which of the following is an example of a lever? [select all that apply] group of answer choices tweezers stapler nut cracker mousetrap


Answer 1

A lever is a bar or rod that may be rotated about an axis (fulcrum). Levers allow objects to be moved across long distances with little effort. All of the options are considered of as levers.



Nut cracker


What is a Lever?

A lever is a simple machine consisting of a rigid bar that pivots on a fulcrum. It is used to move or lift objects by applying a force at a point along its length. Levers can be used to increase the force applied to an object, as well as to change the direction of the applied force.

Therefore, all the options are correct.

To know more about Levers,



Related Questions

label the features of the cervical region of the cadaver spinal cord and meninges by clicking and dragging the labels to the correct location.


Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater are the proper sequence of the spinal meninges from superficial to deep (outside to within). The dura mater is the outermost layer that is strongly related to the spinal column and skull.

Which of the following meningeal layers is the one that is closest to the brain?

The brain and spinal cord are encased in three layers of meninges. The pia mater is the fragile inner layer. The arachnoid, a web-like structure filled with fluid that protects the brain, is the middle layer. The dura mater is the name of the hard outer layer.

What is the coccyx's inferior continuation of the pia mater?

The filum terminale, a fibrous extension that binds the spinal cord to the coccyx, is formed by the pia mater after the spinal cord has terminated.

How should the meninges be arranged from neural tissue to bone?

They are called: The outermost layer, closest to your skull, is called the dura mater. This is the middle layer, the arachnoid matrix. The inner layer, or pia mater, is the one that is closest to your brain's tissue.

To know more about meninges to the brain visit;



he orbicularis oris musclemultiple choiceraises the eyelid.puckers the mouth for kissing.contributes to laughing and smiling.contributes to pouting.causes crow's feet wrinkles.


The kissing muscles, known as the orbicularis oris, originate around the mouth and are referred to as such because they induce the lips to pucker.

Orbicularis Oris:

The orbicularis oris, unlike the orbicularis oculi, is not a straightforward sphincter muscle; rather, it is made up of multiple layers of muscular fibres that surround the entrance of the mouth, each with a distinct orientation. It is made up of fibres that are specific to the lips and fibres that come from other facial muscles that penetrate into the lips. A sizeable portion of the former come from the buccinator and make up the orbicularis' deeper layer.

At the angle of the mouth, some buccinator fibres, namely those towards the middle of the muscle, decussate; those coming from the maxilla go to the lower lip, and those coming from the mandible go to the upper lip.

To learn more about Orbicularis Oris,



Which of the following is false about protists?
a) They include the algae.
b) They are important components of plankton.
c) Flagella occur in many different protist groups.
d) They live in very dry environments.
e) They can be free living or symbiotic.


The statement which is not true about protists is :

They live in very dry environments.

( Protists live in lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds and wet sediments. Since they are microscopic organisms, they can live in just about any part of the world that has traces of water to support their life).

What do you mean by protists?

Protists are a diverse collection of organisms that do not fit into animal, plant, bacteria or fungi groups. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and made up of a single cell (unicellular).

Protists are eukaryotes as they possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles (structures that perform a specific job).

At one time, simple organisms such as amoebas and single-celled algae were classified together in a single taxonomic category: the kingdom Protista. However, the emergence of better genetic information has since led to a clearer understanding of evolutionary relationships among different groups of protists, and this classification system was rendered defunct. Understanding protists and their evolutionary history continues to be a matter of scientific discovery and discussion.

To know more about protists from the given link:



They live in very dry environments. - False. Protists are mostly aquatic and live in watery environments, although some live in moist environments and some are parasitic.

What is Protists?

Protists are a diverse group of single-celled or multi-cellular eukaryotes that are not classified as animals, plants, or fungi. They are found in virtually every habitat on Earth, ranging from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains. Protists are essential to many ecosystems, serving as both primary producers and consumers. Examples of protists include amoebas, algae, slime molds, and diatoms. Protists have a variety of shapes and sizes, and many have adapted to live in extreme conditions. As a result, they play a major role in the cycling of nutrients throughout ecosystems. Protists are also important in human health and medicine, as some are used in the production of antibiotics, food, and other medical treatments.

To learn more about Protists


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Compare Which atoms are moving faster: those in a spoon at 0 °F or those in a
fork at 0 °C? Explain your answer. (Hint: Which is the higher temperature, 0 °F
or 0 °C?)


32 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 0 degrees Celsius, and the fork's atoms are moving more quickly.

How atoms are moving faster?

Celsius is equivalent to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and 32 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 0 degrees Celsius.

Their zero points are different, and the temperature increments also differ significantly. On the Celsius scale, there is a difference of 100 degrees between freezing and boiling.

Therefore, in Fahrenheit, the difference is 180 degrees, according to this, Celsius is 1.8 times greater than Fahrenheit, and the fork's atoms are moving more quickly.

Learn more about atoms, here:



Recall that Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a form of congenital blindness in humans, can be caused by homozygosity for recessive mutations in the RPE65 gene. Recently, a rare dominant mutation in RPE65 has been implicated as one cause of an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, which is characterized by retinal degeneration that Can progress to blindness. The dominant RPE65 mutation is a missense mutation causing amino acid 447 in the polypeptide to change from Asp to Glu. Little is known about the nature of the mutant protein. a. Do you think that the dominant allele is more likely a loss-of-function or a gain-of-function mutation? Explain. b. As described in this chapter, gene therapy for LCA has been at least partially successful. Do you think that the same kind of gene therapy can be used for patients with retinitis pigmentosa caused by the dominant mutant allele of RPE65? Explain.


a. The primary mutation causing retinitis pigmentosa, which manifests as vision loss, is a loss-of-function mutation that prevents the REP65 protein from evolving into its functional form.

b. Because AAV vectors' expression declines with time and both recessive copies must be delivered simultaneously for the mutant phenotype to not be expressed, the same strategy could not be employed with dominant mutant alleles.


The condition of having two identical copies of a specific gene, one from each parent, is known as homozygosity. The reverse is heterozygous, which is when a person has two copies of a specific gene, one from each parent.

To learn more about homozygosity,



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sprout not spout

the agents that provide a temporary numbing effect on nerve endings located on the surface of the oral mucosa are


Agents that provide a temporary numbing effect on nerve endings located on the surface of the oral mucosa are topical anesthetics.

Topical anesthetics are local anesthetics that are used to numb only the surface of a part of the body. Topical anesthesia is carried out by giving certain local anesthetic agents to areas of the skin or mucous membranes that can be penetrated by materials to anesthetize the superficial nerve endings.

The mechanism of action of local anesthetic drugs prevents the transmission of nerve impulses (conduction blockade) by inhibiting the delivery of sodium ions through selective sodium ion gates in the nerve membranes.

Learn more about topical anesthetics at https://brainly.com/question/3322251


viruses can carry out which of the following processes? viruses can carry out which of the following processes? they can use the host cell as a source of energy allowing viral machinery to replicate the virus. they can use the host cell machinery to make copies of viral genomes and viral proteins. they can manufacture their own atp, proteins, and nucleic acids. they can replicate while within a host cell as well as when they are between host cells.


Viruses can use the host cell to copy themselves and make viral proteins.

How do viruses multiply in humans?

Once within the body of the host, a virus moves along the cell surfaces until its proteins start to interact with the receptors on the cells. Once the virus and cells have fused, the virus' DNA or RNA can now enter the cells and start reproducing there. Viruses can't multiply on their own; instead, they rely on the protein synthesis pathways of their host cell to do it. This normally happens as a result of the virus inserting its genetic material in host cells, co-opting the proteins to generate viral replicates, and eventually causing the cell to burst due to the high volume of new viral particles.

Hence, the answer is viruses can use the host cell to copy themselves and make viral proteins.

To learn more about viruses, follow the link:



What is DNA called that is formed by switching genes?





Epigenetics: Switching Genes On and Off

Epigenetics is the Genetic switches are gene regulatory networks; i.e. collections of genes which act to switch each other on and off.





Epigenetics: Switching Genes On and Off



mutation in the BRCA1 gene prevents it from working properly, making it more likely for a person to get breast cancer

actress Angelina Jolie had a mastectomy even with having cancer because she knew she had this mutation

the following are roles of protein in the body except: maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance serve as primary form of stored energy function as enzymes and hormones serve as antibodies


Serve as primary form of stored energy function is not a role of protein in the body.

What functions do proteins have in the body?

Protein is present in every cell of the human body. A chain of amino acids makes up the fundamental structure of proteins. Your body needs protein to repair damaged cells and create new ones. For toddlers, teenagers, and expectant women, protein is also crucial for growth and development.

Proteins serve a variety of important roles in the body, including those of structure, control of bodily activities, material movement, fluid balance, immune support, and energy production.

The main source of energy for humans comes from carbohydrates. Direct oxidation, glycogen synthesis (in the liver and muscles), and hepatic de novo lipogenesis are the metabolic processes that break down ingested carbs.

To learn more about proteins use link below:



which of the following types of blood vessels allow the exchange of substances directly between the blood and the cells of the body?


Capillaries of the following types of blood vessels allow the exchange of substances directly between the blood and the cells of the body.

What is capillaries and its function?

Capillaries, which are microscopic blood vessels, are found throughout your body. They provide blood, food, and oxygen to the organs in your body's systems and other systems. Capillaries are the smallest blood veins inside your circulatory system.

What are the benefits of capillaries?

They play a crucial role in the movement of blood throughout your body. Your body moves substances to and from your circulation and between organs with the assistance of persistent capillaries. The: From the heart to your organs, arteries carry blood that is rich in oxygen. Arterioles eventually branch off from the smallest of both the arteries. They in turn split into an enormous number of capillaries, which are vessels with the tiniest diameter (with an estimated 10 billion in the average human body).

To know more about capillaries  visit:



All of the following statements about evolution are true EXCEPT

a. Evolution occurs more rapidly at some times than others.
b. Evolution is directed by changes in the environment.
c. Evolution occurs on the level of single organisms along with populations.
d. Evolution is not always from the simple to the complex but may act in such a way that complex forms give rise to simpler ones.


C. Evolution occurs on the level of single organisms along with populations. i.e. Evolution occurs frequently in both populations and single species. biological evolution began 3.7 billion years ago.

What is an evolution fact?

Biological evolution is the result of changes in a species' genetic makeup through time. Genetic changes frequently, but not always, result in discernible modifications to an organism's physiology or behavior. Both the creation of variation and the spread of some variants that displace others are necessary for evolution.

Which 4 facts support evolution?

Anatomy, molecular biology, biogeography, fossils, and direct observation are all forms of evolution evidence.

Learn more about genetics here:



it makes sense that muscles that originate on the posteror aspect of vertebrae and insert on the posterior aspect of superior vertebrae will extend that segment of the spine.


During extension, muscles with rib attachments will work to support the thoracic vertebrae.

What use does the thoracic serve?

In addition to providing rearward attachment for said ribs, some thorax wall muscles, upper limb, abdominal, and back muscles, the spine is a component of the vertebra that support the chest region. Between superior back and neck and the lower lumbar spine is the thoracic spine.

What results in thoracic spine pain?

Inflammation of the thoracic spine's muscles of soft tissues is the most typical cause of lumbar back pain. A number of factors can cause this inflammation, including: an unexpected strain or sprain (as in car accidents or sports injuries). significant periods of time spent slouching whether standing or sitting.

To know more about thoracic vertebrae visit:



Define the endocrine system and explain the influence of the pituitary and adrenal glands on behavior


The endocrine system is a group of glands that create hormones that control a variety of processes, including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood.

How the influence of the pituitary and adrenal glands on behavior?

These signals in turn regulate the release and manufacture of additional hormones from the pituitary gland, which signal other bodily glands and organs. The regulation of body temperature, appetite, thirst, and water intake, as well as sleep and wake cycles, emotional behavior, and memory, are all influenced by the hypothalamus.

The manufacture and release of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and additional sources of androgens in humans are all controlled by the adrenal cortex. These hormones affect mood, reproduction, and behavior and are crucial for maintaining homeostasis.

To know more about endocrine system, visit:



Which of these is(are) pyrimidines?
The figure shows two types of nitrogen bases. The first type contains two bases: guanine, marked A, and adenine, marked B. The second contains three other: C, D, E. The bases A and B consist of a six-membered ring attached to five-membered ring. The bases C, D, and E have only six-membered ring in their structure.


The figure which will shows two types of nitrogen bases will be in C, D, and E.

How many pyrimidine bases are there?There are two kinds of nitrogen-containing bases - purines and pyrimidines. Purines consist of a six-membered and a five-membered nitrogen-containing ring, fused together. Pyrimidines have only a six-membered nitrogen-containing ring. There are 4 purines and 4 pyrimidines that are of concern to us.The nitrogenous bases are in the interior of the DNA double helix, with the sugars and phosphate portions of each nucleotide forming the backbone of the molecule.The construction of nucleotides, which in turn create the nucleic acids like DNA and RNA, uses a set of five nitrogenous bases. The sequencing of these bases in DNA and RNA is how information is stored, making them of utmost importance.

Learn more about pyrimidine bases here: brainly.com/question/19953251


Which of the following is Not a domain of evaluation for assessing intellectual disability


The option that does not represent a domain of evaluation for assessing intellectual disability is the conceptual domain. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is Intellectual disability?

Intellectual disability may be defined as a type of diagnosis that is significant given when an individual has problems both in intellectual functioning and the ability to function in everyday activities.

There are three major criteria for intellectual disability. It includes significant limitations in intellectual functioning, significant limitations in adaptive behavior, and onset before the age of 18. While the rest three domains which are social, practical, and moral domains encompass adaptive functioning.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Intellectual disability, refer to the link:



FILL IN THE BLANK. The distal ends of the olfactory neurons are covered with hairlike ________.


The distal ends of the olfactory neurons are covered with hairlike cilia.

The olfactory nerve is a pure sensory nerve (special sensory) whose role is to convey nerve impulses that can be interpreted by the brain as a stimulus or sensation of an odor. The olfactory nerve is the first cranial nerve.

Numerous hair-like non-motile cilia protrude from the dendrites of the olfactory receptor cells. Lia is up to 100 micrometers long and cilia from other dendrites form a network of olfactory mucus.

The surface of the cilia is covered with olfactory receptors, a type of G protein-coupled receptor. Each olfactory receptor cell expresses only one type of olfactory receptor (OR), but many separate olfactory receptor cells express ORs that bind the same set of odorants. The axons of olfactory receptor cells expressing the same OR aggregate to form the glomerulus in the olfactory bulb.

Learn more about the olfactory nerve at https://brainly.com/question/23211570


Ancestors of giraffes with shorter necks could not reach branches high up in trees for food. This led to ____ for longer necked giraffes. A. stabilizing selection B. disruptive selection C. artificial selection D. directional selection.



Ancestors of giraffes with shorter necks could not reach branches high up in trees for food. This led to directional selection for longer-necked giraffes.


The theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel states that

Diverse groups of animals evolve from one or a few common ancestors.

Match each type of vaccine to its corresponding property. Live attenuated vaccine [ Choose] mRNA vaccine [ Choose] Encodes a target antigen using nucleic acids Can only be used for parasitic pathogens Created by passaging in heterologous cell culture Toxoid vaccine Type of 100% effective HIV vaccine Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria Only used for lipid antigens


Live attenuated vaccine: created by passaging a heterologous cell culture.

mRNA vaccine: Only used for lipid antigens.

Toxoid vaccine: Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria.

What do you mean by vaccine?

A vaccine is defined as a biological preparation formulated to provide acquired immunity for a particular disease. Usually, vaccines contain a weakened or killed form of the disease-causing agent, its surface proteins or its toxins. When this preparation is introduced into the human body, the immune system is able to recognize the threat and destroy it. Moreover, the body will “remember” the threat and can initiate an appropriate response if encountered in the future.

The process of administering the vaccine is called vaccination or immunisation. It is responsible for the eradication of many diseases – especially infectious diseases such as smallpox and chickenpox. The term “vaccine” is derived from the Latin word “vaccinus”, from “vacca”, which means “from cows”. Edward Jenner coined the term for the technique where, he injected individuals with a mild form of cowpox, thereby rendering them immune to smallpox.

To know more about vaccine from the given link:



Live attenuated vaccine: Created by passaging in heterologous cell culture; Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria.

What is bacteria?

Bacteria are single-celled, prokaryotic microorganisms that live in a variety of habitats and cause a wide range of diseases. They are classified as members of the domain Bacteria, in contrast to other domains such as Archaea and Eukaryotes. Bacteria are found in almost every environment on Earth, including soil, oceans, lakes, and hot springs. They can be beneficial, such as when they are used to produce foods such as yogurt and cheese, or they can be harmful, such as when they cause diseases. Bacteria vary in size, shape, and structure, and they can be classified based on these characteristics. Bacteria also vary in their metabolism, meaning how they obtain energy from their environment. Some bacteria are autotrophs, meaning that they can make their own food, while others are heterotrophs, meaning that they must obtain their energy from other sources, such as organic matter. Bacteria also play an important role in the cycle of nutrients in the environment, and they are essential components of food webs.

Live attenuated vaccine: Created by passaging in heterologous cell culture; Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria
mRNA vaccine: Encodes a target antigen using nucleic acids; Only used for lipid antigens.
Toxoid vaccine: Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria; Only used for lipid antigens.

To learn more about bacteria

click and drag on elements in orderidentify the neuronal pathway for hearing from the cochlear nerve and ending with the cerebral cortex.


Several factors that start with the cochlear nerve and conclude with the cerebral cortex make up the neural pathway for hearing.

Cochlear ganglion is one.

Cochlear nucleus, second.

What exactly does cerebral cortex mean?

Its outer layer is your cerebral cortex, which is situated on top of your cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest portion of your brain. Your cerebrum divides your brain into two hemispheres. The corpus callosum is a network of nerve fibers that connects the hemispheres.

What are the cerebral cortex's three functional regions?

The three main types of functional regions present in the cerebral cortex are motor, sensory, and association regions. While sensory regions receive sensory data from afferent fibers through thalamic nuclei, motor areas regulate motor activity..

What happens if there is damage to your cerebral cortex?

Nearly all of the brain's activities depend on the cerebral cortex. Numerous emotional, sensory, and cognitive problems might result from damage to it.

To know more about cerebral cortex visit:



4. Identify Which organelle contains DNA in many types of cells?​


Chloroplast and mitochondrion are the two cell organelles that contain DNA. Chloroplast is equivalent to cyanobacterial cell while mitochondrion is equivalent to bacterial cell.

List two possible scientific questions that could be explored by studying your specimen’s DNA.


Two possible scientific questions that could be explored by studying your specimen’s DNA includes following:

Why would a researcher want to investigate a strawberry's DNA?

Why is it important for scientist to be able to extract DNA from an organism?

DNA: What is it?

The genetic material in humans and almost all other organisms is called DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. A person's body contains nearly identical DNA in every cell.

The molecule of information is DNA. It holds the blueprints needed to create proteins, which are other big molecules. Each of your cells contains these instructions, which are dispersed among 46 lengthy structures known as chromosomes. Numerous smaller DNA segments known as genes make up each of these chromosomes.

To know more about DNA visit:



Explain two major changes that occur in the body after death, and be specific about the major systems involved.



The body floats on water

The body decays and form manure

indicate whether the following statement is true or false. overall, buffer capacity increases as the relative concentrations of the buffer components become closer to each other


True, Overall, as the relative concentrations of a buffer components approach one another, buffer capacity rises.

What is buffer capacity?

By adding a little amount of acid or base to the buffer solution, the solution can resist significant variations in pH.

When H+ and space OH- are introduced to buffer solutions, buffer capacity() is defined as a quantitative measure of the resistance to pH change.

Alkalinity capacity or acid neutralising capability are other names for it.

Additionally, it is defined as the quantity of moles or grammes equivalent of an acid or a base needed to raise the pH of a solution by 1. It is based on the solution's concentration.

As absolute concentrations of the buffer's component parts rise, the buffer's capacity rises as well. The buffer's capacity increases with the concentration of the conjugate base and weak acid that make up the buffer.

To learn more about buffer capacity


the linear regression method seeks to predict values of a(n) question blank 1 of 2 type your answer... variable based on values of a(n)


The linear regression method seeks to predict values of a dependent variables based on values of an independent (explanatory) variables.

The linear regression equation is given as Y = a + bX, where X is the independent (explanatory) variable and Y is the dependent variable.

Linear regression analysis predicts the value of one variable based on the value of another. The variable you want to anticipate is known as the dependent variable. The variable you're using to predict the value of the other variable is known as the independent variable.

Linear-regression models are comparatively simple and provide a simple mathematical formula for generating predictions. Linear regression can be used in a variety of business and academic settings.

Linear regression is used in a variety of fields, including biological, behavioral, environmental, and social sciences, as well as business. Linear regression models have proven to be a reliable and scientific method of forecasting the future. Because linear regression is a well-established statistical procedure, the characteristics of linear regression models are well-understood and can be trained quickly.

For more information on Linear regression, visit :



babies born by cesarean section are likely to have less lactobacillus species in their normal microbiota than babies born vaginally.


Acetyl chloride reacts with a Grignard reagent to form a ketone. For example, acetyl chloride reacts with methyl magnesium bromide to form acetone.

What is normal microbiota?

The term "human microbiome" refers to the collective of all microorganisms found on or in human tissues and biofluids, as well as their corresponding anatomical locations, such as the skin, mammary glands, seminal fluid, uterus, ovarian follicles, lung, saliva, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, biliary tract, and gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria, archaea, fungus, protists, and viruses are some examples of human microbiota species. Even though they can exist on the human body, microorganisms are normally not included in this description. Although the phrase "human metagenome" has the same meaning, the term "human microbiome" is occasionally used in genomics to refer to the collective genomes of resident bacteria. [1]

Numerous bacteria that contain roughly the same number of non-human cells as human cells live inside of humans.

To know more about normal microbiota visit:



a woman with type a blood marries a man with type b blood. their offspring all have type ab blood. the pattern of inheritance is called: (b.6f) question 12 options: sex-linked codominance crossing-over incomplete dominance


When the father has type A blood, the mother has type B blood, and the children have type AB blood, the inheritance pattern is referred to as codominance.

What happens when type A blood and type B blood mate?

After mating, both alleles will exhibit equal dominance and impact. The gene pattern iAi or iAiA is present in type A blood. The gene pattern iBi or iBiB is present in type B blood.

What is meant by codominance?

In terms of genetics, codominance is a type of inheritance in which a person's traits are determined by two different expressions (alleles) of the same gene. In other words, neither quality predominates over the other but both appear, as in a plant or animal having different pigment colours.

The blood type of a person is one frequent trait that can't truly be seen by simply looking at them but that many people are aware of. People with the blood type AB have one A allele and one B allele. Because both alleles are expressed at the same time, their blood type is AB.

To learn more about codominance visit:



A scientist is studying the DNA of six different, but related organisms. The scientist is interested in the composition and structure of the DNA and makes the following data table. After filling in the data, which of the columns on the table will be identical for all six organisms?


The statement that is true about all six organisms is the process of producing DNA, or replication varies due to the differences in the DNA codes.

What is DNA sequencing?

DNA sequencing is the sequence of amino acids that produce the DNA or the genetic material. The genetic material is different in different organisms due to these sequences of amino acids.

During cell division, the genetic material or DNA replicates for another new cell. The process happens outside the nucleus. The process includes DNA synthesis of RNA, then RNA gives template to construct DNA. The amino acids sequence is different for every organism.

Thus, The process of producing DNA, or replication, varies due to the differences in the DNA codes.

To learn more about DNA sequencing, refer to the link:



Hormones are:Multiple select question.substances secreted by endocrine glandssubstances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstreamsubstances that act on target cellssubstances that communicate cells of the nervous system with each other and with muscles and glands


Hormones are substances secreted by endocrine glands. They are substances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstream and they act on target cells.

What are hormones?

Hormones are a class of signaling molecules present in multicellular organisms that are sent to different organs by complex biological processes in order to regulate behavior and physiology. Hormones are necessary for the correct development of animals, fungi and plants.

They are basically the body’s chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream to different organs, tissues, muscles and skin. Hormones send signals that tell the body what and when to do.

Therefore, hormones are substances secreted by endocrine glands. They are substances that diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the bloodstream and they act on target cells.

Learn more about hormones here: https://brainly.com/question/4678959


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