HELP ASAP. Which examples are caused by variation?
(Select all that apply.)
O Some whales swim in groups for safety. This is an advantage.
□ Some anteaters have shorter tongues and cannot reach deep into ant nests. This is a disadvantage.
Some anteaters have longer tongues that can reach deeper into ant nests. This is an advantage.
O Some whales have only one offspring. This is a disadvantage.


Answer 1




V- Anteaters having shorter/longer tongue's in an example of variation simply because this factor is random.

V- Whales with one offspring are also an example of variation-- the whale did not control how many offspring they had.

X-whales stay in groups naturally, it is something they learned over time to stay safe, it's not genetic variation, more of adaption

the difference between variation and adaption is

adaption helps suit the environment


variation comes from mutations and is often random

Related Questions

Which glands secrete their product by way of a duct directly onto an epithelial surface?


Exocrine glands secrete their product by way of a duct directly onto an epithelial surface.

A gland is a group of cells that function as a functional unit to produce and release a substance into the bloodstream or a duct. Exocrine and endocrine glands are the two main categories of glands. The exocrine gland is present in numerous organs and performs a number of jobs for the body. Because of this, healthcare professionals must be familiar with the physiology of exocrine glands.

Exocrine glands provide the body with a way to discharge secretions including proteins, mucus, and other products to epithelial surfaces throughout the body, playing a critical part in the physiology of many organ systems from the skin to the pancreas.

To learn more about Exocrine glands, visit the link below:


What is true of homologous chromosomes? Check all that apply.
One homologue is from the individual's father, the other is from the mother.
Homologous chromosomes are characteristic of diploid organisms.
Information for the same trait is carried in the same location on homologues.


Statements 2, 3, and 4 are true and apply to homologous chromosomes.

The homologous chromosome is a set of chromosome pairs containing one chromosome from the father and one chromosome from the mother.  The genes are located on the chromosome and are found in pairs. These genes contain genetic information and are found in the same location.

The allele is nothing but a variant form of a gene found in pairs. They can be the same or different. Alleles for each trait are different and located in different positions on the chromosome. The characteristic of diploid organisms is the presence of two sets of homologous chromosomes to carry genetic information from the father and mother.

Therefore, statements 2, 3, and 4 are all correct options.

The complete question is -

What is true of homologous chromosomes? Check all that apply.

1. Identical alleles are carried in the same location on homologues

2. One homologue is from the individual's father, the other is from the mother.

3. Homologous chromosomes are characteristic of diploid organisms.

4. Information for the same trait is carried in the same location on homologues.

To know more about homologous chromosomes:


what is the advantage in having this number of chambers compared to organisms with fewer number of chambers?


The benefit of having this many chambers over organisms with fewer chambers is that it eliminates the need to mix the blood types before sending deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

In a heart with four chambers, a septum entirely divides the left from the right. This stops the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. This increases energy and improves oxygen supply. Numerous daily actions demand this energy.

Compared to the ventricles, the atria have substantially thinner walls. In comparison to the atria, the ventricles pump blood out at a higher pressure.

To learn more about deoxygenated blood, refer:-


Which of these organelles manufactures proteins bound for secretion out of the cell? a. nucleolus b. lysosomes c. Golgi apparatus d. rough endoplasmic e. reticulum


Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the correct answer. The ribosomes connected to the rough ER create secretory proteins meant for the cell's surface. In the Golgi apparatus, further processing and packaging take place.

What is a Golgi apparatus?

The membrane-bound Golgi apparatus, also known as the Golgi complex or the Golgi body, is a collection of flattened, stacked pouches, or cisternae, found in eukaryotic cells (cells with clearly defined nuclei). The Golgi apparatus transports proteins and lipids, modifies them, and packages them into vesicles for delivery to certain sites. It is located in the cytoplasm near to the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell nucleus. While many other types of cells only have one or a few Golgi apparatuses, plant cells can have hundreds of them.

At some point during their development, lysosomal proteins, cell membrane proteins, secretory proteins and glycoproteins, as well as some glycolipids, all travel through the Golgi apparatus. A large portion of the cell wall constituents in plant cells also transit through the Golgi.

To learn more about Golgi visit:


There should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving. (True or False)


There should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving is False.

The following Codex recommendations are used by the industry code of practice. Source of fibre:

3 g per 100g, 1.5 g per 100 Kcalories, or 10% of the daily recommended value per serving.

High in fiber at 6g per 100g, 3g per 100 Kcal, or 20% of the daily recommended amount per serving.The majority of us do not get enough fibre in our diets. But eating the necessary amount each day is simpler than you would imagine. Women need 25 grammes, while males need 38 grammes, for people under 50.Fiber lowers cholesterol, maintains regular bowel movements, aids in weight management, and lowers your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. So read food labels carefully and, whenever possible, select "high fiber" meals that have more than 5 grammes of fiber per serving. If you frequently don't get enough fibre from food, think about taking supplements. Psyllium and methylcellulose are two examples.

To know more about calories check the below link:


The voltage-gated potassium channels close before the membrane potential is brought back to its resting level.
a. true
b. false


There are more negatively charged particles inside the membrane than outside, according to the resting membrane potential's negative value.

Explain about the voltage-gated potassium?

Transmembrane channels called voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC) are in charge of repolarizing the depolarized cell to its resting state following each nerve impulse. As a result, they play a crucial role in controlling neuronal excitability in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

Based on both their ion-conducting capabilities and their interactions with other proteins in signaling complexes at the plasma membrane, voltage-gated potassium channels control the passage through cell cycle checkpoints. Throughout the cell cycle, the membrane potential fluctuates.

Potassium rushes out of the cell along its electrochemical gradient when a set of voltage-gated potassium channels open. The membrane potential is swiftly reduced by these occurrences, returning it to its regular resting condition.

To learn more about voltage-gated potassium refer to:


Which option identifies the type of food that should be used in the following scenario?
Ray has a coop full of young egg-laying hens and wants to use the best feed possible.
O pellets
O mash
O crumbles
O scratch


The option identifies the type of food that should be used in the following scenario is pellets. Thus, correct option is (A).

What is R-squared statistic?

The R-squared statistic is a measure of the proportion of variability in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable(s). The Multiple R is a statistical measure of the strength of the linear relationship between the deponent variable and the independent variable(s).

The Adjusted R-square is a modified version of R-square. It indicates how well the curve or line fit the data values after adding or removing certain terms from the model. The addition of useless terms in the model decreases the adjusted R-squared value.

Therefore, The option identifies the type of food that should be used in the following scenario is pellets. Thus, correct option is (A).

Learn more about R-square on:


cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division
A Mitosis
B Meiosis
C Amitosis
D Fision


Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid.

What do you mean by meiosis?

Meiosis, also called reduction division, division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to four gametes, or sex cells, each possessing half the number of chromosomes of the original cell.

The process of meiosis is characteristic of organisms that reproduce sexually. Such species have in the nucleus of each cell a diploid (double) set of chromosomes, consisting of two haploid sets (one inherited from each parent). These haploid sets are homologous—i.e., they contain the same kinds of genes, but not necessarily in the same form.

To know more about meiosis from the given link:


Meiosis is the division of a cell that reduces the number of chromosomes from a diploid (2n) state to a haploid (n) state.

What is diploid?

Diploid is a term used in genetics to refer to a cell or organism that has two sets of chromosomes. In humans, the diploid number of chromosomes is 46, which is two sets of 23. This means that any human cell contains two copies of each chromosome, one from each parent. Diploid cells are found in multicellular organisms, and are the most common form of cells in the human body. Diploidy is important for genetic diversity, as it allows for the exchange of genetic material between the two sets of chromosomes. This helps create genetic variation, which is necessary for evolution to occur.

This occurs in sex cells during the process of gamete formation, and is essential for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, two consecutive nuclear divisions (meiosis I and meiosis II) reduce the number of chromosomes by half. This process also involves cell division, which results in four haploid daughter cells. Each daughter cell contains one set of chromosomes, which is a combination of the maternal and paternal chromosomes of the original cell.

To learn more about diploid

M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of:_______.


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of streptococcus.

Streptococcus is a genus of gram-positive eubacterium or spherical bacteria that belongs to the family Streptococcaceae, at intervals the order Lactobacillales, within the phylum Bacillota. cellular division in streptococci happens on one axis, thus as they grow, they have a tendency to create pairs or chains that will seem bent or twisted.

Hyaluronidase is a natural substance found within the body, that is collected from either cows or pigs. it's clean up to get rid of animal substances. It should even be created in an exceedingly laboratory that recreates it from human human albumin sources.

To learn more about hyaluronidase here


A student wants to determine if different types of soil, a and b, affect the propagation of african violets. One hundred leaves from the same variety of african violet were selected. The leaves were then randomly assigned to 50 pots with type a soil and the remaining leaves were put into the 50 pots with type b soil. All of the pots were given the same amount of water and arranged in 10 rows of 10 pots near a window for light. The 50 pots with type a soil were placed closest to the window. At the end of two months, the pots with type a soil had the greatest number of pots with new growth, so the student concluded that soil type a was more effective that soil type b. Is this a valid conclusion?.


No, because the pots with type A soil are closest to the window, they receive more light, which can lead to new growth.

Sunlight is a necessary element for plant growth, therefore only type A potting soil is placed near a window, thus causing new growth of the African violet.

The type of soil did not affect this experiment, because the treatment in pot B could not be known whether the pot was exposed to sunlight or not. If the experimental variables are focused on soil type and other variables can be controlled, then this experiment can find out whether soil type affects the growth of African violets. So, the results of this experiment are still biased.

Learn more about experiment types of soil at


What is one interesting fact about the small intestine?



The small intestine is 6 meters long, which is about 20 feet!


Which is the best brief description of the vascular system of the very first terrestrial plants?


A vascular system was not yet developed in the earliest plants.The cuticle is the term for the dry, waxy coating that covers plant leaves and stems. .

Which are the first terrestrial vascular plants?

A first terrestrial plants with vascular tissues are pteridophytes (xylem and phloem).

What resembled the earliest vascular plants?

Cooksonia, a 6.5-centimeter-tall plants having dichotomously branching (forking into two) leafless stems and sporangia at their tips, is the oldest vascular plant known to science.No rhizomes or underground components have yet to be discovered; only fragments have been collected.

To know more about terrestrial plants visit:


why is it necessary to use o-nitrophenyl-b-d-galactoside (onpg) rather than lactose to assay the activity of b-galactosidase?


The correct response is d. ONPG is cleaved to form galactose and o-nitrophenol, whose concentration can be measured by spectrophotometry.

A technique called spectrophotometry uses light intensity measurements as a beam of light travels through a sample solution to determine how much a chemical compound absorbs light. Every chemical either absorbs or transmits light across a specific spectrum of wavelengths, according to the fundamental principle. In physical and analytical chemistry, spectroscopy is used to identify, ascertain, or quantify the molecular and/or structural makeup of a material. Atoms and molecules of various types will each reflect, absorb, or emit electromagnetic radiation in ways that are unique to them. A common and affordable method for determining the number of compounds in a solution or the degree of light absorption is spectrophotometry. Each substance in the solution either absorbs or transmits light of a particular wavelength when it is passed through the sample using a light beam. A technique called spectrophotometry uses light intensity measurements as a beam of light travels through a sample solution to determine how much a chemical compound absorbs light. The fundamental idea is that every substance either absorbs or transmits light across a specific wavelength range.

To learn more about spectrophotometry here


Why is it necessary to use o-nitrophenyl-B-D-galactoside (ONPG) rather than lactose to assay the activity of B-galactosidase?

a. ONPG ensures that other biological reactions do not occur with what would otherwise be a newly synthesized glucose molecule

b. ONPG the only way to detect the activity of B-galactosidase

c. ONPG reacts more readily with B-galactosidase than lactose

d. ONPG is cleaved to form galactose and o-nitrophenol, whose concentration can be measured by spectrophotometry

e. ONPG is a colored compound whose concentration can be measured by spectrophotometry

which fish do not require evisceration? salmon whitefish sable small fish less than five inches in length


Small fish less than five inches in length does not require evisceration.

Evisceration is the total elimination of all internal organs of the body, including the gonads, without slashing or perforating them.

To reduce the amount of bacterial parasites and spoilage bacteria found in fish intestines and gills, complete and thorough evisceration is required.

Because Clostridium botulinum is commonly found in marine and freshwater environments, fish gills and intestines can contain large numbers of spores. These spores can germinate and develop in the right conditions, generating a potent neurotoxin. Proper evisceration is essential for reducing the threat of toxin production because it removes the Clostridium botulinum spores.

For more information on Evisceration , visit :


labrador retrievers (breed of dog) have a gene [b] encoding an enzyme that makes hair pigment. the allele for black coat color (b) is dominant to the allele for brown coat color (b). however, there are multiple genes that determine the dog's coat color. if a lab has two copies of the recessive allele for a pigment-depositing gene (ee), it can only have a yellow coat color, regardless of whether the dog carries either a b or b allele for gene b. in a cross of two doubly heterozygous black labs (bbee x bbee), what fraction of the next generation would one expect to be yellow?


Pheomelanin is the second pigment that influences a dog's coat color. This red pigment's natural color is either gold or yellow. Pheomelanin can generate reds that are deep red (like those found in Irish Setters), orange, cream, gold, or yellow.

What kind of allele manifests when it has two copies?

Recessive alleles only have an impact on homozygous people, commonly known as those with two copies of the gene. For instance, you need two copies of the "blue eye" allele because it is recessive in order to have blue eyes.

Multiple-choice question: What role does the B gene have in the color of the Labrador retriever's coat?

The genotypes of two genes determine the coat color of Labrador dogs. In one The recessive allele, B, results in brown fur, whereas the dominant allele, B, results in black fur.

To know more about Labrador dogs gene visit:-


Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?
a. bryophytes b. charophyceans c. angiosperms


(Option B.) Charophyceans were the most abundant plant group during the time dinosaurs were dominant, since angiosperms had not yet evolved.

The Dominant Plant Group During the Age of Dinosaurs: Charophyceans

Option B. Charophyceans

Charophyceans were the earliest known form of green algae, appearing in the fossil record in the Cambrian period. They are characterized by a hard, silica-encrusted cell wall, and they used photosynthesis to produce energy. This type of plant life would have been abundant in the shallow waters of the Mesozoic era, which was the period when dinosaurs were the dominant animals on earth. Charophyceans were likely the main source of food for some dinosaurs, as well as an important part of the food chain for other species. Charophyceans also provided oxygen to the atmosphere, helping to sustain the environment that allowed for the development of the dinosaurs.

Learn more about Dinosaurs:


Which releases hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body?


The hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body are epinephrine and norepinephrine.

These hormones are released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. When these hormones are released, they signal the cells to increase their energy production.

This increased energy production increases the rate of respiration in order to provide the energy needed for the body to respond to the situation.

This increased respiration rate causes the cells to break down glucose and other nutrients faster, resulting in an increase in ATP production which provides the energy for the body to respond to the stress.

The increased respiration rate also increases the production of carbon dioxide and other waste products, which must be eliminated from the body in order to maintain a healthy balance.

To know more about adrenaline, click below:


unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs. t or f


The statement is False

A virus may become unresponsive to antiviral drugs. It is well known that viruses keep changing and initially effective antiviral drugs become ineffective.

Viruses that develop resistance to antiviral drugs are very difficult to treat. Viruses, like all other microorganisms, develop drug resistance. With long-term exposure to antiviral drugs, the virus develops resistance, rendering the drugs ineffective.

Viral replication resulting from immunosuppression also leads to increased viral load, manifesting as  increased viremia despite treatment.

The emergence of resistance to antiviral drugs may be inevitable, and  resistant viruses end up being transmitted.

Read more about viruses on:


an acoustic neuroma is a tumor that arises from neurolemmocytes surrounding the vestibular portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve (cn viii). the tumor is benign, but generally grows within the confined space of the petrous part of the temporal bone, thus compressing the nerve and creating problems with balance and hearing loss. what nerve other than cn viii would you expect to be affected by this tumor (due to its close proximity)?


Nearby nerves may be affected by an acoustic neuroma:

Trigeminal nerve.Facial nerve.Glossopharyngeal and Vagus nerves.Other cranial nerves XI and XII, III, IV, and VI are affected when the tumor is very large.

Acoustic neuroma, known as vestibular schwannoma is a noncancerous tumor that resides in the brain. These tumors usually grow and develop slowly on the main ear nerve that leads from the inner ear to the brain. Tumors can grow large and interfere with hearing and balance.

Acoustic neuroma tumor growths can also press on nerves, blood vessels, or other structures in the face or the brain.

The acoustic neuroma occurs when a gene on chromosome 22 does not function normally. The gene on chromosome 22 functions to control the growth of Schwann cells, which are cells that cover nerve cells in the body, including nerves that regulate balance. These conditions cause Schwann cells to grow and develop uncontrollably.

Learn more about acoustic neuroma at


Monkeys were ________ to develop a fear of fear-relevant stimuli, like toy snakes or a toy crocodile, as they were to fear-irrelevant stimuli, like flowers or a toy rabbit.


Monkeys were more likely to develop a fear of fear-relevant stimuli, like toy snakes or a toy crocodile, as they were to fear-irrelevant stimuli, like flowers or a toy rabbit.

What do you mean by stimuli?

A stimulus is anything that can trigger a physical or behavioral change. The plural of stimulus is stimuli. Stimuli can be external or internal. An example of external stimuli is your body responding to a medicine.

Moreover, stimulus is an event or any change in the external environment that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue. stimulus can be internal or external. Sense organs, such as the ear, and sensory receptors.

In physiology, a stimulus is a detectable change in the physical or chemical structure of an organism's internal or external environment. The ability of an organism or organ to detect external stimuli, so that an appropriate reaction can be made, is called sensitivity.

Learn more about stimuli:


Aphids can feed in leafy treetops or tree canopies. ants are usually not abundant in tree canopies unless aphids are also present. you introduce aphids to an area of the tree canopy and survey the abundance of ants over time. Finally, you take a tree and block the ants from the canopy. Then you spend three years counting the number and types of insects on the forest floor around this tree (tree A) and in the area around a tree in which ants are not blocked (tree B). You find that the area around tree A has 25% fewer ants and 40% more beetles than the area around tree B. These data support the hypothesis that: a. ecological interactions in the tree canopy always have a negative effect on forest floor communities. b. there is no relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance. c. there is a negative relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance. d. ecological interactions in the tree canopy have no effect on forest floor communities. e. Othere is a positive relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance.


These data support the hypothesis that option c. there is a negative relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance.

Aphids are little sap-sucking insects and members of the arthropod family. Common names embrace aphid and blackfly, though people inside a species will vary wide in color. The cluster includes the soft white woolly aphids. aphids will be quite damaging to plants, like crops, which implies they'll destroy our farms, trees, and gardens if left uncurbed.

In biology, the tree canopy is the surface portion of a plant cropping or crop, shaped by the gathering of individual plant crowns. In forest ecology, cover conjointly refers to the higher layer or environment zone, shaped by mature tree crowns and together with alternative biological organisms.

To learn more about Aphids here


what is the correct path of a red blood cell as it returns to the heart in the vena cava from the body


The correct path of blood flow is, aorta, artery, arterioles, capillaries, venioles, veins, vena cava.

The body receives nutrition, oxygen, and waste elimination through the blood, which is a fluid that circulates continuously. Blood is "thicker" than pure water because it is largely liquid and contains many suspended cells and proteins. More than a gallon of blood is present in the average person.

The blood is pumped by the heart to various other organs, and blood runs in a cycle.

To know more about blood, click here,


Help me with the protein synthesis


Protein synthesis is the process in which the cells make the proteins and the various steps are included in it. The starting unit of protein synthesis is the amino acid.

What is the type of bonding present in the proteins ?

It is the peptide bonds that are present in the protein structure. Depends on the number and the chain types that are present determines the structures of proteins.

The 5 major steps in the protein synthesis are written as following :

1.  Activation of  the amino acids

2. Transfer of the  amino acids to  the tRNA

3. Initiation of polypeptide chain

4.The  Chain Termination

5.  The Protein translocation

It takes place in the ribosomes and the machinery enzymes for the protein synthesis are present in the ribosomes as well. It is made up of 2 sub units.

Learn mnore about protein synthesis at :


what term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


Periods characterized by very high levels of speciation are called adaptive radiation.

Adaptive radiation is a period when there is a rapid increase in the number of species characterized by rapid ecological and morphological diversity with a common ancestor. Adaptive radiation is part of the theory of descent with modification, although it expresses evolution in closely related forms and not in novel designs.

Selection of different habitats can cause changes in anatomy and physiology, even groups of organisms that live in the same habitat but different food choices can also cause anatomical and physiological changes in the bodies of these living things.

Learn more about adaptive radiation at:


Hannah is trying to figure out how tooth size is determined in two different wolves. in wolf 1, the copies of the gene are different from each other. in wolf 2, the copies of the gene are the same as each other. how does this affect how many types of proteins there are in each tooth cell?


Hannah figure out tooth size in two different wolves:

Wolf 1 has two types of protein for the tooth size feature.

Wolf 2 has one type of protein for the tooth size feature.

Can the same proteins connect in different ways?

Even though the proteins for the stripe pattern are the same, the proteins can interact in various ways, thus they will have different striped patterns.

How do you separate proteins from the same size?

It is described how to separate proteins with virtually identical sizes but various isoelectric points. Convective electrophoresis is the technique employed, and it is based on how proteins are transported over a porous membrane while simultaneously being affected by diffusion, electrical migration, and opposing convective flow.

To know more about proteins visit


which sequencing strategy sequences a whole genome by breaking the genome into short sequences, sequencing them, and assembling the sequenced contigs on the basis of overlap?


The shotgun strategy sequences a whole genome by breaking it in short sequences.

The DNA sequence of an organism's genome can be ascertained in a lab setting using a process called shotgun sequencing. The process entails randomly dividing the genome into tiny DNA fragments that are then individually sequenced.

Shotgun sequencing takes its name from the idea that a lengthy sequence is essentially divided into a great number of smaller ones, much like a shotgun shell does when it is fired. Essentially, you enter your full sequence (the part about the fire in the hole).

The detection of numerous DNA polymorphisms, better speed and cost, and a more thorough and minimally artifactual coverage of the genome are the three main benefits. Shotgun sequencing can find a sizable portion of all frequent human DNA variations.

For more information on gene sequencing kindly visit to


The half cell in which the electrode gains electrons is where occurs, and the half cell in which the electrode loses electrons is where occurs.


The half-cell in which the electrode gains electrons is where reduction occurs, and the half-cell in which the electrode loses electrons is where oxidation occurs.

There are 2 electrodes in an electrolytic cell. The electrode which receives electrons from an external electric current source is called the cathode, while the electrode which transmits electrons back to the external electric current source is called the anode. The cathode is where the reduction reaction occurs where the electrode is negative (-) and the anode is where the oxidation reaction occurs where the electrode is positive (+).

The electrolytic cell is a cell that uses an electric current to produce the desired redox reaction and is widely used in our society. Rechargeable batteries are one example of the application of electrolytic cells in everyday life.

The complete question about this is

The half cell in which the electrode gains electrons is where ________occurs, and the half cell in which the electrode loses electrons is where ________ occurs.

Learn more about redox reactions at


which of the following is characteristic of early modern homo sapiens? group of answer choices large browridges. an average cranial capacity of 1,500 cc. a long and low braincase. a robust build of the postcranial skeleton. anthro


Early homo sapiens had a larger cranial capacity than previous hominins thus the correct answer is (B). an average cranial capacity of 1,500 cc.

The term "sapiens" in the name "Homo sapiens" refers to a "smart man," as they evolved with a larger brain than their ancestors, which allowed them to create complex languages to improve communication.

Additionally, due to their continual travel, Homo sapiens' skin underwent diverse weather adaptations, therefore they used animal skin to build shelters for themselves to protect themselves from the cold.

To learn more about early homo sapiens species please click on the given link:


microbiology boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n) technique


Boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. Subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n)  microbicidal technique.

Any drug or method for killing germs (bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause infection and disease). Also known as germicide.

Microbicidal antimicrobials kill microorganisms; microbiostatic antimicrobials only prevent their development. Bleach and other disinfectants are non-selective antimicrobials."

Is alcohol a microbicidal?

The FDA has not approved any liquid chemical sterilant or high-level disinfection that contains alcohol as its primary active component. These alcohols are bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic against vegetative bacteria; they are also tuberculocidal, fungicidal, and virucidal but do not kill bacterial spores.

Learn more about microbicidal to visit this link


Full Episode :Boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. Subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n) _________________ technique.

a. microbicidal

b. microbistatic

c. intermittent sterilization

d. tyndallization

e. pasteurization

What are the similarities between DNA replication and RNA transcription?


The fact that a polymerase enzyme catalyzes both processes are some of the similarities between DNA replication and RNA transcription.

The utilization of DNA and RNA, the fact that both transcription and DNA replication take place in the nucleus. The creation of a fresh copy of DNA in a cell occurs during both DNA replication and transcription. DNA replication creates a second copy of the DNA, whereas DNA transcription converts the DNA into RNA. The creation of fresh nucleic acids, such as DNA or RNA, involves both steps.

The division of a double-stranded DNA molecule into two identical daughter strands is known as "DNA replication." The process of transcription involves turning DNA molecules into RNA. In order to create a complementary RNA molecule, RNA polymerase employs one of the DNA strands as a template.

Learn to know more about Transcription on


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