Given the reactant side of the total ionic equation for the neutralization reaction of sodium hydroxide ( NaOH ) with hydrochloric acid ( HCl ), write the total ionic equation (also known as the complete ionic equation) by entering both the reactant and the product species, separated by the reaction arrow.
Na+(aq)+OH−(aq)+H+(aq)+Cl−(aq)→ ?

Be sure to include the charges on the ionic species and the physical state of all the reactant and product species.


Answer 1

Na⁺(aq)+OH⁻(aq)+H⁺(aq)+Cl⁻(aq)→ Na⁺(aq) + Cl⁻ (aq) + H⁺ (aq) + OH⁻ (aq) is the total ionic reaction.

What is reaction?

The reaction is a process that leads to the chemical transformation of one chemical substance to another.

Just to help to understand what is happening here, here the complete non-ionic reaction is shown

equation for the neutralization reaction of sodium hydroxide ( NaOH ) with hydrochloric acid ( HCl ), write the total ionic equation (also known as the complete ionic equation) by entering both the reactant and the product species, separated by the reaction arrow.

NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H₂O

Now, you have to separate the ionic substances into the ions, which gives the desired answer:

Na⁺(aq)+OH⁻(aq)+H⁺(aq)+Cl⁻(aq)→ Na⁺(aq) + Cl⁻ (aq) + H⁺ (aq) + OH⁻(aq)

To know more about reaction click:


Related Questions

hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water. this is an example of which type of chemical reaction?


Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water. this is an example of Combination reaction.

A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances, which are also called reactants, are generally converted to one or more different substances, that are known as the products. Substances formed are either chemical elements or compounds.

A chemical reaction usually rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products. The properties of the products are generally different from those of the reactants.

Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen is a combination reaction because hydrogen and oxygen are combining to form one single product.

A combination reaction is a reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a single new substance. Combination reactions can also be called as the synthesis reactions. The general form of a combination reaction is: A+B→AB. One combination reaction is two elements combining to form a compound.

To know more about combination reaction


one product of the combustion of ethylene (c2h4) is carbon dioxide. what change in hybridization of the carbon occurs in this reaction? combustion is the reaction with oxygen?


Change in hybridization of the carbon occurs in this reaction is sp2 to sp.

What is combustion?

When a substance mixes with oxygen gas, it undergoes a combustion reaction, which releases energy in the form of heat and light. O2 must be one of the reactants in combustion processes. The results of the burning of hydrocarbons are carbon dioxide and water.

When ethylene burns, one byproduct is the formation of CO2 gas. We are aware that both C and sp2 have undergone hybridization in ethylene C2H4. We also know that the hybridization of carbon in CO2 is sp hybridization, which means that in this process, the hybridization of carbon changes from sp2 to sp.

C2H4 +3O2 →  2CO2+2H2O

When a substance reacts with oxygen gas, it produces a combustion reaction that releases energy in the form of heat and light.

Therefore, change in hybridization of the carbon occurs in this reaction is sp2 to sp.

To learn more about combustion from the given link.

Walls made of paraffin wax, a covalent compound, help keep the temperature in a room steady as night changes into day and day into night. what is the most important property of covalent compounds that allows paraffin wax to help keep a room’s temperature level?


Extra heat would be absorbed by the wall during the day when the sun is out, then released back into space at night when the sun sets.

What is the heat of the formation of paraffin wax?

-29.5 kJ/g

What is the bond type for paraffin wax?

Large carbon and hydrogen chains make up the composition of paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is a non-polar covalent molecule because there is relatively little difference between the electronegativity of hydrogen and carbon. Formula I2 is used to represent the iodine molecule.

What type of heat transfer is paraffin wax?

Transferring heat via conduction.

To know more about paraffin wax visit


During an investigation, you look at two photos taken of highly magnified items. The first photo shows an amoeba. The other slide shows the cross-section of a maple leaf. What do these two items have in common?


Maple leaf and amoeba are both eukaryotic cells and show presence of true nucleus in them.

What are eukaryotic cells?

Eukaryotic cells are the cells which show presence of nucleus  and possess membrane bound organelles.They may be unicellular or multicellular depending on the number of cells present in them.

In eukaryotes , the genetic material is is stored within an organelle which is called as nucleus wherein it is organized in to long molecules which are called as chromosomes.They possess other organelles like mitochondria which are responsible for generation of energy . Endoplasmic reticulum which helps in transport of proteins .

Learn more about eukaryotic cells,here:


How many milliliters of hydrogen gas are produced by the reaction 0. 020 mol of magnesium with excess of hydrochloric acid at stp? make sure to use the correct number of significant digits. 0. 448 ml 0. 45 ml 448 ml 450 ml.


The millimeters of hydrogen gas that are produced are 448 mL which means option c is the correct choice.

The reaction of magnesium and hydrochloric acid is a single displacement reaction. The reaction is expressed as follows:

Mg + 2HCl= MgCl2 + H2.

There is a one is to one correspondence of Mg and H2. Hence there is also 0.02 mol of H2.

Using ideal gas law equation which states that pressure and volume are in direct relation to the temperature.


where T is 273 K, P is 1 atm and R is 0.0821 L atm/mol K, volume is equal to 0.4483 L or 448.3 mL.

To learn more about ideal gas law check the link below:


Arrange the boiling points of the aqueous solutions, relative to pure water: Assume complete dissociation for the ionic compounds. Highest boiling point 0.38 m CzHs OH 0.32 m NH; 0.19 Naz SO4 0.11 m NaCl HzO Lowest boiling point


The boiling points of aqueous solutions based on pure water are as follows, in descending order of boiling points:

0.38mCzHsOH - Highest boiling point0.32mNH40.19m Na2SO40.11m NaClH2O (pure water) -Lowest boiling point

The boiling point of a solution increases as the concentration of the solute (dissolved substance) increases. The presence of ions and other dissolved particles in solution increases the vapor pressure of the solvent (water in this case), requiring more energy to reach its boiling point.

Ionic compounds such as NaCl and Na2SO4 completely dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, and thus have a greater impact on boiling points than non-ionic compounds such as CzHsOH.

Read more about boiling points and solubility at:


The electronegativities of the period-3 elements are listed on the transparency. Calculate the
electronegativity differences for the following pairs of bonded period-3 atoms.
d. Si and Cl _______________________
b. Mg and S_1.31. And 2.58=
e. Si and S ________________________
c. Al and P ______________________


Here is the electronegativity difference of bonded period 3 atoms.

What is electronegativity?

Electronegativity, is the  symbolized as χ, it is the tendency to an atom of to a  given chemical element to be  attract shared electrons and  when forming of a  chemical bond. An atom's is  electronegativity is affected by the  both its atomic number .and it is

The electronegativity for  period -3 atoms

Si and cl is - Electronegativity Difference is 0.7


For mg electronegativity difference is 1.3

For si and s electronegativity difference is 1.7

For AI and p the electronegativity difference is 1.6 and 2.9 respectively.

To know more about electronegativity click-


What is one of the products in Reaction A


Answer: there is nothing to see

Explanation: there is nothing currently nothing to see so nobody can solve it

What do you notice about the ions of those elements in the same column or group on the periodic table?


The ions of those elements in the same column or group on the periodic table form the ions of the same charge and have the same number of the valence electrons.

The elements that present in the same column or the group on the periodic table have the same number of the valence electrons. the element present in the same column also form the ions of the same charge. the elements of the same group in the periodic table have the same chemical properties.

Thus, the element which place in the same group in the periodic table will form ions of the same charge.

To learn more about elements here


which complex is capable of forming geometric isomers? group of answer choices [co(nh3)6]br3 [pt(nh3)4]br2 [pd(nh3)2br2] [co(nh3)5br]br2 k3[fecl6]


The (pd(NH₃)₂  Br₂ ) it shows Cis- isomer and Trans-isomer.

What is isomer ?

Isomers are substances that have exactly the same number of atoms, i.e., the identical empirical formula, but differ from one another in terms of how the atoms are ordered.

What is geometric ?

The three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule is known as molecular geometry, sometimes known as the molecular structure. Understanding a compound's molecular structure can be useful for figuring out its polarity, reactivity, phase of matter, color, magnetism, and biological activity.

Mₐ₂ᵇ₂ type complex shows geometrical isomerism, complexes of this type exists as cis-isomerism and trans- isomers.

Among the given complexes, (pd(NH₃)₂  Br₂ ) also geometrical isomers.

H₃N                Br                          H₃N                Br

             Pd                                               Pd

H₃N               Br                             Br                 H₃N

Cis- isomer                                     Trans- isomer

Therefore,  (pd(NH₃)₂  Br₂ ) it shows Cis- isomer and Trans-isomer.

Learn more about isomer from the given link.


Element x decays radioactively with a half life of 13 minutes. If there are 860 grams of element x, how long, to the nearest tenth of a minute, would it take the element to decay to 152 grams?.


11.7 minutes is the time, rounded to the nearest tenth of a minute, that it will take 860 grams of element x to decay to 152 grams, given that it decays radioactively with a half-life of 13 minutes.

Procedure for calculating disintegration time

To determine the time it will take a radioactive substance to disintegrate, the concept of disintegration velocity (Vt) is used, which means the number of atoms that disintegrate in a given time.

So the radioactive constant  = 1/t

= 1/8 min = 0.125 min−1

The decay rate of the nuclei depends on the mass that remains undisintegrated, m, so that the initial mass decreases according to the law of radioactive decay:

m = mo . e∧-λ.t


mo = initial undisintegrated mass

t = elapsed time

λ = radioactive decay constant (probability of disintegrating a nucleus in unit time)

Calculation of disintegration time


m = 152g

mo = 860g

λ = 0.125 min−1

m = mo . e∧-λ.t

clearing t

t = - ln λ . mo/m

t = - ln 0.125 . 860/152

t = 2.07 x 860 / 152

t = 11.71 min

Learn more about radioactive decay at


Identify the possible dangers to passengers inside a car during a car accident. Use Newtons first law of motion to explain your answer.



here is the answer

an object with motion will stay with the same amount of speed and in the direction unless it is intervened by an unbalanced force

what it is trying to say is that passages will probably stopped bc of the seatbelt or something gets in the way

hopefully this helps

what does this mean for the number of energy storage molecules in the algae


More energy storage molecules are present in the molecules in the algae.

What is algae performed?

Algae can perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the production of food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. It produces glucose and oxygen. Glucose can be stored as energy for use in cellular respiration to power cellular processes.

Therefore, when the algae are in the sunlight, they have the energy necessary to make their own food by photosynthesis, and the amount of energy storage molecules will increase.

Among the molecules that store energy include glucose, starch, and fat. In order to keep all of the creatures in an ecosystem alive, an abundance of energy storage molecules is required.

To know more about algae refer to:


devise a synthetic sequence for the synthesis of 2,2‑dibromobutane using the list of reagents available. select the best reagent for each step.


Butene is converted to 1,2-dibromo butane via the indicated process. This  serves as an illustration of a halogenation reaction. By combining butene plus Br2 in dichloromethaneBr2, CH2Cl2, it is possible.

What exactly does "halogenation reaction" mean?

When a halogen atom is replaced by another material and becomes a component of that material or a compound, the process is referred to as halogenation. A halogen or more are typically added to the material during the halogenation reaction.

What causes halogenation, exactly?

Chain initiation, chain expansion, and chain termination are the three phases that make up the halogenation mechanism. The whole solution, in steps: Haloalkane is created by combining an appropriate halogen with alkane and either heating the mixture was heated to 520–670 K or doing so while the reaction is exposed to UV light.

To know more about halogenation reaction visit:


Are x-rays physical mutagens?


X-rays are indeed physical mutagens. X-rays and UV radiation are physical mutagens. 2 Cosmic rays, gamma rays, and X-rays are all types of ionizing radiation.

That cause the cell's water to ionize and generate hydroxyl free radicals.  Radiation that is not ionizing is UV light. Thymine dimer is produced as a result (Pyrimidine dimer). When DNA replication goes wrong, mutations can sometimes happen on their own. However, the likelihood of mutation is increased by mutagens. The three different types of mutagens. X-rays and UV radiation are physical mutagens. Ionizing radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays causes the release of the hydroxyl free radical by ionizing the cell's water (OH). Ionizing radiation, also known as ionizing radiation, is made up of subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves with enough energy to ionize atoms and molecules by severing their electron bonds. This type of radiation includes nuclear radiation.

Learn more about ionizing here


What Carbon-14 has a half-life of nearly 6000 years. If one half-life (50 %) of the original carbon-14 is left in a material, how old is it?


The Carbon-14 has a half-life of nearly 6000 years. If one half-life (50 %) of the original carbon-14 is left in a material,  50 % of the original of the sample will remains after the one half life.

The carbon has a half life of nearly 6000 years, for the 50 % of the carbon - 14 atoms in the respective materials that undergoes radioactive decay. if the 50 % of the atoms will undergo for the radioactive decay this means that 50 % of the sample that is originally present after one half life.

In the 6000 years , the number of the carbon - 14 atoms that is equals to the 25 % of the original sample, in other 600 years , 12.5 % of the original sample and so on .

To learn more about half life here


what are the variables held constant if my science project is if the temperature going to fight the bonds of


Variables are those things that alter during a scientific experiment.

What is Temperature?

The term "temperature" refers to a measurement of an item's average kinetic energy, which is a category of energy linked to motion and used to describe how hot or cold an object .

Hot and cool are not really scientific concepts. We must utilise temperature if we truly want to describe how hot or cold something is.

It is less confusing to use temperature instead of phrases like hot or cold.

In order to achieve this, they conduct experiments to look for cause and effect connections. Cause and effect linkages give reasons for events and make it possible to accurately forecast how something will turn out. To determine if changes to one item result in recurrent variations in another, scientists utilize the scientific method to construct an experiment.

Learn more about Temperature from given link


What elements does bromine not react with?


Though bromine does not react with oxygen or nitrogen in the air, it forms a hazardous compound bromine(IV) oxide when reacting with ozone. Bromine additionally reacts with the other halogens

Which of these ions is more abundant in the interior of resting neuron that in the fluid surrounding the neuron?
A. Cl-
B. Ca++
C. Na+
D. K+


When a neuron is at rest, its inside contains more K+ ions than its surrounding fluid.

The correct answer is D

Do neurons count as brain cells?

Glial cells and neurons are the two main categories of brain tissue. The majority of brain cells, or neurons, are glial cells, which predominate in some parts of the brain while nevertheless playing a significant function.

What are neurons' primary purposes?

The nerve cells that make up your brain, called neurons, transmit and receive signals. The anatomical and functional differences between neurons and other kinds of cells outweigh their many similarities. Axons, specialized projections that carry electrical and chemical impulses to other cells, are used by neurons.

To know more about neuron  visit :


Why would a road crew choose calcium chloride over regular road salt?


The fact that it can function at significantly lower temperatures than rock salt is one of its most evident benefits and that's why road crew choose calcium chloride over regular road salt.

Savings: Calcium chloride improves the efficiency of salt, requiring fewer applications of it during storms, resulting in a reduction in labor, equipment, and material expenses. Additionally, it freeze-proofs abrasives to aid in their integration into ice and snow, minimizing material loss due to spreader bounce and traffic dispersing.

Calcium chloride is exothermic, releasing heat to cause salt to melt.

Calcium chloride is hygroscopic, attracting the moisture that rock salt needs to dissolve.

Rapidly acting: When calcium chloride is applied on ice on the pavement, it starts to disintegrate right away.

Low eutectic point: Salt melts at significantly higher temperatures than calcium chloride does.

For more information on calcium chloride kindly visit to


which of the following is not a network solid? a. elemental silicon, si(s) b. diamond, c(s) c. co2(s) d. silicon dioxide, sio2(s) e. graphite


The option (c) is correct - C60(s).

What is network solid?

Atoms are covalently bound together to form layers of two-dimensional networks or a three-dimensional network in covalent network solids. Covalent network solids have high melting points because of the covalent bonds' strength.

What is solid ?

solid ground: a substance that is hard, firm, or compact. relative firmness, particle coherence, or form permanence in matter that is not a liquid or a gas, such as solid particles suspended in a liquid. regarding such a subject: Ice is water that has solidified.

Remaining all are network solids.

Elemental silicon is also a network solid, because its structure is very similar with the structure of diamond which is a network solid.

The fullerenes is allotrope of carbon which is not consider as network solids because of its structure curved into a ball.

Therefore, option (c) is correct - C60(s).

Learn more about network solid from the given link.


How do you predict bond shape?


By analyzing the number of electron pairs to ascertain the shape of the molecules, the VSEPR-predicted forms of molecules can be found in a methodical manner.

Draw out the molecule's Lewis structure before attempting to determine the shape of the molecules. Find the center atom on the Lewis diagram. Phosphorus serves as the primary atom in this molecule (P).

Simply look at the group the central atom of phosphorus is in to determine how many electrons are on its outer shell. The group number corresponds to the number of electrons on the outer shell of the central atom. Since phosphorus belongs to group 5, its outer shell contains five electrons.

To know more about bond shape, visit;


What traits help urchins survive?


The spines spear food and protect an urchin from predators.

From the skull base to the tailbone, there are bones, muscles, tendons, and other tissues. The fluid around the spinal cord and the spinal cord itself are enclosed by the spine. known by the names vertebral column, spinal column, and backbone. a strong, slender, sharp-pointed structure that resembles a modified leaf or stipule (a stipule is an appendage located at the base of a petiole, or at the base of a leaf's stalk). A pointy growth from the skin or bark is referred to as a. Thorns are modified stems that are stiff, woody, and have a sharp point. Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spines are the three primary segments of the spine. Seven vertebrae make up the cervical, which is the top portion of the spine (bones). Centered in the body is the thoracic.

Learn more about spines here:


Lead is less active than zinc but more active than copper. Predict the results you would have gotten if you placed lead metal into
separate solutions of zinc nitrate and copper (II) nitrate.

A. Lead would react with both zinc nitrate and copper (II) nitrate
B. Lead would react with copper (II) nitrate, but not zinc nitrate
C. Lead would not react with either zinc nitrate or copper (II) nitrate
D. Lead would pact with zinc nitrate, but not copper (II) nitrate


Lead would react with the copper nitrate  but not with zinc nitrate.

What does reactivity of an elements depends upon?

Reactivity in chemistry refers to the rate at which a chemical undergoes a chemical reaction over time. The relative tendency of an element to gain or lose electrons during a chemical reaction. For pure compounds, reactivity is controlled by the physical properties of the sample. Atoms get larger as they go down in the group. The larger the atom, the farther away the last electron is. Therefore, the attractive force between the nucleus and the last electron is weaker. This allows the atom to donate electrons more easily, increasing its reactivity.

Alkali metals (far from transition metals and noble gases) are the most reactive group of elements. Cesium is the second most reactive element in this group, since he has six electron shells, which makes it the most reactive element.

To know more about zinc nitrate, visit:


A student has two substances at a lab table. One substance is iron pyrite (fool's gold) and the other is real gold. After placing a 20. 0-gram sample of iron pyrite into 40. 0 ml of water in a graduated cylinder, it displaces 4. 0 ml of water. The density of real gold is almost 4 times larger than iron pyrite. If a 20. 0-gram sample of real gold is placed into the same amount of water, approximately how much water will be displaced?.


The amount of water displaced by a 20.0-gram sample of real gold is 1.0 ml.

Water displacement is a process in which an object is placed in a container of water and the water level rises due to the object displacing the water. The amount of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object.

Calculate the density of iron pyrite.

Density of iron pyrite = Mass of sample ÷ Volume of water displaced

= 20.0 g ÷ 4.0 ml

= 5.0 g/ml

Calculate the density of real gold.

Density of real gold = 4 × 5.0 g/ml

= 20.0 g/ml

Calculate the amount of water displaced by a 20.0-gram sample of real gold.

Volume of water displaced by real gold = Mass of sample ÷ Density

= 20.0 g ÷ 20.0 g/ml

= 1.0 ml

For more questions like Water displaced click the link below:


a sample of gas weighs 3.33 g and occupies a volume of 1.365 l at 95 °c and 790 torr. identify the gas sample.A. Cl₂ (molar mass-70.90 g/mol)B. NH (molar mass- 17.03 g/mol)C. N₂0 molar mass-44.02 g/mol)D. CHC, (molar mass-119.4 g/mol)E. SO₂ (molar mass - 64.07 g/mol)


The sample of gas that will be in the container is CL2(chlorine)(molar mass= 70.90g/mol).

what is the ideal gas law?

The phrase "ideal gas" refers to a fictitious gas made up of molecules that abide by a few guidelines: Perfect gas particles do not contact or repel one another. The sole interaction between molecules of an ideal gas would be an elasticity collision when they collided or an elasticity collision with the container walls.


By ideal gas law, PV=nRT,

where p= pressure of the gas

V= volume occupied by the gas,

R= gas constant

T= temperature of the gas

n= no.of moles of gas

given, the mass of gas=3.33 g

           the volume of gas= 1.365ltr

          temp of gas= 95 c = 95+273.15 =368.15 k

pressure= 790 torr= 790/760= 1.03 atm

           R= 0.0820 l atm k^-1 mol ^-1


by solving, n=0.04699


so, the molar mass will come out to 70.90 g/ mol

so gas will CI2.

To know more about the ideal gas visit:


Determine whether each statement describes an anode or a cathode in a voltaic cell.

a. positive terminal
b. where oxidation occurs
c. where reduction occurs
d. where electrons flow to
e. negative terminal
f. where electrons flow from


positive terminal -anode

where oxidation occurs-anode

where reduction occurs-cathode

where electrons flow to-cathode

negative terminal-cathode

where electrons flow from-anode

what is cathode and anode?

The electrode that electricity flows into is known as the anode.The positive side is typically the anode.It serves as an electron source.The anode of an electrolytic cell experiences an oxidation reaction.An anode in galvanic cells can change into a cathode.

The cathode is the electrode from which current is discharged or given off.A cathode is a negative sideAs an electron acceptor, it functions.The cathode of an electrolytic cell experiences a reduction reaction.A cathode can switch to an anode in galvanic cells.

To learn more about anode


when the reaction is complete, the temperature of the solution and the calorimeter is 40.29 oc. what is the enthalpy of the reaction in units of kj/mole of a?


The enthalpy of the reaction in kj/mole of the solution is 76.51476 Kj/mole.

What is enthalpy of the reaction?

The amount of heat generated or absorbed in a chemical reaction when the number of moles of the reactants represented by the chemical formula are completely reacted is called the reaction enthalpy. It is expressed as ΔrH.

The change in enthalpy associated with a chemical reaction is called reaction enthalpy, abbreviated ΔH_rxn. The value of ΔH_rxn depends on how the reaction equilibrium equation is written and is usually given in units of kJ/mol-rxn.

The heat of reaction is also called the reaction enthalpy.

For the given problem:

1°C = 1.8991 Kj

40.29°C = 1 × 1.8991

= 76.51476 Kj

To know more about enthalpy of the reaction, visit:


How does bromine react with hydrogen?


Hydrogen reacts with Br2 forming hydrogen bromide. The reaction is slow at room temperature, and increases in speed with increasing temperatures.

H2(g) + Br2(g) → 2 HBr(g)

Another way to produce HBr is with red phosphorous:

2 P + 6 H2O + 3 Br2 → 6 HBr + 2 H3PO3

H3PO3 + H2O + Br2 → 2 HBr + H3PO4

The simplest compound of bromine is HBr and is a colorless gas.

Aqueous hydrogen bromide is known as hydrobromic acid, which is a strong acid (pKa = −9)

Bromine is highly reactive and is a powerful oxidizing agent in the presence of water. It reacts vigorously with amines, alkenes and phenols as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and acids (these are brominated by either addition or substitution reactions). With many of the metals and elements, anhydrous bromine is less reactive than wet bromine; however, dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earth metals and alkaline metals.

To learn more about bromine visit:


which is not a property of an ideal gas? a) consists of point particles b) can pass through walls c) there are no attractive/repulsive forces d) all of the above are properties of ideal gases e) none of the above are properties of ideal gases


Answer: i think its E, but please do not quote me on that; that was 11 lessons ago for me


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