What happened to the Texas settlers when Santa Anna gained power?
Santa Anna forced all American settlers to return to the United States.
Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers.
Settlers who brought enslaved people into Texas were not allowed to enter.
Settlers were stripped of their Mexican citizenship and faced heavy fines.


Answer 1

Answer: b. Santa Anna rejected the state constitution....


Settlers conflicted with the Mexican government as they brought slaves and Mexico had abolished slavery before and refused this practice. The Texas settlers wanted to overthrow Santa Anna so that they can restore the power of the Mexican states.

Answer 2

Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power. Therefore option B is correct.

What is Constitution?

A state's constitution serves as its rulebook. It lays out the guiding ideals that the state is controlled by. It delivers an overview of the state's primary organizations and outlines their interrelationships (for example, between the executive, legislature, and judiciary).

Constitutions apply to several organizational levels, including corporations and unincorporated associations as well as sovereign nations. Insofar as it outlines the organization's organizational structure, a treaty that creates an international organization also serves as that organization's constitution.

Hence, Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power.

To know more about Constitution follow the link.



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Which leaders were part of the Bourbon Triumvirate? Check all that apply.

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She wanted government-controlled banks.
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Joseph Brown, Alfred Colquitt, John Gordon were part of the Bourbon Triumvirate.

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Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland are some of the earliest examples of landmark cases in the history of the Supreme Court. Their decisions, which have had lasting impacts on the interpretation of the Constitution, are vital to todays understanding of the federal government. Marbury v. Madison established the policy of judicial review.

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the unit rate would be 120


do u have a picture or something

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It was to provide information about the Great Depression and to inform younger generations about the awful event that had taken place

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A. hes the only one who can weld :/




Pretty sure the answer is C

The government issued ration books during World War II in order to -
A-provide financial security for uninsured citizens
B-safeguard the profits of struggling businesses
C-ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods
D-allow consumers to buy imported goods at discounted rates


Answer: Ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods.


The government issued ration books during world war II to ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods.

What do you mean by the government?

The government refers to the system or group of people that govern an organized community.

The government issued ration books during world war II to ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods.

Therefore, C is the correct option.

Learn more about government here:



Which of the following contributed most to the completion
of the overland Silk Routes?
A The growth of powerful emplres in Europe and Asla
Trade between small, nelghboring tribes
C China's hunger for forelgn goods
D Competition from the maritime Silk Routes



I think its A


I have read about the Silk Routes before and A makes more sense to me.

Was Alexander a Philosopher King



Alexander was a friend, a son, a general, a king, a pharaoh and a god, but above all, he was a philosopher, not in words but in acts. This is what made him the greatest of all and an eternal legend. Alexander was born in Pella in 356 BC, and was a member of the Argead Dynasty and descendant of the demigod Hercules.



Alexander was in fact a Philosopher King


An enslaved person who escaped to a free state (1. became free forever 2.did not become free)



they became free , but sometimes they would take them to the not free state because they would look like the person in the drawing,, but i would pick 1. but



Please Give Brainliest


Which statement below best describes the similarity among the decisions of the Supreme Court in these cases?



did you ever find out






why is communism bad?
and why do so many Democrats support it to this day​



Communism puts too much power into the hands of one person, and since the natural human tendency is greed, the person will abuse the power. The Democrats support socialism, and the goal of socialism is communism.

Most mainstream media broadcasts censored news. For example, CNN claimed that Trump accepted and conceded in the wake of the 2020 Elections (with election fraud). The post was likely taken down. However, Trump did not concede.

This answer may be controversial for some, but I am just sharing my perspective. Please feel free to let me know your perspective.

help plis !!!
Published in early 1776, Common Sense sold _____ copies within 6 months.

Group of answer choices









Most scholars actually put this number at closer to 500,000, but 300,000 is also a reasonable answer :)

Question 10 Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(04.07 LC)
In the U.S., Democrats and Republicans belong to two major political


Solution- Option 4: parties


D parties


Which group of people most likely supported William Jennings Bryan during
his 1896 presidential campaign?
O A. Business tycoons
B. Factory owners
O C. Republicans
D. Farmers


C republicans just double check questions

describe the political situation in Germany at the end of the First World War​





What is the highest part of the Judiciary Branch of our government?
A. Supreme Court
B. Juvenile Court
C. Small Claims Court
D. the Peoples Court



A. The Supreme Court



hint it says it in the name


the one in the three branches of government

How does this image relate to to the purpose of labor units?



The top part is a company with out a labor union and the bottom is a company with a labor union.


Without a union, the company can do what they want without consiquence but with a union, the workers ban togther to protect them from the company.

If a medical doctor wants to check Elena's cognitive ability, which of the
following is most likely true?
O The doctor will check her eyes to see how good her vision is.
The doctor will give her a series of tests to see how well she can think.
The doctor will listen to her heart and lungs to check for abnormalities.
O The doctor will administer a test to see how quickly her muscles respond
to a stimulus.



"The doctor will give her a series of tests to see how well she can think"


"Cognitive" relates to cognition, the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses—basically, all the super-important brain stuff.

The first option relating to the eyes would be something more suited towards an ophthalmologist (fancy word for 'eye doctor'). The third matches more towards cardiac and respiratory problems, heart things and lung/breathing stuff respectively. The final tests for your reflexes and muscles.

Using the process of elimination (and some funky words), the awnser becomes clear: the second choice (or "B.") is most likely true.

Hope this helps! Brainliest appreciated.

Should we ensure that the winner of the popular vote also wins the Electoral College?





can you help me with my question The strange occurrences reported by the chambermaid who cleaned Dr. Heidegger's den (In Paragraph 3 of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment") are examples of A. personification. B. symbolism C. elements of gothic literature,

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.
Maura Goodwin was accused of stealing money from the office’s petty cash drawer over a two-year period. At her trial, the prosecuting attorney proved that Goodwin had access to the petty cash, and she had worked there during the time the money was taken. The prosecution did not have any witnesses or information that showed only Goodwin could have taken the money. Goodwin’s attorney proved that other people had access to the petty cash and that these people also worked in the office during the time that the money was taken.
Should Goodwin be found guilty of stealing the money? Why or why not?




it is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. the "evidence" being used against her applies equally to other people. it could have been any if them, and there is nothing presented to single her out as the one to be convicted over any of the others.

Where else did some European nations get large
amounts of gold after 1492?



After many pleads before, Columbus finally got permission from King Ferdinand of SPAIN to explore as long as he would bring back what he had found (mainly just treasure)


plz rate and like thank you

Identify four events that contributed to the causes of the American Revolution. ​



1) the stamp act

2) the Boston massacre

3) the Townsend act

4) the Boston tea party

Answer quickly please


Answer: irrigation


the supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels.

"the river supplies water for irrigation of agricultural crops"



the process of washing out an organ or wound with a continuous flow of water or medication.

"for sinus congestion, saline nasal irrigation can be helpful"

two reasons why the supreme Court writes majority and dissenting opinions​


United States. In some courts, such as the Supreme Court of the United States, the majority opinion may be broken down into numbered or lettered parts, which allows those judges "dissenting in part" to easily identify the parts in which they join with the majority, and the parts in which they do not.

Who de the philosophy called Confucianism



the Hundred Schools of Thought


Confucianism developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE).

Answer source from goo-gle.

If helpful, please mark as brainliest! =)

civil war questions like “what if’s... “ or “ what would have happened if....”?!??


Is there a picture or a list of the questions so I can do it?


Personally, I hate what-if's because I believe that if you change one thing, the domino ... Anyway Aimee's question isn't quite a what-if in the category of what if General ... Noted author Shelby Foote feels "the North fought that War with one hand behind it's ... The same with the Civil War. ... I enjoy it so much.


Which of these was a goal of Progressive reformers?
A. An end to poverty
B. Labor unions
C. An end to public education
D. College education for everyone



A one an end of to poverty

Answer: A. An end to poverty


5. Buying and selling of goods : * O A. Commerce B. Cottage industry O C. Entrepreneur O D. Mercantilism O E. Plantation​





The answer choice that best describes the buying and selling of goods is commerce.

This is because commerce is defined as trade that has to do with exchange of money for goods or services.


let me know when your finished

Which of these scientists made each of the following discoveries?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek; Robert Hooke; Rudolf Virchow




Anton van Leeuwenhoek: He discovered blood cells and microscopic nematodes, and studied the structure of wood and crystals.

Robert Hooke: He most famously discovered the Law of Elasticity (or Hooke's Law) and did a huge amount of work on microbiology

Rudolf Virchow: Virchow launched the field of cellular pathology. He stated that all diseases involve changes in normal cells, that is, all pathology ultimately is cellular pathology.

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