How does burttks lymphomia affect the immune system?


Answer 1
weekens it by a lot

Related Questions

Can someone please help me ?


It is Physical Health.
I think it might be physical health

Select the correct answer.
Case management nurses have little to no interaction with patients.

A. True





they control planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. and mostly do not work with a patient face to face

How does bipolar disorder affect a person’s mental, emotional, and social health?



well one reason im aware of is the changes of a persons mood


please answer, i think about it all the time .



noo I always think that and I've tried multiple times but u just have to get past it. you just have to push through your depression. trust me you don't want to do it.

This is a debate between me and my friend...
- Is it normal to eat pancakes with a fork or a spoon?
- Does anyone else despise spoons and use forks for everything including soup, jello, cottage cheese, etc (anything that is needed for a spoon)?
and if you're are wondering why I chose health as the subject it's because it's for the good of my mental health... thank you


some people using forks but spoon is very comfortable to use it


- it is normal to eat pancakes with a fork.

- i prefer spoons (do u use forks for cereal too????)

3. Step one of laying your baby down is to————-



Probably making something comfy for the baby to sleep on or

putting them in a comfy position.


What is the primary function of white blood cells in humans?



The primary function of white blood cells are that they help the body fight infection and other diseases that enter the body. Mostly if they are unknown to the cells. Example: they fight of cancerous cells, infections and diseases.


Olivia tells you she has decided to get an ‘A’ on the first math test this semester. You know that last semester she struggled to get a ‘C’ in math. Explain how you might support Olivia’s goal and help her avoid discouragement.



Tell her it will be okay and tell her you believe in her and just encurageing words



Tell Olivia that she got this and to study before a quiz and just encourage her and support her and maybe study with her.  


i just did the exam

Define Public Health?
Your answer


the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.

Use online resources to create a plan for developing a career in cosmetology from start to finish. Also, include the potential rewards and challenges of this career. Use these steps to make a career plan:

-career exploration
-career preparation
-identifying and targeting a job



career exploration i think

the second one i am pretty sure not 100% but i

What is the chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins and must be eliminated?



The correct answer is Urea.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!

When exercising in the cold, it is ideal to wear multiple layers so you can put them on or take them off as needed.
OA. True





Answer - False

Explanation :

Which disorder is characterized by the clearing of the digestive tract that follows cycles of overeating?

a. Obesity
b. Bulimia
c. Anorexia Nervosa
d. Binge Eating Disorder​


D binge eating disorder just makes the most sense.

What is the main function of the oxygen taken in through breathing?



to pump blood or circulate around the body

The main function of the oxygen taken in through breathing is to support cellular respiration, the process by which cells convert glucose into energy.

What is cellular respiration?

During cellular respiration, oxygen reacts with glucose in the cells to produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Oxygen is essential for the production of ATP because it acts as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, which is a series of reactions that occur during cellular respiration. As electrons are passed from molecule to molecule in the electron transport chain, they release energy, which is used to produce ATP.

Without sufficient oxygen, cellular respiration cannot occur, and cells cannot produce enough ATP to support the body's energy needs. This is why breathing is such a critical function - it provides the body with the oxygen needed to support cellular respiration and produce energy.

Learn more about cellular respiration, here:


HELP!!!! A college student who drinks heavily is at increased risk of:


A. All of the above
All the answer choices deal with sexual intercourse, whether consensual or not (sexual assault vs unplanned sexual activity). Contracting an STI is another consequence of both answer choice B and C. Therefor, their all correct!
-please make me brainliest :)

This is not a question but is anyone willing to look at my coursework and to see if I need to put any corrections?
It’s a health and social care coursework



I'm willing! I'll read through it and see if you've made any mistakes, then I'll add to my answer if you have!

First paragraph:

After 'centre of attention', you could say 'so they are our first priority.'

In the fourth line, remove the 'it' after the 'and' and before the 'is focused'.

Also, there's an article mistake in the fourth line, it should be: 'an individual'.

Instead of 'Which', write 'This means that'.

In the 7th line, say 'but they mainly use it to collaborate with individuals'.

Instead of ', and are listened to.' Write this as a separate sentence saying 'It makes sure they are listened to properly.'

Instead of 'show', write 'represent' or 'apply'. Apply makes more sense here.

Change the whole last sentence in the first paragraph to: 'An example to apply the person centred approach is in a care home setting, where residents are given the choice of what food they would like to eat when it's their meal time.'

Second paragraph:

The first sentence should instead say: 'Demonstrating professional behaviour is how somebody's behaviour towards the changes of the environment or situation reflects on qualities that are connected to an individual's responsibilities.' You should remove the first 'that' from here as it is unnecessary, which I've done for you in the above statement.

Too much repetition of 'professional' makes the second paragraph a bit too much, so replace 'professionals' in the second sentence with 'experts'.

In the 5th line of the second paragraph, you should say: 'those in the care certificate and in the codes of conduct'. Don't forget the articles!!

Instead of 'work in', use 'proceed by the'.

If 'maintaining professional knowledge and competence' is one of the agreed ways of working and not two, meaning 'maintaining professional knowledge' and 'competence' aren't two separate agreed ways of working, then add an 'and' before 'maintaining' and remove the comma, so it becomes: 'protecting confidential information and maintaining professional knowledge and competence.' Otherwise if 'maintaining professional knowledge and competence' are two agreed ways of working, then leave the last sentence alone, it doesn't need changing!!

I'm not educated in the field you are learning about, but I loved reading and learning something new from your coursework!! I only improved some of your grammar and fixed some mistakes you made, although I may not have noticed all the mistakes!

I hope this helps and I apologise if I have made any mistakes. If there is anything you need me to clarify that you don't understand, feel free to let me know! ^-^


In the fourth line, remove the 'it' after the 'and' and before the 'is focused'.

Also, there's an article mistake in the fourth line, it should be: 'an individual'.

Instead of 'Which', write 'This means that'.

In the 7th line, say 'but they mainly use it to collaborate with individuals'.

which of these products contain teratogens?
a. Cat litter, pesticides, lead paint
b. polyester, vaccines, soda
c. dog food, cooked shrimp, electronics
d. microwave ovens, coffee, detergent



Teratogens are an agent or factor for embryonic malformation. The answer is A...


cat litter, pesticides, lead paint



a. adaptation
b. inheritance
c. selection
d. variation




i got a 100% in health on my test





You're doing great ♥

A person that is lifting light weights with a high number of repetitions at 30% muscular strength every other day is an example of which type of overload? Group of answer choices muscular endurance muscular strength cardiorespiratory endurance flexibility





sorry i need points


partial overload


How chemical wastes are doing harm to our environment​


Answer: Hazardous, or toxic, waste is the potentially dangerous byproduct of a wide range of activities, including manufacturing, farming, water treatment systems, construction, automotive garages, laboratories, hospitals, and other industries. The waste may be liquid, solid, or sludge and contain chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, pathogens, or other materials. Even households generate hazardous waste, from items such as batteries, used computer equipment, and leftover paints or pesticides.

Explanation: In the past, many hazardous wastes were only loosely regulated, allowing substantial contamination of communities and the environment. In the U.S., toxic waste has been overseen by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 1976, as well as state departments of environmental protection. The EPA now requires that hazardous waste be handled with special precautions and be disposed of in designated facilities. Many towns have special collection days for household hazardous waste.

HELP!!! Factors associated with an increased risk for alcohol dependence include:


Poverty, for sure. And since it asks for more than one, and I know it’s not B or C, I’d say D. I think I read that there is a genetic thing affecting the way the body processes alcohol.

For which of the following is leading by example the most appropriate leadership action?

no one volunteers for an event

a group needs fund-raising ideas

a staff member lacks focus


A group needs fund raising ideas




No one volunteers for an event

Would someone be kind enough and buy me a piercing gun off of SHIEN ? i have a discount code so it would possibly only a dollar ... PLEASEEEEEEE and THANKKKK YOUUUUU smmmm


No I will not buy anything
Just by it yourself, coz it's gonna cost more if you ask someone to buy for you

If Sue has lactose intolerance, which meal would be suitable for her to consume?
cream of chicken soup
lemon and garlic tilapia with baked potato and sour cream
cheese sandwich
steamed chicken with rice and vegetables
Reset Next



steamed chicken with rice and vegetables.

Tryin to walk around.... ‘-‘


When you can’t stand up in class

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social-emotional can improve
health statues




self respect

a high regard for oneself because one behaves in responsible ways


a standard or belief

good character

a person who uses self control to act on responsible values

Explain how regular exercise impacts resting heart rate.
Does it increase or decrease resting heart rate?


During regular exercise your heart rate increases. During exercise, your body may need three or four times your normal cardiac output, because your muscles need more oxygen when you exert yourself. During exercise, your heart typically beats faster so that more blood gets out to your body.


It increased the resting heart rate.


Name three behaviors that contribute to having healthy relationship


Answer: being trust worthy, affection, kindness


Which set of algebra tiles represents the sentence below? Luis added four shells to his collection.




1 box contains x and 4 boxes contain a plus sign

Answer: c

Explanation: edge. 2022

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