Cigarettes consist of 200 known poisons. true or false


Answer 1


it is false


The deadly chemicals in cigarettes, tobacco, the poisons in cigarettes, and the poisions in tobacco comprise over 4,000 cigarette chemicals, including many well known poisons. Cigarettes contain 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other known toxins.

Answer 2

Cigarettes consist of 200 known poisons is a false statement. Cigarettes contain more than 7000 chemicals a more than 250 are harmful.

What are cigarettes?

Cigarettes are made from tobacco. Cigarettes are small cylindrical paper role containing tobacco used for smoking. They are harmful to health and cause cancer.

Thus, the claim that cigarettes contain 200 toxins is false.

Learn more about cigarettes


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record keeping and are essential tasks for maintaining client details, care plans and services


Answer: That is true.

Explanation: Records are also how people keep history of nations and timelines.

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illness disease


Anyone with a illness disease, can catch anything. Especially hiv.

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Parathormone comes from the parathyroid. The other 3 are thyroid.

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percent of maximal heart rate method; most accurate


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Firefighting equipment found in most hospitals
includes which items? Select all that apply.
fire blankets
oxygen tanks
no-smoking signs
sprinkler systems



Oxygen tanks

No-smoking signs

sprinkler systems


I believe these three things are most found in hospitals.

Let me know if I'm right!

I’m pretty sure it’s fire blankets, oxygen tanks, and sprinkler systems. No-smoking signs can’t help with a fire.

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Babies are born with enough IRON to last them 6 months.


Its iron I'm 100% sure

How many calories should a 3 year old consume a day?



Depending on their age, size, and activity level, toddlers need about 1,000–1,400 calories a day.


If women give birth on earth and God gave birth on the earth does that mean god is a women #arianagrande #godisawomen



Omg Yes


y e s.

Which Pose is a Back Bending Pose? *
Tree pose
Cat pose
Triangle pose
Corpse pose


Triangle pose because when you shape your body like a triangle you’re bending your back

Cat pose, since cats arch their backs a lot.

The temperature in refrigerators should be set to keep the internal temperatures of TCS food at 41 degrees F.




Answer: False

Explanation: Food should be stored in a refrigerator that is 40°F or cooler or a freezer that is 0°F or cooler.

The answer is False.

the lowest level of elected territorial organization within a state​



Local government


hope this helps




A person lungs who are affected by emphysema causes have shortness of breath, has difficulty breathing, chest pain, and chest tightness. This creates one larger air space instead of many small ones and reduces the surface area available for gas exchange.

Which term defines for one's age as measured by lifestyle and connections with others?

A. biological age
B. chronological age
C. social age
D. mental age


C. Social age
Explanation: The question says “connections with other”

is the one who select and buy and uses products found in the market for personal needs and wants


Are you looking for what they would be considered? If so,they for be a consumer.



a consumer.

what is the relationship between chronic diseases associated with obesity, physical activity, and a healthy well balanced diet



Being obese can also increase your risk of developing many potentially serious health conditions, including: type 2 diabetes. high blood pressure. high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (where fatty deposits narrow your arteries), which can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke.


How is smoking most likely to negatively affect human health?
O A. by creating more chromosomes in each individual cell
B. by reducing the number of white blood cells
C. by causing mutations in genes
D. by producing antibodies



C. by causing mutations in genes


Smoke can induce mutations in genes causing tumors such as lung cancer

It’s c I think: causing mutations in genes

Discuss why quitting smoking is so difficult for people? Use what you learned from the power point and you may add a personal connection as well.



Because they are already addicted to it

Describe the benefits of abstaining from risk behaviors such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.



Abstaining from risk behaviors such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs will prevent many long term diseases such as liver, kidney, heart, and lung complications.

Anyone help me pls!!! ASAP!!!


true answer is true lollll


I would say TRUE becuase it helps build our confidence by improving our body image.    


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Joan Alexandra Molinsky,also known as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, writer, producer, and television host. She was noted for her often controversial comedic persona, heavily self-deprecating and sharply acerbic, especially towards celebrities and politicians.

Your teacher says you don't have to take the final exam if you have a "B" average at the end of the semester.





Pros and cons of vitamin A


pros :
- supports bone health
- reduces your risk of acne
- promotes healthy growth and reproduction
- may lower your risk of certain cancers
- supports a healthy immune system
- supports your eyes from night blindness and age-related decline
cons :
- bone thinning
- liver damage
- headache
- diarrhea
- nausea
- skin irritation
- pain in the joints and bone
- birth defects

Cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies differ on whether people undergo intellectual decline as they age. Explain how this is possible. Then, describe the distinction between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence, and explain how each can change over time.
Please hellpp!!
I will mark you brainleast​



Cross-sectional research gathers data to compare across groups. It is conducted and analyzed at the same time. If people undergo intellectual decline as they age, people who are older in the study will have different results in the intelligence testing category compared to younger people. Longitudinal studies gather data on the same subjects more than once, over a span of time. If participants undergo intellectual decline as they age during a longitudinal study, that will impact the study, and be recorded.

Fluid intelligence is the ability to problem solve and reason in novel or unique situations, and crystallized intelligence is the ability to use previously acquired knowledge or personal experience to problem solve or reason. These two phenomena could change over time through intellectual decline. If someone goes through intellectual decline, it will be harder for them to reason, problem solve, or pull knowledge from past experiences, thus influencing how fluid and crystallized intelligence works from individual to individual.


You can spot-reduce by exercising a specific body part to lose fat in that area?
True or false





When you exercise, you workout your entire body. Therefore you cannot "spot-reduce".

A Burrows solution 100-ml label reads 1:7.5 v/v What is the volume of Burrows solution in the total volume?



volume of Burrows = 11.76 ml ( to 2 decimal places)


Total volume of solution = 100 ml

Ratio of Burrows to solvent = 1 : 7.5 v/v

This means that in every 8.5 (1 + 7.5) ml of solution, the volume of Burrows is 1 ml

8.5 ml of solution = 1 ml of Burrows

1 ml of solution = 1/8.5 ml of Burrows

∴ 100 ml of solution = 100 × 1/8.5 ml of Burrows

100 × 1/8.5 = 100 ÷ 8.5 = 11.76 ml

∴ volume of Burrows = 11.76 ml ( to 2 decimal places)

Which of the following statements are true of cartilaginous joints?

A) The spine contains many cartilaginous joints.
B) They are the most flexible type of joint.
C) They contain cartilage between the bones
D) They are wrapped in ligaments.



The spine contains many cartilaginous joints.

They contain cartilage between the bones

They are wrapped in ligaments.


Write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) that describes what your typical sleep patterns are. Do you have trouble going to sleep or is it easy for you? Do you sleep all the way thru the night or do you toss and turn and wake up during the night?



☁︎my sleep patterns depend on when I go to sleep. I have an easy time going to sleep when it's dark in my room. I go to sleep easily and get out of bed easily. if I go to sleep early, it's a little different. I can still go to bed easy but waking up is alittle trouble.☁︎

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