How do you calculate gas density?


Answer 1

The gas density is determined by dividing its mass by volume. The mass of the gas occupying a specific volume at a given pressure and temperature is referred to as the gas density.

Given the other two measurements, the density formula can be changed to compute mass or volume. d = M/V, where density is d, mass is M, and volume is V, is the formula for density. Grams per cubic centimeter is a common unit of measurement of density. The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) and the density formula are typically combined to determine the density of a gas. The Greek letter ρ stands for density. From the formula above, V=nRT/P and n=m/M, which indicates density density = MP/RT where P = pressure. M= mass Temperature is T and R = rate

To learn more about gas density click here


Related Questions

draw the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products in this reaction.


carb is the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products.

Carbocation: It is an organic molecule, an intermediate, that has a carbon atom bearing a positive charge and three bonds instead of four

The reaction given in the question is shown below.


Given reaction

The reaction starts with the removal of the bromide ion to generate the carbocation. The carbocation is generated near the four-membered ring.

The methylene shift occurs to rearrange the carbocation by forming a five-membered ring.


Bromide ion removal

This carbocation accounts for the formation of the products given in the question. Two alkenes are formed by the elimination reaction and the ether is formed by the substitution reaction.


Elimination and substitution of products

Thus, the carbocation formed in the reaction is shown below.


Fig (4) shows the final Structure of the carbocation intermediate.

To know more about carbocation intermediate:


The cell shown below could be a(n)



the answer is bacteria cell

What is the composition of the sigma bonds in methane i.e. what atomic orbits comprise the molecular orbit? Hint: they are all the same, so there is only one kind sigma bond here.


Covalent bonds of sigma type are  present in methane where in the hybridization of each bond is σ sp³-σ sp³.

What are covalent bonds?

Covalent bond is defined as a type of bond which is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons to form electron pairs between the two atoms.These electron pairs are called as bonding pairs or shared pair of electrons.

Due to the sharing of valence electrons , the atoms are able to achieve a stable electronic configuration . Covalent bonding involves many types of interactions like σ bonding,π bonding ,metal-to-metal bonding ,etc.

Sigma bonds are the strongest covalent bonds while the pi bonds are weaker covalent bonds .Covalent bonds are affected by electronegativities of the atoms present in the molecules.Compounds having covalent bonds have lower melting points as compared to those with ionic bonds.

Learn more about covalent bond,here:


how does the internal energy of the ice and water mixture change if the temperature does not rise while the ice is melting?


Thermal energy is transferred to ice causing this to occur. Since the temperature doesn't change, all the thermal energy is used to increase the potential energy.

What is potential energy?

As we know, an item can shop power because of its function. In the case of a bow and an arrow, when the bow is drawn, it stores some amount of electricity, which is chargeable for the kinetic energy it gains when released.Similarly, within the case of a spring, while it is displaced from its equilibrium position, it profits a few amount of power which we have a look at inside the shape of pressure we sense in our hands upon stretching it. We are able to outline capacity power as a shape of power that outcomes from the alteration of its position or kingdom.

To know more about potential energy, click the link given below:


calculate the cell potential for the following reaction that takes place in an electrochemical cell at 25°c.


The Nernst equation can be used to calculate the potential of an electrochemical cell when not under standard conditions. It is also very useful to show how ion concentration affects cell potential and the cell potential is 0.09314 V.

At 298 K, the Nernst equation simplifies to - 0.0592 v protocol Q where Q is the reaction quotient and n is the coefficient of electrons transferred if the redox equations are balanced.

In this cell copper is reduced at the cathode and oxidized.

0.00V. However, the anode C.When 2 +] = 0.0032 M.including cathode [C. When 2 +] = 4.48 M. , so the cell potential is not 0.00 V. The cell potential can be solved using the Nernst equation. where n = 2 and Q = 0.0032/ 4.48.= 0.0592.E= 0-0.0592/ 2 log (0.000174)E= 0-0.0592/ 2 -3.14E= 0-0.0592/ 2E = 0.09314 V.

Read more about potential;


a sample of gas weighs 3.33 g and occupies a volume of 1.365 l at 95 °c and 790 torr. identify the gas sample.


Given that 3.33 g of the gas, at 95 °C and 790 torr, occupy a volume of 1.365 L, it is chlorine gas (Cl2).

We will start by counting the amount of moles of the gas. This can be done as follows:

(V) = 1.365 L,

(T) = 95 °C,

(P) = 790 torr,

(n) =?

(T) = 95 + 273 = 368 K

(P) = 790 / 760 = 1.039 atm

(R) = 0.0821 atm

PV = nRT

1.039 * 1.365 = n * 0.0821 * 368

n = 0.0469 mole L/Kmol

Finally, we will ascertain the gas's identity as follows:

n = 0.0469 mole

M = 3.33 g

Molecular mass =?

Molar mass is equal to the product of the mass and the mole.

Molar mass equals 3.33 minus 0.0469

Gas molar mass = 71 g/mol

As a result, we can infer that the gas is chlorine gas (Cl2) because

(Cl) = 35.5 g/mol.

(Cl2) = 2 * 35.5 g/mol

= 71 g/mol

To know more about identity of gas, visit:


When a nucleus of 235U undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for 235U and for the fission product 137Cs .


The binding energy per nucleon for 235U and 137Cs is 7.6 MeV and 8.39 MeV.

The minimal amount of energy needed to take a particle out of a system of particles or to break a system of particles down into its component pieces is known as binding energy (BE).

Given nucleus = 235 U and nucleon = 137 Cs.

a) The expression to find BE of 235 U is written as 235U92.

Atomic number (Z) = 92 = number of protons

Mass number (A) = 235 (number of protons + neutrons)

Number of electrons = 235-92 = 143.

Mass of neutron (mₙ) =  1.00866 u

Mass of proton ([tex]m_H[/tex]) = 1.00783 u

The binding energy for the nucleus is calculated using the below formula,

[tex]B = (Zm_H + Nm_n- m_{atom})\times\mathrm{931.49\;MeV/u}[/tex]

For 235U,

[tex]\begin{aligned}BE&=[(92\times1.00783 u)+(143\times1.00866 u)-235](\mathrm{931.49\;MeV/u})\\&=\mathrm{1783.8\;MeV}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The BE per nucleon is given by,

[tex]\begin{aligned}\text{BE per nucleon}&=\frac{\text{total BE of nucleus}}{\text{number of nucleon}}\\&=\frac{1783.8}{235}\\&=\mathrm{7.6\;MeV}\end{aligned}[/tex]

b) The expression to find BE of 137Cs is written as 137Cs55.

Atomic number (Z) = 55 = number of protons

Mass number (A) = 137 (number of protons + neutrons)

Number of electrons = 137-55 = 82.

Mass of neutron (mₙ) =  1.00866 u

Mass of proton ([tex]m_H[/tex]) = 1.00783 u

The atomic mass of Cs = 137u

For 137Cs,

[tex]\begin{aligned}BE&=[(55\times1.00783 u)+(82\times1.00866 u)-137](\mathrm{931.49\;MeV/u})\\&=\mathrm{1149.3\;MeV}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The BE per nucleon is given by,

[tex]\begin{aligned}\text{BE per nucleon}&=\frac{\text{total BE of nucleus}}{\text{number of nucleon}}\\&=\frac{1149.3}{137}\\&=\mathrm{8.39\;MeV}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The answers are 7.6 MeV and 8.39 MeV.

To know more about binding energy:


a pure substance which can only be seperated into two or more simpler substances using chemcial changes is called


A pure substance that can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called a chemical compound.

A chemical compound is a type of pure substance that is made up of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together. These elements are combined in a fixed ratio, and the resulting compound has different properties than the individual elements. For example, water (H2O) is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The atoms are bonded together by covalent bonds, and the resulting compound has the unique properties of being a liquid at room temperature and being essential for life.In order to separate a chemical compound into its constituent elements, a chemical reaction is required. This process involves breaking the chemical bonds between the atoms and forming new bonds between the atoms of the individual elements. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as electrolysis or heating the compound to high temperatures. The resulting elements will have the same physical and chemical properties as the original elements, but will no longer be bonded together as a compound.

to know more about element-


what would happen to your calculated specific heat of the unknown metal if you had failed to completely dry the metal unknown between trials?


The specific heat would be less than the real number, while the total heat absorbed would be higher.

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a given substance by one degree Celsius is known as the specific heat capacity. All compounds have a unique value that can be used to identify an unknown compound when other methods of identification might not be as useful. One technique, for instance, that may be utilized (with the help of lander robots) to determine the composition of extraterrestrial worlds like Mars is the measurement of specific heat. Additionally, a material's potential industrial applications may be influenced by its specific heat. Materials with low specific heat are frequently employed in heat transmission applications like cooking pots and radiators, while materials with high specific heat can be utilized as insulators in freezers, ovens, etc.

To learn more about specific heat, tap here:


Which of the following molecules would have the strongest intermolecular forces?



B .............................

a sample of neon gas collected at stp occupies a volume of 37.3 l. how many moles of gas does the sample contain?


2.17 moles of gas does the sample contain in a sample of neon gas collected at stp occupies a volume of 37.3 l.

What is noble gas?

Noble gases form a class of chemical elements with similar properties. Under standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with little chemical reactivity. The six naturally occurring noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radioactive radon.

Therefore, 2.17 moles of gas does the sample contain in a sample of neon gas collected at stp occupies a volume of 37.3 l. Noble gases form a class of chemical elements with similar properties. Under standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with little chemical reactivity.

To learn more about noble gas refer the given link:-


how many equivalent resonance structures can you draw for sulfate where the formal charges a minimized (like in the previous question)?


There isn't a most favorable equivalent resonance of the Sulfate ion because they are all identical in charge and there is no change in Electronegativity between the Oxygen atoms.

What is atom?

An atom is a particle of count that uniquely defines a chemical element. Atoms include a critical nucleus surrounded with the aid of using one or greater negatively charged electrons. The nucleus is undoubtedly charged and carries one or greater quite heavy debris referred to as protons and neutrons.

Therefore, There isn't a most favorable equivalent resonance of the Sulfate ion because they are all identical in charge and there is no change in Electronegativity between the Oxygen atoms.

To learn more about atom refer the given link:-


Which choice best describes the properties of potassium (k), based on its position on the periodic table of elements?.


The option that best describes the properties of the element potassium (K), based on its position on the periodic table of chemical elements is that it is a highly reactive metal. Hence, the correct option is B.

Alkali metals can be described as the monovalent chemical elements that are found in Group IA of the modern periodic table.

Generally, chemical elements of alkali metals readily lose their single (one) valence electron to form ionic compounds with non-metals. Some examples of alkali metal are given below,

Lithium (L).

Sodium (Na).

Potassium (K).

Potassium (K) is an alkali metal with a single (one) valence electron in its outermost shell and is considered to be highly reactive with other chemical elements, especially halogens because of its position on the modern periodic table of chemical elements.

We can conclude that, Potassium (K) is a highly reactive metal based on its position on the periodic table of chemical elements.

Learn more about alkali metals from the link given below.


Three students were discussing their ideas about chemical bonds. This is what they said:

Janre: "I think a chemical bond is produced by a molecule. It is a substance made up of matter that holds atom together."
Will: "I think a chemical bond is an attraction between atoms. It is not made up of matter."
Leta: "I think a chemical bond is a structural part of an atom that connects to other atoms."
Which student do you agree with and why? Explain your thinking.



I agree with Janre. A chemical bond is produced by a molecule, which is a substance made up of matter that holds atoms together. A chemical bond is the result of the attraction between atoms, which allows them to combine and form molecules. This attraction is not made up of matter itself, but it is a fundamental property of atoms that allows them to form bonds and create molecules. Therefore, Janre's explanation is the most accurate and complete.


Answer: In this case, I find myself in agreement with Janre. A molecule is a substance made up of matter that binds atoms together via a chemical bond. When atoms come together due to mutual attraction, a chemical bond is formed. This attraction is not material, but rather a feature of atoms that is essential to the formation of bonds and molecules. Janre's explanation is the most thorough and precise one available.


A sealed cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains ideal gas at 27°c, pressure 0.500 × 10^5 pa, and volume 1.1 m^3. What will be the final temperature if the gas is compressed to 0.800 m3 and the pressure rises to 0.820 × 10^5 pa?


Using the combination law equation, its final temperature would be 42°C B K if the gas was compressed to 0.800 m3 and the pressure increased to 0.820105 Pa.

How can the temperature of such a mixture be determined?

Apply the equation, where m1 и m2 are the weights of water contained in the first and two containers, T1 and T2 are the temperatures of the water contained in the first and second containers, to determine the final temperature mixture.

T2=0.820×105 Pa0.5×105 Pa0.8 m31.25 m3(300 K =314.88 K

Convert the unit of the temperature from the kelvin to degree Celsius.

T2=314.88 K-273 K =41.88 °C

Are the starting temperature and the ending temperature the same?

It is necessary for the final temperature to match the starting temperature. The internal energy must match the internal energy at the beginning and end. There must be no net heat added to the system during the procedure.

To know more about  final temperature visit:


a flask has a mass of 78.23 g when empty and 593.63 g when filled with water. when the same flask is filled with concentrated sulfuric acid, h2so4, its mass is 1026.57 g. what is the density of concentrated sulfuric acid in g/cm3? (assume water has a density of 1.00 g/cm3 at the temperature of the measurement.)


the density of concentrated sulfuric acid is 1.84 g/mL when a flask has a mass of 78.23 g when empty and 593.63 g when filled with water and later with sulfuric acid whose mass is 1026.57 g.

Given mass of flask mf = 78.23 g

Mass of flask when filled with water mfw =  593.63 g

Mass of water mw = mfw - mf = 593.63 - 78.23 = 515.4g

Volume of water Vw = Volume of acid Vc = 515.4mL

Mass of flask when filled with acid mfa = 1026.57 g

Mass of acid ma = mfa-mf = 1026.57 - 78.23 = 948.34g

Density = mass(ma)/volume of acid (Va)

= 948.34/515.4 = 1.84 g/mL

To learn more about sulfuric acid click here


Conduction chocolate candy in your hand will eventually melt as the heat from your body is released and makes it melted.


Conduction causes the Thermal energy flows out of your hand into the chocolate bar and it starts off evolved to soften.

This approach that your (hand) is shifting strength to the chocolate bar inflicting it to revel in a segment extrade from stable to liquid. Conduction Chocolate sweet for your hand will finally soften as the warmth out of your frame is launched and makes it melted.

The melting factor of chocolate falls among 86°F and 90°F. This is substantially decrease than the common temperature of the human frame, that's 98.6°F so the warmth out of your hand increases the temperature of the chocolate and reasons it to soften.

Read more about the heat:


Which conditions would activate the necessary enzymes for the citric acid cycle?a. high levels of ATP b. low levels of ADP c. high levels of ADP d. high levels of NADH


High levels of ATP would activate the necessary enzymes for the citric acid.

The TCA cycle metabolizes acetate that is derived from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is referred as the body's energy currency. Oxidation of one glucose molecule through the combined action of the TCA cycle, glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation yields an estimated number of 30–38 ATP molecules.

High levels of ATP activates citric acid cycle because citrate synthase is inhibited by the final product of the citric acid cycle as ATP, ADP (adenosine diphosphate) works as an allosteric activator of the enzyme as ATP is formed from ADP. Therefore, the rate of the citric acid cycle is reduced when the cell has a high level of ATP.

Learn more about TCA cycle from the link given below.


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120°, which is the hybridization?
a. sp3d2
b. sp
c. sp3
d. sp2


Option (d). If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120 degree then this involves SP2 hybridization.

SP2 hybridization is the mixing of one s and two p atomic orbitals which involves the promotion of one electron in the s orbital to one of the 2p atomic orbitals. The combination of these atomic orbitals creates three new hybrid orbitals equal in energy-level. The hybrid orbitals are higher in energy than the s orbital but lower in energy than the p orbitals, but they are closer in energy to the p orbitals. The new set of formed hybrid orbitals creates trigonal structures creating a molecular geometry of 120 degrees. When the hybridization occurs the molecules have a linear arrangement of the atoms with a certain bond angle. A bond angle is the angle between any two bonds that include a common atom, usually measured in degrees.

To learn more about Hybridization please visit:


hexane burns according to the following equation: 2c6h14(g) 19o2(g) 12co2(g) 14h2o(g) what volume of co2 forms when 8.00 l of hexane burn, assuming the two volumes are measured under the same conditions? what volume of oxygen will be needed?


8.00L  of hexane burns to produce 48.00L of CO2, if the two volumes are measured under identical circumstances. It takes 76.00L of oxygen.

Considering the response:


C₆H₁₄ + 19/2O₂ → 6CO₂ + 7H₂O

where 6 moles of CO2 and 7 moles of H2O are produced when 1 mole of hexane combines with 19/2 moles of oxygen.

Volume is directly proportional to moles of gas according to Avogadro's law.

6 moles of CO2 are created when 1 mole of hexane reacts with 8.00 liters, and their volume is as follows:

8.00L ₓ 6 = 48.0L

48.00L of CO₂ are formed.

Again, 19/2 moles of oxygen are required for a full combustion of hexane. You need: Given that you have 8.0L of hexane.

8.00L × (19/2) =76.00L

76.00L of O₂ are needed

To know more about hexane burns visit:-


What are some of the main reasons calcium chloride can be beneficial Why can it be useful?


Because calcium chloride has a lower freezing point than sodium chloride, it is more efficient at melting the ice on roadways in the winter.

Because the calcium chloride solution has a lower freezing point when combined with water than the sodium chloride solution, using calcium chloride solution on roadways in the us is easier.

The van't hoff factor causes the calcium chloride solution to have a lower freezing point.

Since calcium chloride has a lower freezing point than ice, when we apply it to the ice, it takes heat from the ice and melts it. There is no more efficient way to do the same objective than using sodium chloride solutions.

To know more about Calcium chloride, visit,


What is the noble gas electron configuration for iodine



See explanation and Image


Chemical element iodine has the atomic number 53 and the letter I in its symbol. of the stable halogens that weighs the most.

Symbol: I

Atomic mass: 126.90447 u

Atomic number: 53

Electron configuration: [Kr] 4d105s25p5

(Hope it helps)

Is the one piece real?





The one piece, the one piece is real.

in the alkaline-earth group, atoms with the smallest radiiselect one:a.are all gases.b.have the highest ionization energies.c.are the most reactive.d.have the largest volume.


The option (b) is correct - it have the highest ionization energies.

What is ionization energy?

In physics and chemistry, the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a single atom or molecule is known as the ionisation energy or ionisation potential.

What is alkaline earth group ?

Because of the "alkaline" solutions, hydroxides, that they produce when they interact with water, these metals are known as "alkaline" earth metals. The oxides of alkaline earth metals were known to alchemists as "earth."

The alkaline earth group atoms are found in group 2A of the periodic table. The smaller they are (further up the group), the closer the valence electrons are to the nucleus. Since the nucleus is positively charged and electrons are negatively charged, there is electrostatic attraction between them.

Electrostatic attraction increases in strength the closer together the oppositely charged particles are. As a result, there is greater electrostatic attraction present in the smaller alkaline earth group atoms. This makes it more difficult to remove the valence electrons, which corresponds to higher ionization energies.

Therefore, the option (b) is correct - it have the highest ionization energies.

Learn more about ionization energy from the given link.


If 19.9% of Boron is Boron-10 and 80.1% is Boron-11, what is the average atomic mass?





avarage atomic mass =relative abundance of first isotope*mass number of first isotope/100+relative abundance of second isotope*mass number of second isotope/100

What are the 3 major types of chemical bonds?


The three types of bonds are

1. Covalent- Nonmetal & Nonmetal

2. Ionic- Metal & Nonmetal

3. Metallic- Metal & Metal

Please give brainliest

According to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with the highest probability of finding electrons are areas with _______.


According to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with highest probability of finding electrons are areas with constructive interface.

Molecular orbital theory describes the behavior of electrons in a molecule in terms of combinations of the atomic wavefunctions. The resulting molecular orbitals may extend over all the atoms in the molecule. Bonding molecular orbitals are formed by in-phase combinations of atomic wavefunctions, and electrons in these orbitals stabilize a molecule. Antibonding molecular orbitals result from out-of-phase combinations and electrons in these orbitals make a molecule less stable. Molecular orbital theory describes the distribution of electrons in molecules in much the same way that the distribution of electrons in atoms is described using atomic orbitals. Molecular orbitals are combinations of atomic orbital wave functions.

To learn more about Molecular Orbital Theory please visit:


dding a small amount of strong acid to a buffer solution will cause the ph to increase slightly. true false


True, The pH of a buffer solution will be affected by strong acid because strong acid dissociates completely to give H+ ions so the pH of buffer will be appreciably affectedand as the H+ concentration increased pH will decrease.

When a small volume of acid is added to a buffer solution, the pH of the system decreases as an effect of the increased hydronium ions in the solution. However, when a small volume of base is added to a buffer solution, the pH of the system increases as an effect of the increased hydroxide ions in the solution.When a base is added to a buffer solution, the pH does not change. The buffer solution prevents the base from neutralizing the acid.

To know more about Buffer Solution:


The melting point of gold is 3,533 ºF, while the boiling point is 9,343 ºF. What phase is gold in when the temperature is 5,262 °C?


the melting point of gold is approximately 1,946 ºC and its boiling point is approximately 5,195 ºC. Therefore, if the temperature is 5,262 ºC, gold would be in its liquid phase. It is worth noting that the temperature you provided is not in the correct units, as it should be in degrees Celsius (ºC) instead of degrees Fahrenheit (ºF). To convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can use the following formula:

Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)

For example, to convert the melting point of gold from Fahrenheit to Celsius, you would do the following:

Melting point in Celsius = (3,533 - 32) * (5/9) = 1,946 ºC

Similarly, you can convert the boiling point of gold from Fahrenheit to Celsius using the same formula:

Boiling point in Celsius = (9,343 - 32) * (5/9) = 5,195 ºC

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. give an example to support this statement.


The perfect example for entropy of a spontaneous reaction would be the transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies.

Spontaneous reactions are those chemical or biological reactions that usually take place without the influence of external factors. Non- Spontaneous reactions are those chemical reactions that generally requires an energy input to proceed or that cannot take place without the influence of external factors.

The transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies is a spontaneous process in which the entropy of the system of bodies increases. The melting of an ice cube placed in a room causes an increase in the entropy of the room.

A spontaneous reaction may also involve an increase or decrease in enthalpy, it may involve an increase or decrease in entropy, but it will always involve a decrease in free energy that is a negative ΔG.

To know more about entropy and Spontaneous reaction


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