Which of the following does not provide new genetic combinations?


Answer 1
Can you be more jsnsnsnsnvsvzgs

Related Questions

discuss the characteristics of phylum mollusca​



The body is soft and unsegmented. Body is divisible into three regions – head, a visceral mass, and ventral foot. Body is covered by a mantle and shell. They can be found in different habitats, both aquatic and terrestrial.

Raccoons feed on dead animals. Thus, they are decomposer animals known as?






Raccoons are scavengers

A raccoon is not a decomposer but is an omnivore and scavenger. Raccoons will eat just about anything, including a wide variety of plants

what does transportation help in ascent of sap?​


Evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates a suction which pulls from the xylem cells of the roots.Thus,the transpiration helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to leaves in the help of ascent of sap .

may this was ur answer

how many sperms are formed in four primary spermatocyte​


One primary spermatocyte produces four spermatozoa, therefore, four primary spermatocytes will produce 16 spermatozoa.
One primary spermatocyte produces four spermatozoa, therefore, four primary spermatocytes will produce 16

The temperature of the earth's surface during different seasons is also affected by
the passage of the sun's rays through the atmosphere.







The sun's light rays produce heat which is actually the only reason why we are not living in a block of ice.

Winter is when we are farther from the sun thus it is colder than the summer when we absorb more of the sun's rays.

The statement "the temperature of the earth's surface during different seasons is also affected by the passage of the sun's rays through the atmosphere" is definitely true.

What is an Atmosphere?

An atmosphere may be characterized as a type of layer that significantly consists of a mixture of numerous gases that surrounds any celestial body or planet like the earth, mars, etc. The atmosphere of the earth is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent other gases.

The rays of the sun typically produce a significant amount of heat. Due to this, we are not living in a block of ice and get a source of energy directly from the sun.

During winter, the sun is farther from the surface of the sun, so we receive less amount or indirect light but in summer, we absorb more of the sun's rays. Due to this, the temperature increases and we feel extremely hot outside.

Therefore, the statement "the temperature of the earth's surface during different seasons is also affected by the passage of the sun's rays through the atmosphere" is definitely true.

To learn more about Atmosphere, refer to the link:



Populations that experience exponential growth have unlimited sources. A population can not continue to grow
exponentially indefinitely. Eventually, the population of a species will reach their limit. What curve will occur when a
population has reached this limit and what are some possible reasons for this curve shape?



Carrying capacity


Carrying capacity is the limit to which a population can grow with the resources (food, water, oxygen, habitat space, etc.) are available to support them. Once they reach the maximum population that the environment can support, they reach their carrying capacity.

Dave is perched on a tree branch. Which factor determines his potential energy?



Gravitational Potential Energy is determined by three factors: mass, gravity, and height. All three factors are directly proportional to energy.



He is not moving so he is using potential energy


I hope this helps

what is the activities of life that occur the cellular level​



all the digestive activities of life (respiration , digestion, excretion, etc) occur at the cellular level.


-Eijiro <3

____ is the process of cell division that results in the formation of cells with half of the usual number of chromosome?



I think

the answer is meiosis


Have a great day

Which experiment would most likely contain experimental bias?



A company that makes pain relief medication tests the effectiveness of their own medicine compared to that of three other brands.

19. Fresh poultry should be rejected when:

A. It has been shipped in plastic wrap
B. It is slightly sticky to the touch
C. There is no discoloration
D. The receiving temperature is 38°F





Fresh poultry should be rejected when the receiving temperature is 38°F. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Poultry must be stored and transported at or below 40°F to guarantee food safety and inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Exposure to unsafe temperatures during storage or transportation can increase the risk of bacterial contamination and foodborne illness if the receiving temperature exceeds the threshold.

Indicators like plastic wrap during shipment, slight stickiness, or lack of discoloration do not necessarily imply safety concerns or spoilage with fresh poultry, as mentioned in the other options.

Learn more about poultry, here:



characteristics that necessitated success of birds in essay form​





Evolution is the characteristics that allows the bird to be successful in this environment because with the passage of time the birds adopted themselves according to their environment. Birds are evolved from the dinosaurs which was unable to survive due to lack of adaptation to the new environment and less availability of food for themselves so that's why birds are successfully survive in the new environment.

if a skunk has 20 chromosomes in each sperm cell how many chromosomes are in it's haploid cells​



El 20 Chromesons in el spem muna ceasa.

Which step is a protein formed during gene expression?
a. reverse transcription
b. translation
c. dehydration synthesis
d. DNA replication


D. DNA replication

DNA always forms proteins

How does the length of the axon in a relay neurone differ from the axon in both a sensory and a motor neurone



Relay neurons are interneurons that connect brain regions and near neurons, so their axons are shorter than the ones of a motor or sensory neurons which need to be very long as they travel long distances to reach target organs

Meiosis is part of the cell cycle.




through which plant structure does water move by capillary action?





When we consider the motion of particles such as the molecules that comprise air, which of the following is False?

Group of answer choices

Molecules move in a random motion and will collide with other particles or a container

As temperature increases, there is an increase in molecular motion

Molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration

As temperature decreases, there is an increase in molecular motion





If you see two contradictory answers (B & D), one has to be the choice. As temperature increases, molecular motion decreases is false. Diffusion is what choice C is describing and is true.

Describe at least two abiotic and two biotic factors found in this biome. (Desert Biome) How
do these abiotic factors interact with the biotic factors?


Abiotic: the sunlight and water.

Biotic: Plants and insects


Plants such as cactuses can absorb and conserve water in their roots and use the sunlight to grow taller

Insects such as Desert beetles can trap moisture in their thick exoskeletons so they are parched or burned by the sun. They sometimes bury themselves deep in the sand where it's cooler.

The abiotic factors in the desert help the biotic factors survive

Question 5 of 25
The image shows devices that convert solar energy into electrical energy.
What is one advantage of using these devices in place of a nuclear power
A. They have lower greenhouse gas emissions.
B. They are more reliable,
C. They take up less space,
D. They produce less hazardous waste.



Explanation: D- they produce less hazardous waste


D. They produce less hazardous waste


Nuclear power plants have radioactive hazardous waste, while solar panels do create waste it is not hazardous/as much as a nuclear power plant.

Name the enzyme diagrammed below.


this is a aminoacyl- TRNA synthetase

A student had medical testing and discovered that her white blood cell count is lower
than normal. Which of her systems are most likely functioning improperly?
A. nervous and immune
O B. circulatory and urinary
O C. circulatory and immune
O D. nervous and respiratory


Answer: b

Explanation: Viral infections that momentarily impair the function of bone marrow are the most common cause of a reduced white blood cell count. Certain defects with impaired bone marrow activity that are present at birth (congenital). Diseases of the bone marrow, such as cancer.

What is one characteristic that a star’s spectrum can reveal?
its direction
its temperature
when it was formed
its constellation



B. Temperature

Check Check Match the function to the correct part of the cell. DNA controls the activities of the cell nucleus supports and protects the organelles in the cell cytoplasm contains instructions on how a cell functions​



DNA- contains instructions on how a cell functions

Nucleus- controls the activity of the cell

Cytoplasm- supports and protects the organelles in the cell.


Hope it helps you. Please mark as the brainliest. Thanks.

Answer:The answers are right js did on edge Thanks !!!


The maximum number of individuals that a population
can support and sustain is known as ?
A Carrying capacity
B Limiting Factor
C Migration
D Density



the answer would be migration

the dna structures ​



Each DNA strand is composed of nucleotides—units made up of a sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. Each strand of DNA is a polynucleotide composed of units called nucleotides. A nucleotide has three components: a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. Explanation:


are you c a biologist or what


why do you want this answer

In your own words, explain what the loss of trees in Uruk did to the agriculture and the population, and why this didn't happen in Anuradhapura



Between approximately 3600 and 2600 BCE, the people of Uruk created the ... collected into a whole and living in a defined place with structures designated for a ... as one of the world's first cities (Uruk is its Akkadian name; its own people called it ... condemned to death, and Gilgamesh has to accept the loss of his friend


JND stands for:
Select one:
a. Just noticeable theory
ob. Just noticeable direction
c. Just negotiable difference
d. Just noticeable difference​


The correct answer is D. Just noticeable difference.


In psychophysics, a barely noticeable difference, usually abbreviated with lowercase letters JND, is the smallest detectable difference between an initial and a secondary level of a particular sensory stimulus. Also known as limen difference, differential threshold, or less noticeable difference. According to the above, the correct answer is D. Just noticeable difference.

where do we not find glycosidic bonds?
a. lipids
b. cellulose
c. lactose
d. starch




Explanation: In a fat molecule, the fatty acids are attached to each of the three carbons of the glycerol molecule with an ester bond through the oxygen atom. During the ester bond formation, three molecules are released.

What is the main reason to put a telescope in space?
It is much closer to the stars.
It can receive star light that cannot reach Earth.
Light reaching it is not affected by the movement of air.
It can detect objects behind the moon.


Answer: D


The main reason we put telescopes into space is to get around the Earth's atmosphere so that we can get a clearer view of the planets, stars, and galaxies that we are studying. Our atmosphere acts like a protective blanket letting only some light through while blocking others.

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The Palette of describes the reign of the first king of the unified state of the Early Dynastic Period. (1 points) 10. is the largest of the Great Pyramids at Giza. (1 points) 11. Use the diagram below to compare and contrast the Pyramids at Giza with the Pyramid of Djoser. (Hint: use the white spaces on each side to describe their differences. Use the gray, overlapping space to describe their similarities.) (5 points) Pyramids at Giza Similarities Pyramid of Djoser 12. In about 2181, collapsed. This caused about 150 years of in Egypt. (1 points) 13. In about 2055 BCE, the country was reunited by . This marked the beginning of the . (1 points) 14. What is unique about King Tutankhamuns tomb? (2 points) 15. What are the major features of the funerary temple of Ramses II? (3 points) 16. Describe the system of writing used by the ancient Sumerian culture. What did the ancient Sumerians use this form of writing for? (3 points) 17. 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NEED ASAP!!!In PQR, the measure of R=90, the measure of Q=32,and PQ = 43 feet. Find the length of RP to the nearest tenth ofa foot. Write the equation of y-axis. list down as many different artworks that you have witnessed and identify what is it for you. What is the % of each element in (NH4)2(SO4)? After the war, what was the South's most valuable asset?A. LandB. SlavesC. FactoriesD. Railroads Which pieces of information related to the topic should the writer should include in his paper?Select the three correct answers. We use zip lines to study life in dense forests, explains wildlife biologist Mika Selat. The zip lines allow us to do our work without disturbing these delicate habitats or the creatures that live there.The Eye of the Jaguar is a zip line in Peru. It is more than a mile long and riders can reach speeds of over sixty miles per hour, traveling as fast as a car!Travelers to places like Costa Rica sign up for zip line tours for entertainment. However, once they see the beauty of the life in the rain forest, they become interested in working to protect these environments.Zip lines and ecotourism go together. Ecotourism is the practice of vacationing or touring in natural habitats to help protect those habitats. Which of the following is true for a circle that has an area of approximately 113 square feet? aThe diameter is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 square feet. bThe radius is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 square feet. cThe diameter is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 feet. dThe radius is 6 feet and the circumference is 38 feet.