Help me to write a letter about the marijuana debate


Answer 1


There has been a huge increase in legalization and use of cannabis (marijuana) in recent years. Despite federal prohibition of all cannabis use, 33 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes; 11 of them and DC have further legalized it for recreational uses, and 15 other states have decriminalized marijuana use to some extent.

Each step raises ethical issues for health care providers, patients, and government officials.

The case in favor of using marijuana for medical purposes was made in a letter from the World Health Organization to the secretary general of the United Nations on January 24, 2019. Some 30 countries around the world had legalized medical marijuana as of 2018.

The letter followed an expert committee’s conclusion that cannabis and cannabinoids derived from the marijuana plant are relatively low risk and carry positive health benefits, including pain reduction and improvement of motor functions in patients with Parkinson’s. It called for more research to better evaluate the benefits and harms.

An expert committee appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine also raised some red flags about marijuana use in a report issued in January 2017. The panel considered more than 10,000 scientific abstracts published since 1999 and reached almost 100 separate conclusions.

Therapeutically, it found evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids could reduce pain symptoms, the muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis, and the nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. On the downside, it found suggestive evidence that cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of a motor vehicle accidents and, in states where cannabis use is legal, increased the risk that young children would find and ingest the substance in overdose quantities.

Parents and other adults surely have an ethical obligation to keep cannabis out of the reach of children.

The panel found “moderate evidence” that cannabis can lead to abuse of other substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. It also found “limited evidence” that cannabis can impair learning, memory, and attention, even in individuals who have stopped smoking cannabis. It can also impair subsequent academic achievement, social relationships, and may increase the risk of unemployment and low income.

The panel cited a recent nationwide survey which estimated that 22 million Americans aged 12 and older had used marijuana in the last 30 days and that 90 percent of the adult users used it primarily for recreational purpose while only 10 percent used it solely for medical purposes. Around 36 percent used it for both purposes. This is an alarming increase in the recreational markets where oversight is minimal.

The risks of rapid expansion have been documented in Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. Edibles there produced a disproportionate share of pot-related crises in emergency rooms, according to a report in The New York Times on March 25. Edibles were also more likely than inhaled pot to cause severe intoxication, acute psychiatric symptoms in people with no history of psychiatric illness, and cardiovascular problems. The lead author of the report, published in the April 16 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, told reporter Roni Caryn Rabin that he does not think edibles should be available in the retail recreational market.

Meanwhile, the state medical societies in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware issued a joint statement in March opposing the legalization of recreational marijuana because there is not enough research proving it is safe.

Even though two-thirds of the states have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, enrolling some two to three million people in their programs, the vast majority of health care systems won’t provide cannabis to their patients or allow them to bring their own supply. The facilities are reluctant because cannabis remains classified by the government as a schedule 1 drug, making it technically illegal to use for any purpose, including medical.

The greatest risk to public health is probably posed by cannabidiol oils (CBD) added to edible food products, such as cookies and brownies. The problem is that CBD is not psychoactive and does not cause the highs characterized by THC. It can take hours before it kicks in, so users may mistakenly believe it isn’t working and eat some more, compounding the risk. The edibles may also contain too much or too little of the supposedly active ingredient or contain toxic contaminants introduced during production, which is not tightly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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Its D Ella Baker


Ella Baker formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

Who is Ella Baker?

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Therefore, Ella Baker formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

Learn more about Ella Baker from the link below.

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I’m sorry if it is wrong


Joy-We can have this, even in the midst of trials and difficulties

Peace-Comes from knowing God and the salvation he has given us

Faithfulness-Thr most important fruit of the spirit

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Hope this helps!

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The answer to your asked question is the following “He thought the famine was over however it was not.” Hope this helps have a good day/night

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Read more on famine here:

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I hope I helped




i am only adding this so you cna give the other guy a brainliest because he got it right


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Meriwether Lewis and William Clark


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I couldn't type it because brainly thinks I wrote something offensive. I hope this helped :)


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Group of answer choices





The SNCC, or Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, was a civil-rights group formed to give younger Black people more of a voice in the civil rights movement. The SNCC soon became one of the movement's more radical branches.d

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Local African Americans organized an economic boycott and eventually ended segregation on buses in that area


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Her subsequent arrest as a result of breaking local Alabama laws triggered a bus boycott by other African Americans and ended segregation on buses.

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You need to add a link or the text itself so we can see the text but most likely the answer is freedom


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An increase in sea level


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Answer: (4) China lost control of many of its eastern seaports.


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ethnic cleansing





D is your the answer

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B. It helped connect China to countries to the west.
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The Silk Road help China overcome its geographic isolation-It helped connect China to countries to the west.





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not all but most didn't want to give their land

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Please help me this is urgent



They both believed in American freedom and independence. Government should be strong and wield a lot of power. Was a Democratic Republican. The economy should lean towards urban manufacturing.


hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck


they both believed in American freedom and they both helped america during revolutionary war

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They forced money from they to pay for massive war reparations, cede territory, limit the side of their armed force,and even blamed they for the war

The richest man who ever lived acheive300





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u happy now?


Don’t look at my browser history

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It is in San Diego.


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awnser is The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the “Technological Revolution,” was a phase of rapid industrialization in the final third of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The First Industrial Revolution, which ended in the early-mid 1800s, was punctuated by a slowdown in macroinventions before the Second Industrial Revolution in 1870. Though a number of its characteristic events can be traced to earlier innovations in manufacturing, such as the invention of the Bessemer process in 1856, the Second Industrial Revolution is generally dated between 1870 and 1914 up to the start of World War I.done have ur awnser


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pleaseee helppp!!!!




The British Proclamation of 1763 ordered a halt to the westward movement at the Appalachians, but the decree was widely disregarded. Settlers scurried into Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky. After the American Revolution, a flood of people crossed the mountains into the fertile lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River.

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a. 1 John
b. Revelation
c. Jude


Answer : B.

John founded and pastored the seven churches of Asia Minor mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Explanation: The Seven Churches of Revelation, also known as the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse and the Seven Churches of Asia, are seven major churches of Early Christianity, as mentioned in the New Testament Book of Revelation.

Pls help meeeee
I need helpppp










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Answer: Geraldyn “Jerrie” Cobb


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