2. The melting point of tin is about 232°C. Germanium is an element in the same group as tin on the periodic table, but its melting point is about 938°C. What could you infer about the metallic bonding in Germanium from this information?


Answer 1

Since the melting point of Germanium is higher than Tin, the metallic bonding in Germanium is stronger than that of Tin.

What is metallic bonding?

Metallic bonding is the bonding that exists between the atoms of the elements in a metal.

Metallic bonding occurs as a result of the electrostatic attraction between an electron cloud of delocalized electrons and the positively charged metal ions.

The stronger the electrostatic forces of attraction between the electron cloud of delocalized electrons and the positively charged metal ions, the stronger will be the metal and the higher will be the melting point of the metallic atom.

The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which the solid is converted to heat on the addition of heat without an increase in the temperature of the solid.

Learn more about metallic bonding at: https://brainly.com/question/11490390


Related Questions

A chemist prepares a solution of vanadium bromide by measuring out of into a volumetric flask and filling to the mark with distilled water. Calculate the molarity of anions in the chemist's solution.


The molarity of Bromides ions in the chemist solution is 4.05 x 10^-3 M.

Molarity (M) refers to the amount of a substance in a given volume of solution and is defined as the moles of a solute per liters of a solution.

The equation for calculating the molarity of solution is given by:

Molarity of the solution = Mass of solute/ (Molar mass of solute x Volume of solution in L)

According to the given information,

Given mass of Vanadium (III) bromide = 0.12 g

Molar mass of Vanadium (III) bromide = 295.65 g/mol

Volume of solution = 300 mL or 0.3 L


Molarity of the solution = 0.12/ (295.65 x 0.3) = 0.001352 or 1.3 x 10^-3 M

As the formula for Vanadium (III) bromide is VBr3. Hence, 1 mole of Vanadium(III) bromide produces 1 mole of V 3+ ions and 3 moles of  Br -ions.

Molarity of bromide ions = 3 * 1.3 x 10^-3 M = 4.05 x 10^-3 M.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: A chemist prepares a solution of Vanadium (III) bromide (VBr) by measuring out 0.12 g of VBr into a 300 ml. volumetric flask and filling to the mark with distilled water. Calculate the molarity of Bromide ions in the chemist's solution. Be sure your answer is rounded to significant digits.

Learn more about Molarity:



The inner planets are terrestrial and the outer planets are Jovian. Why?


The terrestrial planets originated near to the Sun, where the temperature was ideal for the condensing of rock and metal. Outside of the so-called frost line, where temperatures were low enough for ice condensation, the jovian planets formed.

Terrestrial Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are examples of the terrestrial planets, which derive from the Latin word "terra," which means "land."

The remaining planets in the solar system (apart from Pluto)—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus—are collectively referred to as the jovian planets. They were given this moniker because of their likeness to Jupiter.

Planets that are terrestrial have solid surfaces, a slower rotation, and less dense metal cores.

Jovian planets have non-solid surfaces, rapid rotation, and cores made of significantly denser hydrogen and metal.

For more information on planets kindly visit to



If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°, which is the hybridization?
a. Sp2
b. Sp3d
c. Sp3
d. Sp


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°, the hybridization is sp³.

In sp³ hybridization the bond angle is 109.5° and the arrangement of the molecule is tetrahedral. in  sp³ hybridization then carbon atom is bonded with the four other atom. in the  sp³ hybridization one s orbital and the three p orbitals in the same shell of the atom will combine to form the four new equal hybrid orbitals . the example of the  sp³ hybridization is the methane , CH₄.

Thus, in the  sp³ hybridization the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5° and the molecular geometry is the tetrahedral geometry.

To learn more about hybridization here



One of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals are called?


Metalloids are one of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals.


Metalloids are the smallest class of elements consisting of only seven elements from the entire periodic table of elements. The periodic table is built with periodic properties in mind. Metalloids, which are transitional elements, form the boundary between metallic and non-metallic elements in the periodic table.

Elements belonging to the metalloid elements are: Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te), and Polonium (Po).

Metalloid elements are generally semiconductors, so they are widely used as materials for electronic components such as transistors, ICs, and diodes.

Learn more about metalloids here: https://brainly.com/question/6007181


entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. give an example to support this statement.


During the spontaneous process of heat being transferred from colder to hotter bodies, the entropy of the system of bodies increases.

A lower value indicates higher quality, and entropy is a measure of energy quality. Energy with a lower entropy is neatly ordered energy. High entropy is the result of chaotic energy storage.

Entropy is always rising because every particle and atomic structure travels faster than light through space and time. Expressions with inequalities are produced by the second law of thermodynamics. Since entropy cannot be destroyed in any way or at any size, it cannot generally increase. Everywhere and always, entropy is produced, increasing total entropy at any scale, including entanglement, open systems, micro-fluctuations, gravitation, and life processes.

To know more about entropy, visit:



A sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 l at 35 °c and 850 torr. identify the gas sample.
a. NH3 (molar = Mass 17,03 B/moll
b. CHCI3 (molar mass 119 4 B/mol)
c. SO2 (molar mass 64.07 g/mol)
d. Cl2 (molar mass 70.90 5 g/mol)
e. N2O (molar mass 44.02 g/moll)


Ideal gas law is valid only for ideal gas not for vanderwaal gas. Therefore, correct option is option B that is CHCl[tex]_3[/tex].  Ideal gas is a hypothetical gas.

What is ideal gas equation?

Ideal gas equation is the mathematical expression that relates pressure volume and temperature. There is no force of attraction between the particles.

Mathematically the relation between Pressure, volume and temperature can be given as



P = pressure of gas sample = 850 torr=1.11atm

V= volume of gas sample =0.918 L

n =number of moles of gas sample=?

T =temperature of gas =308K

R = Gas constant = 0.0821 L.atm/K.mol

Substituting all the given values, we get

1.11atm×0.918 L =n× 0.0821×308

On calculation we get



Molar mass =mass/moles

Molar mass = 4.84 g/0.04

                   =119. 4g/mol

Therefore, correct option is option B.

To learn more about ideal gas equation, here:



which molecular orbital has zero nodes, contributes to bonding, and has nonzero electron density directly along the internuclear axis?


A sigma bond has a zero node, contributes to the bonding, and has a non-zero electron density directly along the internuclear axis.

What is sigma bond?

A sigma () bond is a covalent bond formed by orbitals that overlap end to end, with the electron density concentrated between the internuclear of the bonding atoms (along the bond axis).

Based on the way the orbitals overlap of each bonding atom, covalent bonds are divided into two, namely, sigma bonds (σ) and phi bonds (π). A sigma (σ) bond results from overlapping of the orbitals of atoms along the bond axis, whereas a phi (π) bond occurs due to overlapping of the orbitals of atoms that are not on the bond axis.

Differences in the way the orbitals overlap in bond formation lead to differences in bond strengths. Sigma bonds are stronger or have a lower energy level than phi bonds.

Learn more about sigma bond here: https://brainly.com/question/10123266


as a general rule, if the electronegativity difference between two atoms is smaller than 0.4, the bond formed between them is said to be a(n)


If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is smaller than 0.4, the bond formed between them is said to be Covalent Bond.

How is Covalent Bond formed?

A covalent bond is formed when two atoms exchange one or more pairs of electrons. The two atomic nuclei are concurrently drawing these electrons to them. When the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is too tiny for an electron transfer to take place to create ions, a covalent bond is formed. Bonding electrons are collectively referred to as the electrons that are present between the two nuclei. The "glue" that holds the atoms in molecular units together is the bound pair.

The simplest material with a covalent link is the hydrogen molecule. Two hydrogen atoms, each with one electron in a 1s orbital, combine to produce it. The two electrons in the covalent link are shared by both hydrogen atoms, and each one takes on an electron configuration like that of helium.

If the electronegativity difference between two atoms is smaller than 0.4, the bond formed between them is said to be Covalent Bond.

To refer more about Formation of Covalent Bond visit:



A 1200 kg car runs head on into a 2500 kg truck, both traveling at 12m/s


The common velocity of the car and the truck after the collision is 12 m/s

How do I determine the common velocity?

From conservation of linear momentum, we understood that momentum before collision is equal to momentum after collision ie

Momentum before = Momentum after

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = v(m₁ + m₂)


m₁u₁ are the mass and speed of the 1st object before collisionm₂u₂ are the mass and speed of the 2nd object before collisionv is the velocity of both object after collision.

Using the above formula, we can obtain the common velocity of the car and truck. This is shown below:

Mass of car (m₁) = 1200 KgMass of truck (m₂) = 2500 KgVelocity of car (u₁) = 12Velocity of truck (u₂) = 12 m/sCommon velocity (v) = ?

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = v(m₁ + m₂)

Divide both sides by (m₁ + m₂)

v = [m₁u₁ + m₂u₂] / (m₁ + m₂)

v = [(1200 × 12) + (2500 × 12)] / (1200 + 2500)

v = [14400 + 30000] / 3700

v = 44400 / 3700

v = 12 m/s

Thus, the common velocity is 12 m/s

Learn more about velocity:




Complete question:

A 1200 kg car runs head on into a 2500 kg truck, both traveling at 12m/s. What is their common velocity after the collision?

a student heats a mixture containing 2.55 g of copper and 6.99 g of a nonmetal to form 8.74 g of a compound, cux2. 0.80 g of copper was left over. what is x?


A student heats a mixture containing 2.55 g of copper and 6.99 g of a nonmetal to form 8.74 g of a compound, cux2. 0.80 g of copper was left over. the x is Iodine.

given that :

mass of copper = 2.55 g

mass of non metal = 6.99 g

the reaction is given as :

Cu  +   2X ----->   CuX₂

mass of the copper used = 2.55 - 0.80 =n 1.75 g

1 mole of Cu react with 2 mol of the X

moles of Cu = mass / molar mass

                     = 1.75 / 63

                     = 0.0277 mol

moles of X = 2 × 0.0277

                  = 0.055 mol

molar mass = mass / moles

                   = 6.99 / 0.055

                    = 127 g /mol

the element with molar mass 127 g/mol is Iodine. so, the X is Iodine with symbol I.

To learn more about copper here



the following is the predicted 1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula . this compound is a liquid at room temperature, is slightly soluble in water, and reacts with sodium metal with the evolution of a gas.


The following is the predicted 1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula C₆H₄O is as follows :

CH₃ - CH₂ - CH - CH - CH₃

                     |        |

                   OH    CH₃

The  1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula . this compound is a liquid at room temperature, is slightly soluble in the water, and reacts with the sodium metal with the evolution of a gas is given as below :

                                           CH₃ - CH₂ - CH - CH - CH₃

                                                                  |        |

                                                                OH    CH₃

The 1 h nmr spectrum means the proton nuclear magnetic resonance. it helps to identify the organic compound an the structure of the organic compound.

To learn more about nmr spectrum here



What type of reaction involves a single compound producing two or more simpler substances?


A decomposition reaction is one in which a single chemical disintegrates into less complex elements.

What kind of reaction produces just one component as the end result?

One material is created from several reactants in a composition reaction. Multiple products are created from a single reactant in a decomposition process. When a chemical and oxygen are combined, the result is a combustion reaction that produces oxides of other elements as a byproduct (although nitrogen atoms react to make N 2).

when does a chemical split into two or more different substances?

Decomposition reactions - These processes take place when a complex substance disintegrates into two or simpler ones. One illustration is the electrolysis of water, which produces hydrogen and oxygen gas when an electric current is conducted through the water.

to know more about Decomposition reactions here:



a 0.300 g sample of an unknown compound occupies 203 ml at 298k and 2.32 atm. what is the molar mass of the unknown compound?


The molar mass of the unknown compound is 15.57 g/mol.

Describe a molar mass.

A substance's molar mass is defined as its molecular weight in grams. By adding the molar masses of a substance's constituent atoms, we can determine the substance's molar mass. Then, to convert between mass and the quantity of moles of the substance, we can use the calculated molar mass.

molecular mass A substance's molar mass, measured in grams, is what makes up one mole of a substance. There is only one molar mass for each element. For instance, the molar masses of magnesium are 24.3050 g/mol and 12.011 g/mol, respectively, for carbon.

Use the Ideal Gas Law,

PV = nRT

n = m/Mr

Mr is the relative molar mass

PV = (m/Mr)RT

Mr = mRT/PV

Mr = 0.3×0.08206×298/2.32×0.203

Mr = 7.336/0.4709

Mr = 15.57g/mol.

Therefore, the molar mass of the unknown compound is 15.57g/mol.

To know more about molar mass visit:



What is density of argon gas in g ml at STP?


1.78 g/L is density of argon gas in g ml at STP

To comparing various gas characteristics, standard temperature and pressure (STP) is a helpful set of reference conditions. Gases have a volume of 22.4 L per mole at STP. The ideal gas law may be used to calculate gas densities. The ideal gas law equation's variable "R" is referred to as the "gas constant." A constant number is always equal to the product of the pressure times the volume of a gas divided by the number of moles and the gas's temperature. The units that the temperature, pressure, and volume are expressed in determine the constant's numerical value.

Learn more about STP here:



How much heat is absorbed/released when 25. 00 g of nh3(g) reacts in the presence of excess o2(g) to produce no(g) and h2o(l) according to the following chemical equation?.


The heat 428.7 kJ is required for the of warmth are absorbed while 25.00 g of NH4 (g) reacts withinside the presence of extra O2(g) to provide NO(g) and H2O(l) .

Let's recollect the subsequent thermochemical equation.

4Nh3g) + 5O_(g) -> 4NO(g) + 6 H2O(l) triangle H deg = 1168kJThe widespread enthalpy of the response is positive, this means that that the response is endothermic, that is, warmness is absorbed.We will convert 25.00 g of NH3 to moles the usage of its molar mass (17.03 g/mol).25g * (1mol)/(17.03g) = 1.468mol1168 kJ of warmth are absorbed while four moles of NH3 react. The warmness absorbed while 1.468 moles of NH react is:1.468mol * (1168kJ)/(4mol) = 428.7kJ428.7 kJ of warmth are absorbed while 25.00 g of NH3(g) reacts withinside the presence of extra O2(g) to provideNO(g) and H2O(l)

Learn more about heat:






C is the answer

0.1907% error

The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by?


The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

Define electrolytes.

When dissolved in water, substances known as electrolytes acquire a natural positive or negative electrical charge.

The force that a fluid applies against a wall—hydrostatic pressure—is essentially moves fluid between compartments. The pressure that blood applies to the blood vessel walls as a result of the heart's pumping motion is known as the hydrostatic pressure of blood. The opposing "colloid osmotic pressure" in capillaries is greater than the blood's "constant" pressure, which is principally created by the circulation of albumin at the capillary's arteriolar end. This pressure pushes plasma and nutrients into the surrounding tissues from the capillaries.

Therefore, the movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

To learn more about electrolytes from the given link.



draw the expected product of the curved‑arrow mechanism. be sure to draw the nonbonding electron pairs.


The expected product of the curved‑arrow mechanism the reaction mechanism is given below.

A curved arrow mechanism:

what is it?

Nonlinear, curved arrows with barbs on one end are used to represent electron flow. A single-barbed arrow denotes the motion of a single electron, whereas a double-barbed arrow denotes the motion of an electron pair.

curved‑arrow mechanism

[tex]< smiles > CC1CCC(C#N)(C#N)C1 < /smiles > $\stackrel{\mathrm{SN} 2}{\longrightarrow}$ < smiles > CC1CCC(C#N)C1 < /smiles >[/tex]

[tex]OTs < smiles > CC1CCC(C)C1 < /smiles > $\mathrm{NACN} \longrightarrow$DMSO[/tex]

An electron source is where the arrow is drawn (a bond or a lone pair). In other words, the bent arrow's tail indicates the origin of the electrons. The direction of the electrons is indicated by the arrow. The motion of two electrons is depicted by a double-barbed arrow.

To learn more about curved arrow mechanism visit:



What are the 5 signs of a chemical reaction?


The five signs of chemical reaction is change in temperature, change in colour, effervescence, formation of precipitate and formation of gas.

A chemical reaction is a process in which the chemical properties of a substance changes.

5 signs that can be observed during the chemical reactions are,

1. Change and temperature.

2. Change in colour.

3. Effervescence.

4. Formation of precipitate.

5. Formation of a gas.

Mainly the chemical reaction occurs when the bonds of the reactant molecules are broken and the new bonds are found retain the reactant molecules of different species.

This process give price to the new properties of the substances.

To know more about chemical change, visit,



Of the following atmospheric gases, only _________ is an important greenhouse gas.hydrogen sulfide (H2S)oxygen (O2)water vapor (H2O)nitrogen (N2)argon (Ar)


Of the following atmospheric gases, only water vapor is an important greenhouse gas.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is an effect in which the heat that reaches the earth does not bounce back into space and by remaining allows an ideal temperature for life on earth. This effect is similar to that generated by plastic tents in greenhouses, hence its name.

This effect has become detrimental due to the effect of industries and human activity due to an increase in gases, increasing global temperature.

Within the greenhouse gases we find: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, among others.

To learn more about greenhouse effect visit: https://brainly.com/question/13706708


A dilute solution has ___ of solute in the solvent


Walter, hank, skyler , Marie , Jesse

in the lewis resonance structure for nitrous oxide (nno) in which the central n atom is doubly bonded to each of the other two atoms, what is the formal charge on the central n atom?


Nitrogen is the central atom in molecules of nitrous oxide (N2O)

Nitrogen (N) interacts with oxygen (O) and with another nitrogen to produce two resonance structures in nitrous oxide (N2O), as depicted below.

N-=N+=O N+-O- N

i. N N+-O-

In this structure, one of the two N atoms and O each have a single covalent bond, and the other two share a triple covalent link. Let's figure out the net formal charge as well as the formal charges of each individual atom.

One nitrogen

V = 5, N = 2, B = 6


qf = 5 – 2 – 6/2 = 0

2 Nitrogen

V = 5, N = 0, B = 8


qf = 5 – 0 – 8/2 = 1


V = 6, N = 6, B = 2


qf = 6 – 6 – 2/2 = -1

Since 0 + 1 - 1 = 0, the net formal charge is 0.

ii. N-=N+=O

Here, a double covalent connection is shared by two nitrogen atoms and one nitrogen atom also has a double covalent link with oxygen. Let's figure out the net formal charge as well as the formal charges of each individual atom.

One nitrogen

V = 5, N = 4, B = 4


qf = 5 – 4 – 4/2 = -1

2 Nitrogen

V = 5, N = 0, B = 8


qf = 5 – 0 – 8/2 = 1


V = 6, N = 4, B = 4


qf = 6 – 4 – 4/2 = 0

It is calculated as follows: -1 + 1 + 0 = 0

Therefore, for both the resonance structure, the formal charge of nitrous oxide is zero. This indicates the stability of both of these structures.

To learn more about lewis resonance Please click on the given link:



If you weigh out 0.205 g of salicylic acid, what is the theoretical yield for aspirin? 0.157g 0.267g 0.134g 0.0786g none of the above choices


If you weigh out 0.205 g of salicylic acid,  the theoretical yield for aspirin is the 0.267 g.

given that :

the mass of the salicylic acid = 0.205 g

the molar mass of the salicylic acid = 138.12 g /mol

the number of moles of salicylic acid acid = mass / mola mass

                                                                    =  0.205 / 138.12

                                                                    = 0.001484 mol

1 mole of salicylic acid = 1 mole of the aspirin

0.001484 mol of the salicylic acid = 0.001484 mol of aspirin

the molas mass of aspirin = 180 g /mol

the mass of aspirin = moles × molar mass

                                 = 0.001484 × 180

                                 = 0.267 g

Thus the theoretical yield = 0.267 g.

To learn more about theoretical yield here



How do you predict if a chloride is ionic or covalent?


If a compound is made from a metal and a non-metal, its bonding will be ionic. If a compound is made from two non-metals, its bonding will be covalent.

Ionic bonds, also known as electrovalent bonds, are a type of linkage created in a chemical molecule by the electrostatic attraction of ions with opposing charges. When the valence (outermost) electrons of one atom are permanently transferred to another atom, a bond of this kind is created. If an atom receives electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (cation), but if it loses them, it becomes a positively charged ion (cation) (anion). A basic study of ionic bonding follows. To learn more, go to chemical bonding: the ionic bonding process. Ionic or electrovalent compounds are produced via ionic bonding, and the compounds generated between nonmetals and alkali and alkaline-earth metals serve as the best examples of this type of compound.

To know more about Ionic bond, visit;



What is the risk of exposure to chemical agents?


The risk of chemical exposure are skin blistering and difficulties breathing.

There are certain methods in which a person might be exposed to a dangerous chemical while working in a chemical laboratory. It is quite likely that a person might inhale a chemical if it is present in the form of a gas.

Breathing may become difficult as a result of this.

It is a given that we occasionally need concentrated acid and base while doing chemical experiments.

Human skin is severely harmed by both acid and base. Therefore, a burn might result from an acid or base coming into touch with the skin directly.

To know more about chemical exposures, visit,



a structure containing a central atom surrounded by three electron groups will have a planar arrangement in which the ideal bond angle is °.


A trigonal structure with an ideal bond angle of 120° results from a structure with a central atom with three electron groups.

A triangular planar molecule is a molecule with three bonds and an O lone electron pair. A molecule is angular if it has three bonds and one lone pair of electrons. A tetrahedral molecule is a molecule that contains four bonds and no lone pairs. A molecule is a triangular pyramid if it contains four members and a pair of electrons.

If a structure has four atoms, none of which are lone pairs, and the core atom is surrounded by three other atoms, the structure has a trigonal molecular structure. Four atoms are arranged in one plane.

For more information about Trigonal Planner,:



Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to:____.


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to 4.18 kilojoules.

Joule is the fundamental energy unit of the metric system, or the International System of Units in a later, more thorough version (SI). In the end, the meter, kilogram, and second are used to characterize it.

Calorie (cal) (cal): In the past, the definition of a calorie included the heating of water. Consequently, according to a conventional definition, one calorie is the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius, from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees.

The "calorie" measured for other temperature ranges differs slightly from this, which is frequently referred to as the 15 °C calorie. The calorie has more recently been defined in terms of the joule; historically, the calorie and joule have been equivalent to mechanical heat.

For more information on calorie kindly visit to



A sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 Lat 35 °C and 850 torr. Identify the gas sample. a. NH3 (molar mass - 17.03 g/mol) b. CHCI: (molar mass - 119.4 g/mol) c. SO2 (molar mass - 64.07 g/mol) d. Cl (molar mass = 70.90 g/mal) e. N2O (molar mass - 44.02 g/mol)


The mass of the given gas sample at STP is 28 grams.

What is the relation between the mass and density of a solid body?

The relation between the mass and density of any substance is given by -M = ρV

Where -

M - mass of body

ρ - density of body

V - volume of body

Given is volume of a gas sample is 22 L at STP. The density of the gas is 1.35 g/L.

We can write -

Volume of gas = [V] = 22 L

density of gas = [D] = 1.3 g/L

Therefore, the mass of the gas will be -

M = ρV

M = 1.3 x 22

M =  28.6 g

Therefore, the mass of the given gas sample at STP is 28 grams.

To learn more about gas sample refer



a sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 l at 35 °c and 850 torr. identify the gas sample.


Air is the most typical example of a gas (the air we breathe is a gas). It may also be thought of as a combination of other gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The following is a list of several gases. Hydrogen.

What is the process of a gas sample?

A pressure reducing valve and flowmeter are attached between the vessel and the detector tube to allow pressurized air or gas inside the vessel to flow through the flowmeter into the detector tube at a fixed rate of flow for a predetermined amount of time. This allows the compressed air to be sampled.

What makes gas sampling crucial?

For the right determination of the product composition, proper sampling is essential. Most of the time, the sample serves as both the starting point and the source for calculating the gas' specific gravity. The flow formula, from which we calculate the product quantity, critically depends on this number.

To know more about gas sample visit;



The gas is CHCl₃ (molar mass-119.4g/mol)

weighs 4.84 g

volume of 0.918 l



P=850 torr

P=850/760 atm

R=0.0821 L atm Mol⁻¹ k⁻¹


M=(4.84 g*0.0821 L atm Mol⁻¹ k⁻¹*308.15K)/((850/760 atm)*0.918 l)


To learn more about Molar Mass,visit below link



why is El nino considered to be a trouble maker?
a. because scientists have to use satellites to chart its progress
b. because it occurs every year late in december
c. because it can cause droughtsflooding and other extreme or unusual weahter events
d. because it prevents a la nina from occuring


The correct answer is C. Hope this helps. Please mark brainliest
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