How does Mark Kurlansky introduce his idea of fish depletion in the first few pages of World Without Fish?


Answer 1



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Step-by-step Explanation:

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(Btw do not use anyone else answer from another question, do not get the answer from a website that people ask questons and other people answer, please do all these things right and you will get brainlyest.)



you need to do this yourself. if you have trouble, I would see if your book is on sparknotes and use mybib to create in-text citations and your work cited page. Good luck

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2) The birds keep the tone
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Nature is my song



The birds song


its about a bird and song

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You should start it by making an introduction to the topic


i would start like this, “ it is no secret that parents sometimes fight. the question is posed, what are the affects of them fighting around their kids. parents fighting can cause mental health problems in children. these problems can have life long affects. toxic interactions in the home are a problem.”
call me a freak if you want to, but there's no way I'm deleting this.


i mean ok, im not gonna go to the link incase its something i want to bleach my eyes out after i see

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What is it-


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Watch/listen to the book Brave Girl being read in the video.

Remember... a central idea sentence is ONE sentence that generally covers all the details that were mentioned.
~only ONE sentence
~include who, what, where, when, why, how
~should NOT include the words "The central idea is..."

You may have to rework the sentence a few times to make sure it flows.


give brainliest pls thanks

Identify a complex sentence.

a. The lamp fell to the floor and broke as he was replacing its light bulb.
b. The lamp fell to the floor, but the boy was not injured.
c. The lamp fell to the floor, and the bulb busted into tiny pieces.





A complex sentence is a sentence with one or more suborniationg clasues.

C is the complex sentence.

Hope this helps <3!!

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Evil Erasure


The ability to erase evil thoughts from people's minds and supress it forever. The power was discovered in a treetrunk struck by lightning:) Good luck !

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Independent clauses can be a complete sentence or can be part of a sentence. subordinate clauses can't be a complete sentence. A subordinate clause can only be part of a sentence.


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Boruntine would be the answer my guy
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Read the following excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller and then answer the question that follows.

The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it; but I did not know this until afterward. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word "d-o-l-l." I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. I left the well-house eager to learn. Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house every object which I touched seemed to quiver with life. That was because I saw everything with the strange, new sight that had come to me.

Which of the following best summarizes the excerpt?
Helen's teacher taught her to finger spell doll so she knew how to tell her teacher what toy she wanted to play with.
Helen was excited to learn that everything had a name so that she could talk with her teacher.
Helen liked to touch all the objects in the house so she knew which ones she wanted to play with.
Helen's teacher taught her all objects have a name opening the world of language.



Helen was so excited to learn that everything had a name so she could talk to her teacher about it.


The sentence that best summarizes the excerpt is: Helen's teacher taught her all objects have a name opening the world of language.

From the text, we find that Helen's teacher helped her to understand that everything had a name.

With this knowledge, Helen was introduced to the world of language. Now, everything came to life because she could call them by their names.

So, option D is right.

Learn more about the summary here:

Which statement best explains the effectiveness of the conclusion paragraph?


It’s answer A for that^^
the answer is a

50 points and Brainliest!

Write a conclusion for this essay without using "to conclude" or any similar phrases.

Ahh, 1933. Native American children chasing chickens, the sweet smell of wheat on the air, and- a giant dam? The Grand Coulee dam left an enormous impact. Whether it was a negative or a positive impact, we're going to find out.
While dams are a great way to decrease the use of fossil fuels, construction leaves a massive negative impact. For example, the Grand Coulee Dam made salmon unable to migrate downriver to lay their eggs, thus forcing salmon to overpopulate or die out in that area. Another negative impact on the environment was getting materials to build the dam. I mean, those 12 million cubic yards of concrete had to come from somewhere.
Another notable impact was the death count. Seventy-seven workers died while building the Grand Coulee Dam, and it took eight years to construct it. Even though the 1930s were called the Great Depression, I'm sure these people still had a lot to live for, and these families must have been sorry to see them go.
While there were many negative impacts, the dam still helped society in many ways. For example, it still provides more than twenty-one billion kilowatts of electricity each year, and the energy is clean. Meaning, it doesn't pollute the air or the water.
The environment was also affected healthily. All that extra water helps trees and undergrowth, along with fish and land animals. Crops were also healthier and the economy grew. The dam also provided the power needed to make aluminum, which helped during World War II.


……………………………………………and finally the war of Europe came to an end





bro you do it it is so easy to do bro it is so easy it is fill in the blanks bro do it your self.

So you cant do this its so easy

Retype these sentences, making them smoother by changing the parts that are italicized.

1. In the near future we will visit in the vicinity of Houston, Texas.

2. For a tall girl, her feet are small in size.

3. They were joined together in Holy Matrimony.



1. In the future, we will visit near Houston, Texas.

2. Although she is tall, her feet are fairly small.

3. They were married in Holy Matrimony.


I hope this helps! Not sure if this is correct if not I'm truly sorry!

Soon, we will visit near Houston, Texas.

Although she is tall, her feet are fairly small.

They were married in Holy Matrimony.

Help me please please help me





slept is past tense, which is what you need to do in this sentence




it sounds right to me

srry if im wrong

Shakespeare's plays continue to be popular today
he told stories with new and exciting themes
that no one had ever explored.
he told stories that everyone could understand
and be interested in.
his writing style was descriptive and continues
to capture audiences,
his stories were uncomplicated and can easily
be adapted for modern times,



A. He told stories with new and exciting themese.


I hope this helps! :)

Please remember, links are scams that give you viruses <3



thank you for reminding me :)


Thanks, I've been getting a lot lately :c


Can anyone write an essay for the attachment below it is worth 30 points




Midsummer Night Dream: Act 2

1. The fairies speak very poetically. Which image or images presented by the fairies do you remember the best? What about it was significant?

2. Why does Oberon want Titania to wake and fall in love with some vile thing? What does this say about his character?

3. Explain Hermia’s dream and why it might be significant later in the play.

4. Describe the character of Puck. What was one thing you liked that he did? What was one thing you didn’t like? Does he take responsibility for his actions? Explain.



it would be 1


“As I began my flight home, I realized that I was not feeling well. I felt heavy, but I did not know why. Would I be able to make it back to the hive? I started to grow more and more tired. Soon, I landed on a lavender plant. I knew that I was close to the end of my life.”
This short paragraph rewrites part of “The Bee” as a first-person, prose narrative instead of a poem.
What is the MOST important difference between how the reader might interpret the flight home in “The Bee” if it were written as a first-person narrative instead of a poem?
A. The reader may not feel the bee’s emotions as intensely.
B. The reader may not understand the bee’s point of view as well.
C. The reader may not understand what the bee is thinking as clearly.
D. The reader may not experience the beauty of the bee’s world as strongly.





Write a essay analyzing each author’s purpose for writing the stories is our gain our loss and Screen time can mess with the body’s clock



I dont have time to write an essay but here this might be helpful.

An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

Exposure to the light of day and darkness of night keeps its timing set to a roughly 24-hour cycle. ... Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing melatonin. This prevents the body from getting the message that bedtime is near


decide what kind of essay to write.

brainstorm your topic.

research the topic.

choose a writing style.

develop a thesis.

outline your essay.

write your essay.

edit your writing to check spelling and grammar

Rewrite paragraph 3 of the text “Dreaming Big, Three Friends Help Each Other to Succeed” using literary devices. Include at least 2 literary devices such as simile, metaphor, hyperbole, idiom, personification, alliteration, imagery, descriptive/sensory detail, or dialogue.



dreaming big in order to be successful three friends help each other to succeed

Answer: A) sensory details

Explanation: Kingsolver uses sensory details the most in this excerpt.

How does Mark Kurlansky introduce his idea of fish depletion in the first few pages of World Without Fish?

Pls Pls I need help


He illustrates and elaborates on the idea

Comparing and contrasting texts in different forms or genres in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics



The first story & second is a fable because it has a moral or lesson.

The theme is to be a friend then know how to trust to be an enemy then why even try


This is how I interpreted it.

Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

Read this excerpt from “The Myth of Hercules.”

Hercules was the son of the great god Zeus and a human woman named Alcmene. The goddess Hera did not like Alcmene and vowed to destroy Hercules when he was born. Hera sent two snakes to kill the baby as he lay in his crib, but Hercules was strong and strangled the snakes with his tiny hands before they could bite him with their sharp fangs.

The excerpt gives clues that later in the story, Hercules will most likely

prove that he does not have heroic traits.

seek revenge against the goddess Hera.

make peace with the goddess Hera.

show strength when facing obstacles.

Mark this and return



I would say D


Hope this helps!

Let me know if i was right!   :)


D. Show strength when facing obstacles.


We can predict Hercules' strength because he was Zeus's son.

The word reformation literally means a change for the better. Before you read, think about this question: Is it harder for people to change their surroundings or to change who they are inside? What things could motivate a person to make a change for the better? Write a response to this question in your journal, and explain your reasons. After you’ve finished, read “A Retrieved Reformation.”



It is harder for people to change who they are on the inside because, depending how long you’ve been that way, its a old habit thats difficult to get rid of.


It’s harder to change who they are on the inside because, depending on how long they have been that way, if its an old habit, it will be more difficult to change who they are. Some things that can motivate someone to change for the better is seeing good traits in other people around them, like friends.

Make a list of ten words that describe you.


Answer: Funny, Helpful, Caring, Silly, Childish, Nice, creative, loyal, flexible and dependable.


define those:

Heat capacity



Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied to a given mass of a material to produce a unit change in its temperature

microclimate is a local set of atmospheric conditions that differ from those in the surrounding areas, often with a slight difference but sometimes with a substantial one. The term may refer to areas as small as a few square meters or square feet or as large as many square kilometers or square miles.

Heat Capacity:

"The number of heat units needed to raise the temperature of a body by one degree."


"The climate of a very small or restricted area, especially when this differs from the climate of the surrounding area."

Please need this question answered ASAP Will give brainliest to the correct answer. Don't use me for points. You will be reported.

Choose the sentence that has no misplaced or dangling modifiers.

Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, everyone sitting by the pool near Roland was splashed.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, everyone sitting by the pool was splashed by Roland.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool.
Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, water from Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool



the third!


"Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool."


Hitting the water with an awkward belly-flop, Roland splashed everyone sitting by the pool.


I think there aren't misplaced or dangling modifiers in this answer. The 4th option doesn't have a period. And the other options just doesn't feel right.

*If it's not C, then it's A, which makes sense as well.*
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