When was the medieval music time period?
A. 500-1400
B. 1400-1600
C. 1600-1780
D. 2000-2022


Answer 1

Answer: A. 500-1400 AD.

Explanation: The Medieval period of music history began roughly around the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD) and it progressed into the sixth century. This lasted until the end of the fourteenth century when Renaissance music became popular.

Let me know if this is right! :)

Answer 2

Answer: 476 AD. It progressed into the sixth century


Related Questions

Brainlist to the first Good response that makes sense



The sons of liberty displaced most royal governments in the colonies.




Please help me out with this problem. The questions r on the doc



1. The men on the boat represents teamwork.

2. The boat would fall down the waterfall or in other words they would fall into anarchy.


1. The boat represents our freedom and rights that the American people wanted. 2. Now if the men didn’t want to listen and work together they will fall into chaos with no form of leadership or government because without each other they have nothing.

When you paraphrase, you should use direct quotes.


The subject is language arts btw





Answer: True.


I need it ASAP!!!! I will give brainliest
Rise of Totalitarianism
Student Guide
Assignment Summary
For this assignment, you will research a European dictator to complete a graphic organizer. You will use
the graphic organizer to answer three analysis questions. Then you will create a multimedia presentation
about the dictator.
Background Information
In 1922, Benito Mussolini became the prime minister of Italy, and Joseph Stalin became the general
secretary of the USSR. Both were dictators with tremendous power in their countries. Mussolini called for
Italian nationalism. He also wanted a new government led by his Fascist Party. Mussolini believed that
Italy needed to be led by a dictator. He was a gifted speaker, and he was able to unite unhappy Italians to
his cause.
Joseph Stalin rose to power after the death of Vladimir Lenin. Stalin wanted a classless society, and he
supported economic reform to achieve it. He forced industrialization and collectivization on the Soviet
people. Stalin also believe that a strong dictator was needed to make sure equality truly happened and
classes were eliminated. Stalin wanted only one party to be in power.
 Access to online research
 Software for a multimedia presentation
 Writing and drawing utensils
Assignment Instructions
For this project, you are expected to submit three things.
1. Your completed graphic organizer
2. Answers to comprehension questions on Mussolini or Stalin
3. A multimedia presentation about the dictator you chose


So what your going to do is answer what you want to


States have varying requirements and terms of office for members of the state senate and state assembly. What are the general requirements in your state? How long is the term of office? What is the salary?

2. Read the newspapers for two weeks about issues being discussed or voted upon by your state legislators. Are there any new laws that have been passed recently or that are being featured in the press? Write very brief summaries of these articles.

3. Find out who your local representatives are and then compose a formal letter to one of them proposing a new bill that you would like to be brought to the house. Your letter must be no less than 300 words and must be persuasive in tone. Make sure to think about your district and how this bill would help your community specifically. You may choose from the following options as to what your bill is about:

a. Environmental law
b. Education law
c. Rights granted to teenagers


i paid really close attention to the paragraphs

Easy the answer is education law

Which of the following was NOT one of the economic activities developed in Egypt?
1. transportation and trade
2. fishing and hunting
3. art and architecture
4. mining



2) fishing and hunting


In the old kingdom, mining happened to be why they were famous for gold (Eliminating 4). Ancient Egyptians were known for their intricate hieroglyphics painting, carvings, pottery, and advanced pyramid structures (Eliminating 3). The Egyptians made big money off of goods, which they had to sell, but back then, they traded (Eliminating 1).




why because they don't go mining in Egypt.



What’s the question

What is the thin barrier on the outside of the cell?



The thin barrier on the outside of the cell is known as the cell membrane.

the thin barrier on the outside of the cell is the cell membrane it protects it

The ____ is similar to the recorder as it has finger holes on its front

A. gemshorn
B. trombone
C. pan flute
D. lyra





the correct answer is gemshorn
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