Rowan kills Scythe Goddard and all of his followers with poison.



Answer 1

Answer: False

Explanation: Rowan is horrified. From then on, Rowan is forced to fight Goddard, so that Goddard can keep training Tyger's body to be one suitable for a scythe. Rowan never lets Goddard win, and in his anger, Goddard kills him over and over again.

Related Questions

When they begin transport out of Sighet, Elie finds himself thinking he would be better off without his father and the rest of his family.




Elie had the thought that he would be happier without his father and the rest of his family as they leave Sighet and start their travel. is real

What is family?

A family is a group of individuals connected through consanguinity (by known birth) or affinity. The maintenance of the welfare of its members and of society is the goal of the family. Having a family implies that you have someone who will love you no matter what. A family is a group of people who love and support one another despite difficulties.

Elie has been removed from Sighet along with his family and other Jews from the ghetto. 80 persons per cattle car are crammed inside with the Jews of Sighet. Elie characterizes the train car's circumstances as intolerable.

Therefore, family as they leave Sighet and start their travel. is real

Learn more about family here:


The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?
A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.
B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.
C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.
D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.


Frankenstein resumes his narration at the start of this chapter. Bewildered by the creature's story and enraged by his account of William's death, Victor initially refuses to create a female companion for him. He argues that their "joint wickedness" would be enough to destroy the world. The creature replies by saying that he is only malicious as a result of his misery: why should he meet man's contempt with submission? If he is met with hatred, he can only respond in kind. He appeals to Victor for sympathy, and asks Frankenstein to provide him with a lover to share in his suffering. If he complies, the creature promises to quit the company of mankind forever.

Frankenstein cannot help but see the justness of this argument. Though he feels a certain compassion for the creature, the "loathsomeness" of his appearance soon replaces his sympathy with horror and hatred. The creature continues to plead, saying that his "vices are the children of a forced solitude"; in the company of another his virtues would come forth, and he would thus become "linked to the chain of existence and events" from which he is now excluded.

Victor is torn. He thinks of the creature's supernatural strength, and about the great destruction he still might cause. He therefore determines to comply with the creature's request, in order to save both his family and the rest of humanity. The creature says that he will anxiously observe his progress and then leaves him. Victor descends the mountain with a heavy heart, and returns to Geneva haggard.

Analysis:The most important feature of this chapter is the way in which the creature convinces Frankenstein to comply with his request. Throughout the better part of their exchange, the creature's tone is reasonable in the extreme: in fact, his desire for a companion seems almost noble. In this way, he will divest himself of his longing for violence and revenge, and lead a blameless life.By aligning his maliciousness with his misery, he is implicitly blaming Frankenstein for what he has become: such an accusation, however, is effective in evoking the sympathy of both Victor and the reader. The creature often refers to Frankenstein as "you, my creator": this doubled form of address does not only serve to remind Victor of the responsibility he bears for giving the creature life; it is also a complimentary title that implores him for help.As he speaks, the creature's syntax becomes almost Biblical in tone: he frequently uses the verb "shall," which has the ring of both prophecy and command. He is thus subtly informing Victor that he has no choice in this matter: his acquiescence is already a foregone conclusion.

Read the following biographies:
Biography A
"Marie Tharp grew up in the 1930s, wanting to be a surveyor like her father. Although she helped him in his work, women weren’t welcome in the sciences, so she went to music school instead and waited for a chance. When colleges emptied of men during World War II, she was allowed to get a geology degree and then another in mathematics.
"She wanted to investigate the ocean depths, but women weren’t allowed on research ships. So she waited again, this time in a basement office, for her male colleagues to send back data. Working slowly and precisely, she turned those numbers into the most detailed map of the sea floor ever made.
"Marie wanted her colleagues to understand that her depictions of sea floor geography were powerful evidence for the theory of continental drift, but they dismissed it as 'girl talk.' It took almost a decade for her work to be accepted. She’d wait many more years to get full credit.
Biography B
"Rosalind Franklin decided she wanted to be a scientist when she was still a teenager, but her father didn’t believe in higher education for women. She eventually did enroll in the University of Cambridge, but when she graduated in 1941, women were not considered full members of the college and were ineligible for higher-degree awards.
"She went on to conduct groundbreaking work exploring the structure of DNA using x-ray photographs. Although her work was excellent and her research was published in major scientific journals, she had to fight against lower pay and slower promotions than her male peers. At times, others in the lab treated her more as an assistant than a fellow scientist. Franklin also had difficulties collaborating with her colleagues because women were not allowed in the university dining rooms or clubs where theories were shared and debated over meals and drinks.
"Franklin continued her work regardless, capturing the first clear images of DNA in what were later called 'the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance ever taken.' Before she could publish her results, however, a male scientist in her lab showed her photographs to two rival researchers, James Watson and Francis Crick. Watson and Crick used what they saw in Franklin’s photos to help them develop their famous model of the double helix of DNA. They were hailed all over the world for their discovery and received a Nobel Prize for it. Rosalind Franklin received a small footnote in their paper."
What is the common theme of both biographies?

A Most men did not want their daughters to become scientists.

B Scientists used to steal research from one another in order to get ahead.

C Women made good scientists because they were patient and worked hard without complaining.

D Women often struggled for acceptance in scientific fields.


The common theme of both biographies are women frequently struggled to gain acceptance in scientific fields.

What are the challenges faced by women in scientific fields?According to the passage, Marie Tharp was a woman who always had an interest in the sciences because she wanted to be a surveyor like her father, but women were not allowed in the sciences, so she had to wait her turn by studying music.When the majority of the men went off to war, she took advantage of the opportunity and earned a degree in geology and mathematics. She eventually worked on ocean details because women were not permitted on research vessels.Self-motivation and hard work will assist female scientists in overcoming challenges such as work-life balance, childcare responsibilities, and time management issues. She also might develop resilience to survive in work environments which are not gender sensitive.

To learn more about problems of women refer to :


rag queens and young people who were on the streets. however, new york city police searched the stonewall inn early on june 28, 1969. customers and area residents started hurling things at police as they carried the arrested into police vehicles, fed up with years of police harassment. the demonstrations that followed persisted for another five days before the situation ultimately descended into a full-fledged riot. this was the start of the gay liberation movement.


A police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay club on Christopher Street in New York City, just after three in the morning, turns violent when clubgoers and neighborhood supporters start rioting against the officers.

What purpose did the Stonewall riots serve?

The club's illegal serving of alcohol and other offenses were legal, but the LGBT community in New York had grown sick of the police department's targeting of gay clubs, many of which had already been shut down.

Exactly how was the Gay Liberation Front founded?

The Gay Liberation Front and other gay, lesbian, and bisexual civil rights organizations were founded as a result of the Stonewall Riots, which were followed by several days of protests in New York.

To know more about the Snowball riots 1969 visit :-


Match the vocabulary words to their dictionary definitions.
A. ridiculing
B. spread in all directions
C. wretch; villain
D. exclude from public favor
E. greatly disturbed
F. without laughter
1. Requisite
2. Diffused
3. Mirthless
5. Ominous
6. Derisive
7. Callow
8. Perturbed
9. Vile
10. Miscreant
11. Emanate
12. Ostracize
G. issuing forth
H. threatening
I. youthful; immature
J. loathsome; disgusting
K. produced; fathered
L. necessary requirement




1.) Requisite- L. Necessary requirement

2.) Diffused-  B. Spread in all directions

3.) Mirthless- F. Without laughter

4.) Begot- K. produced; fathered

5.) Ominous- H. Threatening

6.) Derisive- A. Ridiculing

7.) Callow- I. Youthful; Immature

8.) Perturbed- E. Greatly disturbed

9.) Vile- J. Loathsome; disgusting

10.) Miscreant- C. Wretch; villain

11.) Emanate- G. Issuing forth

12.) Ostracize- D. Exclude from public favor

( I matched them with what I think it is based on the definition of the words, if wrong then I'm sorry)

Why is healthcare a big issue in the U.S.?


1. The High Cost of Health Care. The problem: Perhaps the most pressing issue in health care currently is the high cost of care. More than 45% of American adults say it's difficult to afford health care, according to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, and more than 40% have medical debt.

Answer: Because unlike other Countries Healthcare in U.S is not free. Many people go into debt over Hospital bills they can not pay. The U.S has over $190 Billion in healthcare debt.


Agree or Disagree. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgenders? Why?


Everything under the sun is entitled to a life in which they can be who they truly are and experience the love they desire in order to be happy. Love, trust, and affection for one another are important to marriage.

What is experience?

Experience refers to conscious events in general, and perceptions in particular, as well as the practical knowledge and familiarity produced by these conscious processes.

Love can take many different forms, thus it would be incorrect to claim that a person cannot get married to someone just because they are not the other. Others may disagree because they lack information about the subject, but the most important thing, in this case, is that they are content with who they are and the love they share for one another.

Therefore,  experience the love they desire in order to be happy.

Learn more about the experience here:


What’s the answer for thai


Number one is a and two is c and 3 is D and 4 is e

Aiman wrote four different thesis statements for his paper on John F. Kennedy's book Profiles in Courage. Select the strongest thesis statement for his paper.

A; Despite the risk of angering their political party and suffering consequences, the eight senators highlighted in Profiles in Courage follow their convictions and stand firm in their interpretation of right and wrong

B; The book Profiles in Courage is a book that highlights the actions of senators who defied their political party and did hard things.

C; The impact behind Kennedy's book Profiles in Courage revolves around brave individuals in the U.S. Senate who followed their beliefs rather than their political party.

D; While Kennedy highlighted those who were brave to go against their political party, the real message of following your own personal convictions is more important.


The strongest thesis statement for his paper is Despite the risk of angering their political party and suffering consequences, the eight senators highlighted in Profiles in Courage follow their convictions and stand firm in their interpretation of right and wrong. The correct option is A.

What is a thesis?

A work of writing that required in-depth research, especially for a college or university degree

This thesis presents a clear argument or point of view while also stating the paper's major topic. Additionally, it offers particular instances from the book that can be used throughout the article to bolster the thesis.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

To learn more about the thesis, refer to the link:



A. Despite the risk of angering their political party and suffering consequences, the eight senators highlighted in Profiles in Courage follow their convictions and stand firm in their interpretation of right and wrong


I took the exam

"The Ritual of Memory"
1. What does it mean for something to be "synonymous”?


having the character of a synonym. also : alike in meaning or significance. : having the same connotations, implications, or reference.

Select the correct answer.
What does the passage say was a reason for building the trail?
OA. increasing tourism
expanding the national park
OC. funding geological studies
OD. creating a less direct route


Answer: A. increasing tourism

Explanation: With tourism and the economics of tourism being fundamental to the parks' very existence, the utilitarian, businesslike proclivities of park management.

Answer:increasing tourism

Explanation: I just got it right

Continue working with a partner to annotate and analyze Shakespeare's The Tempest. You will select one scene from the play and provide annotations that explain Shakespeare's use of figurative language. Then you will examine your partner's scene and write a paragraph that explains how details from the scene, including the figurative language, reveal Shakespeare's attitudes toward colonialism and imperialism.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
- At least 12 annotations about the figurative language in a scene from The Tempest
- Annotations that cover at least three different types of figurative language
- A paragraph about your partner's scene that analyzes Shakespeare's message about colonialism and imperialism in The Tempest
- Evidence from the scene to support your analysis
You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

No partner? If you're studying in a solo classroom, you may be able to analyze and annotate the same scene. See your teacher for guidance on how to adapt this assignment to work without a partner.
Working in a low-tech environment? If you don't have access to a word processing program that allows you to cut, paste, and add footnotes to a text, see your teacher


The five common types of figurative language with examples are as follows:


Definition of figurative language

The king's son Ferdinand was described as being "then all afire with me, with hair up-staring."

Example of Metaphor: "The winds sang it to me, and the thunder, that deep and terrible organ pipe pronounced the name of Prospero; it did base my transgression."

Overstatement "Your story, Sir, will heal deafness"

"What's past is prologue," paradox

Example of Personification

"The song snuck by me upon the waters, quelling both my passion and their rage"

"My library was dukedom-sized enough," metaphor

Metaphor: "You taught me the language; my benefit from it is that I can curse."

No gentle aspersion shall the skies permit to descend in order to enlarge this deal.

Metaphor "We are the substance that dreams are formed of, and sleep rounds out our little life."

Example of Oxymoron "Do the good deed that might make this island yours forever".

Learn more about figurative language from the link given below.


give answers fast: Fill in the blanks 1. I practice more exercises in order to get high marks. 2. You have a driving license to be able to drive a car. 3. We wake up early for school. It starts at 7:30 a.m. 4. He smoke here. It's not allowed. 5. You to buy meat. We already have some. 6. You go and see a doctor. 7. She read this article. It helps her with her research​



2. Have to have

3. As

4. Even though

5. Since

Purple hibiscus
explain papa's wealth and how he is rich and he helps by giving money to who since he has a lot of money


The papa's wealth  can be seen as one that is based on some principle that money is that it works 24 hours a day and can work for generations and  rich people buy luxuries lastcompare to the poor that go for luxury first however Papa continues to pass out money to everyone who seems to be in need.

What is the  idea of papa about money?

It should be noted that In Purple Hibiscus, Papa-Nnukwu  can be seen to be an illustration about the indigenous culture, specifically that of Igboland however the  Papa-Nnukwu  can be seen as father of Eugene and Ifeoma even though he not not Roman Catholic, as are his children,  though focus on the traditional Igbo religion.

Even though he was sen as been genorouse and help to lift people around him up, it was recorded that Papa-Nnukwu has died in his sleep.

Learn more about wealth at:


What is a possible theme from both "Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radioactivity" and "Doctoral student played a big part in first black hole photo"

It takes a lot of money to successfully fund scientific research.

Perseverance and dedication pays off


Scientist are hard workers​


The theme of "Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radioactivity" and "Doctoral student played a big part in first black hole photo" is that: Perseverance and dedication pays off.

Who is Marie Curie?

Marie Salomea Skodowska-Curie, a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted groundbreaking research on radioactivity, lived from 7 November 1867 to 4 July 1934. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, the first and only female recipient of two Nobel Prizes, and the only recipient of awards in two different scientific disciplines. Her first Nobel Prize was shared with her husband, Pierre Curie, making them the first married couple in history to share the honor and beginning of the Curie family heritage of five Nobel Prizes. She was the first female professor at the University of Paris when she was appointed there in 1906.

The theme of "Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radioactivity" and "Doctoral student played a big part in first black hole photo" is that: Perseverance and dedication pays off.

To find out more about Marie Curie, check out:


Use context clues to determine the meaning of violating


Context clues are simply hints within a text that point the reader in the right direction as far as the meaning of new or difficult words is concerned. In this case, one has been asked to use context clues to determine the meaning of violating. Since the text referenced is not here are the various methods on how to use context clues to determine the definition or intended use of a word.

How do you use context clues to determine the meaning of a word?

To determine the meaning of a word using context clues, you would need to read the sentence or passage in which the word appears and try to understand the meaning of the word based on the surrounding words and phrases. For example, if the word "abstemious" appears in a sentence, you could look at the other words and phrases in the sentence to try to understand its meaning.

If the sentence is talking about someone who is on a diet, you might infer that "abstemious" means "moderate" or "restrained" in this context. By looking at the context in which a word appears, you can often figure out its meaning without having to look it up in a dictionary.

There are several different types of context clues that can help you determine the meaning of a word. Here are three examples:

Definition context clues provide a definition of the word directly within the sentence.

Synonym context clues provide a synonym (or similar word) for the word in question.

Antonym context clues provide an antonym (or opposite word) for the word in question. For example: "The gluttonous dieter ate a large amount of food." In this sentence, "gluttonous" is the opposite of "abstemious."

Note that the literature related to the above prompt is unavailable, hence the general answer above.

Learn more about Context Clues:

Purple hibiscus

explain papa's wealth and how he is rich who he gives money to since he is rich


The family still loved Papa even though he was violent towards them because he had engrossed fear in them and manipulated them into believing that his acts of beating are out of love.

What is purple hibiscus?

'Purple Hibiscus' is a novel written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The novel is about a Catholic Nigerian Family, centered around the main character Kambili Achike, a fifteen-year-old girl.

The novel is filled with violence incurred by Papa, a devoutly Catholic, upon his family. Whenever any person did not stand up to Papa's expectation or failed to obey him, he would beat them, whip them, or even burn them with hot water. Yet, the family believed that he loved him and they loved him back.

Therefore, The family still loved Papa even though he was violent towards them because he had engrossed fear in them and manipulated them into believing that his acts of beating are out of love.

Learn more about novel on:


Marguerite’s thoughts in this passage help the reader to infer that Mrs. Flowers

feels she is superior to Momma.
is embarrassed by Momma.
thinks of Momma as a friend.
likes to make fun of Momma.


The reader might deduce or infer from Marguerite's thinking in this section that Mrs. Flowers CONSIDERS her mother to be a friend.  (Option C)

Despite Momma's illiteracy and inability to form coherent sentences, it is clear from the text provided above that Mrs. Flower treats her with respect.

What is an inference?

Writers frequently reveal more than they explicitly state. They provide you with cues or indications so you may "read between the lines." Inferencing is the process of using these hints to help you comprehend your reading more fully.

Reading between the lines or utilizing what you know to guess at what you don't know is what it means to infer. By drawing their own conclusions from the book's hints and their own experiences, readers who draw inferences give the text a unique and unforgettable quality.

Learn more about inference:

Answer: C. Thinks of momma as a friend


good luck on the test

I need your help. I have photo. My english is so bad :( Thank you who answered



Explanation1 Kate feels much more optimistic about the future now that she has a good job.

2 He has a reputation for being rude to his employees.

3 The party began to wind down round about midnight.

4 Don't drum your fingers on the desk! It's so annoying.

5 He was developing more and more impatience as the time passed.

6 It really gets me down having to work so much overtime.

7 I felt ashamed of myself for being so angry.

8 Sheila had butterflies in her stomach before the interview.

9 During the summer he feels too lazy to go to the gym.

10 I'm sure Angelica won't change her mind. She's as stubborn as a mule.

11 She feels stressed when she has to speak in public.

12 The play was fantastic so we booked to see it again.

13 What's wrong with Sandy? She's as quiet as a mouse today.

14 Tim was grateful to his father for lending him the money.

15 Jake's parents were extremely proud of his achievements.

16 The only thing I don't like about living abroad is that I miss my friends; I haven't seen them for months.

17 Sally felt very miserable and no one could cheer her up.

18 Dentists help their patients to relax by playing soothing music.:

An brange juice company has hired you to make a documentary about their company. What should be your first question?
Select one:
Will there be green screens to film difficult scenes or add additional footage?
Will the documentary require a voice over to narrate some scenes?
Who will the demographic or target audience be?
Will the project be contract or in hourly pay?


Who will the demographic or target audience be?

Producing a film is no different from giving a speech or in writing an essay; you must first consider your audience.

Which lines from Beowulf help develop the theme that a hero should win glory through acts of bravery?



Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, / settle the outcome in single combat (lines 160-161)


which of the following nations did not ratify the treaty of versailles at the end of WW1


The USA did not ratified the Treaty of Versailles.

What is Treaty of Versailles?

The most significant World War I peace treaty was the Treaty of Versailles. It put an end to the conflict between Germany and the Allies. Exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which sparked the war, it was ratified on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles turned into the maximum vital of the peace treaties of World War I. It ended the country of war among Germany and the Allied Powers. It turned into signed on 28 June 1919 in the Palace of Versailles, precisely 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which brought about the war.

Therefore, The USA never ratified the Treaty of Versailles, nor did it join the League of Nations.

To learn more about Treaty of Versailles, use the given link:


Question 6 of 10
Read the passage:
A new factory is being built in a city. City leaders decide that the area
within 10 miles of the factory can be used only for other industrial
purposes. No homes, shops, or schools can be built within this area, as
the chemicals the factory releases could harm residents.
The passage best describes a land use planning tool called
OA smart growth.
OB. growth management.
O C. zoning.
OD. deforestation.


I think it could be either C because they are thinking of the well of others and preserving that spot for one thing.

Orville Wright, co-inventor of the airplane, was still alive the year Neil Armstrong, who would become the first man on the moon, signed up for flight training. This anecdote is more than a bit of mildly interesting trivia, it’s proof that “life comes at you fast.” The person who creates an idea or a technology cannot know how it will develop in a few years, much less a few centuries. The man who took the first flight did not imagine rockets, and the men who wrote the Second Amendment could not foresee the wide availability of automatic weapons. Times change, and it makes no sense to insist on applying the concept of Original Intent to constitutional issues.

What is the main function of the sentence “The man who took the first flight did not imagine rockets, and the men who wrote the Second Amendment could not foresee the wide availability of automatic weapons,” in the paragraph?


We can see here that the main function of the sentence “The man who took the first flight did not imagine rockets, and the men who wrote the Second Amendment could not foresee the wide availability of automatic weapons,” in the paragraph is: A. It presents the thesis.

What is function of a sentence?

The function of a sentence is actually known to be the purpose a sentence written by a writer was actually written. In other words, the function of a sentence refers to the aim and goal that the sentence will achieve in a passage or block of text. Sentences are known to be group of words with subject and predicate. Sentences make up passages and paragraphs.

We see here that the function of the sentence is to actually present us with the thesis.

The options that complete the question are:

A. It presents the thesis.

B. It helps set the tone.

C. It introduces the topic / provides background information.

D. It hooks the reader.

Learn more about function of a sentence on


A pronoun takes the place of a _____.




A pronoun takes place of a noun


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

writing an argument on how do we influence others' beliefs



We influence others' beliefs in a variety of ways, both intentional and unintentional. One of the most common ways that we influence others' beliefs is through our own actions and behaviors. When we behave in a certain way, we are essentially sending a message to others about what we believe and what we value. For example, if we are always punctual and reliable, we may be sending the message that we believe in the importance of being on time and being dependable. Others may then adopt these values and beliefs as their own, at least to some extent.

Another way that we influence others' beliefs is through our words and our communication. When we engage in conversations with others, we have the opportunity to share our own beliefs and perspectives on various topics. If we are able to effectively communicate our beliefs and persuade others, we may be able to influence their beliefs as well. For example, if we are passionate about a certain cause and are able to articulate our beliefs about it effectively, we may be able to persuade others to adopt similar beliefs and take action on the issue.

Additionally, we can influence others' beliefs through the media that we consume and share. When we consume media, we are exposed to a variety of perspectives and ideas. If we then share that media with others, we are essentially sharing our own beliefs and perspectives on the topics discussed in the media. For example, if we share an article that supports a certain political candidate, we may be sending the message that we believe that candidate is the best choice and that others should also support them.

Overall, we influence others' beliefs through our own actions, words, and the media we consume and share. By being mindful of the messages we are sending and the perspectives we are sharing, we can have a powerful impact on the beliefs of those around us.


I agree with this argument very well written

the writer wants to add a sentence before sentence 1 to introduce the main topic of the passage. which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal?


Because of its dependability, Cavendish bananas are the most widely distributed kind of banana in the world and are cherished by both customers and growers.

What exactly is a sentence, for instance?

A phrase is created when several words are combined to express a single notion. A phrase, the basic building block of language, conveys a full notion. It accomplishes this by abiding by the syntax's fundamental grammatical principles. Ali is moving, for instance.

A basic verb and a subject are necessary for a full sentence to state (declare) a complete thought. a brief instance going on a walk The subject is the acting noun of the primary verb. The verb being used is the main verb of the subject.

To know more about Sentences visit:


Who are the main characters in the story? Include their relationship in your response.The legend of Carman


The Legend of Carman Free learning tools include flashcards, games, and more. Carmen sticks out with her dark skin and voluptuous form in comparison to Lydia, Krista, and Paul who are all very white and blond.

In your response, mention their relationship. The Carman mythology. A thenean warrior and sorceress named Carmun once attempted to conquer Ireland. A fairly broad range of standards apply to both short stories and novels, including character types, plot rhythms, chapter structures, and point-of-view restrictions.

In response to our, we have recently received the most feedback. The relationship between Jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold is what really matters. All meals served onboard and shore activities are included in the cruise. Fantastic  cast, but some viewers are already spotting a significant plot twist

To learn more about legend of carman from given link


Describe The word happiness..​



Happiness is something that people seek to find, yet what defines happiness can vary from one person to the next.

When most people talk about the true meaning of happiness, they might be talking about how they feel in the present moment or referring to a more general sense of how they feel about life overall.


hope it help


Today is my birthday, how happy my heart is. Many family and relatives came to my house to celebrate my birthday. Happiness, joy and excitement mixed in my heart. I want my birthday to be a very special day


Happiness is when we can work with extraordinary and inspiring people. Happiness is getting good sleep. Happiness is laughing with best friends.

In Night, which part of the plot takes places after Elie's father dies?

rising action

falling action


turning point


Falling action is the part of the plot takes places after Elie's father dies, In Night. Hence, option B is correct.

What is the main idea of Night by Elie Wiesel?

The story of Eliezer, a hypothetical stand-in for Wiesel, tackles the question of God's existence and silence in the face of the Holocaust and the horrors of the concentration camps during World War 2.

The ideas of identity, sorrow, night, and darkness are also explored in this piece. Elie Wiesel defines and explores three major themes in his autobiography Night: interpersonal connections, dehumanization, and the spiritual journey of an individual.

Thus, option B is correct.

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after 5,100 years ago, the standardized impressions placed on clay tokens in ancient mesopotamia became Lansing Companys current-year income statement and selected balance sheet data at December 31 of the current and prior years follow. LANSING COMPANY Income Statement For Current Year Ended December 31 Sales revenue $ 130,200 Expenses Cost of goods sold 53,000 Depreciation expense 17,500 Salaries expense 29,000 Rent expense 10,100 Insurance expense 4,900 Interest expense 4,700 Utilities expense 3,900 Net income $ 7,100 LANSING COMPANY Selected Balance Sheet Accounts At December 31 Current Year Prior Year Accounts receivable $ 6,700 $ 8,000 Inventory 3,080 2,090 Accounts payable 5,500 6,800 Salaries payable 1,100 810 Utilities payable 440 270 Prepaid insurance 370 500 Prepaid rent 440 290 mandatory minimum staffing ratios are being considered in the jurisdiction where a nurse-manager works. based on experiences of other states, the nurse should identify what possible result of this legislation? (01.03 LC) Will give 5 points to each answer and a Brainliest! Yolanda's age is 5 years less than twice Marco's age. If Yolanda is 15 years old, how old is Marco? Choose the answer below that is a viable solution to this problem. (1 point)O 10O 8O 5O 1 How does a person become more literate in a particular discipline or area You earn $48 for washing 6 cars. How much do you earn for washing 2 cars? Two types of chlorphyll that are used by green plants to absorb light energy? please help, answers only!! Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium? after executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the __________ keys. Suppose you drop a rock into a dark well and, using precision equipment, you measure the time for the sound of a splash to return. Neglecting the time required for sound to travel up the well, calculate the distance to the water if the sound returns in 2. 00 s. Referent, expert, informational, and persuasive powers all contribute to a. psychological power. b. personal power. c. position power. d. authority. e. referent power. an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.a. trueb. false What should be considered first before engaging in Cheerdancing? suppose that we have used the hexl-mode of emacs to read the first eighteen bytes of an elf binary file as hex: 7f45 4c46 0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 ... what kind of file are we reading? unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods:_____. A function model a linear relationhip between the balance in Leah' bank account and the number of month ince he began her new job. Currently, Leah' bank balance i $750, and it ha been increaing at a rate of $100 per month ince he began her new job 6 month ago. What i the initial value of the bank balance function, in dollar? when the electron moves closer to the nucleus, the energy increases to overcome the positive and negative attractions. a. your instructor had transposed two numbers when reading the pressure and reported the barometric pressure was 745 torr when in fact the correct room pressure was 754 torr? gaseous methane will react with gaseous oxygen to produce gaseous carbon dioxide and gaseous water . suppose 13. g of methane is mixed with 99.0 g of oxygen. calculate the maximum mass of carbon dioxide that could be produced by the chemical reaction. be sure your answer has the correct number of significant digits.