please help me with this question
a state's representation in the U.S. House of Representatives is based MOST specifically on:

a. equal representation

b. the state's population

c. the state's electoral votes

d. the size of its major cities


Answer 1


B. The states population.


Hope this helps!

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what color is space when you see it in [person]



Im gonna say ***Black***


Where are the Great Plains Indians from.​



Plains Indians or Indigenous peoples of the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies are the Native American tribes and First Nation band governments who have historically lived on the Interior Plains (the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies) of North America.


Answer these questions in det
Why do you think insurance business is getting Popular in the
modern time? Explain.​



Today, insurance business is becoming popular in all sectors of the economy. This is so because insurance allows you to avoid the risk that all investment entails, minimizing the chances of a negative result through external coverage, which is provided by the insurance company.

In turn, insurance companies are constituted as large capital managers, given the enormous number of members they have, who pay periodic monthly installments to obtain coverage.

Examine the supply and demand schedules for headphones. How much would a seller charge if he or she wanted to sell headphones for their equilibrium price? A. $100 B. $50 C. $125 D. $25







B. $50 is your answer


just took the quiz

What is the minimum age requirement for the president?



35 in the usa


it just is facts man fr tho

Help what would you do



1) 3,778

2) Paradisus, Punta Cana - Resort ($3,780)

3) Go on the beach and all the other activities the resort offers

4) 5 days

5) 2978 (resort, everything included) 800 (for the plane tickets)

For the pictures just look up Paradisus, Punta Cana - Resort

if i have 2000 people and took away 12 how many would i have left



your answer would be 1988


because 2000 - 12

you would count down 12 times and get


1988 because its easy math lol

recommend THREE ways the national government could help fight gender-based violence? ​



make sure people get treated the same , and get called by there pronus also to be freee


what is the answer to question 4


Answer: it is 2 the second

Explanation: The Neolithic Revolution involved far more than the adoption of a limited set of food-producing techniques.

the second option

i just learned abt that

Explain what Germany feared the most and why.



Those living in Germany were too scared to disobey Nazi laws. Hitler used a number of organisations to uphold and extend his control of Germany.


Did the enactment of Lend-Lease make American participation in World War II inevitable?



Most importantly, passage of the Lend-Lease Act enabled a struggling Great Britain to continue fighting against Germany virtually on its own until the United States entered World War II late in 1941 so yes it did

Explanation: mark as brainlest

What functions do interest groups serve?



A special interest group (SIG) is a community within a larger organization with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences.



An interest group is a group of people who try to affect congress's public policy on certain subjects and laws


what do red blood cells need to pick up before making deliveries where do they pick up this package?​



this is the answer hope it helps

The red blood cells present in the human body need to pick up oxygen contents in the body before making deliveries. They pick up these package of oxygen contents in the lungs.

What is the significance of red blood cells?

Red Blood Cells are present in the blood of living organisms, and are found everywhere in the body wherever blood flows. They coordinate with the lungs in the respiratory system to carry essential functions of the circulatory system.

Red Blood Cells, or simply RBC, can be referred to or considered as such blood cells that are the most important component or medium to lead the transportation of oxygen to the essential tissues in a human body. They carry this process in a circulatory system of the body.

Therefore, the significance regarding the utility of Red Blood Cells has been aforementioned.

Learn more about the Red Blood Cells here:


Who was one of the early explorers that made travel to the west possible?



Christopher Columbus


For a long time, most people believed that Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to "discover" America—the first to make a successful round-trip voyage across the 

Which historical event inspired The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara?



The Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg, the bloodiest battle of the American Civil war, is the historical event that inspired The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.


The battle of Gettysburg

1. These are organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore fromation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

2. The process of producting new individual or offspring.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproduction
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

3. It involves two parents and the offspring are genetically different.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

4. This only involves one parent and there are no sex cells involved.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

5. An asexual reproduction where a single parent divide into two.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

6. A new organism is formed from a bud which is an outgrowth from the parent.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

7. Worms, sponges, and starfish reproduce in this kind of process.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

8. A type of asexual reproduction where organisms reproduce by forming spores.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

9. It reproduces offspring from it vegetative organs such as stem, roots and leave.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproducting
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

10. The union of egg cell and sperm cell to form zygote is called.
a. Fertilization
b. Budding
c. Reproductinig
d. Microorganism
e. Asexual reproduction
f. Fragmentation
g. Spore formation
h. Sexual reproduction
i. Vegetative propagation
j. Binary fission

please help :[
thank you


1) d: microorganism
2) c: reproduction
3) h: sexual reproduction
4) e: asexual reproduction
5) f: fragmentation
6) b: budding
7) j: binary fission
8) g: spore formation
9) i: vegetative propagation
10) a: fertilization

these are all right I’m a stem major ! xo please mark brainliest !!! hope this helped

Who is going to win? Godzilla or King Kong for the movie that is coming out soon?



King Kong. DUH. or there is a possibility that they both might die.

Answer:godzilla slaps donkey kong easy


Members of the House of Representatives must be a U s. otizen for how many years?
A 10


Answer: seven years


The Constitution requires that Members of the House be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent (though not necessarily the same district).

what is universe made up of?

I will mark u the brainliest.​



Composition. The universe is composed almost completely of dark energy, dark matter, and ordinary matter. Other contents are electromagnetic radiation (estimated to constitute from 0.005% to close to 0.01% of the total mass-energy of the universe) and antimatter.

Main contents: Ordinary (baryonic) matter  

Diameter: Unknown. Diameter of the observable  

Mass (ordinary matter): At least 1053 kg


hope it will help and u won't forget to mark brainiest!

What step should you take first when drawing a conclusion?

A. First, you should consider all the facts and anything you know about them.
B. First, you should come to a conclusion about what the facts mean.
C. First, you should write down the facts and details from the text.
D. First, you should research the author to get to know her style.



A. First, you should consider all the facts and anything you know about them.


In every situation, the logical thing to do would be to consider all the facts and anything surrounding the situation before making a logical conclusion. For example, in a situation where someone is being accused of crime, it would be unwise to take a stand on such without reviewing all the situation around it.




hope this helps!

How does the flapper represent a change from traditional to modern values?
Help me please


Flappers represented a new moral order. Although they were the daughters of the middle class, they flouted middle-class values. Flappers prized style over substance, novelty over tradition, and pleasure over virtue. In other words, flappers embodied the triumphs – and the dangers – of the modern age.

What does it mean to say the meaning of a creative work is subjective?

A. That people react exactly the same to it.
B. The people have different ideas about it.
C. That it’s message is ignored by people.
D. That the work is not well liked by people.



Should be b


Saying that meaning of a creative work is subjective means that people are experiencing that work as a person's inner creativity not as a creativity of external environment




got it right on the test

help please!!! i don’t understand



all of the above


it is all of the above because all of them make sense towards social studies

all of the above i think

As Huong learns to talk, her brain is also developing the
ability to hear sounds and to make fine mouth
movements, both of which are needed to understand
and make speech. This is an example of how different
dimensions of development:
A. are distinct.
B. are the same.
C. overlap. (correct answer)
D. cancel each other out.




From my understanding of the question I would conclude the answer is C. Overlap


(I see that you have also concluded the same thing, I hope you know that answer is correct)

"No one's like me, I'm Harley frickin' Quinn"!

-Harley Quinn (Birds of Prey)

This is an example of how different dimensions of development overlap each other. Thus the correct answer is C.

What is the overlap?

Overlap refers to situation when two things interact or getting in touch to share some responsibility. This shows that some of the characteristics of one thing are included or affect another thing.

Here the development of Huong is interrelated as she develops her talking ability her brain is also developing the ability to hear sounds in response to that. This shows the characteristics of overlapping.

The actions of talk are responding brain to develop more changes for hearing and speech movements. Therefore, option C overlap is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about speech development, here:


Which phrase best supports an Allusion?
A. “But Dan’l give a heave”
B. “He was planted as solid as a church”
C. “But it warn’t no use - he couldn’t budge”
D. “But he didn’t have no idea what the matter was”





bc an alluion is  refrence to a person place thing or event

When Tom Benecke sees the paper outside his apartment window, he does what?
In Content Of a dead Mans Pocket




After the Louisiana Purchase, how far west did the United States stretch?

A) Appalachian Mountains
B) Great Lakes
C) Rocky Mountains
D) Pacific Ocean



from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west

(answer c)



the answer is c

hope you have a great day


please help me i really need this grade !





The Roman Empire controlled the lands surrounding the
a. Black Sea
b. Arabian Sea
c. Mediterranean Sea
d. Caspian Sea
2. The city of Rome began about
a. 100 years ago
b. 1,000 years ago
c. 2,000 years ago
d. 3,000 years ago
3. The people who established Rome were known as
a. Latins
b. Etruscans
c. Greeks
d. Carthaginians
4. The Roman army defeated the
a. Etruscans
b. Gauls
c. Samnites
d. All of the above
5. Rome needed a navy in order to fight the
a. Etruscans
b. Carthaginians
c. Goths
d. Gauls
6. Towards the end of the Roman Empire
a. Emperors generally were weak rulers
b. Taxes were high
c. Both a. and b. above
d. None of the above



the first one is Mediterranean Sea an official language of China.
A. China
B. English
C. Mandarin
D. Arabia a narrow strip of land that connects two large land masses.
A. River
B. Peninsula
C. Gulf
D. Isthmus
3. In which of the African countries was the first political party formed ?
A. Ghana
B. South Africa
C. Egypt
D. Nigeria
4. Which one of the following is not densely populated area ?
A. East Asia
B. South Asia
C. Central Africa
D. Nile valley
5. A continent that is not physically connected to any other continent is:
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Antarctica
D. Africa
6. The lowest point of all places in the world is:
A. Dead sea
B. Caspian sea
C. East African Rift Valley
D. Dallol Depression
7. The official language of most Middle East and North Africa countries is:
A. French
B. Arabic
C. Spanish
D. Russian
8. Which one of the following language is not used in the UN as official language ?
A. Spanish
B. Arabic
C. Mandarin
D. Japan
9. The third widely spoken language spoken language in Europe is
A. Russia
B. French
C. Latin
D. Arabic
10. One of the following religions believes many gods.
A. Christianity
B. Judaism
C. Islam
D. Shintoism​



1. C) Mandarin

2. D) Isthmus

3. D) Nigeria

4. B) South Asia

5. C) Antartica

6. A) Dead sea

7. B) Arabic

8. D) Japan

9. B) French


Number 10 is Polytheism the belief of many gods

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