(q049) bill clinton was the first democrat to win reelection to the presidency since franklin d. roosevelt. group of answer choices true false


Answer 1

He campaigned against the radical republicans and moved towards the center. In 1992, Bill Clinton secured the Democratic nomination for president because he combined social liberalism with elements of conservatism.

Welfare Reform,In 1996, President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which abolished Aid to Families with Dependent Children, better known as welfare. The failed August 1991 coup against Gorbachev sealed the fate of the Soviet Union. When President Clinton promised to "End welfare as we know it," he intended to end welfare forever. During the 1990s, Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton affirmed the view that the United States should embrace the mission of creating a single global free market.

To learn more about Reconciliation please click on below link.



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Who ruled after Akbar?

help me


Akbar was succeeded as emperor by his son, Prince Salim, later known as Jahangir.

Who was Jahangir?

The fourth Mughal Emperor, Nur-ud-Din Muhammad Salim, also referred to by his imperial name Jahangir, ruled from 1605 until his demise in 1627. Salim Chishti, an Indian Sufi saint, is the inspiration for his name.The fourth Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, reigned from 1605 until his demise in 1627. His "golden chain of justice" is well known. Agra's Shahburj fort and a pillar made of stone that was erected on the banks of the Jamuna River were connected by a golden chain with 60 bells that weighed several "maunds."Building on his father's legacy of exceptional leadership, Jahangir's reign was marked by political stability, a robust economy, and outstanding cultural accomplishments. Lahore, Delhi, Agra, and Ahmadabad rose to prominence as global cities.

To know more about Jahangir here



who in the 1950s did not support helping native americans to end their confinement on reservations and move into the urban mainstream?


The United States devised a strategy to address the "Indian Problem" in the 1950s. By relocating Native Americans to cities and abolishing reservations, it would assimilate them.

Although the 20-year effort to eradicate Native Americans was unsuccessful, it still has an impact on Indian Country. In the summer of 1964, Charlotte and Clyde Day boarded a train in northern Minnesota headed towards Cleveland with six of their kids. With the exception of Clyde, none of them had ever travelled by train. They have also never visited a large metropolis.

They were dressed in their finest attire and had a couple suitcases filled with all they owned. Although they may have appeared to be going on vacation, they actually were leaving the home where their family had resided for many years.

To learn more about Native Americans please click on below link



What was the main purpose of the three Neutrality Acts?


Between 1935 and 1937 Congress passed three "Neutrality Acts" that tried to keep the United States out of war, by making it illegal for Americans to sell or transport arms, or other war materials to belligerent nations.

Compare the humanist viewpoint in the 14th century with that of the viewpoint of humanists in the 15th century. Explain how adopting the later viewpoint might alter a scholar's life.


The humanist viewpoint in the 14th and 15th centuries emphasized different aspects of classical learning and personal development. Adopting the humanist view of the 15th century could lead to a greater focus on individual growth and social activism.

What is a Humanist View Point?

Humanism emphasizes the significance of human values and dignity, which is why the Humanist Point of View is crucial. It suggests that humans can solve issues using science and logic. Humanism, rather than religious traditions, focuses on assisting individuals to live well, accomplish personal progress, and make the world a better place.

The humanist viewpoint in the 14th century emphasized the study of classical texts, particularly those of Ancient Greece and Rome, in order to gain a better understanding of human nature and society. This emphasis on classical learning was often seen as a means of achieving moral and intellectual improvement.

In contrast, the humanist viewpoint in the 15th century placed a greater emphasis on the individual and their potential for personal and societal progress.

Learn more about Humanist View Point:

What key points did Wilson make in this speech ?


Indian national sovereignty was promoted in President Wilson's speech on the "14 Points" for former colonies of Europe's waning empires.

In his address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson articulated his goals for a stable, protracted peace in Europe, the Americas, and the rest of the globe following World War I in his "Fourteen Points" speech.President Woodrow Wilson requested a war declaration against Germany from Congress on April 2, 1917, stating that "the globe must be made secure for democracy." Congress overwhelmingly approved a war declaration four days later. It inspired Indian nationalists, like Mahatma Gandhi, to speak out and engage in nonviolent resistance to the British Empire.

To learn more on President Wilson Speech:



What was the significance of the Magna Carta?

It effectively ended the abuses of King John for good.
It initiated England's first overseas colonial venture, leading to what would become the United States.
It symbolically marked the beginning of a government limited by its people.
It set the precedent of equality before the law without regard to race, gender, or class.


It set the precedent of equality before the law without regard to race, gender, or class was the significance of the Magna Carta. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is Magna Carta?

Magna Carta, penned in 1215 and one of two fundamental treaties in European history, introduced the idea that the reigning monarch reign was not unconditional.

The Magna Carta secured the right to justice and equality. Here is equality for men and women, the poor and the wealthy, and the guilty and the innocent. This is justice for all individuals.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Magna Carta, here:




C. It symbolically marked the beginning of a government limited by its people.


The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was a document signed in 1215 by King John of England. It was a peace treaty between the king and a group of rebellious barons, and it established that the king was subject to the law, rather than above it. The Magna Carta also contained a number of specific clauses that protected certain rights and privileges of the feudal barons, but it also established the principle that everyone, including the king, was subject to the law. This document is considered as one of the most important legal documents in history as it influenced the development of modern democracy and the rule of law.

So the answer is C. It symbolically marked the beginning of a government limited by its people.

Have a good day!


Some historians have argued that united states foreign policy has more often been motivated by economic interests than by the desire to spread democratic and humanitarian ideals around the world. To what extent is this argument convincing with regard to united states foreign policy between 1890 and 1919?.


The argument which is convincing with regard to United States foreign policy on economic interests is open door policy, World War 1, Spanish-American War, the Panama Canal and the annexation of Hawaii.

Economic interest is all political movements and maneuvers aimed at increasing income and gaining wealth. Observers stated that American political policies around the late 19th and early 20th centuries revolved around economic interests. This can be seen from a number of the political policies, including the open door policy which stated trade openness with China and to protect all countries that trade with China.

Learn more about a glimpse of American history https://brainly.com/question/1874247


Which choices reflect the significance of the great awakening on the colonies of america? choose three.



option c and e i took the quiz


The Abbasids improved agriculture by using new ideas including. (name three major practices) Plsss

~Thank you


The Abbasids transformed agriculture during the Golden Age of Islam by spreading major crops and techniques such as irrigation across the Old World. This was known as the Arab Agriculture Revolution.

What was the Arab Agriculture Revolution?

Between the eighth through the thirteenth centuries, in the Islamic portion of the Old World, agriculture underwent a revolution known as the Arab Agricultural Revolution. The agronomic literature from the era shows how valuable plants were widely disseminated to Medieval Spain and how Islamic agricultural and horticultural knowledge increased.

Improvements in animal husbandry and irrigation, such as those made possible by the sakia water wheel, are shown by archaeological evidence. Due to these modifications, agriculture became significantly more productive, promoting societal stratification, urbanization, and population development.

Therefore, the Abbasids used new irrigation techniques, new pattern of crops and plantation of olive was encouraged to improve agriculture.

To learn more about Arab Agriculture Revolution , click here:



supporting question 1: which ideas from the french revolution would most resonate with the enslaved peoples of haiti?


The French Revolution left behind the most significant legacy: ideas of liberty and democratic rights. People in the Third Estate desired an open society with opportunities for everyone. The National Assembly was established in 1791 with the goal of restricting the monarch's authority.

The best translation of the revolutionary phrase fraternité is "brotherhood." Fraternity implied that the people of the country were united in a common cause. It integrated patriotism with compassion and care for one's fellow citizens. The revolutionary ideal of fraternity was the most nebulous, idealistic, and unreachable of all. The well-known scholars and philosophers like Rousseau and Montesquieu spread and advocated the revolutionary ideas throughout France. They supported the elimination of a societal structure that encouraged discrimination and political, social, and economic inequality.

To learn more about French Revolution please click on below link



B. There are fifteen Cabinet level Departments. How does the Cabinet assist thePresident in seeing that the laws are faithfully executed? Help please answer this and I will rate you and like it. Please please please. At least write one paragraph. Thanks



Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President. The President also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

georgia recognized the need for education and established free public schools for students true or false ?


Georgia recognized the need for education and established free public schools for students. The statement is true.

What is the importance of education?

Critical abilities such as decision-making, flexible thinking, problem-solving, and rational reasoning are developed through education. Nobody can ever take away your potential to acquire knowledge, which gives you stability in life.

Georgia Traditional Public Schools are run by school districts, are completely free to attend, are available to all students, and are financed by the federal, state, and local governments. The Georgia Constitution of 1777 established the first public schools.

Therefore, the statement is true.

Learn more about education, here:



Which of the following describes the Council of Trent's response to the Protestant Reformation?

The Church reformed many corrupt practices but rejected Protestants' theological claims entirely.
The Church accepted the Protestants' theological claims but was unable to address corruption.
The Church affirmed Luther's teaching but rejected Calvinist ideas as heretical.
The Church reformed internally but made a point not to acknowledge Protestant ideas.


The Church accepted the Protestants' theological claims but was unable to address corruption. the following describes the Council of Trent's response to the Protestant Reformation.

What is the Council?

A council is a gathering of people who discuss issues, deliberate or reach conclusions. Although most legislative bodies at the state, provincial, and federal levels are not considered councils, a council may serve as a legislature, particularly at the town, city, or county/shire level.

The majority of local authorities are local councils, which are composed of council members chosen by the general population during local elections. To establish and carry out local goals, council members collaborate with residents and partners, including neighborhood businesses and other organizations.

Therefore, the Council of Trent's response to the Protestant Reformation.

Learn more about Council here:



is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


true Between Turkey and Greece, the aegean Sea is a part of the Mediterranean.

Between what does the Aegean Sea lie?

It occupies a region of around 215,000 square kilometers and is situated between the Balkans and Anatolia. The straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus connect the Aegean to the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the north.

Greece resides in the Aegean Sea.

Between Greece's and Asia Minor's coasts is the Aegean Sea (modern-day Turkey). It has about 2,000 islands that were occupied by the ancient Greeks, the greatest of which being Crete (Kriti), as well as the most popular and frequently captured island, Santorini (Thera or Thira).

To know more about aegean sea visit:-



Modern humans have been on the earth for 195,000 years. Write three major events that occurred before that time and describe the order in which they occurred.


Modern humans have been on the earth for 195,000 years. There are the three major events are the occurred evolving terrestrially, civilization, and bipedalism.

What is events?

Something that occurs in the location is referred to as an "event." The occasion has been planned and organized. The event is being prepared to complete the mission. The incident is properly controlled because it may produce unexpected problems.

Modern humans  events are thought to have evolved from our hominid progenitor in four fundamental steps: terrestrially, bipedalism, a huge brain (encephalization), and civilization.

As a result, there are the three major events are the occurred evolving terrestrially, civilization, and bipedalism.

Learn more about on events, here:



Which generalization can be made about the U.S. and the number of the battle ships?


The majority of the U.S. armed forces were made up of inexperienced young soldiers.

What is a generalized statement?

A statement that includes a variety of examples is referred to as a generalization. A generalization is developed from a collection of instances or facts, as well as the connections among them. Readers are aware of and judge the author's generalizations.

How are generalizations differentiated?

When you spot a generalization, be careful to look for the proof the speaker or author utilizes to support the conclusion drawn. If there aren't many examples given to support the generalization, it could not be accurate.

To know more about generalization visit:



Why do historians consider the Battle of Saratoga to be the turning point in the American Revolution?

It was the first battle won by the American army.

It stopped the British from taking over the city of Boston.

It convinced the French to join the war on the side of the Americans.

It was the first battle with George Washington as the general.


Answer: It was the first battle won by the American army.

It stopped the British from taking over the city of Boston.

It convinced the French to join the war on the side of the Americans.

It was the first battle with George Washington as the general.

replying to this so it pops up for the people who search for it

What geographical advantages did the Dutch Republic have that would explain its rise to prominence in international commerce?



Taking advantage of a favorable agricultural base, the Dutch achieved success in the fishing industry and the Baltic and North Sea carrying trade during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries before establishing a far-flung maritime empire in the seventeenth century.

-True of False: Most of the Fourteen Points actually happened.


Answer: True


Select the correct answer. Why did ISIS attack Paris in 2015? A. to seek revenge against France's bombings of ISIS in Iraq B. to protest against the denial of visas to terrorists C. because France supports the creation of Palestine D. because France refused to implement Sharia law E. because the French had colonized Muslim regions



to seek revenge against France's bombings of ISIS in Iraq.


ISIS attacked Paris in 2015 to seek revenge against France's bombings of ISIS in Iraq. The correct option is a.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the assaults (as they had done the day before in Beirut), claiming that they were in retribution for French airstrikes on Islamic State sites in Syria and Iraq.

The attacks, according to French President François Hollande, were an act of war by the Islamic State. The attacks were planned in Syria and carried out by a Belgian terrorist group.

Therefore, ISIS attacked Paris in 2015 to seek revenge against France's bombings of ISIS in Iraq.

Thus, the correct option is a.

Learn more about ISIS, here:



Which two rivers is the Fertile Crescent located in between?



The tigris and the euphrates




Its area covers what are now southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, and parts of Turkey and Iran. Two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, regularly flooded the region, and the Nile River also runs through part of it.May 19, 2022

hope that helps


What are the 2 bridges in New York called?


The Two bridges in New York are called Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge.

Located on the East River waterfront at the southern tip of the Lower East Side and Chinatown, close to the footings of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge, is the Manhattan borough's Two Bridges district. The area has been regarded as a component of the Lower East Side for a significant portion of its history.

Two Bridges has historically been an immigrant area, with residents originally from Europe and more recently from China and Latin America. In September 2003, the Two Bridges Historic District was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

To learn more about Bridges, visit the link below:



1. Gives Congress power to establish post offices



When the Constitution was ratified in 1789, the Postal Clause in Article I, Section 8 gave Congress the power "To establish Post Offices and post Roads" and “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper” for executing this task

Which of the following was not one of the ways that slaves were mistreated in the South?

A) They worked all day with little time for themselves.

B) They were beaten if they did not follow orders.

C) They were never given food.

D) They were not given money for their work.



The correct answer is C. They were never given food.

Slaves in the South were mistreated in many ways, but they were generally not starved or denied food. In fact, slave owners typically provided their slaves with food and other basic necessities as part of their overall investment in their labor. This included not only providing them with meals, but also with clothing, shelter, and medical care when necessary.

The other answer choices (A, B, and D) accurately describe ways in which slaves were mistreated in the South. They were often forced to work long hours with little time for themselves (A), and they were frequently beaten or punished if they did not follow orders (B). Additionally, they were not paid for their labor (D), and all the profits from their work went to their owners. Despite these mistreatments, however, slaves in the South were generally not denied food.


C is the correct answer, because they never given food.

How much would it cost to build the Brooklyn Bridge today?


The bridge took 14 years to build and cost $15 million (more than $320 million now). In the process, at least 20 individuals perished, including the project's original creator.

The New York and Brooklyn Bridge Company provided the initial funding for the bridge as a privately funded project. But because of overruns, the state had to bail out the investors, spending more than $2.5 billion in today's currency to fund the remaining $15 million of the project.

Regular cleaning is necessary to remove the highly corrosive salt and bird droppings from the steel before painting. The Brooklyn Bridge will stand for 1,000 years if we are wise enough to maintain it properly, according to one of the best bridge engineers of the 20th century, Blair Birdsall.

Read more about Brooklyn Bridge at



I’m working on an assignment for government and my teacher wants me to write my own executive order, but I have no ideas. Does anyone have any good ideas to give me? I need a response by tomorrow.




though peasants, industrial workers, professionals, and others participating in the russian revolution of 1905 had different goals, they united because of?


Though peasants, industrial workers, profess-ionals, and others partici-pating in the Russian revolution of 1905 had differ-ent goals, they united because of vio-lence against protest-ers and the tsar's refusal to make genuine constitut-ional reforms.

The Russian revolution chan-ged the whole society entirely and raised differ-ent questions about the well-being of peasants and work-ers as well as questions on eco-nomic equality.

Before the 18th century, the so-ciety was divided into orders and est-ates and the church and aristo-cracy were responsible for control-ling social and economical power. How-ever, after the revolution, things started to chan-ge and people did not want to live un-der the orders of a high-er caste of people.

To know more about Russian Revolution click below:



What were German Americans accused of during the war?


Because Germany was one of America’s adversaries in the war, many Anglo-Americans began to fear that German Americans were still loyal to the Kaiser, or German emperor. Suddenly, German Americans became “hyphenated Americans” who suspiciously practiced their own traditions instead of “assimilating” into Anglo-American culture.

how successful was the nazi regime in gaining loyalty and support from young germans (history essay)


The Nazi Party, formally the National Socialist German Workers' Party, was a far-right political group that was active in Germany between 1920 and 1945 and was responsible for developing and promoting the Nazi ideology.

Essay on influence of Nazi regime on young germans.

German teenagers were the Nazi Party's primary audience for its propaganda efforts starting in the 1920s. These messages stressed that the Party was a movement of young people who were active, tenacious, optimistic, and forward-thinking. In the classroom and through extracurricular activities, millions of German teenagers were persuaded to join the Nazi party. In January 1933, there were about 100,000 members of the Hitler Youth, but by the end of the year, there were more than 2 million. Before it became required in 1939, there were 5.4 million members of the Hitler Youth by 1937. Competing youth organizations were then forcibly outlawed or disbanded by the German government.

All boys and girls between the ages of 10 and seventeen were required to be members of Nazi youth organizations beginning in 1936. Children were taught to be loyal to the Nazi Party and the future rulers of the National Socialist state through after-school sessions and weekend camping excursions sponsored by the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls. In order to prepare them for leadership positions in the military and the German occupation bureaucracy, more than 765,000 young people had already served in leadership positions in Nazi youth organizations by September 1939.

Boys were expected to join the military or the Reich Labor Service as soon as they became 18 years old, which they had trained for through their involvement in the Hitler Youth. Even as the German Wehrmacht experienced one setback after another, propaganda materials urged an ever-increasing fanatical adherence to Nazi ideology.

To know more about, Nazi Party, visit :



What do you personally believe to be the most important reason why the Christians were successful? Why?


Because many people saw the new religion as something they could readily adopt without having to disrupt their preexisting cultural and religious customs, Christianity was able to grow throughout this large empire.

What is Christianity?

A monotheistic religion founded on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity is an Abrahamic religion. With 2.38 billion adherents, or almost one-third of the world's population, it is the biggest and most pervasive religion.

The impoverished and women found Jesus' message of equality to be appealing. These two groups made up the majority of the new Christians. Christianity was disseminated thanks to Roman highways and the Pax Romana. Because Christian beliefs did not align with traditional Roman practices, many Romans were afraid of the spread of Christianity.

To know more about Christianity, visit:



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