How are organelles adapted for their functions


Answer 1


Cells, therefore, 'know' how to do the work for themselves; as body cells they clump together to do a particular part of the work. They adapt themselves by concentrating on one of their talents - maybe food digestion, so they make themselves into a stomach - or breathing - lungs - and so on.


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Why do i have trouble breathing??



Many conditions can make you feel short of breath: Lung conditions such as asthma, emphysema, or pneumonia. Problems with your trachea or bronchi, which are part of your airway system. Heart disease can make you feel breathless if your heart cannot pump enough blood to supply oxygen to your body.



...there chould be multiple reasons


comment and we can talk abt it if u like :P

Most of Brett's friends are on his football team. They avoid marijuana so they can stay fit and healthy for their sport. His family has also decided to avoid addictive substances because there is a history of addiction within the family. Brett is a big fan of a football star who speaks to young athletes and encourages them to avoid harmful substances. Which of these would be most likely to negatively influence Brett toward marijuana addiction? O A. Role models O B. Heredity O c. Peers 1 O D. Family​



B. Heredity


For A P E X people:

I just took the quiz and got it right.

how to proper care and maintenance of orchard trees and fruit trees includes
plssss answerrrr​



Young orchards need regular fertilizing, irrigating, pruning and spraying. Irrigation is not available in all countries, but is recommended for new plantings. Pruning should be carried out in young orchards to improve tree structure, minimize wind damage and to increase fruit bearing area.


I hope it helps to you a lot!

why do they call it the facial muscle


☁️ Answer ☁️

Controls facial expressions-The specific location and attachments of the facial muscles enable them to produce movements of the face, such as smiling, grinning and frowning.

Hope it helps.

Explanation: Have a nice day!~ ̄▽ ̄❤️

because if you’re so bored and

Where did the Aborigines come from? Are the Aborigines one group of people or a scattered mixture of tribes?



Yes they were scattered tribes.


they were scattered tribes in astrailia

What should be done if a recovering alcoholic experiences RELAPSE?



Helping the Recovering alcoholic Get Over a Relapse The best thing you can do for a recovering addict that has relapsed is suppress your own feelings of frustration and resentment. Remain supportive, yet firm, from the moment you find out so that you can get their recovery back on track without any further upheaval.


Does both sides of the heart receive blood at the same time


Answer: It goes to The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein and pumps it into the aorta, while the right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the vena cava and pumps it into the pulmonary vein. Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨



they both revive blood at the same time


I need help please?!!!!



I believe that both are true, im sorry if wrong! good luck


________ and ________ use similar movements and skills. (1 point)
Select one:
a. Bowling; canoeing
b. Cross-country skiing; skateboarding
c. Golf; surfing
d. Mountain biking; volleyball




Explanation: Took test got 100%




the size of the rectangle and the number of subdivision can be adjusted based on the number of player​



The size of the rectangle and the number of subdivisions can be adjusted based on the number of players. The individual squares in the grid must be large enough that someone can stay in the middle out of reach of someone standing on the lines. Two teams are needed, each with around two to six players.

The hierarchy of traits is a structured progression of personality that begins with a few higher-order traits that result in
several lower-order traits, determining a person's response in a specific situation.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





False (F). The statement is not entirely accurate.

What is the hierarchy of traits?

The hierarchy of traits is a theory in personality psychology that suggests that there are a few broad, high-level traits that underlie and influence many more specific and narrower traits.

These high-level traits are known as the "Big Five" personality traits and include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Each of these traits is believed to be composed of lower-order traits that are more specific and observable in behavior.

However, the hierarchy of traits does not necessarily determine a person's response in a specific situation. It is more about understanding a person's overall tendencies and tendencies across various situations.

Additionally, there is some debate about the validity and usefulness of the hierarchy of traits, with some critics arguing that it oversimplifies the complexity of human personality.

Learn more about hierarchy of traits at:


why is methionine always the first amino acid? (please use your own words and don't make your answer too long)


Synthesis of a protein starts with the binding of ribosomal subunits and initiation factors to the mRNA. In this process, the initiation factor eIF2 is bound to initiator tRNA (met-tRNAi) and not to other tRNAs. Upon recognition of the initiation codon AUG, translation starts with the methionine that is bound to the initiator tRNA.

sorry girl it has to be long

3. Which of the following is an Unhealthy habit?

a) Working hard
b) Managing your stress
c) Drinking soda
d) Eating clean food


The answer would be C because of all the sugar soda contains.
I think it’s c) Drinking soda

Gertrude was bitten by a spider and the bite is about to swell up. What is the first thing that will happen as her immune system reacts?

A) antihistamines will be produced

B) blood flow will increase in the area

C) leukocytes will migrate to the area

D) exudate will be produced


i think b but i could be wrong

Blood flow will increase in the area after Gertrude was bitten by a spider and the bite is about to swell up. Hence, option B is correct.

What is an immune system?

an intricate system of organs, tissues, and the substances they produce that aids the body in fighting disease and infection. White blood cells, as well as lymphatic organs and tissues such as the thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymphatic veins, and bone marrow, are components of the immune system.

Innate, adaptive, and passive immunity are the three types that exist in humans. innate defense: Innate (or natural) immunity is a form of all-encompassing defense that is present from birth. The skin, for instance, serves as a barrier to prevent pathogens from entering the body.

Blood flow will increase in the area after Gertrude was bitten by a spider and the bite is about to swell up. Hence, option B is correct.

Learn more about the immune system, here:


Which trait is the most important for the members of an effective and successful multidisciplinary team?
A. organization
B. communication
C. optimism
D. punctuality



b) communication


communication is the key of a team

List the guidelines that distinguish a healthy weight-loss program from a fad/diet program



Typically, a fad diet shares some, or all, of the following characteristics:

1.Promises a quick fix.

2.Promotes 'magic' foods or combinations of foods.

3.Implies that food can change body chemistry.

4.Excludes or severely restricts food groups or nutrients, such as carbohydrates.

5.Has rigid rules that focus on weight loss

I need help please anyone help me???!!!!


I would say Protein.
The human body isn’t capable of producing sufficient essential amino acids, therefore you have to make sure you are getting enough from this group in your diet. The macronutrient does a variety of jobs in the human body. Protein functions as a hormone, enzyme and an antibody in the immune system.

Which of the following is a consequence of poor nutrition?
A. Increased ability to maintain a healthy BMI.
B. Increased ability to resist illness and injury.
C. Increased mental alertness.
D. Increased risk of cavities.


A. Increased ability to maintain a healthy BMI


B. Increased ability to resist illness and injury.

I hope it helps

Grady has an inflamed knee from doing a lot of physical exercise the day before. He stops by the pharmacy to find a drug to relieve the inflammation and asks the pharmacist to recommend a drug. The pharmacist asks Grady if he has a history of peptic ulcers. Which best describes why the pharmacist needs to know this?

A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-disease interaction by taking beta blockers, a common anti-inflammatory medication.
A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-drug interaction by taking aspirin, a common anti-inflammatory medication.
A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-disease interaction by taking aspirin, a common anti-inflammatory medication.
A peptic ulcer could result in a drug-drug interaction by taking beta blockers, a common anti-inflammatory medication.





True of false (all I need is a true or false) Do both sides of the heart receive blood at the same time





Blood flows to both sides of the heart at the same time, with heart valves on both sides opening and closing at the same time


Veins transport oxygen poor blood to the right side of the heart which sends it to the lungs.

Next, the lungs pick up oxygen, remove carbon dioxide and transport oxygen rich blood to the left side of the heart which sends the blood to the rest of the body through the arteries.

What can that federal agency do to a healthcare organization that does not comply with safety policies?​


Answer: assess a fine


the nervous system consist of the central nervous system and the _________ nervous system.


And the peripheral nervous system

Within a year of the first vape devices being released, the World Health Organization released a warning that __________.


The World Health Organization released a warning that vaping clearly wasn’t any help and things like smoking got worse.

What are the guidelines of WHO?

The development of global guidelines ensuring the appropriate use of evidence represents one of the core functions of WHO.

A WHO policy is defined largely as any information product developed by WHO that contains submissions for clinical practice or public health policy.

Thus,  vaping clearly wasn’t any help and things like smoking got worse.

To learn more World Health Organization about click here:

The World Health Organization released a warning that vaping devices were not useful in supporting quitting smoking.

What do mean by Vape devices?

Vape devices may be defined as battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals.

After the release of first vape devices, people usually adapt themselves according to conditions, but the introduction of such things can not lead to the stopping in smoking activities.

Therefore, the World Health Organization released a warning that vaping devices were not useful in supporting quitting smoking.

To learn more about Vape devices, refer to the link:

If the area above the tt-score 2.571 is 0.025, what is the area below the t-score 2.571?​


2.571 I so yeah sorry but 28272

What muscle allows you to breathe both voluntary and involuntary?







the answer is Diaphragm

In strength training, how long should you rest between sets?

30 – 90 seconds

3 to 5 minutes

7 to 10 minutes

No rest recommended between sets





The time between sets is usually 3-5 minutes

Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat. What may contribute to this belief?



yes,low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrate create human fat.

they store energy from fat

Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat because they store energy from fat.

What are carbohydrate diets?

Following a meal, carbohydrates are converted to glucose, a quick source of energy. Ketosis is brought on by low-carbohydrate diets. Ketosis can result in weariness, headaches, weakness, etc.

Glucose that is in excess is either stored as glycogen in the liver or, with the aid of insulin, is converted to fatty acids, circulated throughout the body, and then stored as fat in adipose tissue.

The majority of carbohydrates the body consumes are converted into glucose for quick energy and glycogen or fat for long-term energy storage. A long-term high-protein diet may also result in osteoporosis and renal failure.

Therefore, storing energy from fat carbohydrates creates human fat.

Learn more about carbohydrates, here:


(x + y) (x + y) x = (x + y) (x + y)
2 x = 2
x = 1


You should not tag this as a health. and the question is hard to read. so please dont do these kind of mistakes

What is the meaning of life? Well its so simple but yet so complicated people around the world are haunted by this thought. I was haunted by it till now when I could finally put my finger on it the meaning of life is what you make of it now hear me out before you scroll thinking this is just another lie. The meaning of life is what you make it, you make your own decisions and choose your own path so we all have different meanings so not all can be answered with one solution except for this one. If your big goal is becoming the richest person in the world that's your meaning of life and only you can fore fill this meaning. So do anything and everything you can to make it a reality so you can die/life a happy life



Wow, I couldn't relate more.

Very deep.

I guess live is whatever you make of it.


what are the different food groups?​



Whole grains



Fish, poultry, meat, eggs

Heart-healthy oils

Elective or Discretionary Calories.

Any more?

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