which of the following costs are variable? cost 10,000 units 30,000 units 1. $100,000 $300,000 2. 40,000 240,000 3. 90,000 90,000 4. 50,000 150,000 group of answer choices 1 and 2 1 and 4 only 1 only 2


Answer 1

Only cost 1  and 4 are the variable cost.

Cost 1 is $100,000 and $300,000

Cost 4 is $50,000 and 150,000


The information in this query is combined.

together. As a result, they are arranged before

addressing the question as follows:

Of the following expenses, which one is variable?

The following is the explanation of the response:


Variable costs are costs that vary per unit.

remains constant regardless of exercise intensity.

Variable cost can be computed as follows:

Total cost / Number equals variable cost per unit.

..........of unit (1)

The variable costs for this inquiry can be

based on the following guidelines:

Rule 1. Variable costs are those whose per-unit costs are never the same.

Rule 2. when the cost per unit varies.

These costs are fixed costs.

Rule 3. They are fixed costs if the overall expense is constant.

Then, these guidelines are implemented utilising

For cost 1:

Cost per unit of 10,000 units = $100,000/

10,000 units = $10

30,000 units at a cost of $300 each

30,000 units = $10

Cost 1 is a variable cost in accordance with Rule 1.

For cost 2:

Ten thousand units cost $40,000. Ten thousand units cost $4.

30,000 units at $240,000 per in cost

30,000 units = $8

Rule 2 states that Cost 2 is not a variable.


For cost 3:

Given that the two costs total $90,000 each,

As a result, Cost 3 is a fixed cost under Rule.


For cost 4:

10,000 units at a cost per unit of $50,000.

10,000 units = $5

30,000 units at a cost of $150 each

30,000 units = $5

Expense 3 is a variable cost in accordance with Rule 1.

According to the calculation only cost 1 and 4 are variable cost.

To know more about Variable cost visit:



Related Questions

Which of these represents the WORST negotiating tactic you can use when purchasing a vehicle?
Let the dealer know you are shopping around at multiple dealerships
Tell the salesperson the maximum amount you can afford per month
Be willing to leave if they’re not making you a good deal
Force the dealership to offer a price first, and you respond to their off


Tell the salesperson the maximum amount you can afford per month represents the worst negotiating tactic you can use when purchasing a vehicle.

What aspect of negotiation is most crucial?

Interests. According to Patton, interests—our core needs, goals, and motivations—are "the essential drivers of bargaining." Our interests, though frequently unseen and unsaid, yet guide our actions and words.

You always have the advantage because you are the customer. If you don't like what they are offering or simply need more time to think it through, you can leave. If you need a car right away, this might not be simple, but it's worth the effort to return another day or go to a different dealer.

To know more about negotiating, click here- brainly.com/question/29689939


Tell the salesperson the maximum amount you can afford per month represents the worst negotiating tactic you can use when purchasing a vehicle.

What bargaining element is most important?

Interests. Our fundamental needs, objectives, and motivations—our interests—are "the fundamental drivers of bargaining," in Patton's words. Even though they are typically hidden and unsaid, our interests still affect our behavior.

It's critical to communicate your goals and boundaries during negotiations in order to get the results you're hoping for. You can have courteous discussions with other negotiators and work toward an amicable resolution when you have effective communication skills.

Because you are the consumer, you always have the upper hand. You are free to leave if you don't like what they have to offer or just need more time to consider it. This may not be easy if you require a car right quickly, but it is worth the effort to return another day or go to a different dealer.

To know more about negotiating, click here- brainly.com/question/29689939


for the u.s. economy, which of the following is the most important reason for the downward slope of the aggregate-demand curve? a. the exchange-rate effect b. the interest-rate effect c. the wealth effect d. the real-wage effect


For the u.s. economy, which of the following is the most important reason for the downward slope of the aggregate-demand curve the interest-rate effect.

Aggregate demand (AD) or domestic final demand (DFD) are terms used in macroeconomics to refer to the total demand for final products and services in an economy at a certain time. Effective demand is a frequent word for it, however occasionally this phrase is used to distinguish between two things. This is the demand for a nation's gross domestic product. It provides information on the quantity of goods and services that will be purchased at each price point. Investment, business and governmental spending, consumer spending, and net exports all contribute to the total demand. The aggregate demand curve is depicted by plotting the price level on the vertical axis and real production on the horizontal axis.

Learn more about demand from



What is economic transition ?


Economies in transition are considered countries that are undertaking macroeconomic reforms with the aim of changing the way their economies operate.

This has traditionally involved the country making structural adjustments from a state-run economy to a more market-oriented system. A transition economy is an economy that moves from centrally planned to free market. Since the fall of communism in the late 1980s, the countries of the former Soviet Union and its satellite states, including Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria, have sought to embrace market capitalism. school and abandoned centralized planning. Key aspects of the transition are liberalization, macroeconomic stability, privatization, and legal and institutional reforms.

To learn more about Economies, click here.



manuel tends to be calm and steady most of the time. for what position at his company is he particularly well suited?


Manuel tends to be calm and steady most of the time therefore he is suited as a manager for the position at his company.

What are the characteristics of a manager?

The definition of a manager limits a manager to someone who oversees the activities of individuals. So in simple terms, managers oversee the activities of others to achieve objectives. To be a good manager, we need to have some good qualities, such as:

Leadership skills, to be an effective manager, we need to be able to lead our employees efficiently. Good communication skills are necessary. Effective communication is a staple that all the best managers have.

Lastly, another key factor in being a successful manager is time management.

Learn more about manager, here:



Which Accenture tool will help the client in hiring for critical roles and decreasing attrition?


SynOps tools help the client in hiring for critical roles and decreasing attrition.

To create unique software products, Accenture Software blends strong technological aptitude with sector expertise. It provides cutting-edge software-based solutions to help enterprises achieve high performance and their business objectives. MyConcerto is the greatest Accenture tool for the project lead to start with. Accenture An integrated tool for business change is myConcerto. MyConcerto is a tool for streamlining and accelerating organizational change that is motivated by innovation.

MyConcerto makes the process of strategizing simpler. organizations in the healthcare sector that use varied data in a way that fosters insight-led decision-making, improved customer experiences, and ground-breaking commercial results.

Learn more about Accenture tools here: https://brainly.com/question/28222331


Which Accenture tool would best help the Project Lead begin the process?


The best Accenture tool to help the Project Lead begin the process is the Accenture Project Management Toolkit.

This toolkit provides templates, checklists, and best practices for project management. It also has a host of other features to help the Project Lead get up and running quickly.

Project Management is the process of planning, executing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals and objectives within a given timeline. It involves identifying and analysing project goals and objectives, setting project timelines and deliverables, and establishing and monitoring project tasks.

A Project Lead is the person responsible for leading the project team and ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget and to the required standards.

To know more about project lead



in the short run, a firm that produces and sells house paint can adjust group of answer choices where to produce along its long-run average-total-cost curve. the size of its factories. how many workers to hire. all of the above are correct.


In the short run, a firm that produces and sells house paint can adjust C. how many workers to hire.

What is short run?

Short run can be defined as the way in which an input remain the same while the remaining out can tend to be variable or change. This tend to means  that in short run a factor of production are fixed as they do not change.

In the short run, a firm that manufactures and sells house paint can adjust the number of  workers they can choose to hire which implies that the number of workers to employ are not fixed as they are subject to change in the short run.

Therefore we can conclude that the correct option is C.

Learn more about short run here:https://brainly.com/question/14258489


In the small-country model, the price equals the world price if the country is open to trade.a. true
b. false


The price of commodities in a small-country model cannot equal that of the world's price even if the country is open to trade is False.

How trade between countries influence price

The demand for money, which is determined by trade, has an impact on these relative valuations. A country's currency will be in great demand if its exports exceed its imports since more people will want to buy its products. According to supply and demand economics, prices increase and the value of the currency increases when demand is high.

On the other hand, if a nation imports more than it exports, there will be less of a demand for its currency, which will result in lower pricing. Currency experiences depreciation, or value loss.

Learn more on international trade here https://brainly.com/question/14926566


if the consumer division is eliminated, $1,600,000 of the above fixed expenses could be avoided. what will be the effect on xampa's profit next year if consumer division is eliminated?


Xampa will save $1,600,000 in fixed costs if it closes its Consumer Division, but it will still owe $2,100,000 - $1,600,000 = $500,000 in fixed costs.

Consumers are individuals or groups that do not participate directly in entrepreneurial or business activities and who intend to order or utilise acquired goods, services, or experiences largely for their own social, familial, household, or other purposes. The person who buys things for their personal use is the one who uses the phrase the most frequently. President John F. Kennedy presented the US Congress with his definition of consumers on March 15, 1962. He said, "By definition, consumers encompass all of us." The idea for World Consumer Rights Day, which is now celebrated on March 15, was inspired by this lecture. John F. Kennedy emphasised in his speech that it is a fundamental responsibility of the government to support citizens in asserting their rights on behalf of consumers.

Learn more about   Consumer from



avoiding, accepting, reducing and sharing are components of in enterprise risk management? multiple choice risk response risk assessment control activities communication and monitoring


avoiding, accepting, reducing and sharing are components of Risk response in enterprise risk management

Risk treatment is an essential part of an effective risk management plan. Planning here means how to respond to reported potential risks. Strategies for dealing with various risks, low or high, acceptable or unacceptable, are discussed.

Project Managers and Risk Officers are familiar with the four common risk response strategies (avoid, transfer, mitigate, accept) (for threats) and therefore have an appropriate strategy for responding to identified opportunities. It makes sense to build on these as a basis for developing

Management's reaction or action to the presence of risk. There are several approaches including: Avoidance - remove the conditions that allow the existence of the risk. Mitigation – Minimize the likelihood and/or likelihood of a risk occurring.

To know more about Risk response, visit:-



a monopolist that fails to recover a short-run loss in the long run generally leaves the market. a. true b. false


A monopolist who is unable to make up a short-term loss in the long run typically exits the market.

Irving Fisher defines a monopoly as a market in which there is "no competition," leading to a situation in which one individual or company is the exclusive supplier of a certain commodity or service. This contrasts with oligopoly, duopoly, and monopsony, which relate to the dominance of a single firm over a market for the purchase of an item or service, respectively. Thus, the absence of viable substitute products,  lack of economic rivalry for the production of the good or service, and the possibility of a high monopoly price that is much above the seller's marginal cost and creates a large monopoly profit are the characteristics of monopolies. 

Learn more about monopolist about



if you know that this depicts a firm in the long run, which of the four main types of firm must this be? monopoly monopolistically competitive perfectly competitive oligopoly what quantity will this firm choose? q


The firm depicts in the long run as an oligopolistic firm. There are a total of 4 types of market structures, which include:

Perfect CompetitionMonopolistic CompetitionOligopolyMonopoly

On one extreme of the market structure range, where there are many enterprises, is perfect competition. In this context, the word "many" has a specific meaning. Each company is so small in relation to the market in a completely competitive industry that it has no impact on the product's pricing. Every company that is totally competitive is a price taker. Numerous businesses, therefore, imply that each business is so little as to be a price taker.

The other end of the market structure spectrum, where there is only one firm, is called a monopoly. Monopolies possess monopoly power, or the capacity to alter the product's price. Market power, another name for monopoly power, is quantified by the Lerner Index.

A monopoly is a type of market structure that is defined by a differentiated product and open entry and exit.

Due to the interaction and interdependence of oligopolistic enterprises, an oligopoly is an intriguing market structure. In an oligopoly, each firm's actions have an impact on the others.

To know more about market structures:



a favorable production-volume variance occurs when . question 6 options: the denominator level exceeds production unit sales exceed production production exceeds the denominator level production exceeds unit sales


A favorable production-volume variance occurs This is allegedly calculated or derived from. Income Before Taxes and Interest (EBIT). EBIT is the common name for this. The correct answer is production exceeds unit sales.

Those are returns from real estate investments or additional types of investment in a business that is after deduction of all taxes and other interests. Calculating is the method used in arithmetic computations. gross sales and service fees, as well as the labour that was put in. Take the price out of the merchandise sold, plus utility costs rent etc.

When the absorption costing method is used, only the cost of goods sold is taken into account; however, the fixed cost component is also taken into account and proportionately shared between finished goods inventory and items sold; this is not done with variable costing.Absorption costing will therefore indicate higher profit than variable costing when there is completed goods inventory on hand.

Complete question:

a favorable production-volume variance occurs when . question 6 options: the denominator level exceeds production unit sales exceed production production exceeds the denominator level production exceeds unit sales.

a. Are deferred in inventory when production exceeds sales

b. Are always treated as period costs

c. Are released from inventory when production exceeds sales

d. Are ignored

To know more about Production volume visit:



defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


Defined by miles as "a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits" is a  Contingency.

The contingency theory of management holds that situational factors can affect the relationships between dependent and independent variables in the workplace, which will have an impact on employee activities, behavior, motivation, and effectiveness. This theory is also known as the situational approach to management. To successfully analyze organizational data and boost employee engagement, it is important to consider the unique contingency variables that apply to each firm. A contingency is a requirement of one component's activities that is affected by those of another subunit.

The contingency states that a customized approach is needed to use organizational behavior data for the benefit of employees and to promote a productive workplace. Contingency theory, an organizational theory, asserts that there is no one best way to manage a company, organize a subunit, or make decisions.

To know more about Contingency visit:



Gloria runs a small cleaning supply company where she makes and manufactures all the products in a small shed in her backyard. Recently, her products had been selling like hotcakes until she was approached by a lawyer who informs her that in an effort to protect the rights of her customers, she needs to start labeling her cleaning products to show all ingredients. What movement is this legal advice in support of?
a. Social enterprise
b. Consumerism
c. Bribery
d. Fair pricing


I think it’s social enterprise

in 1995, when umpqua bank opened in new markets, which type of marketing effort did it utilize?


The type of marketing effort it utilizes is Formulated marketing.

Marketing strategy formulation refers to the process of establishing a company's marketing goals and objectives. It allows leaders to create policies or blueprints and build techniques to execute strategy. Marketing is essential to any good business.

Marketing activities are the resources companies spend to promote their products and services. Through marketing activities, businesses can generate demand and interest in their products and increase awareness among potential customers. Pharmaceutical formulation is a multi-step process in which the active drug is mixed with all other ingredients, taking into account particle size factors.

Learn more about Marketing here:- https://brainly.com/question/25754149


are there any critical elements of accounting guidelines that will be crucial for uber to meet? explain your reasoning.


Based in San Francisco, Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) offers mobility as a service, ride-hailing (which enables customers to reserve a vehicle and driver to transport them similarly to a taxi), food delivery (through Postmates and Uber Eats), package delivery, courier services, and freight transportation.

Users may now reserve additional modes of transportation using the Uber app in select regions thanks to agreements with other operators including Thames Clippers (boats) and Lime (electric bicycles and motorized scooters).

At the time of the booking, Uber determines the prices, which change using a dynamic pricing model based on local supply and demand and are quoted to the client in advance. Uber also earns a fee from each booking.

As of December 31, 2021, it operated in over 72 countries and 10,000 cities.

Learn more about Uber Technologies:



what property of restriction enzymes allows dna from different organisms to be combined?


As long as the DNA fragments were produced with the same restriction nuclease, the cohesive ends produced by restriction enzymes allow any two DNA fragments to be linked together without difficulty.

Cohesive ends, often known as "sticky ends," are single strands that overlap COMPLEMENTARY single strands at the termini of double-stranded DNA molecules. These complementary base pairings can bind the ends of the same molecule or ends of distinct molecules together. Cohesive ends or sticky ends are the names for longer overhangs. They are most frequently produced when restriction endonucleases cleave DNA. Since there is no unpaired DNA strand briefly stranding at the end of DNA, blunt ends are also known as non-cohesive ends.

Cohesive ends, also known as sticky ends, have overhangs, which are unpaired DNA nucleotides on either the 5' or 3' strand. Sticky ends are designed to make it possible to cut and reassemble DNA.

Learn more about DNA here: https://brainly.com/question/16099437


stocks have both diversifiable risk and undiversifiable​ risk, but only diversifiable risk is rewarded with higher expected returns.a. trueb. false


The given statement, stocks have both diversifiable risk and undiversifiable​ risk, but only diversifiable risk is rewarded with higher expected returns, is false.

Why are certain risks diversifiable, while others are not?

Diversifiable risk is defined as unsystematic risk that can be reduced or hedged. These risks are associated with a particular security or asset, thus they can be minimized by investing in different securities or assets.

Can diversity minimize systemic risk?

Systemic risk is wholly unavoidable and completely unpredictable. Only the proper asset allocation plan or hedging may decrease it; diversification cannot. Systematic risk is what causes additional investment risks, such as industry risk.

To know more about diversifiable risk, visit:



the yields on commercial mortgages have been approximately 2 percent higher, on average, than the yields on comparable maturity treasury securities over the past 20 years. often considered the signature risk of commercial mortgage lending, this spread primarily represents:


Often considered the signature risk of commercial mortgage lending, this spread primarily represents default risk.

The risk that a lender assumes in the event that a borrower won't be able to make the necessary payments on their debt obligation is known as default risk.

Almost all types of credit extensions subject lenders and investors to default risk. Higher necessary returns translate into higher interest rates as default risk increases.

Any time a lender gives a borrower credit, there's a danger the loan won't get repaid in full. The default risk is the metric that considers this possibility.

Companies that issue bonds and, due to financial constraints, are unable to repay interest payments on such bonds are also subject to default risk.

To know more about default risk:



which term is commonly used to refer to ways in which organizations seek to ensure that members of diverse groups are valued and treated fairly within organizations in all areas including hiring, compensation, performance evaluation, and customer service activities?


Managing diversity is commonly used to refer to ways in which organizations seek to ensure that members of diverse groups are valued and treated fairly within organizations in all areas including hiring, compensation, performance evaluation, and customer service activities.

Managing diversity means acknowledging individuals' disparities and perceiving these distinctions as valuable; it enhances great management practices by preventing discrimination and advancing comprehensiveness. Great management alone won't necessarily assist you with working really with a diverse labor force. It is frequently hard to see what part diversity plays in a particular area of management.

To manage a diverse workplace, organizations need to guarantee that they really communicate with representatives. Approaches, systems, safety rules and other important information ought to be intended to conquer language and cultural barriers by translating materials and utilizing pictures and images at whatever point applicable.

to know more about cultural barriers click here:



Why is it important to use strategies that enhance effective group interactions and communication?


Answer: Effective communication strategies in business can help organizations improve the overall productivity of the workforce, create a positive presence for the organization in the market and instil a sense of trust among employees.

if the income elasticity of tomatoes is estimated to approximate 0.25, what would you expect to happen to the consumption of tomatoes as personal income rises?


Tomato consumption will decrease as personal income rises if the predicted income elasticity for tomatoes is 0.25.

A substitute goods is tomatoes.

Similar products that a buyer can employ for the same purpose are substitute items.

So, alternatives for tomatoes and tomato puree are both possible. As tomato prices rise, customer demand also rises. Thus, tomato puree is more widely consumed.

How responsive a given good's quantity demand is to changes in the real income of the consumers who buy it is referred to as "income elasticity of demand."

To know more about substitute goods, click the below link



This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good is called?


This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good is called subsidy.

A subsidy is a benefit that is given to a person, business, or organization and is often offered by the government. Both options are acceptable. In order to advance a social good or economic policy, it is usually seen to be in the public's best interest to offer a subsidy. The objective of the subsidy is frequently to alleviate some form of suffering.

Subsidies often aid particular sectors of an economy. It may ease pressure on struggling industries by lowering expectations, or it may provide financial support to encourage new advances. These sectors usually don't get enough support from the general economy, and sometimes their efforts are even hindered by those of other economies.

To know more about Subsidy here



what is not a strategy-related advantage of the matrix structure? group of answer choices a) accommodates a wide variety of project-oriented business activities. b) gives middle management broader exposure to strategic issues. c) maximizes efficient use of functional managers. d) it is easy to implement. e) none of the above


The not strategy-related advantages of the matrix structure are e) none of the above.

What is matrix structure?

A matrix organizational structure is a corporate structure in which reporting relationships are defined as a grid or matrix rather than a traditional hierarchy. The matrix organizational structure, also known as the project organizational structure, is a combination of the functional organizational structure and the divisional organizational structure.

The characteristics of a matrix organization are:

The leader is in the highest position in the organization. Not emphasizing the hierarchical structure. Project managers have horizontally equal authority.There is a dual chain of command where subordinates have more than one project manager.There is dual reporting, where subordinates report to the project manager and functional lead.

Learn more about the fundamental limitations of a matrix structure here :



suppose a market has four firms, each with 25 percent market share. what is the herfindahl-hirschman index (hhi) of concentration for this market?


Market attention refers to what volume the corporations have their proportion withinside the marketplace. Whenever the marketplace attention increases, it way that few corporations are gaining energy withinside the marketplace in comparison to the scenario whilst marketplace attention decreases whilst the surroundings stays competitive.

The required details about Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is mentioned in below paragraph.

The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index for Industry A is decrease than Industry B, indicating that Industry A is much less focused than Industry B. Considering Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, as 2500 is much less than 5200, it shows that during Industry A, the 4 corporations have a tendency to compete with every other. But in Industry B, one of the corporations has a big proportion, in order that company has a tendency to dominate the marketplace in comparison to the opposite 3 small corporations.

The given announcement is false

Reason: The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index allows in indicating whether or not the marketplace is particularly focused or not, and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index for each Industry A and B are calculated below:

Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(ShareofFirm1)2+(ShareofFirm2)2+(ShareofFirm3)2+(ShareofFirm4)2ForIndustryA,Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(25)2+(25)2+(25)2+(25)2=625+625+625+625=2500ForIndustryB,Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(70)2+(10)2+(10)2+(10)2=4900+100+100+100=5200" role="presentation" style=Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(25)2+(25)2+(25)2+(25)2=625+625+625+625=2500ForIndustryB,Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(70)2+(10)2+(10)2+(10)2=4900+100+100+100=5200 Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(ShareofFirm1)2+(ShareofFirm2)2+(ShareofFirm3)2+(ShareofFirm4)2ForIndustryA,Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(25)2+(25)2+(25)2+(25)2=625+625+625+625=2500ForIndustryB,Herfindahl−HirschmanIndex=(70)2+(10)2+(10)2+(10)2=4900+100+100+100=5200


Industry A has four firms, each with a 25% market share. Industry B has four firms, one firm with a 70% market share and the other three firms with 10% each. According to the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, industry A is more highly concentrated. Is this statement true or false? Explain.

To learn about Herfindahl-Hirschman Index visit here.



an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.


It is completely inappropriate for an agent to disclose any confidential information of a client after the end of the agency. Therefore, the statement given above is false.

Confidential information can be referred to or considered as the information that consists of sensitive details, and which are not meant to be disclosed to any other who is not a party to the contract, as such. The maintenance of the confidential information even after the end of the period of contract between the parties, i.e., the principal client and the agent.

Learn more about confidential information here:



The question given above is to be interpreted as a TRUE/FALSE type question.

Cash flows from________ activities include both inflows and outflows of cash from the external funding of a business.


Cash flows from Operating activities include both inflows and outflows of cash from the external funding of a business.

The phrase "cash inflow" is used to describe the money that enters a company. It could come from borrowing, investments, or sales. Since a cash influx entails money entering a business, it is the reverse of a cash outflow. Focus is placed on a company's operating cash flows, which include cash inflows and outflows connected to its core business operations like the sale and purchase of inventory, the provision of services, and the payment of salaries.

The cash flow statement details cash inflows and outflows whereas the income statement details revenue and expenses. A cash flow statement shows liquidity whereas an income statement shows profitability. Cash inflows are a component of numerous sources of revenue. Normally, revenue is generated through the sale of cattle and crops.

To know more about external funds visit :



in perfect​ competition, long-run equilibrium occurs when the economic profit is


A perfectly competitive market achieves long‐run equilibrium when all firms are earning zero economic profits and when the number of firms in the market is not changing.

Now, According to the question:

What Is Perfect Competition?

Perfect competition occurs when all companies sell identical products, market share does not influence price, companies are able to enter or exit without barriers, buyers have perfect or full information, and companies cannot determine prices.

In an environment where there is perfect competition, businesses never make a profit. Long-term accounting profits can be made by businesses, but economic profits are not possible. The perfect competition requires a big number of sellers or businesses, which is a fundamental requirement. Second, on the list of essentials for a perfect market is homogeneous commodities. Each company in the sector produces a single, uniform product.

Learn more about Perfect Competitive at:



What is the difference between retail banking and branch banking?


Meaning/Definition Branch banking is an extension of the services provided by the parent financial institution at a different location to establish a close connection with the clients.

Retail banking is a type of financial organization that provides people with basic banking services. Functionality Branch Banking provides the services that were previously handled by the parent company at its headquarters. The branch banks of them will provide the same service if the parent firm is an investment bank. Checking and savings accounts are created with the aid of retail banking that meets customer demands. It might aid in financing personal loans. Few things that retail banks can provide are credit cards and debit cards. Decision-Making Power Branch Banking's decision-making authority is constrained, and it frequently relies on the main office for decisions.

learn more about retail banking branch banking here:



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Are the ratios 9:14 and 1:2 equivalent?yesSubmitno PLEASE HELPP!!! DUE NOW i need real help very simple if r is the radius of the earth and g is the gravitational acceleration at the earth's surface, what is the gravitational acceleration at altitude h above the earth's surface? What does God say about kissing before marriage? PLS HELPWhich phrase describes one of the responsibilities of the President of the United Sates?controlling the Congressional agendaintroducing new lawsdeciding if a law is constitutionalappointing federal judges According to the law of diminishing marginal utility, the more of a product a person consumes per time period, other things constant, _____.a. the smaller will be the addition to total utility b. the higher will be the price of the product in the marketc. the larger will be the satisfaction derived per unit d. the smaller will be the total utility a sample of he gas (2.35 mol) occupies 57.9 l at 300.0 k and 1.00 atm. the volume of this sample is l at 469 k and 1.00 atm. question 9 options: a) 0.709 b) 1.41 c) 90.5 d) 57.9 e) 41.1 True or false?????????? describe the mean tricks that the strikers play on the workers in los esparragos What part of Luke 10:2537 from the Bible represents allegory?25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.Use textual evidence to explain your reasoning. Read the subject of the sentence, and then choose the best way to end the sentence using correct subject/verb agreement.The daughters of Mr. Lowrey A. is saving money for new rackets. B. enjoys the British Open. C. was excited by the crowed. D. love to play tennis. During a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience membersa. Trueb. False which of the following statements regarding term life insurance is incorrect? question 19 options: annual renewable term needs to be purchased yearly. term life insurance is intended to provide life-time insurance protection. level term is purchased for periods ranging from 5 to 30 or more years. term life insurance is much less expensive than cash value life insurance. WORTH 100 POINTS PLEASE HELP! WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!A metal is oxidized if its converted from its metallic form to make a compound, and its reduced if its converted back to its metallic form. Use your answer from part F and your observations of the reactions to complete these statements.Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.Magnesium is able to (blank) copper, and copper is able to (blank) magnesium. Zinc is able to (blank) magnesium, and magnesium is able to (blank) zinc. Copper is able to (blank) zinc, and zinc is able to (blank) copper.The blanks are supposed to be either filled in with "oxidize" or "reduce" which portion of the adrenal gland secretes epinephrine, norepinephrine, and a trace of dopamine? multiple choice question. adrenal cortex Why would Europe be considered a 'religious Christian region' ? An Italian trader bought merchandise in China and now wants to return home with it. However, he doesn't want to return via the Silk Road. Chooseall the spots on the route he can take to reach Italy.Silk Road the taking of steps toward the accomplishment of an unlawful act by a collection of three or more people was punished as a(n) . refers to the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization.-socialize new employees into becoming organizational insiders-new employees feel confident regarding their ability to perform, sense that they will feel accepted by their peers, and understand and share the assumptions, norms, and values that are part of the organization's culture. Which planet is approximately halfway between Pluto's orbit and the Sun? Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun