How do I deposit money into bank without bank account?


Answer 1

You can deposit money into your online account via a linked ATM if your online bank is a part of an ATM network. A reloadable prepaid debit card that you may load money into and connect to your online bank account is another option.

Payments made online, via phone, or using a mobile phone number are all valid ways to finance an account. You can transfer funds between accounts or pay others. Simply log in to Internet Banking or the mobile app and follow the on-screen instructions to make a payment. Using Pay a Contact, you can send money to other people using their mobile number. depositing funds into your account in person You can deposit cash or checks into your account in branch in a few different ways. Put cash into your bank account right there at the desk. Self-service tool A lot of institutions today have equipment that can deposit money into your account on your behalf. Simply adhere to the directions shown on the screen and enter the required information.

Learn more about account from


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the three important factors for satisfactory employee task performance are: a. knowledge, skill and motivation b. procedural knowledge, process skill and declarative knowledge c. citizenship behaviors, declarative knowledge and motivation d. process knowledge, procedural knowledge and motivation


The knowledge, skill, and motivation of the employee are the three key components for successful task performance. Here option A is the correct answer.

Knowledge helps us think more clearly and solve difficulties. The brain functions more effectively and efficiently when it has a strong knowledge foundation. We become smarter and better problem solvers as a result of the power of knowledge.

Without effective task management techniques, you could waste a lot of time doing busy work and paying attention to the incorrect things. When working with a team, managing your duties is very helpful for organizing, prioritizing, and coordinating all you need to do.

An individual can accomplish their personal goals with motivation. Motivated people will be more committed to their work, perform better, and be more eager to succeed. The larger team and the entire organization take pleasure in this.

To learn more about task performance


nations with a low standard of living and productivity tend to have more municipal solid waste per person. group of answer choices true false


It is true that nations with a low standard of living and productivity tend to have more municipal solid waste per person.

What is municipal solid waste?

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a type of waste generated from everyday activities such as residential, commercial, and industrial activities. It is composed of common household items such as paper, glass, plastic, food waste, and yard trimmings. MSW is typically picked up by local waste management companies for collection, proper disposal, and recycling. MSW management is an important issue for municipalities as it can cause health, environmental, and economic problems if not managed properly.

Low standards of living and productivity usually lead to people having less access to resources and infrastructure, such as waste management services. This can lead to an increase in the amount of municipal solid waste per person.

It can be concluded that it is true that nations with a low standard of living and productivity tend to have more municipal solid waste per person.

To know more about municipal solid waste, click this link:


you are designing an application for use only during business hours. for the minimum viable product release, you'd like to use a managed product that automatically scales to zero so you don't incur costs when there is no activity. which primary compute resource should you choose?


You should choose A. Cloud Functions as primary compute resources.

A serverless execution environment for constructing and linking cloud services is called Cloud Functions. You can create straightforward, one-purpose functions with Cloud Functions that are linked to events released by your cloud infrastructure and services.

When an event being watched fires, your function is called. In a completely managed environment, your code runs. Neither server management nor infrastructure provisioning are required.

There are a variety of supported programming languages that you can use to create Cloud Functions. Your function can be run in any common runtime environment for a language that is even supported, which simplifies local testing and portability.

To know more about Cloud:


Correct question:

You are designing an application for use only during business hours. For the minimum viable product release, you'd like to use a managed product that automatically `scales to zero` so you don't incur costs when there is no activity. Which primary compute resource should you choose?

A. Cloud Functions

B. Compute Engine

C. App Engine flexible environment

graff, incorporated, has sales of $48,500, costs of $22,400, depreciation expense of $2,100, and interest expense of $1,850. if the tax rate is 25 percent, what is the operating cash flow, or ocf? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.)


Graff, incorporated, has sales of $48,500, costs of $22,400, depreciation expense of $2,100, and interest expense of $1,850. if the tax rate is 25 percent, the operating cash flow is $20,562.50

EBIT = Sales - Cost of Goods Sold - Depreciation Expense

EBIT = $48,500 - $22,400 - $2,100

EBIT = $24,000

EBT = EBIT - Interest Expense

EBT = $24,000 - $1,850

EBT = $22,150

Taxes = EBT * tax rate

Taxes = $22,150 * 25%

Taxes = $5,537.50

Net Income = EBT - Taxes

Net Income = $22,150 - $5,537.50

Net Income = $16,612.50

Operating Cash Flow = EBIT + Depreciation - Taxes

Operating Cash Flow = $24,000 + $2,100 - $5,537.50

Operating Cash Flow = $20,562.50

In monetary accounting, running coins glide (OCF), coins drift provided through operations, cash drift from working activities (CFO), or free coins float from operations (FCFO), refers to the number of coins a company generates from the sales it brings in, with the exception of costs related to lengthy-time period investment on capital objects or funding in securities. working activities consist of any spending or assets of cash that is concerned with an employer’s day-to-day business activities.  

The global economic Reporting requirements define operating cash glide as coins generated from operations, much less taxation and interest paid, giving an upward push to running cash flows. To calculate cash generated from operations, one must calculate cash generated from customers and coins paid to suppliers. The difference between the 2 reflects cash generated from operations.

To learn more about Operating Cash Flow visit here:  


candidates for the management development program at genco enterprises must first complete a personality assessment to determine the distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leadership role. based on this, it would appear that genco believes in the approach to leadership. multiple choice question. transformational


Based on this, it would appear that Genco believes in trait approach to leadership.

What is trait approach?

Trait approach is a method used in psychology to explore human personality. Measurement of characteristics, which can be characterized as ingrained patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion, is of particular interest to trait theorists. This viewpoint defines characteristics as features of personality that vary between individuals, are largely constant across contexts, and have an impact on behavior. States, which are more fleeting dispositions, are different from traits. However, in many other theories and systems, traits are dimensions, such as extraversion vs. introversion, with the each person rating somewhere along this spectrum. Traits are not always something a person has or does not have. According to the internal causal definition, characteristics impact our behavior and cause us to act in ways that are consistent with those characteristics.

To learn more about traits, visit:


your firm is contemplating the purchase of a new $405,000 computer-based order entry system. the system will be depreciated straight-line to zero over its 5-year life. it will be worth $36,000 at the end of that time. you will save $133,000 before taxes per year in order processing costs, and you will be able to reduce working capital by $37,000 at the beginning of the project. working capital will revert back to normal at the end of the project. if the tax rate is 22 percent, what is the irr for this project?


The IRR for this project is 21.3%.

Present Value (PV) of Cost = $405,000

Present Value (PV) of Benefits = $133,000 x (1-0.22) + $37,000 - $36,000 = $149,440

Net Present Value = $149,440 - $405,000 = -$255,560

IRR = 21.3%.

What is the IRR?

A financial analysis tool used to determine the profitability of possible investments is the internal rate of return (IRR). In a discounted cash flow analysis, the IRR is the discount rate that reduces all cash flows' net present values (NPV) to zero. The formula used in NPV calculations also applies to IRR estimates.

How is IRR calculated?

The after-tax cash flow of each period at time t is broken down and discounted by a certain rate, r. The initial investment is then subtracted from the total of these discounted cash flows, giving the present NPV. You would need to "reverse engineer" what r is necessary for the NPV to equal zero in order to determine the IRR.

To know more about IRR visit:


which of the following is the best example of shaping? 1 point (a) a child receives five dollars each time he cleans his room. (b) an employee receives a termination notice after coming to work late every day over a period of three months (c) a child gets candy from a dispenser one time but gets nothing from the dispenser the next two times. (d) a teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on monday, fifteen minutes on tuesday, twenty minutes on wednesday, and thirty minutes on thursday. (e) a rat receives a mild shock each time it tries to open the door of its cage.



A teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on Monday, fifteen minutes on Tuesday, twenty minutes on Wednesday, and thirty minutes on Thursday.


Why was consumerism important in the 1920s?


The consumerism was important in the 1920 for the sale of more consumer goods and put automobiles within reach of average Americans.

The consumerism is the growth that has led to many organizations improving their product and services to the customer and reach the customers needs to their products and services.

The prosperity of the 1920s led to new patterns of consumption, or purchasing consumer goods like radio, cars, vacuums, beauty products or clothing.

The expansion of credit in the 1920s allowed for the sale of more consumer goods and put automobiles within each of average Americans.

To know more about consumerism here,


Is savings a gross income?


No, Savings should be treated as another type of Net Income and not gross income.

Net income (NI), likewise called net profit, is determined as deals less expense of products sold, selling, general and managerial costs, working costs, devaluation, interest, charges, and different costs. It is a helpful number for financial backers to survey how much income surpasses the costs of an association. This number shows up on an organization's pay proclamation and is likewise a sign of an organization's benefit.

Gross income alludes to a singular's total earnings or pre-tax earnings, and NI refers to the difference after factoring deductions and taxes into gross income. To work out available pay, which is the figure utilized by the Internal Revenue Service to decide personal assessment, citizens take away allowances from gross pay. The contrast between available pay and personal duty is a singular's NI.

Know more on Net Income -


$7850 is invested at 5.0% compounded continuously. how long will it take for the balance to reach $15700? round your answer to two decimal places, if necessary.


Total time taken for this balance is t = 14.20 years

P = $7850

A = $15700

r = 5.0%

time t =?

the formula for compound interest

A = P(1 + r/100)^t

$15700 = $7850(1 + 5/100)^t

$15700/$7850 = (105/100)^t

2 = (21/20)^t

t = log(2)/log(21/20)

t = 14.20 years


To know more about compound interest, click the below link


the value of the noogle's stock was $94 at the start of 2015, and at its current rate the value of the stock triples every 5 years. what will the value of noogle's stock be at the start of 2023?


The value of the noogle's stock triples every 5 years in 2015 it was $94, at the beginning of 2020 it will be $282, per year it is 1.8 times so 2023 it will be $507.6

A stock, usually referred to as equity, is a type of investment that denotes ownership in a portion of the issuing company. Shares, also known as units of stock, entitle its owners to a share of the company's assets and income in proportion to the number of shares they possess.

Based on the proportion of shares an investor owns to the total number of outstanding shares, a shareholder is regarded as an owner of the issuing firm. If a corporation has 1,000 outstanding shares of stock and one shareholder has 100 of those shares, that shareholder would possess and be entitled to 10% of the company's assets and profits.

To learn more about stock refer here:


What are the terms in conceptual definition?


A conceptual definition tells that what the concept means, while operational definitions only tells how to measure it.

If an individual have only an operational definition, the he may know how to measure it, but he won't know what you are measuring.

This means that your measurements won't be worth much, considering that you don't know what the concept is, so you don't know what you measured.

A concept defined only operationally may make a nice little ceremony as you carry out the steps described by the operational definition, but it doesn't mean anything and it is not related to other concepts .

To know more about conceptual definition here


markets that operate under highly restrictive assumptions, such as a zero tax rate, zero transactions costs, and full information of all market participants, are known as what?


Markets that operate under highly restrictive assumptions, such as a zero tax rate, zero transactions costs, and full information of all market participants, are known as perfect market.

A perfect market is one that is planned to be entirely devoid of anomalies that could otherwise make it impossible to obtain the optimal pricing. In a perfect market system, there are no transaction costs and both producers and consumers have complete and symmetrical information.

A large number of manufacturers and customers are in rivalry with one another perfect market. Given that they all exist outside of the ideal competition model's plane, all real markets may be characterized as flawed. The current idea of imperfect versus ideal competition was first introduced by the Cambridge school of post-classical economics.

Learn more about Market here:


barnes sold his home to hyatt through broker quinn. the sale is to be settled through escrow. the escrow agent would be selected by:


Barnes used broker Quinn to sell his house to Hyatt. Escrow will be used to finalize the sale. Barnes and Hyatt would mutually agree to choose the escrow agent.

A person or organization that holds property in trust for third parties until a transaction is completed or a dispute is settled is known as an escrow agent. An attorney frequently fills the position of escrow agent (or notary in civil law jurisdictions). The escrow agent owes a fiduciary duty to the escrow agreement's two parties. A third party, person, or organization that holds an asset or money until it is transferred from one party to another is known as an escrow agent. The escrow agent keeps the money or the asset until the contract obligations of both parties have been met. Escrow agents can be employed in any situation where money will be transferred from one party to another, while they are frequently linked with real estate transactions. In the context of an escrow arrangement, an escrow agent essentially performs the role of an impartial middleman. Escrow agreements are agreements between two parties that a third party will retain an asset on each party's behalf until the transaction is finished. The escrow agent holds the money or assets until it gets the right instructions or until specific contractual requirements have been met. Escrow can be used to hold titles to real estate, securities, funds, and money.

Learn more about escrow agent here


choose the answer that is not a distinguishing characteristic of financial accounting information. multiple choice it is global information that reflects the performance of the whole company. it is focused primarily on the future. it is more concerned with financial data than physical or economic data. it is more highly regulated than managerial accounting information.


It is focused primarily on the future of financial accounting information. The correct answer is option (b).

What is Financial Accounting?

The process of documenting, compiling, and reporting the numerous transactions occurring from corporate activities throughout time is known as financial accounting. It belongs to a certain area of accounting. These activities are summarized through the production of Financial statements, like the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, which show the operating performance of the company over a certain time period.

A number of accepted accounting concepts are used in financial accounting. The choice of accounting principles to be applied during financial accounting is determined by the reporting and regulatory obligations that the company must meet.

To know more about Financial statements, visit:


klein company issues a four-year note in exchange for a license agreement with fair value of $100,000. the contract requires payment of $27,956 at the beginning of each of the four years. the approximate effective interest rate associated with the notes payable is:


The correct answer to the given question is: Effective interest = 8%.

The effective interest rate can be determined using the rate function in excel as shown below:


nper=period of license=4 years


pv=-100000(the initial value of the license)


type=1(1 for beginning payments, 0 for end of the period payments)

=rate (4,27956,-100000,0,1)

rate =8.00%

When the benefits of compounding over time are taken into account, the real return on a savings account or any other interest-paying investment is known as the effective annual interest rate. It also displays the actual percentage rate of interest owed on any outstanding debts, including credit card debt and loans.

To learn more about Effective interest click here:


royal, inc. discovered that equipment purchased on january 1, 20x1 for $300,000 will not last as long as originally estimated. the firm was depreciating the equipment at the rate of $40,000 per year with an estimated salvage value of $20,000. revised estimates on january 1, 20x4 indicate that the equipment will last a total of five years with no salvage value. how much should royal, inc. record as depreciation in 20x4?


Revised estimates on January 1, 20x4 show that the equipment will last a total of five years with no salvage value. Ink should be $90,000, inc. Record as depreciation in 20x4.

A fixed asset's share that has been deemed consumed in the current period is subject to a depreciation charge. The cost is thereafter added to expenditures. With this charge, the carrying amount of fixed assets will be steadily decreased as their value is depleted over time.

3 years' worth of accumulated depreciation at the beginning of 2004

= $40,000 × 3 = $120,000

Book value at the beginning of 2004 after three years.

= Cost - Accumulate depreciation

= $300,000 - $120,000

= $180,000

Depreciation expense for 2004 = (Book value - Salvage value) / Remaining useful life

= ($180,000 - $0) / (5 - 3)

= $90,000

To learn more about depreciation expense


personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal selling objectives often include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and keeping customers satisfied.

What is personal selling?

It corresponds to a direct interaction between the sales representative and potential customers, where the objective is to lead to the completion of a sale.

For the sale to be successful, the sales representative needs to develop a series of techniques that lead the customer to establish a favorable perception of the company, in addition to increasing its reliability.

Therefore, it is necessary to have well-developed communication, ethics, negotiation and persuasion, so that customers feel satisfied and develop a positive relationship with the company.

Find out more about personal selling on:


an annuity stream of cash flow payments is a set of: equal cash flows occurring each time period over a fixed length of time. b. equal cash flows occurring each time period forever. c. either equal or varying cash flows occurring at set intervals of time for a fixed period. d. increasing cash flows occurring at set intervals of time that go on forever. e. arbitrary cash flows occurring each time period for no more than 10 years.


An annuity stream of cash flow payments is a set of: equal cash flows occurring each time period over a fixed length of time. The correct answer is A.

What is an annuity stream?

An annuity stream is one of the two main types of income streams. An income stream payable from a superannuation fund is called a pension. And, an income stream which is generally payable from a life insurance company is called an annuity.

The goal of an annuity is to give a steady stream of income, generally during retirement. Funds accrue on a tax deferred basis and can only be withdrawn without penalty after age 59½. Many aspects of an annuity can be tailored to the particular needs of the buyer.

Learn more about annuity at:


Which one of the following is a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Monitoring
b. Chain of command
c. Financial pressure
d. Physical controls
e. Bonding


A. Monitoring is a primary component of an internal control system.

In the field of business, the internal process through which effective controls are implemented for the production of products by a company is referred to as internal control systems.

There are known to be five primary components that are a must for implying an internal control system. One of these primary components is monitoring. Through implying effective monitoring skills, the making of a product is monitored so that all the production steps are controlled and organized for the production process. If monitoring is excluded from the internal control system, then the procedure of making the products will have a negative impact. Hence, the correct option is monitoring.

To learn more about monitoring, click here:


If diamond, a corporate recruiter, wants to selectively recruit passive job candidates, she should utilize the linkedin social media network.a. Trueb. False


The answer is false. It's a good idea to reach out and introduce yourself when you come across strong profiles or people with hard-to-find skills.

This way, you can begin to establish a relationship with passive candidates, making them more likely to consider a job opportunity in the future. A profiles candidate is someone who an employer is considering for a position but is not actively looking for a skills job. Passive candidates have not applied for any open positions and are not looking for new opportunities. The most effective way to persuade a passive candidate is to demonstrate what they are missing out on by not working for your company.

To learn more about skills, click here.


during 2021, raines umbrella corporation had sales of $710,000. cost of goods sold, administrative and selling expenses, and depreciation expenses were $500,000, $125,000, and $170,000, respectively. in addition, the company had an interest expense of $60,000 and a tax rate of 21 percent. (ignore any tax loss carryforward provisions and assume interest expense is fully deductible.) suppose the company paid out $60,000 in cash dividends. if net capital spending and net working capital were both zero, and if no new stock was issued during the year, what is the net new long-term debt? (do not round intermediate calculations.)


Net New Long-term Debt = Interest Expense + Tax Expense + Cash Dividends - Net Income = $60,000 + (21% * $710,000) + $60,000 - ($710,000 - ($500,000 + $125,000 + $170,000)) = $164,100

How is depreciation defined?

Depreciation is the process of subtracting the cost of an asset used in a firm over a number of years as opposed to just one. There are four primary depreciation methods: straight line, double decreasing, years' digits added, and units of production.

How is depreciation an asset?

The cost of an asset when it was purchased can be recovered by businesses thanks to depreciation. Instead of immediately recouping the purchase price, the approach enables businesses to cover an asset's whole cost over its useful life. By using the proper quantity of revenue, this enables businesses to replace future assets.

To know more about Depreciation visit:


ten years ago, paul and karen purchased a house for $250000. today the market value of the house is $500000. they still owe a balance of $120000 on the mortgage. what is their equity in the house


Paul and Karen have an equity of approximately $380,000 in the house for a condition where they owe a balance of $120,000 on the mortgage of their house.

The computation of equity in the condition given above can be shown by the use of provided information in the generalized formula. The calculation of the same has been shown below,

Equity = Market Value – Mortgage Remaining Balance

Equity = 500000 – 120000

Equity = 380000

Therefore, the equity of Karen and Paul in the house will be an amount of $380,000.

Learn more about equity here:


while registering a fictitious name, a business need not disclose the names and addresses of the owners. true false


False, A business is not required to provide the names and addresses of the proprietors while registering a fake name.

Proprietor is a term for an owner, or a person who is the exclusive and legal owner of something. It specifically refers to the proprietor of a sole proprietorship, in which case the term sole proprietor also applies. The owner of a hotel, store, newspaper, or other establishment is known as the proprietor. A sole proprietorship, also known as a sole trader or a proprietorship, is an unincorporated business with only one owner who is responsible for paying personal income tax on the company's profits. Since it's not essential to register a distinct business or trade name, many sole owners operate under their own identities. A proprietor is a person who owns a company or a piece of real estate. A book seller may have wished she had become a librarian so that the books would return. A proprietor is someone who has ownership of property, and the word "proprietor" sounds a lot like the word "property" in its initial part. You can review these five Indian business ownerships that are legal. Private Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, and Public Limited Company are the different types of businesses.

Learn more about proprietors here


What was the consumerism in the 1920s?


The consumerism in the 1920s was a stage where individuals were encouraged to buy goods in increasing quantities.

The consumerism is the idea that increasing the consumption of goods and services purchased in the market is always a desirable goal, and that a person's well-being and happiness depend fundamentally on obtaining consumer goods and material possessions.

The consumerism was defined by an impulsive desire to spend money. People were caught up in the idea of how only rich people owned a lot of goods driving a purchasing frenzy.

To know more about consumerism here,


what is one of the top two criteria for global market consumers when making purchase decisions? question 30 options: 1) appearance 2) size 3) technology 4) quality 5) service


When it comes to purchasing selections, one of the top two criterion for global market buyers is quality.

What are the criteria that customers use?

Consumers' primary considerations are price, quality, brand, packaging, advertisement elements, and lifestyle factors.

services marketing:

Services marketing is a type of marketing used by companies who offer a service to their clients to enhance brand awareness and revenue. Services marketing, as sopposed to product marketing, focuses on advertising intangible interactions that bring value to clients.

Marketing Technology:

Marketing technology (martech) is a collection of software solutions used by marketing executives to support mission-critical business objectives and foster innovation inside their enterprises.

Why is appearance important in marketing:

Emotion is stimulated by effective branding, which influences customer behavior and decisions. Color is the most important aspect that influences emotion. Each hue evokes different emotions, and research has shown that it accounts for 90% of fast product judgements.

Learn more about Marketing Management:


What is the safest way to drive up to an intersection?


Give way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians who are already in or about to enter the intersection. Additionally, if two vehicles or bicycles arrive at the intersection at the same time, yield to the one that comes first as well as the one on your right.

To determine whether the crossing is regulated or uncontrolled, they must glance ahead. When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, cars must slow down, examine both sides of the road twice, and if everything is clear, proceed safely through the intersection.

Four-way stop crossings should be handled similarly to uncontrolled intersections. Drivers that are simultaneously approaching the intersection must come to a complete stop and yield to the cars on their right before moving forward. If not, the "first in, first out" rule is in effect.

Read more about intersection safest at


the efficient quantity of a public good produced is a. achieved where marginal revenue product equals marginal factor cost. b. determined by the intersection of the market demand curve and the marginal cost curve. c. determined by the intersection of the market demand and market supply curves. d. achieved at the minimum point of the average total cost curve. e. achieved where the sum of marginal valuations equals the sum of marginal costs.


The efficient quantity of a public good produced is achieved where marginal revenue product equals marginal factor cost. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is a public good?

A public good refers to a commodity or service that is made available to all members of a society. Typically, these  services are administered by governments and paid for collectively through taxation.

The examples of public goods include law enforcement, national defense and the rule of law.

A public good must be non-rivalrous ( means that the goods do not dwindle in supply as more people consume them) and non-excludable (means that the good is available to all citizens).

Learn more about the public goods here:


Which one of the following is not an example of a seller offering signals of quality?
A. chau asks customers to write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses.
B. mak offers a money-back guarantee on his product.
C. ian's auto body shop offers a warranty on its work.
D. hui er proofreads her job application and cover letter four times to make sure it shows that she is careful about details.


Chau's request that customers write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses is not an example of a seller providing quality signals.

A manicure is a hand beauty treatment. Your nails will be filed, shaped, and filed.Then your cuticles will be pushed back, cleaned, and your hands will be massaged.

During a manicure, the free edge is filed and shaped, and any dead tissue is pushed back and clipped (using a cuticle pusher and cuticle nippers) (but limited to the cuticle and hangnails), treatments with various liquids, hand massage, and fingernail polish application.

Hence, the correct answer is "A" option.

To know more about manicures, click here.


what is the present value of $100$100 one year from now if the interest rate is 10%?10%? what is the present value if the interest rate is 5%?5%?


This is because, at 10%, $90.90 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year. This is because, at 5%, $95.24 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.

What is invested?

Investment is the process of committing money or capital to an endeavor with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit. Investment typically involves the purchase of assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, or other financial instruments. It is also possible to invest in less traditional assets such as art, antiques, and private equity. Investment typically involves the purchase of assets with the expectation that the assets will create a return in the future. The goal of investing is to put your money to work in order to generate a return on your investment.

Present value is the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flow given a specified rate of return.
If the interest rate is 10%, the present value of $100 one year from now would be $90.90 (100/(1+0.10) = 90.90). This is because, at 10%, $90.90 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.
If the interest rate is 5%, the present value of $100 one year from now would be $95.24 (100/(1+0.05) = 95.24). This is because, at 5%, $95.24 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.

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something meant to be done or used only temporarily or for a period of time is this:______. what type of video campaign should you use if your goal was to increase purchase intent for your products? What is another name for interest group? le place has sales of $439,000, depreciation of $32,000, and net working capital of $56,000. the firm has a tax rate of 34 percent and a profit margin of 6 percent. the firm has no interest what is the amount of the operating cash flow? a. $49,384 b. $52,616 c. $54,980 d. $58,340 e. $114,340 What is negotiating to reach a mutual agreement? 20 List the steps of the perpendicular bisector construction in order from 1 to 4 Other things the same, if workers and firms expected prices to rise by 2 percent but instead they rise by 3 percent, then: _________ brandon is on one side of a river that is 70 m70 m wide and wants to reach a point 300 m300 m downstream on the opposite side as quickly as possible by swimming diagonally across the river and then running the rest of the way. find the minimum amount of time if brandon can swim at 2 m/s2 m/s and run at 4 m/ 4 m/s. (use decimal notation. give your answer to two decimal places.) the minimum amount of time is s A ellano le gusta el museo.le gusta el museo. solve the system of equations using elimination: 3x-2y=2 and 2x-5y=27 Which of the following bestdescribes the impact ofhaving an unreliable narrator? If tortilla chips are a normal good, what happens to equilibrium price and quantity when there is an increase in income?a) Equilibrium price decreases and equilibrium quantity decreases.b) Equilibrium price increases and equilibrium quantity increases.c) Equilibrium price increases and equilibrium quantity decreases.d) Equilibrium price decreases and equilibrium quantity increases. How did Napoleon's loss in the Battle of Trafalgar affect Europe? what is the most likely reason that the author included the section with information about the controversy surrounding molly pitcher? Place the following digestive tract structures in the order they would be encountered by an ingested food molecule: Jay'den earned $475 from mowing lawns last summer. He deposited this money in an account that pays an interest rate of 3. 8% compounded annually. Jay'den wants to know his balance after 15 years?. A bag contains five snicker bars, nine moly A carnival game has a circular target on a coordinate plane. The target has the equation (x+ 5)2 + (y + 5) = 16. Sylvie throws a dart at point (-1,-6). Where is the point located inrelation to the target? Which of the following plant types does not produce pollen? Flowers Algae Angiosperms Gymnosperms What are accommodation reflexes, and how do they support seeing objects that are near and far Why do rods not function effectively in bright light while cones do not function effectively in dim lights?