6. A naturalist is studying changes in the size of populations of marmots. Marmots are large rodents with thick coats that live in cold mountainous climates. The naturalist wants to test the hypothesis that marmots are moving farther north (to higher latitudes) because of global warming. She measured populations of marmots to compare to data collected 50 years ago.

6. A Naturalist Is Studying Changes In The Size Of Populations Of Marmots. Marmots Are Large Rodents


Answer 1

The revised version hypothesis should be:

c. If global temperatures are rising and marmots have a better chance of surviving in colder climates, then there will be more marmots in higher altitudes where the temperature is cooler.

Naturalists' major responsibilities are to inform the public about environmental issues and to preserve the wilderness areas' natural settings. Preserving, regenerating, upholding, and safeguarding a natural habitat are their main duties. Teaching, giving speeches in front of an audience, writing, doing scientific and ecological demonstrations, and managing public relations and administrative duties are some of the duties associated with these positions. Naturalists may work in a range of settings, including independent nonprofit conservation and restoration associations, private nature centers, regional, state, and federal parks and forests, wildlife museums, and private outdoor spaces.

To learn more about natu-ralist from the given link



Related Questions

which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential?


The type of ion channel that opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential is known as voltage-gated channels.

Voltage-gated ion channels can be defined as a class of transmembrane proteins that form channels that are activated by changes in the electrical membrane potential near the channel. The membrane potential alters the conformation of the channel proteins, regulating their closing and opening.

Voltage channels generally have an important role in excitable cells such as neuronal and muscle tissues as they allow a rapid and coordinated depolarization in response to triggering voltage change. Voltage channels are found along the axon and at the synapse and directionally propagate electrical signals. Voltage-gated ion channels are usually ion-specific, and channels specific to sodium, calcium, potassium, and chloride ions have been identified. The closing and opening of the voltage channels are triggered by changing ion concentration, and hence charge gradient, between the sides of the cell membrane.

To learn more about voltage-gated channels; click here:



Environmental factors typically active genes in a cell by causing the cell to



Hope it helps

Answer:transcribe specific DNA segments to mRNA for translation


The hypothalamus secretes two types of neurohormones called hormones and hormones.
a. True
b. False


The hypothalamus secretes two types of neurohormones called hormones and hormones. True.

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, they send signals into the bloodstream and tissues. There are a lot of hormonal changes during the adolescence stage.

Hormones work slowly, through the years, and have an effect on many one-of-a-kind processes, which include boom and improvement, metabolism – how your body gets power from the foods you devour- sexual characteristics, duplicate, and temper.

The maximum not unusual outcome of aging-related hormonal changes is menopause. Around age 50, women's ovaries start producing reducing quantities of estrogen and progesterone; the pituitary gland tries to compensate by means of generating greater follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Learn more about hormones here:- https://brainly.com/question/64686


Which characteristic of bacteria makes them efficient transgenic organisms to produce insulin or other medicines?


They reproduce extremely quickly - characteristic of bacteria makes them efficient transgenic organisms to produce insulin or other medicines.

What is transgenic organisms?

Transgenic organisms or cells have had their genomes transformed by the intentional insertion of one or more foreign DNA sequences from another species. For scientific objectives, transgenic organisms are created in laboratories.

Additionally, transgenic organisms have been created for commercial use. The most well-known examples are probably food crops like soy and corn that have been genetically altered to withstand pesticides and herbicides. These crops are commonly referred to as "GMOs" (genetically modified organisms).

To know more about transgenic organisms refer to:



In seedless plants, haploid gametophytes are produced from



a diploid spores that undergo mitosis.


What is meiosis short answer?


Meiosis is the process by which a single cell divides twice to generate four cells with half the original genetic material. These are our sex cells, sperm in men and eggs in females.

Meiosis is the process by which a single cell divides twice to generate four cells with half the original genetic material.

These are our sex cells, sperm in men and eggs in women. One cell divides twice during meiosis to create four daughter cells.

Meiosis is known as reduction division because the amount of chromosomes in daughter cells is half that of the parent cell.

A human cell, for example, has 46 chromosomes, but egg and sperm cells formed through meiotic division have 23 chromosomes.

Learn more about to  meiosis  visit here;



What is the process of energy release?


The process of energy release is called as exothermic reaction. An exothermic process is a thermodynamic process or reaction in which energy is released from the system to its surroundings.

When an exothermic reaction occurs, more energy is released into the environment than was absorbed to launch and sustain the process. For example, the sum of calories produced by combustion exceeds the number of calories absorbed initially in lighting the flame and maintaining the flame itself.

When bonds are formed in the products, more energy is released than is used to break bonds in the reactants in exothermic reactions. Exothermic reactions raise the temperature of the reaction mixture.

learn more about exothermic reaction at https://brainly.com/question/16347651


approximately what portion of the human genome is composed of repetitive, noncoding sequences?


More than 50% portion of the human genome is composed of repetitive and non-coding sequences.

Genome refers to the complete genetic makeup or composition of an organism. It consists of the several genes that express various traits of an organism. Each gene is made up of a pair of alleles that may be of same origin or different (contrasting).

Non-coding sequences are the portions of DNA that do not form any gene for the expression of traits in an individual. This means that these sequences of DNA do not code for any amino acid. Instead these consist of many factors required for gene expression like promoters, enhancers, etc.

To know more about genome, here



True or false? The "blind spot" in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.- True- False


The "blind spot" in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors-True

What is the blind spot in eye?

The retina is located in the back of your eye. Light-sensitive cells that make up your retina communicate what you see to your brain. Everybody's retina contains a location where the optic nerve attaches. Since there are no light-sensitive cells in this region, your retina cannot see in this area. This is the blind spot.

The blind spot is present in all vertebrates. Due to the nerve fibres not disrupting the retina and passing from behind the retina, octopuses and other cephalopods lack a blind spot.

Why is it crucial to understand the blind spot?

The optic nerve and blood vessels exit the eyeball at the blind spot. The brain and optic nerve are interconnected. It delivers pictures to the brain, which processes them. This is how we can be certain of what we observe.

To know more about blind spot:



Which of the following would be the most likely result if humans lacked sinuses?
The skull would be heavier than it is now.
Humans would not experience infections.
Humans would lose their ability to smell.
The bone marrow would produce blood cells less efficiently.


lose the ability to smell

how does the relation between temperament and life decisions illustrate the gene-environment correlation phenomenon in the nature/nurture debate?


The  relation between temperament and life decisions illustrate the gene-environment correlation phenomenon in the nature/nurture debate is that there are some subtle genetic variations can cause one person to react differently to the same environmental exposure as another. As a result, some individuals may get a disease as a result of exposure to environmental factors, whereas others may not.

What exactly does the term "gene-environment correlation" mean?

The gene-environment correlation (rGE) phenomena states that genetics can affect an individual's susceptibility to bad and/or protective circumstances. Genetic inheritance and other biological variables impact nature, which is what people refer to as pre-wiring.

Therefore, there is found to be  three different kinds of gene-environment correlations:

Active (environment preference will reflect a person's genetic makeup). Evocative (a person's behavior causes their environment to react, like a husband and wife do).Passive (a person's environment as a child is influenced by the genetic).

Learn more about gene-environment correlation  from



cardiac and skeletal muscles create movement by contracting and releasing in a process called?


Sliding filament model is a process that is created by the  movement of contracting and releasing of cardiac and skeletal muscles.

What is cardiac and skeletal muscles?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles made up of repetitive structures called sarcomeres that are crossed on a regular basis by tiny red and white lines, giving the muscles their recognizable striated look and their names.

What is the difference between skeletal and cardiac muscle?

In the human body, each type of muscle tissue has a distinct structure and function. Muscles in the skeleton can move bones and other objects. The heart pumps blood by contracting the cardiac muscle. To facilitate bodily activities, the smooth muscle tissue that makes up organs like the stomach and bladder adapts its shape.

Read more about cardiac and skeletal muscles:



what term refers to the fusion of two haploid gametes, each containing 23 chromosomes, producing a zygote that contains 46 chromosomes?


fertilization refers to the fusion of two haploid gametes, each containing 23 chromosomes, producing a zygote that contains 46 chromosomes.

A mature male gamete and a mature female gamete are fused during fertilization to create a single cell, or zygote. Both the sperm, which is a male gamete, and the ovum, which is a female gamete, are haploid and have 23 chromosomes. fertilization Humans typically have 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of them in each cell. The appearance of twenty-two of these pairs, known as autosomes, is the same in both sexes. The 23rd pair of sex chromosomes differs between men and females.

learn more about chromosomes here:



necessary for collagen synthesis, vitamin c inadequacy intake during pregnancy may result in this.


Preterm birth. Shy consumption during gestation may beget unseasonable delivery because it's essential for collagen products.

What about preterm birth?Former preterm births, repeated gravidity, cigarette and medicine dependence , and short intervals between gravities( lower than 18 months) are some threat factors for preterm delivery.Also, when the baby must be born beforehand due to gestation difficulties, unseasonable delivery might do.Unseasonable or preterm birth refers to the birth of a child before the 37th week.Further than 90% of preterm babies now survive, and the maturity continues to develop typically as a result of medical advancements.The terms unseasonable and preterm both relate to being beforehand.Preterm labor is defined as labor that starts earlier than 37 weeks into a gestation.Your body goes through labor to give birth to your child.Unseasonable birth can affect preterm labor.Preterm births are more common among women under the age of 18.Because they're more likely to have fresh conditions( similar high blood pressure and diabetes) that might produce difficulties challenging early delivery, women aged than 35 are also at threat of giving birth to preterm babies.

Learn more about preterm birth here:



When Mt. St. Helen erupted in 1980 , all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. What type of succession occurred in his area following this catastrophic disturbance? primary succession secondary succession


Following this catastrophic disturbance, his region experienced a Primary Succession type of succession. All living things inside the immediate blast zone of Mt. St. Helen's 1980 eruption were wiped off.

How do primary and second succession work?

The first time that living organisms inhabit newly created or exposed rock is during primary succession. A region that was once inhabited by living beings is disturbed in secondary succession, and after the disturbance, the area is once again colonized.

In which location has primary succession occurred?

The Pinedale Glacier Maximum caused primary succession in Yellowstone. Primary succession began when a layer of glacial ice blanketed the area around Yellowstone Lake, removing all of the surrounding soil and plants. Streams, lakes, and soil formation started to occur after the glacial epoch.

To know  more about primary succession visit:



Which of these avian male animal
reproductive parts is located inside the
cloaca and deposits the sperm inside the
hen's reproductive tract for
A. Cowper's Gland
B. Papilla
C. Seminal Vesicle
D. Male private part



The correct answer is B. Papilla.


In birds, the reproductive organs are located inside the cloaca, which is a common chamber for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. The papilla is a small, nipple-like organ located inside the cloaca that is used by male birds to deposit sperm inside the female's reproductive tract for insemination. Cowper's gland, seminal vesicle, and the male private part are not associated with bird reproduction.

how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


If two molecules are multiplied by four times, forty DNA molecules are created; similarly, if two molecules were present in the initial reaction mixture, there would be thirty-two DNA molecules following four rounds of .

How many DNA molecules are there?

The nucleotides that make up DNA are chemical building blocks. Phosphate groups, sugar groups, and one of four different nitrogen bases make up the three components that make up these building blocks.

what are The 5 components of DNA ?

Carbon, nitrogen, chlorine, phosphorous, and hydrogen are the five atoms that make up DNA's building blocks. These atoms are combined to form a nucleoside, which consists of a phosphate group and the deoxyribose sugar molecule (which gives DNA its name), which has five carbons.

To know more about DNA molecules visit:



which type of incontinence refers to involuntary loss of urine through an intact urethra as a result of a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure? overflow urge reflex stress


Urinary incontinence can take the form of stress incontinence, sometimes referred to as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or effort incontinence.

It is caused by the urethral sphincter's insufficient closure of the bladder outlet. When pressure is applied to the bladder, such as during exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy things, stress incontinence develops when pee leaks. In younger and middle-aged women, it is the most typical form of bladder control issue. When performing physical actions that raise intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or other physical activity, it is characterised by the involuntary leakage of urine. Urinary incontinence can be classified into five basic categories: functional, urge, mixed and stress. Another type of incontinence brought on by a spinal cord injury is reflex incontinence.

To learn more about incontinence click here https://brainly.com/question/15073792


the induction of a local anesthetic would decrease the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to which element?



Hello, If you post the question with the multiple choice I wont mind helping you.


If an organism’s diploid cells contain 28 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be in their sperm?



 23 chromosomes


A sperm cell contains 23 chromosomes with two possibilities for each chromosome.

What are possible units for impulse? Check all that apply.

kg • m
kg • meters per second
N • s
N • m
StartFraction Newtons times meters per second EndFraction


kg • m............

N • s...........

What is crossing over and why is it important in bringing about variation?


To boost genetic variety, a process called crossing over takes place between homologous chromosomes. Without genetic variation, a species would go extinct. Genetic variation is the root of evolution.

It helps a species survive, it lets us identify individuals, it helps creatures adapt to their environments and to environmental changes, but it also helps a species emerge strong if it is favored by natural selection. If there is less genetic diversity, there won't be as much variety in the qualities, and the species would struggle to adapt to the changes and eventually become extinct. Therefore, a species' genetic diversity is crucial.

A piece of one chromosome is swapped for another during crossing over. A hybrid chromosome with a distinctive genetic material pattern is the end outcome. Each gamete has a unique DNA set because of recombination and independent assortment during meiosis. The resultant zygote has a special set of genes as a result. Prophase is when recombination or crossing across happens.

Learn more about variation visit: brainly.com/question/20126690


ligaments connect bones together and withstand a lot of stress. what type of connective tissue should you expect ligaments to contain?


Ligaments contain Dense connective tissue.

The fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones is known as a liggament. It is also referred to as articular larua, fibrous liggament, or true liggament.

Because they are made of connective tissue, ligaments are similar to tendons and fasciae. The distinction between them is in the connections they make: ligaments connect one bone to another, tendons connect muscle to bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles. All of these are found in the human body's skeletal system. Liggaments cannot be naturally regenerated; however, there are periodontal liggament stem cells located near the periodontal liggament that are involved in adult regeneration of periodontist liggament.

Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that connect muscle to bone. Tendons can also connect muscles to structures like the eyeball. A tendon moves the bone or structure.

To learn more about ligaments and tendons, here



help 100 points
n this activity, you will model the formation of fossils.
Estimated time to complete:
Total time: 3 weeks
Active time: 2 to 3 hours
You will need these materials:
a plastic container about the size and shape of a shoebox
plastic wrap
a ruler
about 3 cups of sand
plastic gloves (kitchen gloves or cleaning gloves)
10 to 12 leaves (any kind)
10 to 12 twigs and sticks
Hypothesis and Data Collection
The fossils that scientists find and study today formed thousands to millions of years ago. But, you can simulate the process of fossilization. Follow these steps to model a fossil:
Line the inside of the plastic container with plastic wrap.
Let the ends of the plastic wrap hang out of the container. The overhanging ends will allow you to lift out your formation more when it’s complete.
Pour four inches of water into the container. Use a ruler to measure the correct depth.
After adding the water, add two inches of sand.
Spread the twigs and leaves in a thin layer on top of the sand.
Stay safe! Use gloves when handling the leaves and when checking the inside of your model during the weeks to come. Wash your hands and gloves when you are done.
Part A
After assembling the materials, record your observations. Describe what the setup looks like and the color of the leaves and twigs. Predict what changes will take place over the next few weeks.

Part B
Put the container in a well-ventilated area or a protected area outside (such as in a garage or a shed). Make sure that the temperature in the area you choose is above freezing (0°C or 32°F.) Check the container at the end of one week, and record any changes in the water level and the appearance of the leaves and twigs. Add another two-inch layer of wet sand on top of the leaves and twigs, and let it sit to dry for two weeks.

Part C
At the end of three weeks, gently lift the formation out of the plastic container and gently break apart the layers. Examine the changes in the bottom and top layers of sand and in the leaves and twigs. Write down your observations.

Analyze and Extend

Part A
Did your predictions match your observations?

Part B
Describe the effect of the leaves and twigs on the bottom sand layer. How does this change relate to the process of fossilization?

Part C
What was the purpose of conducting this experiment over a three-week period? Would it have the same results over a shorter period?

Part D
Based on the experiment, do you think a fossil can form anywhere on Earth, or does fossil formation require certain conditions? Explain your answer.

Part E
Scientists found a layer of rock with several different fossils in it, as shown in the image. Based on your experiment, which of these fossils are the oldest and which are the newest? Explain your answer.

Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, get their names because they form from fossilized organisms trapped under extreme pressure and heat from the center of the Earth. Explain how your model shows the requirements for fossil fuel formation.


The model shows the requirements for fossil fuel formation as it involves the conversion of matter into oil which is made under enough heat and pressure.

What is Fossil?

This is referred to as remains of plants and animals which have been preserved in the earth crust. This fossil can be used as a form of fuel as a result of then being converted into various types of substances.

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum etc are formed when the organisms are trapped under extreme pressure and heat from the center of the Earth over a certain period of time and shows the requirements for its formation.

This leads to the formation of petroleum which is in the form of oil and can be converted to other substances such as gas, gasoline through different separation techniques.

Read more about Fossil fuel here https://brainly.com/question/79954


which of the following is a mitochondrion?cell structure aq1 a. structure a b. structure b c. structure c d. structure d


Option B depicts the mitochondrion. Structure B may indeed be recognized by its distinguishing characteristics.

Almost all eukaryotic creatures have mitochondrion, an oval-shaped, membrane-bound organelle. It is referred to as the cell's powerhouse since it uses cellular respiration to create energy for the cell in the form of ATP.

It may be recognized as a bean-shaped or oval, bread-like organelle.

There are two membranes. Cristae, different sorts of folds that separate the outer membrane from the inner membrane, are a distinguishing characteristic. These folds are plate-like in animal and fungus cells and tubular in plant cells. Functional units, such as oxysome-like beads, are present on the inner membrane. ATP synthesis is carried out by oxysomes.

As a result, option B is the mitochondrion shown.

To learn more about respiration click on the below link:



he metamorphosis of a tadpole to an adult frog involves a thorough reconstruction of the animal's body. all of the structural and physiological changes must be complete or the frog will not survive this transformation. which type of regulation would ensure that the animal completed its transformation?


The types of regulations that animals have during there completed its transformation is called as postive feedback.

Few examples of nice loops exist in animal bodies, however one is discovered withinside the cascade of chemical reactions that bring about blood clotting, or coagulation. As one clotting element is activated, it turns on the following element in collection till a fibrin clot is achieve.

Positive comments mechanisms manipulate self-perpetuating occasions that may be out of manipulate and do now no longer require non-stop adjustment. In nice comments mechanisms, the authentic stimulus is promoted in preference to negated. Positive comments will increase the deviation from a really perfect regular value.

Read more about tadpole;



what would happen to the cell if a mutation occurred in the gene coding for patched causing patched to lose the ability to bind to shh g


Humans who have Shh mutations or its aberrant expression have holoprosencephaly with severe symptoms such abnormal limb, face, and nervous system growth.

With an incidence of 1 in 250 embryos and 16,000 live births, holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a frequent brain development condition. A common midfacial cleft, such as a cleft lip or palate, is present in people with HPE because the cerebral hemisphere is not developed. Patients also have aberrant brain and facial development. Cyclopsis is a rare symptom of severe HPE cases (single eye). In addition to Shh mutations, downstream genes are also linked to this syndrome

learn more about holoprosencephaly here



what would happen if complexes i-iv of the mitochondrial electron transport chain pumped protons in the opposite direction?


If complexes i-iv of the mitochondrial ETC pumped electrons in the opposite direction there will be no formation of electrochemical gradient and hence no synthesis of ATP.

ETC is a series of electron carriers that transport electrons in a sequence along with the pumping of protons to generate an electrochemical gradient across the membrane. This gradient when passes through the ATP synthase generates ATP. The process occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate. It is the major source of energy for the body because the breakdown of ATP releases energy through which all the body processes are carried out.

To know more about ATP, here



Which cell components is least likely to affect the visible traits of an organism?A. MitochondriaB. NucleusC. GenesD. ChromosomesE. DNA


Mitochondria is least likely to affect the visible traits of an organism.

A trait, as it relates to genetics, is a unique feature of an individual. Genes, environmental factors, or a combination of both can influence traits. Qualitative traits (such as eye color) and quantitative traits (such as height or blood pressure).

Traits are coded in the form of genes, which are sequences that code for specific polypeptides, which eventually lead to the formation of specific proteins, which then lead to the expression of specific traits.

As a result, a trait that is expressed in the first filial generation is referred to as a dominant trait, while one that is not expressed is referred to as a recessive trait.

To learn more about traits of an organism, here



A rock sample has 25% of its original radioactive element and the half-life of the element is 1 million years. How old is the sample?.


A rock sample approximately has 500.000 years old.

Why are elements called radioactive? A useful concept half-life has formula which can be used to calculate the age of a specific material ( N(t) = N0[eλ*t] -).its known the half life is 1.000.000, so it's 2.000.000, and 25% of it is 500.000. Thus we know the sample was 500.000 years old.When the atoms of an element have extra neutrons or protons it creates extra energy in the nucleus and causes the atom to become unbalanced or unstable. Whether radioactive elements can become stable and if so, how. The unstable nucleus of radioactive atoms emit radiation.The four common radioactive elements found in the periodic table are Uranium, Radium, Polonium, and Thorium.Radioactivity is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. This is done by an atomic nucleus that, for some reason, is unstable; it wants to give up some energy in order to shift to a more stable configuration.

Learn more about  radioactive elements here: brainly.com/question/17551878


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