The rectangular prism below is not
complete. When it is complete, it will
be a total of 27 cubic units. What will
the length, width, and height of the
cube below be once it is completely
filled in?

The Rectangular Prism Below Is Notcomplete. When It Is Complete, It Willbe A Total Of 27 Cubic Units.


Answer 1

L x W x H





Related Questions

if g is a simple undirected graph with 12 vertices and 3 connected components, what is the largest number of edges it might have?


If a graph have 12 vertices and 3 connected components, then  the largest number of edges it might have is 45.

What is vertex?

One of the items joined together in a graph is referred to as a vertex (or node). Edges or links are the connections between the vertices in any graph.

As given in the question,

The vertices (n) = 12,

Connected components (k) = 3

let m be the number of edges it the graph might have,

The number of edges in the graph can be calculated by the following formula:

[tex]m \le \frac{(n-k+1) \times (n-k)}{2}[/tex]

putting the values from the question,

[tex]m \le \frac{(12-3+1) \times (12-3)}{2}[/tex]

[tex]m \le \frac{(10) \times (9)}{2}[/tex]

[tex]m \le 45[/tex]

By the above equation, we can say that maximum number edges of is 45.

To know more about vertex, go to link


Jamal owns a parking garage and is trying to find the relationship between hour of the day and number of cars in the garage. He finds that between 4 am and 10 am he can model this with a linear relationship. The equation for this model is y = 3. 56x + 2. How many cars were in the garage at 4 am?.


The slope of the equation, given, is the pace at which a car enters a garage. Hence, it is 3.56, or around 4 automobiles per hour. Option D is the correct answer.

In statistics, a straight line of correlation between two variables is referred to as a linear relationship (or linear association). The mathematical equation y = mx + b can be used to represent linear relationships graphically.

Jamal is the owner of a parking garage and is attempting to determine the correlation between the number of automobiles in the garage and the hour of the day. He discovers that he can represent this using a linear relationship between 4 am and 10 am. y = 3.56x + 2 is the model's equation.

To learn more about a linear relationship


The complete question of the above answer is

Jamal owns a parking garage and is trying to find the relationship between the hour of the day and the number of cars in the garage. He finds that between 4 am and 10 am he can model this with a linear relationship. The equation for this model is y = 3.96x + 2. About how many cars are entering the garage every hour?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

The total cost, C, of renting a van is $65 each day, d, the van is rented plus $.33 for
mile, m, the van is driven. What is the expression for C?




Step-by-step explanation:

to solve the equation you will need to multipy .33 x the amount of miles drove after you get the answer for that you will need to add 65 then thats your final answer

Write the algebraic expreion for the number of total hour in y hour and 45 minute


The algebraic expression for the given statement total number of hours present in y hours and 45 minutes is equal to ( y + 0.75 ) hours.

As given in the question,

Given statement is equal to :

The total number of hours present in y hours and 45 minutes .

Here we have to convert whole equation into hours we have :

1 hour = 60 minutes

⇒ 1 minute = ( 1 / 60 ) hours

⇒ 45 minutes = ( 45 / 60 ) hours

⇒ 45 minutes = 0.75 hours

Algebraic expression for the given statement in hours  is given by :

y hours and 45 minutes

= y hours + 45 minutes

= y hours + 0.75 hours

= ( y + 0.75 ) hours

Therefore, the algebraic expression for the given statement is given by

( y + 0.75 ) hours.

The complete question is:

Write an algebraic expression for the total number of hours in y hours and 45 minutes.

Learn more about algebraic expression here


You purchae 200 hare of a tock at a price of $70 per hare. You purchae 200 call option on the
tock with exercie price of $72 and a call premium of $5. 75 per call option. You alo write (ell) 300
put option on the ame tock with exercie price of $68 and put premium of $2,87 per put option. All the option expire on the ame date. Calculate the profit on your entire trategy (portfolio) at the
expiration of the contract if the Stock price at that time i $81. 50. (Aume you ell all your hare
the date that the option expire. )


On your entire strategy at the expiration of the contract if the stock price at that time is $81.50 then the profit is $2189.

A portfolio is a collection of financial investments like stocks, bonds, commodities, cash and cash equivalents, including closed-end funds and exchange traded funds.

A stock is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing corporation. Units of stock are called "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the corporation's assets the owner equal to how much stock they own.

We know that,

Profit on the strategy

        = Profit on the shares + Profit from long calls + Profit from short puts

        = 200(81.50 - 70) + 200(Max(81.50-72,0)-5.75) + 300(-Max(68 - 81.50,0)+2.87)

        = 2300 + 750 - 861

        = 2189

Therefore profit on strategy is $2189.

To know more about profit here


What is meant by 6% slope?


6% slope means on a run of 100 units, there is just a 6-unit rise. The basic definition of slope is the gradient or incline of the terrain.

A steep slope is an abrupt incline, and a gentle slope is a gradual incline. The river's route flows between the steep, forested hills and their softer counterparts.

This is accomplished by comparing the vertical and horizontal changes, which are frequently stated as rise/run.

Since "percent" or "%" denotes "out of 100" or "per 100," x% can be expressed as

For instance

You can come across a road sign that says "6% Grade" or "Steep Grade" while driving down a highway. The road's grade is essentially its slope, multiplied by 100.

6% thus equals 6/100.

For more information on slope kindly visit to


the mean square for error in the anova provides an estimate of (a) the variance of the random error (b) the variance of an individual treatment average (c) the standard deviation of an individual observation (d) none of the above


The mean square for error in the ANOVA provides an estimate of the variance of an individual treatment average.

What is a variance?

Variance is the anticipated squared variation of a random variable from its population mean or sample mean in probability theory and statistics. Variance serves as a proxy for dispersion, or the degree to which a set of numbers deviates from their mean.

Here, We have

The mean square for error in the ANOVA provides an estimate

ANOVA = Analysis of VarianceThe correct answer is (B)

The mean square for error (MSE) in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) provides an estimate of the variance of an individual treatment average.

Unlike option C which refers to an individual observation,

option B refers to a group of observations that are classified into a single treatment sample.

The MSE measures (gives an estimate of) the variation within this treatment sample. In this case, the variation is in the average or the mean. This could be average texture, average strength, average penetration, etc.

Hence, the mean square for error in the ANOVA provides an estimate of the variance of an individual treatment average.

To learn more about the variance from the given link


Using the diagram below, a reflection in line r is a transformation for which the following are true.
If a point A is on line r, then the image of A
is A itself (that is, A' = A).
Line of reflection.
If a point B is not on line r, then r is the
perpendicular bisector of BB.



The diagram shows a line of reflection, labeled as "line r," and a point B on one side of the line. The image of point B, labeled as B', is shown on the other side of the line.

If point A is on line r, then the image of A would be A itself because a reflection in line r means that all points on the line remain unchanged.

If point B is not on line r, then line r would be the perpendicular bisector of line segment BB'. This means that line r would pass through the midpoint of line segment BB' and be perpendicular to it. The image of point B would be on the opposite side of line r from the original point B, but the distance between B and B' would remain the same.

Sam and taylor own and operate a car wash service. Sam cleans the interior of each car and taylor cleans the exterior. The time it takes sam to finish the interior has a mean of 202020 minutes with a standard deviation of 6. 46. 46, point, 4 minutes. The time it takes taylor to finish the exterior has a mean of 181818 minutes with a standard deviation of 4. 84. 84, point, 8 minutes. Both of their finishing times are approximately normally distributed.


The probability that they finish within 10 minutes of each other here their times are independent

i.e P( -10 < X₂ - X₁ < 10) where X₂ - X₁ = D Normally distributed, is 0.78 ..

Let X₁ be a random variable as taylor cleans the exterior of each car.

mean , μ₁ = 20 ,

standard deviations, σ₁ = 4.8

let X₂ be a random variable as sam cleans the interior of each car.

mean, μ₂ = 18

standard deviations, σ₂ = 6.4

If the two random variables are normal, then their difference , X₂ - X₁ also be normal.

As two normal variables here are normally distributed, therefore the distribution of the difference between the two variables here is given as: X₂ - X₁ = X

with mean, μ = μ₂ - μ₁ = 2

standard deviations, σ = σ₁² + σ₂²

= 6.4² + 4.8² = 64

To any bivariate Normal distribution of (X₁,X₂) Thus the variable

Z = (X−μ)/σ = (X₂−X₁ −(μ₂ - μ₁))/(√σ₁² + σ₂²)

= X - 2 /√64 = (X - 2 )/8

The probability here is computed as:

P( -10 < X₂ - X₁ < 10) = approx P(∣D∣<10)

where D is difference between their finishing times. Converting it to a standard normal variable, we have here:

= P( (-10 - 2) / 8 < Z < (10 - 2) / 8)

= P( -1.5 < Z < 1)

= P(Z < 1 ) - P(Z < -1.5)

Getting it from standard normal tables,

= 0.8431 - 0.0668

= 0.7763

Therefore 0.7763 is the required probability here.

To learn more about Normal probability distribution, refer:


Complete question:

Sam and Taylor own and operate a car wash service. Sam cleans the interior of each car and Taylor cleans the exterior. The time it takes Sam to finish the interior has a mean of 20 minutes with a standard deviation of 6.4 minutes. The time it takes Taylor to finish the exterior has a mean of 18 minutes with a standard deviation of 4.8 minutes. Both of their finishing times are approximately normally distributed.

Suppose we select a car at random, and define the random variable D as the difference between their finishing times. We can assume that their times are independent.

Find the probability that they finish within 10minutes of each other.

You may round your answer to two decimal places.


24. Omar is standing 75 feet away from the base of a building. The angle of elevation from the ground where Omar is standing to the top of the building is 24.
Part A: Draw a diagram to represent this situation. (1 point)
25. Jonat backyard daughter garden, sc rectangul:
Part B. Calculate the height of the building to the nearest tenth of a foot?
Explain your process for arriving at the answer.


a. The diagram that represents this situation is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

b. The height of the building is of: 33.4 feet.

What are the trigonometric ratios?

The three trigonometric ratios are defined as follows:

Sine of angle = length of opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.Cosine of angle = length of adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.Tangent of angle = length of opposite side divided by the length of the opposite side.

As shown by the diagram given at the end of the answer, this situation is represented by a right triangle in which:

There is an angle of 24º.The adjacent side to the angle is of 75 feet.The height of the building is of x feet.

Then the height of the building is calculated as follows:

tan(24º) = x/75

x = 75 x tangent of 24 degrees

x = 33.4 feet. -> height of the building.

More can be learned about trigonometric ratios at


[tex]x^{2} -27=4x[/tex]


The solutions for the given equation are [tex]2+\sqrt{31}[/tex] and [tex]2-\sqrt{31}[/tex]. These are calculated by applying the quadratic formula since the given equation is a quadratic equation.

What is the quadratic formula?

The quadratic formula is used for finding the roots of a quadratic equation in the form of ax² + bx + c = 0.

The formula is,

x  = [tex]\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex]


The given equation is

x² - 27 = 4x

On rewriting the equation, we get

x² - 4x - 27 = 0

thus, it is in the form of ax² + bx + c = 0. So, this is a quadratic equation.

Then, applying the quadratic formula for finding roots is nothing but its solutions.

Where a = 1; b = -4; c = -27

⇒ x = [tex]\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

      = [tex]\frac{-(-4)\pm\sqrt{(-4)^2-4(1)(-27)} }{2(1)}[/tex]

      = (4 ± [tex]\sqrt{16+108}[/tex])/2

      = (4 ± [tex]\sqrt{124}[/tex])/2

      = (4 ± 2[tex]\sqrt{31}[/tex])/2

      = 2 ± [tex]\sqrt{31}[/tex]

So, the roots of the given equation are 2 + [tex]\sqrt{31}[/tex] and 2 - [tex]\sqrt{31}[/tex].

Learn more about the quadratic formula here:


Tomika and Mark had $3,800 in medical expenses and paid an additional $8,009 for medical insurance. The insurance covered 60% of the medical expenses. The IRS allows medical and dental expense deductions for the amount that exceeds 7.5% of a taxpayer's adjusted gross income. If their adjusted gross income is $101,598, how much can they claim as a medical deduction?


Tomika and Mark claim a medical deduction in the amount of $1,839.8.

How to calculate a claim as a medical deduction?

To determine how much Tomika and Mark can claim as a medical deduction, you first need to calculate the number of medical expenses that are covered by their insurance.

The first step is to calculate medical insurance :

Medical insurance = 7.5 % of $101,598

Medical insurance = 7.5% x $101,598

Medical insurance =  $7,619.88.

Medical deduction claim = $7,619.88 - (100% - 60%)x $3,800

Medical deduction claim = $7,619.88 - 40% x $3,800

Medical deduction claim = $7,619.88 - $1,520

Medical deduction claim = $6,099.88

Therefore, they can claim a medical deduction in the amount of $1,839.8.

To learn more about medical claim deduction click here:


S varies directly as t. if s is 20 when t is 4 then t is ____ when s is 30



t is 6 when s is 30


s varies directly as t:

s = kt, where k- constant of direct variation.

If s is 20 when t is 4, find the value of k:

20 = 4k ⇒ k = 20/4 ⇒ k = 5

The equation is:

s = 5t

When s is 30, then t is:

30 = 5t ⇒ t = 30/5 ⇒ t = 6


Thus, t = 6 if s = 30.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

→ The value of s is 20 when t is 4.

Now value of s when t is 1,

→ s = (20/4)t

→ [ s = 5t ]

Then value of t when s is 30,

→ 5t = 30s

→ t = (30/5)s

→ t = 30/5

→ [ t = 6 ]

Hence, the value of t is 6.

i need help please thanks


Step-by-step explanation:

"to solve for h" just means to transform the equation, so that instead of V we get h alone on one side of the equation.

V = pi×r²×h

h = V / (pi×r²)

that's it.

for the slope question :

the slope is the factor of x (2/3 and 3/2) and indicates how steep the line is. and it is expressed as y/x ratio defining how many units y changes, when x changes a certain amount of units.

the bigger the number, the steeper the line.

so, the 4th answer option is correct. g(x) is steeper than f(x).

the lines are not parallel, because they do not have the same slope.

they are not perpendicular, because perpendicular slopes turn the y/x ratio upside down AND flip the sign.

e.g. the perpendicular slope of 2/3 would be -3/2.

The pheasant population on an island is declining at a rate of 1. 7% per year. The population was 4600 in the year 2009. Which answer is the best prediction of the population in the year 2015? responses 4010 4010 4080 4080 4120 4120 4150.


The best prediction of the population in the year 2015 will be 4150

rate of decrease involves The rate of reduction expressing a decrease as a percentage of the initial value.To compute a percentage drop, first determine the difference (decrease) between the two values being compared. Then, divide the reduction by the original number and multiply the result by 100.

Given that an island's peasant population is falling at a rate of 1.7% per year,

A 1.7% decrease means that 98.3% will remain.

as a result, decrease = 0.983/year

A(t) = A(original) multiplied by (0.983)^t

As a result, after 6 years, A(6) = 4600 x (0.983)6 = 4150

As a result, the population in 2009 will be 4150.

Learn more about the rate of decrease here:


glasses of milk and 3 snack bars have a total of 71 carbohydrates (carbs), and 3 glasses of milk and 2 snack bars have a total of 69 carbs. Determine how many carbs are in one glass of milk and in one snack bar.


30 cal is your answer

Answer:So looking at this question, we have two variables (1 - a glass of milk; 2 - a snack bar) and two equations to use to solve for the two variables. Remember that for any number of variables, you need that same number or more equations to solve for the variables.Let's say that a glass of milk is represented by g and a snack bar is represented by s.So we essentially have two equations here:4 glasses of milk + 3 snack bars = 88 carbs, or:4g + 3s = 882 glasses of milk + 4 snack bars = 74 carbs, or:2g + 4s = 74Now that we have this, we can solve for our equations. There are two ways to do this:SUBSTITUTION - solve for one variable, then substitute it inLet's solve for g using the second equation. First, we'll isolate g by subtracting 4s from both sides.2g = 74 - 4sNext, we can divide the whole equation by 2 to solve for g.g = 37 - 2sNow, we can substitute this into the first equation for g and solve for s.4g + 3s = 884(37 - 2s) + 3s = 88148 - 8s + 3s = 88148 - 5s = 88 (now subtract 88 from both sides and add 5s to both sides)60 = 5ss = 12Now we can use this to solve for g in the original equationg = 37 - 2sg = 37 - 2(12) = 37 - 24 = 13ELIMINATION - eliminate one variable to solve for the other, then use that to solve for the firstLet's look at our two equations4g + 3s = 882g + 4s = 74Let's eliminate the variable g first by multiplying the second question by -2.4g + 3s = 88-4g - 8s = -148If we add these two equations together, we get-5s = -60Divide both sides by -5 and we gets = 12Now, we can plug s into either equation to solve for g as we did above.

Question 2 of 20
What is another name for this polynomial, based on the number of terms it
g(x) = 5x + 17x5



Based on the given polynomial, g(x) = 5x + 17x5, it is a polynomial of the sixth degree because it contains six terms (one constant term, one linear term, and one quintic term). Thus, another name for this polynomial is a sixth-degree polynomial.

Step-by-step explanation:

Is the sum of any two whole numbers always a whole number answer it with at least 3 example?


Yes, the sum of 2 whole numbers is always a whole number.

Any number that ranges from 0 to infinity with 1 as the denominator in its smallest form is called a whole number.

For example- 0, 3, 78, 9363, etc.

Now if we take up two numbers say 34 and 78.

34 + 78

= 112

According to the definition of the whole number, we can say that this is a whole number.

Another example can be 0 + 237

The sum is 237

which again is a whole number.

The last example can be 2365 + 930

= 3295

This too is a whole number.

Hence the sum of two whole numbers will always be a whole number.

To learn more about whole numbers visit


What is the slope of all lines parallel to the line 3x 7y =- 7?


The slope of all lines parallel to the line 3x + 7y = -7 is 3/7.

To find the slope of the line 3x + 7y = -7, we can use the slope-intercept formula y = mx + b, where m is the slope.

We can rearrange the equation 3x + 7y = -7 to the slope-intercept form 7y = -3x -7.

We can then divide both sides of the equation by 7 to get the slope, m = -3/7.

Therefore, the slope of all lines parallel to the line 3x + 7y = -7 is 3/7.

Learn more about slope here


What is the slope of the line passing through (- 1/3 and 4 7?


The slope of the line passing through the two points [tex](-1,3)[/tex] and [tex](4,7)[/tex] is [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

The formula for finding the slope when two points are given

[tex]y=\frac{y_{2} -y_{1} }{x_{2} -x_{1} } \\y=\frac{7-3}{4-(-1)} \\y=\frac{4}{4+1} \\y=\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

The slope of the line is [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

Learn more about slope from


Find the surface area of that part of the plane 10x+7y+z=4 that lies inside the elliptic cylinder x^2/25+y^2/9=1


The surface area of that part of the plane 10x+7y+z=4 inside the elliptic cylinder x^2/25+y^2/9=1 is equal to πab, where a=5 and b=3. Therefore, the surface area is equal to 45π.

How can you calculate a surface area?

Total area on a three-dimensional shape's surface is known as surface area. The surface area of a cuboid with six rectangular faces can be calculated by adding the areas of each face. Alternatively, you can write down the cuboid's length, width, and height and use the formula surface area (SA)=2lw+2lh+2hw.

Why does surface area have a formula?

The general formula for a cube's surface area is as follows: The area of the base plus the area of the cube's vertical surfaces will add up to the cube's total surface area. The cube's total surface area is calculated using the formula 6a2, where an is the side length.

To know more about surface area visit:


amy spent 60$ on 5 daylilies and 5 bunches of ornamental grass,james spent 78$ on 8 daylilies and 5 bunches of ornamental grass,what is the cost of one daylily and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass?



both cost the same price of 6 dollars for each

Step-by-step explanation:

we can make a system of equation

d- daylilies

o- ornamental glass



-8d.      -8d




     -78. -78

-3d= -18

/-3.   /-3




-30.      -30


/5.  /5


they both are 6 dollars each

hopes this helps

a sociologist wishes to estimate the percentage of the u.s. population living in poverty. what size sample should be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within 2 percentage points with 99% confidence?


The sample size be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within 2 percentage points with 99% confidence is 4148 , the correct option is (b)    .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the confidence interval is 99% .

let us consider ,

A sociologist wishes to estimate the percent of the U.S. population living in poverty .

Here , preliminary estimate of population has been ,

p = q = 0.50 .

for given , 99% confidence interval z = 2.756 .

the error percent is 2% , the means E = 0.02  .

So , the required sample size (n) can be calculated using the formula ,

n = (0.50)(0.50)(2.576/0.02)²

n = 0.25 * 16589.44

n = 4147.36

n ≈ 4148 .

Therefore , the sample size is 4148 .

The given question is incomplete the complete question is

A sociologist wishes to estimate the percentage of the U.S. population living in poverty. What size sample should be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within 2 percentage points with 99% confidence ?

(a) 2401

(b) 4148

(c) 1692

(d) 2.575

Learn more about Sample Size here


why is an understanding of the central limit theorem essential to the concepts of estimation an hypothesis testing?


Because it permits one to assume that the sampling distribution of the mean would typically be normally distributed, the central limit theorem is helpful when examining big data sets. This makes statistical analysis and inference simpler.

Hypothesis :

In statistics, hypothesis testing is used to identify the variance in the group of data that results from genuine variation. Based on the presumptions, the sample data are taken from the population parameter. The hypothesis can be divided into many categories. A hypothesis is described in statistics as a formal statement that explains the relationship between two or more variables belonging to the specified population. It aids the researcher in converting the stated issue into an understandable justification for the study's findings. It provides examples of various experimental designs and guides the investigation of the research procedure.

To learn more about hypothesis visit:


Where is the function decreasing?

The function decreases when x is less than –7.

The function decreases when x is greater than –6.

The function decreases when x is between 0 and 4.

The function decreases when x is between –6 and 0.


The linear function decreases when x is between –6 and 0.

Linear Function

An equation can be represented by a linear function. The standard form for the linear equation is: y= mx+b , for example, y=5x+2. Where:

m= the slope.

b= the constant term that represents the y-intercept.

For the given example: m=5 and b=2.

A function can be classified as:

increasing - when the values of y increase with the increasing of x-values decreasing - when the values of y decrease with the increasing of x-values

From the graph is possible to see that the function decreases when x is between –6 and 0 because the values of y decrease with the increasing of x-values.

Read more about decreasing linear function here:


1 mile = 1.6 kilometers

A car goes 3 miles.

How many kilometers does it go?




Step-by-step explanation:

3 x 1.6

In terms of relative growth​ rate, what is the defining property of exponential​ growth?


In terms of relative growth rate Exponential growth is characterized by a constant relative growth rate.

Exponential growth is the process of increasing quantity over time. Occurs when the instantaneous rate of change of a quantity over time is proportional to the quantity itself. The exponential growth model has the form

y (t) = C e, where k is the rate constant.

Relative Growth Rate:Relative growth rate (RGR) is the rate of growth relative to size. That is, the rate of growth per unit time relative to the size at that point in time and y'(t)/y(t) is the relative growth rate of a function y at time t.

1/y dy/dt = 1/y d(C eᵏᵗ)/dt

= 1/y(kC eᵏᵗ)

= 1/y ( ky) ( since, y (t) = C eᵏᵗ)

= k

Therefore a constant relative growth rate.

To learn more about Exponential growth model, refer:


Complete question:

In terms of relative growth rate, what is the defining property of exponential growth? Choose the correct answer below.

A. The relative growth rate at time t is the slope of the exponential function at time t.

B. dy dt If y represents a population, then the relative growth rate can be represented by dy/dt

C. The relative growth rate is proportional to the size of the population

D. The relative growth rate is constant.

5. Marianne has a credit card with a line of credit at $15,000. She made the following purchases:
$1,374.90, $266.21, 39.46, and $903.01. What is Marianne's available credit?



Available credit = $2,416.42

Step-by-step explanation:





Sum = $2,583.58

$2,583.58 was spent. Subtract this from $5,000 to find Marianne's available credit.


- $2,583.58

Available credit = $2,416.42

How do you graph a rational function on a graphing calculator?


To graph a rational function on a graphing calculator, enter the equation into the Y= editor, then press the graph button. The calculator will display the graph of the rational function.

1. Enter the equation for the rational function into the Y= editor of your graphing calculator. Be sure to include all terms, coefficients, and operators.

2. Press the graph button. This will tell the calculator to generate the graph of the equation.

3. The calculator will display the graph of the rational function, including any asymptotes, zeroes, and intercepts.

4. Adjust the window settings as desired to get a better view of the graph. This can be done by pressing the WINDOW button, then setting the appropriate Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax values.

5. Press the GRAPH button again to view the adjusted graph.

Learn more about graph here


find the value of x.


Answer: 7

Step-by-step explanation:

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Suzanne is a master of relationship aggression. her tools for being aggressive would include? a building with an appraisal value of $134,495 is made available at an offer price of $159,882. the purchaser acquires the property for $30,575 in cash, a 90-day note payable for $28,314, and a mortgage amounting to $56,449. the cost of the building to be reported on the balance sheet is How were the Latin American policies of President Wilson similar? what is the activation energy? what is the activation energy? the amount of energy required to separate reactants from the products the energy difference between the reactants and the products the minimum amount of energy to break the bonds in reactants the amount of energy required to activate a phase change Which recovery core capability is implemented to return economic and business activities? . A fixed asset is purchased for Rs.1 lac withexcepted useful life of 5 years. Its depreciatedvalue at the end of 3rd year will be Rs.If it is sold for Rs.45000, the firm will makeprofit/loss of Rs. 25 points :)))))2+2x3 suppose the fed wants to increase the money supply by $1,000 billion to drive down interest rates and stimulate the economy. to accomplish this, it could lower the reserve requirement from 20 percent to The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with the emergence of debates about the nature and causes of climate change in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century? Why is it important for insurance companies to have a large risk pool of people paying premiums? umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition. in the year 2009, troy's boat had a value of $24,000. when he bought the boat in 2006 he paid $28,000. if the value of the boat depreciated linearly, what was the annual rate of change of the boat's value? round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary. Find the difference between (1.1 108) and (4.3 107). Write the final answer in scientific notation. 3.2 101 3.2 101 6.7 107 6.7 108 Peter started to deposit p5,000 quarterly in a fund that pays 1% compounded quarterly. How much will be in the fund after 6 years?. A sample of gas weighs 3.33 g and occupies a volume of 1.365 l at 95 c and 790 torr. identify the gas sample.a. Cl2 (molar mass 70.90 g/mol) b. NH3 (molar mass 17.03 g/mol) c. N2O (molar mass 44.02 g/mol) d. CHCls (molar mass 119.4 g/mol) e. SO2 (molar mass 64.07 g/mol) Malcolm should have explained how each person could benefit from completing his or her part of the project, which would be using what influence tactic?A. apprisingB. ingratiationC. personal appealsD. consultationE. collaboration Adrian bought 9 bags of chips for $29.25. What is the cost of a bag of chips, in dollars, if all the bags cost the same an organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees. rna polymerase is a type of enzyme. enzymes help chemical processes occur quickly. drag the yellow rna polymerase molecule onto the dna strand. describe what happens. today we know that violent criminal activity can be very complicated and well thought out in which area?