How does the Senator feel about the Fugitive Slave Act? Why does he feel this way? Use textual evidence to support your answer.


Answer 1

James Murray Mason of Virginia staunchly protected southern interests in the Senate. He introduced the Fugitive Slave Act on January 4, 1850, to enhance existing law addressing escaped slaves.

What is Fugitive Slave Act?

On September 18, 1850, Congress enacted the Act. The 1850 Compromise includes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Under the act, slaves were to be returned to their masters even if they were in a free state. The act also charged the federal government with discovering, relocating, and punishing fugitive slaves. To avoid implying that the slave had done a crime and that the slaveholder was the wrongdoer, such individuals are also referred to as freedom searchers.

To learn more about Fugitive Slave Act, click


Related Questions

Match the US Leaders/Groups to their roles (7G)

Question 2 options:

Volunteer American pilots supplying Japanese occupied China with war materials

Commander of the U.S Navy Pacific Fleet against Japan

African-American fighter pilot group that escorted bombing missions

Commander of the U.S Army in the Pacific Theater

Used native language to encode military communication against Japan

U.S Army Leader over Europe and D-Day invasion of France

Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces

General Dwight Eisenhower

General Douglas MacArthur

General George Marshall

Admiral Chester Nimitz

Flying Tigers

Tuskegee Airmen

Navajo Code Talkers

Question 3 (1 point)
Put the following information/events in the correct order (First, second, third, fourth) (7A, 7C)

Question 3 options:

Allies invade Europe on D-Day

Germany invades Poland

U.S drops Atomic Bomb on Japan

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor


First Part:

Chief of Amred Forces: General George Marshall

African-American fighter pilot group that escorted bombing missions: Tuskegee Airmen

Used native language to encode military communication against Japan: Navajo Code Talkers

Commander of the U.S Army in the Pacific Theater: General Douglas MacArthur

Volunteer American pilots supplying Japanese occupied China with war materials:The Flying Tigers

U.S Army Leader over Europe and D-Day invasion of France: General Dwight Eisehower

Commander of the U.S Navy Pacific Fleet against Japan: Admiral Chester Nimitz

Second Part:

1. Germany invades Poland - 1939

2. Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor-1941

3. Allies invade Europe on D-Day-1944

4. US Drops Atomic Bomb on Japan-1945

how did the people of ancient germania manage and irrigat thier fields and gardens during the roman empire


The Jastorf culture, which emerged from the Nordic Bronze Age, is where the Germanic culture began to exist. It was mostly generated from a combination of Proto-Indo-European and native Northern European features. During the Migration Period, it was significantly influenced by outside forces, especially Rome of antiquity.

The Western Roman Empire was ultimately overrun by the Germanic peoples, and by the Middle Ages, this had made it easier for them to convert from paganism to Christianity and give up their tribal way of life. There are still some remnants of early Germanic culture among the Germanic peoples today.

For more info about 'Germanic culture' click on below link -


How did the Agricultural Revolution change the food we eat?


The Agricultural Revolution was a significant event in British agriculture that occurred between the mid-17th century and the late 19th century. It involved changes in farming methods, including crop rotation, selective breeding, and more productive use of arable land. These changes helped improve the quality of life of people who did not have it before.

The agricultural revolution has had a profound impact on the world's food supply. It led to an increase in crop yields and improved item longevity for farmers and their crops. It also led to less food shortages and higher crop production. In addition, increased food production in England and Wales led to rapid population growth, from 5.5 million in 1700 to over 9 million in 1801. The Agricultural Revolution is the largest and most important agricultural event in history. , responsible for allowing Great Britain to achieve an increase in agricultural productivity. It took place in Britain because of changes in land and labor productivity in the mid-17th and late 19th centuries. Agricultural production and population growth continued to be among the highest in the world for centuries due to a lack of technological innovation. However, agricultural production, however, grew faster than population in this time period, and productivity remained very significant. Food supplies have increased due to the application of new scientific methods in agriculture, as well as the addition of other vegetables and fruits that were previously unavailable. However, as a consequence of the increase in the food supply, the population of England and Wales increased rapidly from 5.5 million in 1700 to over 9 million in 1801. However, at the end of the 19th century, the demand for food increased by 50%, which led to hunger and endless dieting. As the population tripled to over 32 million in the 19th century, domestic food production declined further, giving rise to food imports. The agricultural revolution has been cited as the cause of the industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution is associated with the increase in productivity that led to the development of factories and other industrial settings. The shift from manual labor to machines led to a greater emphasis on efficiency and economy, leading to the rise of industry and productivism. The increase in knowledge and experience caused by this process of change created a more equal society, but it also caused changes in the way people lived. Historians believe that the agricultural revolution was not a sudden event that led to unparalleled change in the rest of the world. world. It was more like the result of a general plan and strategy that saw several steps within the general plan, each of which is important in its own way. This process is called the “agricultural revolution”, and it involves many years of work by both the government and the private sector. The Agricultural Revolution was a time when countries like England, Scotland and Wales developed new technologies that allowed them to improve the yield of their crops. The most famous example is Norfolk's four-dish rotation, crop rotation, which is the major component of America today. The Agricultural Revolution was a time of great changes and transformations. A significant event that effected great changes in society was the creation of new tools and practices that led to an improvement in the agricultural economy. Among these tools and inventions were the plow, the seeder, and the threshing machines.

To learn more about arable please click on below link


The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the
. After the monarchy was abolished, the
was created. It was led by
, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a
, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.


The group that formally abolished monarchy was the Rump parliament.

What is the Commonwealth of England?

The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 to 1660, when England, Wales, and later Ireland and Scotland, were ruled as a republic following the conclusion of the Second English Civil War and Charles I's trial and execution. The Commonwealth was the governmental system in place from 1649 and 1660 when England and Wales, later joined by Ireland and Scotland, were at their height.

After the monarchy was abolished, Commonwealth of England was created. It was led by Oliver Cromwell, who later took title Lord Protector. This leader was a Puritan, meaning that he supported removing the Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

To learn more about Commonwealth, visit:


The correct question is

The group that formally abolished the monarchy was the ____. After the monarchy was abolished, the ______ was created. It was led by ______, who later took the title Lord Protector. This leader was a ______, meaning that he supported removing Catholic rituals from the Church of England.

What did the cases Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education have to do with the 14th Amendment and with civil rights in the United States?


Answer: In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that separate accommodations based on race was constitutional. 58 years later in Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka (1954) the court ruled that separate accommodations based on race were inherently unequal and so unconstitutional.

What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?

I need the answer NOW!


Land and wealth provided most of the status in seventeenth century Virginia. One's ability to successfully produce tobacco every year allowed one to amass enough wealth to buy land and slaves and to afford nicer things, such as private tutors for one's children. Slaves were also part of the social...

how did the fugitive slave act, as a part of the compromise of 1850, benefit u.s. territories?


Although both sides benefited, it seemed that the north benefited the most. Although California frequently sided with the south on numerous issues in the 1850s, the Senate today favors the free states.

The Fugitive Slave Law was the key win for the south. Ultimately, the north declined to carry it out. A new, more stringent Fugitive Slave Law was approved by Congress, requiring officials in all states and territories to help bring back enslaved people who had escaped to freedom or face a sizable punishment.

Due to the need that all residents assist in the capture of African Americans attempting to flee slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was advantageous to the Southern states. People may incur fines.

To know more about fugitive slave act:


How did the horizontal integration structure lead to the development of monopolies?


In order to consolidate their position as market leaders in the oil refining business, a number of companies operating in the same sector became vertically integrated via a process known as horizontal integration.

What is horizontal integration.?

Generally, The procedure whereby a corporation increases the output of products or services while remaining in the same portion of the supply chain is referred to as horizontal integration.

This may be accomplished by a corporation by either internal growth, acquisition, or merger. The process has the potential to result in a monopoly if one business manages to corner an extremely large share of the market for a particular product or service.

In the business of oil refining, a number of corporations that were previously engaged in a practice referred to as horizontal integration decided to transition into vertical integration in order to strengthen their hold on the market leadership position they had established for themselves.

Read more about horizontal integration.


What was the goal of President Wilson's Fourteen Points speech ?



The goal of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points was to have lasting peace. What was the "war guilt" clause in the Treaty of Versailles? The war guilt in the Treaty of Versailles places sole responsibility for the war on Germany's shoulders.

law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists


Answer:After Britain won the Seven Years' War and gained land in North America, it issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited American colonists from settling west of Appalachia.


What is the ultimate goal of the speaker in his speech?


Purpose. Those who speak communicate with the intention of achieving both broad and narrow goals. speech throughout college and beyond is common for most.

In general, there are two goals: to inform or to persuade. There is no clear distinction between the two; many talks will combine elements of both. They are nevertheless helpful manuals for speakers. A speaker who is trying to inform the audience wants them to leave the speech knowing more than they did before. Speakers might want to offer fresh knowledge, explain a concept or method, or demonstrate a technique. A speaker's goal while trying to persuade an audience is to get them to change their views, adopt a new stance or opinion, or take some sort of action. A speaker who wants to persuade others must be willing to defend their stance against objections and to support it among various viable positions.

learn more about speech here:


which u.s. president said patriotism bought and paid for is not patriotism, after he vetoed a bill to grant bonuses to world war i veterans?



Calvin Coolidge


Calvin Coolidge said, “patriotism which is bought and paid for is not patriotism."

What is a New Yorker accent called?


The audio system in New York English is frequently associated with a New York accent. One of the dialects that Americans can identify with the most is the New York metropolitan accent, largely because of the stereotypical portrayals of it in radio, cinema, and television.

Language experts refer to the accent of New York English as non-rhotic because speakers frequently omit Rs that are preceded by another consonant, changing forget into forgot and girl into goil. The high-gliding vowels in patois cause words like "talk" and "caught" to become "tawk" and "catch," respectively.

One of the dialects that Americans can identify with the most is the New York metropolitan accent, largely because of the stereotypical portrayals of it in radio, cinema, and television.

To learn more about the New York accent


Which of the following statements about the war in the Pacific is true?
Navy code breakers were instrumental in U.S. victories in the Pacific.
US soldiers captured thousands of Japanese troops and led them on the Bataan Death March.
The Philippines remained a U.S. stronghold during World War II.
O The U.S. was able to easily defeat the Japanese.


the answer is #4

"O The U.S. was able to easily defeat the Japanese.".

why did president lamar send an expedition to the santa fe area during his presidency?


The Texan Santa Fe Mission was a political, martial, and commercial undertaking started by Republic of Texas General Mirabeau B. Scholar Erasmus and his humanistic writings.

President's meaning?

an elected politician who holds the positions of chief of state and top political executive in such a republic with a presidential administration; an elected official who holds the post of chief of state in a republic with a parliamentary government but often only has limited political authority. presidentship.

What does the President make?

The Treasury budget resolution was amended on May 14 by the House Means Committee the Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government to include a clause raising the President's pay to $400,000 beginning on January 20, 2001.

To know more about president visit:


The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904.
Based on the timeline, which conclusion can be made about american policy in these years?
a. The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904.
b. Colonial peoples welcomed American leadership to develop their economies.
c. American imperialists triumphed over those opposing the annexation of overseas territories.
d. Congressional leaders overcame the reluctance of U.S. Presidents to acquire overseas possessions.


The inference that can be drawn from the history presented here is that American imperialists defeated those who opposed the acquisition of foreign territories. Choice C.

American imperialism: Who are they?

The influence of the United States on the military, cultures, and economy of other countries is referred to as American imperialism. Pushing into other countries used to be a part of this effect. Expansionism is one of the primary objectives of the majority of empires, including the British Empire. In the 15th century, European nations discovered the New World and fought to conquer it. This was the start of contemporary imperialism.

U.S. imperialism took many varied forms in the early 20th century, including protectorates in Cuba, Panama, and other Latin American countries, colonies in Puerto Rico and the Philippines, open door policies akin to those in China, and colonies in Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

Since imperialism usually involves the use of power—whether military, economic, or in some other subtle way—it has frequently been seen as morally reprehensible.

Learn more about American imperialists:


How is music a powerful form of propaganda or protest? Select three protest songs and write your interpretation of the lyrics.


Answer: B


After the Federalists won the debate and ratified the Constitution, they faced two challenges. One was to find ways to govern the nation while smoothing over Anti-Federalist resistance to the centralized federal government. At the same time they had to govern according to the Constitution and their own principles. Describe in two to three sentences in the tables below the challenges that the Washington and Adams administrations faced because of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist conflict. Explain how they overcame or did not overcome those challenges.

Refer to the following websites or look for your own sources. You can also go back and refer to the lessons in this unit for additional help.

The Federalist Papers
Federalist Versus Anti-Federalist
George Washington
John Adams
John Adams Biography
History of the Federal Judiciary

George Washington (1789–1797)

Issue Washington administration’s response to challenge
Anti-Federalist belief in the need for a bill of rights Washington agreed to sign the Bill of Rights (amendments 1 through 10) into law even though Federalists did not think it was necessary. He agreed to do so to get Anti-Federalists to ratify the Constitution. When he put down the Whiskey Rebellion, the rebels felt that he violated their rights as spelled out in the Bill of Rights.
Anti-Federalist belief in the importance of state sovereignty

Anti-Federalist fear that the president would have too much power

Anti-Federalist fear that a strong federal government would become corrupt

Anti-Federalist resistance to undue taxation

John Adams (1797–1801)

Issue Adams administration’s response to challenge
Anti-Federalist belief in the need for a bill of rights When Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, many people thought they violated the Bill of Rights. They saw the acts as a power grab by Federalists.
Anti-Federalist belief in the importance of state sovereignty

Anti-Federalist fear that the president would have too much power

Anti-Federalist fear that a strong federal government would become corrupt

Anti-Federalist resistance to undue taxation


John Adams administration’s response to the challenge are the solved are

it was the decided in the state autonomy actions. To restrict the powerfulness of the president were added the Bill of Rights and the system of rules of checks and balances.To conclude the action to undue taxation.

Who is John Adams?

30th October 1735 marked John Adams' birth. The second President of the United States, he. As a Federalist, Adams favored a powerful and centralized federal government.

John Adams was decided that the operations of the federal government to legislation, self-govern, and sustain are correctly organized.It would be impossible to rule if fees were not imposed, but that these costs would be reasonable.The Bill of Rights and the checks and balances system were adopted to limit the power of the president.

Learn more about on John Adams, here:


Title: the nan song was the first dynasty to allocate a standing army at a port of trade for protection. What would be the reason for doing this?.


The Nan song was the principal tradition to dispense a standing armed force at a port in exchange for security. The justification behind doing this was to safeguard all worried about the exchange business consequently guaranteeing its continuation.

This significant tradition controlled antiquated China from 960 to 1279. The primary thing that the line achieved was the reunification of the domain, isolated since the Tang Tradition was crushed. The Nan Tune chose to shield their ports and domains from attacks. The exchange was vital for the tradition and didn't have any desire to gamble with this action that addressed great pay for the Domain.

Hence the correct answer is (C) to protect all concerned with the trade industry thus ensuring its continuation.

Learn more about nan song:


This question is not complete ,  here I am attaching the complete question:

Title: the nan song was the first dynasty to allocate a standing army at a port of trade for protection. What would be the reason for doing this?.

to protect foreign traders from a citizenry who did not like any foreign influence on their country

to protect all concerned with the trade industry thus insuring its continuation

to protect the citizenry from foreign traders who were known to be brutal and barbarous

according to the smithsonian institution, the national museum of african american history and culture, juneteenth commemorates an effective end of slavery in the United States.


Join in the fun with the Museum. At the museum's Community Day on Monday, June 20, come celebrate Juneteenth's history, art, and culture in person.

Is the Juneteenth commemoration of the abolition of slavery in the United States the oldest national holiday?

The earliest widely observed memorial to the abolition of slavery in the United States is Juneteenth. In the year 1865, on June 19, Union troops under the command of Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, bearing the good news that the war was over and the slaves had been set free.

What is Juneteenth a celebration of?

On June 19, 1865, slaves in Galveston, Texas, finally learned they were free. This anniversary is celebrated as Juneteenth.

To know more about juneteenth commemorates visit:-


When was the constitution written?
A. 1776
B. 1777
C. 1787
D. 1788


Answer:C. 1787

Explanation: The constitution was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789 the United States competition is the worlds longest surviving written charter of the government.


(C) 1787

The constitution was written in the year of 1787

Fun fact: James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document's drafting as well as its ratification. Madison also drafted the first 10 amendments - the Bill of Rights.

The national security council was established after the september 11th terrorist attacks.
a. true
b. false



A: true


In which of the following cultures was complex drainage of highland rainfall an engineering accomplishment?



Answer: The Chavin


"The Chavín civilization receives its modern name from their most important surviving settlement, at Chavín de Huántar. The temple ruins at Chavín de Huántar include many common Chavín motifs, such as people, birds, cats, crocodiles, and serpents. The temple shows that the Chavín understood drainage. To prevent the temple from flooding during the highlands' rainy season, it was built with complex drains that kept the temple dry." - FLVS Lesson 3.03 page 4

Chavin the following cultures were complex drainage of highland rainfall an engineering accomplishment

What is culture?

The term culture is defined the as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs, and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation as we see there are different forms of culture that can be there in it and the people follow them also in it.

As geographic feature has the greatest impact on shaping a lot of influence on the history of a place, its tradition, and its culture. Geographical attributes such as rivers, mountains, forests, climate, etc. by these things a variety of changes have been there in it.

Pampas. The "pampas," which are broad expanses of grasslands in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, resemble the prairie in North America. One of South America's most important agricultural regions is the pampas. Raising herds of animals on substantial swaths of land is known as ranching.

Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the culture here:


Some historians have argued that united states foreign policy has more often been motivated by economic interests than by the desire to spread democratic and humanitarian ideals around the world. To what extent is this argument convincing with regard to united states foreign policy between 1890 and 1919?.


The extent to which the Unites States convinced the foreign policy between 1890 and 1919 is -Open-Door Policy, Spanish-American War, Annexation of Hawaii, Panama Canal, WWI

do you think it was acceptable for europeans to remove natives from their original land? why or why not?


Answer: no


This was not acceptable because Europeans had their whole colonies and cities. The European removed the natives from their land because they wanted their resources. They stole their land selfishly for their own gain and interest. They left the natives with nothing of their own to fall back on meanwhile the Europeans still had homes and land of their own to go nack to.

What is the speaker trying to accomplish through his speech?


Speakers might want to offer fresh knowledge, explain a concept or method, or demonstrate a technique. A speaker wants the audience to embrace a new viewpoint or belief while they are trying to persuade them.

A speaker's goal while trying to persuade an audience is to get them to change their views, adopt a new stance or opinion, or take some sort of action. A speaker who wants to persuade others must be willing to defend their stance against objections and to support it among various viable positions. In addition to a basic objective, speakers frequently have a number of more focused objectives in mind. They can wish to make people laugh, build on another student's speech, speak to a particular audience, impress future employers, or stir up a commotion! A firm understanding of the general and specific purposes is necessary for a successful speech since it will direct the choice and delivery of ideas and language.

learn more about speaker here:


“The Good of the people must be the great purpose of government. By the laws of nature and of reason, the governors are invested with power to that end. And the greatest good of the people is liberty. It is to the state what health is to the individual.”

Denis Diderot and Jean d’Alembert, French philosophes, “Government”, article in the Encyclopedia, or a Systematic Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts, and Crafts, published between 1751 and 1772

In your response, be sure to address all parts of the question. Use complete sentences; an outline or bulleted list alone is not acceptable.

a) Identify the historical situation reflected in the passage.

b) Explain one way in which the authors’ point of view shaped their definition of government.

c) Explain one historical development illustrated by the passage.


This whole statement was said and contributed by  Denis Diderot and Jean d’Alembert.

How does this occur?

Diderot rejects the idea that anyone has the right to rebel, not even against the tyrannical French royalty. Government is a public trust that belongs to the people, not the rulers, but submission and prayer are the proper responses to political abuse.Diderot contends that rules must be based on natural rights and created for everyone, not just one individual.Government exists to uphold natural rights, according to Locke and other proponents of natural rights. Thomas Jefferson concurred and emphasized in the Declaration of Independence that the defense of rights is the primary function of the state.

To know more about Government here


On which of the following points did Socrates,Plato, and Aristotle agree?

A.the importance of social equality

B.the need for democratic reforms

C.the use of reason to solve problems

D.the virtue of scientific observation


Answer: B
They believed that democracy was a dangerous/ poor form of government

b.the need for democratic reforms

Which mistakes and actions caused the Dust Bowl?


Answer: it was due to low crop prices and hush machinery costs


low crop prices was one of the mistakes

Why do tectonic plates on Earth’s surface move?(1 point)

The pressure from the ground pushes the plates apart.
The iron blocks in Earth’s core collide and move the plates.
The plates are surrounded by bodies of water that push the plates.
The heat from Earth’s core moves molten rock beneath the plates.


The heat from Earth’s core moves molten rock beneath the plates makes tectonic plates on Earth’s surface move.

Option D is correct.

In a nutshell, what are tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates are large, irregularly shaped, solid rock masses, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithospheres. Plate sizes vary widely, ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers in diameter. The Pacific and Antarctic plates are among the largest plates.

Why are there tectonic plates?

The Earth's hard surface (lithosphere) can be thought of as a skin resting and sliding over a semi-molten layer of rock called the asthenosphere. Due to differences in rock density and subsurface heating from one region to the next, the epidermis split into many different plates.

Learn more about tectonic plates:


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