l

We need to drive a formula of the speed of the wave

Using formula of fundamental frequency

f = v / λ

We know that,

λ = 2L

f = v / 2L

Where, v = speed of wave

λ = wavelength of the wave

f = frequency

The frequency of the wave is v / 2L

Therefore, the lowest frequency at which a standing wave is possible because standing can occur only at a fundamental frequency and at odd harmonics --> the lowest frequency.

To know more about frequency, refer:


A 65-kg swimmer pushes on the pool wall and accelerates at 6 m/s^2. The friction experienced by the swimmer is 100 n. What is the magnitude of the force that the swimmer applies on the wall?.


For a 65-kg swimmer to push against the pool wall, there is a force of 490N applied, and the swimmer accelerates at a speed of 6 m/s2. The swimmer encounters 100 n of friction.

According to Newton's second law,

sum Force = mass × acceleration

Fm - Ff = ma

Fm is the moving force

If s the frictional force = 100N

mass = 65kg

acceleration = 6m/s²


Moving force Fm

Substitute the given force into the expression and get Fm

Fm -100 = 65(6)

Fm -100 = 390

Fm = 390+100

Fm = 490N

Hence the force that will cause two carts to move is 490N.

Learn more about magnitude at


given a double slit apparatus with slit distance 1 mm, what is the theoretical maximum number of bright spots that i would see when i shine light with a wavelength 500 nm on the slits?


The maximum number of the bright spots that you would see when i shine light with a wavelength of 500 nm = 4001

From the question we are told that

The  slit distance is : 1mm : [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] m

The  wavelength is  : 500 nm : [tex]500 * 10^{-9}[/tex] m

Generally the condition for interference is  

n * ∧ = d * sinФ

Where n is the number of fringe(bright spots) for the number of bright spots to be maximum  (Ф = 90)

=> sin 90 = 1    

So n = d/∧

substituting values

n = [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] / [tex]500 * 10^{-9}[/tex]

= 2000

given there are two sides when it comes to the double slit apparatus which implies that the fringe would appear on two sides so the maximum number of bright spots is mathematically evaluated as

n(max) = 2*n + 1

= 4001

To know more about Fringe :


why are the two-source interference equations not valid for light from an incandescent bulb that shines onto a screen with a single slit, and then the light shines onto a screen with two slits in it and the light from the two slits finally shines onto a nearby screen?


Option-1,3 1. Not monochromatic sources. - interference is due to two monochromatic sources,3. observed from a distance similar to or smaller than the separation between the sources. -

Monochromatic radiation is electromagnetic radiation having a single, fixed frequency in physics. The term monochromatic light is frequently used when that frequency is a component of (or close to) the visible spectrum. The human eye recognizes spectral color in monochromatic light.

Monochromatic radiation has a single wavelength that never changes when it moves through a vacuum or a uniform transparent medium.

Because of the Fourier transform's localization property, no radiation can be completely monochromatic because that would need a wave with an endless length (cf. spectral coherence). Even from lasers or spectral lines, "monochromatic" radiation in reality always consists of components with a range of frequencies of non-zero breadth.

Learn more about Monochromatic here:


Although not limited by the nec®, if a 15-amp residential circuit is to be loaded only up to its rating, how many outlets can be put on the 120-volt circuit if the outlets are rated at 120 va per outlet?


Either 15- or 20-amp receptacles can be powered by a 20-amp circuit. Receptacles connected to a branch circuit with a 30 amp rating.

An electric circuit is a path that current can travel. An electric circuit is made up of a battery or generator, an apparatus that provides power to the charged particles that make up the current, an apparatus that uses the current, such as a lamp, an electric motor, or a computer, and the connecting wires or transmission lines. Two fundamental laws that quantitatively describe the operation of electric circuits are Kirchhoff's laws and Ohm's law. Circuits in parallel and series. Electric circuits can be divided into a number of categories. Direct current only flows in one direction in a circuit. An alternating-current circuit transmits current that pulses back and forth repeatedly every second, much like the majority of domestic circuits.

To know more about  electrical circuits visit :


An object attached to a spring vibrates with simple harmonic motion as described by the figure below.uploaded imageFor this motion, find the following.(a) the amplitude(b) the period(c) the angular frequency(d) the maximum speed(e) the maximum acceleration(f) an equation for its position x in terms of a sine function (Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in this work.)


A. The graph provided is a Displacement-Time Graph. The x-axis provides the displacement made by the object and the y-axis gives the time taken by the object to travel.

The amplitude of an object is defined as the maximum displacement made by the object. From the graph provided, the maximum displacement made by the object is 2cm.

Hence, as per the definition of Amplitude, the Amplitude of the object is 2cm.

The Amplitude of the object depends on the displacement made by the object. The maximum displacement is made when the object moves to an extreme position in an oscillation.

B. The object in a Simple Harmonic Motion moves from mean position to extreme positions. As the object moves from mean position to extreme position and reaches back to mean position, one oscillation or one cycle is said to be completed.

The graph represents the positive displacement when it moves to extreme position and the negative displacement as it returns from the extreme position.

The graph provided shows that for a complete one cycle or oscillation, the time taken is 4seconds.

Hence, as per the definition of Time period, the time period is 4 seconds. Therefore, the time period as ω = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]/T.

Learn more about An object here:-


the average kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas doubles if the _______ doubles.


If the number of particles twice, the average kinetic energy of molecules in an ideal gas also doubles.

What is the easiest way to define energy?

Energy is referred to by scientists as the capacity for work. People have figured out how to transform energy from one form to another and then use it to accomplish tasks, making modern civilization possible.

What is energy and how is it used?

Everything we eat, drink, or use has energy. The inherent physiological processes of the body are fueled and controlled by energy. The more abrasive the environment, the more energy is required to maintain homeostasis, which is critical for cell and body tissue repair, muscle growth, and other functions.

To know more about Energy visit:


a jumbo jet has a mass of 100,000 kg. the thrust for each of its four engines is 50,000 n. what is the jet's acceleration when taking off?


If a jumbo jet has a mass of 100,000 kg  and thrust for each of its four engines is 50,000 n, so the acceleration is 2 m/s².

What is the acceleration of a jet?

From the question, we are told that

A jumbo jet has a mass of mj = 100,000 kg

The thrust is given F = 50,000 N

Due to  four engines  4 x F

Ft  =  4  x  50,000 n = 200000N

Acceleration = Ft/m

Substituting values = 2N/kg

N = kg. m/s²

So, a = 2 kg. m/s²/kg

Therefore, jet's acceleration when taking off is 2 m/s².

Learn more about acceleration, here:


How do you find the scale factor of a dilation from a center point?


The scale factor of dilation from center point is found by conjugating the equation.

Dilation is a transform used to change the size of an object. Dilation is used to make objects larger or smaller. This transformation produces an image that is identical to the original shape.

However, there is a difference in the size of the shape. Dilation should stretch or shrink the original shape. This transformation is denoted by the term "scaling factor".

[tex]\alpha +mR+\beta \pi R^2=0\\\\dw^2.dt^2+M=0---(center)[/tex]

Enlarging an image by dilation is called enlargement.

When dilation creates a smaller image, it is called contraction.

To find more about scale factor of dilation -


A trolley containing sand is pulled across a frictionless surface with a small but constant resultant force. Describe and explain the motion of the trolley if sand can fall through a hole in the bottom of the trolley.


If sand can fall through a hole in the bottom of the trolley, its acceleration will increase since the applied force is constant.

What is the motion of the trolley?

The motion of the trolley can be described based on the acceleration of the trolley.

The acceleration of the trolley is determined by applying Newton's second law of motion as follows;

F = ma


F is the constant force applied to the trolleym is the mass of the trolleya is the acceleration of the trolley

a = F / m

Thus, from the equation above, as the total mass of the trolley decreases as the sand falls through the hole, the acceleration of the trolley will increase provided the constant force applied to the trolley is maintained.

Learn more about motion of trolley here:


two bodies of equal mass are separated by a distance r. if you double the distance between them the new gravitational force will be


1/4 of the old gravity influence would remain.

Newton's universal principle of gravitation states that the attracting force among any two components is equal to the square of the length that separates them and equal to the ratio of their masses.

Gravitational pull is the term for something like the pressure which the planet exerts upon the object. Illustrations of movement caused by gravitational influence include the downward force of flow of water, the downward movement liquid flowing water, and the upward motion of a ball when it is tossed. Every two mass-containing items are attracted to one another by the gravitational force.

Since the force of gravity rarely aims to push masses apart, it is referred to as appealing since it constantly seeks to draw them towards.

To know more about gravity click here


the airplane in prob. 6.3 is fl ying at 15,000 ft with a velocity of 375 mi/h. calculate its specifi c energy at this condition.


Specific energy at this condition = 19699.34 ft

Altitude of the airplane = h = 15000ft

Velocity of the airplane = V = 375mi/h

Now total energy of a plane at height h is,

E = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

E = mgh + 1/2 m[tex]v^{2}[/tex]

Now, Specific energy is the energy per unit weight,

So, Specific energy = mgh + 1/2m[tex]v^{2}[/tex] /  mg

Specific energy = h + [tex]v^{2}[/tex]/2g

Now, using h = 15000ft, V = 375 mi/h

V = 375 × 1.467

V = 550.125ft/sec

g = 32.2 ft/sec²

So,  Specific energy = 15000 + 550.125²/65

Specific energy = 19699.34 ft

Energy per mass is also referred to as specific or massic energy. When compared to energy density, which is defined as the amount of energy in a given volume, gravimetric energy density is another name for it. It is used to quantify things like heat that has been trapped in a substance and other thermodynamic characteristics of that substance like particular internal energy, specific enthalpy, specific Gibbs free energy, and specific Helmholtz free energy. A body's kinetic or potential energy might also be considered when using this term. When compared to energy and mass, specific energy is an intensive attribute.

J/kg, or joule per kilogram, is the SI unit for specific energy. Kilocalories per gram (Cal/g or kcal/g), most commonly used in food-related contexts, are another unit that is still used in some situations

Learn more about Specific energy here:


Which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?


The type of electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes simply is radio.

The correct answer choice is option a.

Why the wavelength of radio waves efficiently observed using ground based telescopes.

A wave can simply be defined as a disturbance which travels through a medium transferring energy from one point to another point.

However, from the context of the task given above, the simple reason why the wavelength of radio waves efficiently observed using ground based telescopes is simply because radio waves can penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

In addition to the explanation above, there are different types of waves including transverse waves, mechanical waves, sound waves and so on and so forth.

In conclusion, we can now confirm and deduce from the explanation given above that radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Complete question:

Which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?

a. radio

b. infrared

c. visible

d. X-rays.

Read more on electromagnetic radiation:


the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. if transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?


The tension on the wire is 52.02 N.

From the question, we have

Density of aluminum = 2700 kg/m3


A = πd²/4

A = π x (4.6 x 10⁻³)²/4

A = 1.66 x 10⁻⁵ m²

μ = Mass per unit length of the wire

μ = ρA

μ = 2700 kg/m³ x 1.66 x 10⁻⁵ m²

μ = 0.045 kg/m

Tension on the wire = √T/μ

34 = √T/0.045

34² = T/0.045

T = 52.02 N

The tension on the wire is 52.02 N.

Complete question:

The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. If transverse waves propagate at 34 m/s in a 4.6-mm diameter aluminum wire, what is the tension on the wire.

To learn more about tension visit:


a thin lens has a focal length of 25.0 cm. (a) find the location of the image (in cm from the lens) formed by the lens when an object is placed p1


The distance when location of image is -27.8cm is 248.21 cm behind the lens and when location of image is -23.6 cm it is 421.43 cm front of lens.

What is formula for distance of images?

The Lens formula in optics describes the relationship between the distance of an object (o), the distance of an image I and the focal length (f) of the lens. Both convex and concave lenses may be made with the same lens formula. These lenses are really thin. For a spherical mirror, the focal length, image distance, and object distance are all related by the lens equation, often known as the lens formula.

Using lens formula we know that  

v = uf/u + f

f = 25 cm

a) given u = -27.8

Thus v = -27.8 x 25/ 25+ (-27.8) =  248.21 from lens behind the lens.

The image will be real, inverted and large.

b) given u =  -23.6

Thus v =  -23.6 x 25/ 25+ ( -23.6) =  421.43 from lens front the lens.

The image will be virtual,upright and enlarge.

To know more about distance of images for lens refer:


Complete question is:

A thin lens has a focal length of 25.0 cm (a) Find the location of the image (in cm from the lens) formed by the lens when an object is placed p1 27.8 cm in front of the lens. (Enter a negative distance if the image is in front of the lens.) cm from the lens Choose the correct description of the image. (Select all that apply.) inverted reduced virtual enlarged upright (b) Find the location of the image (in cm from the lens) formed by the lens when an object is placed p2-23.6 cm in front of the lens. (Enter a negative distance if the image is in front of the lens.) cm from the lens Choose the correct description of the image.

in lasik surgery, a laser is used to reshape the cornea of the eye to improve vision. the laser produces extremely short pulses of light, each containing 1.0 mj of energy.
A) In each pulse there are 9.7?1014 photons. What is the wavelength of the laser?
B) Each pulse lasts only 20 ns. What is the average power delivered to the eye during a pulse?


The wavelength of the laser is 19.4 nm and the average power delivered to the eye during a pulse is  50000 W.

(a) The energy of a laser pulse in terms of number of photons is =

= E = N X (hc / λ)


λ = wavelength

N = Number of photons in each laser pulse

h = Planck constant

c = Speed of light

We need to find the wavelength, then re-arrange the equation

= λ = N X (hc / E)

Converting the unit the energy from J to eV, we have,

= E = 1 X 10⁻³ [ 1 eV / 1.6 X 10⁻¹⁹ ]

= E = 6.25 X 10¹⁵ eV


= λ = N X (hc / E)

= λ = [ ( 9.7 X 10¹⁴ X 4.136 X 10⁻¹⁵ X 3 X 10⁸ ) /  6.25 X 10¹⁵ ]

= λ = 19.4 nm

(b) Energy = E = 1 mJ

Time = t = 20 ns

Thus, average power = p =

= p = E/t

= p = 1 X 10⁻³ / 20 X 10⁻⁹

= p = 0.05 X 10⁶

= p = 50000 W

To know more about Laser:


What happens to rocks when temperature rises or decreases?


Rock expands and contracts as a result of temperature variations (with cold). The rock's structure deteriorates as this keeps happening over and over. It disintegrates with time.

What is Heat?

Heat is the energy that moves from one thing to another when temperatures are different. Heat passes from the hotter to the colder body when two bodies with differing temperatures are brought together. Usually, but not always, this energy transfer results in a rise in the heat of the colder body and a fall in the temperature of the hotter body.

By switching from one physical situation (or phase) to the other, such as melting from a solid to a liquid, sublimation from a solid to a vapor, boiling from a liquid to a vapor, or changing through one stable state to another, a substance can absorb heat without increasing in temperature.

To know more about Heat:


while sparring, katie punches arman in the shoulder. which statement is true about the forces katie and arman exert on each other?


Katie exerts a force on Arman's shoulder and Arman exerts a force on Katie's hand. It's the third law of motion, of equal and opposite reaction.

What is Newton's third law of motion?

If object A applies a force to object B, then object B must apply a force to object A in the opposite direction and of equal strength. This law illustrates a symmetry in nature whereby forces always occur in pairs and whereby no, body can exert a force without also being subjected to one.

What is Motion?

Motion is the shift in an object's location in relation to its environment over a specific amount of time.

What is Force?

An influence that can alter an object's motion is known as a force. A mass-containing object's velocity can vary, or accelerate, as a result of a force. Intuitively, a push or a pull can also be used to describe forces.

Hence, Katie exerts a force on Arman's shoulder and Arman exerts a force on Katie's hand. It's the third law of motion, of equal and opposite reaction.

To know more about Motion, check out:


If the earth is flat or a sphere, how to we prove it?


The earth is a sphere and the way, we can prove it , is attached in answer.

What is the prove that the earth is sphere?When looking at tall Chicago buildings from over Lake Michigan, ships in the ocean, or the sunset, you can see it twice if you observe it while lying down and then immediately get up. The plain truth is that there wouldn't be a horizon beyond which objects could disappear if the earth were flat. You could therefore view the Rocky Mountains in addition to the entirety of Chicago from across Lake Michigan.You may create a triangle with three 90 degree angles by walking 10,000 kilometers straight down the surface of the planet, turning 90 degrees to your right, walking another 10,000 kilometers, and then turning right again. This will bring you back to where you started. Any student of geometry will tell you that this is impossible on a flat surface.

This are the two practical prove of spherical shape of earth.

Learn more about Earth here:


compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has group of answer choices more internal energy and higher temperature. a greater specific heat and more internal energy. higher temperature but less internal energy.


Compared to a giant Iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has higher temperature but less internal energy.

As we know that a cup of coffee is at a very higher temperature as compared to the idea because the Iceberg is a negative temperature.

But the Iceberg is supposed to have a higher internal energy in comparison through the coffee cup because the internal energy of a substance depends on its mass.

The internal energy of a substance is given by,

U = nC∆T

So, as we can see that the internal energy of the iceberg depend on the mass of the Iceberg which is very very larger than the coffee cup.

So we can upload that the coffee cup has higher temperature but less internal energy than the Iceberg.

To know more about Internal energy, visit,


In general, what is true of very massive stars (those with eight or more solar masses)?
A. They have so much more hydrogen fuel than low-mass stars that it takes them much longer to use it up than stars with less mass.
B. They skip the hydrogen-burning stage altogether and start their lives fusing iron.
C. They go through their hydrogen fuel supply much more quickly than low-mass stars.
D. All of them have already gone supernova.



Most stars take millions of years to die. When a star like the Sun has used up all its hydrogen fuel, it expands into a red giant. It may be millions of kilometers in diameter, being large enough to engulf the planets Mercury and Venus.

After shedding its outer layers, the star collapses into a very dense white dwarf. A teaspoon of matter from a white dwarf would weigh up to 100 tons. Over trillions of years, the white dwarf cools and becomes invisible.

Stars heavier than eight times the mass of the Sun end their lives very suddenly. When they run out of fuel, they expand into red supergiants. They try to stay alive by consuming different fuels, but this only works for a few million years. After that, they produce a huge supernova explosion.


two planets in circular orbits around a star have speeds of v and 2v. (a) what is the ratio of the orbital radii of the planets? (b) what is the ratio of their periods?


The ratio of the orbital radii of the planets is  4:1.

The ratio of their periods is 8:1.

What is orbital radius and periods in circular motion?

Planetary bodies circle the Sun according to Kepler's three laws. They explain how planets orbit the Sun in elliptical fashion, how they traverse the same amount of space in a given length of time regardless of where they are in their orbit, and how their orbital periods are related to the size of their orbits (its semi-major axis).

An object's orbital radius is the typical distance it travels around a bigger object. An illustration would be that the Sun and Earth are typically 150 million kilometres apart. The orbital radius is also this.

Let the mass of the planet be m and the mass of the star be M.

r = radius of ordit

v = speed

We know that

gravitational attraction = centripital force

GMm/r^2 = mv^2/r

[tex]v = \sqrt{GM/r}[/tex]


v  ∝ 1/[tex]\sqrt{r}[/tex]

a) Here v₁/v₂ = v/2v = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{r2}{r1\\\ }[/tex]  

squuaring both sides

1/4 = r2/r1

Thus r1/r2 = 4/1

Hence ratio of orbital radii is 4:1.

b) As per keplers law of planetary motion,

T^2 ∝ r^3

[tex]\frac{T_{v} ^{2} }{T_{2v} ^{2} } = \frac{r_{v} ^{3} }{r_{2v} ^{3} }[/tex]

[tex]\frac{r_{v} ^{3} }{r_{2v} ^{3} } = 4^{3} = 64[/tex]

[tex]\frac{T_{v} }{T_{2v}} = \sqrt{64} = 8[/tex]

Thus ratio of time periods is 8:1.

To know more about orbital radius and periods refer:


What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave if its frequency is 5.0 x 10 14 Hz?


The wavelength of 6 x 10⁻⁷m is expected when frequency is 5 x 10¹⁴.

If the equations are different, the impact is huge. And the accumulation of matter consistent with the existence of life is wrong. That's one reason why it isn't. The Anthropic Principle states that in a universe incompatible with life, no life is arguing about it. When there are many universes, we occupy only the universe that nourishes us.

If our universe had 4 spatial dimensions (on our life scale), the equation would be 1/R. But every time we pass the jackhammer, we are reminded that our scale only has three spatial dimensions. The inverse square equation is not about the forces that follow it. The equations are about the nature of space (not space-time, just space, by the way).





y=3 x 10⁸/5 x 10¹⁴=6 x 10⁻⁷m

To find further about wavelength -


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