a(n) network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member.


Answer 1

An all-channel network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member. This communication network has quick communication and average accuracy.

This group enables active communication between members of all group levels.  The formation of a leader typically does not occur in all-channel groups, and member satisfaction is high. This is the typical framework for communication in self-managed teams, where everyone participates and no one assumes a leadership position.

Users utilize a variety of techniques called networks to share important information. The network of communication is the culmination of all the tools and techniques used by a company to communicate.

Communication isn't merely a one-on-one interaction when one person decides to start a conversation. Other components, components involving more than one individual, can be found in organizational communication.

Employees who all work in the same department, for instance, can communicate with one another utilizing the all-channel network.

To learn more about communication network click here:



Related Questions

ibrahim is a computer teacher at a large high school with an 802.11n wireless network. they ask him to run a 1 gbps ethernet cable from a switch to a computer that happens to be 150 meters away. how should he best proceed?


Ibrahim should use a Category 6 or higher Ethernet cable to run between the switch and the computer. He should also make sure that the cable is rated for outdoor use, as it will need to be run through walls and ceilings.

Additionally, he should use an appropriate amount of cable slack to ensure that the cable will not be stretched or damaged when the computer is moved. Finally, he should use a switch with a port speed of 1 Gbps to ensure that the connection is fast and reliable.

The Benefits of Using a High-Speed Ethernet Cable to Connect a Computer

In today’s technologically advanced world, having a high-speed connection to the internet is essential for playing games, streaming movies, and even working from home. With the ever-increasing demands on our internet connections, it is becoming increasingly necessary to ensure that all of our devices are connected via the most reliable and fastest connection possible. This is why, when running a connection from a computer to a switch, it is important to use a high-speed Ethernet cable.

A high-speed Ethernet cable is a type of cable that is capable of transferring data at speeds of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps). This type of cable is essential when connecting a computer to a switch that is located 150 meters away. A Category 6 or higher Ethernet cable should be used because it is rated for outdoor use and can handle the longer distance between the computer and switch. Additionally, it is important to leave ample cable slack so that the connection is not damaged when the computer is moved. Finally, it is important to use a switch with a port speed of 1 Gbps in order to ensure a fast and reliable connection.

Learn more about computers :



​As the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches decreases.


False. As the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches can actually increase. Complexity often means more points of entry for malicious actors.

The Security Challenges of High Level Networks

One of the main concerns regarding the security of high-level networks is the possibility of denial of service attacks. These attacks are performed when hackers bombard a server with malicious traffic to disrupt service for legitimate users.

Another security challenge for high-level networks is the possibility of infiltration attacks. This occurs when an attacker breaks into the system and accesses confidential or sensitive information.

High-end network security challenges also include the threat of viruses and malware:

Viruses can spread through the network and cause harm to end users. Malware can also be used to steal information, spy on users, or even control their computers.

Learn more about High Level Network Security:



How do you find the number of combinations with 3 numbers?


When you want all integer values that are conceivable, without any repeating characters, you'll have 10 possibilities for the primary digit, 9 options for the second digit, and 8 alternatives for the triple digit, providing you a total of 10x9x8 = 720.

If recurrence is forbidden, the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can be combined to create 504 different 3-digit integers. Remarkably, the multiplier concept can also be applied towards the solution of this query. Three-digit numbers' first numerals can have one of seven different values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 9.

As recurrence is permitted, the second figure can likewise take 7 different possibilities, as well as the three can as well.Given that consistency is permitted, the second figure may also have seven different meanings, and indeed the third column can also have 7, for a total of 777=343 different possible configurations of integers.

If you desire all integer values, you have 10 alternatives for the primary binary representation, 10 options for the decimal digits, and 10 chances for the third digit, bringing you a total of 10x10x10 = 1000.

To learn more about 3 DIGIT NUMBERS visit here :

Is Windows 7 a proprietary operating system?


The Microsoft-developed Windows NT operating system has undergone a significant update with Windows 7.

Windows is a collection of different closed-source operating systems that were created and marketed by Microsoft. Typically, proprietary operating systems are created, developed, and sold by a single firm and are not intended to be modified or customized by consumers. Nonproprietary software is open-source software that is freely installable and usable. Proprietary OS often operates on name-brand vertically integrated switches. It also makes its source code completely available. Open-source or nonproprietary software can also be referred to as commercial software that can be purchased, rented, or licensed from its manufacturer or creator. The source code of proprietary software is typically unavailable to consumers or subscribers.

Learn more about Windows here:



how can you protect data on your mobile computing and portable electronic devices?


Mobile computing and portable electronic devices are becoming increasingly popular, however, these devices can be vulnerable to cyber criminals. To protect your data on these devices, it is important to use a strong password, enable two-factor authentication, encrypt data, install security software, use a virtual private network (VPN), back up your data, and use public Wi-Fi networks with caution.

How can you protect data on your mobile computing and portable electronic devices?

Use a strong password to secure your device: Choose a strong password for your device that is at least 8 characters in length and includes a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.Enable two-factor authentication: Use two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your device. This will require you to enter a code sent to your phone or email address in addition to your password.Enable encryption: Most devices come with the option to enable encryption. This will encrypt data stored on the device, making it more difficult for cyber criminals to access it.Install security software: Install security software on your device and keep it up to date. This will help to protect your data from viruses, malware, and other threats.Use a VPN: Use a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to the internet. This will create a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, making it more difficult for cyber criminals to access your data.Back up your data: Make sure to back up your data regularly so that you don’t lose it if your device is lost, stolen, or damaged.Use public Wi-Fi networks with caution: When using public Wi-Fi networks, be sure to use a VPN to protect your data. Additionally, avoid accessing sensitive accounts or entering personal information on public networks.

Learn more about Data base: https://brainly.com/question/518894


assume that, after a crash, the log contains the following records: (a) which transactions (t1-t5) will be redone during the recovery?


The log contains a T1, and T3 commit item, thus T1 and T3 will be redone. T2, T4, and T5 must be undone because there was no commit entry for them in the log. However, I also believe it may be T2, T3, or T5!

What is a transition in sales?

Statements used in sales transitions help move the conversation from broad negotiations to finalizing a transaction. This method of preparing for a close assures that your prospect is willing to seal the deal, which will improve the impact of your closing line later on.

What are the seven Ps of selling?

Product, pricing, place, promotion, tangible evidence, people, and procedures make up the seven Ps of marketing. The essential marketing mix that a company needs in order to market a good or service is made up of the seven Ps.

to know more about sales transitions here:



you need to control access to the d:\reports folder as follows: members of the accounting group should be able to open and view all files, edit them, add new files, and rename and delete files. mary needs to be able to open and view files, but should not be able to modify the files, rename files, or delete them. mary is a member if the accounting group. you want to assign ntfs permissions taking the least amount of actions possible and affecting existing permissions as little as possible. what should you do?


Mary must be removed from the accounting team. Give the Accounting group the permissions. Allow Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Modify. Give Mary the commands Read & Execute.

Which special permission defines whether a user can alter the file's end without altering the file itself?

Append Data - Create Folders permits or prohibits the creation of subfolders inside the current folder (applies to folders only). Append Data does not alter, remove, or replace current data; it just permits or forbids making modifications to the file's end (applies to files only).

Which printer access level enables users to change the settings and configurations of their printers?

The user can share a printer, modify printer permissions, share a printer, restart a printer, alter spooler settings, and modify printer properties. Administrators and Power Users group members automatically have the Manage Printers permission.

to know more about Accounting here:



a(n) is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner


A Database Management System (DBMS)  is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner.

Database management system :

Database management system "DBMS". Software that enables organizations to centralize data, manage it efficiently, and grant application programs access to stored data. Database management system "DBMS". A software tool that allows users to easily manage databases. It allows users to access and interact with the underlying data in the database. Database management system "DBMS". It usually refers to the tools responsible for creating and managing data. Also, users can retrieve or update data at any time. However, businesses should choose database management software according to their specific needs and requirements.

Learn more about Database management system :



what are two ways that android security can be enforced dynamically, i.e., under program control, going beyond the permissions that may be required in the manifest?


Every Android app operates in a sandbox with restricted access for android security. You can put up a permission request and declare permission if your program wants access to resources or data outside of its own sandbox.

Pass permission to the ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission() method to see if the user has already authorized it for your app. Depending on whether your app has permission, this method either returns PERMISSION GRANTED or PERMISSION DENIED.

Request the permission after the user has seen an educational UI or after shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale() has returned a result indicating that you are not required to show an educational UI. Users are presented with a system permission window where they can decide whether to allow your app-specific permission.

Use the RequestPermission contract, which is part of an AndroidX library, to accomplish this, and let the system take care of managing the permission request code. When possible, it is advised to utilize the RequestPermission contract because it makes your reasoning simpler. If necessary, you can manage a request code yourself as part of the permission request and incorporate it into your permission callback logic.

Add dependencies on the following libraries in your module's build.gradle file to enable the system to manage the request code linked to a permissions request:

• Androidx.activity at least version 1.2.0

• Androidx.fragment at least version 1.3.0

To learn more about Android app click here:



you would like to prevent users from running any software with .exe or extensions on computers in the domain unless they have been digitally signed. the rule should apply to all known and unknown software. how should you configure this rule in applocker?


You apply the applocker rule by configuring a publisher condition for an executable rule to prevent users from running any software with .exe or extensions on computers in the domain unless they have been digitally signed.

Only digitally signed files can use publisher conditions; the publisher condition recognizes a program based on its extended attributes and digital signature. The app's developer's information is included in the digital signature (the publisher). The name of the product the file is a part of and the application's version number are both contained in the extended attributes, which are derived from the binary resource. The information technology division of your company or a software development firm like Microsoft could serve as the publisher. Publisher conditions are by definition used by packaged app rules.

For an AppLocker policy on a local machine or in a security template, you can do this operation by using the Local Security Policy snap-in or the Group Policy Management Console for an AppLocker policy.

To make a new rule with a publisher condition and with a publisher requirement

1. Click the rule collection for which you want to create the rule after opening the AppLocker dashboard.

2. Select Create New Rule from the Action menu.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Permissions screen, choose the person or group that the rule should apply to as well as the action (allow or deny), and then click Next.

5. Choose the Publisher rule condition on the Conditions screen, and then click Next.

6. Select a signed file using Browse on the Publisher screen, and then use the slider to define the rule's perimeter. Select the Use custom values check box to use custom values in any of the fields or to designate a particular file version.

For instance, you can declare that any value should match a publisher rule by using the asterisk (*) wildcard character.

7. Press Next.

8. (Optional) Specify the criteria by which to exclude certain files from the rule's reach on the Exceptions page. Click Next.

9. Select the automatically created rule name on the Name screen or enter a new one, then click Create.

To learn more about AppLocker rule click here:



what design was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research?


Cross sectional research has historically been done on middle age, however this has limited the utility of the studies.

What else do you call the computer age?

The Information Age, also referred to by the Electronic Age, Digital World, Silicon Maturity level, or the New Media Age is a historical era that started in the middle of the 20th century and was marked by a quick transition from the traditional industries created by the Industrial Age to with an economy predominately based on information technology.

What do you mean by the "digital age"?

The present, when a lot of work is done by computers and a lot of knowledge is accessible because to information technology: The digital world has seen the emergence of new business models.

To know more about Age visit:



Write a for loop to print the numbers from 35 to 45, inclusive (this means it should include both the 35 and 45). The output should all be written out on the same line.

Expected Output
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


#include<stdio.h> //header file


int i; //declare a variable

for(i = 35 ;i =< 45 ; i;  i ++)


printf("print number");


What are an example and a loop?

A loop is a set of instructions that are repeatedly carried out until a specific condition is met in computer programming. Typically, a certain action is taken, such as receiving and modifying a piece of data, and then a condition is verified, such as determining whether a counter has reached a predetermined value.

The loop is used to repeatedly run the block of code in accordance with the condition stated in the loop. It entails repeated execution of the same code, which helps to traverse an array's items while also saving code.

Learn more about the Loop here: https://brainly.com/question/19344465



Explanation:I just need +5 points

You wrote a program where the computer's choices changed based on experience and used a list to store the
options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
Finish the code to randomly select one of the options for the computer's play.
compPlay options[randint(__,___)]


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that computer's choices changed based on experience and used a list to store the options.

Writting the code:

import random

# Print multiline instruction

# performstring concatenation of string

print("Winning Rules of the Rock paper scissor game as follows: \n"

     + "Rock vs paper->paper wins \n"

     + "Rock vs scissor->Rock wins \n"

     + "paper vs scissor->scissor wins \n")

while True:

   print("Enter choice \n 1 for Rock, \n 2 for paper, and \n 3 for scissor \n")

   # take the input from user

   choice = int(input("User turn: "))

   # OR is the short-circuit operator

   # if any one of the condition is true

   # then it return True value

   # looping until user enter invalid input

   while choice > 3 or choice < 1:

       choice = int(input("enter valid input: "))

   # initialize value of choice_name variable

   # corresponding to the choice value

   if choice == 1:

       choice_name = 'Rock'

   elif choice == 2:

       choice_name = 'paper'


       choice_name = 'scissor'

   # print user choice

   print("user choice is: " + choice_name)

   print("\nNow its computer turn.......")

   # Computer chooses randomly any number

   # among 1 , 2 and 3. Using randint method

   # of random module

   comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

   # looping until comp_choice value

   # is equal to the choice value

   while comp_choice == choice:

       comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

   # initialize value of comp_choice_name

   # variable corresponding to the choice value

   if comp_choice == 1:

       comp_choice_name = 'Rock'

   elif comp_choice == 2:

       comp_choice_name = 'paper'


       comp_choice_name = 'scissor'

   print("Computer choice is: " + comp_choice_name)

   print(choice_name + " V/s " + comp_choice_name)

   # we need to check of a draw

   if choice == comp_choice:

       print("Draw=> ", end="")

       result = Draw

   # condition for winning

       if((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 2) or

          (choice == 2 and comp_choice == 1)):

           print("paper wins => ", end="")

           result = "paper"

       elif((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 3) or

               (choice == 3 and comp_choice == 1)):

           print("Rock wins =>", end="")

           result = "Rock"


           print("scissor wins =>", end="")

           result = "scissor"

   # Printing either user or computer wins or draw

   if result == Draw:

       print("<== Its a tie ==>")

   if result == choice_name:

       print("<== User wins ==>")


       print("<== Computer wins ==>")

   print("Do you want to play again? (Y/N)")

   ans = input().lower

   # if user input n or N then condition is True

   if ans == 'n':


# after coming out of the while loop

# we print thanks for playing

print("\nThanks for playing")

See more about python at brainly.com/question/18502436





I took the test!

what is the difference between a cable and a charger for cell phones and does it matter what adapter you use


A cable is a device that is used to connect electronic devices to each other or to a power source. A charger is a device that is used to charge the battery of an electronic device.

The primary distinction between a cable and a charger is what they are used for. While a charger is used to recharge a device's battery, a cable is used to transport data or power between devices. While chargers are made primarily to charge a gadget's battery, cables can be used to connect a device to a computer, a TV, or other electronic devices.

What adaptor you use with a wire or charger matters. Because different devices require various cords and chargers, the adapter you use must be appropriate for the device you're using. For instance, a charger that utilizes a Micro-USB adaptor won't function with a device that uses a USB-C connection, and the opposite is true.

It is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions or reference the user manual that came with the device to make sure you are pairing the right adapter with your device. Using the incorrect adapter may result in issues with data transfer or charging, or it may potentially harm the device.

To know more about Charger kindly visit


place the different types of computer networks in size order ranging from smallest to largest.
a. MAN
b. WAN
c. PAN
d. LAN


The different types of computer networks in size order ranging from smallest to largest is as follows:


What is a computer network?

A computer network is a collection of computers that share resources offered by or placed on network nodes. To communicate with one another across digital connections, computers employ standard communication protocols. The fundamental components of computer networking are nodes and links. Data communication equipment (DCE) like a modem, hub, or switch, as well as data terminal equipment (DTE) like two or more PCs and printers, can all be considered network nodes.

A link is the communication medium used to connect two nodes. Links might be physical, like cable cables or optical fibers, or they can be wireless networks' usage of unused space. When a computer network is in operation, nodes adhere to a set of guidelines or protocols that specify how to transmit and receive electronic data so over links.

To learn more about a computer network, use the link given

you are the network administrator for a single domain with three subnets. two subnets have all windows 10 computers. the conference room uses the third subnet. traveling salesmen come to the conference room and plug in their laptops to gain network access. you have configured a dhcp server to deliver configuration information to hosts on this subnet. dns is configured for dynamic updates. over time, you notice that the size of the dns database continues to grow. it is beginning to have an adverse effect on dns server performance. what should you do?


if its beginning to have an adverse effect on dns database performance. you should Enable scavenging of stale resource records on the zone.

Which zone is used to determine a computer's IP address from its FQDN?

A reverse lookup zone, as previously stated, is an authoritative DNS zone that is primarily used to resolve IP addresses to network resource names. This zone type can be primary, secondary, or AD-integrated.

What is the difference between a forward zone and a reverse zone in DNS?

Reverse lookup zones resolve IP addresses to names and forward lookup zones resolve names to IP addresses. Forwarders on your DNS server can be used to route requests for which your DNS server does not have an authoritative answer.

What is the difference between a primary zone and a secondary zone in DNS?

Primary DNS servers hold all relevant resource records for a domain and handle DNS queries. Secondary DNS servers, on the other hand, contain read-only zone file copies that cannot be modified.

learn more about DNS Visit:



to create this placeholder for animation in the animator window, you would first right-click in any open area. your next action would be to choose?


To create this placeholder for animation in the Animator Window, you would first right-click in any open area. Your next action would then be to choose.Create > Empty

What does animation mean?

Animation is a way of manipulating still images into moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn by hand on sheets of clear celluloid, photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are created using Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).

Why is animation important?

Can communicate ideas quickly and sharply. Animation is a cost-saving communication strategy. Educate and engage your audience through entertainment. It also provides realistic scenarios that occur in daily life while studying and many other activities

Learn more about animation:



which technique scans mail as it leaves an organization to catch spam before it is sent to other organizations?


The technique that scans mail as it leaves an organization to catch spam before it is sent to other organizations is known as outbound spam filtering.

A security feature called outbound spam filtering is used to stop spam and other undesirable email messages from traveling from a company's mail servers to external mail servers.

By scanning outgoing email messages as they are transmitted from the company's mail servers, outbound spam filtering operates. When a message is flagged as spam, the filter has the ability to stop it from being transmitted and from getting to the recipient's mail server.

Outbound spam filtering is a crucial security strategy that can assist in safeguarding a company's reputation, lowering the risk of spam-related attacks, and lowering the risk of data breaches brought on by spam email messages.

To know more about Spam kindly visit



in python, an infinite loop usually occurs when the computer accesses an incorrect memory address.a. trueb. false


The assertion that a Python infinite loop often happens when a computer accesses a wrong memory location is untrue.

What purposes serves Python?

Python is commonly employed to build websites and applications, automate time-consuming operations, and analyze and present data. Since Python is fairly easy to learn, many professionals who are not programmers have utilized it for a variety of ordinary tasks, including handling funds, such as bankers and scientists.

Is Python suitable for novices?

Python is a great programming language for experienced developers as well. It's among the most widely used languages for programming around the world, maybe as a result of how simple it is for novices to learn.

To know more about Python visit:



your php installation appears to be missing the mysql extension which is required by wordpress.


"PHP installation appears to be missing MySQL extension which is required by WordPress”. This is a technical and frustrating problem when you install WordPress. It is due to some problems pertaining to the server which need to be diagnosed.

The following are the possible ways to resolve this error because this error means that you do not have a particular MySQL extension to connect to PHP.

1. Check your PHP version

Check your PHP version, because if you are using PHP 7.0 then the MySQL extension is deprecated in this version and the PHP 7+ version does not support the MySQL extension for WordPress

2. Extensions are improperly configured

If you are using PHP 5.6 or low, there could be chances that you have configured the extension incorrectly. You need to correct it in the wp.config file

3. Check the MySQL extension is installed

You need to check it in the phpinfo.php file and look at the Client API library which notifies you if the extension is installed. You will see the version number if the extension is installed.

4. Ensure that all the configurations of PHP extensions are correct. You can check these settings in the php.ini file

If you are still encountering the same error, consult your web hosting support team to resolve the error.

You can learn more about wordpress installation at



__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.

What is location analytics?

Location analytics adds a layer of geographic data to your organization's data assets to generate more valuable insights. Also called "geoanalysis". Across industries, business data, including data about people, events, transactions, assets, etc., often includes geographic elements that, when added to performance analysis, can yield new and relevant insights. . This allows for more context when asking questions about various business processes, giving you a new understanding of trends and relationships in your data.

Learn more about location analytics https://brainly.com/question/29422971


Part B
Open any spreadsheet program and explore the different menus and commands it contains. Then, create a new worksheet and enter the
employee details as given in the table below. Add two more columns titled Monthly Tax and Net Basic Pay. A tax of 6.2 percent is calculated on the
basic pay as a Social Security Tax. Calculate the monthly tax for each employee. Deduct the tax from the basic pay to calculate the net pay for each
employee. Paste a screenshot of the worksheet you created.


There are many commands available in Excel that can be utilized to create your worksheet. These instructions can be accessed from any of the 10 menus that are detailed in-depth in the corresponding chapters of this book.

What spreadsheet program and explore different menus?

The area of a browser or application window known as the menu bar, which is normally found in the upper left corner, contains drop-down menus that let users interact with the application or content in a variety of ways.

Therefore, All the options that are also available in the context menu (right mouse) of a spreadsheet are included in this menu. Only when a spreadsheet object is chosen on the Project Explorer screen is the menu accessible.

Learn more about spreadsheet here:



what is hardware or software that guards a private network by analyzing incoming and outgoing information for the correct markings?


The software or firmware known as a firewall prevents unauthorized network access. To find and stop threats, it examines incoming and outgoing communications using a set of criteria.

What branch of information security aims to stop phishing, pharming, and identity theft fraud?

Identity theft, phishing, and pharming can all be avoided with authentication and authorisation.

Which approach to information security is used?

Encryption is a tool that security teams can utilize to safeguard data integrity and confidentiality throughout all stages of processing, including transit and storage. Data that has been decrypted, however, leaves it open to theft, exposure, or manipulation.

To know more about firewall  visit:-



describe the purpose of a protocol analyzer and how an attacker could use one to compromise your network. g


A protocol analyzer, also known as a packet analyzer or network analyzer, is a tool that is used to monitor and analyze network traffic.

Network administrators frequently utilize protocol analyzers to diagnose network issues, find security flaws, and improve network performance.

A protocol analyzer's job is to record, decode, and examine network packets as they are sent over a network. The source and destination addresses, the kind of protocol being used, and the payload data are all details that protocol analyzers can reveal about each packet's contents.

By intercepting and examining network traffic, an attacker could use a protocol analyzer to infiltrate a network and get unauthorized access to confidential data or carry out other nefarious tasks. For instance, a hacker may employ a protocol analyzer to obtain login information or to intercept and alter private data being sent across the network.

To know more about Protocol analyzer kindly visit



Why do you want to be part of the Royal Grenadiers Guards? (3+ sentences)


Our part. One of the oldest infantry regiments in the British Army is the Grenadier Guards. They are quick and nimble, specializing in Light Role Infantry operations, and they frequently travel by light vehicles like quad bikes. They are equipped to quickly deploy anywhere in the world.

What  part of the Royal Grenadiers Guards?

Grenadier, a soldier chosen and trained specifically to throw grenades. Early grenadiers (from the late 16th century) were not organized into distinct units, but by the middle of the 17th century, they had created specialized battalions.

Therefore, The ceremonial dress of the Swedish Army's Life Guards' grenadier company currently includes a bearskin headgear. Instead of being constructed from actual bearskin, the bearskin is nylon.

Learn more about Grenadiers here:



the c:\shares\widgetproject folder on your windows server has been shared with network users. the server is a member of the westsim active directory domain. the westsim\users group has been granted the following allow ntfs permissions: read and execute list folder contents read in addition, the everyone principal has been assigned the following allow share permissions: full control change read the ksanders user is a member of the westsim\users group. she accesses data in the folder through the network share from her windows workstation. what permissions does this user have to data in the folder?


permissions does this user have to data in the folder Allow Read & execute, List folder contents, and read

What types of permissions govern access to network-shared files and folders?

Share permissions are classified into three types: Full Control, Change, and Read. To control access to shared folders or drives, you can set each of them to "Deny" or "Allow": Read — Users can see the names of files and subfolders, read data from files, and run programmes. The "Everyone" group is assigned "Read" permissions by default.

What can I do to prevent users from accessing shared folders?

Navigate to Manage Shared Folders and select the desired Folder. Select the Tools Icon next to the user or User Group that you want to restrict. Select 'Restrict'.

What are the three types of share permissions?

Share permissions, in general, apply to files and folders and have three levels of sharing: Full Control, Change, and Read. When you share a folder, you can allow or deny each of these, which are defined as: Read: This is similar to the NTFS permission mentioned above.

learn more about window server visit:



Ieee 802. 15 adopted protocols are those protocols developed by other standards groups that are used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability to other devices or networks.


'IEEE 802. 15' adopted protocols are the protocols developed by other standards groups to be used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability with other devices or networks. Thus, this is a 'true' statement.

Protocols are described as a collection of instructions or guidelines for communicating data between network devices. Regardless of any differences in their internal processes, designs, or structures, protocols enable connected devices to interact with one another. IEEE 802.15 is the working group for wireless specialty networks such as mesh networks, wearables, wireless personal area networks (WPANs), Bluetooth, Internet of Things networks, body area networks, and visible light communications, among others.

'IEEE 802. 15' adopted protocols from other standards groups in order to use with the bt protocol stack that ensures interoperability with other devices or networks. Thus, it is a 'true' statement.


Complete question:

Ieee 802. 15 adopted protocols are those protocols developed by other standards groups that are used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability to other devices or networks.

True or False


You can learn more about IEEE 802. 15 at



9.what capability is provided to data warehouse users by conformed dimensions? group of answer choices deletion of correlated data querying across fact tables with consistency identification of viruses in web sites fixing viruses in html documents denormalizing dimensions


In data warehousing, a conformed dimension is one that uses the same definition for every fact that it is associated to.

Conformed dimensions provide for the consistent categorization and definition of facts and measures across different facts and/or data marts, guaranteeing consistent reporting throughout the enterprise. The facts and dimensions tables are the two main ones used while building a data warehouse. Surrogate keys and column measures in the fact table link it to the dimension tables. The business fact is measured using the values that enter in connect columns. Events are referred to as "facts" in this context. Facts and measurements in data warehouses are organized and characterized by dimensions in a way that makes it easier to provide precise responses to business questions.

Learn more about connect here-



implicit services involve such aspects as the attitude of the servers, atmosphere, waiting time, and convenience, as well as other similar aspects implicit services involve such aspects as the attitude of the servers, atmosphere, waiting time, and convenience, as well as other similar aspects true false


False. Implicit services involve a wide range of aspects that go beyond just attitude, atmosphere, waiting time, and convenience. It also involves factors such as the quality of the product or service, customer service, brand loyalty, and the overall customer experience.

The Impact of Implicit Services on Customer Experience

The customer experience is a key factor in determining the success of a business, and implicit services play a major role in this process. From the attitude of the servers to the convenience of the services, implicit services have a direct impact on the customer experience. This essay will explore the different aspects of implicit services and how they influence the customer experience.

First, the attitude of the servers plays a major role in the customer experience. Customers will be more likely to return to a business if they feel that their server was friendly and attentive to their needs. A positive attitude can make all the difference in making a customer feel welcome and appreciated, thus creating a lasting impression.

Second, the atmosphere of the business is also important in creating a positive customer experience. For example, businesses should ensure that their premises are clean and well-maintained. Customers should also be encouraged to take their time and enjoy the atmosphere of the business.

Learn more about atmosphere:



packets are created by individual applications at the application layer. choose the answer. question 2 options: true false


True. Packets are created by individual applications at the application layer.

The application layer, which is the top layer in the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) paradigm, is in charge of interfacing with the application programs that are running on the host. Data units that are communicated via a network are called packets, which are created by the application layer. The packets are then transferred to the OSI model's lower levels, where they are enclosed in more headers and trailers before being sent over the network to their intended location.
The data sent and received by the application programs are generated and interpreted by the application layer. Additionally, it offers services that let application programs connect with one another and utilize network resources.
Applications build packets for transmission across the network at the application layer. The packets are then transferred to the OSI model's lower levels, where they are enclosed in more headers and trailers before being sent over the network to their intended location.

To know more about Application layer kindly visit



Answer: False

Explanation: I took the quiz

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