during the war, lincoln played a role most similar to which earlier president who also assumed responsibility for overall military strategy?


Answer 1


The role he played was commander in chief. I believe the strategies that were used for the united states were to surround the territory of the South in the Anaconda Plan, blockading the Atlantic Ocean and controlling the Mississippi, to keep goods from going into or out of the South and forcing them to surrender.

The military strategy he used to stop trade from the southern states was to use the Navy to blockade Southern ports. The Union hoped to stop the flow of goods between the South and other countries and strangle its foe economically.


I hope this helps!!! ( It probably won't. ) At least I am trying. :c Good luck!!!

Related Questions

in 1854 stephen a. douglas introduced this to the senate, to allow states to enter the union with or without slavery.


In January 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois introduced a bill that divided the land immediately west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska. He argued in favor of popular sovereignty, or the idea that the settlers of the new territories should decide if slavery would be legal there.

Stephen Arnold Douglas (April 23, 1813 – June 3, 1861) was an American politician and lawyer from Illinois. As a senator, he was one of the two candidates of the deeply divided Democratic Party for president in the 1860 presidential election, which was won by Republican Abraham Lincoln. Douglas had previously defeated Lincoln in the 1858 United States Senate election in Illinois, noted for the pivotal debates between Lincoln and Douglas.

He was one of the brokers of the Compromise of 1850, which sought to avert the sectional crisis; to further deal with the volatile issue of the expansion of slavery into territories, Douglas became a leading advocate of popular sovereignty, arguing that each territory should be allowed to determine whether to permit slavery within its borders. This attempt to address the issue was rejected by both abolitionists and abolitionists. Douglas was nicknamed "the little giant" because of his short physical stature, but he was a forceful and dominant figure in politics.

Learn more about   Senator Stephen Douglas here



Who founded the Cotton Club?


One of the jazz clubs established by Jack Johnson was the Cotton Club, also known as the Legendary New York Jazz Club.

In the 1920s and 1930s, when there was Prohibition, The Cotton Club was Harlem's most prestigious nightclub. Numerous well-known African American artists, including Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald, Fats Waller, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, and Ethel Waters, performed at the club at the time.

A "rush of whites toward Harlem after dusk, filling the little cabarets and pubs where formerly only colored people laughed and sang" was brought on by the club. Hughes also talked on how this resulted in a number of neighbouring cabarets, especially black cabarets, having to close.

To know more about Cotton Club visit:



When nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


When Nixon ran for office, he attempted to win over the non-shouters and a non-demonstrators segment of voters by appealing to law and order and the quiet majority.

Nixon referred to the elder generation those World War II veterans in every region of the country as the "silent majority," but it also applied to a large number of young people in the Midwest, West, and South, many of whom went on to serve in Vietnam.

Nixon stressed "law and order" in the general election, casting himself as the defender of the so-called "silent majority."

The strategy of President Richard Nixon attempted rapprochement with both countries, which were hostile to both the United States and one another. In the hopes that all parties would seek American favor, he departed from previous American policies of containment of Communism.

To learn more about President Nixon



What resource was in high demand during the Industrial Revolution, and why was it so important?



One of the key resources in high demand during the Industrial Revolution was coal. Coal was a key energy source for powering the machines of the new industrial factories and for running the steam engines that powered transportation. It was also used to make coke for use in the early iron and steelmaking processes. Coal was cheap and abundant, making it the preferred choice for fueling the Industrial Revolution.


What goal of imperialism is at work in this document? In your own words, explain evidence from the document that supports this goal.

At least two sentences


The goal of imperialism is at work in this document are the American Senator A.J. Beveridge in 1898 are the depend on the trading system and the great effect of the American economy.

What is imperialism?

Imperialism is the government action, practice, or advocacy of expanding control and domination, often through outright acquiring land or gaining political and financial control of other areas, often through the use of physical might but also soft power.

Imperialism is the practice of extending a country's dominance into other countries for economic or political advantage. Senator Alfred J. Beveridge of Indiana are the American are the large of the making and the people are the used as the cycle was the complete in the economic.

As a result, the American economy is the great impact as the large level of the production and the consumption.

Learn more about on imperialism, here:



What was the outcome of Alden v. Maine 1999


5-4 vote to abrogate states sovereign immunity



The Christian Bible is divided into two sections. First one includes Jewish religious texts originally written throughout Hebrew, which Christians refer to as the. Old Testament. The Septuagint, a Greek variant of this text, was adopted by the earliest Christians.

What is the Septuagint?

The Septuagint, as a transcription of such Hebrew Bible, was an antiquity landmark. It is the first pronunciation in the historical past of the Bible. It was also the central work of literature of Hellenistic Jewish tradition and early Christianity, despite its strange language and translation style.

What does Septuagint imply in the Holy book?

The name Unique and vivid (from the Roman Septuagint, "70") has been derived later from of the folklore that there were 72 scribes, six from each of the 12 tribes. groups of Israel, who operated separately to translate the entire work, producing identical versions in the end.

To know more about Septuagint visit :



Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.

Describe the role of the United States bankruptcy court. Use evidence to support your answer.


The main role of the United States bankruptcy court is that its gives people who can no longer pay their creditors a chance to liquidate their assets to pay their debts or by creating a repayment plan.

What Is Bankruptcy Court?

In U.S., bankruptcy court refers to a specialized federal courtrooms in the United States. The federal government created the bankruptcy courts to settle all types of personal and corporate bankruptcy cases.

Unlike federal court, which U.S. Constitution established in 1781, the bankruptcy court system did not exist until 1978 when Congress established it as part of the Bankruptcy Reform Act.

Read more about Bankruptcy Court



what two groups arrived in large numbers in the united states for the primary purpose of working on the transcontinental railroad?


Answer: Chinese and irish immigrants


How many calories do you burn in 45 minutes of water aerobics?



400-500 calories


How did woman
contributions impact the
outcome of the war?



When men left, women “became proficient cooks and housekeepers, managed the finances, learned to fix the car, worked in a defense plant, and wrote letters to their soldier husbands that were consistently upbeat.” (Stephen Ambrose, D-Day, 488) Rosie the Riveter helped assure that the Allies would have the war materials ...

What is one reason Canada has a strong relationship with the United States?
A. Canada relies on U.S. protection because it does not have its own
B. Canada's population consists mostly of immigrants from the
United States.
C. Canada and the United States have similar political systems and
D. Canada's territory was part of the United States for much of its





Canada and the United States have similar political systems and cultures is one reason Canada has a strong relationship with the United States. Hence, option C is correct.

Why Does Canada have a good relationship with the US?

The most extensive trading partnership in the world, which sustains millions of employment in each nation, is between the United States and Canada. Both the United States and Canada have significant export markets, with more than 30 U.S. states ranking Canada as their top export destination.

Canada and the United States are steadfast allies. To guarantee our citizens' safety and security against international threats, we closely cooperate with NATO and NORAD (the only binational military command in the world).

Canada and the UK have a long-standing and strong business partnership. The UK is Canada's fourth-largest trading partner worldwide and its most significant one in Europe. In 2020, two-way merchandise trade was $27.8 billion.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Canada have a good relationship with the US, click here:



the works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal. the effectiveness of the wpa was in the —


During the American Great Depression, the WPA provided jobless people with paid employment while constructing the country's public infrastructure, including parks, schools, and highways.

On May 6, 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order to establish the WPA. It was a component of his New Deal strategy, which aimed to overhaul the banking system and bring the economy back to pre-Depression levels in order to rescue the nation from the Great Depression. In 1935, the unemployment rate was a startling 20 percent.

On public works projects, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) generated millions of employment. Workers dredged rivers and harbours, constructed highways and public structures, even promoted water and soil conservation.

To know more about Franklin Roosevelt:



The national government had no way to regulate trade. What problems would this create? How does the Constitution address or fix this concern?



To address the problems of interstate trade barriers and the ability to enter into trade agreements, it included the Commerce Clause, which grants Congress the power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes." 


Most tectonic plates have both oceanic and continental crust. How are oceanic and continental crust different?





Oceanic and continental crust are different in several ways. Oceanic crust is denser and thinner than continental crust. It is also made mostly of basalt and other mafic rocks, which are denser and heavier than the granitic rocks that make up continental crust.

Oceanic crust is also younger than continental crust, with an average age of about 200 million years, compared to the average age of continental crust, which is about 4 billion years.

Additionally, oceanic crust is more dense because it is made up of oceanic lithosphere, which is made up of the upper mantle and the crust, while continental crust is made up of continental lithosphere, which is the uppermost part of the Earth's crust.

Because of these differences, oceanic crust is more dense and sinks deeper into the Earth's mantle than continental crust.

X Which answer choice best matches the following description: "Has the
special power to approve treaties."
O Both
O Senate


Answer: The Senate

Explanation: The Constitution gives to the Senate the sole power to approve, by a two-thirds vote, treaties negotiated by the executive branch.

As per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress's two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government's legislative branch.

(q035) in what country did the government kill over 500 student protesters in 1968 on the eve of the opening of the olympic games? group of answer choices mexico united states italy canada


According to question, in Tlatelolco, Mexico government kill over 500 student protesters in 1968 on the eve of the opening of the Olympic games.

In the US, the people relocated to what is known as the Sun Belt. Many residents preferred the Sunbelt's nicer weather and sunshine over the Rustbelt's lower temperatures and snowfall. As people relocated to better places, there was mass migration.

Traditional theories for the growth include rising productivity in the South and West and rising interest in Sunbelt amenities, particularly the region's agreeable climate. Another key driver of migration is the reduction in employment in the Rust Belt. Americans looking to move their families were most likely to choose the "Sunbelt," as it became called. The Sunbelt is a group of states that stretches from Virginia through California in the north, to Texas to the west, and through Florida to the south.

To know more about Olympic games visit :



Why did the Founders decide not to change the Articles of Confederation
but to create a new form of government?
A) The Articles had created a weak government.
B) The Articles were too complex to revise.
C) They thought it easier to start from scratch.
D) They wanted to eliminate the national government.





The AoC had created a central gov, but it was one too weak and unstable to actually do anything, like pay for the war, and raise armies.

What does What to the Slave is the Fourth of July talk about?


The Ladies Anti-Slavery Society of Rochester requested him to deliver a speech on July 4th. Slavery-related tensions were quite high in the country at the beginning of the 1850s.

The dispute over the inclusion of new slave-owning states in the Union was not settled by the Compromise of 1850. The Northern states vehemently opposed the Fugitive Slave Act, which Congress passed as part of this agreement. A few months earlier, the anti-slavery book Uncle Tom's Cabin American slavery, and the shield of American slave hunters. Many of its most eloquent Divines, who stand as the very lights of the church, have shamelessly given the sanction of religion and the Bible to the whole slave system People were debating the future of the country, abolitionism, and slavery all around the country. Douglass's speech is examined and its historical context is discussed by Yale historian David Blight

learn more about Slave here:



in the 1800s, what city was the most industrial in the south and was also the nation's tobacco center? atlanta new orleans charleston richmond


Richmond, Virginia was the largest industrialized city in the South and the hub of the nation's tobacco industry prior to the Civil War.

The capital of Virginia is Richmond, which is located in the United States. It serves as the geographic center of both the Greater Richmond Region and the Richmond Metropolitan Statistical Area. Incorporated in 1742, Richmond has been a free city since 1871. In 2010, there were 204,214 people living in the city. By 2020, that number had increased to 226,610, making Richmond the fourth-most populous city in Virginia. With 1,260,029 residents, the Richmond Metropolitan Area is the third-most populated metro in the state.

For more info about 'Richmond' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/445782


by the end of their first year in office, nixon and kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in america's favor was to


By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kis-singer had conc-luded that the most effect-ive way to tip the military bal-ance in America's favor was to destroy mili-tary bases in Cam-bodia.

Kis-singer served as Nation-al Security Advisor and Secre-tary of State under Presi-dent Richard Nixon, and continued as Secre-tary of State under Nixon's succe-ssor Gerald Ford. With the death of Geo-rge Shultz in Feb-ruary 2021, Kis s-inger is the last surv-iving member of the Nixon administ-ration Cabinet.

Nixon and Kis-singer were both comm-itted to a real-ism that focused on American eco-nomic advant-ages and jettisoned moral-ism in foreign policy, seeking détente with Comm-unism and confront-ation with old allies who now had beco-me economic advers-aries.

To know more about Nixon and Kissinger click below:



How was humanism different from the beliefs of the Middle Ages


Answer: How did Humanism different from the focus of the Middle Ages? The Middle Ages were based on religion. Humanism focused on human thinking and logic. They were against faith, tradition, and devotion.


What domestic issue do you think will be most important in the Presidential election of 2024 ? please answer


Their refusal to certify the 2020 election results as required by law is the main justification for running.

What do you mean by Election?

Elections are sometimes used to refer to other types of ballots, such referendums, because the word "elect" indicates "to choose or make a decision."

The mechanism for free and fair elections as well as political change is provided by electoral and voting systems, which serve as a crucial link between democratic representation and public engagement. Sound electoral systems give representatives the authority to act on behalf of the people and give governments credibility.

Class, gender, and religion are the three cleavage-based voting determinants that have been the subject of research. First, one's choice of party is frequently influenced by their religious beliefs.

Therefore, Domestic issue do you think will be most important in the Presidential election of 2024 is refusal to certify the 2020 election results as required by law.

Learn more about Election, here;



What effect did the Peloponnesian War have on the Athenian Empire?



The Peloponnesian War marked the end of the Golden Age of Greece, a change in styles of warfare and the fall of Athens, once the strongest city-state in Greece. The balance in power in Greece was shifted when Athens was absorbed into the Spartan Empire

Answer: It ended democracy in Athens when Sparta replaced it with an oligarchy.

Explanation: I took the assignment on edge 2022.

How did living on Castro Street impact Milk's life and later career?
A. Milk opened a successful camera shop that introduced him to many famous
photographers and artists.
B. Milk helped form the Castro Village Association and gained enough recognition to run
for elected office.
C. Milk was inspired to form the Castro Village Association in order to fight against
California Proposition 6.
D. Milk experienced significant prejudice from some members of the neighborhood after opening up his camera shop.

Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly


After opening his photography shop, Milk experienced a great deal of prejudice from some members of the neighborhood. Thus, the correct choice is D.

What is the story behind Harvey Milk's celebrity?

Harvey Bernard Milk was an American politician who served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors as the first openly homosexual man elected to public office in California. Milk was in office for nearly eleven months, during which time he sponsored legislation prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and employment.

San Francisco, California In 1972, US Milk relocated to San Francisco and founded a photographic business. Despite his restlessness, working a variety of occupations, and constantly traveling, he landed in The Castro, a district seeing a large influx of homosexual men and lesbians. After launching his camera store, Milk encountered substantial discrimination from several residents of the community.

To learn more about Harvey Milk, click



Complete the paragraph about the Brezhnev Doctrine.

Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev put forth the Brezhnev Doctrine, which stated that any threat to -------rule in Central and ------Europe would require intervention by fellow states.


The Brezhnev Doctrine, proposed by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, held that any danger to the socialist government in Central and Eastern Europe would need action by partner nations. Hence, the correct answer is socialist and Eastern.

What is the Brezhnev Doctrine and who is Leonid Brezhnev?

Following the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, First Secretary Brezhnev declared the so-called "Brezhnev Doctrine," which said that the USSR may intervene in the internal affairs of any Eastern European country if the communist rule was threatened. The Brezhnev Doctrine greatly hampered reforms in Soviet-bloc countries in the decades that followed. It was also used as the reason for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The Soviet Union wanted to back the country's communist leadership in its struggle with anticommunist Muslim separatists.

To learn more about Brezhnev Doctrine, click



The three African kingdom causes and effects.


A succession of three great kingdoms came to power as their people, gained control of valuable trade routes in West Africa.

What caused the collapse of many African kingdoms?

By the middle of the 20th century, the emancipated African population in Sierra Leone had grown under the guidance of British churches, government, and education, and some of its members were significantly bolstering the British interest in western Africa. Sierra Leoneans quickly made their way down the coast as independent traders and Westernizers, or as aides to British businessmen, authorities, and missionaries due to the country's restricted economic activity.

They had the most impact in Yorubaland. At least half of the freed Africans were of Yoruba descent by the 1840s, and at this point, their native region offered significant opportunity for both independent traders and individuals looking to integrate Christian and Western ideals and practices into Africa.

to learn more about African Kingdoms click:



Matching: The Bill of Rights

Some Amendments have multiple answers.

We covered all of these during your live class connect session and in your study guide.

Question 2 options:

It prevents the quartering of troops without the consent of the owner

The right to keep and bear arms

The right to a speedy trial

Freedom of Press

The right against self-incrimination

Cannot be imprisoned without due process of the law

Freedom of Speech

Property cannot be taken without just compensation

Prevents being tried for the same crime twice (Double Jeopardy)

Bans the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their property

The right to petition the Government for Redress of Grievances

Right to Peaceably Assemble

The right to a lawyer, for your defense, and if you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you.

Must be informed of the charges against you

First Amendment

Second Amendment

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Sixth Amendment


The Match up are:

The Bill of Rights"

Third Amendment -It prevents the quartering of troops without the consent of the ownerSecond Amendment- The right to keep and bear armsSixth Amendment -The right to a speedy trialFirst Amendment- Freedom of PressFifth Amendment- The right against self-incriminationFifth Amendment -Cannot be imprisoned without due process of the lawFirst Amendment- Freedom of SpeechFifth Amendment -Property cannot be taken without just compensationFifth Amendment -Prevents being tried for the same crime twice (Double Jeopardy)Fourth Amendment- Bans the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their propertyFirst Amendment- The right to petition the Government for Redress of GrievancesFirst Amendment - Right to Peaceably AssembleSixth Amendment- The right to a lawyer, for your defense, and if you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you.Sixth Amendment- Must be informed of the charges against you

What does the 4th Amendment do?

The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution safeguards citizens from arbitrary government searches and seizures. Only those searches and seizures that are ruled legally unreasonable are protected by the Fourth Amendment, though.

The supreme law of the United States of America is found in its Constitution. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the framework of national government and originally had seven articles.

Therefore, the First Amendment is one that ensures the right to petition the government as well as freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the press. The second - Guards citizens' right to keep and carry arms as well as states' right to maintain a militia

Learn more about First Amendment from


Explain the causes of the Cold War and the difference between the two ideologies that dominated the war.



The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, beginning in the late 1940s and ending in the early 1990s. The two superpowers, which had been allies during World War II, were now competing for influence on the world stage. The causes of the Cold War are complex and varied, but they can be broadly traced back to the ideological differences between capitalism and communism.

Capitalism, which is the economic system dominant in the United States and other Western countries, is based on the idea of private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods and services for profit. Communist countries, on the other hand, follow a system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state and production is geared towards meeting the needs of the people, rather than making a profit.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were the two main superpowers, each representing one of these ideologies. The Soviet Union was a communist country, while the United States was a capitalist country. These ideological differences led to a number of conflicts between the two sides, including the Korean War and the Vietnam War, as well as a number of proxy wars in other parts of the world.

In addition to these ideological differences, other factors also contributed to the tension and conflict of the Cold War. These included mutual suspicion and mistrust between the two sides, as well as competition for resources and influence in various parts of the world. Ultimately, the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, bringing an end to the ideological conflict between communism and capitalism.

The Cold War ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 patriotic overtones emerged, causing disagreements that threatened to escalate into a war without actual fighting.

What is Cold War?

Kicking off in the late 1940s and lasting until the early 1990s, there was an international disagreement between the Soviet Union, the United States of America, and the other two.

It was brought on by the ideological opposition against the two systems of capitalism, which sparked wars like the Vietnam War and the Korean War. Additional elements that added to the atmosphere of uncertainty and warfare included rivalry for wealth and authority, mistrust and reciprocal suspicion.

The Cold War gradually came to an end with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, putting an end to the battle between both capitalism and communism as ideologies.

Learn more about Cold War, here:



tenure of office act of 1867 did what? group of answer choices established congressional approval to remove cabinet member established the tenure system established presidential approval of congressional legislation ended the spoils system


The Residency of Office Act was a US government regulation, in force from 1867 to 1887, that was planned to limit the force of the president to eliminate specific officeholders without the endorsement of the U.S. Senate. The law was established on Walk 2, 1867, over the denial of President Andrew Johnson.

"The Residency of Office Act was passed by Congress in 1867. It expressed that the president couldn't fire any delegated authorities without the assent of Congress.

Residency of Office Act, (Walk 2, 1867), in the post-Nationwide conflict time of U.S. history, regulation disallowed the president to eliminate common officials without senatorial assent. The law was ignored by Pres. Andrew Johnson's rejection by Revolutionary conservatives in Congress in their battle to wrest control of Recreation from Johnson.

Learn more about congressional legislation:



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