From what maximum height could a person jump and land rigidly upright on both feet without breaking his legs? assume that all the energy is absorbed in the leg bones in a rigid landing. Neglect any friction.


Answer 1

The maximum height  is 4.33m from which a person can jump rigidly without breaking any bones.

We have some data like bone maximum bearable energy is 3000J.Also,mass of person is 70kg.We know that a person cannot be broken until person jump from that height where the potential energy of person due to its position is greater than the bone energy.

It means that we need to equate or potential of person with the bone energy.

We know that potential energy of person is given by =mgh where m is the mass of the body, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height of the body.

Therefore, potential energy is =m × g × h

=>potential energy=70×9.8×h---------(eq1)

Now, we have bone energy =3000J -----(eq2)

Equate both equations,we get





Hence, maximum height is 4.33m.

To know more about height, visit here:


(Complete question) is:

The maximum energy a bone can absorb without breaking is surprisingly small. for a healthy human of mass70 kg , experimental data show that the leg bones can absorb about 3000 j . From what maximum height could a person jump and land rigidly upright on both feet without breaking his legs? assume that all the energy is absorbed in the leg bones in a rigid landing. neglect any friction.

Related Questions

The intensity, or loudness, of a sound can be measured in decibels (db), according to the equation , where i is the intensity of a given sound and is the threshold of hearing intensity. What is the intensity, in decibels, [i(db)], when ? 8 9 19 80.


The intensity of the sound in decibels will be equal to 80 that is option D is correct.

The equation of measuring the intensity is given as

I(dB)=10log[I/I₀] where I is the intensity and I₀ is the threshold of a hearing intensity.

According to the question, the intensity or loudness of a sound can be measured in decibels (dB) which is given by


Now, I = 10⁸I₀

I(dB) = 10 log [10⁸I₀/I₀]

I(dB) = 10 log (10⁸)

I(dB) = 80 log 10

I(dB) = 80 which is the required value.

Learn more about Intensity at:


Complete Question:

The intensity, or loudness, of a sound can be measured in decibels (dB), according to the equation I(dB)=10log[I/I₀], where I &/ the intensity of a given sound and I0 is the threshold of a hearing intensity. What is the intensity, in decibels, [I(dB)], when I=10⁸(I₀)? Round to the nearest whole number. (Refer to photo for equations) A.8 B.9 C.19 D.80

calculate the velocity of a non-relativistic electron whose de broglie wavelength is 3.637 nm.



The velocity of a non-relativistic electron can be calculated using the formula v = h / mλ, where h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the electron, and λ is the de Broglie wavelength of the electron.

Assuming the mass of the electron is 9.11 x 10^-31 kg, the velocity of the electron can be calculated as follows:

v = (6.63 x 10^-34 m^2 kg / s) / (9.11 x 10^-31 kg * 3.637 x 10^-9 m)

This works out to be approximately 5.82 x 10^6 m/s.

However, it's important to note that the de Broglie wavelength of a particle is generally only considered to be a meaningful quantity when the particle is moving at speeds that are comparable to the speed of light. For non-relativistic particles, such as an electron moving at a low velocity, the de Broglie wavelength is not a well-defined concept. Therefore, it's not meaningful to calculate the velocity of an electron based on its de Broglie wavelength.


Answer: 2 x 10^5 m/s


de Broglie wavelength equation: λ = h / mv

v = h / m · λ

m = 9.11 x 10^-31 kg

h = 6.62 x 10^-34 J·s

λ = 3.637 x 10^-9 m

v = (6.62 x 10^-34 J·s) / (9.11 x 10^-31 kg) (3.637 x 10^-9 m)

v = 199800.3807 = 2 x 10^5 m/s

Mr. Swanson's science class used a thermometer to measure the outside temperature each day throughout the school year. They used their results to make the graph below. Which month had an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees? A. May B. March C. April D. December


The month which has an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees is May. Hence, option A is the correct.

What is a Thermometer?

A thermometer is a device used to gauge a system's temperature. In a broad variety of activities, including as industry, science and research, and medical treatment, temperature measuring is crucial.

Galileo Galilei, an Italian mathematician, and physicist, is largely credited with developing the thermometer. In his device, constructed in 1592, a glass vessel's inversion caused the air inside to expand or contract, which in turn altered the amount of liquid that was half-filled into the vessel's long, accessible neck.

To know more about Thermometer:


Determine ΔHvap for a compound that has a measured vapor pressure of 24.3 torr at 273 K and 135 torr at 325 K


The enthalpy of vaporization of the system is obtained as 23.6 kJ/mol.

What is  the enthalpy of vaporization?

We know that we can be able to obtain the enthalpy of vaporization from the vapor pressure of the system at two different temperatures that have been given in the question.

Given that;

ln(P2/P1) = -ΔHvap/R(1/T2 - 1/T1)

P2 = final pressure

P1 = initial pressure

ΔHvap = enthalpy of vaporization

T2 = final temperature

T1 = initial temperature


ln(135/24.3) = -ΔHvap/8.314 (1/325 - 1/273)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (0.0031 - 0.0037)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (-0.0006)

1.7 = 0.0006ΔHvap/8.314

ΔHvap = 1.7 * 8.314/0.0006

= 23.6 kJ/mol

Learn more about enthalpy of vaporization:


an automobile crankshaft transfers energy from the engine to the axel at the rate of 41.8 kw when rotating at a speed of 1250 rev/min. what torque does the crankshaft deliver?


Torque delivered was = 319.4 Nm

The power of an automobile crankshaft transfers energy from engine to axel is = 41.8 kw

angular speed = 1250 rev/min

power consumed is,

P = τω

here τ = torque

τ = P/ω

τ = 41.8 X 10³/ 1250 X 2π/ 60

τ = 319.4 Nm

Therefore, the torque delivered was = 319.4Nm

To know more about torque,


When the electrostatic force overcomes the
of the nucleus, it is called radioactive decay.
Answer here
force in at least part
(Apex answer)



strong force


check answer

The average kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas doubles if the _______ doubles.


The average kinetic energy of molecules of an ideal gas doubles if the temperature doubles.

Kinetic theory of gases says that the molecules of gas are in random motion and are continuously colliding with each other and with the walls of the container. All the collisions involved are elastic in nature due to which the total kinetic energy and the total momentum both are conserved. No energy is lost or gained from collisions.In an ideal gas, there are no attractive forces between the gas molecules, and there is no rotation or vibration within the molecules.The kinetic energy of the translational motion of an ideal gas depends on its temperature. The formula for the kinetic energy of a gas defines the average kinetic energy per molecule. The kinetic energy is measured in Joules (J), and the temperature is measured in Kelvin (K). i.e. KE [tex]\alpha[/tex] TSo if temperature doubles , kinetic energy also doubles.

To know more about kinetic energy visit;


A figure skater is spinning slowly with arms outstretched. Shebrings her arms in close to her body and her moment of inertiadecreases by 1/2. Her angular speed increases by a factor of
A. 2
B. 1
C. 4
D. square root of 2
E. 1/2
In the same situation if she decreases her moment of inertiaby a factor of 2, how does her angular speed change?
A. Its reduced by a factor of 4
B. Its reducded by a factor of 2
C. It increases by a factor of 4
D. It increases by a factor of 2
E. It doesnt change
Is the relationship between angular speed and moment ofinertia inversely proportional, or does angular speed have todouble to compensate for any decrease in moment of inertia? I needhelp understanding the relationship between the two. I=2k/omegasquared, correct?


The angular speed increases by a factor of 2 and when she decreases her moment of inertia by a factor of 2 her angular speed change.

Angular momentum is a characteristic of rotating bodies determined by the product of their angular velocity and moment of inertia.

Angular momentum = Angular velocity x Moment of inertia

The angular momentum is calculated by

L = IW


I = Inertia momentum

W = angular velocity

It can be calculated by applying the law of conservation of angular momentum as given below:

= [tex]I_{i} W_{i} =I_{f} W_{f}[/tex]

Where, i = initial, f = final

Since the final inertia momentum of figure skater gets decreased by 1/2 from the initial,

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}I_{i} = I_{f}[/tex]

Therefore, the final angular speed would become

 [tex]I_{i} W_{i} = \frac{1}{2} I_{i} W_{f}[/tex]

 [tex]2W_{i} = W_{f}[/tex]

Hence, which means that angular speed increases by a factor 2.

To know more about rotational mechanics visit:


at what velocity (m/s) must a 428.5 kg object be moving in order to possess a kinetic energy of 3.2 j?


here, we have given kinetic energy = 3.2 J

mass= 428.5 kg = 0.4285 gm

so now we know,

K.E = [tex]1/2mv^{2}[/tex]

v= [tex]\sqrt{2K/m}[/tex]

v= [tex]\sqrt{2*3.2/0.4285}[/tex]


v=3.86 m/s.

at 3.86m/s object will be moving to possess a kinetic energy of 3.2 j.

kinetic energy.

v= velocity

m= mass

K.E = kinetic energy

learn more about kinetic energy here;


write an equation for the total mechanical energy, e, of the motion. your expression should be in terms of the variables in the original problem statement.


Total energy is defined as the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy and may be calculated using the formula: total energy = (row)*g*h + 1/2*m*v2.

Potential energy is the energy that a thing possesses in physics. due of the object's position in relation to other objects, internal tensions, electric charge, or other variables. A moving object or particle's kinetic energy, which depends on both mass and speed, is one of its characteristics. The type of motion can be vibration, translation, rotation around an axis, or any combination of these. Kinetic energy is a type of energy that an item or particle possesses as a result of motion. The energy that an object has as a result of its motion is known as kinetic energy (KE) in physics.

Learn more about  kinetic energy here


According to our basic scenario of solar system formation, why do the jovian planets have numerous large moons?


As the growing Jovian planets trapped gas from the solar nebula, the gas formed swirling disks around them, and condensation within those disks formed moons.

The moons formed from the largest protoplanets that cleared the solar nebula of gas. Jovian planets are much more like the Sun than the Earth.

Jovian's many moons are one of the unsolved mysteries of the formation of the solar system. Jovian planets formed far from the Sun, where ice and rock were abundant. The core quickly grew into a large mass of ice and rock.

Eventually, they grew so  large that their enormous gravitational pull trapped large amounts of hydrogen and other gases from  surrounding nebulae. These condensed to form enormous moons.

Read more about the solar system at:


How does sleep affect the muscular system?


Sleep is very crucial in development of our muscular system. During sleeping blood flow in our body is most efficient.

One investigation discovered that a solitary evening of lacking rest didn't reduce how much power muscles can produce, yet a few sequential evenings of too little rest did. In this way, it's anything but a useful example to get into in the event that you're attempting to get more grounded, less fatty, and fabricate more characterized muscles.

High quality sleep is a fundamental component of living, and it has many advantages for wellbeing and prosperity. It could actually affect how your muscles become stronger preparation. Most grown-ups need somewhere in the range of 7 and 9 hours of rest each evening. There is such an incredible concept as getting an excess of rest as well.

To know more about sleep, visit here:


two parallel conducting plates are separated by 10.0 cm, and one of them is taken to be at zero volts. (a) what is the electric field strength (in kv/m) between them, if the potential 7.00 cm from the zero volt plate (and 3.00 cm from the other) is 550 v?


The electric field strength between the plates is 7857 volts per meter.

Whatever place in space where a charge, in any form, exists has an electric property associated with it. This property is known as the electric field. Another metric for describing an electric field is the electric force per unit charge.

The most frequent causes of electric fields are shifting magnetic fields or electric charges. The SI unit volt per meter (V/m) is used to express the strength of an electric field.

The force operating on the positive charge is thought to be acting in the direction of the field. From a positive charge, the electric field radiates radially outward; from a negative charge, it radiates radially inward.

Between two uniform conducting plates, the size of the electric field is represented as

E = V/d

While d stands for the space between the plates, V represents the potential difference between them.

Potential is 550 V at a distance of 7 cm from the plate with zero volts (and 3.00 cm from the other).

Consequently, when we change the variables in the equation above, we get

E = 550V/ (7* 10⁻²m)

E = 78.57 * 10² V/m

As a result, the electric field strength between the plates is 7857 volts per meter.

Learn more about the electric field here:


the change in the internal energy of a system that absorbs 2,500 j of heat and that does 7,655 j of work on the surroundings is ________ j.


When a system absorbs 2,500 J of heat and exerts 7,655 J of work on its surroundings, its internal energy changes by - 5,155 J.

The fundamental concepts of internal energy, heat, and system work are used in the derivation of the first law of thermodynamics. According to this thermodynamic law,  the change in internal energy of the system is equal to the heat contributed to a system minus the work done by the system.

The formula for this is given as ΔU = Q - W where ΔU is the change in internal energy, W is work done by the system, and Q is the heat added to the system.

Given the heat absorbed is 2,500 J and the work done is 7,655 J. Then, the change in the internal energy is,

ΔU = 2,500 J - 7,655 J = -5,155 J.

The answer is -5,155 J.

To know more about internal energy:


An intergalactic spaceship arrives at a distant planet that rotates on its axis with a period of T. The spaceship enters a geosynchronous orbit at a distance of R.

a) From the given information, write a general expression for the mass of the planet in terms of G and the variables from the problem statement.
b) Calculate the mass of the planet in kilograms if T = 26 hours and R = 2.1 × 108 m.


(a) General expression is R = ∛T²GM/4π²

(b) The mass of the planet in geosynchronous orbital period is  4.9 * 10²⁵ kg.

What is the orbital period?

We know that the solar system is composed of the sun and the planets. The planets are known to move around the sun in concentric circles. Following the heliocentric model of the solar system, the sun is at the center of the solar system at all times and all the other planets tend to move round the sun at a good distance that is appropriate for each.

Now we have that;

T = √4π²r³/GM

T = period of the orbit

r = radius of the orbit

G = gravitational constant

M = mass of the planet

Hence, we have;

R = ∛T²GM/4π²

8.98 * 10⁷ m =∛ (26 * 60 * 60)² * 6.67 * 10⁻¹¹ * M/ 4 * (3.142)²

8.98 * 10⁷ m * 39.49 / ∛2.86 * 10¹⁸ = M

M = 4.9 * 10²⁵

Therefore, the mass of the planet in geosynchronous orbital period is  4.9 * 10²⁵ kg.

Learn more about orbital period:


The Solar System is ____________________ the Milky Way.
A. not in
B. occasionally surrounding
C. located about 30,000 light years from the center of
D. sometimes partially within


The galaxy that our solar system belongs to is known as “The way of chopped hay galaxy” or “The Milky Way galaxy ” It takes an oval shape with coiled spiral arms extending from it, and the Sun lies on one of these spiral arms. The solar system consists of the Sun, the Planets, the Moons, the Asteroids, the Meteors, the Meteorites & the Comets.

The current answer is clearly c

If a sample of magnesium has a mass of 72. 9 g, how many moles of magnesium does the sample contain?.


3.00 moles of magnesium are present in a sample of magnesium with a mass of 72. 9 g.

Which definition of mass is ideal?

An estimation of the volume of material that makes up or is contained within a physical body. According to classical physics, an object's inertia and mass are connected because of the force needed to accelerate an item.

What are a mass and an example?

The amount of matter that makes up any item or body is best referred to as its mass. All of the objects we perceive have mass. There is mass in objects like tables, chairs, beds, footballs, glasses, and even air. As a result, every thing has a mass, which determines whether it is light or heavy.

To know more about Mass visit:


which consumes more energy, a 1 kw hair dryer used for 10 min or a 10 w night light left on for 18 hr?


10 w night light left on for 18 hr is consumes more energy.

How do you calculate energy consumption per hour?You must multiply an appliance's wattage by the number of hours it is utilized to determine how much power it consumes (operational hours). For instance, running a 1000 watt electric iron for an hour will use up 1 kilowatt hour (kWh) of power (1000 watt x 1 hour).Power is the rate at which energy is produced or used. "Power and energy are not the same thing," repeat after me ten times. Energy as a unit of time is called power. The watt, which is characterized as a current of one amp driven by a voltage of one volt, is the common unit of electrical power.

a 1 kw hair dryer used for 10 min.

energy consumes = 1kw * 10* 60 = 600kJ.

a 10 w night light left on for 18 hr

18Hr = 18 * 60 * 60 = 64800 sec

Energy consumes = 10 * 64800 =648000 J. = 648 kJ.

Since, 10 w night light left on for 18 hr consumes more energy.

To learn more about  Power refer,


How do you dilate an image with a scale factor?


By resolving the ratios of measurements you can dilate an image with scale factor.

The size of the enlargement/reduction is represented by the scale factor.

For example, a scale factor of 2 means that the new shape is twice the size of the original shape. A scale factor of 3 means that the new form is three times the size of the original form.

To calculate the scale factor, use the following formula:

Enlarge = Large/Small

Reduce = Small/Large

You can get "Large" and "Small" from the corresponding sides of the diagram.

Refer Fig :- Triangle DEF lies between the origin of triangle ABC and point O, the center of dilation, because the scaling factor is less than 1. Triangle ABC is between dilated triangle GHI and the center of dilation because the scaling factor is greater than 1. Moreover, all three triangles are similar.

The closer the scale factor is to 1, the closer the magnified triangle image is to the original image. Triangle ABC is expanded by a factor of to produce triangle DEF.

To learn more about center of dilation -


An object has a mass of 785g and a volume of 15cm³. What is its density? (Give your answer in g/cm³ to 2 decimal places).


Answer: 52.33 g/cm^3

Explanation: density= mass/volume



An object has a mass of 785g and a volume of 15cm³ then its density will be 52.33 g/cm³.

What is density ?

Density is physical property of a matter. it is the ratio of mass to volume.

I.e. Density = Mass ÷ Volume. it tells how much mass a body is having for its unit volume. Density is a scalar quantity. its SI unit is Kg/m³. its dimension is [L⁺³M¹].


Mass M of the object = 785g

Volume V of the object = 15cm³

Density = ?

by using formula,

Density = M/V

Density = 785/15

Density = 52.33 g/cm³

Hence Density of the object is 52.33 g/cm³.

To know more about density click :


What is the frequency of a light wave with a wavelength of 6.0 x 10 7?


The frequency of a light wave with a wavelength of 6.0 × 10⁷ and a speed of light of 3 × 10⁸ will be equal to 5.

What is Wavelength?

The distance between two identical locations (adjacent crests) in successive cycles is known as the wavelength, and it is used to describe waveform signals that are transmitted over wires or into space.

Typically, in wireless systems, this length is specified in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm). The wavelength is more frequently described in nanometers (nm), which are units of 10⁻⁹ m, or angstroms, which are units of 10⁻¹⁰ m, for infrared (IR), visible light (UV), and gamma radiation.

The wavelength of the light, λ = 6.0 × 10⁷

Then the frequency of the light will be,

λ = c/f

f = c/λ

f = (3 × 10⁸)/(6.0 × 10⁷)

f = 5

To know  more about Wavelength:


Which graph shows the change in velocity of an object in free fall?
Time (s)
Velocity (m/s)
Velocity (m/s)
Time (s)
Velocity (m/s)
Time (s)





The velocity vs time graph will show how the velocity is changing with time as the object falls

a photoelectric-effect experiment finds a stopping potential of 1.93 v when light of 200 nm is used to illuminate the cathode.


When the frequency of the light is increased, the stopping potential also increases. In your case, the stopping potential for a light of wavelength 200 nm is 1.93 V.

The Relationship Between Light Frequency and Stopping Potential in the Photoelectric Effect Experiment

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a surface when exposed to light. In a photoelectric effect experiment, the stopping potential is the minimum voltage required to stop the electrons from being emitted. The stopping potential increases as the frequency of the light increases.

In this experiment, a light of wavelength 200 nm was used to illuminate the cathode, and the stopping potential was found to be 1.93 V. This indicates that the frequency of the light was just high enough to cause the electrons to be emitted, but not high enough to cause a larger potential to be required to stop the electrons. Therefore, if the frequency of the light increases, the stopping potential will also increase.

Learn more about Photoelectric effect:


The stored energy an object has due to its position is____energy.


The energy stored in the object due to its position is potential energy.

Potential energy can be defined as the energy that the body posses due to the virtue of its position.

For example,

If any object of mass M is taken to a height h above the surface of Earth then the potential energy stored in the object will be given by the formula,

U = Mgh

Where g is the gravitational acceleration.

Here, we can see that if the mass of the body is constant then the potential energy of the object is depending on the vertical position of the object from the surface of Earth.

So, we can conclude here that the energy stored in the body due to its position is potential energy.

To know more about potential energy, visit,


Q3. A space probe is traveling in outer space with a momentum that has a magnitude
of . A retrorocket is fired to slow down the probe. It applies a force to
the probe that has a magnitude of and a direction opposite to the probe’s
motion. It fires for a period of 12 s. Determine the momentum of the probe after the
retrorocket ceases to fire


The momentum of the probe after the retrorocket ceases to fire is 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s

What is the momentum?

We know that the momentum of an object has to do with the product of the mass and the velocity of an object. The momentum of an object is a vector quantity and the direction of the momentum is the direction of the velocity of the object that is in motion.

According to the Newton second law of motion, we know that the rate of change of the momentum is equal to the impressed force that is acting on the body.

We know that;

[tex]F_{t}[/tex] = [tex]p_{f}[/tex] -[tex]p_{i}[/tex]

F = force

t = time taken

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]= final velocity

[tex]p_{i}[/tex] = initial velocity

[tex]p_{f}[/tex] = [tex]F_{t}[/tex]  + -[tex]p_{i}[/tex]

[tex]p_{f}[/tex] = (2.0 * 10^6 * 12 s) + 7.5 * 10^7

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]  = 2.4 * 10^7 + 7.5 * 10^7

[tex]p_{f}[/tex]  = 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s

Hence, the momentum of the retrorocket is 9.9 * 10^7 Kg m/s.

Learn more about momentum:


Missing parts;

A  space probe is traveling in outer space with a momentum that has a magnitude of  7.5 * 10^7 kgm/s. A retrorocket is fired to slow down the probe. It applies a force to the probe that has a magnitude of 2.0  * 10^6 N and a direction opposite to the probe's motion. It fires for a period of 12 s. Determine the momentum of the probe after the retrorocket ceases fire.

how much pressure (absolute) in kpa must a submarine withstand at a depth of 120.0 m in the ocean (1029 kg/m3)?


At a distance of 120.0 meters beneath the water surface, a submarine must resist pressure of 1200kPa.


1 g/cm3 equals 1000 kg/m3 for p water.

P atmosphere equals 101.3 kPa

Total P =?

water = density *g*h




P total = 1200 kPa plus 101.3 kPa equals 1301.3 kPa

The pressure on the hull increases by one atmospheric (1 bar, 14.7 psi, 101 kPa) for every 10 meters (33 feet) in depth, therefore at 300 meters (1,000 feet), the hull is able to resist 30 environments (30 bar, 441 psi, 3,000 kPa) with water pressure.

Therefore, gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure add to the overall pressure, also known as absolute pressure:

Pabs=Pg+Patm Pabs is indeed the unconditional pressure, Pg is the gauge pressure, and Patm is the air pressure. P abs = P g + P atm

To know more about  pressure click here


why did the team choose to measure the parallax of nearby stars, whose distances are already well known?


By utilizing the idea of parallax, we can decide how cosmologists decide distances to stars.

Presently, we perceive how parallax estimations can be utilized to decide the distances, one of the realities we know is that if we have any desire to gauge the distance of divine bodies, we are familiar with the parallax, first and foremost, point. That's what it intends assuming we can quantify tiny parallax points, we can gauge enormous distances moreover.

The purpose for why we can not make precise estimations of parallax past a specific distance is that as the distance of the star from earth builds the parallax point turns out to be tiny.

Subsequently, presently we comprehend how parallax estimations are utilized.

To know more about Parallax:


a transformer has an output current of 2 a and an input current of 2 a. if the input coil has 238 loops, how many loops are in the output coil?


The number of loops in the output coil are 238 loops.

In a step-up transformer, the relationship between the number of turns in its primary coil Np, the number of turns in its secondary coil Ns, the input voltage Vp, the output voltage Vs, the input current Ip and the output current Is is given by:

Ns/Np = Vs/Vp = Ip/Is

Now, we need the relation between number of loops and current:

Ns/Np = Ip/Is

Given that, Np = 238 loops

Ns = ?

Ip = 2 A

Is = 2 A

Now, let us put the values in the above relation.

Ns = Ip/Is * Np = 2/2 * 238 = 238 loops

Thus, number of loops in output coil are 238 loops.

To know more about transformer:


the blade of an electric saw rotates at 2800 rev/min. assume that the diameter of a typical saw that is used to saw boards in home construction and renovation is 18 cm. part a what is the linear speed in m/s of a point on the rim of the circular saw blade?


Angular speed of the blade that the table saw,

ω = 2800 rev/min = 293.2

Diameter = 18 cm = 0.18 m

Radius = 0.09

To find linear velocity,

V = r X ω

V = 0.09 X 293.2

V = 26.38 m/s

Convert to mph

V = 58.8 mph

To know more about linear velocity,


Cherise sets identical magnetic carts on two tracks. At the end of each track is a blue magnet that cannot move. Cherise can move the carts one space to the left or one space to the right. Which movement will result in the largest increase in potential energy?.


If you want to maximize your potential energy, you can move the cart in any direction and get the same outcome because the distance it travels in each direction is equal.

The energy that a body possesses in its resting state is called its potential energy. The energy of a moving object is known as its kinetic energy. Stored energy that is conditional on the spatial orientation of the system's components; is also known as potential energy.

When a spring is either squeezed or stretched, the resulting increase in potential energy can be used to do work. Potentially, a steel ball has more energy in the air than it does when it hits the ground.

Here, we can observe that the carts are shifted to the right or left by one space. Consequently, the potential energy will also change in response to the motions.

To see a similar example:


The right question is:

Cherise sets identical magnetic carts on two tracks. At the end of each track is a blue magnet that cannot move. Cherise can move the carts to one space to the left or one space to the right. Which movement will result in the largest increase in potential energy?

a. Moving the cart on Track 1 one space to the right (→).

b. Moving the cart on Track 2 one space to the left (←).

c. Moving the cart on Track 2 one space to the right (→).

d. All these movements will result in the same change in potential energy because they each move a cart the same distance.

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