How would a weaker jet stream help to cause extreme flooding?(1 point)


Answer 1


It would allow storm systems to stall in an area.

Answer 2

Answer: A weaker jet stream would allow storm systems to stall in one area.

Related Questions

The speed of sound through diamond is about 12,000 m/s. The speed of sound through wood is about 3,300 m/s. Which statement explains
why the speed of sound is different through these materials? (1 point)


Answer: They have different rigidities.


How can you defined work done in term of kinetic energy, potential energy, and the force?


The principle of work and kinetic energy (also known as the work-energy theorem) states that the work done by the sum of all forces acting on a particle equals the change in the kinetic energy of the particle. ... This relationship is generalized in the work-energy theorem.

How much work is done when a porcelain vase with mass of 2.5 kg is lifted up 3 m to a shelf? (HINT- Weight can be used as Force when the motion is up/down).


Work = force x distance
F= 2.5
D= 3
Work = 2.5 x 3 =7.5
Work = 7.5 J
J=Jules (Jules is the unit uses to calculate work)

As time goes on, the ENTROPY in a closed system should increase. This is because of which Law?

A) Conservation of Energy
B) Conservation of Momentum
C) 1st Law of Thermodynamics
D) 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
E) None of these



The answer is D

The second law of thermodynamics

An arrow that is pulled back by a bow has which type of energy?



Kinetic energy


Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and the arrow is in motion.

An arrow that is pulled back by a bow has POTENTIAL ENERGY and ready for motion or kinetic energy.

plaque contains billions of bacteria true or false





Answer: True


Which law best describes this behavior of gases in the Sun?



The extreme pressure from the weight of the gases that make up the Sun raises the temperature of the core enough for the nuclear reactions to take place, Which law best describes this behavior of gases in the Sun? A. Charles law.


if it is helpful....... plzz like and follow

A spring is stretched downward by a certain length and, as a result, exerts a
force in the upward direction. What happens to the force exerted by the
spring if the length by which it is stretched is reduced by half?
O A. The force exerted by the spring is reduced by half.
B. The force exerted by the spring is doubled.
O C. The force exerted by the spring reduced by one quarter.
O D. The force exerted by the spring remains unchanged.





Hooke's law! F(spring)=-kx

There's no tricky square law here. The spring constant doesn't change, only x (distance stretched) changes. Therefore, if distance is halved, Force will be halved.

b. What is the man's weight on Mars where the acceleration due to gravity is
3.7 m/s2 ? Show your answer in both Newtons and pounds.



How much is the mass of man?

3 examples of newtrons 2 law



1) Kicking a ball.

2) Capture the ball by hand.

3) Push a car.






Shrill sound is of -------------- *

Higher frequency
Lower frequency
Higher amplitude
Lower amplitude



Higher frequency.


Sound are mechanical waves that are highly dependent on matter for their propagation and transmission.

Sound travels faster through solids than it does through either liquids or gases. A student could verify this statement by measuring the time required for sound to travel a set distance through a solid, a liquid, and a gas.

Mathematically, the speed of a sound is given by the formula:

[tex] Speed = wavelength * frequency [/tex]

Generally, the frequency of a sound wave determines the pitch of the sound that would be heard.

A shrill sound refers to a type of sound that is typically sharp, high pitched and as such has higher frequency.

Hence, shrill sound is of higher frequency.

Which of the following equations correctly models a balanced single replacement reaction?





is the answer

Please answer quick - You find a chain of volcanoes along a coast on land, not too far inland from
the ocean. The region experiences frequent large earthquakes. What type of
plate boundary is this? What types of plates are involved? Where is this type of
boundary found in California?


San Andreas fault and the San Andreas plates. an Francisco, San Bernardino San Juan Bautista feel it the most

Explain the different types of energy in a working wind turbine



A wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power.  

The wind moves the turbine and the turbine produce energy.

What is the cheetahs momentum?



Momentum is mass*velocity. Cheetah: 74*31 = 2294 kg-m/s.

Please help me like rn it’s an embergency



first one


electromagnetism is the forces and fields associated with charge

How do the temperature curves in your graph show the range of temperature?



Step-by-step Explanation:

Donna shines a flashlight and a laser pointer on a sheet of paper. She holds each device at an equal distance from the paper. How does the light hitting the paper from each device appear different?

The light from the flashlight lights up a larger area of the paper.
The light from the laser pointer lights up a larger area of the paper.
The light from the flashlight magnifies a larger area of the paper.
The light from the laser pointer magnifies a larger area of the paper.



A the light on the flash light lights up a bigger area

I'm pretty sure this is right.





2 t of ferrous scrap at a temperature of 20 degrees is heated to the melting point and melted. How much to consume?



Calculate the amount of heat needed to melt 2.00 kg of iron at its melting point (1809 K), given that: ?Hfus = 13.80

the driver of the bus brought the students to the playground and returned to the garage on the same road when the bus engine was doing more work: A when the students were driving: B when they returned to the garage, explain why


Answer: A driver must not drive a vehicle at such a slow speed ... When driving under adverse weather, road or traffic ... before the school bus stops to pick up or let off students


hope this helps :)

A weight-lifter raises a 2000 N weight through a vertical height of 2.0m in 0.80 s.
What useful power does he develop in doing this?
800 W
4000 W



D. 5000W


Given the following data;

Force = 2000N

Distance = 2m

Time = 0.8s

To find the power;

First of all, we would determine the workdone by the weightlifter

Workdone = force * distance

Workdone = 2000 * 2

Workdone = 4000N

Now, we can find the power using the formula;

Power = workdone/time

Substituting into the equation, we have

Power = 4000/0.8

Power = 5000 Watts

An optical device that reflects light ?





an optional device that reflects light is a mirror

A battery sends a current through a metal wire.
The current in a wire is 3.7 A.
Calculate the charge that flows into the wire in 13 s



I hope this a little bit.

On hot sunny days or days with thin clouds, the temperature over the land is warmer than the temperature over the water. The warmer air rises and the cooler air moves over the land, producing sea breezes. This means that,
A: Water takes longer to heat up than the land
B: Soil warms up more slowly than the water
C: The air above the land becomes cool and rises
D: Land takes longer to heat up tan the water



i think it would be a but i am not 100% sure on that

What made heliocentrism scientific?


Heliocentrism is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Historically, heliocentrism was opposed to geocentrism, which placed the Earth at the center.

Use the picture to answer the question below-

Which change in wave properties would show as an increase in amplitude?


I believe it’s the last one because they all look like the same height shortened wavelength



The first one is conduction and the second one is radiation

When you stretch a spring, there is energy in the spring's
potential energy store. What word completes the sentence?



field strength i think, I'm not that sure.

Which statement correctly defines power



The ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

"The power of speech"

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