What are 3 differences between a bank and a credit union?


Answer 1

The primary differences between a bank and a credit union are in terms of ownership, services offered, and rates.

1. Ownership: Banks are owned by shareholders and exist to make a profit, whereas credit unions are owned by their members and are not-for-profit organizations. Credit unions are typically formed to serve a specific group of people, such as members of certain organizations or employers.

2. Services Offered: Banks generally offer a wide range of services, such as checking and savings accounts, investments, and loans. Credit unions usually offer a more limited selection of services, such as checking and savings accounts, and may not offer investment services or loans.

3. Rates: Banks may offer competitive rates on checking and savings accounts, but credit unions often have higher rates. Credit unions also tend to have lower fees, such as low or no monthly fees on checking accounts. Additionally, credit unions typically offer lower loan rates than banks.

Learn more about the features of credit unions:



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pooch and purr, inc. sends out a regular newsletter to its customers that has tips on dog and cat care, boarding pets, news, and essays. what type of publication is this?


Pooch & Purr, Inc. often sends out a newsletter to its clients called Feature article that includes advice on caring for dogs and cats, boarding pets, news, and essays.

A feature article is an interesting piece of writing that presents a point of view, informs the reader about a subject, and is persuasive. Feature pieces differ from many other sorts of news items in that they give a broad perspective on a subject rather than breaking news on a particular situation. Consequently, feature stories have a higher likelihood of lasting longer and staying relevant over time.

Feature stories come in a variety of styles and can vary greatly. Examples include interviews, human interest tales, opinion essays on current events, and personal reflections. Various publications, such as newspapers, blogs, websites, magazines, and newsletters, may publish them.

To know more about newsletter click here,



you take a class that improves your critical thinking skills. this represents an investment in your a. human capital. b. social capital. c. tangible capital. d. private capital.


You enroll in a course that enhances your capacity for critical thought. This is an engagement in your human resources.

By skill, what do you mean?

A learned power to perform a task competently: an advanced aptitude or ability. The capacity to use one's information effectively and rapidly in implementation or performance. Dexterity or coordination, particularly in the performance of learned physical labor.

The seven skills are what?

Calmness, support, boldness, choices, empathy, positive intent, and consequences are the seven abilities. The Seven Strengths for Aware Adults serve as the foundation for the seven skills. We can select a different response as we become more aware of our conflict-related responses.

To know more about skills visit:



What are the duties and responsibilities of an office assistant?


Answering phone calls from clients, conveying information, and operating common office equipment like fax machines or scanners are just a few of an Office Assistant's responsibilities.

In every office, office assistants perform an important role. They may also be known as an Administrative Assistant or a Secretary, but they all have the same work responsibility: assisting the staff members in question and ensuring that operations are carried out without incident. Answering phone calls from clients, relaying messages, and using common office equipment like fax machines or scanners are just a few of an Office Assistant's responsibilities. They help to manage supplier inventory, arrange travel, maintain track of important documents in folders, and enter data as required. Office assistants work with a variety of experts. This group may include top executives and office managers.

learn more about Office Assistant's here



true or false: if a country uses a fixed exchange rate system, then its monetary policy becomes independent of monetary policies of all other countries.


The given statement is false. With fixed exchange rates, the domestic central bank is not free to direct monetary policy autonomously from the remainder of the world.

In fixed exchange rate or money board systems, the exchange rate ceases to vary in relation to the reference cash. In a dollarization system, there is not really an exchange rate, considering that the domestic money ceases to exist. A country that adopts one of these systems ceases to have monetary policy autonomy. The country to which the domestic cash is tied, on account of fixed exchange rate or money board, or the country that issues the money utilized on account of dollarization, sovereignly chooses its monetary policy, with the domestic nation being at its kindness. In a monetary association, this doesn't happen. At the point when a gathering of nations adopts a typical money, a typical central bank is created and decision-making rules are established so as to attend to the requirements of each individual from the association. This is a fundamental distinction of the monetary association that merits separate analysis.

to know more about the central bank click here:



What are the effects of economic growth?


Economic growth increases government capacity and the supply of public goods. As the economy grows, the state taxes these revenues, providing the capacity and resources necessary to provide the public.

Goods and services that citizens need, such as health care, education, social protection, and basic public services. You can get Economic growth is an increase in the value of goods and services in the economy, resulting in more profits for businesses.. This gives companies the capital to invest and hire more employees. Income increases as more jobs are created. When the economy grows, it is a sign of prosperity and expansion.

To learn more about Economic, click here.



dean has earned $70,000 annually for the past four and a half years working as an architect for mwc. under mwc's defined benefit plan (which uses a five-year cliff vesting schedule) employees earn a benefit equal to 3.5 percent of the average of their three highest annual salaries for every full year of service with mwc. what is dean's vested benefit (or annual benefit he has earned so far)?


For the past four and a half years, Dean has worked as an architect for mwc, earning $70,000 yearly. The benefits to him are listed below.

What is Dean's annual benefit (or his vested benefit, if he has one)?

$0 ,An employee must have served the employer for five consecutive full years before they are eligible to vest under a five-year cliff vesting plan. An employee's vesting percentage is either 100% or 0% under a cliff vesting plan.

What exactly does it mean to have a vested interest?

A vested interest is a person's personal stake in a project or endeavor, particularly when there is a chance of financial gain or loss. A vested interest, as used in financial terminology, is frequently the right to legitimately claim assets that have been contributed or set aside for later use.

To know more about architect visit:



When deciding if you should buy something, what can you ask yourself to determine if the item is a need or want?


You should consider if you can live without this thing. Consider whether something negative will occur if you don't have this item.

Make sure you genuinely need the item and that it fits with your long-term financial plans before you make a purchase.

Take a step back before purchasing anything you "need," and consider if you should actually purchase that stuff.

Thinking before you buy typically leads to more thoughtful purchases and better things, similar to the garbage point. When you buy quality, you spend less. Less shopping is great for everyone.

Spending on wants enables you to live more comfortably. They are the items you purchase for pleasure or amusement. Although you could live without them, having them makes life more enjoyable.

Learn more about to needs and wants. visit here;



when an automobile manufacturer purchases a firm that produces wiring harnesses, this is an example of


An automobile manufacturer purchases a firm that produces wiring harnesses, this is backward Integration.

Backward integration :

It would be a bakery purchasing a grain processor. some more backward integration examples would be an automobile organization owning an organization, and a metal organization. Organizations typically use backward integration to gain control over their supply chains. Some organizations use a backward integration strategy when they feel a supplier has too much power over them. Backward integration isn’t just limited to the manufacturing sector but has also been used in other industries, too.

To know more about backward Integration, click the below link



an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law.


The  injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence it is not covered by worker which is also known as compensation law.

In this it  Act empowers the President to activate the special powers during a crisis but imposes on certain procedural formalities when it is  invoking such powers. The perceived need for the law arose from the scope and of number of laws granting the special powers to the executive in times of national emergency.

To learn more about the compensation law.



borrowers tend to prefer: multiple choice real interest rates that exceed nominal interest rates. inflation rates that are less than nominal interest rates. inflation rates that exceed nominal interest rates. inflation rates that are equal to zero.


Borrowers typically favor inflation rates that exceed nominal interest rates. Real or nominal terminology can be used to express interest rates. Real interest rates + the anticipated rate of inflation make up a nominal interest rate. A real interest rate depicts the borrower's actual cost of borrowing money and the lender's or investor's actual yield.

Interest rates serve as a proxy for the cost of borrowing and the yield on investments and savings. They are represented as a percentage of the overall loan or investment amount. They can be the overall return that lenders obtain when they make loans or the return that individuals make on their investments and savings.

The likelihood of a rise in interest rates is proportional to the pace of inflation. This happens because, in the future, lenders will require higher interest rates to compensate for the depreciation of the money they receive in interest.

To know more about interest rates:



jane and don own a ski chalet in lake tahoe, nv and rented it for 12 days for $8,000. the rest of the year, the chalet was used by them and their friends and family. what is the proper tax treatment of the $8,000?


There will be no treatment as rental income is not included in gross income

Rental income is typically included in gross income for tax reasons. If a property is rented out for more than 14 days a year, the rental income is regarded as taxable. The rental revenue is not regarded as taxable if the property is rented out for less than 14 days per year. This is referred to as the 14-day rule, created to protect people who sometimes rent out their property from having to record the rental revenue on their tax return.

However, if a person is only renting out a house for a short time, like 12 days, there are a few exceptions to this regulation that can apply. Since Jane and Don only rented the ski chalet for 12 days, then they do not need to include it in his gross income.

Read more about rental income on:



Cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Cherokee leader Wilma Pearl Mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, the iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember the unity among the nation.

Who was Wilma Pearl Mankiller?

He was a Native American activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Mankiller was inspired by the social and political movements of the 1960s, He became involved in the Occupation of Alcatraz and later participated in the land and compensation struggles with the Pit River Tribe. For 5 years in the early 1970s, she was employed as a social worker, focusing mainly on children's issues.

Read more about Pearl Mankiller



the per-unit standards for direct labor are 1.5 direct labor hours at $15 per hour. if in producing 1600 units, the actual direct labor cost was $27900 for 1800 direct labor hours worked, the total direct labor variance is


The total direct labor variation is 7800 if the actual direct labor cost for producing 1600 units was $27900 for 1800 direct labor hours worked.

Labour Cost Variance Standard = Labour cost- Actual Labour Cost

                                                     = (1.5*2000*15) -37200

                                                     =7800 favourable




The stock's price is equal to D1/(r-g)=1.50/(13.20%-4%) when g=2% because the growth rate has doubled.


The ownership of a portion of the issuing company is represented by a stock, sometimes referred to as equity, which is a type of security. The term "shares" refers to the units of stock, each of which rights the owner to a certain percentage of the company's assets and profits, based on the number of shares they own.

The cornerstone of the portfolios of many individual investors is stocks, which are mostly bought and sold on stock exchanges. Government laws enforcing investor protection from dishonest tactics must be followed during stock exchanges.

Learn more about labor cost here



gagliardi way corporation has an expected roe of 15%. if it pays out 30% of it earnings as dividends, its dividend growth rate will be .


The Gagliardi Way Corporation has an expected ROE of 15%. If it pays out 30% of its earnings as dividends, its dividend growth rate will be 10.5%.

What is dividend growth rate?

Dividend growth rate is the annualized percentage rate of growth that the dividend of a given stock experiences over time. Many established businesses aim to consistently raise the dividends they pay to investors. Divide the current dividend by the previous payout, Di-1, then remove one from the answer to get the periodic dividend increase, which can then be stated as a percentage. Investors should keep in mind, meanwhile, that dividend growth indicates that a corporation is paying out capital to shareholders rather than putting it back into the company.

The dividend growth rate (DGR) is calculated:


DGR = ROE×(1-payout ratio)

DGR = 15%×(1-30%)


       =0.105 or 10.5%

Dividend payout ratio "DGR" = 10.50%

To learn more about  dividend growth rate, visit:



suppose that a large number of people who used to work or seek work no longer do either. other things the same, this makes a. the number of people unemployed rise but does not change the labor force. b. the number of people unemployed rise but makes the labor force fall. c. both the number of people unemployed and in the labor force fall. d. the number of people unemployed fall but does not change the labor force.


Assume that many people who once sought employment or worked no longer do either. With all other factors being the same, this results in a decrease in the work force and unemployment rates. The right answer is (c).

An estimation of the size of the labor force in an economy is the labor force participation rate. The calculation is the proportion of the working-age non-institutionalized population, aged 16 and older, who are employed or actively looking for work. According to Lord William Beveridge, "full employment" is when there are as many open positions as there are unemployed employees. For maximum economic output, he preferred that the economy be sustained above the point of full employment.

The percentage of workers in the labor force who do not currently have a job but are actively seeking one is measured by the unemployment rate. This statistic excludes people who have not sought for job in the last four weeks. The labor force is made up of both employed people and unemployed people, and the unemployment rate is calculated by dividing the number of jobless people by the total labor force. If a person works for compensation or runs their own business for at least an hour any day of the week, including the twelfth of the month, they are regarded to be employed.

Learn more about unemployed visit this link : brainly.com/question/305041


this question relates to the td ameritrade video you watched for this lesson. finally, employees from local td ameritrade offices reached out to top customers in each local market to encourage them to participate. this represents which promotional tool? group of answer choices personal selling sales promotion public relations advertising


This represents personal selling as the tool of promotion in the specific scenario. (Option A)

What is meant by promotional tools?

Promotional tools are techniques, approaches, or resources that persuade customers to purchase a good or service. They are frequently used by marketing and advertising experts to increase interest in a new product or boost sales of a specific good or service.

How would you define personal selling?

Personal selling, sometimes referred to as face-to-face selling, is a sales technique where the consumer is persuaded to purchase a product by the salesperson alone. Through this type of promotion, the salesperson tries to close a deal by applying his or her knowledge and skills.

To know more about personal selling, visit:



The complete question is:

This question relates to the td ameritrade video you watched for this lesson. finally, employees from local td ameritrade offices reached out to top customers in each local market to encourage them to participate. this represents which promotional tool? group of answer choices

(A) personal selling

(B) sales promotion

(C) public relations


When evaluating capital investment​ projects, if the internal rate of return is less than the required rate of​ return, the project will be accepted.
a. True
b. False


If the internal rate of return for a capital investment project is less than the necessary rate of return, the project will be approved. This assertion is false.

The project with the highest net present value will always be preferred when choosing a capital investment project among the three choices.

When the discount rate is the same as the internal rate of return, the original investment is equaled to the total present value of all future cash flows to get the internal rate of return. Therefore, the project should be approved if the internal rate of return exceeds the necessary rate of return.

The greater the predicted IRR on a project, the larger the net cash flows to the corporation as long as the IRR exceeds the cost of capital. The rule states that the optimal course of action is to abandon the project or investment if the IRR is higher than the cost of capital.

To learn more about capital investment projects



Luke takes temporary family leave from his job at Metal Works Corporation to arrange for child care and deal with financial and legal matters when Nancy, his spouse, a U.S. Marine on active duty, is deployed overseas. On Luke’s return from the leave, Metal Works must
a. do nothing.
b. reimburse him for his expenses while on leave.
c. promote him to the status of a key employee.
d. restore him to his same position or a comparable position.


On Luke’s return from the leave, metal Works must. restore him to his same position or a comparable position.

What is metal?

A metal is a substance that exhibits a shiny appearance when freshly processed, polished, or shattered, and conducts electricity and heat rather well. Generally speaking, metals are malleable and ductile. These characteristics are the outcome of the metallic link between the metal's atoms or molecules.

According to popular belief, the term "metal" originated during the hippy era, when "heavy" denoted profundity or seriousness. Heavy distortion on the guitar, intense drumming, extra-low bass notes, and angry or throaty vocals are the main elements of metal music.

When workers must be let go, the firm is not allowed to base hiring decisions on union membership. The laws against discrimination also apply to hiring procedures. - The Labor-Management Relations Act declares some union activities to be unfair labor practices.

Therefore, Thus, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about metal here:



a company's assets that are used or converted into cash within the course of a calendar year are called


A company's assets that are used or converted into cash within the course of a calendar year are called current assets.

What is the asset?

An asset is a resource with economic value that a person, company, or nation owns or manages in anticipation that it may one day be valuable. Assets are listed on a company's balance sheet. They are broken down into four groups: present, fixed, financial, and tangible.

The interest receivable must be shown separately because it counts as a current asset. The allowance for questionable accounts should be subtracted from Accounts Receivable.

Assets that are anticipated to be used up or sold within a fiscal year are referred to as current assets. They could be observable or intangible. The assets portion of a company's balance sheet displays current assets. They may serve as an effective measure of a company's liquidity.

Therefore,  The course of a calendar year is called current assets.

Learn more about assets here:



jordan, inc., holds 75 percent of the outstanding stock of paxson corporation. paxson currently owes jordan $425,000 for inventory acquired over the past few months. in preparing consolidated financial statements, what amount of this debt should be eliminated?


Jordan, inc., holds 75 percent of the outstanding stock of Paxson corporation.

In preparing consolidated financial statements, The amount of this debt should be eliminated: All 400,000 should be eliminated because it is an inter-entity balance.

An employer occasionally referred to as a corporation, is a felony entity this is cut loose from its owners. agencies could make earnings, be taxed, and may be held legally in charge. organizations offer the strongest safety to their owners from personal liability, however, the price to form an enterprise is higher than other structures.

An agency is an enterprise—usually a collection of people or an agency—authorized by way of the country to behave as an unmarried entity and recognized as such in law for sure functions. Early included entities have been installed with the aid of the constitution. maximum jurisdictions now allow the advent of the latest agencies via registration.

Learn more about corporation here:



if a company’s operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. t or f


It is untrue that a company needs to borrow money to finance its inventories and accounts receivable when its operational cycle is significantly longer than its typical payment time for suppliers.

There is a set operating cycle.

The term "operational cycle" refers to the period of time it takes for a business to buy goods, sell them, and get payment. Or, to put it another way, it shows how long it takes a company to turn its inventories into money.

How long this operational cycle is will depend on the industry?

An understanding of a company's operating cycle will aid in determining its financial health by indicating whether or not it will be able to pay off any creditors.

A short operational cycle, for instance, indicates that the company will get paid at a consistent pace. The more quickly the organization can create revenue, the more it will be able to pay off any obligations that are still owed or grow as necessary.

Learn more about operational cycle: https://brainly.com/question/29816562


mr. smith is purchasing a $150000 house. the down payment is 20% of the price of the house. he is given the choice of two mortgages: a) a 20-year mortgage at a rate of 6%. find (i) the monthly payment


The total amount paid in interest is $28622158.8 and the monthly payment is $11758.995.

PMT = periodic payment, n = number of periods, 20 * 12 = 240 PV = loan amount, $150,000 * (1 - 0.2) = $120,000

interest rate, r 6% / 12 = 0.005

Using the present value of annuity, the payment can be calculated as follows: 120000 1 - (1 + 0.005) - 240

Total interest paid is calculated as follows: Total interest paid = Total payments - Loan.

Total interest paid is equal to n * PMT - PV.

Total interest paid is equal to 240 * 119758.995 * 120,000.

$28622158.8 has been paid in total interest.

The total amount paid in interest is $28622158.8; the payment is $11758.995. The minimal down payment for a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage is just 3.5%. All qualifying buyers can purchase it, regardless of their level of income.

To know more about Federal Housing Administration (FHA) click here



what is one way that gross domestic product differs from gross national product?


GDP is made up of products and services generated for market consumption as well as certain nonmarket production, including government-provided defense or educational services. Gross national product, or GNP, is a different concept that accounts for all national output.

How does gross domestic product differ from gross national product?

GDP counts the commodities and services generated inside a nation's boundaries by both Americans and people from other countries. GNP counts only local and international goods and services generated by Americans.

The formula used to calculate GDP is the same for all nations worldwide and is done annually. On the other hand, Bhutan calculates the GNH annually and every five years for the World Happiness Report.

To know more about gross domestic product, refer:



the financial firms of the shadow banking system were a. less vulnerable than commercial banks to bank runs because they were less leveraged than commercial banks. b. less vulnerable than commercial banks to bank runs because they were not controlled by the federal reserve. c. more vulnerable than commercial banks to bank runs because they were more highly leveraged than commercial banks. d. less vulnerable than commercial banks to bank runs because they were selling risky investments such as mortgage backed securities.


The financial institutions of the shadow banking system are less susceptible to bank runs than commercial banks since they were independent of the federal reserve.

What exactly does the Reserve Bank do?

To guarantee that the financial system supports a strong economy for American people, communities, and businesses, the Federal Reserve analyzes financial sector risks and actively participates at home and abroad.

What is Federal Reserve a bank or not?

It is believed that the Fed Reserve System functions as a separate central bank. But only in the extent that the President and any other executive branch official is not required to ratify its decisions the executive branch.

To know more about federal reserve visit:



Julia received her credit report and sees that her FICO score is 475. What might that mean? (5 points)

a.Multiple Choices
b.She has a high available credit.
c.She makes most payments on time.
d.She applied for a second small loan in the last five years.
e.She had a garnishment of wages last year.


A 475 FICO Score is much lower than the national average credit score. Many lenders refuse to work with consumers whose credit ratings are in the Very Poor area because they have negative credit. Thus, the correct option is (e) She had a garnishment of wages last year.

What is a good FICO credit score?

A FICO score, often known as a credit score, is a number used to assess someone's creditworthiness. This is used by financial institutions and lenders to determine how much credit to extend to a borrower and at what interest rate. FICO scores range between 300 and 850, with higher values indicating better credit. Depending on the credit scoring system, credit scores ranging from 580 to 669 are deemed fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good, and 800 and beyond are considered extraordinary.

To learn more about credit scores, click



which of the following is false about a downward-sloping yield curve? a. a recession is expected b. forward rates are lower than spot rates c. short-term rates are expected to fall in the future d. bond prices are falling


the correct answer of the question is option c which is short-term rates are expected to fall in the future which is wrong about downward-sloping.

In economics, the relationship between a product's price and the quantity that is wanted is represented graphically as the demand curve. The price and the desired quantity of the product are displayed on the graph's vertical and horizontal axes, respectively, to create the demand curve.

With a few exceptions, the demand curve always slopes downward from left to right because the quantity demanded and the price of the product are inversely connected, meaning that as the price of the product decreases, there will be a rise in the quantity demanded for such things. The ceteris paribus (other things being equal) assumption underlies this link between product price and quantity desired.

learn more about downward-sloping here



Compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.


International trade results in increased domestic output in exporting industries and lower domestic output in industries that compete with imports when compared to autarky.

International commerce affects the prices of consumer goods produced and sold domestically, which affects the wages of specific employees. Trade expansion leads to increased nation-level specialization in their comparative strengths, which boosts overall output and income.

Through commerce, nations may widen their markets and get access to products and services that could not otherwise be offered locally. Market competition has increased as a result of global trade. As a result, prices become more competitive, which decreases the end product's cost for the consumer.

To learn more about International trade



What is an absolute and comparative advantage?


Absolute and comparative advantage are two economic concepts that describe the ability of a nation or region to produce goods and services at a lower cost than its competitors.

An absolute advantage is a situation where a country, company, or individual can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than any other country, company, or individual. A comparative advantage is a situation where a country, company, or individual can produce a good or service at a lower cost than any other producer, country, or individual.

Absolute advantage is a measure of efficiency that compares the output of different producers, countries, or individuals when they produce the same good or service. It is a measure of comparative advantage when a producer, country, or individual can produce a good or service at a lower cost than any other producer, country, or individual.

The concept of absolute and comparative advantage is important in understanding international trade. It allows countries to specialize in the production of goods or services in which they have an absolute or comparative advantage. This helps to maximize efficiency in the global market and can lead to greater economic growth.

Learn more about absolute and comparative advantage:



The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market ______.


The amount of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the global market "the falling dollar value"

Any form of payment that customers often accept in exchange for products and services. Bargain. the direct exchange of one item or service for another.

The quantity of money held in a financial institution, for example a savings as well as checking account, anywhere at particular time is known as the account balance. only the net amount, which includes all debits and credits, was always the account balance.

To know more about goods



ortell corporation is interested in cutting the amount of time between when a customer places an order and when the order is completed. details for the first quarter of the year are provided here. choose the correct answer from the options provided. days wait time 12 inspection time 0.6 process time 6 move time 0.4 queue time 8 knowledge check 01 what is the manufacturing cycle efficiency (mce)?


MCE (manufacturing cycle effectiveness) = 40% Explanation The shorter the time between the date a client puts a purchase and when it is fulfilled, the better, according to Vertis Corporation.

My PG&E bill asks me what MCE is.

The cost of making energy according to MCE. It also covers the price of the appropriate amount of power. It takes the place of the payment that PG&E would have to make if they were to supply your generation service. This isn't a separate fee.

What happens if I decide not to accept MCE?

Users who decide to stop using the MCE service more than 60 days after signing up must pay a one-time cancellation fee of $5 (for domestic customers) or $25 (for business clients).

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vitamin c is important for collagen synthesis. which area of the skin would be most affected if there is a deficiency in vitamin c? write the standard form of the equation of each line given the slope and y-interceptslope= - y-intercept = 0slope= -1 y-intercept = -2slope = -1 y- intercept= -1slope= -2 y-intercept= 0 if an economy's income is completely equally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is . if an economy's income is completely unequally distributed, then the value of its gini coefficient is . 0 ; 1 1 ; 0 0 ; infinity infinity ; 0 suppose the gini coefficient in canada is 0.25 , and the gini coefficient in the united states is 0.37 . which country's income distribution is more evenly distributed? the united states canada more information is needed to answer this question. canada and the united states have the same income distribution. given the triangle below, select all true statements Yaritza runs a farm stand that sells peaches and grapes. Each pound of peaches sell for $2.50 and each pound of grapes sells for $3.75. Yaritza made $225 from selling a total of 75 pounds of peaches and grapes. Graphically solve a system of equations in order to determine the number of pounds of peaches sold, x, and the number of pounds of grapes sold, y. What is a scale? an interval between notes special notes in a musical piece the pitch level any set of musical notes ordered by pitch Let f(x)=3x-4 and g(x)=x/2+1. Find f(g(x)) of f o g when she started relating to me in the way she related to her mother, it became clear that she perceived her mother as a rival for her fathers affection. In what type of psychotherapy? Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly Which TWO statements best express the central ideas of the article?A. Harvey Milk was an outspoken advocate for gay people and other marginalizedcommunities.B. Harvey Milk served the shortest political term in California's history due to hisassassination.C. Harvey Milk began his political career after moving to Castro Street in San Francisco.D. Harvey Milk was the first elected official to come out as gay after winning his office.E. Harvey Milk personally helped many marginalized people run for political office.F. Harvey Milk continues to inspire people even decades after his assassination. in europe, hundreds of thousands of cows have caught the disease. and 150 humans have died from it. but mad cow disease had never appeared in the u.s. until now! what tone does this passage have? anger confusion disbelief urgency If LM bisects JK at point P, which statements must be true? Select all the true statements. suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars , the fed ______. Within a plug flow reactor, 16.7 g of CO are mixed with 26.2 g of H2; the two produce methanol (CH3OH) according to the following scheme:CO + 2H2 => CH3OHCalculate the mass of methanol produced in grams. Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep.a. Trueb. False which condition or disorder is the most debilitating for the patient who has it? explain your answer. how does the condition or disorder affect the normal function or structure of the circulatory system? if you were a cardiologist, which condition or disorder do you think would be the easiest to treat? which one would be the most difficult to treat? why? You are a delegate at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. Do you feel the United States should revise the Articles of Confederation or start over with a new government? Justify your response with two historical facts. Your response should be 3-5 sentences. which of the following costs are variable? cost 10,000 units 30,000 units 1. $100,000 $300,000 2. 40,000 240,000 3. 90,000 90,000 4. 50,000 150,000 group of answer choices 1 and 2 1 and 4 only 1 only 2 Which of the following is the strongest risk factor for predicting child abuse or neglect?A. SES StatusB. foreign cultureC. religionD. none of the above malik raises his eyebrows and whistles when a friend picks him up in a new car. which statement accurately describes this communication? approximately what portion of the human genome is composed of repetitive, noncoding sequences?